An alumni reunion evening that will be remembered for a long time: how to organize it. Table games for meeting classmates

Scenario for Homecoming Evening "Fun Lessons 45 Years Later"

1. Presenter . Hello, dear guests! Every year, on the first Saturday of February, the school opens its doors to its old acquaintances - graduates of past years.

What a joy it is to meet everyone at school -

Get together for an evening meeting once a year!

Your friends in class and school,

You will see your teachers again.

Today, like many years ago,

Together: "Welcome!" - they say at the entrance.

2. Presenter. Thank you for not forgetting your school and coming here to meet your school friends and teachers. In each of you lives the memory of a carefree school life. Everything changes. People come and go, but only good things remain in memory. And most of this wonderful past is connected with our school.

So let at least one evening a year take us back to the past, distant for some, not so distant for others, to that time of apprenticeship, which, I have no doubt, is remembered with tenderness and warmth by all those gathered here.

1 presenter. Now we’ll do our homework and remember your school years again.

First lesson - Russian language.

And the first lesson today is Russian. We will write an essay. Let's remember again school days and look at them with humor. Which of you wrote essays best?..... The Russian language has not yet been forgotten, do you remember what an adjective is? Name adjectives and funnier ones, and in 5 minutes we will have an essay ready on the topic: “We are graduates!”

(the named adjectives are inserted into the prepared text)

2 presenter. Second lesson - The world. (or a little about everything). I will ask you questions, you must answer them correctly.

1. Karl Marx wrote...(Capital)
2. When adding numbers you get (sum)

3.What notes do sailors use to measure distance? (Mi-la-mi)

4. Which question cannot be answered in the affirmative? (Are you sleeping?)
5 . There are teeth, but no mouth. What is this? (Saw)
6. When it is needed, the sailors throw it away, when not, they raise it... (Anchor)
7. What can you break in peacetime and receive gratitude for it? (Garden)
8 . What branch does not grow from a tree? (Railway)
9. Which guest in kitchens, dining rooms and restaurants has a mustache longer than his legs? (At the cockroach)
10. What do the rider and the rooster have in common? (Spurs)
11. When can you carry water in a sieve? (Winter)

12.Birds whose wings are covered with scales. (Penguins)

13.Where can’t you find a dry stone? (In water)

14. What grows upside down? (Icicle)

15. Do migratory birds build nests in the south? (No)

16. When do women talk the least? (In February. This month has only 28 days)

Leading. You completed all the tasks with dignity, which means that the teachers taught you for a reason. The first lesson is over (the bell rings). I ask you not to leave for recess.

1 Presenter. Third lesson - Mathematics.

Please remember a proverb, a song, a fairy tale, a riddle that contains numbers. For example. There is safety in numbers. Million Red roses. The wolf and the seven Young goats

2 Presenter. Now we’ll play the game and see, HOW did you really spend your school years? ( Confession game - cards with answers and questions)

1 Presenter:

Dear graduates! Do you remember school well? Let's conduct a short survey:

3. How old is our school?

4. Name your first teacher?

5. Name the class teacher in 11th grade?

6. Which one school holiday do you remember?

7. What games were popular in your age?

8. What was the rage?

9. What dish was considered your signature dish in the school cafeteria?

10. Did you have a favorite subject?

11. Did you run away from class?

12. What did you dream of becoming when you were in school?

13. Who influenced your choice of profession?

14. Do you remember your school days?

Well, bravo! Your school years live in your memory!

2. Presenter:

Many adults believe that children have unconventional thinking. You,

Of course, far from children. Now we will hold an erudition competition.

Guess which famous fairy tales we are talking about:

1. The Tale of farming for growing vegetables (Turnip)

2. On the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (The Three Little Pigs)

3. About overcrowding of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Teremok)

4. About the difficult path bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)

5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)

6. About the first victim of a bad investment (Pinocchio)

7. About how love turns a beast into a man ( The Scarlet Flower)

8. About a girl who almost had sex three times unequal marriage, but after

I finally found my prince (Thumbelina)

Well done! And you remember fairy tales!

Let's play at recess.

You left school a long time ago and haven’t seen each other for many years. During this time, a lot has changed for all of us. But if everyone talks about their lives, then we will be “stuck” here for a month. And for this case, we have a magic bell that will help us find out everything about everyone.

The host approaches the first person at the table and rings the magic bell above his head. When the bell stops ringing, the DJ plays a previously prepared composition. And so for each classmate.

Leading. Dear graduates! So our meeting has come to an end. We would like to wish you never to grow old in soul and never forget your school, your teachers, your school friends. I wish you health, success and prosperity!

(Confession game - cards with answers and questions)

1 Have you ever had to hide around the corner of a school with a cigarette?

2 Have you ever played gambling in class?

3 Have you ever wanted to burn your school magazine?

4. Do you often run away from class?

5 Have you copied your homework?

6 Have you put buttons on chairs?

7 Have you often fallen in love?

8 Did you sleep in class?

9 Did you spy in the locker room?

10 Were your parents often called to school?

11 Have you used cheat sheets?

12 Have you corrected the deuces in your diary?

13 Did you spy on your neighbor’s tests?

14 Did you hide your diary from your parents?

15 Did you break windows at school?

16 Are you often late for work (school)?

17 Are you capable of a noble act?

18 Do you believe in love at first sight?

19 Do you often promise more than you are able to deliver?

20 Are you dangerous when you are angry?

21 Are you lucky?

22 Do you approve healthy image life?

23 Do you ever feel scared?

24 Do you remember your friends’ birthdays?

25 Do you like getting up early in the morning?

26 Do you like to take risks?

27 Could you accomplish a feat for the sake of love?


I often had to suffer from this.

This happened against my will.

My embarrassment tells me I should remain silent.

What do you care?

I don’t answer such questions.

I don't even allow the thought of this.

Yes, I advise you too.

Yes, although that's not all.

This is my dream.

How did you guess?

Only in a hammock under a tree.

It gives me a lot of pleasure.

It’s not necessary once at a time...

I've been used to this since childhood

Especially in the dentist's office.

I spend all my free time like this.

My head is fine for now.

Yes, I have always had many talents!

Yes, but today I'm resting.

Only if no one sees.

If the situation is hopeless, then yes.

Only in the company of friends.

Life forces you.

Only in dreams.

At every opportunity.

Every night.

This is quite possible, given my appearance.

Let's talk about this without witnesses.

To me financial position doesn't allow it.


“Once upon a time, 45 years ago, September 1st came, it was the most……………………………. day in our lives. We put on the ………………….. uniform, …………………………… backpacks and with …………………….. a bouquet of flowers we went to first grade for the first time. Hello………………………………school!

What are the …………………………… classes, …………………………… desks and ……………………………. teachers with………………………Smiles! We enjoyed learning the basics of science and dreamed of becoming………………………….and……………………………………………………….

Time flew by. We made a lot of …………………………… friends and …………………………… school subjects. Every day we happily rushed to school. And then came…………………………………. Day of presentation of certificates. We came with…………………………. trembling in the soul and ………………………..trembling in the knees. Everyone's faces were…………………..

Gait………………………………. But when we picked up this ………………… document, we immediately became ……………………………..! After all,……………………… paths have opened before us. And now, 45 years later, we are sitting at ………………… desks. Long live we, the most …………………..Graduates of 1973!!

Some a year, some 2, some 20 years ago,
Having walked his way, he left these walls.
And here the bells are still ringing,
Lessons are going on, changes are rushing.
And you came to meet your youth,
Where they remember, love and know you.
You have made good friends here,
And, leafing through thick textbooks,
You explored the world, learned to live,
Work, relax and have fun...
And we tried to keep it in our hearts
A particle of kindness, warmth and tenderness.

song about school 11th grade

There is a school on the Azov coast

And her enormous merits cannot be counted.

We have known this school since childhood

We live next door to her

We want to say thank you to her.


There are many different schools.

We carry only ours in our hearts.

This is our warm home

We invite all our friends to visit us.

We are sailing the seas. We go to the forest, fields and mountains

But the native land begins with school

There are many different schools,

But we ask friends to visit

This evening at exactly eight. .

QUESTION 1: Let airports and train stations
They take us away from our bright school years.
The memory of the assembly hall is alive in us,
The bright light of the prom is alive.
EDIT 2: The years are passing, we are getting older every year.
But how long will I live?
As soon as I find myself under the bright school arch,
I’ll remember everything at once: childhood, youth and spring.

EDIT 1: Indeed. No matter how many years pass, the brightest, most tender memories of childhood will forever remain in our memory.
EDIT 2: The harder and faster life becomes, the more you want to stop and look back. Seeing yourself as a little girl for the first time, coming to school, to this big and friendly family. And even if not all the children live there under one roof, even if fate has scattered them around the world, but on this day, the first Saturday of February, as soon as the light of the school’s welcoming windows comes on and the melody of a familiar song sounds, all the graduates gather under the warm, native wing of the school .
HOST: 1 Today, February 7, the school again gathered its graduates for a reunion evening. We are very glad to see you, it means that you remember school, remember your teachers, remember and love them.

ACT 2: Before we begin our program, the floor is given to the director of _________________ school _______________________________________

(director's speech)

11th grade poems

  1. As has been established for centuries,

Years follow years.

We learn, we grow and now -

The anniversary year is coming.

  1. Traditional school evening!

Thundering under the arch of the radio

Today all friends to meet

The native school gathers.

  1. You've all moved around the world

Quite a few winters have passed since then,

But there is no stronger old friendship

She matured and became stronger.

  1. We were told today

Who is gathered in this room?

There are workers, students,

Even special correspondents

Nurse, guard,

Even my dear dad!

  1. There's a milkmaid and a builder here,

Doctor, driver and our teacher

Turner, mechanic, journalist

And honored artist.

7. Those who build, sow, plow,

Teaches, heals, sews, bakes,

Takes care of our Russia

Everyone we honor.

We figured out the secret:

All: This is a release from different years!

  1. Why is there so much light?

And smiles and people?

There is, of course, no secret here:

All: It's school friends night!

Presenter 1: Time flies quickly, everything changes, everything is reformed. Lyceums appeared. gymnasiums, colleges, but there is also our ordinary secondary school, with people unlike each other, with their attitude to life.

Remember... Of course you all remember! And there is also nostalgia for bygone young years. When the trees were big and life seemed so carefree. But everything flows, everything changes, before you even have time to look back, 45 years have flown by... Is it a lot or a little?..., probably a lot if over the years your First Teachers, some of your classmates, have left forever. Your children have grown up, and time is already passing for you much faster than it seemed then.
Presenter2: Those who live nearby will, of course, come and visit, but the rest... But there is something to remember together! And it probably makes sense to uproot and come, you MUST COME!, so that you have something to REMEMBER later! To have something to TELL about! To laugh and cry, to remember the MUSIC OF YOUR YOUTH, to hug with OLD FRIENDS, and much more TO...

Presenter1: Dear friends, let's salute those who stood at the origins - the most mature anniversary issue, today they 50 years. (stand up) The graduates are already quite old, but they are all full of enthusiasm and vigor.

Poems 11th grade

  1. Hello former children!

How are you living now?

Almost all over the world

Life has scattered you.

The school gave you an inheritance

Your very first lesson,

And pioneer childhood,

And a Komsomol badge.

2. This is where you learned to work,

Learn books and life.

My favorite teacher was here

And the teacher is like a mother.

There were hikes and rest,

Holidays and evenings

The first breaths of lovers -

Everything felt like yesterday.

3. The school lives without aging,

New children are growing up.

Here they will be warmed with a smile,

They will lead you into life by the hand.

Hello former children!

How is your life now?


We have prepared a little surprise for you. You will return again to the wonderful time of childhood and youth. So, May 1959. The school celebrates the last bell. Classes are over, and for you, graduates, this is the last school holiday in your life. Let it happen again today! Probably, many years ago you received diplomas, certificates of commendation, and memorable addresses. If you haven’t received it, you will definitely receive it today. The right to present a memorial address is granted to 11th grade students!

In the summer of 2009, on the 7th day of the month of February, this letter was given in confirmation of the fact that these youths visited lessons in the past, apparently and invisibly, were greeted invariably with an affectionate smile, acquired a lot of friends, and left behind a bright, untarnished memory. Nowadays, they are in great joy on the occasion of meeting yet another, a band of enlightened youths, with their heads filled with necessary and unnecessary knowledge, with health badly spoiled from prolonged study and thinking, but energetic and honestly believing in a bright future.

presentation (+ cake)

Presenter1: Love for schoolmates, love for a small village, and therefore for the big Motherland, brings together graduates of our school who have left its walls for an evening of reunion, for an evening of meeting with youth 40 years back. Class of 1969.

Presenter2: School time... How many joys and disappointments, discoveries and mistakes there are in these best years childhood. First love... Eh, I wish I could start again... But time cannot be turned back. All that remains is to remember...

Presenter1: The next competition is called “Portrait”. We invite one representative from the release to the stage.(comes out)

Every second student loves to draw caricatures of their teachers. Now our participants have to do this publicly. Your task is to insert your hands into these slots on whatman paper and, using a felt-tip pen, draw a portrait of any school teacher without looking. Time to complete this task: 2 minutes.(draw)

Time is over. Let's take a look at the portraits you've created.

Tell me (the presenter addresses the first participant),Who did you depict in the portrait?


Graduation evening flew by like a dream,

The orphaned classroom was empty.

Sadness of separation, anticipation of meeting

Ahead of each of you.

The school house is left behind

Everyone had their own destinies.

School, don't be sad: always with you

The boys and girls are yours!

Presenter2: We invite representatives of this issue to the stage.(hand over the cake)

Presenter1: Native classes, windows, walls

And the dear old bell,

Calling you for change

And returning to class.

An unsolvable mystery -

A lesson without edge, without end...

Presenter2: And someone's nose, broken in the fight

Here, at the school porch...

No, you can't hide the time

Even though a year and a month are forgotten,

And yet sometimes sometimes

The past makes my heart ache...

Presenter1 : We invite to the stage 2 representatives from 35-year-old celebrants. (leave) Introduce youreself. How often have you been told that you are talking to your neighbor in class? And you? Today you should introduce yourself unique opportunity talk. The name of the competition is “Speakers”. Each of you is offered a topic for conversation. One participant will talk about the weather, the other about vacation. Your task, at the command of the presenter, is to try to cover this topic as fully as possible, without getting confused or pausing. The difficulty is that you will speak at the same time. The one of you who stops or loses the thread of his story is considered a loser. Are the terms clear?

Let's start. .(hand over the cake)


Presenter2: Life does not stand still. Has grown up new shift. ruff, always looking for something, not always obedient, but still good boys and girls. Today this episode turns 30 years.

Presenter1: We offer new competition and we are waiting for two on stage. Introduce youreself. The competition is called “Shifters”. I will tell you phrases in which each word is “inverted” to its opposite meaning. You need to decipher the shifters. For example, the correct answer for the shapeshifter “A girl is like a house” would be “A little boy.” The one of you who names and guesses faster larger number changelings - will win.


  • Kikimora under a watermelon (The Princess and the Pea)
  • dog without sandals (Puss in Boots)
  • clothed beggar (Naked King)
  • copper chicken (golden goose)
  • Rubik's Cube (Kolobok)
  • stupid Vasily (Vasilisa the Wise)
  • green shoe (Little Red Riding Hood)
  • rusty lock (Golden key)

(hand over the cake)

Presenter1: It's so good that there is such a date,
It’s so good that there is also a place where we can all gather,
Where can we all meet together?
And it’s like returning to childhood, to youth.

Presenter2: We are pleased to welcome to our evening the heroes of the anniversary, who turn 25 years!

You won't get any marks today,
They won’t force you to stand at the board, You don’t always get the opportunity
Don't study, just play.

Presenter1: We invite 2 graduates to the stage.

Introduce youreself.

Presenter2: The condition of the competition called “Peeping Eye” is this: each of you will have one sign with the word attached to your back. You need to peek without using your hands to see what is written on the other person’s back, while preventing your sign from being read. The first person to name the word written on the other's back wins. We ask the hall not to give any hints.

The Finnish polka sounds, the participants try to read the words. Awarding the winner.

(hand over the cake)

Presenter1: Today maybe two friends will meet,
Who haven’t seen each other for a long time... Your first teacher will meet someone,
And someone's first love...

Presenter2: And someone won’t know right away
In a respectable strict uncle
His classmate's ring... The teacher will proudly tell you,
That he has matured and that he has grown...

Presenter1: Let there be meetings, surprises,
Let there be jokes, let there be laughter,
And these wonderful moments
They will unite everyone at school today.

Presenter2: Our evening brought together those graduates of our school who are celebrating their birthday today. 20 years! This is a 1989 release.

Presenter1: And now we invite you to take a peek into your childhood and have fun. We invite 2 representatives to the stage.(go out).

The competition is called “What’s in my briefcase?”Two briefcases are brought onto the stage. One of them contains a ribbon, a bell, disposable gloves, lipstick, and an empty jar (it is advisable to give this briefcase to the young man). The second portfolio may contain sunglasses, toy car, playing cards, tape measure, artificial flower (it is advisable to give this briefcase to the girl). Presenter2:The situation is this: in your briefcase there are things not related to educational process and your task is to convince those present of the need for these items during school hours. Taking out one item at a time and showing it to the room, you say “I need this for...” or “I need this for...” The winner will be the author of the most original answers. The winner will be determined by the applause of the audience.(play a game)

(hand over the cake)

Presenter 1: And our middle school is
There are eleven classes in total...
Tom. who looked at them.
Don't add anything.
And our middle school
Outside, but not inside.
And if in doubt,
Come quickly and take a look!

Presenter 1: And just like many years ago,
The teacher looks at the class.
And it seems that a stern look
He asked: “Why are you silent?”
And the heart knows what to say
Yes, all the words are not these.
It’s easy to answer with a hint, It’s not easy to be in the answer.

Presenter2: 15 years after graduates 1994The year is greeted by the class teacher Elena Grigorievna Cherenkova. Let's welcome them!

Presenter 1: We invite four graduates to the stage. ( Coming out)

The game involves 2 pairs of players. According to the terms of the competition, you are inseparable friends or twins who always do everything together. We will connect your two hands (one player has the left one, the other has the right one) and in this position you need to complete the following task: close the rod in the ballpoint pen. The couple that completes the task faster will win.

(hand over the cake)

Presenter2: Clean classrooms are empty and quiet,

A sunbeam wanders across the map.

White verses have not been erased from the boards

And old desks are painted...

Presenter 1: The leaves have fallen from the poplars again,

Time flies by quickly without school -

School childhood becomes dearer over the years,

How I would like to return to him...

Presenter2: Ten years later, _____________________ meets his children! Let's welcome the class of 1999. Today they 10 years !

Presenter 1: We We invite 2 representatives of this issue to the stage.

: I’ll tell you a story in about a dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately. “Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, not just one, but seven.” When you want to memorize poems, don’t cram them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - another, or better yet 10″. “A seasoned guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be tricky at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march! “Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours...” (if they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it). “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.”

(hand over the cake)

Presenter 2: School House... Large, bright, spacious. For the little ones, it conceals something unknown, unknown, mysterious.

Presenter1: Years will pass, centuries of thread

They will drown in the blue abyss of stars.

But the warm word is “teacher”

Always moves me to tears.

Will always make you remember something

Dear, close to you...

In the twentieth century and in the two hundredth

The teacher is eternal on earth!

Presenter 2: We are glad to see today in our hall the graduation meeting its first five year old

Anniversary! Dear friends, let's greet them together!

Presenter1: We invite to the stage the 3 most daring representatives of this issue.

Dear participants of the competition! You are invited to “discover” a new planet - inflate it as quickly as possible Balloons, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw human figures on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner!

(hand over the cake)

Song to the tune of “I won’t brag, darling”

We are now at an evening meeting

We got together as a big family.

We will not regret kind words

Our dear school.


And all people will say about us:

This is the school - look!

The teachers are all beautiful

And the director is in front.

Nothing is a pity for the school -

We dance and sing.

Our school is very nice,

We live very friendly.

Chorus: same

We study all subjects

And in the dining room, as always,

We don't get bored with a sandwich,

And we have no time to be sad.

Chorus: same

And today, this evening,

We want to tell you all:

Better than our school in the world

You have to search, but you won’t find it!


We sing this song to everyone

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

And we wish dear school

There's still a whole century to bloom!

1 ved. :

Let the years rush by quickly and boldly

Like the waters of raging rivers -

2 ved. :

But the haven of childhood,

But the haven of the heart

The school will remain forever!

1 ved. : Good luck, dear graduates!

2 ved. : See you again!

Scenario for an evening meeting with school graduates

School songs are playing and presenters are speaking in the background.

Presenter 1 On this February evening, you could be at home, relaxing with a book in your hands, chatting with a friend on the phone, turning nuts in the garage, watching TV series...

Presenter 2 However, you preferred an evening of school friends to all this.

Presenter 1 Let's greet each other with loud applause!

Presenter 2 And now those who have applauded good mood!

Presenter 1 Those who are happy to meet friends!

Presenter 2 Those who were teachers' pets!

Presenter 1 Who considers himself lucky and talented!

Presenter 2 And now stormy, prolonged applause for our teachers!

Presenter 1 In a word, we welcome everyone gathered in this hall!

Presenter 2 Welcome to the evening meeting

All graduates and teachers.

IN 1 To our comrades and friends:

AT 2 To our teachers and students:

IN 1 To yesterday's, today's and future graduates:

AT 2 To everyone who shares our worries, worries and joys school life:

IN 1 Dedicated to our festive evening, the alumni reunion evening!

AT 2 Hello, dear friends!

IN 1 Thank you for not forgetting your school and coming to us to meet with friends and teachers.

AT 2 The school in your memory is bright classrooms,

IN 1 School is a blackboard covered with chalk,

AT 2 Strict teachers

IN 1 A diary lost somewhere

AT 2 Parent notations,

IN 1 First love:

AT 2 How wonderfully the bell rang for you from your last school lesson! "Hooray!" - You shouted. Books flew into the briefcase like birds!

IN 1 The locker room is crowded. The school doors thundered victoriously with fireworks! The schoolyard was filled with joyful cries! Hooray! Lessons are over!

Presenter 1.

Winters and springs have flown by.
You have already become adults,
But let's remember your school days.
Calls and changes again,
Lessons, first love,
Teachers who were close to you.

Presenter 2. School... When you leave it, you will dream about it for a long time.

A string of days flew by -
We have nowhere to go
But I will always dream about you -
Country of childhood!

(The song “WHERE DOES CHILDHOOD GO” is performed)

Presenter 1.

Where are you, school books?
And homework?

Presenter 2.

Who is sitting at the desk now?
Behind the fourth by the window?

Presenter 1. Your girls got married

Presenter 2. Your boys got married.

Presenter 1. And for you, for classmates,
The whole country became a class.

Presenter 2.

You are already called by your patronymic
Our generation is the youngest.

Presenter 1.

But everyone values ​​school friendship,
Just like in the old days.

Presenter 2.

To each other you are still -
The same girls and boys.

Presenter 1.

For whom, simply,
The whole country became a class.

Presenter 2.

It's so good that there is such a date,
It's good that there is a place too,
Where can we all gather?
Where can everyone meet together?
And it’s like going back to childhood

Presenter 1.

Today maybe two friends will meet,
Who haven't seen each other for a long time...

Presenter 2.

Your teacher will meet someone first,
And someone – first love...

Presenter 1.

And someone won’t know right away
In a respectable strict uncle
A ring from his classmate...

Presenter 2.

The teacher will tell you with pride,
That he has matured and that he has grown...

Presenter 1.

Let there be meetings, surprises,
Let there be jokes, let there be laughter,
And these wonderful moments
Unite everyone at school today

Presenter 2.

But before the holiday, friends, we will begin,
Now we will conduct a roll call here.
Be careful, shout loudly,
Don't miss your graduation year!


Presenter1: We welcome the 30th anniversary edition of our evening - the 1985 edition

Presenter1: We welcome the 20th anniversary edition of our evening - the 1995 edition
Presenter2: The class teacher was: ................

Presenter1: We welcome the 10th anniversary edition of our evening - 2005 edition
Presenter2: The class teacher was: ................

Presenter 1

You were all good!

Everyone screamed their hearts out!

And as a reward from us

The number will be performed now!

Performance of the song "Let's it be…»

Presenter 2.

Now we invite you to the stage
The one who every day in the morning
He meets us all at the doorstep,
Who looks after us all at school?
Of course, our director.

Ved.1 Word to the school director Vera Vasilievna Dubinina

(Speech by the school principal)

AT 2: Each of you spent ten, eleven, eight or nine years in our school. And all this time the teachers were nearby.

IN 1 We welcome you teachers who are now on well-deserved retirement. Today, on behalf of every heart, on behalf of every graduate, we say to you - thank you! We love you very much! And we are very grateful to you that you devoted so many years to your native school raising students.

AT 2 You will always remain next to us,
Because we always need you.
This means you will never grow old.
Never! Never! Never!

IN.1 Today, veteran teachers came to meet you, graduates. pedagogical work and over to them..

Ved.2: - Do you remember all your students?

Ved.1 - How many graduations did you have and how many guys did you graduate?

Ved.2 - Did you have any favorites, who were they?

Ved.1 - What can you wish for teachers who are currently working at school?

Speech by veterans of teaching work.

Ved.2: Please accept our congratulations. We wish you good health, family well-being, good spirits and good mood.

Presenter 1 Now we will begin the phrases, you continue, where necessary say - girls, and where necessary - boys. Listen carefully.

Presenter 2 Only... are interested in the motorcycle racing draw. (boys)

Presenter 1 They play with bows and bears, of course, just... (girls)

Presenter 2 Any repair will be done subtly, of course, only... (boys)

Presenter 1 You will find bolts, screws, gears in the pocket of ... (boys)

Presenter 2 They tie bows for themselves from different ribbons, of course... (girls)

Presenter 1 Skates drew arrows on the ice, played hockey all day....!

Presenter 2 Well done! We got a boost of energy!

Ved.1: Let at least one evening a year let the inexorable time recede, and memory take us back to the past, distant for some, not so distant for others, to that time of apprenticeship, which, I have no doubt, is remembered with tenderness and warmth by all those gathered here .

Ved.2: Let's remember the beginning school year, when all of you stood on the school line. Let's remember the first bell and the first lesson. For us today it will be an evening of memories. What about the first call? Let the current first-graders give it. Perhaps someone will recognize themselves in them.

First graders come out

1:We were told today
Who is gathered in this room?

2:On a February Saturday
People came to school:
Agronomists, officers, musicians, engineers
And doctors, one poet - and whoever is here.

3: There are workers, students,
Future correspondents,
Nurse and seamstress
And my sister is here.

4: Here is a scientist and a builder,
Doctor, driver and our teacher.
Turner, warrior, journalist
And an aspiring artist.

5: Those who build, sow, plow
Teaches, heals, sews, bakes,
Protects our Fatherland
Everyone we honor.

6: We figured out the secret -
This is a release from different years.

7: Why is there so much light,
And smiles and people?
There is, of course, no secret here:
It's a reunion at our school!

8: From the kids of our entire school,
From those who are a little old
Graduates of your favorite school
We send warm greetings.

9:And to you, teachers,
We also send greetings,
We wish you a long, long life
After all, we all come to you for advice.
Share both joys and sorrows.

There's a melody playingsongs “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” " The children are singing.

    Hello to all of you, graduates!

    We are happy to see you!

    It's so good that you came!

    After all, it’s our holiday too!

  1. Now you have become adults.

    And we are still growing.

    But just like you once did

    We live happily.

  2. We hold many competitions

    Sportlandia and zatey.

    Even though we are first-graders,

    But there are many friends here.

  3. Of course you all remember

    Your very first class.

    And the first teacher,

    What is teaching us now?

  4. But wherever you are now,

    In Izhevsk or in Moscow

    Don't forget school.

    Your teachers.

  5. 6. Hello to all of you, graduates!

    We are happy to see you!

    It's so good that you came!

    After all, it’s our holiday too!

  1. Presenter1:
    Clean classrooms are empty and quiet,
    A sunbeam wanders across the map.
    White verses have not been erased from the boards
    And old desks are painted...
    The leaves have fallen from the poplars again,
    Time flies by quickly without school -
    School childhood becomes dearer over the years,
    How I would like to return to him...

    Ved.2 You have left the walls of our school, but the teachers remember you all. And now we would like to see how well you remember school, the subjects that you studied here. LESSONS

  2. Meet the teacher primary classes Kalmykov A.N………………………...

    We meet the teacher of Russian language and literature Kozlova O.B………………..

    We meet the mathematics teacher Bezusova L.V………………………………...

    We meet music teacher E. E. Dubinina………………………………………

    Against the background of music


    Wit and ingenuity

    They have helped you in your life more than once.

    If you don't mind the time -

    Prove it to us now.


    Let's play a little more

    It's very boring to live without a game,

    After all, the game helps many

    Remember your childhood and love life!

    A game of "Guess" is being played. There are 5-7 participants on stage. Everyone takes turns taking a balloon out of a box or vase. Inflates him. The ball bursts. Inside the ball is a note with a task. You need to quickly answer a question or complete a task.

    Ball No. 1 . Remember fairy tales whose titles contain numbers. (“The Three Little Pigs”, “The Three Bears”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, etc.)

    Ball No. 2. Remember the cities whose names contain notes. (Ufa, Cherepovets, Usolsk, Novosibirsk, Donetsk, Minsk, etc.)

    Ball No. 3. Name five words (more is possible) that begin with the letter A and end with the letter Z. (Acacia, army, astronomy, academy, astrology.)

    Ball No. 4 . Name the TV shows correctly:

    1. " Good morning, old men". (" Good night, kids")

    2. “Mannequin and mayhem.” ("Person and law")

    3. "Village". ("Town")

    4. "Cave of Nightmares." ("Field of Dreams")

    Ball No. 5. Name as many words as possible that rhyme with the word “candy.” (Newspaper, cigarette, planet, rocket, comet.)

    Ball No. 6. Read the poem correctly: “The goat lies, not moving, Does not breathe, but lies.” (“The bull walks, sways, Sighs as he goes...”)

    Ball No. 7. To name the song correctly, you can sing: “What a pity that none of them scattered yesterday...” (“It’s great that we all gathered here today...”)

    All participants in the game are awarded prizes.

  3. Presenter.1 4 boys and 4 girls are invited to the stage
    (optional or will we call?)
    The situation is this: there are things in your briefcase that are not related to the educational process, and your task is to convince everyone of the need for these items during school hours. Take out one item at a time, showing it, you say “I need this for...” or “I need this for...”
    lies in the girls' briefcaselies in the boys' briefcase
    ScrewdriverOne slate
    Sunglassesshoe covers


    Dear graduates, now we invite you all to play the game together.

    We will ask you questions, and those who believe that this phrase applies to them should shout out loud:

    « It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

    1.Who does not change his roots
    glorifies the native VILLAGE,
    Praise, honor and honor to you
    Who settled here?

    2. Let's say hello for now,
    those who are here from afar,
    Who are our birds?
    From near and far abroad?

  4. 4. He who built himself a house,
    celebrated a housewarming party in the house
    and now he lives in it,
    survived this fun?

    5. There is nothing more beautiful in this world
    live in your own apartment
    Who is the owner?
    Who's the lucky one? Who's the hero?

    6. You are experienced parents,
    Someone with more, to put it bluntly?
    Who became mom and dad a little early,
    Whose children are older than 5 years old?

    7. Let's continue about children,
    heroic families
    From whom, mind you,
    The large family?

    8. Who is still single,
    Who holds his own tail with a pipe?
    to whom I wish happiness,
    To start a family faster?

    9.Live and learn
    who has a life like this?
    Are there any students among you?
    Who is it, stand up now?

    10.Who is on the site, on a well-known one
    Adorable classmates
    Still trying to find it?
    Who hangs up on the network?

    11.Who, despite the burden of life,
    I found the opportunity, the means, the time,
    And today I’m very happy
    Take many years back?
    Ved. 1:
    Today we all remembered the games of our childhood and tried to return a little to this golden time of life. Our program is coming to an end, but it will be incomplete if we do not remember one more game called “Peeping Talkers”.


    Have you ever heard of this game? Its conditions are very simple: you can look at your classmates and talk to your teachers as much as you like.

    Ved 1:
    The evening of the meeting does not end there.
    It continues in your former classes!
    Ved 2:
    Good teachers are waiting for you there
    And old school friends.

    Presenters together:
    And we say goodbye to all of you:
    "See you again, friends,
    And goodbye!"

    (The song "School, school, I miss you" is performed. Concert participants throw balloons into the hall. Former alumni They disperse to their classes to meet with friends and teachers.)


2013 year


Authorscript: LipinskayaSvetlanaPetrovna, teacher- organizerMBOU SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 G. Severomorsk

The hall is festively decorated. Music is playing. Guests are gathering in the hall. A thematic presentation is on the screen. Announcement of the beginning of the evening. The lights turn off... Voices are heard in the darkness, flashlights are shining. The dialogue between the brownies beginsKuzi and Nafani .

Have you looked in the pots?

I looked, there was nothing left ( sighs).

Ugh, gluttons, they gobbled it all up again... They can’t leave even a single piece of meat...

Yes, whoever goes to school and who doesn’t leave the cafeteria, they all gobble it up, they won’t burst!

I'll have to eat breadcrumbs again and wash it down with water ( sighs). Kuzka, hear, there is some noise in the hall, there is no order...

Yes, something is wrong, let’s check what’s going on there...

The brownies run out into the hall, shine lanterns on the guests, and run in panic through the rows.

Oh, oh,hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Oh, oh, oh why is this here?

It’s a disgrace, what is being done by a decent brownie after a difficult working week no rest...

And who do we have here?

They move around the assembly hall, wailing, and stop near the graduates of 2012. The lights in the hall turn on.

Kuzya, look, look, these are our last year’s graduates!!!

Oh, how pretty, how cute, but they’ve become too skinny and don’t eat well.

You are our dears, you are our relatives! And how they grew up, they became prettier, they became exhausted!!! How can you live without us?

They hug the graduates and go to the chairs near the stage. The lights above the stage turn on, fanfare sounds, and the presenters come out.

Presenter 1:

Hello dear friends:

Graduates of different years, favorite teachers!

Presenter 2:

Welcome to the evening meeting

IN home school this evening.

Presenter 3:

Thank you for coming to the holiday,

They brought the warmth of their hearts with them.

Presenter 1:

What a joy it is to meet everyone at school -

Get together for an evening meeting once a year!

Presenter 2:

Your friends in class and school,

You will see your teachers again.

Presenter 3:

Today, like many years ago,

"Welcome!"(together)- they say at the entrance.

    Song "Evening of school friends"

They go on stagefirst graders (read poetry):

The calendar changes pages so habitually.
The evening of the meeting has been announced today with us.
Well, after it, you will, of course, dream about the Firebird
And you will dream about your favorite class.

The sun will wink at you - not a bad omen,
Even if you stand on your left foot.
You are already adults - and you know it,
But at heart you are still the same students.

As children we think: we will soon become adults,
They will call us strictly by our first and patronymic names.
But today you are again - Sashi, Vanya, Marusya and Tanya.
This evening will stretch the thread back to childhood again.

School is our home, which is impossible to forget,
Memory itself calls here, within these dear walls.
That's why you may be a little worried today,
That our holiday will plunge you back into your school youth.

Presenter 1: Dear friends! We gathered in this cozy hall to meet with classmates and teachers, to remember the wonderful school years, to return to childhood.

Presenter 2: The school is an amazing home! Everything is mixed up here: childhood and maturity, youth and romance, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house there is joy and tears, meetings and partings.

Presenter 3: School... You leave it, but you will dream about it for a long time. They say you dream about what you are missing in life. And they say something else: you truly begin to appreciate only what you will lose forever.

    Song "Small Country"

Presenter 1: Today we are glad to see graduates of different years within the school’s walls. We are one big school family! And all those who came to the evening meeting are different generations of this family - one friendly team that our beloved school united within its walls.

Presenter 2: Someone graduated from school thirty years ago, someone twenty-five, twenty, ten... And I really want to ask each of those sitting in the hall: “How can you live without us?”

Presenter 3: And, of course, it’s very interesting to know our yesterday's graduates, graduates of 2012, how their first months of independent life, life without school went.

The floor is given to the class of 2012.

Presenter 1: Well, that's very interesting stories Well done! Achieve your goals, break new ground, make your dreams come true. Let everything work out in the most wonderful way in your new non-school life!

    Dance "Sambo"

Presenter 1: School time... So much joy and disappointment, discoveries and mistakes occur in these best years of childhood. Eh, I wish I could start all over again... But time cannot be turned back. All that remains is to remember...

Presenter 2: And there can be a lot of memories. After all, our school has raised more than one generation of wonderful graduates. How many of their girls and boys, young sparrows, left the walls of their beloved school?

Presenter 3: Well, a lot. Our school had the most graduations, and all because it was the very first school in the city of Severomorsk! This year we celebrated the 65th anniversary of the school, our school!

Presenter 1: Yes, in 65 years you can remember a lot, what didn’t happen during those fighting school years. Dear graduates, let's remember the simplest everyday life from your school life...

The presenters (2 people) go down to the hall to conduct a quick interview. Approaching the audience, they ask questions at random.

    Do you remember the name of your first teacher?

    In what subject did you get a first A?

    Why did you get a bad mark?

    What was your favorite subject?

    What did you like to eat most at the buffet?

    Did you carry toys in your schoolbag in first grade?

    Have you pulled girls' pigtails?

    Do you remember your last lesson?

    Who was sitting next to you at the desk?

    Did you carry your classmate's briefcase when you saw her off after class? Do you remember what her name was?

    Do you remember, dear graduates, what games you played during breaks?

What year did you graduate from school?
- Who was yours class teacher?
- What office was your class?
-Which teacher do you remember most?
- What good things have happened in your life since leaving school?
- What is your most vivid memory of your school years?
- Would you like to return to your school days?
- Remember which of you sat on the last desk?
- What would you like to wish future graduates of the school?
- What can you wish for the school?

Presenter 1: Thank you for your concise, sincere answers!

    Song "Our School"

Brownies appear in the hall.

Well, look, everyone is sitting joyful and beautiful. Apparently you really miss school.

Why not be bored! There is no need to learn lessons, they already know everything, the school rules are no longer the law for them... After 10 pm you can be on the street... So let them sit and remember their childhood.

So it is, it’s just that I have a passion for candy, let’s go through the batteries and look, maybe someone hid it where?

Just wait, Kuzya, you just ate enough crackers... You better take a closer look ( looks into the hall), over there ( points towards where the 1993 graduates are sitting. - 20 years)…

Faces that are somehow painfully familiar, Nafan, like family, but they haven’t been seen at school for a long time...

Well, of course, my family, just look... They graduated from school 20 years ago.

It’s immediately obvious that everything is in order with them, and especially with food, look how solid they are! Important. And yet, how have you been without us for all these twenty years?

The floor is given to the class of 1993.

The brownies leave.

Presenter 1:

You broke up a long time ago

They scattered in all directions.

Remained only in memory

These years are forever.

And again you are drawn to school,

This is very important to you -

Conversations, cheerful laughter,

Sadness and joy in half.

Presenter 2:

We need such meetings

To keep your heart warm.

And solemn speeches

It's better to just put it off.

Need a heartfelt conversation

And the shine of kind eyes,

Both wonderful and magical

Evening where they love you.

    Song « In the footsteps of the Bremen musicians" performed by the school quartet "RockTime"

Presenter 1: And now, dear graduates, we invite you to the lesson .

Presenter 2: Exactly for the lesson, you heard right. You are in the classroom where an integrated literature lesson will now take place and foreign language. Attention, be prepared to listen and complete tasks.

Presenter 3: We will read out the Russian translation of foreign proverbs, and you must name a Russian proverb that is similar in meaning. Do not break discipline, raise your hands and answer in unison.

Presenter 1: A Vietnamese proverb translated into Russian sounds like this: “A leisurely elephant reaches its goal faster than a frisky stallion.”

Presenter 2: Finnish: “He who asks will not get lost.”

(“Language will take you to Kyiv.”)

Presenter 3: Indonesian: “The squirrel jumps very briskly, and sometimes breaks down.”

(“The horse has four legs, and he stumbles.”)

Presenter 1: English: “A lady leaving a car thereby increases its speed.”

(“A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare.”)

Presenter 2: The lesson went well, it’s very nice that our graduates are the smartest...

Presenter 3: And now for a musical break.

    Song "Matryoshka"

Presenter 1:

Meeting evening, meeting evening

Not marked on the calendar

But it’s written in the heart

For you and me!

Presenter 3:

The long-awaited meeting evening

Let it last forever

Let the calls come to you today

This evening they call again

Presenter 1:

Your years and worries

Leave it at the doorstep

And almost unnoticeable

This evening gray hair

Presenter 3:

Happy from the North and the South

You will meet a friend today

Despite the passing years

Friendship is strong!

7. Song "Friendship"

Presenter 2: This is all good, of course: graduates, friendship, reunion evening... I just wonder who parked their car incorrectly near the school? ( turns to the hall) Isn't it you, dear graduates?

Presenter 1: What happened? Stop talking in riddles?

Presenter 2: Well, what could happen if the car is parked incorrectly? (pause) Road accident!

Presenter 3: Nightmare! Is there an accident near the school?

Presenter 2: Well, let's assume that it could happen... But not with the cars of our graduates, because they all know the rules traffic excellent, but if they forgot something, the UID team will remind them now...

8. Song "Safe Island" performed by the school team of the Judiciary

The brownies appear in the hall again. They stretch.

Nafanya, I’m starting to get tired of all this fun. I’m getting old, I wish I could listen to a fairy tale and go to bed...

Don't be ashamed, Kuzma! Once a year there is such a holiday at school, and you either demand sweets or need to sleep... You are still young to cry, only a hundred years old. Better do something useful...

But for me now the most useful thing is to retire on a soft pillow and listen to my great thoughts. Oh, Nathan, look... How come I didn’t recognize them before ( points towards graduates of 1983)

Indeed, look! These are our thirty-year-olds!

Why is this so?

Yes, because they graduated from school 30 years ago.

Yes, you and I were still young then, we had just moved to this school.

I remember, I remember where it is. And they were all such exemplary Octobers, pioneers, however, just like those who graduated from school twenty years ago. Those were glorious times!

A lot has changed. How can you live without us, dear graduates?

The floor is given to the class of 1983.

9. Song “About Beloved School”

Using your knowledge, ingenuity, ingenuity and sense of humor, try to answer the questions of a comic quizzes(the quiz is conducted by the teacher-organizer)

Arithmetic mean

Give the arithmetic mean:

briefcase and backpack (knapsack);

women and fish (mermaid);

men and horse (centaur);

mare and donkey (mule);

sock and stocking (golf);

cola and fives (three);

hedgehogs and snakes (barbed wire);

apple and peach (nectarine);

bicycle and motorcycle (moped);

tram and train (electric train);

orange and lemon (grapefruit);

shoes and boots (boots);

piano and accordion (accordion);

refrigerator and fan (air conditioning);

At the end of the quiz, participants are awarded prizes. The presenters and all students participating in the concert program rise to the stage to the music. Domovyats distribute the words of the graduates' anthem to graduates in the hall. The words of the same hymn are displayed on the screen.

Organizing teacher: Well, now we will all perform together the traditional Anthem of our school reunion. After all, it is in it that very correct important words sound: You won’t say “Goodbye” to school,

School doesn't say goodbye to you...

After all, every graduate of our school must remember that the door at school is always open for him!

Music sounds, everyone in the hall sings the Anthem.


Again, again we all came to our school,
Here we are gathered again.
On this bright and cheerful evening
My friends and I came to meet.


Through the years, across the distances
On any road, to the side of any
You won't say goodbye to school
School doesn't say goodbye to you.

There were so many different adventures at school,
How much we had to go through at school...
People remember this, without exception,
Is it possible to forget all this?

A year or ten years - we won’t count everything...
They wait and remember you and me everywhere, always
Our, our very dear people -
It's only you - Teachers!

Presenter 1:

The school years have flown by,

You have not been schoolchildren for a long time,

But you will never forget school -

Childhood memories are here for all years.

Presenters together:"See you again, friends, and goodbye!"

The ceremonial part of the event ends. Background music is playing.

Gift from graduates of 1998 to teachers of MBOUSOSH No. 1 in Severomorsk.

Scenario for meeting classmates.

40+2 years later!

1. Design: on the office door “Graduate of 1975”,

2. hat with glitter (New Year’s),

3.Alumni Registration

Poster:"Wait, don't rush,
Take a little break here,
Your address as a keepsake
Please leave it with us!”

Full name Address, email Address, Profession, Telephone

4. The class is decorated (balloons, flowers...).

5. Poster on the chalkboard "Kaleidoscope of Wishes"(light wallpaper), where each graduate can leave a note of wishes for the school. 6. Computer with projector.

7. Ribbons "Graduate"- red to match the color of the country's 1975 flag.

8. Markers of two colors - black and blue for writing wishes, phone numbers, addresses on classmates’ ribbons.

9. Presentation.

Graduates of 1975 enter the school. School music is playing.

(Everyone enters the classroom and takes a seat.)

Progress of the ceremonial part.

(2nd slide).

Time flipped 40 years
With problems, worries, dreams
And then the light dawned among everyday life -
Today we are meeting with friends.
We won't notice any gray temples,
Not those wrinkles that have thickened near the eyes,
Not like small handwriting without glasses
Over the years, we have forgotten how to differentiate.
Our youth brought us together from different places
Got through, got through, got through
Just one call and here we are,
So that the years will flow again again.

Song. " Childhood".

(3rd slide).

We walk to school proudly
This sultry September.
And we seriously declare:
We are following science!
Both girls and boys
Little ones and big guys,
We carry books in our briefcases,
Pens and pencils.

(4th-5th slide).

More than just friends have gathered here today!

Here sits one big family, which was formed 42 years ago.

You grew up in a common house for everyone, whose name is school!

(6th-7th slide).

How carefree we all lived,
How funny we were!
Fooling around during recess
They wrote graffiti on the walls.

(8th slide. (5th-6th grade. Did you play hooky?)).

(9th 10th slide. ( No, we studied!!)).

(11th slide. 7th grade. Have grown up!)).

(12th slide . 8th grade. We fell in love and said goodbye to school!!!)).

Life has scattered you all over the world. But school beckons you.

The song “The bend of the yellow guitar...”.

Dear graduates, today your paths have merged into one and only one, which took you back to childhood and teenage years, led you to the temple of science, to your native school.
Leading. And although you left the walls of your native school, went your separate ways, you are all united by one thing - a spark of love for your family: your village, your school, your street, your home, your small homeland of meadows, rivers.

(If Valentina Vasilievna Stukolova is there).

After 40 years, we are with you again
We return to our native school.
And it feels like we've returned home
The smell here is still the same, familiar.
Day of meeting with youth and childhood
What could be more touching?!
Let me come here to this place
We invite the class teacher

The word is presented and given thank you letter, flowers,

souvenir to Stukolova Valentina Vasilievna).

Are any of you ready
Should I speak at this place now?
Don't be shy, come out boldly
Tell us a little about yourself...

Song "40 years later...".

The school principal presents flowers and ribbons"Graduate" dresses.

(13th-20th slide).

Not everyone came to the school meeting
Perhaps they didn’t find the strength in themselves to do it!

(Slide 21). Kolesnikova Lyubov.( And who else won't be. We call F.I..and we convey congratulations from them).

Leading. And, unfortunately, those who set off on a journey from which there is no return, who would have every right to share our celebration, could not come today. They will never come again.


Our pain cannot be measured

And you can’t shed tears,

We make you feel alive

We will love forever..


They left us quiet sadness, irreparable loss, vivid memories in our hearts. Let's honor their memory with a minute of silence.
Minute of silence
Song "School Friend and Teachers".

IN: Today is a special day - we thank everyone who came to our native school and ask you to keep the warmth of this meeting for a long time.

LET'S TAKE A PHOTO AS A MEMORY, write wishes to each other on the “Graduate” ribbon, exchange phone numbers and addresses. Write wishes for school on the “Kaleidoscope of Wishes” poster.

Song "Don't forget your friends!"


A toast is a chant for an evening meeting: “We don’t mind.”

Presenter: And now for a toast. And we will say it together, each time I say the first two lines, the men present the third: “We must drink to this!” and immediately the ladies: “We don’t mind”

Today classmates

We welcome you with joy!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

The years go by quickly
But we don't count them!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind

We haven't seen each other for a long time,
But we remember everyone, we know everyone!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

Many heights have been reached,
But don't forget the class!

Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

Favorite teachers
We often remember.
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

For our strong friendship
Let's pour it quickly!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

Lyubov Fedorovna is our first teacher! Lyubov Fedorovna is our first teacher! Lyubov Fedorovna is our first teacher!