Virtual excursions in the educational space. Summary of the virtual excursion using ICT “The Path to the Stars”

Information and communication technologies in preschool educational institutions

More recently, the total equipping of schools with computer classes, the introduction of such a subject as computer science, caused a wave of bewilderment and, at times, indignation in us. But progress does not stand still, but moves forward with big steps. Now every second family has a computer, electronic toys, video equipment, telephones, iPhones with Internet access and other delights of the electronic world. Which quickly and firmly become established in our lives, creating ease and convenience in the search for information and communication. Nowadays, many new information technologies have appeared. They are often called computer ones, all necessary information prepared and transmitted using a personal computer. The high capabilities of modern computers are developing completely new and interesting options training. With the help of computer technologies in education, you can teach how to draw, count, read, and learn a lot of new and interesting things. Parents also have a good opportunity to prepare their child for school with the help of certain educational programs. And the inquisitive mind of a child experiences true pleasure in understanding surrounding phenomena and gaining knowledge. I would like to believe that programs for introducing preschoolers to the educational process will be compiled by truly first-class specialists in the field of child psychology and pedagogy.

And so, all this progress in a big step, in the light of recent events, has stepped, bursting at the seams, into kindergarten, which, as yet, is neither morally nor financially ready for it. But no one ever asked about readiness for such changes. Usually, they immediately begin to check the availability of equipment and its use in work. This process has a beautiful name: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). ICT is a general concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods, and algorithms for information processing. And most often, due to lack of funds, these innovations take root slowly and painfully in kindergartens. But firmly and thoroughly. And you shouldn’t even ask the question: does introducing children to complex technology so early gives at least as much positive result? The answer is clear. Yes. Of course, we cannot thoughtlessly follow the rapidly developing progress, sacrificing the health of the future generation, but at the same time we must not forget that computers are our future. But only with mandatory compliance with the norms and rules of working with computer technology will the “golden mean” be achieved.

To help us “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the work regime in preschool organizations” (SanPiN Where it says, I quote: “4.19. A separate room is allocated for teaching children using computer technology. The equipment of the room, the organization and mode of classes must comply with the requirements for personal electronic computers and the organization of work. 6.11. To display filmstrips, standard projectors and screens with a reflection coefficient of 0.8 are used. The height of the screen hanging above the floor must be no less than 1 m and no more than 1.3 m. Displaying filmstrips directly on the wall is not allowed. The relationship between the distance of the projector from the screen and the distance of the first row spectators from the screen is presented in the table. 6.12. To watch television programs and videos, use televisions with a diagonal screen size of 59 - 69 cm. Their installation height should be 1 - 1.3 m. When watching television programs, children are placed at a distance no closer than 2 - 3 m and no further than 5 - 5, 5 m from the screen. Chairs are installed in 4 - 5 rows (per group); the distance between the rows of chairs should be 0.5 - 0.6 m. Children are seated taking into account their height.”

Also detailed description can be found at S.L. Novoselova “Requirements for the organization of computer training for preschool children.” Where she describes in detail not only the requirements for the computer room, but also for the games room and the psychological relief (relaxation) room.

Children aged 5-7 years should use a computer no more than once a day and no more than three times a week on days of highest performance: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. After the lesson, the children are given eye exercises. The continuous duration of working with a computer in classes for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes and for children 6-7 years old - 15 minutes.

What technical means ICT is applicable in kindergarten? On this moment this is: computer, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, laptop, VCR, TV. As well as a printer, scanner, tape recorder, camera, video camera. Unfortunately, not all kindergartens can afford such equipment. And as a result, not all educators use them in their work, and often do not know how to use them.

But you can’t put the material base higher than the efficiency of using ICT. “If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we will rob our children of tomorrow,” said John Dewey.

Proper use of modern information technologies can significantly increase children's motivation to learn. Allows you to recreate real objects or phenomena in color, movement and sound. This contributes to the widest development of their abilities and the activation of mental activity.

One way or another, ICTs are beginning to occupy their niche in the educational space of preschool educational institutions (preschool educational institutions). Today ICT allows:

*Display information on the screen in a playful way, which arouses great interest in children, since this corresponds to the main activity of a preschooler - play.

*In an accessible form, brightly, figuratively, present material to preschoolers that corresponds to the visual-figurative thinking of children preschool age.

*Attract the attention of children with movement, sound, animation, but do not overload the material with them.

*Promote the development of preschoolers' research abilities, cognitive activity, skills and talents.

*Encourage children to solve problematic problems and overcome difficulties.

The use of ICT in preschool education makes it possible to expand the creative abilities of the teacher himself, which has a positive impact on positive influence for the education, training and development of preschool children.

The use of computer technology is used in the preparation of long-term work plans and notes open classes, results of pedagogical diagnostics, information stands, parent corners, certification materials, generalization of experience, child’s portfolio, etc.

The ability to use the Internet allows you to keep abreast of events happening in teaching communities, track announcements of events (contests, seminars), receive advice on emerging problems, also post your work on websites, and get acquainted with the developments of your colleagues’ events there.

By communicating on forums with colleagues throughout Russia, you can introduce yourself and your activities to the teaching community.

Creating your own website will help you present your accumulated experience to colleagues, parents and children. Communicate on site forums, use email.

Skype (video chat) will help you conduct video conferences with colleagues.

Using the Internet, you can keep abreast of all events in the world by reading electronic media - magazines, newspapers, articles from official websites, etc.

A “virtual tour” gives you the opportunity to visit inaccessible places, offering a unique journey.

Any excursion requires appropriate preparation and planning. When preparing for a virtual excursion, the teacher needs to select an object, find out its educational significance, become familiar with it, determine the content, goals and objectives of the excursion, and determine the accompanying text.

The role of virtual excursions is great, since a child can be active participant events of this excursion. For example: “Excursion around Moscow”, “Around Red Square”, “Excursion to the library”. "Excursion to the Royal Palace"

For such excursions you need the Internet and the desire of a teacher. And the children accept them with great pleasure.

If one of the teachers and educators says that I will not succeed, I will not be able to master new technologies, then this will not be true. Even in times past, Confucius said: “only the wisest and the stupidest are not teachable.”

And we must not forget that informatization of education opens up new opportunities for teachers to widely introduce new technologies into pedagogical practice. methodological developments aimed at intensifying and implementing innovative ideas in educational, educational and correctional processes. IN Lately information and communication technologies (ICT) – good helper teachers in the organization of educational, educational and correctional work.

And the use of information technologies in education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

Tatiana Belova
Summary of a virtual excursion using ICT “Path to the Stars”

Excursion summary.

I invite you to virtual tour. It is called « The path to the stars» .

Let's look at the solar system. (Next down the slide).

The planets rotate around their own axis and at the same time move around the sun.

For space exploration, people design various aircraft devices: space probes, artificial satellites for astronomical and meteorological observations, etc.

The galaxy is formed by a collection of billions stars, star dust and gases. The galaxy is so huge that it is difficult to imagine its size.

11-12 slide.

The ancient Romans saw the Milky Way as a wide white path, crossing the sky, and believed that this miracle was formed thanks to the will of their gods. Origin Milky Way they attributed it to Juno, the goddess of the sky. Their legend says that when Juno suckled Hercules, a few drops breast milk fell and turned into stars, formed the Milky Sky Path.

Our solar system belongs to the Milky Way.

13-14 slide.

What can we see from the ground with the naked eye?

A comet is a block of ice. As it approaches the sun, particulate matter and gases begin to separate from the nucleus, forming a halo or bright shine called the comet's tail.

Meteorites are large rocks that fall to Earth or other planets. These remnant rocks break apart when they encounter the atmosphere, and their particles become so hot that they become incandescent. Many of these particles melt or evaporate, so most of them do not reach earth's surface or turns to dust.


1. What is the name of a huge cluster stars, planets, cosmic bodies (GALAXY).

2. Huge blocks of ice surrounded by gas or cosmic dust. When they approach the sun, they develop a flaming tail (COMET).

3. An ancient scientist who made many discoveries and invented the telescope (GALILEO GALILEI). On click

4. A planet that revolves around the Sun, as if lying on its side (URANUS).

5. Focus on the screen (MARS). On click.

7. A planet surrounded by two wide rings (SATURN).

Read the name of the first cosmonaut.

GAGARIN, YURI ALEXEEVICH (1934-1968, Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, the first person to perform orbital space flight. April 12, 1961 Yu. A. Gagarin on spaceship"Vostok", created in the experimental design bureau S. P. Korolev, launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome and made the first space flight, orbiting Earth in 108 minutes and returning safely to Earth.

  • 4. Humane-personal orientation of educational technologies. Pedagogy of cooperation, its main ideas.
  • 5. Personality-oriented technologies: humane-personal technology of Sh. A. Amonashvili, E. N. Ilyin’s system, technology of vitogenic education (A. S. Belkin).
  • Pedagogical system E.N. Ilyina
  • The concept of vitality education and the holographic approach in education
  • 6. Personal development training. General fundamentals of developmental training technologies.
  • 7. System of learning development (J. Piaget, Z. Freud, J. Dewey).
  • 8. Technology of developmental education Dr. B. Elkonin, V. V. Davydov. Developmental education (system of D. B. Elkonin-V. Davydov)
  • 9. General characteristics of technologies for activating and intensifying students’ activities (problem-based learning, research technology, communication technologies, etc.)
  • 10. The essence of teaching technologies based on strengthening didactic units, schematic and symbolic models of educational material (V.F. Shatalov, P.M. Erdniev) (notebook) Technology of intensification of learning by Shatalov
  • 11. Pedagogical technologies based on enhancing student activity. Game technologies. (notebook)
  • 12. Technology of modern project-based learning, its varieties. (notebook)
  • 13. Technologies for effective management of the learning process. The essence and technologies of differentiated learning.
  • 14. Dialogue system of teaching (V.S. Bibler, S.Yu. Kurganov). Features of the organization of content and methodology. Varieties of the School of Dialogue of Cultures.
  • 16.Modular teaching technology: features of content and structure.
  • 17. Humanistic educational systems: history and modernity. Pedagogical ideas underlying various regional educational systems.
  • 3. Basic aspects of managing the educational system of a school.
  • 18. Creation of educational systems for schools and classes. Design of the structure of the educational system of schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums based on subject-subjective relationships.
  • Technology for creating a classroom educational system
  • 19. Technologies focused on the development of students’ creative abilities (I.P. Volkov, T.S. Altshuller) Volkov Igor Pavlovich
  • 21. Technology for organizing the teaching activities of the class teacher.
  • 23.Pedagogical systems and technologies of copyright schools.
  • 24. Alternative technologies in a foreign school. (notebook)
  • 25.Notebook
  • 26.Notebook
  • 27.Notebook
  • 28. The essence of correctional pedagogical activities. A network of institutions for children with disorders of psychophysical development in the Republic of Belarus.
  • 29.Notebook
  • 30. Information technologies in education. Technologies for using Internet resources in the work of a teacher.
  • ICT tools used in education
  • Classification of ICT tools by area of ​​methodological purpose:
  • Didactic tasks solved with the help of ICT
  • Negative consequences of exposure to ICT tools on students
  • Distance learning technologies
  • Multimedia concept
  • Classification of ICT tools by area of ​​methodological purpose:

    Didactic tasks solved with the help of ICT

      Improving the organization of teaching, increasing the individualization of learning;

      Increasing the productivity of students’ self-training;

      Individualization of the work of the teacher himself;

      Accelerating replication and access to the achievements of teaching practice;

      Strengthening motivation to learn;

      Activation of the learning process, the possibility of involving students in research activities;

      Ensuring flexibility in the learning process.

    Negative consequences of exposure to ICT tools on students

    The use of modern ICT tools in all forms of education can lead to a number of negative consequences, including a number of negative factors of a psychological and pedagogical nature and a range of factors of the negative impact of ICT tools on the physiological state and health of the student.

    In particular, most often one of the advantages of learning using ICT tools is the individualization of learning. However, along with the advantages, there are also major disadvantages associated with total individualization. Individualization reduces what is already in short supply into educational process live dialogical communication between participants in the educational process - teachers and students, students among themselves - and offers them a surrogate of communication in the form of a “dialogue with a computer”.

    In fact, a student who is active in speech becomes silent for a long time when working with ICT tools, which is especially typical for students of open and distance education. Throughout the entire period of study, the student is mainly engaged in silently consuming information. In general, the organ of objectification of human thinking - speech - turns out to be turned off, immobilized during many years of training. The student does not have sufficient practice of dialogical communication, formation and formulation of thoughts in a professional language. Without a developed practice of dialogic communication, as psychological research shows, monological communication with oneself, what is called independent thinking, is not formed. After all, a question asked to oneself is the most accurate indicator of the presence of independent thinking. If we follow the path of universal individualization of learning with the help of personal computers, we may end up missing the very opportunity to develop creative thinking, which by its very origin is based on dialogue.

    The use of information resources published on the Internet often leads to negative consequences. Most often, when using such ICT tools, the principle of saving energy, inherent to all living things, is triggered: ready-made projects, abstracts, reports and solutions to problems borrowed from the Internet have become a common fact today, which does not contribute to increasing the effectiveness of training and education.

    Distance learning technologies

    Distance learning in the form of correspondence education originated at the beginning of the 20th century. Today you can get a higher education by correspondence, learn a foreign language, prepare for entering a university, etc. However, due to poorly established interaction between teachers and students and the lack of control over the educational activities of part-time students in the periods between examination sessions, the quality of such training is reduced worse than that, which can be obtained with full-time training.

    Distance learning technology (educational process) at the present stage is a set of methods and means of teaching and administering educational procedures that ensure the educational process is carried out at a distance based on the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies.

    When implementing distance learning, information technologies must ensure:

      delivery to students of the main volume of studied material;

      interactive interaction between students and teachers during the learning process;

      providing students with the opportunity to independently work on mastering the material being studied;

      assessment of their knowledge and skills acquired during the learning process.

    To achieve these goals, the following information technologies are used:

      provision of textbooks and other printed materials;

      sending studied materials via computer telecommunications;

      discussions and seminars conducted via computer telecommunications;


      broadcasting educational programs on national and regional television and radio stations;

      cable TV;

      two-way video teleconferencing;

      one-way video broadcast with telephone feedback;

      electronic (computer) educational resources.

    A necessary part of the distance learning system is self-study. In the process of self-study, the student can study the material using printed publications, videotapes, electronic textbooks and CD-ROM textbooks and reference books. In addition, the student must have access to electronic libraries and databases containing a huge amount of diverse information.

    ICT (information and communication technologies) are processes and methods of interaction with information that are carried out using computer devices, as well as telecommunications.

    The role of ICT in modern society

    Currently, one can observe a constant increase in the influence of media technologies on humans. They have a particularly strong impact on children: twenty years ago, a child would rather watch a movie than read a book. However, today, under the powerful pressure of information, advertising, computer technology, electronic toys, game consoles, etc., people are becoming increasingly disconnected from reality. Now, if a student cannot avoid reading a book, he no longer goes to the library, but downloads it to his tablet. Very often you can observe the following picture: a group of young people is sitting in a park, square or shopping and entertainment complex, they do not communicate with each other, all their attention is focused on smartphones, tablets, laptops. If this phenomenon continues to be observed, then soon children will completely forget how to communicate. And so the ministries of education of many countries on our planet, instead of developing schoolchildren’s interest in live communication and learning in general, decided to follow the path of least resistance and give children what they want. According to some experts, a child’s brain perceives new information better if it is presented in an entertaining form, which is why they easily perceive the data presented in the lesson with the help of media (in connection with this, the use of information and communication technologies in education is constantly growing today). It's hard to argue with this, but back side The benefit of such an educational process is that children stop communicating with the teacher, which means their ability to think decreases. It is much better to restructure the educational process so that it is not boring and always maintains the child’s thirst for new knowledge. But this issue will have to be left to the conscience of officials.

    Concept of communication and information technology

    Informatization processes in modern society, as well as the closely related reform educational activities, are characterized by the improvement and massive spread of modern ICT. They are actively used to transmit data and ensure interaction between teacher and student in the modern system of distance and open education. Today, a teacher is required to possess skills not only in the field of ICT, but also to be responsible for the professional use of information and communication technologies in his immediate activities.

    The term “technology” comes to us from the Greek language, and translated it means “science”. The modern understanding of this word includes the use of engineering and scientific knowledge to solve specific practical problems. Then information and communication technology is a technology that is aimed at transforming and processing information. But that's not all. In essence, information and communication technology is a general concept that describes various mechanisms, devices, algorithms, and methods of data processing. The most important modern ICT device is a computer equipped with the necessary software. The second, but no less important, equipment is the means of communication with information posted on them.

    ICT tools used in the modern education system

    The main means of ICT technology for the information environment of the education system is a personal computer equipped with the necessary software (of a systemic and applied nature, as well as tools). System software primarily includes operating software. It ensures the interaction of all PC programs with the equipment and PC user. This category also includes service and utility software. Application programs include software that is an information technology toolkit - working with texts, graphics, tables, etc. Modern system education widely uses universal applied office software and ICT tools, such as word processors, presentation preparation, spreadsheets, graphic packages, organizers, databases, etc.

    Development of information and communication technologies

    With the organization of computer networks and similar means, the education process has moved to a new quality. First of all, this is due to the ability to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. Thanks to the global computer network Internet, instant access to the planet (electronic libraries, file storage, databases, etc.) is now possible. This popular resource has published more than two billion different multimedia documents. The network allows access to and use of other common ICT technologies, including Email, chat, lists, mailings. In addition, a special software for online communication (in real time), which allows, after establishing a session, to transmit text (entered from the keyboard), as well as sound, image and various files. Such software makes it possible to organize joint communication between remote users and software running on a local personal computer.

    The emergence of new information compression algorithms available for transmission over the Internet has significantly improved sound quality. Now it has begun to approach the quality of a regular telephone network. As a result, there was a leap in the development of a relatively new ICT tool - Internet telephony. Using special software and peripheral devices, audio and video conferences can be organized via the network.

    Information and communication technology and its capabilities

    To organize an effective search in telecommunication networks, automated search programs are used, the purpose of which is to collect data about various resources of the World Wide Web and provide the user with quick access to them. Thanks to search engines, you can find documents, multimedia files, address information about people and organizations, and software. The use of ICT allows for wide access to educational, methodological and scientific information; in addition, it becomes possible to quickly organize consulting assistance, as well as modeling scientific and research activities. And, of course, conducting virtual classes (lectures, seminars) in real time.

    Video training

    Today, information and communication technologies of education provide several classes of material delivery that are significant from the point of view of distance and open education. One of them is television and video recordings. Video files and related ICT tools allow a large number students get acquainted with the content of lectures by the best teachers. Video recordings can be used both in specially equipped classrooms and at home. An interesting fact is that in European and American training courses the main material is presented on videotapes and in printed publications.

    Television ICT

    Television is the most common ICT in the classroom; it plays a huge role not only in the modern educational process, but also in people’s lives, because almost every home has a TV. Educational television programs have long been used all over the world and are very a shining example distance learning method. Thanks to this tool ICT has made it possible to broadcast lectures to a wide audience in order to increase their general development without subsequent monitoring of knowledge acquisition.

    Electronic educational publications

    Electronic educational publications are a very powerful technology that allows you to transfer and store the entire volume of information being studied. They are distributed both on computer networks and recorded on optical media. Individual work with such material provides a deep understanding and assimilation of the data. This technology allows (with appropriate modification) the use of existing courses and self-testing of acquired knowledge. Electronic educational publications, unlike traditional printed material, allow you to present information in a graphic, dynamic form.

    Classification of ICT tools by areas of methodological purpose

    ICT tools are:

    1. Educational. They impart knowledge, form practical skills or ensure the required level of mastery of the material.

    2. Exercise equipment. Designed for practicing various skills, consolidating or repeating a lesson.

    3. Reference and information retrieval. Provide information on systematizing information.

    4. Demonstration. Visualize the studied phenomena, processes, objects for the purpose of studying and researching them.

    5. Imitation. They represent a certain aspect of reality, allowing the study of its functional and structural characteristics.

    6. Laboratory. Allows you to conduct experiments on existing equipment.

    7. Modeling. They make it possible to create a model of an object or phenomenon for the purpose of studying and researching it.

    8. Calculated. Automate calculations and various routine operations.

    9. Educational games. Designed to create a learning situation in which the activities of students are implemented in a playful way.

    Didactic tasks that are solved using ICT

    1. Improving the organization and increasing the individualization of training.

    2. Increasing the productivity of students’ self-training.

    3. Individualization of the teacher’s work.

    4. Acceleration of replication, as well as access to the achievements of teaching practice.

    5. Increasing motivation to learn.

    6. Activation of the educational process, the ability to attract students to

    7. Ensuring learning flexibility.

    Negative impact of ICT tools on students

    Information and communication technology, introduced into everything, leads to a number of negative consequences, including a number of negative psychological and pedagogical factors influencing the health and physiological state of the student. As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, ITC leads to the individualization of the educational process. However, this is a serious disadvantage associated with total individualization. Such a program entails the curtailment of the already scarce live dialogical communication of the participants in the educational process: students and teachers, students among themselves. It essentially offers them a surrogate of communication - a dialogue with a computer. Indeed, even a verbally active student becomes silent for a long time when working with ICT tools. This is especially typical for distance learning and open forms education.

    Why is this so dangerous?

    As a result of this form of learning, throughout the entire lesson the student is busy silently consuming the material. This leads to the fact that the part of the brain responsible for the objectification of a person’s thinking turns out to be turned off, essentially immobilized during many years of study. It is necessary to understand that the student already does not have the necessary practice of forming, formulating thoughts, as well as dialogical communication in a professional language. As psychological studies have shown, without developed communication, the student’s monological communication with himself, precisely what is commonly called independent thinking, will not be formed at the proper level. Agree that asking yourself a question is the most accurate indicator of the presence of independent thinking. As a result, if you follow the path of individualization of learning, you may miss the very opportunity to form a creative process in a person, the origin of which is built on dialogue.


    To summarize, we can note another significant drawback of information and communication technologies, which stems from the main advantage - the general availability of information resources published on the Internet. This often leads to the student following the path of least resistance and borrowing ready-made essays, problem solutions, projects, reports, etc. from the Internet. Today, this already familiar fact confirms the low effectiveness of this form of learning. Of course, the prospects for the development of information and communication technologies are high, but they must be implemented thoughtfully, without manic totalization.

    The problem of developing the cognitive activity of preschoolers is one of the most pressing in child psychology, since human interaction with the outside world is possible thanks to his activity and activity, and also because activity is an indispensable prerequisite for the formation of the mental qualities of an individual, his independence and initiative.

    Informatization of the education sector is acquiring fundamental importance in a dynamically changing world, constant improvement and complication of technology. Thanks to the transformations, the role of information technology is becoming increasingly apparent not only in the school system, but also preschool education.

    Information technologies in the educational process with preschool children improve the ways and means of organizing children's activities, ensure the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschool child, and also prepare him for life in the information society.

    Therefore, the use of interactive technologies is effective means development of cognitive interests of modern preschoolers.

    The main goal of introducing interactive technologies is to create a unified information space educational institution, a system in which all participants in the educational process are involved and connected at the information level: administration, teachers, students and their parents.

    A virtual excursion is an organizational form of educational activity that differs from a real excursion in the virtual display of real-life objects. The advantages are accessibility, the possibility of repeated viewing, clarity, and the presence of interactive tasks.

    A virtual excursion when working with preschoolers allows you to obtain visual information about places that are inaccessible for real visits, saving time and money. The advantages of these excursions are that the teacher himself selects the material he needs, draws up the necessary route, and changes the content according to the goals and interests of the children.

    The search method plays a huge role in activating children’s activities during virtual excursions. Children not only get acquainted with the exhibition materials, but also actively search for information. This is achieved by asking problematic questions before the excursion or receiving certain creative tasks.

    During virtual excursions, the interaction of the teacher with the students changes: his activity gives way to the activity of the student, the adult’s task is to create conditions for their initiative. Pupils act as full participants; their experience is no less important than the experience of an adult; it encourages pupils to independently search and explore.

    1. Multimedia presentations using the program Power Point (“Paintings by Russian artists”, “Folk toys”, “What a builder (dentist, ophthalmologist, cook) needs”, “History of watches”, “Road ABC”, etc.);
    2. Video tours (Excursions “Cosmodrome”, “Underwater World”, “Antarctica”, “Chocolate Factory”, “Where is paper made?”, “How a book, a newspaper is created”, “Is it possible to live in the desert?”, “What’s inside a volcano?” , “Russian Museum”, etc.);
    3. Interactive communication using the program Skype made it possible to expand the possibilities for the development and implementation of a series of activities that help enrich the play activities of older preschoolers in the process of becoming acquainted with professions. Children have the opportunity to take a virtual excursion to workplace their parents (project “I’m at my mom’s (dad’s) work”); introduce children to the life of children of the Far North (project “It’s Great to Live Together!”), form ideas about school (project “Hurray! School!”), etc.
    1. We start by choosing a topic, defining the purpose and objectives of the excursion. Then we select literature and actively conduct preliminary work with parents. Next, based on the received material, we study excursion objects in detail, draw up an excursion route based on the video sequence, determine the technique for conducting a virtual excursion, and prepare a text (commentary) for the excursion. The accompanying commentary can be presented in text form or as an audio recording of the “tour guide”’s voice;
    2. Immersing the child in the plot of organized educational activities by creating motivation through the creation of problematic gaming cognitive situations;
    3. Conducting a virtual tour through computer program Skype or watch a video tour with discussion.
    4. Repeated viewing of video clips according to the wishes and interests of the children;
    5. We end the virtual excursion with a final discussion, during which, together with the children, we summarize, systematize what we saw and heard, and share our impressions. Conducting a virtual excursion can be carried out in a group or individual activity, the main thing is that the information satisfies the cognitive interests of children and contributes to the use of the mastered material in the practical activities of children ( role-playing game, visual, modeling, musical, cognitive, research, motor activities).

    Analysis of practical activities allows us to conclude that active use virtual excursions activate cognitive activity and promote the development of mental cognitive processes in children of senior preschool age, overcome the intellectual passivity of children, enrich social experience, and make it possible to use the experience gained in practical activities, which contributes to the growth of children’s achievements and their key competencies.


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