Hanging mole on the labia. If a mole appears on the labia

Mole in intimate place hidden from the eyes of others, only the “mistress” knows about its existence. A mole on the labia stores information about the character, temperament and predispositions of its owner. The sizes of the formation are different. For one woman it is small, while for another it is quite large, which means it needs increased attention.

Nevi on the labia in women are not a cause for alarm, but some of them can cause discomfort.

Why they appear: reasons

Women's bodies often present surprises. Certain processes occurring in it can provoke the formation of moles, including intimate ones. There are several reasons that influence the appearance of nevi. Intimate moles in women they do not form for no reason. There are several factors that provoke the appearance:

  1. Heredity. Information about future formations is formed during the period of fetal development.
  2. Violations hormonal balance. Change hormonal levels during pregnancy, in adolescence or, as a result, taking hormonal drugs.
  3. Ultraviolet. Unprotected exposure to the sun or solarium promotes increased pigment formation.
  4. The formation of pigment formations is also affected by diseases of the stomach, liver and pancreas.

Classification of moles on the labia

Intimate pigmentation can be congenital or acquired. They different shapes and size: from a small dot to a large spot. The first pigment formations appear in childhood. Their color ranges from light to dark (this is influenced by the depth of placement of pigment cells). A classification of nevi has been developed according to the depth of the pigment in the layers of the skin.

This division into types is relative, but during the initial examination by a doctor it helps to establish the direction of diagnostic measures.

Hanging moles

Hanging nevi the labia are most prone to accidental injury.

Small convex formations on the genitals (from 1 mm), from light pink to flesh-colored, are called hanging moles or papillomas. Quite often, a hanging mole in an intimate place quickly grows and looks like a cauliflower. Hanging moles don't call serious illnesses, but specific appearance becomes cause of lung injury. This type of education requires constant monitoring and subsequent treatment. The appearance of hanging formations can be influenced by a number of reasons:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • papilloma virus;
  • abortions;
  • avitaminosis;
  • stressful situations.

Dark spots

A birthmark on the labia can be inherited or acquired. Moles on the labia majora can be small (less than 10 mm), large (more than 10 mm), even or protruding. Dark spots do not harm the health and life of a woman, but she must independently monitor them. The most minor changes - growth, peeling, change of color - should be reported to your doctor.

Black mole

Quite a rare case that requires special control. They do not harm a woman’s health, but it is important to monitor possible changes. The shape of the new growth is correct and evenly colored. If a black mole appeared in childhood, it may grow and darken with age. There are three types of nevi with dark pigmentation. Characteristics and division into types are described in the table.

A smooth, unchanging mole on the labia does not pose a health threat.

Every person has moles. Many of them appear immediately after birth and are not dangerous. However, the formation of moles in intimate places can cause concern, so the question of their removal is relevant.

When should you see a doctor?

Moles on the labia or penis healthy person They are small in size and almost invisible. But bulging formations can cause concern, as well as cause inconvenience and even painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

The size of moles and their color may vary. Sometimes they are small, but they can also grow into birthmarks. There are black, brown, red moles, as well as flat and convex.

Need to know. Malignant tumors are called melanomas. On initial stages They can easily be confused with ordinary moles, but they have their own distinctive features.

It is imperative to consult a doctor if an existing mole in the intimate area:

  1. Increases in size.
  2. It has jagged edges, asymmetrical shape.
  3. It takes on a bright red or almost black color.
  4. Causes pain during sexual intercourse.
  5. It causes inconvenience and there is a risk of damage.
  6. It bleeds, peels, itches, and cracks appear.
  7. A red rim appeared around the mole.
  8. It measures more than 6 mm.

Important. Melanoma is malignant neoplasm. Removing it using the methods suggested in the article is not recommended. To treat melanoma, you need to see an oncologist.

Modern medicine has developed ways to remove almost any mole. Nevertheless, It is worth consulting with a doctor in advance, getting tested for tumor markers, and also doing a biopsy of the tumor to determine whether it is benign or malignant.

Methods for removing moles in intimate places

Important. Under no circumstances should you try to remove moles and melanomas from intimate areas. traditional methods using compresses and herbal decoctions. This can lead to complications.

  • The oldest method of removing moles is surgical excision. Using incisions, an area of ​​tissue with an accumulation of melanin is removed, after which the edges are sutured. This method is currently rarely used, as it leaves scars and may be unsafe for malignant tumors. In addition, the thought of genital incisions frightens patients.

  • Radiotherapy is another effective method removal of moles. It is the least traumatic, does not cause complications and does not leave scars on the skin. Doctors recommend this method of getting rid of unwanted moles most often.
  • Convex large moles are removed liquid nitrogen, which burns them out. After this method, small scars remain, and the healing period can reach three months. It is used only in cases where the use of radio waves or lasers is impossible.
  • Modern doctors often resort to laser therapy. With the help of these rays you can get rid of many problems, while the laser does not leave scars after removing moles on intimate places.

Remember. The presence of moles in intimate places does not necessarily indicate a threat of skin cancer. It is important to monitor the condition of your skin, and if suspicious symptoms occur, consult a doctor promptly.

Skin care after mole removal

Although removing moles in intimate places is not a serious medical intervention, after the procedure you should follow some rules:

  1. You will have to avoid sexual intercourse for at least 2 weeks, as there is a risk of bleeding.
  2. Under no circumstances should the crust at the site of the removed mole be torn off, nor should it be wetted or lubricated with cream, iodine, or brilliant green. Only those drugs prescribed by the doctor are used.
  3. You are not allowed to visit the pool, sauna or sunbathe.
  4. You should only wear loose underwear and clothing to avoid chafing the mole removal site. Fabrics must be natural.

Doctor's advice. A mole should definitely be removed if it causes inconvenience or there is a risk of damaging it.


Removing a mole is quite simple - this procedure has no serious contraindications. However, some people should avoid mole removal.

Important. In no case should you remove a mole in an intimate place, which has a tendency to degenerate into malignant.

Contraindications are also:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Diseases in the acute stage, including bacterial infections.
  3. Availability mechanical damage skin at the location of the mole.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases.

It is important to consult a doctor and take necessary tests and use the services of only trusted specialists.

It is hidden from prying eyes. Only the owner herself, the attending physician and the most know about the presence of such a mole. close person. Such a mole cannot be ignored, because it carries a lot of information about a person, his character and predispositions. The topic of this article is a mole on the labia, the meaning of moles on the labia.

Mole on the labia on the left

If the mole is on the left labia, then such a woman stands out for her charm, gifted to her by nature itself. She is well aware of her secret weapon and skillfully uses it for her own purposes. Thanks to her attractiveness and natural charm, there are many who want to win the heart of a beauty. A woman with a mole on her labia has everything in life - the patronage of high-ranking officials, money and entertainment. But, unfortunately, she is in very poor health, and her rare and touching beauty quickly fades. At the time of her youth and unfading beauty, a woman needs to make reliable friends and earn a good reputation. If she does not have time to do this, then she risks remaining completely alone in old age.

Mole on the labia on the right

If the mole is located on the right labia, then this indicates a not very smart woman. But in the absence of intelligence, she is overly emotional, sometimes unbearably capricious, and never restrains her expressions in front of anyone. Despite this, there is something about her that attracts men to her like a magnet. Men will adore such a woman, and her husband will be a good, perhaps even rich, man. The well-being of the owner of a mole on the right labia will depend entirely on family support. In the life of such a woman there will be everything - ups and downs, numerous disappointments and difficulties. But she will be able to survive all this and adequately cope with the tricks presented to her by fate. If a woman with a mole on the left labia has very fragile health, then a mole on the right, on the contrary, indicates excellent health. Such a woman knows how to enjoy life, appreciating all its charms.

It is also known that women with a mole on the labia give birth to very beautiful and intelligent children, among whom there are real geniuses.

Even in ancient times, moles on a person’s body were used to predict his fate and guess his character. Moles in the perineal area are hidden from prying eyes. Only the owner of this sign, doctors and closest people know about them. Although they are hidden, they still greatly influence a person’s fate. Sometimes birthmarks can carry a karmic load.

The meaning of moles on the labia

A mole on the labia gives its owner a lot of worries and troubles. Such women are very sensitive, especially in the genital area. Some may offer their men unconventional sex, which will surprise and maybe even shock their loved one. Women with a mole on the labia cannot imagine life without male attention and affection. When there is no permanent partner nearby, the woman suffers and yearns, loses the meaning in life. The owner of a mole on the labia strives for emancipation, but at the same time she is terrified that a man will see her birthmark, so he hides it in every possible way.

When it comes to intimacy, such a woman takes the initiative, sometimes harshly and rudely telling her partner what to do and how. Sometimes he can go to extremes and engage in masochism and sadism. For a man, such a turn of events is unexpected, maybe even stunning, because in life such a woman looks shy and meek, although she cannot lose her pride.

It is also worth noting that children born of a woman with a mole on the labia will be incredibly beautiful and smart, and with the right approach to their training they can become real geniuses.

There are no people in the world who are perfectly similar to each other, even twins differ in some way from each other, and even more so people with the same location of moles. It is moles that once again emphasize our individuality and uniqueness. These signs are given to us by nature from birth. Some of them carry bad value, in most cases these are karmic marks; we earn such punishment in past lives, or it is passed on to us by inheritance. But most moles are signs that bring happiness and good luck to their owner, as if he were marked by God himself.

If a person decides to remove a mole on the labia, then he needs to think carefully before doing it, because the result can be unpredictable. There is no need to contact various palmists and fortune tellers in order to get advice about a mole. Each of us has great intuition, and it is this that will help us make the right choice.

Many people have intimate moles, but how safe are they? Let's consider what types of nevi there are, the reasons for their appearance, signs of malignancy and treatment methods.

Every person has moles on their body. For some they are small and barely noticeable, so they do not cause problems, while for others they are large and require special care. A mole on the labia, at first glance, is a highlight of a woman, but it can cause many problems and inconveniences. Such education does not always look aesthetically pleasing, but the most dangerous thing is that it can degenerate into malignant tumor. All nevi must be monitored so as not to miss this process.

Birthmarks are an excess accumulation of melanin, which is responsible for color. skin. They can be different sizes and flowers: from small spots to large dark tubercles. Nevi can be congenital or acquired, which in turn are divided into benign and malignant. Their size depends on the depth at which the base is located. Benign: flat or slightly convex. Pigment formations on the genitals most often have a normal structure. But if their size has increased, their shape or color has changed, then you should immediately contact a dermatologist.