Is dog breeding profitable as a business? Dog breeding as a business: where to start Breeding purebred dogs business plan

Dog breeding is a business idea that many people find attractive because purebred dogs They are expensive, and many people dream of becoming their owners. If you approach the organization of this type of activity wisely, having studied the experience of successful dog breeders and compiled a complete one, then it is quite possible to get a good profit and pleasure from your business.

The prospects of a “dog business”

Today you can often meet a person on the street walking with a purebred dog: large breeds often chosen for reliable protection of the home, miniature ones for the soul. These animals also perform many useful functions: dogs of certain breeds act as guides for blind people, participate in search and search operations, and accompany hunters.

Therefore, at first glance, it seems that a dog breeding business will definitely be profitable. But doing this type of activity at home is classified as risky. This is due to the variability of demand, changes in prices for individual breeds, the ability of dogs to reproduce, and the high risk of developing dangerous diseases in an animal.

To count on the prospects of a business, you first need to study the market supply and demand for a particular breed in certain regions of the country. When approaching supply assessment, it is necessary to evaluate the resources of both large nurseries and private breeders. If everything is calculated correctly and pets are provided with the necessary conditions for life and reproduction, then business can be considered as a promising activity.

The peculiarity of this type of business is that the person involved in it must be determined not only to make a profit: first of all, he must love his pets and create the best conditions for them.

The most popular dog breeds for sale

It is impossible to immediately say which breed of dog will be the most profitable for breeding. Much depends on the buyer’s preferences, which change very often, competition, and the prevalence of a certain breed in the region.

When choosing a breed, you should not opt ​​for rare breed: Despite the exclusivity of such dogs, it will not be possible to make enough profit. This is due to the need to invest large quantity finances, difficulty in caring for and finding clients.

IN last years The most popular dog breeds remain:

  • Siberian Husky. These dogs not only have a unique appearance, but also their own history: researchers claim that huskies are one of the most ancient breeds, and their genes are most similar to the genotype of wild wolves. The most popular dogs are those with white (the rarest) coat color. These animals are very friendly and welcoming. They are able to get along with other pets that grow up in the family. They rarely bark, so they are not suitable as home guards. A husky puppy without a pedigree costs about 7,000 rubles, with a pedigree - from 20,000 rubles.
  • German Shepherd. German Shepherds belong to the service group: they have a strong body, medium body size and have good intuition. They can withstand prolonged physical activity. German Shepherds do not show unreasonable aggression towards other animals and people. Dogs of this breed are highly intelligent and highly trainable. It is recommended to start training German puppies at the age of 2 months. The cost of a puppy with a pedigree starts from 15,000 rubles.
  • Labrador. Dogs of this breed have a strong, muscular body: the neck and chest are powerful and large, the paws are strong but compact. They are endowed with high intelligence. According to statistics, 80% of guide dogs belong to the Labrador breed. They have a balanced character, are loyal to children, and get along well with other pets. Labradors are very energetic and active. The cost of a puppy with a confirmed pedigree is about 30,000 rubles. You can buy a Labrador without documents for about 10,000-15,000 rubles.
  • Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai). They are excellent guards and hunters. Alabais have a massive build and voluminous muscles. Their rib cage well developed skin dense and elastic. Central Asian Shepherds are strong, resilient, and high level intelligence. They feel a constant need for physical activity. An Alabai puppy without a pedigree can be purchased for 3,000-5,000 rubles, but if there are documents confirming its origin, the price will be 10,000-15,000 rubles. If the puppy was born to titled parents, then you can purchase it for 20,000 rubles or more.
  • Pug. Not everyone prefers large dog breeds: many people love funny pugs. Representatives of this breed have a small body weight: it varies from 4 to 8 kg. They are sociable and friendly, always in need of attention. Pugs are not too whimsical, but there are some peculiarities in caring for them. Thus, pugs often suffer from corneal erosion, so their eyes require special attention. The cost of a puppy is from 10,000 rubles. Show-class pets with titled parents will cost about 25,000 rubles.

Before choosing a specific breed for breeding, you need to study supply and demand.

Legal registration of business

If you are going to make money from breeding dogs, you don’t have to register as a . You can enter information about your income in your tax return and make deductions in the amount of 13% of the specified amount.

If a businessman plans to open a nursery, then he will need to obtain:

  • pedigree for dogs;
  • certificate of registration of breeding farm;
  • a lease or ownership agreement for the territory, which will be sufficient for the arrangement of enclosures.

The breeder will also be required to provide a document confirming his specialized education.

Currently the demand for " four-legged friends" is rapidly increasing. Some people like small dogs, while others need service or guard dogs. All of them are ready to become true friends for their owners, which the latter really appreciate. In the old days, breeders were mostly people who really love these animals, but today dog ​​breeding attracts potential profit.

This type of business is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Like any other, it requires an investment of money, time and labor. Before placing a bet on this type of activity, it is worth considering all the nuances.

What you need to know about breeding?

To start a business, you need to assess the upcoming costs, because it is not enough just to be the owner of a purebred dog. She needs proper nutrition, toys, veterinary care, including vaccinations.

If you are ready to invest the money necessary for all this and wait patiently for your profit, you can begin the next stage of planning.

The most popular dog breeds currently:

  • One of the leading positions in this list is occupied by playful Yorkshire terriers. They have earned special recognition from the fair sex. The cost of an animal of this breed is quite high (can reach $1 thousand);
  • Kind, playful Labradors are quite popular. They are very loyal to their owners, and can become nannies for children. The cost of a puppy is approximately $400-500;
  • Despite conflicting opinions about Rottweilers, today many people choose to breed this breed of dog as a business. This is due to the fact that the demand for them is quite high. Puppies cost about $500;
  • Reliable watchmen, security guards and true friends German Shepherds become. They are easy to train, and their cost can range from $400 to $1 thousand;
  • Gallant and aristocratic bulldogs also do not lose their attractiveness for breeders and potential owners. They are calm and " mutual language“Children and people who have virtually no knowledge of animals work well with them.

Dog breeds such as pug, dachshund, Pekingese, chihuahua, husky, cocker spaniel, chow chow, boxer, and sharpei are also in demand.

What should a dog be like?

There are a number of criteria that dogs must meet:

  • They should be easy to train;
  • Animals with a kind, flexible character are valued;
  • It’s very good if “ four-legged companions» not picky about food, consume it in small quantities;
  • The pet must easily adapt to different conditions life and not have a tendency to frequent illnesses.

Of course, many of those who have decided to start breeding dogs and are wondering where to start may doubt the success of the enterprise from such a list. In fact, these criteria are quite feasible for purebred dogs, whose pedigree is replete with titled champions.

The fact is that the listed qualities are passed down from generation to generation and are embedded almost at the genetic level. Of course, there are exceptions. In addition, a lot depends on the personality of the breeder, because an evil temper can ruin the character of even the most ideal dog.

Remember that your business will be profitable only if you are able to maintain the purity of the chosen breed during breeding, so carefully approach the issue of a mate for your pet.

Your occupation involves breeding dogs, in which the breed should only improve. Study the pet's pedigree, inquire about health (mental and physical), find out whether the animal had offspring and what quality they were.

In order for your activities to be honest, and for the baby animals to have a confirmed pedigree, you must obtain permission to breed them.

When purchasing a puppy, be sure to check with the breeder whether he is capable of producing high-quality offspring in the future. Usually they themselves report that this or that dog is not suitable for this “role”. In this case, you are unlikely to be able to obtain permission.

Being the owner of a purebred, healthy animal, you need to contact the main canine organization in your country (for example, for Russia this is the RKF). There they will give you a pedigree, in return for which you will give the puppy's birth certificate. This must be done before he reaches 15 months of age.

Next, you need to register your pet for any of the exhibitions held by clubs, providing a copy of your passport, veterinary passport and pedigree of the animal. There he will be examined by an expert, whose conclusion you must submit to the canine association in order to obtain permission to breed healthy, purebred dogs.

Breeding methods

There are two main methods:

  • Purebred. It is used to produce purebred offspring;
  • Interbreed. The purpose of creating such offspring is to breed crossbreeds, new breeds with new qualities and characteristics.

When selecting animals, take into account:

  • Hunting or service characteristics;
  • Offspring;
  • Exterior;
  • Origin.

The age of the dogs is also important. When breeding official and hunting dogs their age is divided into three groups.

For the former, the younger group includes animals 10 months old. – 1.5 years, in middle school – 1.5 years – 2.5 years, in high school – 2.5 years – 10 years. For the second: junior group– 10 months – 1.5 years, middle – 1.5 years – 3.5 years, senior – 3.5 years – 9 years.

The production of offspring occurs in several stages.


Regardless of what methods of dog breeding are used, the selection of pairs is carried out after a general selection of potential sires. Animals are paired taking into account their breed, age, and quality characteristics. Cables play a significant role - for purebred breeding, its quality must be better quality bitches.

During selection, the pedigree and health status of the animals are studied, after which the next stage begins.


It starts about a month before the female dog goes into heat. IN this period needs to be given Special attention health, animal nutrition, monitor physical activity– it should be sufficient, but not excessive.

For many novice future breeders, it comes as a surprise that the pets must “get to know each other” before mating, so that the process itself occurs without complications. To do this, it is recommended to take walks together. However, professional breeders do without this.

Mating usually occurs on days 11-13 from the start of estrus. Re-mating must be done a day later. It is not recommended to breed a bitch more than once a year.

Whelping, childbirth

Pregnancy in a female dog lasts 58-65 days. In the second half, the pet becomes calm, tries not to make sudden movements, eats and sleeps more.

During the first half of whelping, the animal can be handled as usual, but not allowed to become overtired. In the second half, she needs to be excommunicated from work and training. It is important to take the bitch for walks so that she does not gain weight and breathes air.

Childbirth can last from a quarter of an hour to several hours, less often - up to a day, and is carried out at home. If they drag on, veterinarian intervention is necessary.

Remember, you cannot touch puppies with your hands during the first 24 hours.

In order for any business to be crowned with success, it needs to be done not just “for show.” You need to give it your whole soul, only in this case business, according to the assurances of the most successful entrepreneurs, will become not just a way to make money, but will also help you get true pleasure from what you have decided to devote your life to. One of the clearest proofs of this statement is the breeding of dogs at home. Today this business is developing quite rapidly and is gaining momentum not only due to its high profitability. One of the main advantages of this method of earning money is the opportunity for dog lovers to finally start receiving considerable profits from their favorite business, to which many of them devote most of their time.

Dog breeding is not new. However, if previously only professional dog breeders who were passionate about their business were engaged in this, now, inspired by the high profitability of such a business, novice amateur breeders have rushed into the business.

Choosing a breed for breeding

In order to draw up a business plan, arrange premises for keeping and breeding dogs, acquire the equipment and household items necessary for their livelihood, you need to decide which breed will develop the dog business.

From the initial data that the future breeder has, such as:

  • area of ​​premises for keeping and walking animals;
  • start-up capital;
  • market segment - potential consumer;

The choice of breed for breeding depends.

There are a number of indicators, the totality of which makes the dog breed the most profitable for the breeder and the most in demand for a potential buyer:

  • consumption of “simple” food in small quantities;
  • good character and a good relationship with kids;
  • simple training;
  • resistance to adverse weather conditions and diseases;
  • rapid reproduction;
  • high cost of puppies.

By putting these criteria together, you can create a kind of rating of the most popular and profitable breeds for breeding in Russia and the CIS countries:

  1. The first place was shared between two breeds - indoor dogs dachshund and pug. Their popularity is explained by their “compact” size, kind, cheerful disposition and desire for constant play with the owner and his children. It is precisely because of their high activity that they need frequent walks, which should not be forgotten if the choice fell on one of these breeds. The price of a purebred dachshund puppy ranges from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles. A pug puppy costs about 20,000 - 25,000 rubles.

    On the left is a pug, on the right is a dachshund

  2. The second place in the hit parade is occupied by venerable German Shepherds. This breed is rightfully considered the most highly developed intellectually. Dogs are easy to train; they are used to protect homes, for intelligence services, and simply as loyal and reliable friends. A purebred “German” puppy costs from 15,000 rubles.

    German Shepherd

  3. The beloved Labradors are no less popular both in Russia and abroad, since they managed to take third place in the ranking of the most popular breeds. The inherent ability of only these dogs - to be a guide dog - makes them unique in their kind. For a purebred Labrador puppy, the buyer is ready to pay from 20,000 rubles.


  4. In fourth place were two Englishmen - a bulldog and a cocker spaniel. Usually these breeds go to families with small children, because they get along well with each other. Small in size, they are easy to maintain in city apartments. Such puppies are expensive for new owners - from 20,000 rubles.

    English cocker spaniel

  5. “Pocket dogs” - they are distinguished by their miniature size, which is why they are loved by the female sex, because the dog easily fits in a lady’s purse and can accompany its owner everywhere, touching with its appearance everyone who meets on her way. Spitz dogs, Pekingese dogs, Yorkshire terriers and Chihuahuas are all “in trend” today. It wouldn’t be a shame to pay up to 30,000 rubles for such a puppy.


  6. The breed that closes the list appears on a separate line. Husky is a very active dog, it requires constant attention; breeding it in an apartment is unacceptable. Here you only need a country house, with a place for permanent walking. The cost of a husky puppy is from 15,000 rubles.

Dog breeding business plan


Deciding on a breed is just the first step in starting dog breeding as a business. The next important stage preceding the start of any business is the preparation of documentation. If you decide to run a highly profitable business, and this is only possible when breeding purebred dogs, then they will need a pedigree, because it is the pedigree that the client will first look at when contacting the kennel.

The permitting documentation for this type of activity is the Breeding Permit Certificate. It is issued by the RKF - Russian Cynological Federation. To receive such a certificate, the future breeder will have to confirm his specialized education and provide the Federation with a document that confirms the ownership or lease of a premises (kennel) suitable for breeding dogs.


The breed for breeding has been chosen and now the breeder is faced with the question of where the dogs will live. After all, the premises and the surrounding area for breeding animals must be selected taking into account all their needs and requirements - maintenance and walking. With that in mind maximum amount individuals that are likely to be housed there at the same time. When choosing a breeding site, it is worth considering that as the business expands, there will be a need to build additional structures for keeping dogs. Therefore, it is more rational to breed purebred dogs as a business in the private sector, and ideally outside the city limits, where the animals have somewhere to “spread out” when walking. After all, when running such a business in a high-rise apartment, one cannot avoid complaints from neighbors about noise and the perceived danger from a large crowd of even small dogs.

Conclusion: for conducting such a business, a country individual house or specially equipped outbuildings (not cages!) are most suitable. The enclosures must be of sufficient area so that the dogs do not feel cramped in them, and the kennel area must have a fence, and the base of the fence must be concrete, because dogs like to dig. It is better to provide a separate quarantine enclosure for newcomers, a “maternity hospital” for the birth of puppies, and a kind of isolation ward for those who suddenly fall ill.

What dogs and how many should I buy?

There is no need to save money on purchasing dogs. This is the main investment in business development. It is they who will bring considerable income to the business in the future. The number of females should exceed the number of males several times. So, if resources allow - area, working capital for feeding, vaccinations and other ongoing maintenance costs, if you purchase one male, then there should be three females, and then the number of individuals should be increased proportionally. On average, one bitch produces 3-4 puppies per litter and whelps once a year, so it is cost-effective to keep at least four bitches. It is important that the first dogs have a good pedigree, then the business will bring maximum profit, it is important not to skimp here, these investments will pay off with the first litter.


If a future breeder thinks that he can do this kind of activity on his own, he is very mistaken. The minimum number of employees here is two. One must keep the bitches under control, the other the males. Plus you will have to establish contact with a nearby veterinary clinic, so that, if necessary, by call, or for preventive examinations and qualified for vaccinations veterinarian could help pets.


A constant consumable component in raising parents and healthy canine offspring is food, drink and a set of minerals and vitamins. Vaccinations, the calendar of which will be drawn up by a veterinarian, will help prevent diseases. Specialized shampoos and sprays will make the coat silky and smooth. Dogs must have muzzles and leashes for walking outside the kennel.

How to sell puppies for more money?

Regular participation in exhibitions, in which puppies from 3 months of age are allowed to participate and based on the results of which qualification certificates are issued, becomes the basis for many buyers to buy not just a puppy with a pedigree, but also a participant, and sometimes a winner of the exhibition. This means that you don’t mind paying a much higher price for it than for a similar one, but without such “quality marks”! Of course, the puppies’ pedigree should also be in order, just like their parents.

Be sure to make a room where you can display all the dogs’ achievements on the walls - diplomas, cups, awards, medals, certificates and just beautiful pictures on the walls and there to accept potential buyers. This will have a positive impact on the image of the nursery and its reputation.

The most difficult thing is to answer main question: How much can you earn from breeding dogs? This type of entrepreneurship can hardly be called extremely profitable in a small business. It often happens that the income received from the sale of puppies only compensates for the costs of food, vaccinations and maintenance of dogs. Also, due to the fact that all its profitability directly depends on the livelihoods of animals, it is exposed to great risks. Such as genetic diseases animals, epidemics, etc. But whoever decides to take up this business, after quite a long time, will be able not only to make a profit, but also to enjoy what he loves, because only true lovers of these shaggy friends of man take on this.

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Many people will probably be interested in how profitable dog breeding is as a business. Indeed, animal lovers could not only engage in a hobby, but also benefit from it.

First, you should take a closer look at the specifics of the business and weigh the pros and cons.

So, what will dog breeding as a business look like in practice?

Features of the activity

In this business, it is important to choose the right dog breed; it must be in demand. The choice today is quite large, so you need to think carefully about it.

When choosing, you need to rely on the characteristics of keeping it at home, for example, the owner of a private house can breed large breeds.

But the demand for them among city residents will be low, because keeping German Shepherd hardly anyone will want to.

Residents of apartment buildings prefer decorative animals, for example, Yorkshire Terrier or Pekingese.

It is also worth immediately taking into account that simple love for animals, in particular dogs, will not be enough to successfully run a business.

Pedigree breeding of dogs involves not only crossing females with males and producing a litter for further sale; the breeder’s task is to consolidate and improve the characteristics characteristic of the breed.

Usually livestock specialists have such knowledge, but it is also possible to independently study the breed at the genetic level; for this you need to read a lot of literature.

Breed selection

Breeding purebred dogs begins with choosing a breed.

What options can you consider:

  1. Husky is an excellent option that will be in demand among residents of country houses. The cost of a puppy is 15,000 rubles.
  2. Labrador is an animal that is distinguished by loyalty, good nature and endurance; the cost of one individual is from 15,000 rubles.
  3. The German Shepherd is attractive to residents of private houses; it is well suited as a watchman and is easy to train; the cost of a puppy is more than 15,000 rubles.
  4. Cocker spaniels are animals that can be kept in an apartment; the cost of a puppy is more than 20,000 rubles.
  5. The American Spitz is an intelligent, medium-sized animal that gets along well with people and learns quickly. The cost of a puppy reaches 35,000 rubles.

As you can see, prices for purebred dog puppies are quite high, which means that the business has excellent prospects; all that remains is to determine where to start the business.

Selection of territory and content

If an entrepreneur plans to raise animals at home, then the choice of breed depends on the existing conditions.

The owner of a private house has more opportunities; there you can fence off a small area to make it more convenient to walk the animals.

You can keep small breeds in a city apartment.

If you do business on a large scale, you can build a nursery, but this undertaking will be very expensive.

Dogs require regular proper feeding, walking and, most importantly, high-quality veterinary care, as well as care, that is, washing and combing.

We must not forget that documents must be drawn up for each individual. By the way, puppies with a pedigree are much more expensive.


Key questions for a businessman: is it profitable to engage in an activity and what income will it generate?

If we take, for example, the cost of one puppy, it is equal to 15,000 rubles, the revenue per year will be 75,000 rubles, because one female produces an average of 5 individuals per litter.

From this amount, you should subtract the cost of one individual, which consists of feeding and veterinary care - a little less than 15 thousand rubles.

Consequently, the net profit from selling puppies will be quite small, although this activity requires a lot of time and effort.

But many breeders are not afraid of small revenues; they manage to make their business more profitable.

There are several ways to reduce costs and maximize income:

  1. You should choose small animals; feeding them is less expensive.
  2. Small breeds take up less space.
  3. You should also choose breeds that are more resistant to diseases to save on veterinary fees.
  4. You should choose a female that will bear a litter based on her pedigree; the cost of her offspring can be several times higher.

Dog breeding as a business can hardly be called economically profitable.

It will be difficult for a beginner to achieve great success in this business; businessmen who are trained as a dog handler succeed especially well.

Advantage of this business is that it does not require too much capital investment if you start from home.

To open a nursery, you need to collect documents and choose the right place for its organization.

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