Yarilo - God of the spring sun, youthful strength, passion. Yarilo - god of the spring sun

Yarilo(Yarovit, Ardent Whirlwind, Ardent God, Wolf Shepherd) - Slavic God of the Spring Sun, revered by the Slavs as the God of Fertility and passion, a skilled warrior and the first farmer. Yarilo is revered as the Wolf Shepherd. The shepherds turn to God Yarilo with requests to protect livestock from wild animals. Farmers turn to Yarilo during the festival of the first furrow. Warriors also honor him. We can say that the Slavic God of the Spring Sun is revered by everyone.

Along with Yarilo comes the revival of earthly life, the awakening of feelings, and an influx of strength. It is Yarilo who brings Lelya, the Goddess of Spring, to the people on the day of the vernal equinox.

Yarilo is the God of the Spring Sun, the son of Veles, the God of the Three Worlds, and Diva-Dodola, the Goddess of Heavenly Moisture. Slavic myths say that the God of young passion was born precisely from unexpected strong feelings. Veles once liked the beautiful Diva Dodola, but the wayward Goddess preferred Perun the Thunderer to him. Then Veles turned into a magic lily of the valley, which the Goddess Diva Dodola saw and could not resist smelling the magic flower. This is how the young God of the Spring Sun appeared.

From his father Veles, Yarilo adopted masculine strength and werewolf abilities. Therefore, Yarilo became the patron saint of wolves, the Wolf Shepherd. From his mother Diva Dodola, he adopted his attractiveness and lively character, which is why Yarilo is revered as the God of Passion.

Legends and myths about the Slavic God Yarilo

Many myths and legends have been preserved about the Slavic God of the Spring Sun, Yarilo. In many tales, Yarilo is described as an assistant to lovers or as the patron of Wolves and other wild animals. Most famous myth o Yarilo is associated with him as with the God of Fertility.

According to this myth, the Slavs did not always cultivate the land and grow bread. For a long time the ability to grow rye, make flour and bake bread from it. For the first time, God Yarilo tried wonderful cakes in an overseas country, and later he learned to make them himself. The people with whom Yarilo was visiting taught him how to make bread, and the God of the Spring Sun brought this knowledge to the Slavs. First, Yarilo gave the Gods a taste of the bread, and then everyone decided together how to teach people to sow grain. The Slavs considered the body of the Mother of the Raw Earth inviolable and would not agree to cause her pain. But the Earth Goddess herself agreed that her son Mikula Selyanovich make the first furrow, and Yarilo sow the first grains. Since then, Yarilo has been revered as the God of Fertility.

Zelen Yarilo came to us -

Ardent God on a green horse,

Green like grass

Dewy like dew.

Brought grain of grain

And good news from the Sun!

Amulet - symbol of God Yarilo

The amulet of the Slavic God Yarilo is called Yarovik. This is a swastastic, solar, four-ray symbol. The sign looks like an oblique cross ending in four crescent-shaped rays. The Yarovik symbol was previously not only worn as personal amulet, but they drew it on grain barns and on the gates of the yard where there are livestock. So Yarilo was asked to protect grain and livestock from wild animals that obey this Slavic God.

As a personal amulet, the symbol of God Yarilo worn for confidence, courage, receiving vitality, vigor, for joy and happiness, for the birth of new love.

Attributes of God Yarilo

Animal- wolf, hare.

Heraldry, objects- ear, wreath, branch with young leaves.

Treba (offering)- pancakes, grain, porridge, pies, eggs, honey.

Yarilo - Patron God

Yarilo can become a patron god for those who are similar in character to him. These are people sociable, emotional, charming. They love to say kind, pleasant things to others, they know how to lift their spirits and cheer them up. Those who are close to God Yarilo are always ready to help those who are in trouble: they can give good advice or find a way out. difficult situation. People similar in character to Yarilo are bright, creative, but quickly cool down, begin to get bored and are looking for a new business or a new lover.

In the character of those for whom Yarilo can become a patron, there are such quality:

  • optimism;
  • goodwill;
  • sociability;
  • emotionality;
  • mood addiction;
  • dislike of order and schedule.

Yarilo in the northern tradition of fortune telling and magic

The Slavic Rez of God Yarilo depicts a sign Yarovik.

Reza number – 25.

Reza Yarilo falls out, when “spring” comes in a person’s life - a time of bright feelings, emotions, enjoyment of life in its earthly, obvious manifestation. This is the time when you should put aside calculations and trust your feelings, not be afraid to live boldly and open up to people. However, at the same time, sometimes unpleasant things are revealed that a person had not noticed before and did not find the strength to face.

Read more about the meaning of Reza God Yarilo in fortune telling in the article Reza Rod Yarilo

Holidays where Yarilo, God of the Slavs, is honored

Several holidays are dedicated to the Slavic God Yarilo:

March 20-21 (date varies from year to year)– Spring Solstice, Yarilo brings Lelya-Spring into the world of Reveal.

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Yarilo-Sun (Yarila)- The Most Serene Heavenly God-Patron of Earthly Life. Yarila is the patron saint of all Bright, Pure, Kind, Heartfelt Thoughts and Thoughts of people. Yarilo is one of the incarnations of Dazhdbog.

Yarilo- the keeper of Good and Pure Hearts and our daylight Sun, which gives everyone living on Midgard-Earth warming warmth, love and full life. The image of Yarila the Sun is often depicted in everyday life in the form of various swastika symbols and horses.

Yarilo- God of the sun, childbirth, fertility and rage. Fury - in the very in a high sense. Without YAR - Strength - you cannot conceive a child. Therefore, when conceiving a child, they also turn to Yarila and Dazhdbog.

Yarilo, Yarovit and Ruevit- these are different hypostases of one deity of fertility ("yar", "spring"), the ardent god of awakening matter ("rage"), strength and youth ("yarka" - a young strong sheep) and the spring light ("bright") (East. slav. Yarilo; zap.slav. Yarovit, zap.slav. Jaromir according to the unrecognized "Kraledvor Manuscript"). The god of war Yarovit, whose temple was in Volegast (Volegoshche), is functionally similar to the violent, zealous Tur of the Eastern Slavs, Mars of the Romans according to eyewitnesses, Ares of the Greeks, Tyr of the Scandinavians.

It is possible that Yarovit and Ruevit - Ardent and Zealous - are two names of a single deity among the Western Slavs. Rugevit or Ruevit - among the Rugs-Ruyans, the seven-faced god of war, the idol stood in the city of Karenze (Kornitsa) on Rugen. Saxo writes: “(The city) is famous for the temples of three glorious temples. The main temple was located in the middle of the front part of the temple, which, like the temple, having no walls, was covered with purple fabric, so that the roof lay on the same columns. When both covers were torn off , then the oak idol of Ruevit opened up hideously from all sides.”

The idol of Ruevit was destroyed by Bishop Absalon in 1168. He had eight swords and seven heads and was of gigantic stature. Four heads were male and two female, the seventh animal was on the chest. Is it just the attributes that say that these are different gods in the understanding of the Rugs and the Stetins. The symbol of Yarovit was a huge shield, most likely personifying the sun, since holidays in honor of it were held before the beginning of summer (like Yarila, calling on fertility to the fields).

It is very typical that Yarilo participates in Belarusian holidays either in the form of Yara-Yarilikha or in the form of a man with a huge phallus. Meanwhile, the root “yar” is present in such specifically “feminine” words: spring sheep - bright, yoke, spring wheat, spring bread, but the use given root in the feminine gender: rage, milkmaid, yar, yarina (sheep's wool), yara (spring).

We consider Yarila as a dying and resurrected son or the reality of Veles, who appears as Frost in winter, and in spring as Yarila. His day is Tuesday. Its month is March, named after the god of war - Mars, its metal is iron, stones are amber, ruby, garnet, hematite.

It seems interesting to us that this god had its analogues among a number of peoples. And, although a number of researchers hastily write Yarila into late medieval fiction, this cannot be so since the root “yar” is the oldest common Slavic and even Indo-Aryan root. Let us remember that etymologically and functionally Slavic Yaril correspond, the Roman Eril, who has several lives, like Mars, the god of the ardent power of the revival of nature, the Hittite-Hurrian god of war Yarri, the Akkadian god of war Erra, greek god Ares-Arey wars.

The celebration of Yarila, firstly, falls on March 21, the beginning of the first month of the pagan year, this is due to the fact that “the bestial god lifts Winter on his horns.” Perhaps on the same day the gods who awaken life were honored - Zhiva, Dazhdbog and Svarog. Yarila is also honored on Yuri the Winter - December 9, together with Dazhdbog.

Kiryanova Olga Viktorovna

Specialist in working with amulets and amulets. Expert of the Ancients Slavic symbols. Has extensive experience in selecting individual amulets. He independently charges amulets and provides free consultations to readers of our resource.

Articles written

The talisman with the image of the sun is one of the most strong characters Slavic people. This powerful tool for disclosure internal potential, development of abilities, strengthening of energy. According to pagan beliefs, Yarilo, or the sun god, was the founder of the universe, the most important of the gods.

Yarilo is a powerful Slavic amulet that supports energy flows, develops abilities, and stimulates the desire to create. The amulet acquired its significance back in ancient times, and until now the interpretation of the talisman in the form of the sun has not changed.


The Scythians, the ancient peoples of Africa, had large-scale cults dedicated to the Sun God. All representatives of the ancient worlds worshiped the sun to one degree or another, and the Slavs were no exception. The names of the deity are different, but the meaning is the same. The Egyptian Ra, the Greek Helios, and the Slavic Yarilo stood at the head of the entire divine pantheon.

The Yarilo amulet was considered the most powerful talisman. To get attention higher powers To earn favor, the sun god was depicted in various guises on stones, painted on the walls of houses, and made amulets from metal. The symbol of the sun was a circle, or rather a rotating wheel, with flames. The Sun God is a male amulet that endowed the owner with courage, strength, and made it possible to leave behind a seed. To some extent, Yarilo is also the god of male fertility.

The spiritual meaning of the talisman is preserved; its meaning is associated with internal desires and abilities. Yarilo does not at all push its owner to spontaneous, rash actions, and does not incite war. The Yarilo amulet has the opposite meaning - to pacify anger, achieve inner peace, move on with full confidence in your own strength.

Interesting fact is the discovery of the Black Sun talisman. Ancient attribute belongs to the Aryan tribe. The amulet was worn by noble persons; it was a symbol of wealth and prosperity. The priests had this same attribute, since it opened the gates other world, made it possible to communicate with the dead.

Now the mascot Black Sun is also used in magic for these purposes.


Ancient peoples endowed talismans with different abilities. The Scandinavian amulet attracts good luck, success, and material wealth. The Slavic talisman protects against black magic, witchcraft, dark forces, and demons. The meaning changes if the Yarilo amulet is depicted in human form.

The Slavs often made a solar amulet from threads; it consisted of one large knot. In general, the amulet looks like a wheel with numerous intertwined threads. Yarovite or nodal amulet protects the owner from negative energy effects, helps restore internal balance, and relieves bad thoughts.

The solar knot, like an amulet, is allowed to be worn by women, men, and even children. But in ancient times, the talisman was considered masculine.

The sun amulet changes its meaning depending on the symbolism and the metal from which it is made. A talisman with a strong energy reserve is made of gold. Metal conveys the radiance of rays better than others, emits shine, and is capable of absorbing and releasing energy. Such an amulet is a powerful protector and stimulator of internal potential. The owner of such a talisman is not in danger of loss of strength, creative crisis or hopeless situation.

Even stronger is the talisman with the image of a human form in the center of the circle. By facial expression you can determine what influence an amulet can have on a person’s fate. The smiling sun gives happiness, joy, and satisfaction with life. The sun with its menacing outlines sweeps away everything in its path, destroys, burns, gives the owner determination, and forces him to move forward no matter what.

How to wear

The Yarilo amulet can be worn by absolutely everyone, if it is a wheel made of threads and knots. Such a talisman will protect you from negativity, maintain inner peace, and help attract good luck. You can wear the talisman during the day, but take it off at night. Just as the sun hides behind the horizon. It is advisable to choose a special place for the talisman where to put it every evening.

Metal Slavic amulets with the image of Yarilo are more suitable for people born under the zodiac signs Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. They are decisive, impulsive, with enormous energy potential. But sometimes the energy runs out, a crisis comes, depression, moral dissatisfaction. In this case, the sun amulet will help restore energy balance, restore strength, and show you the right path.

The Yarilo amulet helps children develop their inner potential and creativity. Useful for children who get sick often. Adults, anyone zodiac sign, you can put on a talisman during a loss of strength or exhaustion of the body. The amulet encourages the desire to live, create, enjoy everything, reach new heights, and evokes positive emotions.

Most of all this is because the sun planet is their patron. You can wear the amulet constantly. The talisman will help calm ardor, extinguish aggressiveness, and restore inner peace and satisfaction. At the same time, it will add decisiveness and show the right path.

The Sun and Moon amulet represents the beginning and the end, obvious and hidden, personal and public, secret and obvious, masculine and feminine. Such an amulet is often used in magic to increase one’s own strength, unlock inner potential, and develop extrasensory abilities.

DIY amulet

You can make the Yarilo amulet yourself from any natural material. This can be a metal stamping in the form of a smiling sun or a symbolic wheel. The sun amulet is carved on wood or burned on a round tablet. God Yarilo is depicted on a stone in the form of an amulet. Slavic amulet Yarilo is woven from threads, while its significance as a powerful talisman remains.

You can buy a ready-made talisman in a talisman store or on the Internet, where there is a whole workshop. Selected based on your own preferences. The main thing is that you like the talisman, so there will be an energetic connection with it.

An amulet that depicts the sun is always positive; you should not be afraid of misuse. If you place a talisman with the moon next to the sun in the bedroom, you can achieve complete harmony in your life. intimate relationships, to conceive a child. The sun in the office will inspire new feats and contribute to the emergence of ideas. In the house, the amulet will bring joy, good luck, and family well-being.

How to charge and activate

Amulet Yarilo - powerful talisman, but in most cases rituals are required to bring it into effect. There is no need to do anything with energy if it is an ancient talisman made of natural metal, stone, which was previously used in rituals. That is, it was charged many centuries ago.

As for homemade talismans of the sun god, their meaning will depend on a specific program that is triggered by rituals and conspiracies. The Yarilo amulet can retain the original meaning of a powerful symbol if it is charged by an experienced specialist.

However, if a person has strong energy, he can try to perform the ritual on his own. Amulets with the image of the sun are charged by light sun rays. The ritual is performed early in the morning before sunrise. I pour water into the container and throw in the talisman. When the first rays of the sun touch the water, they pronounce the following spell:

“You are the Sun who gives life to all living things,

You burn everything in your path that you don’t like.

You bring joy, you start a new day.

You expose the hidden, you show the truth.

You will be my protection! Will you show me the way?

to attract good luck, to bestow happiness.

Let it be so!"

Leave the amulet for the whole day and pick it up in the evening after sunset. You can prepare a powerful talisman on the day of the solstice - June 22. While using the amulet, it also needs to be periodically recharged.

You can do it over a candle flame. After sunset, light a candle and place a mirror nearby to reflect the light brighter. Raise the amulet over the flame and read the words of the spell. You can use the text above. To make the energy stronger, charge the amulet several nights in a row.

Yarilo is the god of the sun, warmth, spring and carnal love, distinguished by his bright temperament. According to legends, people originated from the union of this deity with Mother Raw Earth, which until then had been lifeless. Learn about the legends about Yaril, as well as the holiday dedicated to him.

In the article:

Yarilo - sun god among the Slavs

Yarilo is the sun god of the ancient Slavs, the youngest among the solar gods. He is considered to be the younger brother Khorsa and Dazhdbog, illegitimate son Dodoli and Veles. However, pedigrees Slavic gods so confused that it is now extremely difficult to understand them - too little information has survived to this day. It is known that the god of the Slavs, Yarilo, belonged to the generation of sons or grandsons of gods.

Yarilo-Sun was also the deity of violent passion, childbirth, the flowering of man and nature, youth and carnal love. He was also called the god of spring or the embodiment of the spring sun. If the god Kolyada was identified with a young luminary, just born again after a cold winter, then Yarilo was presented to the Slavs as the sun that had already gained strength.

The distinctive features of this deity are sincerity, purity and fury, brightness of temperament. All “spring” character traits were traditionally considered inherent in him. The association of this god with spring is noticeable in the name of spring grain crops, which are planted closer to spring. Yarilo was depicted as a young and handsome guy with blue eyes. In most images he was naked to the waist.

Some believe that Yarilo is the god of love and the patron saint of lovers. This is not entirely correct, he is only responsible for the carnal component of the relationship. According to one of the old Slavic legends, the goddess Lelya fell in love with Yarilo and confessed it to him. He replied that he also loved her. And also Mara, Lada and all the other divine and earthly women. Yarilo acted as the patron of uncontrollable passion, but not of love or marriage.

Yarilin's Day - a sunny holiday

In the old days, Yarilin’s Day was celebrated in early June, if you keep in mind modern calendar, the holiday fell on one of the days in the period from June 1 to June 5. However, the sun god was also honored on other holidays, for example, the vernal equinox, Magpies in early March, on Maslenitsa and. Worship of the sun was an invariable attribute of Slavic culture, so they tried to honor Yarila at every suitable occasion.

The Day of Yarila the Sun was a celebration of the end of spring and the beginning of summer. By folk beliefs, on this day the evil spirit hides away - it is afraid of the sun even on ordinary days, not like on a holiday dedicated to the daylight. It was celebrated until the 18th century, at least in Voronezh and some other provinces.

In the old days, festive fairs with songs and dances were held on this day. There is such a stable expression - on this holiday all the saints fight with Yarila, but cannot overcome. Therefore, fist fights were also organized - Yarilo is not distinguished by a soft and flexible character, such activities are quite in the spirit of this deity. Often they held feasts in the fields with obligatory dishes - scrambled eggs, pies and sweets. There was never a holiday without a request for the idols of Yarila. Usually the victim was beer.

In the evenings, young people lit fires, around which they danced, sang songs and had fun. Girls and boys dressed in the best and brightest clothes, treated each other to sweets, and organized processions with drumbeats. Men dressed up in colorful dresses for fun, put on jester's caps, and decorated their outfits with ribbons and bells. Passers-by treated the mummers with pastries and sweets - meeting them promised good luck, harvest and happiness in personal life. Girls, as a rule, decorated themselves with flowers and wove wreaths.

Since Yarilo is the god not only of the sun, but also of carnal love, marriage games were encouraged. On this day, as on, relations between boys and girls were free, but everything remained within the bounds of decency. Marriages concluded on Yarila were recognized as legal, and children born after the holiday were considered born in wedlock. If the love was not reciprocal, they turned to, which on that day were more effective than usual.

Knowledgeable people tried not to miss Yarilin's day. It is believed that on this holiday, Mother Earth of Cheese is less careful about her secrets, so they can be unraveled. Before sunrise, sorcerers and healers went to remote places to “listen to treasures.” If the treasure wants to reveal itself, you can easily and quickly get rich. In the old days it was the most reliable means, because there were no special devices then.

Simple people They also believed that on a solar holiday you could see other worlds. To do this, at noon they took strong birch branches and wove them into a braid. With this scythe they walked to the steep river bank and looked through them. Legends have been preserved that in this way you can see the spirits of deceased relatives and living loved ones who are located in a completely different place.

There was another tradition - which also celebrates Yarilin's Day. There is such a sign - if by the evening the treats disappear, happiness and prosperity will reign in the house, the brownie will be satisfied and happy to live with the owners of the house. They also left treats on the graves of relatives, visiting them and congratulating them on the sunny holiday.

Morning dew on the Yarilin holiday is considered healing, bestowing youth and beauty. They tried to collect dew for almost any holiday. They washed it, put it in small containers to give to seriously ill people, moistened the sheets and wrapped themselves in them. They did the same with medicinal herbs- as with most Slavic holidays, they are gaining strength. The herbs collected on this day are used to brew medicinal teas, but for this you need to know the properties of plants and understand traditional medicine.

Slavic myth about Yaril the Sun

Slavic myth about Yaril the Sun talks about the love between the deity and Mother Earth. This is a legend about the origin of life on Earth, as well as the return of warmth after a long winter - every year Yarilo returns to his beloved, and spring comes, awakening the Earth from winter sleep.

Originally, Mother Cheese Earth was cold and empty. There was no movement, no sounds, no heat, no light - this is how Yarilo-Sun saw her. He wished to revive the Earth, but the other gods did not share his desire. Then he pierced her with his gaze, and where he fell, the sun appeared. The life-giving light of the daylight fell on the lifeless earth, filling it with warmth.

Under the light of the sun, Mother Cheese Earth began to wake up, like a bride on her wedding bed, she began to bloom. For reciprocity, Yarilo promised her to create seas, mountains, plants and, of course, animals and people. Cheese's mother Earth also fell in love with the sun god. From their union came all life on earth. And when the first man appeared, Yarilo hit him in the very crown with solar arrows-lightning. This is how people gained wisdom.

The clear sun knows and knows what is in a person’s heart, what is hiding in the shade of branchy trees. Nothing can be hidden from the clear-eyed, not even a matter
sinners, nor good ones. With its rays it will warm the crippled and the suffering from the heartache from the winter cold. The shining sun sheds its love on the earth every single day, with the gold of its hair and the azure of its eyes.

In the spring, Yarilo, the god, emerges from the ring of the cold hands of dark Mary and descends to the earth to melt the ice and snow, drive them in streams across the sleepy earth and give the seed of life to its depths. With the steps of Yarilo, the human tribe also comes to life: the maidens are filled with beauty, like apples in divine gardens, and young men light up from that beauty with a wild flame and the rage of their patron. And if the sun smiles on Yarilo, then there will be endless weddings and feasts, for he is life and strength, and blossoming and young exuberance.

The son of the eternal Veles is like the spring wind, wild and cheerful. Its strength lies in the warmth and light that the sun sends its rays to the earth during the day. And the god Yarilo breathes with love: from his love the fields are eared with gold, the rivers gurgle in the expanse, the maidens smile languidly, hiding their eyes under the shadow of their eyelashes, the boys’ shoulders become wider and stronger.

The son of Dodola, the rejected one, has a beautiful face. In his eyes is the carelessness of the spring sky and in his hair the rays of the sun weave a web. On his white horse, Yarilo gallops across the skies and illuminates the earth. On his head, like a crown, is a wreath of scarlet poppies, like blood itself, and the smile of the sun shines like pearls, blinding with its whiteness.

Where the bright god passes, there will be today good harvest and human happiness. Yarilo God does not like the unfaithful and deceitful, for the light should not be stained by darkness. Only pure thoughts and a heart full of goodness are grace for the Most Serene One. Yarilo the Sun will love such people and will send them his grace: the ears of corn will grow heavy in the fields of the bright-eyed people’s favorites, laughter will be heard in the walls of their houses, and healthy children will be born, strong and cheerful in disposition. Because Yarilo is the protector of the kind and cheerful. Life from him through light is given to the human world, therefore they called him a great luminary and loved and prayed for him.

They came to the clear-eyed one for advice, for he knew about human feelings and that reason prevailed. But it was not blind and insignificant lust, but love that burned between human hearts. And the lovers asked Yarilo the Sun for help and protection, so that no one could separate them and take away the half they had acquired. Yarilo himself, however, also madly loved all women both on earth and in the expanses of heaven. His heart is great and his love is for everyone. The goddesses fell in love with him and forgot about their pride and destiny, and swore their feelings to the beautiful Yarilo. Such was Lelya, born at dawn and beautiful. And Yarilo loved her, like the ancestor of the gods Lada and the cold Mara, for his love was too great for one.

Yarilo shot his rays as if he were shooting arrows. They fell into the ground, and the grass grew lush and lush there, and they fell into people’s hearts, and they completely fell in love. But one day the wind, called to the aid of the Fathers by Veles, returned the solar arrow to Yarilo and great love befell the heart of God. He saw the beautiful Taya and forgot everything, for that maiden was more beautiful than any spring. I forgot about all the red maidens, the Sun Yarilo and passion flared up in him like a flame. He desired only her - Taya, the daughter of Svetogor and Plenka, and took her as his wife before the human and divine race, for from now on only the cheerful and mischievous Yarilo God will remain faithful to her.

Yarilo - God of the Slavs.

The ancient Slavs believed in the sun, but they just called it differently. Someone prayed in the name of Yarilo, someone in the darkness of the night prayed for the dawn of Yarovit, someone called the sun Jaromir, for he gave the world a bright light. There were many and different names, but the Slavs still believed in the same god - the Sun, who drove away the winter cold with his warmth and filled the world and human hearts with light.

The name Yarilo seems to speak of something fierce, bright, uncontrollable and strong. And such was God Yarilo - the god of youth and youthful strength, the god of feelings and flesh of love, the god of fertility and harvest, the god of light and warmth. He has many names and many opinions about where these names came from. The root of the god's name "yar" means spring and fertile. Hence the words “ardent” - angry, passionate; “yaritsa” - spring; “Yarny Bread” is fresh, fragrant bread. This is where the belief arose that Yarilo is God coming to earth in the spring, walking and bringing harvest and love.

Yarilo was also worshiped by other peoples. The Baltic Slavs worshiped a deity called Yarovit, otherwise Gerovit. This god had symbols: a golden helmet and a large round shield made of gold. They seemed to personify the duality of the Sun: its warmth and light, which gave life, and its rage and heat, which could incinerate enemies. Therefore, among the Baltic people, Yarovit was not only the god of the sun and spring, but also the god of war. Among the Serbian and Croatian tribes, such a god was called Lero.

Symbols of Yarilo.

Yarilo, as the sun god, had solar signs and symbols. One of them is “C”. It was usually worn by priests, warriors of princes and warriors. The solar cross was used as a body amulet. He personified all the spiritual power and purity of Yarilo.

The next symbol of this god was Salting. He served as the personification of the setting and falling asleep luminary Yarilo. This marked the end of the day, when work for the benefit of glorifying one’s family ended and twilight came. But this darkness was blessed for the working people, since it was righteous for the day’s labors and served as peace.

"" is the idolizing fire from which both gods and worlds were born. This is the victory of the righteous light over the deceitful darkness. England burns in Yarilo, an eternal fire that spills onto the ground.

Svaor-Solntsevrat was a symbol of the movement. Yarilo, the god on his horse, moved across the sky from dawn to sunset. So Svaor-Solntsevrat personified the movement human soul from darkness to light, from doubts to the purity of your thoughts.

The rise of the Yarilo sun at dawn was personified by "". It was a symbol of the victory of life over death.

"" was a sign of fertility that God Yarilo gave to the damp earth. It was a sign of filling with God's grace and blessing, purity and light, uniting the wisdom of the Family of all and bestowing prosperity.