Quests to find treasure. Search for pirate treasure. Outdoor birthday scenario

I wonder what your child wants to become: a captain, a brave warrior or a conqueror of extraterrestrial space? Great, we think your child will like the game “Find the Treasure”. Are we going on a trip?

Let's get ready

It is necessary to carefully prepare for the game. "Find the treasure" - real adventure for the little traveler! First, let's decide: will this be a joint project with the child or a surprise for the child? In any case, we need a script. It can be simple, for example, find a treasure using a house map, or it can be more intricate for organizing a holiday in nature or at a camp. It would also be good to think about whether the scenario of the game “Find the Treasure” will be only for children, or will adults be able to take part in the impromptu journey? Based on this, you need to purchase prizes, prepare tasks and decide on the duration of the game. Remember, no matter how exciting the competition is, children 6-10 years old cannot be busy with one thing for a long time.

Making a map

What a journey without a map! It's not just a piece of paper with obstacles marked with crosses. For everything to be real, we need the right map. Try to maintain the scale, for example, in small objects 1 cm = 1 cm, in large objects - 10 cm = 1 cm. It is necessary to detail the map: draw a plan of the room or area as closely as possible if the game “Find the Treasure” is played in a camp. This is not only interesting, but also useful:

  1. The child learns to navigate the terrain.
  2. The little traveler develops spatial thinking.
  3. The child's analytical skills improve.

If the child is well versed in maps, then try to take a real map of the area and mark on it the places where “dangers” await the treasure hunter. Will the child understand where the river is on the map, where the hill is, and where the flat area is?

Secret notes

The journey for the treasure is an adventure full of secrets and dangers! Let's prepare old notes for the game "Find the Treasure". For preschoolers, it is enough to simply crumple the paper and make torn edges, but for older children you will have to get creative. We need to age the paper: using tea leaves, coffee or milk. Everything is done quite quickly, and the result will exceed all expectations.

Select tasks according to the age of the children; more than one child will take part in the game. You need commands. Focus on the skills of brave travelers. Perhaps some notes will be for preschool children, others for elementary school students. For example, tasks for the game “Find the Treasure” could be like this:

  • walk two steps forward, turn right and see what's hidden in the corner;
  • count five steps to the left, and then turn around sharply. What do you see?
  • cross the ravine by crawling;
  • run through the forest like a hare does
  • find the old squirrel's hollow and look for a clue in it;
  • walk along the log without hitting a tree branch.

If the game “Find the Treasure” involves the participation of children and adults, the tasks can be complicated. Invite participants to light a fire, determine the cardinal directions without a compass, and find out the time using the sun as a guide. And don’t forget about creative tasks: come up with a poem about a brave traveler, solve riddles, draw a picture on the wall of the “cave”.

There are also very interesting clues that the treasure hunter will encounter on his way to cherished goal: draw arrows (regular or ) or place some noticeable things along the route. Such “helpers” can either be correct or confuse their tracks.

Where is the treasure?

By completing tasks and following the clues, the child (or the whole team) will soon reach the main place, marked on the map with the coveted cross. If you want the game “Find the Treasure” to be remembered by your child for a long time, try to equip the treasure storage area in the style of pirates. For example, take a small chest, pour coins into it and bury it in in the right place. Or you can simply sew a bag and fill it with jewelry. Even at home, such a surprise will be relevant: the treasure can be placed on a shelf in the closet or hidden in the pantry. And of course, don’t forget about sweets: after a dangerous journey, it doesn’t hurt to refresh yourself!

Did you like the idea of ​​the game “Find the Treasure”? Great! We think that our option will only be a hint for you, and you will organize the real adventure for your child yourself.


Prepared by: Lifatova S.V.

The rules of this game are quite simple: the players or the player are given the first note, in which it is written in a hidden, encrypted or secret code where the second note is, and so on. Based on the results of all the notes found, you must collect some item and at the final stage present the finished product.

To answer this note,
You must play a melody.

And to find out what you will play on, use the hint. (answer: pipe)

Note No. 1.
The sound is stored uneasy
The sticks are empty in the holes.
Who will press the holes

And when he blows, he will understand.

Children receive lump for a future doll. The presenter gives note No. 2 and the children look for the next place.

Note #2

This day gaveWe once had Valentine.Although many years have passed,There are no barriers to love.Regularly, once a year,On a clear day, or in bad weather,All the planets in loveThis date is celebrated.Happiness and mutual love -To everyone who loves and is loved!

Note #3

If our hands are waxed,If there are blots on your nose,Who is our first friend then?Will it remove dirt from your face and hands?What mom can't live withoutNo cooking, no washing,Without what, we will say frankly,Should a person die?For the rain to fall from the sky,So that the ears of bread grow,For ships to sail -We can't live without...

Find where this place is in the park.

Children come to lovers' monument and there they find the following note.

The answer is water. For the correct answer they receive a square a rag.

Children run to the fountain and are looking for the next task there.

Note #4

Complete the song with the missing words and find this place.

Like ours......,Like ours……..,Ay, Lyuli, u…….,Ay, Lyuli, u.........

The missing word is gate. For the correct answer they receive a rope.

Children run to the gate and are looking for the next task there.

Note #5

The cat is standingAbout four legs.

This is a bench or bench. For the correct answer they receive a rope.

Children run to benches.

Note #6

Concerts and artists perform at this place.

What's the name of this place?

The correct answer is stage. Sing a song in chorus (in unison). For the correct answer they receive a rope.

Children run to stage.

Note No. 7

Where to look for another letter,

I'll tell you the secret now.

The teacher has a blue bag,

You are looking there now,

Look carefully at everything

Don't miss anything

And it will open for you

Our secret at the same time.

The correct answer is a blue bag. For the correct answer they receive a rope.

Children are looking for a teacher with a blue bag. She asks them sing a song in unison. The children receive a note.

Note #8

I'm a cloud, a cloud, a cloud,I'm not a bear at allHow nice it is for the cloudFly across the sky.And in the blue, blue skyOrder and comfortTherefore, all the cloudsThey sing so joyfully.

What object made Vinnie look like a cloud?

If you look for the note,

You can get to another stage.

The correct answer is a balloon.. After that he gives them the market (draw the eyes, nose, mouth of the doll.).

Children are looking for a balloon with a task.

Note No. 9

From the trees in early summerSuddenly snowflakes flutterBut this does not make us happy -This makes us sneeze.What is this?

Search there now.

Carefully and intently

Look around you.

And maybe then

You will suddenly find a note.

The children run to the poplar and look for the next note.

Note No. 10

So that children don't get fat,So that in a healthy child's bodyThe spirit has always been healthyThe physical worker said:"Wake up the kids early,Bring it to charge,Sports will help you become agile,If necessary, hand in change...

Find this worker and you will find out your path further.

Children run to the gym teacher. And they get the next task. She offers children a sports competition - throwing at a target. The teacher gives the children a note.

Note No. 11

Today we have to try

You need to look for the note

We'll do the charging,

We should quickly run there!!!

Children run to the playground where exercises are carried out.

Note No. 12

He greets us in the morning,

And he draws us a line.

We hand over the report to him

And at the end he gives us afternoon tea.

The children are looking for the head of the camp. They show her the doll they assembled from the parts they received. The boss congratulates the guys and gives them the treasure.

Scenario for outdoor entertainment “In Search of Treasure.”

Presenter - Pirate:

Once upon a time, a gnome hid my treasures, and I cannot find them. I want to invite you to my team and go in search of my treasures. Yes, I forgot to say that I only have a piece of the map left, which we cannot use to find the treasure. We will need to collect a map and find treasures. Do you agree? But first I initiate you into pirates!

Initiation into pirates:

One two three four five -

can you become a pirate

Smile, pull yourself up and turn into a pirate. (children have pirate emblems)

Presenter - Pirate:

Let's go on a treasure hunt!

Get everyone to their places, onto the ship! Drop anchor!

(the captain whistles and gathers the pirates)

Look, we're on an island called Shark Island.

Competition "Find the Shark"

(You need to find all the sharks, one of them has a piece of map on it)

Presenter - Pirate:

Well done my pirates. We completed the first task. Now to the ship, let go of the sails!

This island is called the Island of "Magic"

Baba Yaga : Fu, fu, fu smells like the Russian spirit, who came here and didn’t get dusty? Who is stopping me from relaxing and sunbathing?

Pirate : Who are you? Why are you angry?

Baba Yaga : I am Granny Yagulechka, a beauty (affectionately). Maybe just Baba Yaga (indifferently).

Pirate : We are not interfering with your rest, the children and I are just looking for a map with a treasure. Help us!

Baba Yaga: Oh, you are so cunning.. And in order to get a hint and find the treasure, you need to complete my tasks. I just won't say anything.

Only fearless, strong and resilient guys can look for the treasure. So we'll check you out.

Competition "Knock down the broom"

Baba Yaga : Well, well done. Here's a piece of the map for you.

Pirate: The next island is “Mysterious”, but to get to it you need to cross a ferry, Baba Yaga help us, we are hurrying forward.

Competition "Crossing"

Little Red Riding Hood:Hello guys! Where are you rushing to? (children's answers) I will help you find a fragment of the map, it is in the labyrinth, and I can guide you through it, but first guess my riddles.

The meadows are turning green,

There is a rainbow-arc in the sky.

The lake is warmed by the sun:

He invites everyone to swim...(summer)

Inseparable from the menacing cloud,

He is her best assistant

He is the leader of her tears,

If you touch a cloud, it cries... (rain)

In the blue sky

Like along the river,

White sheep are swimming.

They keep their way from afar

What are their names? ...


Not a beast, not a bird,

The toe is like a knitting needle.

It flies and squeaks,

He sits down and is silent.


You warm the whole world

And you don’t know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you...


K.S.: Here is your map! Can I go with you to look for the treasure?

Pirate: Next Island "Green Pharmacy"

This point is organized on the lawn or in a bed with medicinal plants. Here Doctor Aibolit meets the children. He is holding pictures of plantain, celandine, dandelion, chamomile, mint (or the plants themselves).

Dr. Aibolit: Greetings, fellow tourists! It often happens that something unpleasant happens on a hike - a scratch, bruise or some insect bite, and there is no doctor nearby. What to do? Nature has its own pharmacy, it grows under your feet. Plants will help you if you know how to use them correctly. You need plantain if you cut yourself - apply a clean leaf to the wound and hold it - the bleeding will stop. Another plant - dandelionmedicinal, all its parts are used in medicine - from root to flower. It is edible - it is included in salads, even dandelion jam is prepared from it. Dandelion will help with an insect bite - a wasp, a bee or a gadfly. Just rip it off yellow flower and lubricate the bite site with its milky juice. CelandineThe plant is poisonous - you cannot eat it. But if you rub a callus on the road, pick off a leaf and lubricate the callus with the yellow juice that comes out of it. But you can only use plants that grow in the forest, far from roads

Game "Collect medicinal herbs: marigold and chamomile"

Doctor A: Well done guys, here's the next fragment of the map. Can I come with you?

Pirate: The next island is “Fairytale”.

Gnome: Hello guys. I am a cheerful, kind Dwarf. Guys, I really love to dance. If you teach me a beautiful, cheerful dance, I will tell you where to look for the next part of the map.

Dance "Barbariki"

Gnome: I'll tell you where part of the map is if you help me.

In my magic book, fairy tales were kept for many years, but over time the names of some fairy tales became difficult to read. Correct me if I'm wrong.

1. “The princess is a turkey.”

2. “At the dog’s command.”

3. “Sivka-booth.”

4. “Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Serpent.”

5. “Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka.”

6. “The Golden Shepherd Cockerel.”

7. “Masha and the Crocodile.”

8. “Axe noodles.”

Dwarf: What a great fellow you are. Here's your last hint:

If you want to find a treasure

You need to go to the gazebo

Relax and sit

And look under the roof

Pirate: Well, we’ve collected the map, now let’s see, the red line shows the place where the treasure is hidden.

The path to the treasure is marked with a red line on the map. The children go around, weaving, kindergarten and find the treasure

Search for pirate treasure.

Birthday script for fresh air

Which plot is most suitable for celebrating a birthday in the forest, by the river or in the country, in a word, in the fresh air, and not in an apartment? Of course, an interesting journey with adventures, unusual encounters and a cheerful ending. However, thorough preparation is important here, because it is necessary to think through the route and tasks of the trip so that it is interesting enough for the children to be captivated by the game throughout the holiday.

As a rule, for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, something like a trip to find a treasure is arranged. In a playful way, they are invited to find fragments of an “old map” with the location indicated on it where treasures are hidden - a birthday cake and various prizes. Of course, they don’t know what exactly the children will be looking for. The game begins by reading a pirate letter, “accidentally” discovered in an empty lemonade bottle.

“This is a letter from Captain Silver, and whoever found it was very lucky! You can find untold treasures if you complete all my tasks. Step by step you will move towards the treasure. Go ahead and search! Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!
You will find the first clue under the garden bench.”

So the game has begun! Everyone rushes together to the bench, to which the bag with the first clue is tied with a ribbon. To get it, you need to untangle the toys, tennis racket and tricycle tied to the tape. There's a riddle inside:

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but a storyteller. (Book)

Naturally, the riddle is quickly solved, and the guys begin to look for the book.

Under the book (and it should be a large and thick book, that is, quite noticeable) there is a hint: in the room with toys you need to find 5 pieces of utensils blindfolded (they are mixed with toys).

There's a new clue in the glass: skittles in the yard.

Everyone goes out into the yard and sees that there is no foreign objects 8 pins are randomly placed on the site (plastic bottles can be used).

The presenter explains that the guys must choose a pilot who will blindly lead the ship, maneuvering between the buoys. In fact, you need to walk blindfolded through the area with pins, and everyone else at this time is given the right to tell you where to go. The task is to pass between the pins without knocking over any.

On the other side of the site there is a wooden block dug into the ground (shallowly). You need to swing it from side to side, and at the bottom you will find another note: "Look in the big tree" .

On a large spreading tree that you can easily climb, there is a note: "Marine Signalmen Competition" .

The guys are divided into two groups.

Task: without the help of voice, only with facial expressions and gestures, convey the encryption (each encryption is given only to one group, and should not be heard by another group).

The first code: “I was doused with soup in the dining room.”

Second encryption: “I was attacked by a flock of mosquitoes.”

Teams take turns trying to portray what is “encrypted,” after which everyone receives prizes “for artistry.”

Now each group is given a rope, everyone stands behind each other. It is advisable for adults to join the children. The first participant runs with a rope in his hands to the goal and back, then he joins him, holding the rope, the second one runs back, the third one grabs the rope, and so on until the whole team has run.

The presenter invites the children to the next stage, which can be called "Accurate shooter" .

The task is to hit the empty ball with the ball plastic bottle, standing at some distance from the line drawn on the ground. From this trait, children take turns throwing the ball, trying to knock down the bottle.

When this succeeds, a note is found under the bottle: "Look for the chest on the veranda" .

There really is a chest on the veranda (it could be an ordinary box, bedside table, closet, but then this should be indicated in the note), but it is locked with a combination lock. The presenter explains that they hang on the veranda Balloons(quantity - according to the number of guests), in each of which the task is:

jump on one leg to a tree and back, somersault over your head, name 5 edible things starting with the letter “K”, draw a man with eyes closed, depict an animal without words, etc.

Everyone must choose a balloon, “pop” it, take out the task, complete it and receive a fragment of a postcard from the presenter. Having finally folded the postcard, the guys can read the code on its back and open the lock.


An amazing cake with candles and a bunch of chocolate medals have been found!

See also:

It's never too early or too late to dream of finding a real treasure! There are many options for organizing such events. Here you will find some ideas, examples and tips. The hunt for the treasure can be done on foot, by bike, by car or online. In nature, in the city, at home, on the beach, in the park - everywhere! This game is great for children's parties! Read our proposals and choose suitable ideas for implementation.

1. Let's start from the end: choose the place where the treasure will be hidden.

2. Define the search scenario and the legend of the treasure.

3. Let's draw a map with the route to the treasure.

4. We will organize a route.

5. We will install signs along the route.

6. We will prepare tests at key points.


The script is very important for children! A beautiful story captivates them! As a storyteller, transform into a seasoned sailor, a wise old man or a pirate: find a suitable outfit, change your voice - children love it! Use a phrase like: “This map, left over from my sailor grandfather, has been hanging on my wall for a long time, for a reason!” or “Many years ago, my grandfather brought back this ancient treasure map from a voyage, but no one has yet been able to solve it!”

Birthday Gift

“Your uncle sent you this old map as a gift...”

In a bottle

Roll the card itself or the first pointer into a tube, tie the end to a string or elastic band and throw it into the bottle. Throw it floating in the bathtub, sink, basin, pool... and wait until someone finds it.


You have a letter from... (an old friend, great-grandmother, wizard), who really needs your help. Are you ready to help him?

Postman error

In front of your guests, bewildered, place a large mailing envelope in a visible place that attracts attention, for example, with bright stamps or seals. And wait until one of the guests asks what it is. Answer that you don’t know, apparently the postman mixed up the address. And then, nevertheless, give in to persuasion and print out what is supposedly someone else’s letter, shrouded in secrecy.


Attach the card to the kite and attach it to a tree or bush. When all the guests have gathered, casually mention that you allegedly saw a kite on the street. Curiosity will then do its job, and the adventure will begin!


The simplest option. You will need a map with a cross indicating the location of the treasure and key points on the route. The road to the cross must be long, the location of the treasure must be initially unclear, because this is what captivates children! For very little ones, it is better to bury the treasure in the ground - there will be no bounds to delight! Also remember that kids have difficulty finding their way around a map, even the simplest one!

Examples of key points:

In the garden: tree, pool, gazebo, ...

In the park: a play area, a statue, a fountain, a tree that attracts attention, ...

In the city: house, bus stop, church, monument, train station, …

Following signs

Ideal for children 4-6 years old, but can be adapted to any age. You issue the first pointer, which leads to the second, and so on. The directions must be clear and lead clearly to the next sign. They can be rhymed or in prose. The difficulty is to hide them so that no one discovers them ahead of time.

Another variant.

Draw arrows with chalk on the floor and walls in the direction of the treasure. Place challenge cards at each key point. For kids who cannot read, you can, for example, draw on the floor a narrow river with crocodiles crossing their path, which you need to jump over to move on, or a swamp that you need to cross by jumping from hummock to hummock, or a narrow cable car over an abyss...

Balloons with notes inside or cards on ribbons tied to tree branches can also serve as signs...

If the search lasts until late in the evening, you can also use fluorescent sticks.

Location orientation

For older children, you can offer a map that they can navigate using a compass. Naturally, the cardinal directions must be indicated on the map. Directions of movement can be either simple (north, south) or more complex.


As pointers, you can give out photographs of those places where the next pointers lie, and so on until the treasure itself. Choose the difficulty level according to the age of the participants.

Key points

Key points marked on the map can also be accompanied by verbal comments, such as “If you find the tallest tree in the forest, move away from it towards the highest tree.” high mountain. Along the way you will see a lake and a bench. And the lowest branch of the pine tree closest to it will indicate where the treasure is buried.”

Another example for the city.

“Find the tallest building, move from it to the church, then, when you reach a store (restaurant, bar...) turn right. There you will see a statue whose hand will indicate where the treasure is.” Naturally, in this case there is no point in marking points on the map, because finding the treasure is then easier than ever!

The idea: the closer the participants are to the goal, the more difficult the tests and the search for the next key point should be!

By navigator

Why not use new technologies? Distribute little noticeable or not noticeable objects on the map and on the ground. So that only with the help of the navigator and the data on the coordinate indicators of the next point you can understand that you have arrived at the desired point.


Place cards with riddles at each key point. Having guessed which, players receive new words, parts of the rebus. After collecting all the pieces, they guess the rebus, a word meaning the place where the treasure is hidden.

Treasure map

How to make a card:

1. Soak the tea bag in boiling water.

2. Squeeze lightly and make prints on white paper on both sides until the desired yellowish tint is obtained.

3. Leave to dry thoroughly.

4. If you plan to print text on this paper, and it is quite deformed, then iron it with an iron through a cloth.

Do not forget that there may be missing pieces on the map: the location of the treasure itself or some sections of the route, which, of course, can later be determined logically.

To make it more believable, the edges of the card can be slightly scorched.