Alben for dogs - description and instructions for use. Alben: an effective universal remedy for worms

All this is ensured by the composition of the drug. The main active ingredient in it is albendazole. One tablet contains 0.36 g of the main substance, and one gram of granules contains 0.2 g. The drug also contains Excipients.

Indications for the use of the drug are gastrointestinal nematodes, including ascariasis, toxocariasis, trichuriasis, uncinariasis, ganguleterakiosis.

The drug is used in the fight against pulmonary nematodes, trematodes and cestodes.

Contraindications and side effects

How to properly use Alben against worms

As for the dosage, one tablet of the medicine is designed for 5 kilograms of the pet’s weight. Accordingly, with a weight of 2.5 kg, ½ pill is used once. No preliminary diet or additional use of laxatives is required.

As for an overdose of the drug, its symptoms are identical to ordinary poisoning: vomiting, weakness, disorientation in space. To achieve this effect, the cat must swallow a dose 10 times higher than the norm, which is unlikely in practice.

Alben should be stored out of the reach of children, at temperatures up to 25°C.

Alben C is a complex veterinary drug used to treat helminthic infestation. Nonproprietary name anthelmintics - albendazole + praziquantel. This drug is popular both among cat owners and in the veterinary community. You can buy it at almost any veterinary pharmacy.

However, one should not confuse Alben S, intended for cats, and simply Alben, used to treat farm animals.

Alben is used in agricultural veterinary medicine

The manufacturer of the drug is the Russian company Agrovetzashchita LLC (Moscow region). This organization has hundreds of veterinary drugs, including anthelmintics. "Agrovetzashchita" is a leader in the production of protective and medicinal products for pets.

Composition of the drug

The active ingredients in 1 anthelmintic tablet are:

  • albendazole - 0.25 g;
  • praziquantel (azinox) - 0.025 g.

As excipients, the drug contains:

  • lactose - 0.175 g;
  • potato starch - 0.15 g.

The manufacturer states that the drug does not contain genetically modified components. This is important because modern cat owners are increasingly choosing effective and safest medications.

Release form of the anthelmintic

Alben S is available in the form of tablets, packaged in 3 or 6 pieces in metallized blisters. Each blister is packed in a separate cardboard box along with instructions for use.

If you are afraid of “running into” a fake, pay attention to the shape of the tablets themselves. They should be flat, on one side of the tablet there should be a line mark, on the other - a pattern in the form of a cross on a shield (this is the AVZ logo).

One package of Alben C includes 1 blister with 3 or 6 tablets

Storage conditions

  • in sealed manufacturer's packaging;
  • separately from food products and feed;
  • in places inaccessible to children;
  • in a dry place, protected from direct sun rays place;
  • at temperatures from minus 5°C to 25°C.

If the listed conditions are met, the drug will be valid for 3 years from the date of release (the production date, batch and expiration date are indicated both on the box and on the blister itself). If the expiration date has expired, as well as in cases where the drug was stored in violation of the specified conditions, the tablets should be disposed of according to general rules.

Indications for use

  • toxocariasis (Toxocara canis);
  • hookworm (Ancylostoma caninum);
  • echinococcosis (Echinococcus granulosus, Ehinococcus multilocularis);
  • diphyllobothriasis (Diphyllobothrium latum);
  • taeniasis (Taenia spp);
  • coenurosis (Multiceps multiceps);
  • dipylidia (Dipylidium caninum);
  • trichocephalosis (Trichuris vulpis);
  • uncinaria (Uncinaria stenocephala).

These diseases can be caused by an adult helminth or its larvae; they are characterized by various symptoms and the course of the disease. The diagnosis can be made by a veterinarian, so if you are sure that you have not made a mistake in choosing a drug, then at least consult a specialist by phone. Without prior consultation, Alben S is used for the prevention of helminthiasis.

Before using an anthelmintic, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian

Instructions for use

To treat helminthic infestation, Alben S tablets must be given to the animal orally. This can be done in several ways:

  • forcibly;
  • by crushing and mixing the tablet with a small amount of food or drinking water;
  • using a tablet dispenser.

If you can’t force-feed the pill to your cat, you can use a trick - mix it with your favorite food. Some people prefer this wet food(cats like canned food better).

My older cat is very picky when it comes to food - she immediately senses something is wrong, so I usually choose the first method. In fact, force-feeding a pill is much easier than it seems. To do this, I place the cat on my lap, open its jaw with my left hand, and with my right hand I lower the tablet into its mouth. It is important that the cat's head is tilted back slightly. If the tablet immediately hits the root of the tongue, the cat will swallow it automatically. My youngest is not so calm, so I wrap her in a towel (so she doesn’t get scratched), and do everything else according to the same scheme.

If neither one nor the other helps, a pill dispenser will help out. With the help of this device, the tablet immediately falls on the desired area of ​​the tongue.

A tablet feeder is a device for feeding tablets that works on the principle of a syringe.

Table: selection of dosage of the drug Alben S

Treatment regimen

Alben S only needs to be given once. It is advisable to do this in the morning while feeding the cat. If we are talking about the prevention of helminthiases, then the therapeutic dose should be used once every 3 months.

Precautionary measures

The anthelmintic manufacturer does not indicate the need for any special measures precautions. General recommendations:

  • Before and after using the drug, you must wash your hands with soap;
  • while working with the drug, smoking, drinking and eating are prohibited;
  • to avoid contact with the medicine, you can use rubber gloves;
  • if the cat owner is allergic to the components of the drug, you can use a medical mask;
  • when allergic reaction The owner of the animal must consult a doctor.

When working with the drug, you can use personal protective equipment

Contraindications and side effects

  • cats with hypersensitivity to anthelmintic components;
  • pregnant and lactating females;
  • kittens under three months of age.

If all conditions are met, there will be no side effects. If the cat develops allergy symptoms, the use of the drug should be stopped (in such cases it should be replaced with another anthelmintic, and the cat can be given an antihistamine).

Interaction with other drugs

The use of Alben S can be combined with the use of other veterinary drugs:

  • cardiotherapeutic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • Alben C is compatible with almost any medicine

    Advantages and disadvantages of tablets

    The advantages of the drug Alben S include:

    • high efficiency;
    • wide spectrum of anthelmintic action;
    • ease of use;
    • low price (from 100 rubles for 6 tablets);
    • Possibility of use for both cats and dogs.

    The only drawback that confuses cat owners is the inability to use the medicine on kittens and mother cats.

    I had to use Alben S to treat a dog that lives with my mother. A small yard dog, 1.5 tablets was enough for him. We divided the same amount into several parts and used it to prevent worms in cats (my mother has two of them). There were still 3 tablets left, which sat safely in the medicine cabinet until the expiration date.

The anthelmintic is available in the form of tablets and granules. The medicine is packaged in carton boxes or special polymer-containing jars. Alben deworming tablets for cats are a Russian development of the Agrovetzaschita research and development center.

It is used for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematodes (esophagostomiasis, toxascariasis, neostrongylosis, hemonchiasis, cystocaulosis and a number of others), cestodiasis and trematodiasis.

Active substances anthelmintic drug kill roundworms and tapeworms of various subspecies and other dangerous representatives of this biological kingdom.

Properties and effect of the drug against helminths

Alben S contains albendazole, which is a derivative of benzimidazole carbamate, as well as other auxiliary elements.

Albendazole is excreted along with excrement several days after use.

Important! Alben S for cats is classified as a low-hazard substance (according to GOST 12.1.007-76), since the drug does not have embryo-, hepatotoxic or teratogenic effects on warm-blooded animals.

Indications for use

Medicines are prescribed to cats for the prevention and treatment of helminthiases. of various etiologies, including secondary infection.

It is allowed to be used on representatives of the cat family from 10 weeks of age, as well as on other pets. It is often used for deworming fur-bearing animals, birds and cattle.

Important! It should be remembered that an overdose is dangerous to the health of animals, so strictly follow all recommendations and contraindications provided for in the instructions.

The tablet is administered without a preliminary fasting diet or additional measures to cleanse the body using an enema or laxatives.

The crushed tablet is given to the animal once in the following dosage: 1 albendazole tablet per 5 kg of body weight. It must first be crushed, then added to a small amount of water or mix with food. The deworming procedure is carried out in the morning.

Note! For animals weighing less than 2.5 kg, a different proportion is used: 1 tablet per 10 ml of water. To the region back wall 1 ml of the prepared suspension is poured into the larynx per 500 g of weight.

For quick and effective administration of the drug into oral cavity use a syringe without a needle.

It is advisable to repeat the procedure once a quarter to prevent infection.

Side effects and contraindications

Negative reactions from gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, nervous and other systems were not identified. There may be isolated cases of individual intolerance to the drug, manifested in the form of vomiting, weakness and lack of appetite.

Contraindications for use:

  • the first weeks of pregnancy of a sexually mature individual;
  • during an infectious disease;
  • cats with weakened immune systems;
  • individuals less than 10 weeks old.

The medicine is stored for 3 years from the date of production. During anthelmintic procedures, wear surgical gloves, and after the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

Alben S for dogs is a complex drug effective for the treatment and prevention of intestinal helminths and their larvae. The product is low-toxic, well tolerated by animals and has a minimum of contraindications. Regular use guarantees the dog’s well-being; combination with other medications is possible.

The drug Alben S effectively destroys helminths at all stages of development.

The product is equally effective at all stages of the worm’s life; re-treatment is not required. Leftovers active substances do not accumulate in organs, are partially excreted in the urine, most of them leave the body along with bile.

Composition and release form

The drug is available in the form of tablets weighing 0.6 g, packaged in laminated paper blisters of 3 and 6 pieces. Each package of Alben S for dogs is supplied with instructions and placed in a cardboard box.

The tablets contain azinox and albendazole (25 and 250 mg, respectively).

Indications for use

Alben S tablets for dogs are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of:

  • nematodosis (, toxascariasis, uncinariasis, hookworm disease, trichuriasis);
  • cestodosis (dipilidiosis, echinococcosis, diphyllobothriasis, mesocestoidosis).

Reference. The product is non-toxic and falls into the low-hazard category. Suitable for treating dogs and puppies of all breeds. Used for preventive purposes.

Instructions for use

Before deworming, a starvation diet and laxatives are not used. Alben for worms is given to dogs in the morning; they can be placed on the root of the tongue or mixed with food. For small or capricious dogs, you can prepare a suspension by crushing the tablet and dissolving it in cold boiled water.

Alben S tablets are given in the morning feeding with food or on the root of the tongue, you can make a suspension.

Drinking is done from a spoon or using disposable syringe without a needle. The dosage depends on the weight of the animal, 1 tablet is designed for 5 kg.

For preventive purposes, Alben S is given once with an interval of 3 months. In case of severe helminthic infestation, two-time use is possible, the second dose is given after 5-7 days. Additional deworming with the same dose of the drug is recommended before vaccinating the animal.

Contraindications and side effects

Alben S is a low-toxic drug and has a minimum of contraindications.

  • puppies under three weeks of age;
  • pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • dogs suffering from infectious or inflammatory diseases;
  • animals with malignant tumors.

The attending physician must decide whether Alben can be given to dogs with severe underweight or dystrophy.

The pills rarely cause side effects. In some cases, apathy and weakness may be observed. In case of overdose, drooling or vomiting is possible. Side effects are removed antihistamines and drinking plenty of fluids.

Analogues of the drug

There are many products on the market to combat roundworms and tapeworms.

Azinox is an analogue of Alben S, but is aimed at treating only cestodes.

Analogues of the drug Alben S:

  1. Albendazole. Contains the active component of the same name in maximum concentration. Available in powder form, packaged in plastic bags. Most often used for deworming farm animals, but also suitable for treatment large dogs. Price starts from 600 rubles per 0.5 kg package, not sold in small packaging.
  2. Azinox. Tablets containing praziquantel and excipients. Effective for the treatment of cestodiasis. The price is affordable, a pack of 6 tablets costs no more than 65 rubles. Has less broad action than Alben M, since it does not act on nematodes.
  3. Drontal. The composition includes febantel, pyrantel embonate, praziquantel. Effective against all types of worms, has a milder effect than Alben S, can be used for puppies of all ages. A significant disadvantage is the high price (up to 900 rubles per bottle).

Storage and price

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. After the expiration date or if the packaging is damaged, you cannot use the medicine.

Unopened packages are stored in a cool, dark place, away from food. It is important to keep the tablets away from animals and children; if accidentally swallowed, the stomach must be rinsed. The drug is sold in veterinary pharmacies, the price is 90 rubles per package of 6 tablets.

In one tablet veterinary product Alben weighing 1.8 g is contained as active substance 0.36 g albendazole. The drug is packaged in 25, 100, 200 or 500 tablets in boxes, bags or plastic jars.

Thanks to the destruction of eggs when using Alben, the level of infection of pastures is reduced. The drug is absorbed into the blood at high speed and distributed in tissues and organs. It is low toxic, as it is quickly processed in the body to a safe but active metabolite, which is then excreted by the kidneys and liver.

Indications for use

The instructions for use indicate the following indications for taking the drug:

  • gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematodes;
  • trematodes;
  • cestodiasis in farm animals and birds.

Alben helps get rid of worms for chickens, chickens, rabbits, pigs, sheep, and cattle.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • fascioliasis in acute form;
  • mating period;
  • first half of pregnancy in females.

Not recommended for use on animals that are sick infectious diseases and are exhausted. During group deworming, each series of Albena must first be tested in a small group, then kept for three days under the supervision of a veterinarian for complications. No side effects were noted when the dosage was observed.