American Staffordshire Terrier origin. Staffordshire Terrier: characteristics and training of the breed. Breed diseases of the Amstaffs

The Staffordshire Terrier is a breed that not every dog ​​lover craves to own. The serious expression of the muzzle and other features that are very reminiscent of a bull terrier inspire fear and horror in some, admiring others, because these dogs are incredibly smart and reliable. Despite the fact that they are inherently above average in size, they usually do not exaggerate in height of half a meter, and in weight - thirty kilograms. The life expectancy of a dog is 10-12 years, which means that a four-legged pet will grow and age before your eyes and you will always witness its changes in growth and character.

Staffordshire Terriers are distinguished by kindness, sensitivity, and activity. They will never show aggression towards their owner or even towards stranger. With a strong desire to look more severe and serious, terriers rarely succeed, because their naturally soft character comes through even through a toothy mouth. The Stafford Terrier becomes an excellent companion for jogging, family walks. He is always devoted to his master and is ready to follow him to the ends of the world. The prevailing opinion in society about large breeds of dogs from the bulldog type series makes it necessary to wear a muzzle, but these dogs do not even think about attacking others.

From the history of the breed

The Staffordshire Terrier is not the most ancient breed, however, she managed to endure a lot of variations in her name. So, at the end of the 19th century, representatives of this breed were called pit bull terriers. Before that, the names pit bull, half-and-half and many others were relevant, and only in 1972 did the Staffordshire Terriers get their final name, by which they are known today. The appearance of the dog and its character is a long and painstaking result of cynologists who sought to present a breed that is absolutely safe for society. Aggression genes have been kept to a minimum, which is why the modern Staffordshire Terrier today does not even remotely resemble its famous fighting dog ancestors.

Fighting dogs were involved in gladiator fights, baiting wild animals and bulls. An individual of an incredibly large weight of 50 kilograms often became the prey of a bull victim due to its size and, accordingly, less mobility. The breeders set a goal for themselves - to achieve greater agility of the dog, reducing its external indicators in weight and size. By 1835, the ideal of the breed was achieved: it was a small, nimble dog with a slight back and a powerfully developed head. However, at the same time, bullfights were banned, and fights between representatives of the breed gained relevance.

As a result of crossing bulldogs and terriers, the bull and terrier breed was bred, appearance which is completely repeated by the Staffordshire Terriers. At the beginning of the 20th century, legal fights between dogs were banned, so breeders and cynologists came out to support the organization of exhibitions. In 1972, the prefix "American" was added to the breed, indicating that it belonged to the American Canine Society. It is still a mystery why the breed is referred to as a terrier, when in fact it adopted most of the features from the bulldog.

Care and training

Staffordshire Terriers are dogs that require maximum attention, but minimum care. Thanks to the short coat, there is no need to bathe him too often - it is enough to perform this procedure twice a year. The most reliable and proven method of cleaning wool is with a damp cloth, and some dogs are very fond of vacuuming with a soft brush. Combing wool is also an important procedure. It is important to accustom the dog to cleanliness from early childhood and make him eat carefully, relieve himself during walks.

The Staffordshire Terrier loves active games. Every day, the dog needs at least an hour and a half of a walk, during which you should play with him, throw a stick or a ball. Dogs of this breed are great fans of agility, and they will also share the sporting interest of their owner with pleasure. You can take them with you while cycling, on a picnic in an open area.

Amstaffs lend themselves perfectly to training, and for this it is not necessary to start a professional. After watching a few video tutorials or asking friends, you can understand the principles that must be followed during training. Dogs easily remember commands such as “beside”, “sit”, “stand”, “squeal”, “bow”, “give paw”, “high five”, “forward”. At the time of training, they do not show aggression and do not try to bite the owner. Even children from 10 years old can cope with this. It is important that after the next successful exercise, the dog receives a tasty reward so that he has an incentive to continue training.

Nuances of nutrition

Before buying amstaff, you need to decide what type of food you plan to choose - natural or dry. Natural food is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of a dog, but you should take care of its preparation every day - the products must be fresh and of high quality. If, however, it is easier for you to purchase dry food, it is important to know that for healthy development you should purchase high-quality elite feed. Get ready for the fact that providing a dog with food will cost you about the amount that you spend on a child. Especially carefully the nutrition of Staffordshire Terriers must be monitored in the first months of life, when they begin to form a physique, develop vision and scent. It is important to give food at the same time and develop a diet - the fulfillment of this condition will ensure good digestion.

American Staffordshire Terriers are true meat eaters, so meat and meat products in any form should be present in their daily diet. Beef, veal, pork and chicken can be served as fillets or with a little fat. Also, dogs love offal - liver, kidneys, spleen, hearts, udders. Meat nutrition can be diversified by including rice, oatmeal and barley porridge. Vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products, will also be a great addition. plant food it is recommended to give boiled, and meat products - raw. For the full development of the jaw and teeth, it is necessary to give the dog bones.

Types of colors

Staffordshire Terriers come in several colors. Their coat can be either solid or spotted. If you take care of her in time, she will not fade over time, she will be smooth, silky, shiny. Such wool shimmers in the sun and makes your four-legged handsome man even more cute and attractive.

black color. Its second name "Black Boston" means a rich coat color that does not imply other overflows even in the sun. The eyes of an Amstaff of this color are usually black, as are the nose, paws, and ears. In some cases, there may be small white spots on the head, back, and muzzle.

White color. It is rare to see a completely white Amstaff - usually his nose remains black, as is the color of his eyes. A pet of this color requires especially careful care: dogs love to wallow in the grass, which can leave a green pigment on their coat. A walk in the slush is also not good. snow-white dog, and upon arrival home, you should wash his paws and stomach, which also easily collects all the dirt from the ground.

blue color. The coat with a blue and blue tint in the Staffordshire Terrier harmonizes perfectly with the same color of the eyes found in young puppies. However, the color is not always uniform, and spots are often visible on the paws, muzzle and abdomen. white color. Dogs with a blue tint look especially impressive at exhibitions.

Also, no less common colors of the American Staffordshire Terrier are brindle with characteristic dark vertical stripes against the background of red wool; deer, which is characterized by the presence of stripes throughout the body of the dog, starting from the head; fur seal with dark chocolate color, which looks especially impressive on sunshine; red or red, not implying impurities of black or gray.

To be afraid or not to be afraid?

A stereotype has become widespread in society that a dog of a non-decorative breed must certainly stay near the owner in a muzzle. From a safety point of view, this is a necessary attribute, but it gives the dog a more severe look. Surrounding begins to seem that the dog is about to bite! However, the fear of representatives of this breed is completely unjustified, because the Staffordshire Terrier, according to cynologists, is the cutest creature, even despite the myths that it is called the “killer dog”. Despite the fact that the Amstaff's past is associated with participation in battles, over the years he managed to eradicate the aggression gene, and today he is a very affectionate and loyal dog. Today, the breed has become bred exclusively for participation in exhibitions. Breeders pay great attention to the appearance of the dog, because before the event, the expert evaluates the appearance of the dog, compliance with the exterior of the breed, as well as the character and ability to train.

American Staffordshire Terriers do not pose any danger to others, so the only thing to be afraid of is the correct pronunciation of the name of the breed the first time. The dogs themselves are touching with their appearance, and by nature they are even more harmless than a cat.

How to distinguish the Staffordshire Terrier from other similar breeds?

Often the Staffordshire Terrier breed is confused with others - Bull Terrier, English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, american pit bull terrier. This comes from the fact that for all these dogs the bulldog is a common ancestor, so each of them adopted certain traits from its progenitor. In spite of clear differences, the goals for which all four breeds were bred were initially similar: baiting animals and participating in battles.

Of all four breeds, the American Pit Bull Terrier is the only one that has never been recognized by the FCI. The breed was bred in America as a service dog. The height at the withers of a pit bull is on average 43-49 cm, and the weight does not exceed 27 kg.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier was bred in England, so the prefix "English" often appears in the name. Unlike the previous breed, the Staff Bull was registered with the FCI in 1987 and is today recognized as one of the best companion dogs. The breed is much smaller than the pit bull and weighs no more than 17 kg, and the average height is 40 cm. The structural features of the muscles of the muzzle are called the “smiling dog”.

The Bull Terrier, bred in England, was the first to receive recognition in the federation of cynologists - this happened in 1862. The breed is classified into miniature and standard: the former is often chosen as a companion, the latter performs excellent duties. miniature bull terrier usually does not exceed 36 cm in height and weighs no more than 16 kg, when as a standard breed it exceeds these figures twice.

The homeland of the Staffordshire Terrier, or Amstaff, is America. This is the most large breed after the standard pit bull and is most often chosen as a service dog. In 1971, she was registered with the International Cynological Federation. However, for her gentle nature, she is very often acquired as a companion.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is one of the most versatile and friendly dogs on the ground. Amstaff dogs impress with their strength, endurance, determination and unstoppable energy. They are very patient, love to play with children and pets, and in the canine world they are known as the best protectors. The Amstaff Terrier will never be the first to show aggression and provoke an attack, but he accurately determines even the slightest threat to his master and, without hesitation, stands up for his defense.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is one of the most versatile and friendly dogs on earth.

For many people, love for Staffords appears at first sight. They surprise with their power, but at the same time they are quite sweet and attached to their master. Dogs of this breed constantly monitor the expression on the owner's face and always try to adapt to his mood.

They can make a funny face to laugh and cheer up a depressed person, or, conversely, cling to him with all their powerful body to console him. These are unique dogs, they combine a loving and sensual nature with a natural instinct of a fierce protector. They perfectly know how to control themselves and unquestioningly carry out all the commands.

The history of breeding the Amstaff breed dates back to the 1800s, it appeared as a result of crossing game terriers and bulldogs. The dogs of the new bred breed were first called bull terriers or pit bull terriers, the breed received its final name in the USA in 1972.

At the very beginning, these dogs were used for fighting, later they were paid attention to as excellent guards with optimal dimensions, strength and intelligence.

They were used in various farm work, hunting, they perfectly guarded the house and were great companions. Now staffs are actively used at exhibitions, they are the best defenders and true friends of a person.

Amstaff dogs (video)

Gallery: amstaff dog (25 photos)

Characteristics of the breed

American Staffordshire Terrier dogs are smart and kind animals, which are not characterized by sudden and unmotivated outbursts of aggression. The main features of the breed are:

  1. Obedience and ease of training - dogs of this breed are very smart, and if Amstaff puppies received proper education in childhood, they easily remember what can and cannot be done.
  2. Activity - they love active pastime, they are able to play anytime and anywhere, they love active walks on fresh air. If the dog is not provided with sufficient activity during the walk, he will spend unused energy at home, thus disturbing the order. This feature breeds should be taken into account when deciding to start a staff at home, these dogs are not suitable for couch potatoes and passive people.
  3. Kindness - Contrary to the generally accepted opinion about the aggressiveness of this breed, Amstaffs have a very friendly character, love children and are able to play even with strangers.
  4. Friend and protector - Amstaff dogs are very sociable, they are like puppy dogs rejoicing at the arrival of the owner even in adulthood, they love to fool around and play, and when they feel the owner's dull mood, they can simply snuggle up to him and silently support. Staffords are excellent defenders, but not cocky aggressors, they will never start a fight first. But if they feel a possible threat to their master, they will immediately stop it with lightning speed. Excellent physical data allow dogs to cope with several opponents at the same time, and the analytical mind helps them calculate possible actions the enemy and unmistakably stop them.
  5. Color is an essential sign that a dog belongs to a given breed. Brindle, piebald, spotted, two-tone, black or cream coat colors are allowed. If the puppy is two-colored, then it may have white spots of no more than 20% of the total suit. In addition, white, black or chestnut spots are allowed, not more than 80% of the total coat color. If the amstaff has a white or blue solid color, then this is a vice, you cannot buy a blue puppy.

For many people, love for Staffords appears at first sight.

Features of care

Amstaff dogs are not difficult to keep both in a private house and in an apartment, they are not whimsical in care, the most important thing is to provide them with a sufficient level of physical activity.

Long walks with active games in the fresh air are a prerequisite for keeping this breed. In the warm season, the program of walks should include swimming in open water.

The Stafford's coat is very short and needs little grooming. It is enough to comb it regularly with a coarse brush and bathe the dog as needed. Between baths, the dog should be wiped with a damp towel in order to get rid of pieces of dead skin and fine hair.

The bedding of the animal must be regularly washed and cleaned of dirt. It is also necessary to regularly trim the dog's nails and toilet the ears.

Best dog breed (video)

Staff food

Before a small amstaff tiger puppy appears in the house, you need to decide what kind of food it will be fed. It could be food from natural products or ready-made purchased food. Ready-made feeds should be used only premium, only in this case you can be sure that the pet receives all the necessary nutrients.

If the dog is on natural food, then in his diet must be present bones and fillets of chicken, beef and pork, offal, eggs, herbs, fruits and boiled vegetables, dairy products. It is important to give the dog to gnaw bones, it is very useful for teeth, but you need to remember that tubular bones should not be given, their fragments can injure the stomach and intestines of the animal. Together with meat, you can cook pearl barley, oatmeal or rice porridge. Pure drinking water should always be in a place accessible to the dog.

Amstaff Terriers are very powerful dogs, they have huge muscles of incredible strength and strong jaws. The first impression of a dog may be the thought that it is just a lump of muscle covered with skin. But behind this external power lies a sweet, kind and incredibly friendly animal. Staffs are very loyal and devoted, love children, love to have fun, play and lead an active lifestyle, which makes them best friends a person who is ready at any moment to come to the rescue and stand up for the owner.

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Combination best qualities terrier and bulldog

The American Staffordshire Terrier combines extremely successfully the characteristics of the two breeds from which it was bred: the terrier and the bulldog. He inherited the liveliness of the first and the calm strength of the second. That is why this angel in the minds of some and demons in the minds of others has become the most celebrated representative of the North American breeds. This is a strong, courageous, self-confident dog, devoted to the family in which he lives.


They are highly trainable but cannot be forced into anything.

The character of the American Staffordshire Terrier combines absolutely opposite qualities: strength and complacency, fearlessness and sensitivity. These animals lend themselves well to training, but they cannot be forced into anything. In the description of the breed, one feature of the Amstaff character is often mentioned - the struggle for leadership. But it is important to know that attempts to dominate must be stopped immediately. At the same time, American Saffordshire Terriers love to play with both adults and children.

Dogs have long been one of the favorite pets. The owner of any dog ​​from his pet wants to grow smart dog who will take part in exhibitions and carry out all commands. Any purebred dog, including the Staffordshire Terrier, needs constant care. A dog of a fighting breed needs attention and constant communication. Also, the owners of such animals must have training skills in order to raise a worthy protector for themselves.

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Characteristics of the breed

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a breed that originated in the nineteenth century in Staffordshire. The animal reached the United States after several decades, where it was decided to increase the breed a little. It was at this time that the fights in which the animals took part were relevant. There is an opinion that it is impossible to make a kind and domestic animal out of an amstaff, which was bred for fighting, but it is erroneous.

However, practice suggests otherwise, and with the right approach four-legged friend can be raised to be kind. After all, the protective instinct is inherent in this breed by nature. A feature of the amstaff can be called the fact that they have good intuition.

What do staff dogs look like?

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a muscular and strong breed in appearance.

Amstaff is distinguished by the following features:

  • deep chest;
  • spread paws;
  • strong jaws;
  • big head.

American Staffordshire Terrier - breed standard

The descriptions of the breed include the fact that their representatives have a low pain threshold, so they don't feel pain when they fight or get hurt. The animal weighs no more than thirty kilograms, and in growth reaches no more than half a meter. The color can be varied, but amstaffs of a white hue are very rare.


As mentioned above, representatives of this breed can be different color. The most popular amstaff colors are the following shades:


blue gray



Pale yellow

Such colors can be an animal. But their color may also be different, that is, all the shades of the colors mentioned above. In addition, the animal may be spotted or one-colored.

A lot also depends on the color of the pet, including its character and preferences. Therefore, when choosing an amstaff, you need to pay attention not only to the behavior of the animal, but also to its color.


The American Staffordshire Terrier is a dog that is distinguished by such qualities as:

  • devotion;
  • courage;
  • courage;
  • sociability;
  • diligence;
  • mobility.

Dogs are devoted to their owners, love children and treat them carefully. Do not be afraid that the amstaff can harm the child - this breed is very smart and she understands that the child is weaker than her and therefore, when playing with him, does not use force.

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If you remember how the animals went through the selection process, you can again be convinced that this breed is not only smart, but also strong, since the selection was based on the results of the fights. Those animals that showed weakness during this competition or lost their “clothes” were removed from breeding. First of all, those dogs were removed that could not distinguish a person from an animal during the struggle.

Today, these breeds are characterized as balanced animals, from which you do not need to expect unexpected behavior, for example, they cannot suddenly pounce on a person.

In relation to other dogs, their opponents, they can show aggression, especially if they try to piss off the amstaff. If by chance the dog manages to notice a skirmish of his relatives on the street, he will pass by. But if animals try to attack him, the American Staffordshire Terrier will become furious and can become very dangerous.

The nature of the animal is predictable and quite justified. If the amstaff attacks a person, then he must be euthanized, since this is not typical for an animal. Since the dog is very dangerous when attacked, it can tear not only a person’s clothes, but also damage his body.

Do not think that this is an aggressive animal, on the contrary, they are very kind. The American Staffordshire Terrier is easy to train and right approach performs all the exercises and commands of his master. Animals very quickly become attached to new owners, since a few years ago, dogs were actively sold, they had to constantly see new owners in their environment.

Due to its versatile nature, the animal can be a guard on farmland or serve in military units. Sometimes Amstaffs are brought in specifically in nursing homes, so that with their presence they heal the sick and not let them get bored. They can also help care for sick people, bring them clothes, walk with them and fight longing.

The Staffordshire Terrier is a very intelligent animal, tamed by man. But in some cases, the dog can show aggression, protecting himself and his master.

How many live?

To date, the life expectancy of dogs is 13 years, which in human years is 79 years. Compared to the last century, the life expectancy of animals has increased significantly. According to statistics, females live longer than males, this can be influenced by various factors. According to the reviews, you can understand that the bitches of the brindle color are very kind and affectionate. Keep in mind that amstaffs are not food workers by nature - it is difficult to buy them for a treat.

Much depends on what the owner feeds his pet. With a balanced and proper nutrition the animal will live longer. Also increase the lifespan and permanent physical exercises care and proper care. If the owner feeds his animal, junk food, the color of his clothes may fade, and the dog will begin to shed.

Choosing a puppy

To grow a smart and devoted comrade, the owner will have to invest a lot of time and effort in him. American Staffordshire Terrier puppies are very cute and beautiful, and many people find it difficult to decide on the color of the animal. Before choosing pet, you need to determine for what purpose you want to get an animal. First you need to study the reviews and descriptions of animals.

In order to exhibit an animal at exhibitions, you need to study the criteria by which they are accepted to such events. If you want to breed animals of this breed, then before buying you need to study its pedigree well. His parents must take part in exhibitions and take pride of place if you want to make money on breeding animals.

To exhibit a puppy at exhibitions, you need to prepare it: buy nice clothes, constantly care for him and feed only useful products. But also completely little puppy it is not recommended to take, it is better to opt for a grown animal. In order for the animal to succumb to training, you need to choose puppies no older than two months. Also, young puppies should be started if there are small children in the house, so that they quickly get used to new owners.

If you need a dog as a protector, but you do not have time for training, then you need to take big dog already trained in all the tricks. But you need to understand that the animal has already formed a character, which will be very difficult to change.

When buying a puppy, sellers should tell you how to properly care for it, what to feed it, what training commands it lends itself to. If you have not been told about this, then you need to ask yourself. You also need to find out how often it is worth cleaning the "clothes" of the dog.

Features of care and maintenance at home

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a pleasure to take care of. Due to its short coat, it needs to be groomed infrequently. To prevent the animal from shedding, you need “clothes”, that is, the hair is regularly combed out with a coarse bristle. As for bathing, it is often not worth doing it, only as needed.

The dog spends a lot of time in a dream, so in the house she needs to equip a place where she can relax. Once a week, you need to clean the animal's ears and examine its eyes. Nails need to be trimmed a couple of times a month.

After training, the animal can become a real helper to its owners, the American Staffordshire Terrier can bring slippers, clothes, follow commands, feed their relatives and other animals living in the house.


Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of the animal, so before purchasing, you need to find out how to feed the dog. American Staffordshire Terrier different good appetite and therefore shouldn't be a problem. Until the age of three months, the puppy needs to be fed 6 times a day, at 4 months the food should be four times a day, after six months, you can feed the animal three times, and after nine months and even twice a day.

The main food of the animal is raw beef. Even in battles, the reward for victory was a piece of beef meat. Fish should be given to dogs no more than twice a week, and the serving should be twice the serving of meat. Also, the animal loves grated vegetables with vegetable oil, these products allow you to keep the color of the clothes and prevent the animal from shedding. In connection with the state of the body of your pet, you can use food enriched with vitamins in the diet. This should be done only after consulting a specialist, since an excess of vitamins is more harmful than a lack.

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Video “Staffordshire Terrier. The most interesting about the breed "

On the video is a description of the animal from the words of the owners.

American Staffordshire Terrier - according to some sources, this is one of the most ferocious and bloodthirsty dogs, according to others - the most devoted, faithful and affectionate creature that is impossible not to love. Experts say that a dog of this breed can really be a threat to others, but only if it has a genetic defect of behavior or in the process of learning the owner provokes the dog to aggression. In any case, the inadequate behavior of the amstaff is solely a human error made when training or breeding these amazing animals. Of course, a puppy of this breed is better to have an experienced dog breeder who can properly raise his pet and make him the best of four-legged friends.

Amstaff is the result of crossing two breeds from Great Britain - a bulldog and a terrier, which were brought to the States in the 70th year of the 19th century. Initially, the dogs did not have a name, they were called differently - a pit dog, a Yankee terrier, etc. A little later, a pit bull terrier was assigned to them, but due to the fact that there was no single standard, the breed was not recognized on international level.

At that time, these strong and hardy dogs were used for fashionable bloody fun - dog fights. In the 30s of the 20th century, taking Pit Bull Terriers as a basis, breeders bred the Staffordshire Terrier, which was recognized by the American Club. Already at the time of breeding, cynologists set themselves the task of getting not warlike animals, but pets. In the 70s, the breed acquired the final name, and a little later, the international standard, allowing Amstaffs to participate in various prestigious exhibition events.

Description of the breed American Staffordshire Terrier

According to the standard description, the amstaff is a large, downed, strong dog, with well-developed muscles, not devoid of elegance, lively and actively interested in surrounding events. This is very brave dog who is ready to protect her family members:

Dogs conforming to the standard are proportionately built, growth females vary from 44 to 46 cm, males - from 46 to 48 cm.

Colors of American Staffordshire Terriers

There are several colors of amstaffs, most often dogs with wool of the following colors are found:

Amstaff character

The modern representative of the breed is an excellent guard, but at the same time, such a pet turns out wonderful companion. But thanks international recognition, amstaffs show themselves well at exhibition events.

They are brave, courageous, devoted to their owner, sociable and inquisitive. Amstaff is mobile, hardworking, a dog that can be brought into a family with small children, he is aware of his power, so he treats him very carefully.

Ever since the time of dog fighting, during the selection there was a rejection of dogs with an unstable psyche. First of all, this concerned dogs, which ceased to distinguish between humans and dogs. This made it possible to obtain balanced animals that are not inclined to attack people without reason. A certain natural malice is present among representatives of the breed, but it is directed at rival dogs entering the same ring with them.

In addition, in America, the breeding of amstaffs had a completely different focus - here they were used as farm assistants. Whether a dog will be aggressive depends on many factors - heredity, upbringing, the environment in which he lives.

Cynologists claim that for others great danger represents the owner of this dog giving the command than the dog itself. Indeed, because of devotion, he is not able to ignore the desires of the owner. Amstaff needs constant communication with his family, and he gets along well with other pets.

For proper instruction on commands, visit .

How to train a dog

According to popular belief, amstaffs are difficult to train and are not able to learn anything but the simplest program. But this is another common misconception - dogs of this breed are quite successful in learning, moreover, they do not lag behind service dogs - Rottweilers, Black Russian Terriers and others. And they love to work on the site!

To be productive, the owner needs to find mutual language with your pet, be patient and do not forget about the sequence. It is very important for Amsaffs to receive the approval of the owner, so they will go out of their way to please. But the owner should not use rudeness or physical force if the dog does not succeed.

If the owner has no idea about the training of the American Staffordshire Terrier, then there is always the opportunity to seek advice from a specialist.

Pet care and health

The coat of dogs is quite short and does not require special care. It is enough to periodically comb out the pet with a stiff brush and bathe when it gets dirty. To add shine to wool, you can sometimes wipe it with a suede cloth.

Amstaff should be washed no more than once every 8-10 weeks, using a special detergent - or soap, you can use baby soap. After bathing, the dog's coat is wiped dry with a towel with a soft pile.

AT winter period you can do without taking baths, it is enough to periodically sprinkle the dog with a plentiful layer of snow and clean it with a brush with stiff bristles. And then the coat is wiped dry. In summer, a pet can be allowed to swim in various, but always safe, water bodies.

Such procedures allow not only to clean the coat, but also harden the body of the animal, strengthen nervous system, immunity, respiratory organs and joint-bone apparatus.

Owners are advised to check skin covering for damage. If after washing the dog smells worse than that that was before the procedure, it is possible that he has chronic infection and a veterinary examination is required.

The dog's ears need to be cleaned as they get dirty, using a cotton pad dipped in boiled water or antiseptic. Eyes deserve attention, which should be wiped with a cotton pad. If redness appears, then you can wash them with a decoction of chamomile or weak tea leaves.

Another delicate problem is the care of the anal glands, since if the procedure is ignored, then an excess of secretion in them can cause inflammatory process. Cleaning can be done as veterinarian as well as the owner himself. To do it correctly, you should see how a specialist cleans the glands.

Amstaff needs regular physical activity, and this is important not only for good shape, but also for emotional mood. Walking your pet in common areas will allow him to learn how to properly communicate with strangers, both people and other dogs.

Breed diseases of the Amstaffs

Representatives of the breed can boast of excellent health, but they also have " weak spots". First of all, they, like other dogs, can become infected with serious illnesses, so it is important to vaccinate your pet from them in a timely manner. In addition, they are very sensitive digestive system, so problems often occur. It is important to take care of the proper nutrition of the dog.

The list includes the following health problems:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • inflammatory processes genitourinary system caused by viruses;
  • colitis;
  • eye diseases;
  • benign tumors.

Proper feeding of amstaff

The owners have two ways - to feed the dog natural food or industrial, but in any case, the food must be of high quality. In the first case, it will be required; in the second, one granule is enough.

It is important to follow the regime - the feeding process should take place at the same time, and everything that the pet has not eaten must be removed. But this does not apply to water - the dog should have a drink all the time, it is advisable to replace stale water with new one.

At natural feeding The basis of the dog's diet should be raw meat. So active dogs Be sure to get enough animal protein. It is best to give lean beef, 2-3 times a week - boiled offal and fish. It is useful to periodically treat your pet with pieces of raw tripe.

The menu should include fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. You can add raw yolk or an egg in the form of an omelette to food, but not more than 1-2 times a week. Porridge porridge is cooked from rice or buckwheat, with the addition vegetable oil, chopped greens, meat.

You can not overfeed the dog, and this applies to both the puppy and the adult dog. If a pet earns obesity, then this will negatively affect his health and well-being.

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Future owners should be aware that such dogs are not suitable for living in a booth or aviary. And this is only partly due to their short coat. In order for the amstaff to feel at ease, he needs to be with his family and receive the necessary attention, otherwise the dog becomes overly distrustful and even aggressive.

If the owner is not able to provide the pet with long active walks, then periodically being in the aviary will help the pet throw out excess energy. When installing an aviary, it is worth remembering that the amstaff is powerful and big dog, which means that the fence must be made reliable, with good penetration.

In the house, the dog should have its own place where it could rest in peace. For these purposes, you can use, or give old furniture, an armchair or a sofa for the needs of the pet.

Photo of American Staffordshire Terrier

Video about American Staffordshire Terrier

Where to buy a puppy and what to look for when choosing

There are several options for dogs and owners before purchasing a puppy should decide for what purpose the baby is bought. If the owner needs a dog for future participation in exhibitions, then it is worth contacting Special attention on the standard data of the dog, because even the slightest flaw can complicate the task.

If the puppy will continue to participate in breeding, then here it has great value good pedigree. In addition, animals with any defects are not allowed to participate in matings. In this case, it is not recommended to purchase a puppy from an original female, it is best to give preference to an adult, young dog that has already produced 1-2 litters of healthy offspring that meet standard requirements.

From amstaffs are obtained excellent guards, therefore, if a person is looking for a puppy who will perfectly perform such a responsible job, then it is important that the parents of the baby have a stable psyche. You should not think that it would be best to protect a dog with increased aggressiveness, since such a pet, if it is wrong to approach education, can become a threat not only to others, but also to the family members themselves.

It is advisable to take a puppy into the house for 1.5-2.5 months and engage in his upbringing on his own. This is especially important if the family has small children.

You can buy a puppy with a stable psyche, without genetic abnormalities, purebred and healthy, in a kennel or from a private breeder with a good reputation. At least here you can get certain guarantees, in addition, help in growing a representative of such a difficult breed.

You should not rush, and if possible, first visit various kennels and breeders offering puppies of this breed.

The best amstaff kennels

  1. Moscow ZVEZDA AMERLAND S-vo No. 9835
  2. Kyiv "Endless Shine"

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a fearless dog, ready to fulfill almost any task of the owner and even give his life. So who is to blame that its excellent qualities are misused?