Australian Silky (Silky) Terrier. Australian Silky Terrier: breed characteristics, care and selection of a puppy Silky Terrier description of the breed

Despite the miniature size of these dogs, they belong to a working breed. The Australian Silky (Silky) Terrier combines the qualities of a watchman and a hunter. But today representatives of this breed are used mainly as companions. Thanks to its endurance, energy and unpretentiousness, the snare can accompany its owner on long journeys.

History and characteristics of the Australian Silky Terrier (Silky)

Origin of the breed

The Australian Silky Terrier is an amazing breed with a long history.

The homeland of the snare is Australia, where in the 19th century the breed was obtained by crossing Australian and Yorkshire terriers. Thus, the breeders sought to improve the exterior. And they managed to achieve their goal. As a result, individuals were bred with silky bluish fur, which received the appropriate name.

The first version of the standard was adopted in Sydney in 1906, and since 1907 Australian terriers have already taken part in exhibitions. But breeders did not immediately come to a consensus regarding the appearance of the dogs. In 1909, the state of Victoria developed a second standard, which was significantly different from the first version. Unified requirements for the exterior were approved only in 1926.

After the end of World War II, snare terriers, along with military personnel, came to America. Miniature breeds were in good demand in this country. In 1955, the American Snare Terrier Club was organized, and three years later the National Canine Council began operating in Australia, which adopted the requirements for the Snare Terrier standard.

Important! Today the breed is recognized by the organizations FCI, KCGB, AKC, CKC, UKC, ANKC.

Video: description and review of the breed

Dog standard

The Silkie Terrier is a compact but robust and well-proportioned breed.

The Australian Terrier is a compact dog with a strong build. This breed is characterized by the following features:

  1. At the withers they reach 26 cm and weigh 3.5–6.5 kg. The head is proportional to the body. The length of the forehead exceeds the size of the bridge of the nose.
  2. The nose is pigmented black. The transition from the forehead is well defined. Scissor bite.
  3. The ears are erect, triangular, their tips pointing upward. The eyes are small oval shape, dark color.
  4. The body is elongated. The back line is straight. The neck is slightly arched. Rib cage not very wide. The paws are smooth and of moderate thickness. The claws are dark in color.
  5. In the tail area the hair is short, and a long coat is considered a fault. When docked, it is positioned vertically. If the tail is stored in in kind, his top part bends towards the back.
  6. Silks live up to 15–17 years.

The fur reaches 15 cm in length. But this indicator may vary depending on the care and age of the animal. The standard provides certain requirements for wool:

  • it should not restrict the dog’s movements;
  • in a standing position, there is a gap between the surface and the fur line;
  • on the tail and paws the cover should be short, on the back there must be an even parting;
  • the color can be gray-blue or blue and fawn (the richer the color, the more valued it is).

Important! Silver or white color not allowed except for silver, fawn and blue combination on the muzzle.

Pet character

The Australian Silky Terrier is a brave, energetic and kind dog.

The Australian Terrier is a brave, inquisitive, energetic dog, loyal to its owner. When strangers appear, it barks loudly, but does not show aggression. The breed has retained its protective qualities and serves as an excellent watchdog on a farm, in a house or apartment.. Breeders note the extraordinary courage of these little pets.

Silky can get along with other dogs, but he doesn’t always get along with cats and rodents mutual language, because it has hunting qualities. Loves to play with children, but it is not worth leaving the dog with children under 6 years old. If a child begins to pull the snare's tail or ears, the pet will not tolerate this and may bite.

The character is relatively malleable, the dog is easy to train, but can be stubborn during training. Therefore, breeders recommend taking an obedience course.

How to choose a healthy puppy

It is advisable to buy a puppy over 3 months of age

First of all, choose a nursery with a good reputation. To do this, you can visit a specialized exhibition or study offers on Internet resources.

Be sure to determine the purpose for which you are purchasing a dog, because the cost of the pet depends on this. A pet-class puppy costs about $500, a breed-class puppy costs from $900 to $1,200, and the price for a show-class terrier ranges from $1,300 to $2,000.

Important! You should not buy a baby under 3 months old. It is at this age that you can determine which class the dog belongs to.

The puppies' coat does not have the color characteristic of this breed. Until the dog reaches 18 months, it remains black in color. To make sure that your baby has no health problems and has been vaccinated in a timely manner, check his documents. When purchasing a puppy, the breeder must give you a puppy card, recommendations regarding raising, and a veterinary passport with vaccination information. Also check out his pedigree.

Video: behavior and appearance of puppies

How to care for a Silky Terrier

The Australian snare is generally not very demanding to keep, but its long coat requires special attention.

Nuances when keeping in an apartment

Australian Silky Terrier - indoor dog

The Silky Terrier feels quite comfortable in a city apartment. Its small size allows it to be used to the tray. The only inconvenience may be the loud barking of the terrier. The owner should also remember that this is an active dog that needs physical activity every day. To keep the coat clean, the dog should be taken outside in rainy weather in waterproof overalls.

Dog hygiene and grooming

The Silkie Terrier needs regular grooming and combing.

The snare's coat requires careful care. You need to comb your pet daily, or at least every other day, otherwise the formation of tangles cannot be avoided. The minimum duration of the procedure should be 15 minutes, but it is better to spend half an hour on this process.

Important! You should not expose your dog to frequent water treatments. It is enough to bathe the snare once every 6 months or when it gets dirty.

For this breed, shampoos intended exclusively for long hair: BioVax, Trixie, Herba Vitae. After them, combing the cover will be as simple and painless as possible.

The next stage of care is haircut (grooming). To do this you will need a special machine and scissors. Thinning is performed between the eyes. The fur is shortened on the ears, paws, back, and tail. Leave in the chest and abdomen area long hair. From the corners of the eyes to the space between the ears, the hair is cut in the shape of the letter V.

Video: master class on grooming

Other care measures include the following:

  1. The terrier's nails need to be trimmed short. It is more convenient to do this after swimming. Seals don't particularly like this procedure, so wrap your dog in a towel first, this will help hold him in place.
  2. Wipe your pet's eyes with a damp cotton pad as discharge accumulates.
  3. Every week, check the condition of your ears and clean them with wipes soaked in a special lotion or clean water.
  4. To prevent the formation of tartar, pay attention to your pet's dental hygiene once a week. Today in zoological stores you can buy special pastes and brushes: Trixie, Hartz, Gimpet.

Pet care products in the photo

Gimpet- toothpaste with added vitamins
Hartz - quality paste for dogs
Trixie shampoo will help in caring for the long hair of the Silk Terrier Trixie produces a paste in a set with a special brush Biovax - a domestic shampoo for long-haired breeds

Principles and norms of healthy eating

The diet of the Australian Silk Terrier should be as balanced as possible.

The Australian Terrier can be fed dry formula or natural food. But you can’t mix these products; such food can disrupt the animal’s digestion. If you prefer natural feeding Give your pet lean meats, grains, sea fish, boiled eggs, and vegetables. At the same time, avoid foods such as potatoes, beans, peas, pork, sausages, and sweets.

It should be noted that with the help of industrial food you can also provide your pet with all the necessary nutrients. But this applies only to premium and super-premium formulations that do not contain chemical components. This is Eukanuba, Hills, Royal Canin, Artemis et al.

Important! The dog should receive water in unlimited quantities.

Photo gallery: food suitable for snare terriers

Artemis offers food for small breeds
Hills releases food aimed at terriers
Royal Canin is one of the most popular premium foods Eukanuba - food for terriers, including a vitamin complex

Pregnancy and childbirth

During childbirth, the owner must be nearby to provide necessary help pet

Pregnancy lasts on average 56–63 days, but puppies usually appear before 60 days. The dog during this period needs special care:

  1. With the onset of the second month, she begins to consume twice as much food. But food should be divided into 4-5 feedings per day.
  2. The female also needs drinking plenty of fluids, since her body spends a lot of fluid to produce amniotic fluid.

From 5 months limit physical activity pets, sudden movements are contraindicated for her.

Pregnancy can be determined by characteristic changes in the dog’s appearance, as well as by palpation:

  • in the fourth week you can feel hard lumps in her abdomen;
  • then the female’s mammary glands enlarge, their pigmentation changes, they become lighter;
  • the stomach increases in size.

After the 55th day of pregnancy, regularly measure your dog's body temperature. When the readings drop to 37°C, begin preparations for the birth of the puppies (they will appear within the next 24 hours). Build a special place for your pet. The best option is cardboard box with a high side, inside of which you need to lay clean diapers. It is also advisable to place a heating lamp nearby or put a heating pad (it is placed in the place where the puppies will lie, so as not to harm the bitch after giving birth).

To the beginning labor activity indicates the behavior of the female. With the onset of contractions, she becomes restless, tries to attract attention to herself, whines, scratches the floor, and refuses to eat. Take the dog to a prepared area.

Before expulsion of the fetus, the bitch develops a mucous, transparent, sticky discharge. This is a natural phenomenon that should not be feared. Then a puppy appears. During the normal course of labor, he comes out upside down, head first. Your actions are as follows:

  1. The baby needs to be freed from membrane, cut the umbilical cord and treat the cut with a disinfectant.
  2. Then it should be wiped clean of mucus.
  3. If the puppy is not breathing, rub it with a terry towel (do not overdo it so as not to harm the baby).
  4. The intervals between the births of babies are 15–30 minutes. If the duration exceeds 2 hours, you must urgently seek veterinary help.
  5. After the birth of each puppy, the placenta should be released. Count them and compare them with the number of puppies. If at least one remains inside your pet, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Education and training

Agility is a useful and exciting activity for the Silky Terrier

A snare puppy is able to learn certain skills from 1.5–2 months. Education should begin with accustoming your pet to the litter box, as well as its name, place, leash and collar. Australian Terriers are quite intelligent, but somewhat stubborn, which can make training difficult. Do not let your pet off the leash until he has learned the call well. To wean him from an unwanted action, say in a confident tone “No!”

Important! Do not use physical punishment, this will make the dog cowardly and aggressive.

You can practice agility with the Australian Terrier. This is a sport that involves passing an obstacle course, in which not only dogs, but also owners take part. Agility will help develop dexterity in the snare, and will also allow him to realize a huge reserve of energy.

To make interaction with your pet easier, teach him the commands included in the general obedience course: “Come to me!”, “Near!”, “Stand!”, “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “You can’t!” This will help not only control the terrier’s behavior, but also protect him from danger. After all, a snare can chase a cat and end up on the roadway.

Video: dog agility training

Possible diseases and vaccination rules

Silky Terriers may be susceptible to the following diseases:

  1. Dysplasia kneecap- a hereditary disease in which the dog develops lameness, moves little, and sometimes limbs fail.
  2. Epilepsy manifests itself in the form of nervousness, whining, rocking, salivation, and loss of consciousness. It is impossible to completely cure an animal. But correct therapy allows you to stop the progression of the disease and improve the dog’s quality of life.
  3. Inflammatory processes on the skin.
  4. Diabetes - the dog experiences increased thirst, exhaustion, weakness, brittleness and hair loss.

Timely vaccinations will help strengthen your pet's immunity. The dog is given vaccines against parainfluenza, canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis, coronovirus, Lyme disease, rabies. Two weeks before vaccination, the animal must undergo deworming. Veterinarians give special medications, for example, Dirofen or Azinox.

The dog is vaccinated for the first time at 2 months. After 14 days, revaccination is carried out. The next vaccination is performed at 6–7 months, then every year throughout the animal’s life. Formation immune defense takes some time. Therefore, for two weeks after vaccination, the dog must be protected from possible infections and contact with pets on the street.

History of the breed

Australian Silky (Silky) Terrier (see photo)- This small dog breeds, obtained by crossing a Yorkshire Terrier and an Australian Terrier. It all started in the 19th century, when they were first brought to Australia (Victoria and New South Wales). Yorkshire Terriers. Small dog breeds They were also revered in Australia, so in order to improve the Australian terrier, this breed was crossed with the imported one in the hope of obtaining a blue color. The goal was achieved, the resulting small breeds dogs They were distinguished by beautiful silky, bluish fur. She was given the appropriate name - Silk Terrier, i.e. .

Instantly appreciate all the benefits small dog breeds, they began to be presented at exhibitions already in 1907. A year earlier, in 1906, the first official standard was developed in Sydney small dog breeds. However, in 1909, another state, Victoria, developed its own standard small dog breeds, and it was significantly different from the previous one. Unified breed standard Australian Silky Terrier was created and approved only in 1926. Name small dog breeds received from their appearance and wool, reminiscent of silk. Australian Silky Terrier also called Sydney snares until 1955.

Further spread of the breed began after the Second World War, when military personnel took small dog breeds to your homeland. Exactly Australian Silky Terrier came to America for the first time. There small dog breeds quickly gained popularity, and in 1955 the first American Silk Terrier Club was even created. In 1958, in Australia, at the instigation of the American club, the Australian National Canine Council was created, which then adopted a single standard small dog breeds.

Description of the Australian Silky Terrier breed

- very energetic and active small breed dog. He is distinguished by his cheerful disposition, quick wit and liveliness of mind. He might become good companion, however, this training is capricious small breed dog difficult to do.

Its appearance is in many ways reminiscent of the famous Yorkshire Terrier, but it is distinguished by its beautiful silky coat of a bluish tint. Wool Australian Silky Terrier elongated, very soft. The maximum length of the coat reaches 15 cm. According to the official standard, the ears Australian Silky Terrier erect, covered with soft and delicate hair. Ears triangular shape, set high with sharp tips pointing upward. Eyes small breed dogs round, small in size and dark in color. Body Australian Silky Terrier moderately elongated. The paws are rounded, with black claws. The tail is usually docked and carried straight. Color small breed dogs blue with fawn or grayish blue. Moreover, closer to the tail the color becomes more saturated and darker. Fawn markings are usually observed on the paws Australian Silky Terrier and under the tail. Weight – from 3.5 kg to 4.5 kg.

Despite the decorative appearance Australian Silky Terrier, it cannot be perceived as part of the interior, or a decorative dog that is nursed like a child. too active for that. This small breed dog loves to play with children, dig in the ground, and run a lot. In addition, a courageous disposition Australian Silky Terrier makes him look like a menacing little Pug. If you offend or offend him, Australian Silky Terrier will desperately defend himself.

Caring for the Australian Silky Terrier breed

It belongs to the breeds of small dogs that are easy and pleasant to keep even in a city apartment. Due to its compact size Silky Terrier and in a small room he finds a place and a way to throw out energy and activity, so you will have to put up with his active games. Be prepared for the fact that early in the morning his marathon line will pass right along your bed, and come to terms with it. In order to Australian Silky Terrier was cheerful and healthy, he needs to be regularly walked in the fresh air, ideally in a park or forest.

Daily hygiene required Silky Terrier, this, of course, is washing, examining the ears, eyes, teeth, and claws of the animal. If necessary, they are treated: ears and eyes are wiped with a cotton pad, dry or soaked in boiled water, and the claws are trimmed with a special nail clipper for dogs. If Australian Silky Terrier suddenly seems sluggish or not active enough, it may make sense to show him to the doctor. Also Silky Terrier should be taken to a veterinarian if eyeballs notice signs of inflammation.

It is distinguished by its beautiful silky coat. And in order to maintain it in proper form, you will have to make a lot of effort. The coat needs to be brushed daily snare terrier massage brush, it can be easily purchased at a specialized pet store. The combing procedure may take you from ten minutes to half an hour, depending on how active you were. Australian Silky Terrier the day before. Tangles, in which long hair can get tangled, must be carefully untangled with your hands, and not combed out or cut out. Using such barbaric methods, you risk leaving your pet completely without fur. After combing and untangling tangles Silky Terrier ready for hair. To do this, the wool that falls over the eyes is gathered up and tied with a ribbon.

Water procedures Silky Terrier loves it very much, and unlike other breeds of small dogs, they only benefit him, so you can bathe your pet as often as you want! For achievement better result, use special means for bathing long-haired dogs, then Australian Silky Terrier will delight you with beautiful shiny coat. After the bath, wrap your pet in a terry towel and dry the fur with a hairdryer using a brush.

Pay attention to how you eat Australian Silky Terrier. If you feed your pet natural food from your table, or prepared especially for him, it is advisable to add vitamins and minerals to the food, which will be recommended to you at the pet store or prescribed by your veterinarian. Silkie Terrier needs additional vitamins that will have a beneficial effect on his coat and general well-being.

FCI-Standard FCI Standard No. 8 (03/12/1998)




FCI CLASSIFICATION: Group 3. Terriers.
Section 2. Small terriers.
No performance tests.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The history of the Australian Silky Terrier began at the end of the 19th century. The ancestors of the Silky Terrier are dogs of such breeds as the Yorkshire Terrier and australian terrier, carrying the blood of the Norwich Terrier, Cairn Terrier and Dandie Dinmont Terrier, as well as the Skye Terrier. It is also known that the griffon played a certain role in the formation of the breed. The breed was registered by the Kennel Club in 1933 and officially recognized in the USA in 1959.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: A strong stocky dog, rather elongated, with a strong terrier character, always alert, active, in good health. Her untrimmed, wiry coat with a pronounced muff around the neck extending to the sternum and long, strong head give her a stubborn, ruffly appearance.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT: Essentially a working terrier, his loyalty and even temperament make him equally suitable as a companion.

CRANIAL BOX: Skull box long, flat, of moderate width, filled between the eyes. Covered with a soft tuft.
Transition from forehead to muzzle: Not deep, but clear.
Nose: Black, medium in size, the nasal planum widens towards the back of the nose.
Muzzle: Strong, powerful, equal in length to the skull; The muzzle should be strong and not droop under the eyes. The length and strength of the muzzle are essential for a strong grip.
Lips: Black, tight fitting, dry.
Jaws and teeth: The jaws are strong, with a strong grip, the teeth are large and evenly spaced, upper incisors set closely in front of the lower ones in a scissor bite.
EYES: Should be small, oval, with a piercing expression and dark brown in color, set wide apart, not protruding.
EARS: Small, erect, pointed, well carried, set moderately wide, lacking long hair and sensitive to sounds (except puppies under 6 months).
NECK: Good length, slightly arched, strong, flowing smoothly into sloping shoulders.

BLOCK: Stretched, durable. When assessing the body, it is necessary to pay attention to the initial description of “a strong, squat dog, rather stretched out.”
Back (from withers to forelocks): Level topline.
Loin: Strong.
Chest: Moderately deep and wide, with well arched ribs. The forechest is well developed, the sternum is relatively deeply descended.

TAIL: Docked, set high, carried well, but not over the back.

FOREQUARTER: Limbs bony, straight and parallel when viewed from the front, with slight feathering down to the wrists.
Pasterns: Strong, without slope.
BACK: Wide. Limbs middle length. When viewed from behind, they should be parallel from hocks to paws, set neither too wide nor too narrow.
Hips: Strong, muscular.
Knees: Well arched.
Hocks: Well arched, short metatarsals.
Hind feet: Small, round, compact, well padded, toes well balled and moderately arched. Turned neither inward nor outward, with strong, black or dark claws.

MOVEMENT: Free, correct, springy and strong. When viewed from the front, the forelegs should move accurately with no weakness in the shoulders, elbows or pasterns. The hind legs have propulsion and strength, with free movements knee and hock joints. When viewed from behind, from the hocks to the ground, parallel, set neither too narrow nor too wide.

COAT: On the body, it consists of a coarse, straight, dense outer coat approximately 6 cm (2.5 inches) long with a short, soft textured undercoat. The muzzle, lower limbs and paws are devoid of long hair.

a) Black and silver - steel or dark gray - with rich tan (not fawn) on the front of the head, ears, lower body, lower legs and around the anus (excluding puppies). Deeper color and more clearly defined is better. Blackness is not desirable. The crest on the head is blue, silver or a lighter shade than on the head.
b) Pure fawn or red, any muzzle or dark shading is not desirable. A tuft of a lighter tone is acceptable.
c) In any color, white markings on the chest or legs must be penalized.

Height at Withers: Desirable height at withers is approximately 25 cm (approx. 10 inches), bitches slightly less.
Weight: Desirable weight is approximately 6.5 kg (approximately 14 lbs) for males, females slightly lighter.

DEFECTS: Any deviation from the above points should be regarded as a defect or defect depending on the degree of severity.

NOTE: Males must have two apparently normal testes fully descended into the scrotum.

The Australian Silky Terrier is a small decorative dog with beautiful flowing hair. Silkie, as he is also called, can be an excellent choice for those who are looking for a miniature companion with an original appearance and a good disposition. Due to its color and small size, it is often confused with the Yorkshire Terrier, but naturally these are two different breeds.

With the beginning of British colonization, new breeds of dogs began to appear in Australia, among which were small terriers brought by the British. One of the first creations of Australian breeders was the Australian Terrier. It was he who became the basis for a new breed - the Australian Silky Terrier. Presumably, selection was targeted, and snares appeared as a result of crossing Australian dogs And . Dandie Dinmont Terriers also took part in the program. At the beginning of its development, the breed was known as the Sydney Silky Dog.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Australian, Sydney and Yorkshire terriers had no clear division. In 1929, each breed had its own standard. But even after this, breeding work proceeded at a very sluggish pace and gained momentum only after 1955. Then the name Australian Silky Terrier was officially approved. In 1958, the breed was recognized by the National Kennel Club of Australia.

After World War II, American military personnel exported hundreds of representatives of the breed to the United States, where these dogs became extremely popular. Already in 1959, the American Kennel Club granted championship status to the Silky Terrier. And in 1965 they became known internationally thanks to the recognition of the United Kennel Club (KCU). Although Silky is a terrier, all organizations classified him in the group of decorative dogs, believing that they would be safer with small brothers than with large ones.

Video about the Australian Silky Terrier breed:

Appearance and standards

According to the standards, the Australian Silky Terrier is a small decorative dog, compact, slightly elongated, with long soft hair and a pointed muzzle. Height at withers 20-23 cm, weight 3.5-4.5 kg

The head is moderately long, with a pronounced stop. The muzzle is pointed, the nose is black. The jaws are strong, with correct bite. The eyes are small and oval. The ears are dark, erect, set high and wide apart, and have pointed tips. Auricle thin.

Neck with a slight bend, medium length. The body is moderately long, the topline is level. The loin of these dogs is strong. The chest is moderately broad and deep with prominently sprung ribs. The tail can be docked, in which case it is set high and held in an upright position. The undocked tail should be in balance with the overall size. It may be slightly curved, but it does not roll over the back. The legs are strong, straight, not long. The paws are small, well compressed, which is why they resemble a cat's. The pads are thick, the claws are dark.

The coat is straight, flowing, fine and shiny. Thanks to its silky texture, it is soft to the touch. The length should not interfere with the dog's movement, so there should be a gap between the lower horizontal edge of the hair, which falls with the body, and the ground. On the front and hind legs, on the ears, on the back of the nose, around the eyes and on lower jaw- short fur. On the head, between the ears, the hair is long, parted and lying on the sides, and should not cover the muzzle. There is no undercoat.

The recognized color of the snare is blue and tan. The coat on the body can have all shades of blue, a rich color is preferable. The hair on the tail is much darker. Fawn tan on ears, face, cheekbones, around anus, on the lower part of the legs. The blue is clear, without darkening, starting at the base of the skull, extending to the tip of the tail, descending along the front legs to the wrist, along the hind legs to the hocks. It is very difficult to describe the original coat color, so it is better to take a photo of Australian snares as a guide.

The difference between a snare and a Yorkshire terrier

Silkies are often confused with Yorkies. It’s not at all surprising, because the breeds are related, have a common color and size, but that’s where their similarities end. Let's look at the main characteristics that will help distinguish the Australian Terrier from the Yorkshire Terrier:

  • The head and jaw of the snare are larger than those of the Yorkie, and the muzzle is longer;
  • Australian terriers are larger and heavier than Yorkshire terriers;
  • The ears, tail, nose and lower part of the legs of the snare are covered with short hair, while those of the Yorkshire terrier are covered with long hair;
  • Silka's hair is softer and lighter, this is noticeable even in the photo;
  • The Yorkie's body is square, while the Australian Terrier's body is stretched;
  • Show snares are much easier to care for;
  • Snares are more durable and strong, they are better suited for long walks. Roughly speaking, they are not as decorative as Yorkshire terriers.


The Australian Silky Terrier is a friendly and energetic dog that enjoys lively walks and games. In general, it dismantles all the qualities of a terrier - vigilance, activity, courage, self-esteem. Silky becomes very attached to his owner, and the rest of the family is treated affectionately and friendly.

They get along well with children of any age, but they are still more interested in older children. The size of the Australian Terrier does not allow the Australian Terrier to be a guard of his pack, but thanks to his courage and vigilance, he will perfectly cope with the role of a guard and will definitely warn of a visit with a ringing bark. He is wary of strangers. The Australian Silky Terrier was initially perceived only as a decorative dog, but the hunting and territorial instinct of its ancestors periodically makes itself felt. If in the summer the dog goes out on country cottage area, then you can forget about moles and field mice.

Judging by the reviews of the owners, silky terriers have a wonderful character. They are cheerful, playful, cheerful. They quickly understand what is wanted from them and adapt to the character and lifestyle of the family. They always want to be close to the owner.

Silks are smart and very easy to train. Recent studies have shown that among 100 ornamental breeds they take an honorable 20th place in terms of learning ability. They can be very temperamental, at home they can be stubborn, and on walks they bully big dogs, but with proper upbringing they show humility and obedience. They love to be petted and receive praise.

Silky, as befits a decorative dog, should live in an apartment or in a private house. It is worth saying that in indoors They behave quite calmly, but as soon as they find themselves on the street, they forget about their intelligence, their freshly combed fur coat, and run around headlong, splashing out the accumulated energy. It is very important to devote time to your dog every day, to play with it, so that you no longer have enough energy for pranks.

Since snares do not have undercoat, they get very cold in the cold season and need additional insulation.


The Silkie Terrier can eat both natural food, and industrial feeds. Breeders recommend choosing the second option, since it is easier to provide the dog with a balanced diet. If the food does not belong to a line designed specifically for long-haired breeds, then it is recommended to add vitamins for skin and coat to the diet.


Caring for a snare is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but it is also not as easy as caring for a short-haired dog. From childhood, you need to teach your puppy to bathe and blow dry, as well as brush his teeth, ears and get his hair cut. In the future these will be regular procedures.

The terrier's silky coat is prone to matting, and therefore it is recommended to brush it daily. Use cosmetics designed for dogs with long, soft hair. Products for Yorkshire Terriers are often suitable. The tangles cannot be combed out; they are carefully disassembled. They bathe the snares once a week. As necessary, the dog's ears are cleaned, the eyes are kept clean, and the teeth are brushed and the claws are trimmed as they grow.

The Silky Terrier is exhibited as naturally as possible. Before the show, the fur is trimmed a little. If desired, dogs can be given short haircuts at home.

Health and life expectancy

There are several diseases in the breed to which dogs have a genetic predisposition:

  • Allergies;
  • Tracheal collapse;
  • Diabetes;
  • Patella dislocation;
  • Dysplasia elbow joint;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Herniated discs;
  • Aseptic necrosis of the head femur;
  • Malassezia dermatitis;
  • Cataract;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • Corneal ulcer;
  • Short hair syndrome.

Choosing a puppy. Price

Representatives of the breed began to appear in Russia after 2010. The livestock is still very small, but in large cities there are already kennels that breed Australian Silky Terriers and offer good quality puppies. Before purchasing a puppy, you need to read about the breed, find out about kennels, call and talk to the breeder.

You need to choose a puppy very carefully. Scammers often pass off Yorkshire terrier puppies as rarer and more expensive snares.

It is very important to evaluate the merits and character of parents. It is likely that external characteristics and temperament are inherited. A small puppy should meet the standard as much as possible. The coat should not be hard to the touch, the bite should be scissor-shaped, the tail should not be kinked, and the back should be straight. The origin of the baby must be confirmed by documents from the RKF or the country in which he was born. The buyer must be provided with a veterinary passport and a sales contract. It will be a huge plus if the parents have passed tests for genetic diseases, characteristic of the breed. Puppies can be much darker in color. According to the standard, by the age of 18 months the puppy should finally turn blue.

The Australian Silky Terrier Silky is a small dog whose ancestors are considered to be the Australian and Yorkshire terriers. This is an absolutely charming and very active dog who will become wonderful friend for an owner of any age.

History of the breed

This breed was developed in the nineteenth century, when Yorkshire terriers began to be imported to Australia. Terriers were generally very popular in Australia, but the imported Yorkies had much more beautiful coats. Therefore, breeders crossed these two breeds to obtain wool with a bluish tint.

It was a pretty successful experiment, and the end result was very beautiful dog with silver-blue fur.

Cynological communities around the world appreciated the new breed, and already at the beginning of the twentieth century these dogs were presented at the most honorable exhibitions. The breed was standardized.

During all this time, the standards of the Australian Silky Terrier breed have been changed several times. Final standardization occurred in 1926.

Terriers became widespread after World War II, when the military began to take these dogs to their homeland.

Gallery: Australian Silky Terrier (25 photos)


The Australian Silky Terrier is a dog breed that must meet the following standards.

Character of the breed

These are very cheerful, active dogs. They do not sit in one place for a long time, they need to run, jump, and play.

These dogs are extremely smart and curious. Due to their overactive behavior, they are difficult to train. These dogs are very attached to their owner and get along well with children.

If you restrict these dogs' movement and activity, they will begin to spoil and chew the owner’s things and bark constantly. Therefore, the owners of these dogs need to constantly play with them and take them for walks.

Breeders tried to create not a lap dog, but a hunter of small rodents, so this breed has hunting qualities and protects the house from mice and rats.

These dogs are quite loyal to their owner and in case of danger they can stand up for themselves and for him.

An Australian Terrier can even be brought into a small apartment, but in this case the dog needs to be given long walks and often played with. Otherwise he will bark and ruin things.

Caring for the snare

Grooming procedures for a dog of this breed should include:

Nutrition and health

The Australian Terrier must receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals in order for its coat to be shiny and soft.

It is best to feed your pet natural food and supplement the diet with vitamins and minerals.

There are special foods for this breed that are designed to meet all the needs of terriers.

Australian Silky Terriers are predisposed to several diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • dislocation of knee joints;
  • joint dysplasia;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • eye diseases.

To buy a puppy that has good health, you need to ask the breeders about past illnesses of the puppy’s parents. Most likely, if they have any genetic diseases, they will be passed on to the puppy.

How to buy a puppy

A purebred Australian terrier is difficult to find in our country. But in good pets or at shows there is a chance to buy a healthy one purebred puppy with documents.

The Australian Silky Terrier is a huge tangle of contradictions and surprises. Having a toy appearance, representatives of this breed are not at all decorative dogs. Can you believe that these cute creatures are formidable hunters, watchmen, shepherds, and security guards? Yes, behind such a cute face hides an incredibly strong-willed dog with unusual abilities.

The Australian Silky Terrier is abbreviated as “silky” - it is a small breed dog obtained by crossing two terriers - the Australian and.

The history of the breed began in the 19th century, when the first Yorkshire terriers began to be imported into Australia. Such small breeds were highly valued in the country, so to improve the local representatives of the Australian terriers, they were crossed with the imported ones. Another important goal was pursued - to obtain blue wool.

The breeders' hopes were justified - new breed came out to glory, favorably distinguished by a beautiful coat with a silvery-bluish tint. This wool formed the name of the breed - after all, in translation “silk” means silk.

The world canine communities quickly appreciated the new breed, and already at the beginning of the 20th century its representatives could be found at the most prestigious exhibitions. A little earlier, the standards for these small dogs were approved.

However, over the quarter century of its existence, the official standards were changed more than once, and it became unified and unchanged only in 1926. Until the middle of the last century, in addition to the main name, purebred dogs became known as Sidney Snares.

The intensive spread of the breed throughout the world began at the end of the 2nd World War, when demobilized soldiers took these small dogs to their homeland. Thus, the terrier came to the States. Representatives there quickly gained popularity, and Silkie Terrier kennel clubs began to open throughout the country.

What does a purebred dog look like?

Photo of Australian Silky Terrier

According to approved standards, representatives of the breed must meet the following indicators:

  • Head absolutely proportional to the size of the body, with a flat forehead that is longer than the bridge of the nose; there is a pronounced transition from the forehead to the nose.
  • Ears They have a medium rise, triangular, erect, with pointed tips. Ear cartilage is quite elastic. The ears are covered with soft fur; there is no fur inside. There are individuals with curved ears, which goes beyond the standard.
  • Nose– the earlobe of these terriers is black.
  • Teeth– smooth, medium-sized, white, scissor-type bite, lips have a clear outline.
  • Eyes– small, round in shape, dark colored iris. The snare has a lively, sometimes wary look.
  • Body dogs elongated, strong. The back is level, moderately wide; The sternum is of medium size, the ribs are round in shape. Neck with moderate arches.
  • Paws smooth, strong, with rounded, collected pads and black claws. Elbows and shoulder joints harmoniously located. Any changes in their inclination are considered disadvantages.
  • Tail if docked, then it has a direct vertical position, in the case of natural size, only the lower vertebrae are in the same position, the rest are slightly bent towards the back. In both cases, the tail is covered with short hair; if decorating hair is observed, then this is a defect of the individual.
  • Wool elongated, soft and silky, its length can reach 15 cm. It covers the dog’s body from the animal’s croup to the back of the head; has a blue tint, the color becomes richer closer to the dog's tail. There may be fawn markings on the paws and under the tail. According to breed standards, loose facial hair is considered undesirable.

Externally, Australian terriers are very similar to Yorkshire terriers, but the most a clear difference is a bluish and soft coat. The weight of a dog of this breed can vary between 3.5-4.5 kg.

Characteristics of the snare

These little dogs have a cheerful disposition, energy and increased activity. Running, jumping, playing with children - these are the favorite pastimes of Silky Terriers.

Representatives of this breed are also distinguished by excellent intelligence, a lively and sharp mind, and curiosity. Silks can be good companions, but having a wayward character, they are not very easy to train. Dogs, in most cases, become strongly attached to their owners and love children.

In the photo, a Silky Terrier is resting on the sofa.

When breeding the breed, breeders sought to get not so much a pet as a small pest hunter, a guard and a shepherd. And as a result, the Silky Australian Terrier, despite its small size, has an innate hunting instinct and is an open threat to rats and other rodents. The pet fearlessly guards the territory entrusted to it and can look after small livestock.

These little dogs decorative look They are quite cocky, and if something happens, they will be able to stand up not only for themselves, but also for their beloved owner. In contact with humans, Silk Terriers show submissiveness and obedience. They have a balanced temperament, love to be affectionate, but can also show restraint.

They are captivated by their excellent suitability for living in an apartment, and small size allows you to have this pet in small areas. But a violent temperament can cause inconvenience - a dog, especially a young one, often starts running and jumping in the early morning, despite the protests of household members.

To avoid problems, it is necessary to provide the dog with long walks and active training so that the Silky Terrier does not have enough energy for pranks.

Caring for representatives of this breed

As noted above, long walks, with games and runs, are what an active Silky Terrier needs. The ideal place for them is a forest area or park.

On a daily basis hygiene care The following necessary activities include:

  • Every day you should pay attention to the condition of your pet’s eyes, teeth, ears;
  • if necessary, eyes and ears should be treated with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water;
  • must be carried out periodically.

– this is a separate article in caring for the Australian Silky Terrier. Wool can look gorgeous if you take proper care and take care of it. appearance. To do this, you need to spend 10-15 minutes daily on the combing procedure. For these purposes, it is more convenient to use a massage brush.

The photo shows an Australian Silky Terrier puppy

The structure of the coat makes it prone to matting. Therefore, it is necessary to untangle them manually every day, but do not try to comb or cut them. After the procedure, you can style your pet’s hair by collecting the hair covering the eyes into a bun.

As for water procedures, everything is very simple - representatives of this breed love water and swimming, and besides, these activities only benefit the dog. Therefore, you can bathe your Silky Terrier as many times as you like. It is better to use special products for washing, and then dry the dog with a towel and hairdryer. Knowing about the propensity of this breed to various kinds, it is necessary to ensure that the pet does not get sick during and after the bath.

An Australian pet can eat both natural food and balanced ready-made food. In the first case, the pet’s diet can be supplemented, but only after consultation with veterinary specialist. Flaw useful substances leads to . Regular visits to the doctor for vaccinations and preventive examination will help maintain your pet’s health and prevent the development of diseases.

Photos of Australian Silky Terriers

Video about the terrier

How much does a puppy cost and where to buy one?

In our country, and even more so in provincial cities, you can rarely find dogs of this breed. Therefore, buying a purebred pet can become problematic. The easiest way to purchase a dog of this breed is at exhibitions or through an advertisement.

You need to be prepared for the fact that some unscrupulous breeders pass off Yorkshire terrier puppies as Australian silkies. Therefore, it is better to find out all the qualities of the dog in advance.

If a suitable candidate is found, then you can negotiate the price of the Australian Silky Terrier. By the way, it can scare off even an experienced dog breeder, since a puppy costs $1,000 or more. Most likely the cost is related to unusual appearance dogs and their rarity.

Kennels of Australian Silky Terriers

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