Short quotes about happiness and love. I'm happy: quotes

Hello, dear readers!

Today we have prepared for you a selection of the best sayings about happiness.

Each phrase was carefully controlled and tested for positivity and inspiration :). Therefore, these are really the most best sayings about happiness.

We really hope that these phrases will show you the path to happiness.

Happiness is when you are loved by those you love!

Remember that happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have; it depends entirely on what you think. Dale Carnegie

Happiness is not the station you arrive at, it is the way you travel.

There is no need to shout about your happiness...even if you really want’s enough to just quietly thank the one who gives you this happiness

Every minute you are angry at someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back.

If we invent our own problems, then we can invent our own happiness.

Happiness has no tomorrow, it does not have yesterday, it does not remember the past, does not think about the future, it has the present - and that is not a day, but a moment...

Happiness is not a goal, but a way of life.

There are three grandiose laws of happiness in life - 1) you have to do something, 2) you have to love someone, 3) you have to hope for something. Joseph Addison

In order to find happiness in this life, you must first find yourself in it.

Only bringing childhood to life can bring happiness. Freud Sigmund

Our happiness depends more on how we face the events of our lives than on the nature of the events themselves. Alexander Humboldt

Not the key to happiness. Happiness is the most important key to success. If you like what you do, you will definitely achieve success. Albert Schweitzer

Your happiness brings you money and success, not the other way around.

Happiness is a choice. And unhappiness is simply a wrong choice...

To create happiness we have four tools: thoughts, emotions, words and actions. Everything ingenious is simple.

One of the main signs of happiness and harmony is complete absence the need to prove something to someone. Nelson Mandela

Don't put off happiness until tomorrow. Hurry to live, see, feel, rejoice today, now, at this minute.

There is a definition of happiness: a state in which a person has positive thoughts most of the time. Natalia Grace

Action does not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. Benjamin Disraeli

Happiness is not clothes that can be bought in a store or sewn in a studio. Happiness is inner harmony. it is impossible to achieve it from the outside. Only from the inside. Angel de Coitiers

Happiness is actually made up of four things: a sense of control, a sense of progress, attachments (the number and depth of your relationships), and vision/meaning (feeling like you're part of something bigger). Tony Hsieh

What makes a person unhappy or happy is only him, not external circumstances. By controlling his thoughts, he controls his happiness.

We have one responsibility - to be happy. Ray Bradbury

We have a duty that we neglect more than any other: it is our duty to be happy. Robert Louis Stevenson

The only serious failure in life is if you never learned to be happy. Celine Dion

Happiness is an individual and ephemeral concept. There is no measure of happiness. Someone, having pennies and a large family, considers himself happy; someone, having bought a mansion or an executive car, experiences bliss. If you haven’t decided whether you have a good life in this world, then here are quotes about happiness. Read, perhaps, the answer to this question.

Beautiful quotes about happiness

Happiness is an amazing feeling of pleasure that a person experiences. For one it is a moment of falling in love, for another it is the result of work, for a third it is recovery or saving a life. Unfortunately, this moment is short-lived. He, like a light, lights up in a person’s life and disappears.

Philosophers and creative people have been thinking about whether people are happy since time immemorial. Therefore, the treasury of age-old wisdom is full of sayings about happiness that open the canopy of this feeling.

“One of the most amazing misconceptions is the misconception that a person’s happiness lies in doing nothing” (Leo Tolstoy).
“It often happens that a person considers happiness to be far from himself, but it has already come to him with silent steps” (Giovanni Boccaccio).
“Happiness is like health: when it is present, you don’t notice it” (Mikhail Bulgakov).
“Most people are only as happy as they decide to be” (Abraham Lincoln).
“Happiness is not a destination, but a way to travel” (Margaret Lee Runbeck).
“Whiteness has a lot of shades. Happiness, like spring, changes its appearance every time” (André Maurois).
“Happy is not the one who has the best, but the one who makes the best of what he has” (Confucius).
“I was born, and that is all that is necessary to be happy” (Albert Einstein).
“The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that we are loved, loved for being who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are” (Victor Hugo).

Quotes from great people often lift the veil of mystery over the concept of “happiness in marriage.” Leo Tolstoy said that all families are happy in the same way and unhappy in different ways. What is the essence of happiness in marriage, the following statements will suggest:

“A wedding makes a man happy only in one case - if it is the wedding of his daughter.”
“If it weren’t for women’s intuition, how many men would have missed their happiness” (Mikhail Mamchich).
“A successful marriage is a structure that needs to be reconstructed every day” (André Maurois).
“A happy marriage is one in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say” (Alfred Hitchcock).

A separate topic of conversation about the pleasure that a person receives from life is women's happiness. Clever sayings will help ladies decide on the answer to this question:

“There is only one happiness in life - to love and be loved” (Georges Sand).
“When you finally get what you wanted, it turns out that it wasn’t what you wanted at all” (Gertrude Stein).
“To be happy with a man, you need to understand him very well and love him a little” (Witold Zekhenter).
"The most happy women, like the happiest nations, have no history" (George Eliot).

These wise thoughts present a serious and ironic look at human happiness. Every elusive moment of life is beautiful, filled with meaning and joy. It is important not to chase happiness, but to learn to appreciate and experience it.

Quotes about happiness short

Brief and succinct statements that accurately reflect the essence of the state experienced by a person are called aphorisms. They are easy to remember because they express in a laconic form the essence of some phenomenon, sensation or experience.

Here best aphorisms about happiness:

“There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way” (Buddha).
“By sharing happiness with others, we increase happiness” (Paulo Coelho).
“You don’t need to chase happiness, you need to lie in its path” (Mark Twain).
“Give every day a chance to become the most beautiful day of your life!” (Pythagoras).
“Happiness is on the side of the one who is content” (Aristotle).
“Smile at life, and life will smile at you” (Thomas Fuller).
“Beauty is a hieroglyph of happiness” (Sergey Fedin).
“The task of making a person happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world” (Sigmund Freud).
“A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king” (Arthur Schopenhauer).

Let happiness be a fleeting feeling that a person experiences. It is important to learn to listen to yourself and find as many such moments as possible. Then the person is truly happy. Find clues in wise quotes so as not to miss the moment when you will be truly happy.

Happiness is when you love. Great happiness is when you are loved. True Happiness is when you love, we are loved and cannot do without you.

Only when you become an adult do you understand happiness - it’s when you see the joyful smile of mom, dad and child... smile, dear ones, I love you so much...

Need to be appreciated happy moments when they visit us, and also to understand that for happiness it is not at all necessary that everything around is perfect.

Unlearn to love memories and you will be happy!…

Happiness is when it makes sense to wake up in the morning.

We will never be happy until we learn to appreciate and take care of what we have today!

The secret of happiness is simple - you need to satisfy feasible desires and not think about unrealizable ones. But at the same time, don’t forget to dream...;)

Go where you can breathe freely. Love someone who loves only you. But remember the golden four words - Joking, loving, but don’t love jokingly!

In the understanding of some women, the happiness of their adult sons is quiet family evenings with their mother watching TV. :)

Happiness does not depend on external conditions. It depends on internal conditions.

Life is changeable, and happiness will smile on you!!! Don't be sad!!!

Sometimes you have to fight with yourself for happiness.

Happiness is in the eyes when there is love in the heart!

Everyone draws their own rainbow, so the color sequence may differ from the generally accepted one...

Taking this opportunity, I want to convey to all those who hate me: bite the creature’s elbows, I’m happy!))

The happiness of two lovers is the birth of a third, loved by two. Loss of happiness for both - the appearance of a third, loved by one...

Don't flaunt your happiness! It's for you! It's intimate!

Until you have seen grief, you will not understand happiness.

I wish you to bathe in happiness, breathing in the air of love...

Happiness is not in money, but in shopping.

Happiness lies in the little things that make us smile!

The longer the list of material goods, without which, in a person’s opinion, a comfortable life is impossible, the more unattainable happiness is.

Still looking for happiness? Look in the dictionary - you will definitely find it there.

If money does not bring happiness, then give it to your neighbor.

Happiness does not lie in the ability to speak a lot and beautifully. Happiness is being heard and understood...

Like any happy person, I found a way out of the situation myself.

Happiness is when he, who will not be woken up even by alarm clocks, wakes up from the fact that you carefully crawl out of his arms.

To wish misfortune on another means not to wish happiness on yourself.

A tiny seed of hope is enough to sow a whole field of happiness.

The past has already passed, the future has not yet arrived. Everything happens here and now. It is important to stop and feel this moment.

It’s not me who is so heavy, I just have a lot of happiness...

By choosing what is worthy rather than what is affordable, you will achieve lasting happiness rather than temporary satisfaction.

Aphorisms about happiness, quotes, sayings, phrases about happiness
Let the woman remain a mystery... You don’t need to solve her at all... Love and live like in a fairy tale... Calmly laying everything at her feet... ;))

Women don’t need to explain anything; you always need to act with them.

What you believe in and expect with all your soul and all your heart will definitely happen...

Happiness is staying with one person all your life as “We”!

I am also one of those who believes in miracles, I believe in love, I believe in strong friendship, I believe in people, despite the fact that they are often disappointed and impose on you their opinion that all this does not exist;)

The happiest person is the one who depends only on himself.

Happiness does not come into your life with fanfare... The most beautiful things, the ones that give you true happiness, come on tiptoe, quietly and waiting for you to notice them...

The most important happiness in life is children!!! We are nothing in the world without them!!!

Never be afraid to walk away from what doesn't make you happy!

We walk for a very long time, trying to find our happiness... But sometimes we just have to turn our heads...))

The larger the circle of my friends, the happier and richer I am, and every friend in my life, believe me, means a lot!)))

Be happy everyone!!! Happiness cannot be measured by practically anything, only a beautiful smile on your face... Drown in the ocean of happiness and smile more often!!!

You know, happiness is somewhere nearby!!! And it will come to you! Just traffic jams, but it will find you!!!)

Money doesn’t buy happiness, the proverb says, you can’t argue with that, it’s probably true. But with money and waiting for happiness, time can pass very wonderfully!

Happiness is when you go home and realize that they are waiting for you there

I sincerely wish you happiness. Let at least one of us fall asleep happy...

Happy people don't worry about the weather forecast - it's always sunny in their souls.

I feel happy... I left everything that was in the way, I forgot what caused me pain... I let go of those who are not needed!!!

For HAPPINESS, any person needs to have someone nearby who understands YOU, who needs YOU! And accepts YOU for who YOU ​​are!!! After all, it’s so little... BUT AT THE SAME TIME, SO MUCH!!!

Well, you can’t just talk about a person’s face and talk about happiness, about happiness...

When it seems to a person that everything is going wrong, something wonderful tries to enter his life.

I wish everyone to meet such eyes, looking into which you will see happiness!

It happens that you are looking for happiness, waiting for it, rushing towards it, but it has already arrived and is just waiting for you to pay attention to it...

Happiness is the flight of the soul in a certain aspect of life circumstances)

All people are like people, and I am your happiness.

Happy eyes give away!!!

Aphorisms about happiness, quotes, sayings, phrases about happiness
When they hug you with little hands and say - MY BUTTERFLY! These are such emotions that cannot be expressed in words!! Love your children and fate will give you great happiness, whose name is GRANDCHILDREN!!!

Believe in happiness, and it will certainly believe in you.

I’m washing in the bathroom, covered in soap foam: the doorbell rings. “Who brought it at such a bad time,” I thought. And I hear the answer from the other side:
- Your HAPPINESS, open it!!! Happiness always comes unexpectedly when you least expect it. I’m running to open everything so beautiful, otherwise it won’t wait))))

Happiness is when you don't need anything this moment, besides what already exists.

If personal life failed - remember the best thing that happened with your loved one, and rejoice: YOU WERE HAPPY AND LOVED! Not everyone can boast of this...

Already the sixth person said that I fell in love... Well, I will support public opinion...

For wings to grow, sometimes a call from a loved one is enough!!!

The main thing is to be happy, and it doesn’t matter what conclusion the psychiatrist writes.

You need to be able to move away from what no longer brings happiness.

Our happiness is created from little things, which sometimes we completely overlook in pursuit of something big and falsely important...

Three things make a person happy: love, interesting job and the opportunity to travel...

Everything is relative! Without knowing the bitterness of pain, you will never appreciate the heady taste of happiness!

Most beautiful child in the world, every mother has one...

Being unhappy is a habit. Being happy is also a habit. The choice is yours…

It's wonderful to be someone's happiness!

Don't be proud with those with whom your soul wants to go crazy...

Happiness lasts seconds, but memories of it remain for a long time.

There are a great many reasons for happiness in life, it’s just that very often we don’t notice them, running past in pursuit of something global, and happiness consists of little things.

The greatest happiness in life that fate gives is our children...

I'm not looking for the best, I choose the one with whom I will be the best!!!

Happinnes exists! It can’t help but eat... and it, this happiness, drinks, pees, poops, sleeps in a crib and mischiefs at such a speed that typhoons nervously smoke on the sidelines...

I look at myself in the mirror - why is my husband so happy, then I step on the scales - and so much more!...

Do not try to destroy someone else's happiness - you may die under its ruins.

HAPPINESS cannot be complete without three main parts: true friends, a loved one and healthy children.

If happiness is knocking on your door, and you have locked yourself and won’t open it, don’t say “not fate,” say honestly: “I’m an idiot!”

Sometimes seeing the person you miss madly is enough to make you happy.

So that all your affairs succeed, and life always sparkles with positivity, give yourself the attitude in the morning: I AM HAPPY, SUCCESSFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!!

Sometimes the stupidest actions are the reason for further happiness...

Don't nag your men... Men are like sand. If you squeeze it in your fist, it starts to fall out through your fingers. And you open your palm - and not a single grain of sand will go anywhere...

A happy marriage is not when you are in your seventh year family life they climb into your window with a bouquet in their teeth, and when they respect you every second and do not walk on your spiritual territory.

Aphorisms about happiness, quotes, sayings, phrases about happiness
It’s better to create a family not with someone you’re madly in love with, but with someone for whom your happiness is the meaning of your whole life...

Happiness is a smile on the face, joy in the heart, peace in the soul and the desire to live)))

You know, happiness is when someone prays and thanks God for the fact that you exist!

The fewer people know about your happiness... the stronger it will be!!!

I learned the main rule - when you are happy, don’t tell anyone about it...

Take me by the hair and face so in happiness, in happiness...:)

And remember!!! -There are people who can’t stand being around happy people... May God grant them patience... and give us happiness!!!))

I wish you all THREE PAINS in life:... so that your fingers hurt when counting money,... so that your lips hurt from the kisses of a loved one... and so that your heart hurts from love for your parents!!! :))

I tried on happiness... And it suits me... I will wear it

It is not beauty that makes a woman happy, on the contrary, happiness makes a woman beautiful.

A happy marriage is when there is no point in making the bed on the weekend.

At any age, the day should start with a kiss and end with a kiss. Parents, loved one, children, grandchildren. If someone kisses you continuously, all your life, every day, you are a happy person!

It's better to be a bitch than a mysterious fool! You don't need to be the first, you need to be the only one! No need to try to be very beautiful! It is important to be simply HAPPY as a woman!!!

Happiness is not when people are waiting for you at home, but when you want to return home...

If something doesn't stick in life, throw away the glue and switch to nails!!! FORGET EVERYTHING and live happily!!!

The word happiness itself immediately raises many questions, as do all meaningful words, such as love, humility... and life itself. Only happiness in this life is important, everyone is looking for it and we are born for happy life, but you just need to follow it in accordance with your destiny and with yourself naturally. Happiness comes from happy experiences, but there is also a deeper feeling of happiness. If moments pass and can be replaced by not entirely pleasant experiences, then deep happiness lasts a lifetime and at any moment in life.

First, you need to understand yourself, your values ​​and priorities - what we really need and value. And then see all the constituent aspects of life for you included in the word happiness. We can talk a lot about happiness, since it depends on our perception, which in turn depends on many internal qualities, lifestyle. And so you can philosophize endlessly, but only a little time in our age, with an ever-increasing flow of information. You need to react to everything immediately and without thinking for a long time, otherwise as long as such a person thinks about happiness, it will always run away. Here we each need to develop a short formula for this capacious and deep concept. How thoughts and statements can help a lot wise people, which concentrated the general idea in these aphorisms. Using aphorisms you can create a complete picture of the thoughts of all humanity!

“If you don’t know how to be content Now, having what you already have, you will never be satisfied, even having the maximum benefits that you can now imagine.
Contentment is not the result of having a certain amount of goods, but a state of the Heart that knows how to be content and give thanks!”

Everyone, depending on his individual qualities, feelings, and experiences, seeks his own happiness, and therefore his formula sounds one way or another. Did the person himself feel or does he feel happiness at the moment of drawing up the formula? Each aphorism is a landmark, a beacon in an ocean covered with fog. After reading or listening to other people’s formulas for happiness, it’s easier to create one for yourself! Suddenly, after reading any of the quotes below, you will find something close to your heart. And who else but the heart is the pointing compass of our Path, Destiny, Destination, etc....

So, quotes from wise men about happiness...

    To live and rejoice, you need only two things: firstly, to live, and secondly, to rejoiceThere is no path to happiness, happiness is the path.Happiness is when you don’t have to lie about how you feel good.Happiness is a ball that we chase while it is rolling and that we kick when it stops. (Pierre Buast)Happiness does not lie in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do. (Lev Tolstoy)If you want to be happy, be it. (Kozma Prutkov)Happiness is physical health and mental serenity. (Epicurus)There is no happiness equal to peace. (Buddha)Don't chase happiness: it is always within you. (Pythagoras)Happiness comes from good deeds and helping other people. By trying for the happiness of others, we find our own. (Plato)Happiness does not favor the faint-hearted. Intelligence is undoubtedly the first condition for happiness. Happiness does not help the careless. Wisdom is the native mother of happiness. (Sophocles)He who is tormented by the sight of greater happiness will never be happy. (Seneca)There is no happiness in the world, there is only peace and will. (Pushkin A.S.)The highest expression of happiness or unhappiness is most often silence; lovers understand each other better when they are silent, and a hot, passionate speech spoken at the grave touches only strangers, but to the widow and children of the deceased it seems cold and insignificant. (Chekhov A.P.)We'd be much happier if we cared less about it. (Pierre Buast)Almost everyone is confident that they will be happy in the future, and confident that they were happy in the past. (Pierre Buast)A happy person is a mystery, the answer to which can only be written on a coffin stone. (Pierre Buast)Happiness lies only in peace, not in vanity. (Blaise Pascal)This is how the prophet unrecognized in the Fatherland accurately expressed it... A person must be happy. If he is unhappy, then he is to blame. And he is obliged to work on himself until he eliminates this inconvenience or misunderstanding. (Tolstoy L.N.)Happiness is being content with what you already have. (Paulo Coelho)There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path. (Wayne Dyer)Constantly feeling unhappy is an unaffordable luxury. (Paulo Coelho)Happiness is not sought after like gold or winnings. It is created themselves, by those who have enough strength, knowledge and love. (Ivan Efremov)The amount of happiness and sorrow is laid down in us at birth. Financial vicissitudes have little effect on him. (John Fowles)Giving up your happiness is like throwing it into the ocean gems. This is worse than any sin. (Ken Follett)Happiness comes from little things, from small insignificant joys. Great happiness does not fall from the sky like a brick, but is painstakingly created. (Mirzakarim Norbekov)Happy is the one who considers himself happy. (G. Fielding)Happiness is your inner nature. It doesn't need any external conditions; it just is (Osho)Happiness is when you are loved by those you loveHappiness is the ability and talent to increase the happy people around you. (Sukhorukov L.S.)Remember, happiness is a courtesan, treat it as it deserves. (Alexandr Duma)The only happiness in life is constant striving forward. (Emile Zola)The goal of life must be happiness, otherwise the fire will not burn bright enough, driving force will not be powerful enough - and success will not be complete. (Theodore Dreiser)Happiness is pleasure without remorse. (Tolstoy L.N.)The great science of living happily is to live only in the present. (Pythagoras)If you ever find it while chasing happiness, you will, like the old woman looking for her glasses, discover that happiness was right on your nose all along. (George Bernard Shaw)When the heart is light, the heavens shine in the dark dungeon. When there is darkness in thoughts, demons breed in the light of the sun. (I. Goethe)Those for whom days are similar to one another stop noticing all the good things that happen in their lives. (P. Coelho)In misfortune, fate always leaves a door to escape. (Miguel de Cervantes)If you can't have what you want, learn to want what you have... Happiness is on the side of the one who is satisfied. (Aristotle)Chagrin does not exist on its own, but in our imagination. (Cicero)Great misfortunes do not last long, and small ones are not worth attention. (D. Lubbock)Everything passes, this too will pass. (Solomon)The best lot is not to abstain from pleasures, but to rule over them without submitting to them. (Aristippus)As I accurately noted... Everyone wants to live on the top of the mountain, but all the happiness, all the development happens while you are climbing there. (P. Coelho)Whoever considers himself unhappy becomes unhappy. (C. Helvetius)The cure for unhappiness is not to think about it. When you think about misfortune, it does not go away, but increases. (Ancient Indian saying)The constant never-ending search for happiness is real life.Happiness is not a life without worries and sorrows, happiness is a state of mind.Actions don't always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action. (Benjamin Disraeli)The soul can, of course, hide grief, but it cannot tolerate secret happiness. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)If happiness consisted in bodily pleasures, then we would have to call bulls happy when they find peas to eat. (Heraclitus of Ephesus)Only that person is worthy of happiness who is ready at any time to risk his body, his well-being, his life for a great cause. (Theodore Roosevelt)Life gives a person best case scenario one single unique moment, and the secret of happiness is to repeat this moment as often as possible. (Oscar Wilde)True happiness by its nature loves solitude; it is the enemy of noise and luxury and is born mainly from self-love. (Joseph Addison)How can true happiness come from wealth if one has to endure suffering to acquire wealth? (Thomas Aquinas)Those who see happiness in acquiring material wealth will never be able to become truly happy. (Ali Apsheroni)When your soul is sad, it’s painful to look at someone else’s happiness. (Alphonse Daudet)It is better to be unhappy with reason than to be happy without reason. (Epicurus)It is easy for the happy to teach the unhappy. (Aeschylus)It is not physical strength or money that makes people happy, but righteousness and many-sided wisdom. (Democritus)The varied definition of happiness shows that it is unfamiliar to us. (Pierre Buast)Once in a lifetime happiness knocks on everyone's door, but often this person sits in the next tavern and does not hear the knock. (Mark Twain)O misfortune! It is the pillar of happiness. Oh happiness! It contains misfortune. Who knows their boundaries? They have no permanence. (Lao Tzu)Happy is the one who has lived his life wisely, having managed to fulfill everything that he intended to do that was good, good, and useful to himself and those around him. (Ali Apsheroni)There is no complete happiness with anxiety; complete happiness is calm, like the sea during summer silence.

    (Alexander Herzen)

    Happiness and pleasure are nothing more than a Fata Morgana, visible only from afar and disappearing when approaching; that suffering and pain, on the contrary, have reality, directly declare themselves and do not need illusions and expectations. (Arthur Schopenhauer)Happiness is on the side of the one who is satisfied. (Aristotle)Happiness is like health: when it is present, you don’t notice it. (Michael Bulgakov)Those who do not seek happiness will find it faster than others; for those who seek happiness forget that the most the right way to achieve happiness for yourself is to seek it for others. (Martin Luther King)Happiness is one step before the dream, nightmare is one step after...Paradoxically, a person who does evil also wants to feel happiness. (Deanna Dean)Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit quietly on your shoulder. (V. Frankl)Happiness is overcoming oneself, resisting circumstances; realizing true possibilities (Ruben Bagautdinov)It’s easy to be happy! You just need to want it!You can always catch happiness by the tail, the main thing is not to get the wrong tail, otherwise someone else’s happiness might bite you. (Venedikt Nemov)Happy is not the one who seems like that to someone, but the one who feels like that. (Publius Syrus)By caring for the happiness of others, we find our own. (Plato)Virtue is the leader, happiness is the companion. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)A person has two callings in life: one that he chooses, the other that chooses him. Happiness is when they coincide. (Ilya Shevelev)In search of happiness, you lose joy. (Gennady Malkin)In the pursuit of happiness, sometimes you just need to stop and be happy.Fame rarely leads to happiness, and happiness even more rarely leads to glory. (Konstantin Melikhan)Left to ourselves, we are forced to forge and seek our own happiness. (Oliver Goldsmith)Our happiness is always in flight. There is no nest, he only has wings. (P. Eluard)Everyone is the smith of their own happiness, especially if they own their own smith. (Leszek Kumor)Be moderate in happiness, reasonable in misfortune. (Periander)A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king. (Arthur Schopenhauer)Happiness seems to be made to be shared. (Jean Racine)Human happiness is somewhere between freedom and discipline. (Ivan Petrovich Pavlov)Don’t be exalted in happiness, don’t be humbled in misfortune. (Cleobulus from Linda (Cleobulus)A person increases his happiness to the extent that he gives it to others. (Jeremiah Bentham)HAPPINESS is when you really want to go to work in the morning, and in the evening you really want to go home. (Nazim Hikmet)Follow your happiness, and the universe will open its doors to you where there were only walls.A fool seeks happiness far away, a wise man grows it close to him. (James Oppenheim)Everyone is the smith of their own happiness: some forge it, others crow over it. (Ivan Chuiko)How happy in heaven is one who is satisfied with his goodness and has an obedient son and wife. (Chanakya Pandit)There is only one path to happiness - to stop worrying about things that are beyond our control. (Epictetus)HAPPINESS is the balance of reasonable desires and the possibility of satisfying them. (Vyacheslav Shishkov)Law of Happiness: Everyone who steps towards happiness stumbles over it most of all. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)Happiness calls us on the phone, knocks on our door, watches us on the street... But we are always in a hurry. (Konstantin Melikhan)Man is created for happiness, like a bird is created for flight. (Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko)If you feel happy, don't analyze your happiness: that would be like crushing a beautiful butterfly so that you can better see its beauty. (P. ManghegazzaWhen a person is happy, he is always good. But not always good people are happy. (Oscar Wilde)There is no room for happiness in cowardly souls. (Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra)It is not as good where we are not as it is bad where we are. (Gennady Malkin)And the architects of their own happiness should follow safety precautions. (Leonid Krainov-Rytov)False happiness makes people callous and proud - this happiness is never communicated to others. True happiness makes them kind and sensitive - this happiness is always shared by others. (Charles Louis Montesquieu)Love is an active desire for happiness...Happiness is not a station, but a way to travel.If there is no heartfelt inclination, there will be no happiness. (Jean Baptiste Moliere)Don't be surprised at anything... this is almost the only way to become happy and stay happy. (Horace (Quintus Horace FlaccusHe who bears misfortune firmly, happiness is firm for him. (Plautus (Titus Maccius Plautus)Money spoils a person - he also wants happiness. (Boris Krutier)Courage is half of happiness. (Bashkir proverb)Happiness increases by sharing it with others. (Julien Ofret de La Mettrie)Happiness for the most part is on the side of the hardworking person, just as the waves and wind are on the side of the best swimmers. (Samuel Smiles)When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but we often do not notice it, staring at the closed door. (Helen Keller)Drunkenness does not give birth to vices: it reveals them. Happiness does not change morals: it emphasizes them. (Socrates)Unhappy is the man who does not do what he can and takes on what he does not understand. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)Happy is the one who discovers the inner wealth within himself. (Arthur Schopenhauer)BOREDOM is the misfortune of happy people. (Horace Walpole)Happiness is only where there is naturalness. (André Maurois (Emil Erzog)Do not consider someone happy who depends on happiness. (Seneca)Happiness is a fragile commodity. Handle it with care.Happiness is not in the air - it comes with hard work. (Abu Abdallah Jafar Rudaki)Life is the path to happiness, but not everyone is able to overcome all stages of this path. (Ilya Shevelev)The earth cannot live without the sun, and man cannot live without happiness. (M. Stelmakh)How little a person needs to live happily! Therefore, do not create need for yourself. (Ali Apsheroni)He who does not value happiness is approaching unhappiness. (Ibn Sina)The measure of happiness is the desire to live your life again. (Ilya Shevelev)Those who do not know how to be happy here will apparently always grow to be happy there. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)Happiness is not when it works out or when it works out, but when it works out. (about I. Goncharov) (Yu. Loshits)There is no complete happiness with anxiety; complete happiness is calm, like the sea during summer silence. (Alexander Ivanovich Herzen)Man is born for happiness, even if he is conceived out of stupidity. (Mikhail Mamchich)There is only one happiness in this world - and that is the happiness of being yourself (Osho)The source of happiness is within

Quotes and Aphorisms 05.04.2018

Dear readers, agree, we all want to be happy - this is perhaps the main human desire. But can anyone give an accurate definition of happiness? After all, we are all different, and everyone has their own happiness.

For some, happiness is when a deepest desire comes true. Some people don’t see themselves happy without a family. For others, happiness is impossible without a successful career, while others are happy because they are in love. Moreover, in different period In life, happiness for the same person can lie in different things, sometimes even completely opposite ones. And all this is reflected in aphorisms about happiness.

Remember the quote about the happiness of the heroine of the film “We'll Live Until Monday”? “It’s impossible to explain happiness... It’s like pinning a sunbeam to paper...” But we’ll still try.

It seems to me that the concept of happiness is best revealed not in dry definitions explanatory dictionaries, but in quotes and aphorisms about happiness.

Reflections of great people on happiness

Many sages and artists have thought about what happiness is and how to achieve it. All of them, of course, agreed on one opinion - man is the architect of his own happiness and it depends only on ourselves whether we can be happy. Quotes from great people about happiness also convey to us the idea that sometimes our happiness is much closer than we think.

“Once in a lifetime, happiness knocks on everyone’s door, but often everyone sits in the next tavern and does not hear the knock.”

Mark Twain

“Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.”


“Happiness comes to those who seek it and think about it the least. Happiness is not an object to be searched for; it's just a state. You don't need to follow happiness, it should follow you. It should take over you, not you over it.”

John Burroughs

“The situation with happiness is the same as with a watch: how simpler mechanism, the less often it spoils.”

“Hope for happiness, even if deceptive, never causes harm to a person, because it makes life easier.”

Lope de Vega

“If they were building a house of happiness, the largest room would have to be used as a waiting room.”

Jules Renard

“A person’s exceptional happiness is to be in his constant favorite business.”

Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko

“Happiness sells to impatient people a great many things that it gives freely to the patient.”

Francis Bacon

Mikhail Prishvin

“I believe happiness is harmony between what we want from life and the reality in which we exist. When our expectations and reality coincide, we are happy. But they don’t always coincide, to put it mildly.”

Vladimir Yakovlev

Just read these lines... It's not easy beautiful words. These meaningful happiness quotes are sure to get you thinking.

“Happiness begins with hatred of misfortune, with physiological disgust for everything that distorts and disfigures a person, with internal organic repulsion from everything that aches, groans, sighs...”

Maksim Gorky

“This is how fate sometimes plays with mortals: it either lifts them up, or casts them into the abyss. And this is how the world works that sometimes happiness already contains great misfortune.”

Pierre Corneille

“Happiness has never placed a person at such a height that he did not need a friend.”

Lucius Anyaeus Seneca

“Happy people do not achieve success: they are so at peace with themselves that they are simply not interested in anything else.”

Agatha Christie

“Happy is he who can see beauty in ordinary things, where others see nothing.”

Camille Pizarro

“And there is such silence in your soul that it seems you will suffocate from happiness...”

Eldar Ryazanov

“Behind the door of a happy person there should be someone with a knocker, constantly knocking and reminding him that there are unhappy people and that after a short period of happiness, misfortune comes.”

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

“Perhaps even on the threshold of death a horseshoe of happiness is nailed.”

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

“Happiness excludes old age. He who retains the ability to see beauty does not grow old.”

Franz Kafka

Remember that intense feeling of happiness that you experience only in childhood? It was then that the feeling of it was most piercing and brightest. Quotes about children and happiness will help us remember this time.

“As we age, we lose many important qualities. And one of them is the gift of being happy just like that. To catch small joys on a hook and look at them with delight for a long time.”

Nadeya Yasminska

“Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they are joy and happiness.”

Victor Hugo

“You cannot teach a person to be happy, but you can raise him so that he is happy.”

Anton Makarenko

“Happiness is an imaginary state that was previously prescribed to the ancestors; Now adults usually attribute it to children, and children to adults.”

Thomas Szasz

Unfortunately, it is impossible to return to childhood on your own. But our children can return us to it for a short time. After all, love for a child is one of the most acute and unforgettable moments of happiness.

“Happiness for a mother is the smile of a baby that she carried under her heart for months.”

“A woman’s most expensive necklace is the arms of a child hugging her.”

“When children are born, order, money, peace, relaxation disappear in the house - and happiness comes.”

“The best way to make children good is to make them happy.”

Oscar Wilde

A sincere smile is a sign of happiness

When we are happy, we smile. Such a smile cannot be confused with a polite or welcoming one. From such a smile the eyes light up, and the person is transformed. Quotes about smiling and happiness reflect this very accurately.

“Smile, even if you feel very bad, in pain and want to cry, smile for real, with sincere joy, straighten your shoulders and straighten up, as if you are happy and proud and want to sing with happiness. The body will believe and rejoice, maybe not immediately, but very quickly, it simply does not know how to truly suffer when you sincerely smile. And after the body, the soul will rejoice again..."

Maria Semenova

“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

“The cheerful expression on the face is gradually reflected in the inner world.”

Immanuel Kant

Briefly about happiness

Sometimes it doesn’t take a lot of words to describe your vision of happiness. Evidence of this short quotes about happiness - very laconic, but at the same time deep in meaning.

“To think that someone else can make you happy or unhappy is simply ridiculous.”


“The wise man forges his own happiness.”

Titus Maccius Plautus

“Whiteness has a lot of shades. Happiness, like spring, changes its appearance every time.”

Andre Maurois

“There is no complete happiness without an admixture of suffering.”

William Shakespeare

“Happiness is like health: when it is there, you don’t notice it.”

Michael Bulgakov

“Happiness is pleasure without remorse.”

"At the very evil man his face lights up when he is told that he is loved. Therefore, this is happiness...”

Lev Tolstoy

“There is and cannot be anything more terrible in the world than eternal happiness.”

Bernard Show

“How rarely we meet happiness... What a pity that sometimes we cannot save it...”

Yuri Kolchak

“Happiness is not an easy thing: it is difficult to find within yourself and it is not easy to find outside of yourself.”

Sebastien-Roch Nicolas de Chamfort

“Happiness has no comparative degree.”

Joris de Bruyn

“There is no such thing as chronic happiness, like unmelting ice.”

Alexander Herzen

“We are tormented not so much by the thirst for happiness as by the desire to be known as lucky.”

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

“The only happiness in life is constant striving forward.”

Emile Zola

“Whoever does not remember past happiness is already an old man today.”


Short quotes with meaning about happiness once again confirm that happiness and loneliness are incompatible things.

Isuna Hasekura

“A person lives a real life if he is happy with the happiness of others.”

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“Happiness increases by sharing it with others.”

Julien Ofret de Lamettrie

“Happiness alone is not complete happiness.”

Alexandre Dumas the father

“Bringing happiness to someone is happiness in itself.”

Eiji Mikage

“A man increases his happiness to the extent that he gives it to others.”

Jeremy Bentham

“By striving for the happiness of others, we find our own.”


“We have no right to consume happiness without producing it.”

Bernard Show

About women's happiness

What is women's happiness? Children? Favorite person? Career? Is it even possible to describe it in one word? You can't do it alone. But several are possible. These are the kind of quotes about women’s happiness – short but succinct.

“A man’s happiness is called “I want”, a woman’s happiness is called “he wants!”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“Women's happiness is the ability to move from one age to another. And a woman has three ages – daughter, wife and mother.”

Boris Akunin

“When you finally get what you wanted, it turns out it wasn’t what you wanted at all.”

Gertrude Stein

“If the woman in the house is happy, then the whole family is happy. If a woman is unhappy, no one is happy.”

How does women's happiness differ from men's? Well, besides the classic “if only a darling were nearby”? Sometimes completely unexpected things make a woman happy. Aphorisms about happiness with meaning will help us understand this.

“Very often a woman’s happiness does not come only because she has nothing to wear.”

“The most beautiful outfit of a woman is happiness. Wear it without taking it off!”
“When you put on heels, you feel like a chic woman, when you take them off, you feel like a happy person.”

“A real woman doesn’t need much. A real woman needs everything!”

“And I’m happy by default. And I don’t intend to change the settings!”

“How to make a woman happy? Good question... And if you are looking for the answer, look for it in your woman. She will tell you everything herself. No, of course, she won’t talk about it as openly as you would like... Just listen to her, listen very carefully. Everything she says, everything she wanted to say, but didn’t say, everything she could have said, but didn’t want to...

There are no instructions for women's happiness, and if there were, then each woman would have her own. And what makes one person happy may not be part of another at all. There are also ingredients that are the basis of all compositions, but they have been found a long time ago. These are the answers that lie on the surface, and your task is to recognize the deep desires. It is so important for her that you understand, that you hear between the words, read between the lines about what it is... HER happiness.