Dipylidiasis in dogs treatment. Cestodoses of dogs, cats and fur-bearing animals caused by flat helminths of the Plathelminthes type. Symptoms and signs

If you find something similar to cucumber or pumpkin seeds, then this should alert you and become a reason to deworm the animal. What appeared in the feces were segments of the dipylidium worm.

In the external environment, the cucumber tapeworm has its own development cycle. Its segments, contracting, tend to move slightly along the tail or in the feces. Once in external environment, the dipylidium segments lose their shell, and the eggs that were inside scatter on the litter, end up on the animal’s fur, in floor crevices and other places.

Further life cycle cucumber tapeworm passes through fleas that swallow the eggs. Over the course of 2-5 months, a series of transformations of the Dipylidium egg takes place in the insect’s body, and a cat or dog, ingesting a flea infested with the cysticercoid, becomes infected.

Dipilidium is considered a biohelminth; its life cycle cannot take place without the participation of one of the hosts, definitive (cat, dog, human) and intermediate (feline, dog flea, lice eater).

Cucumber tapeworm is a type of tapeworm

That is why, by interrupting the cycle - by destroying fleas, we prevent the further spread of dipylidia.

Dipylidia is a widespread disease among stray animals, as well as in places where sanitary conditions are not optimal. high level.

In young animals, severe emaciation is noted, and the abdomen appears large and round.

Since the cucumber tapeworm mechanically attacks the intestines, symptoms of inflammation will sometimes appear gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea may alternate with constipation, and cats may vomit from time to time.

Dipilidiosis is a disease caused by the helminth cucumber tapeworm.

Dipylidia is diagnosed by identifying segments in the feces of cats or dogs.

If mature segments are detected, even if there are no other symptoms of dipylidia, treatment must be started immediately.

Cucumber tapeworm responds well to treatment. According to experts, good results shows the use of drugs for dipylidiasis in cats:

  • "Fenasal". Calculated at 0.1 g per kg of animal weight and mixed with food, a single feeding will be sufficient to stop the symptoms. A starvation diet is not required.
  • "Fenapeg." Release form - paste. The treatment dose is 0.1 g per kg of cat weight.
  • Praziquantel. Dose 5 mg per kg of animal weight, fed with food.

All drugs are used once, without starvation diets or laxatives.

For the treatment of dogs the following is used:

  • "Kaniquantel plus" One tablet per ten kilograms of live weight without prior diet or laxatives.
  • Drontal Plus. A meat-flavored tablet that is easily eaten by dogs. Dose - 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight.
  • "Prasicide." A suspension used to treat puppies starting from two weeks of age.

Specific therapy and symptomatic therapy are used for treatment.

Before taking this or that drug, weigh the animal, especially if it is a kitten or puppy. Carefully read the instructions for the medicine and consult a specialist.

Whatever medicine you choose for treatment, it must be combined with the use of insecticides. Treating the animal, bedding, and resting place to destroy all stages of flea development is an integral part of the treatment.

If you are not confident in your knowledge and capabilities, seek help from experienced dog breeders, breeders, fanciers, and of course, veterinary specialist.

Preventive methods

Strict adherence to veterinary and sanitary conditions for keeping and walking domestic animals will prevent infection with dipylidia by 80%.

Prevention of the appearance of fleas on animals can be carried out using insecticidal collars, drops on the withers, aerosols, and shampoos.

It is advisable to treat equipment, rugs and floors in the animal’s resting place with aerosols: “Perol”, “Acrodex”, “Aktol”. The litter should be changed at least once every three months. But scalding it with boiling water and washing it is a weekly procedure.

Be careful, the cucumber tapeworm reproduces out of season and is dangerous for both animals and humans.

Do not allow your pets to “communicate” with stray dogs and cats. Preventive deworming of four-legged friends should be carried out with complex preparations and quarterly. Make it a rule to give your pet a deworming tablet every first of January, April, July and October, then you won’t have to write down or remember how long ago you did it.

Attentive attitude towards animals, timely treatment and prevention will prevent the appearance of tapeworm in the body.

Dipylidiasis is an invasive disease of dogs, cats and other carnivores, caused by a tapeworm of the cestode class, order of tapeworms.

The causative agent of the disease- Dipylidium caninum, or “cucumber tapeworm.” The helminth has a white body color with a yellowish, pinkish or grayish tint, consists of a head (scolex) and a segmented body (strobili). For attachment in the animal's intestine, there are four suckers and hooks on the scolex. The strobile consists of segments, can reach 70 cm in length, the width of mature segments is up to 3-5 mm. At the anterior end of the helminth's body there are immature segments, in the middle section there are strobili - hermaphroditic segments containing both male and female reproductive apparatus. Towards the back of the strobila, mature segments gradually thicken, contain rounded cocoons (capsules) with eggs and appearance resemble cucumber seeds, while the male reproductive apparatus is reduced.

Epizootological data. The disease is widespread due to the large number of stray animals. Infection occurs all year round, but more often in the warm season.

Diagnosis It is diagnosed by helminthoscopy (detection of helminth segments filled with cocoons with eggs in feces) or helminth ovoscopy (detection of individual cocoons).
Fresh stool samples are taken for analysis. Because selection of segments in environment occurs unevenly, then, with a single study and/or insufficient sample volume, a false negative result is possible. To obtain reliable results, it is necessary to conduct research 2-3 times.

It is believed that the cucumber tapeworm lives in the body of the final host for no more than a year.

Transmission routes

Human infections with cucumber tapeworm are isolated cases. Accidental ingestion of an infected flea has been reported during exposure to cats or dogs. Mostly children under eight years of age are affected by the disease; they love to play with animals, but do not observe the rules of personal hygiene.


Dipilidiosis is distributed throughout the world. The disease occurs in both wild and domestic animals. Cases of infection in humans have been recorded in various parts of the world, including in the territory of the former USSR.

Stray animals and unsanitary conditions of their keeping contribute to the high growth of this infectious disease. At any time of the year there is a possibility of becoming infected with dipylidia.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms in animals

Young animals are difficult to tolerate this disease. As a result of severe infection, young organisms are stunted in growth. Immunity sharply decreases, due to this the resistance of the infected person to invasive diseases drops significantly.

Symptoms in humans


The disease is diagnosed in animals by detecting eggs in the feces. If animals (cats, dogs) die, the disease can only be detected by opening the intestines.

You can determine if a person is infected with dipylidia by passing some tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry.

You can also carry out diagnostic test under a microscope of human feces, sometimes worms in feces are visible to the naked eye.


When a disease is detected curative therapy prescribed by the doctor individually to each patient. The specialist focuses on the degree of infection, symptoms and concomitant diseases. It is recommended to follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor, otherwise undesirable effects and side effects from drug treatment.

Animal treatment

IN healing process animals (cats, dogs and other frugivores) use medications containing (Drontal, Kanikvantel plus, Quantum, etc.), niclosamide (Phenasal powder for animals, Phenagep, etc.) and rarely or arecoline.

Drugs based on active substance, added to animals' food, the dosage is 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

Add to animal feed at the rate of 40 mg per 1 kg of weight.

Fenasal is also mixed into animal feed. The established dose is 0.2 g per 1 kg of weight for dogs, for cats 0.15 g per 1 kg of weight. It is not necessary to fast animals before taking medications.

Fenagep is produced in the form of a paste in a tube. On empty stomach medicinal paste applied to the root of the tongue, you can mix the drug with a small amount of food, dosage 0.1 g of product per 1 kg of animal weight.

Arecoline – medicinal product, odorless, in the form of a crystalline powder, which is dissolved in water and alcohol. This tool are not used to treat cats, but are effectively used to treat dogs. Before using the product, the animal must be prepared - put on a starvation diet for up to 14 hours. The drug must be mixed with meat feed or milk, maintaining a dose of 0.004 g of product per 1 kg of weight. Vomiting is possible when taking arecoline, so it is recommended to give your dog a couple of drops of iodine dissolved in a tablespoon of water before taking the product.

Bunadimine is a drug that is used in the treatment of both cats and dogs. Before taking the drug, a fasting diet is maintained for three hours, the dosage is the same - up to 30 mg per 1 kg of weight.

To treat a person for dipylidia, symptomatic and specific therapy is carried out.

Doctors prescribe antispasmodics, probiotics, enzymes, iron-rich products and vitamins to patients to relieve symptoms of the disease.

During therapy for dipylidia special diet is not prescribed to the patient. On the contrary, a good and varied diet is recommended, which includes porridge (necessarily buckwheat, meat (veal, beef), vegetables and fruits).


Children need to be taught about personal hygiene and possible consequences after interacting with animals.

The disease is caused by tapeworms Dipylidium caninum of the Dipylidiidae family of the suborder Hymenolepidata. Helminths are localized in the small intestines of dogs, cats, fur-bearing animals, wild carnivores, and humans.

Pathogen. D. caninum (cucumber tapeworm) is a pale yellow cestode, 40 - 70 cm long, 2-3 mm wide. The scolex is small in size, with four suckers and a proboscis armed with four to five rows of small hooks.

The genitals are double, opening at the edges of the body. Mature segments look like cucumber seeds. In them, the uterus breaks up into round capsules (cocoons). There are about 20 in the cocoon small eggs gray. Inside the egg there is an embryo (oncosphere) with 6 hooks.

Development cycle. The causative agent is a biohelminth. Its development is carried out with the help of intermediate hosts: fleas (Ctenocephalides canis, C. felis, Pulex irritans) and lice eaters (Trichodectes canis).

Definitive hosts become infected by ingesting the imaginal stages of fleas and lice-eaters infested with cucumber tapeworm cysticercoids. Cestodes become sexually mature after three weeks. Their lifespan is several months.

Epizootological data. This is a fairly common disease in carnivores. Dogs and cats suffer from dipilidia at any time of the year, however, in the summer the extent and intensity of the invasion is much higher. The intensity of invasion in urban domestic carnivores is higher than in rural and wild animals, and can reach 300 or more individuals.

Immunity has not been studied enough.

Symptoms of the disease depend on the intensity of invasion. In case of weak invasion, the disease is asymptomatic. With severe damage (hundreds of helminths in one animal), decreased appetite, depression, exhaustion, diarrhea, vomiting, and sometimes perverted appetite are observed. Coordination of movements is impaired, convulsions appear.

Pathological changes. The corpse is emaciated, the mucous membranes are pale. A characteristic symptom The disease is catarrhal-hemorrhagic inflammation of the small intestines.

Diagnostics. An intravital diagnosis is made based on the identification of segments in the feces that resemble cucumber seeds. To find individual cocoons, feces are examined using the Fulleborn method. An accurate diagnosis is established during autopsy. Pay attention to pathological changes and the presence of pathogens in the small intestines.

In order to identify cysticercoids, the imago of fleas and lice eaters is examined using the compressor method. Infective larvae are microscopic in size. The front part of their body is widened, the back part is elongated.

Treatment. The most effective is the use of drugs that contain praziquantel and its combinations. Bunamidine can be used.

Prevention and control measures. In nurseries, nature reserves and at home, the veterinary and sanitary condition of carnivores and fur-bearing animals is monitored.

In order to prevent dipilidiasis, measures should be taken aimed at exterminating fleas and lice-eaters on different stages their development with the help of insecticides.

Last revised: November 3, 2017 Alexander Bertsev


Cucumber tapeworm (lat. Dipylidium caninum)

Animals become infected by licking fur, through water or food that contains an infected flea, which, while still in the larval stage, swallowed the cucumber tapeworm larva and became its intermediate host. The helminth is attached to the wall using hooks small intestine the main host (animal or human) and after 24 days grows to a sexually mature individual in the small intestine.

Infection in humans is rare. However, cases of morbidity due to accidental ingestion of an infected flea during contact with animals have been described. Children under 8 years of age are most susceptible to the disease, as they are most often in very close contact with pets and do not adhere to hygiene rules.


Dipylidiasis is widespread. It is found in wild and domestic animals. Cases of human infection have been recorded in different countries world, including the territory of the former USSR. The highest incidence rate is observed in places with large concentrations of stray animals and in unsanitary conditions of their keeping. Infection can occur at any time of the year. But cases of human infection with dipilidia are recorded very rarely - on average, no more than one case per year over the past 20 years, and a third of them occurred in children under 6 months. Although real cases Of course there is more infection.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms in animals

The cucumber tapeworm proglottid emerges from anus dogs, while it moves and resembles a fly larva

The disease is most severely transmitted by young animals. With severe infestation, they may be stunted in growth. As a result of decreased immunity, the body's resistance to infectious diseases decreases.

Symptoms in humans

The disease is mostly asymptomatic. With a large accumulation of helminths, digestive disorders occur, which are manifested by abdominal pain (especially upon palpation), diarrhea. Patients complain of loss of appetite and itching around the anus. Possible appearance allergic reactions accompanied by itching. In children, parents may notice proglottids in underwear or feces. They look like small white larvae and may continue to move for some time. Very rarely, only with massive invasion, it occurs intestinal obstruction, pallor of the skin.

Cucumber tapeworm proglottids taken from a stool sample from a 9-month-old girl in Spain. In this case, it was discovered by the veterinarian that domestic dog also infected.


Cucumber tapeworm proglottids in cat excrement

To determine the disease in a person, the following types of tests are performed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry.

As is the case with animals, eggs (under a microscope) and parts of worms (with the naked eye) can be detected in human feces.


The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor, focusing on the degree of invasion, symptoms, accompanying illnesses And individual characteristics the patient's body. It is important to adhere to the prescribed dosage to avoid unwanted effects from taking medications.

Animal treatment

To treat cats and dogs, drugs containing praziquantel (Drontal, Kanikquantel plus, Quantum, etc.), niclosamide (Phenasal powder for animals, Fenagep, etc.) and less commonly mebendazole or arecoline are used.

Preparations based on praziquantel are given with food, maintaining a dose of 5 mg per 1 kg of animal weight.

Mebendazole is used in a dosage of 40 mg per 1 kg of weight, mixing the medicine with food.

Fenasal is mixed with food. The dosage is set based on 0.2 g per 1 kg of body weight for dogs and 0.15 g per 1 kg of body weight for cats. No preliminary fasting is required.

Fenagep is presented in the form of a paste, which is placed in a tube. For dogs, 0.1 g of the drug per 1 kg of weight is enough. Before eating, apply the medicinal paste to the root of the tongue, mixing the drug with a small amount porridge.

Arecoline is an odorless crystalline substance dissolved in alcohol and water. This drug is prescribed for dogs and is not used to treat cats. You must first undergo a fasting diet, which lasts up to 14 hours. The medicine at a dosage of 0.004 g per 1 kg of weight is mixed with meat feed or milk. To avoid vomiting, it is necessary to give the dog a couple of drops of iodine a few minutes before taking the drug, dissolving it in a tablespoon of water.

Bunadimine is used to treat cats and dogs. It is prescribed in a dosage of up to 30 mg per 1 kg of body weight after a three-hour fasting diet.

In order to get rid of pathogenic microflora nessesary to use medicines antibacterial action. In addition, medications are prescribed to help eliminate the consequences mechanical impact helminths and restore mucous membranes digestive system. In case of loss of appetite and dehydration of the animal, it is recommended to use subcutaneous droppers. Immunomodulators are used to restore immunity.

Human treatment

To cure a person from dipylidia, symptomatic and specific therapy is used.

To relieve patients from the symptoms of the disease, the doctor prescribes antispasmodics, probiotics, enzymes, preparations containing iron, and vitamins.

There is no specific diet for dipylidia. The doctor recommends that patients eat a nutritious diet. It is necessary to include porridge (especially buckwheat), vegetables, fruits, veal and beef in the diet.


Preventive measures for dipylidiasis include: timely treatment animals from fleas and worms. You can use special collars for this. Help get rid of fleas medicinal preparations and shampoos.

Adults should teach children about the need for personal hygiene, especially after contact with dogs and cats.

General preventive measures are the following:

  • periodic examination of animals veterinary clinics for timely detection of dipylidia;
  • carrying out deworming of domestic animals;
  • control of fleas in pets;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules.

The prognosis for dipylidia is favorable.