Human design decoding map. What is the difference. Brief description of profiles

Human Design is the science of making decisions that are right for you.

Human Design is such a deep and comprehensive system that it is very difficult to give an overview of it. This is a mixture of knowledge of astrology, the Hindu chakra system, deep knowledge of quantum physics, genetics, Kabbalah, Judaism and knowledge of the Chinese Book of Changes.

Despite its mystical origin, the logic of this Knowledge is impeccable. It combines modern scientific discoveries and the wisdom of the ancients.

The Human Design System is a practical means of finding our individual rhythm and place in the Universe. The timing of events in our lives is already predetermined. Although we cannot predict these events, we can get a fairly accurate overview of the pattern of our unique growth. But by falling into emphasized rhythms, we can find a smoother flow and deeper meaning of our Everyday life. We can start moving with the flow instead of fighting it. As a result of this, we can always be in in the right place V right time, while our life becomes easier, simpler and we make less effort.

The quantum physics

Human Design describes the influence of neutrino streams passing through solar system and programming the human body and DNA.


The Human Design System uses a model of the Human Genome to show what is stamped into each individual genetic template.


The cosmic clock of the universe began its strict countdown from the Big Bang, and Human Design asserts that the human personality and body are a product of this mechanics.


Human Design, like M-theory, suggests that our universe is not the only one, and that beyond its visible boundaries there may be other, higher dimensions.


For its calculations, Human Design uses the principles of Astrology, but does it more accurately.

I Ching

Thanks to the Chinese book of changes, the I Ching, Human Design deepens and expands the astrological understanding of the influence of planets on humans.

Chakra system

Instead of Chakras, Human Design uses the concept of "energy center". Unlike Chakras, there are not 7, but 9


Like the branches of the Tree of Life of Kabbalah, the channels in Human Design connect a person’s personal map into a single energy system

Life is a series of decisions. Correct decisions lead to correct life. A life in which you experience healthy success and satisfaction in who you are and what you do. Human Design is a unique knowledge that allows you to bring clarity to all areas of life, from business to personal. Find simple and practical answers to everyday questions. Start your experiment and you will never need psychology again, because you yourself will become an expert in your life. In Human Design this is called following your inner authority.

Gone are the days of teachings and gurus to follow in hopes of finding yourself. The most important guru and teacher is within you. Human Design is simply an instruction manual, a technical passport to your personality. A synthesis of astrology, genetics, quantum physics, I Ching and Kabbalah, Human Design fully describes all aspects of human nature. See for yourself, arm yourself with this knowledge. This is truly the alphabet of a new era.

But first of all, this is an Experiment!

From various Internet resources you can learn about the origin of this system and its in a deep sense. But this is of no use to those who just want to take a fresh look at themselves and their lives.

Human Design is a universal language for describing reality. Or maya, illusion. Who calls it what? Everyone has their own reality of illusion. What we think about ourselves and how we are structured to deal with things here - about this too Human Design.

You can formulate in different ways what it is, and when talking to a new person, I answer this question differently each time. Then I still think: I need to write it down! - but I rarely have time. We can safely say that Human Design is a game of decision-making, of trusting yourself. This is the science of self-love. This is a method that allows you to find out your strengths and weak sides and transform weakness into awareness. For me personally, this is the comprehension of man and humanity in all aspects - genetic, energetic, emotional, mental. And the name of this Human Design project is FORMULA OF SELF-LOVE. We were born with this formula, and we can make it happen. Discovering through experience what love is. Finding it where you think it is impossible to find it.

This knowledge is deeper than the rabbit hole)) Where it came from, you can tell us a little, from the creator of the Human Design System, his name was Ra Uru Hu.

He said:

Several terms in one quote. , . Sometimes they say that they are difficult to understand. I can neither support nor object. When I became interested in Human Design, I came to the seminar and got the basics. If you collect it bit by bit on the Internet, it can be more difficult. But everyone has their own way of learning.

Perhaps the most beautiful thing about Human Design is that there is no authority in anyone other than yourself.

New information may be met with skepticism. This is a natural defense against quackery or wasting time on useless knowledge.

So I understand you. Decide for yourself)) And if anything, ask questions, the answer may come))

Yes, and more. You can read my interviews about Human Design with various publications.

What it is?

Well, the new adept is ready.

Want to know what Human Design is? Are you ready to try this?

Where did it come from?

In short, the story sounds very strange. One Canadian is tired of his colorful and empty life successful business dandy, he disappeared and appeared in Ibiza, where he spent 5 years, was homeless, a freak and a school teacher. Experimented with expanding consciousness. I observed life. One day he discovered a knowledge that he called Human Design. It was a revelation the night the supernova exploded.

He systematized this teaching and did an unheard of job in teaching this in 25 years. He said that Human Design is not for everyone. “How can this be, Ra,” the students asked him, “after all, it can really help people. It’s so practical and unique!”

Yes sir. But you, too, may have greeted this with disbelief as another network project of the Age of Aquarius. But one of us got stuck. But someone is not. Although knowledge is as unique as each of us is unique, and it came, I can assume, from the same distance.

There are different things in this knowledge. Some things are more complicated, some things are simpler. You can read a lot about him, but still remain in the plane of your mind.

Amazingly, there is a connection between genetics and the principles of quantum physics and Human Design. And it's a precision instrument.

You start to feel special. And special. More precisely, this feeling, once reset, returns to you. You feel your place in the world under your feet. And this feature is simple. This is your movie.

My old text with a simple explanation of

For those who are interested and need more information:

Human Design is the design of a person. The science of how you are energetically structured and how your energy is inscribed in the matrix of the surrounding world and the Universe.

Human Design is the matrix of the Absolute, an organic synthesis of the teachings of chakras and biology, a meeting of the I Ching and genetics, Kabbalah and the principles of quantum physics, astronomy and astrology. This modern science has been developing since the late 80s and attracts the attention of both esotericists and rationalists - those who are interested in an accurate and practical tool for self-knowledge that gives an understanding of their uniqueness. This is all reflected in a graphic drawing called a bodygraph.

Human Design - 9 Centers

    • The energy centers in the Design are from the Hindu chakra system. But traditionally there are 7 chakras and 9 centers. This reflects the evolutionary development of humanity and the accompanying mutations that have taken place since 1781, when the planet Uranus was discovered.
    • In Human Design, the same initial data is used to construct a map as in astrology: date, time and place of birth. At the same time, the features of houses and zodiac signs are not considered here, as in astrology; attention is directed to the meanings of the hexagrams of the I Ching and the lines in which the planets were at the time of birth.
    • The hexagrams are located on the outer circle of the mandala. This can be clearly seen in the following video clip:
  • Physics confirms the possibility that information is transmitted through a stream of neutrinos. This is the breath of the stars tiny particles, which have mass. They pass through space objects and our bodies. Thus, each of us receives our own special “cosmic imprint” at birth and current influence during our lives in this ocean of information.
  • Quantum principle: “The only time I mention the quantum principle is when I talk about the imprint of the Primary Matrix in the Bodygraph. The trick is that you have Channels, each of which has two pairs of Gates. Each Gate has its own value. But in that moment when between these two there is absolutely different aspects a connection is established, something third arises. This is the basis of the quantum principle, the observer and the observed influence each other and, of course, the new thing that appears as a result is unique and different from the original two” - Ra Uru Hu.
  • Genetics and Design. All the genetic information that defines us is contained in the DNA molecule. This molecule has a double axis, it is very stable and difficult to destroy. And accessing it is not so easy, because the DNA molecule contains the protocol for creating a protein molecule, for creating any cell. Therefore, to gain access to genetic information, you need a copy that provides access to genetic information, so it can be destroyed. And this copy is called RNA. The RNA molecule has 4 different bases. These 4 bases are called cytosine, urasil, guanine and adenine. Each quarter is based on one of these bases.

  • Each quarter is based on the same bigram - the two lower lines of the hexagram. For us to have the building block of genetic information, there must be 3 various types bases, or fundamentals. And together these 3 bases form a codon - a genetic block of information. When we look at the hexagram, we see the so-called. the structure of the codon, and when on a bigram, we see the structure of the base, or base.
  • The 64 codons of DNA correspond to the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching. Each codon is associated with one hexagram.
  • The division into four types (, and) reflects the four main groups from which our DNA is built. These are known in genetics as the “four bases.”
  • Thus, depending on what information imprint was received at birth, certain genes are activated in us, while others remain in an inactive state. What is active in us (shaded on the map) shows what you give into external world. What is not active (white on the map) are places of reception from the outside. This is how the genetic imperative works, based on the attraction of opposites.
  • This card gives a lot of information about your predisposition to creativity, about the characteristics of character and behavior, about strength and vulnerability, about health and - most importantly - it gives a clear idea of ​​​​how to develop this, making the right decisions, trusting yourself. This self-trust is defined in Human Design as Inner Authority, your own special way of making decisions.

Reality is just an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. - Albert Einstein

A little more for clarity:.

© Masha Vodolazskaya

Bodygraph, or Rave Card

In the Human Design Bodygraph you can see 64 aspects of our nature, located on a symbolic image of the body. This image consists of nine information centers, connected together by a whole series of channels and circuits. In Human Design there are many aspects related to these centers and channels, allowing you to read the BodyGraph at different levels. In this way, we can see every aspect of our nature very deeply, from physiology to psychology to spirituality.
It's all there, in our Design. Each channel has its own name and theme that describes this aspect of our nature.
Here are some simplified examples: Channel of Transience: People who develop through diversity and change Channel of Initiation: People with very high competitiveness Channel of Manifestation of Feelings: Very creative and moody people Channel Alpha: People are born leaders Channel of Struggle: People who are able to concentrate as much as possible at the moment of meeting anyone challenge Channel Spenders: People who need regular periods of solitude in their lives First of all, from the Bodygraph analysis you will learn what is constant and unchangeable in your nature. These centers and channels are indicated by color on the Map.
Each “undefined” center has its own “false self” strategy:
Head center. Concern with matters that have no meaning Ajna. Mental conviction that one is right, ossification and inflexibility of thinking Throat center. Attracting attention to the G-center. Preoccupation with finding an ideal partner and “themes” in life Ego center. Proving your worth Sacral center. Inability to stop and tell yourself “stop” Spleen Center. Fear of letting go and holding on to people and things in your life Solar Plexus Center. Avoiding conflict, complexity and truth Root Center. Haste to get rid of the pressure of circumstances

Let's take a closer look at the Albert Einstein Rave Card: Generator 1/4

In Einstein's Design, for example, you see that the four energy systems of the body - the Ego center, the Solar Plexus center, the Sacral and the Root centers - are shaded or "defined".
Determined is what is unchangeable in us from birth. In the case of Einstein, he always had an incredible amount of his own energy at his disposal, which helped him move forward even when most people would have given up.
(51/25) connecting the Heart center with the Self center means that he had the genetically given power to push his own limitations as well as the boundaries of the world. Other activated channels in his Design provide a greater concentration of energy in the solar plexus (in the Emotional Center). This is a sign of a person who is capable of feeling deeply (- 41/30).
He was driven by a deep thirst for progress (Gate 35) and, as is often the case with such people, his personal life(-59/6 - connects with gate 36, which carries the potential for emotional crises). The paradox is that Einstein was a much more emotional person than a logical one.
The secret of how we are programmed lies in the white centers on the map of our Design.
Where you see a center or channel in your Design that is not filled in (they are then called undefined), know that you are looking at something very attractive to you.
These white centers are where we learn in the school of life because they represent our open areas. Moreover, since these white centers are not defined, they are aspects of our nature that work in us inconsistently. The open centers in our Design represent those areas that we cannot truly control; so they soon become for us what we most strive for. At the genetic level, we are attracted to what is unlike us.
Look again at Einstein's map. You see that his mind is undefined (two unfilled centers in the head). An indeterminate mind is an open mind, that is, a mind that does not have a fixed, definite way of thinking. Einstein could think in both abstract and logical ways, but this kind of mind does not sort information into shelves. Ideas seem to come out of nowhere and completely randomly. Vague centers are the centers of wisdom or chaos in our lives. In fact, there must have been people around Einstein who conditioned him thinking process. This is how indeterminate centers work. In open centers, our bodies are bioenergetically open to conditioning from Other people.

By seeing open areas on our Map, we can understand how and where the forces around us condition us. In this way, we can use our conditioning for good, rather than trying to escape it, especially since this is impossible. Take as an example someone with an undefined Spleen center like Einstein. The Spleen Center represents the body's immune system and is one of the three centers of awareness in humans. This is our survival instinct. If your Spleen center is not defined, then you like to act instinctively, but for you there is nothing more dangerous than spontaneous actions!


Human Design is a complex synthesis. It looks like a crystal with many facets. No matter how you turn it, you will see another facet of this Knowledge. Along with the existence of four genetic types, there are also twelve variants that overlap each type. These are known as the 12 Profiles and every human being belongs to one of them. Knowing a person’s Profile, you can determine his true role in life. If we use a comparison from the field of music to describe the genetics of a human being, it turns out that each of us is born from strings (bases), which, when touched together, form chords (codons). All these chords are intertwined into melody (genes), and the symphony that results is you! Continuing this musical metaphor, we can say that your symphony is written in one of 12 possible keys and these 12 keys in Human Design are called Profiles. Just like in music, only certain keys are in harmony with each other. When you meet a person with the same or in harmony with your Profile, you usually feel very comfortable with him due to the “consonance” between your and his biochemistry.

To understand the profile, you need to look at the structure of the hexagram.
Each hexagram is defined by one of six "lines", each line having a name based on its inherent characteristics:

The Incarnation Cross allows us to determine the purpose of our life, our destiny, or, in other words, Our Path. It is unique for everyone and everyone must carry it themselves, alone, in order to be themselves.
There are many such crosses, each has its own name, and they represent the intersection of two points on a person’s Birth Chart: astrological date and the time of our birth and the date of our “Design”, 88 degrees of the Zodiac before our birth. It turns out to be a slightly irregular cross, since it is 88 degrees, not 90.

Some examples of Incarnation Crosses

Cross of Laws: People who enforce laws or bring new laws. Cross of the Sphinx: People who are born to give direction to others. Cross of Tension: People promoting evolution through tension. Cross of Eden: People who embody wisdom through the loss of naivety. Cross of Shock: People who shake up the world by shocking those around them. Cross of the Vessel of Love: People who guide others through love. Cross of Denial: People who set boundaries through denial. Trickster's Cross: People who find their purpose by fooling others. Cross of Risk: People who find their purpose by taking risks. Cross of Healing: People born to heal others or to be healed themselves. Cross of the Horn: People born to bring a new message to the world. Cross of Improvement: People born to beautify civilization. Cross of Migration: People finding purpose through movement and change. Cross of Masks: People who use different roles to express their particular vision. Cross of Desires: People who inspire others to move towards new horizons.

And finally, let's look at the Rave Card of Ra Uru Hu himself:

Turning to the Card of Ra as an example, we see that he has the 20th, 10th and 57th gates identified. Thus, in his scheme the combined channels are strongly emphasized, i.e. he is, above all, self-focused. And because he lacks 34, 28 or 38 gates, then this situation can be interpreted as self-initiating. When you study the Rave Map and see on it the presence of any gates related to the combined channels, but gates 28 or 38 are missing, then this system can be called self-initiating, i.e. a person is focused primarily on himself, on his survival, awakening, self-knowledge. But if there are 28 or 38 gates on a person’s Map, then he is already more receptive to other people and focused on their initiation.
Important point, which needs to be conveyed to a person who has any of the combined channels: Be self-sufficient. Have your own bank account, your own car, your own life. You are not here to share anything with others. You move with others as self-sufficient individuals. At the dinner party, pay your own way.

Knowing and understanding our Design protects us and helps us not become a victim of our conditioning. We are all constantly conditioned - especially by those who are nearby.

High quality and detailed calculation your map (bodygraph) of Human Design with interpretation and materials in Russian. Expanded detailed time zone tables and daylight saving time conversion charts winter time across the territory of the post-Soviet space.

Where to start studying Human Design on your own?

1. Let’s create an accurate, detailed rave map of Human Design (bodygraph)

To calculate your rave card (bodygraph) yourself, enter the date, time and place of birth (the nearest major settlement in the same time zone is possible) in the appropriate fields. Click on the “Calculate” button.

All data is very important. Sometimes a difference of a few minutes can give a big discrepancy on the map, and sometimes a few hours won't make a difference.

2. Find your energy type

The manifestor's aura is intended to break through, to begin. Projector - to penetrate to feel another person. Generator – to envelop for joint activities. Reflector - try, but don’t let yourself in.

Human Design distinguishes between four energy types of people. Each energy type has its own role in this Game of Life.

Generator and manifesting generator (creator or creator, initiating creator)

Energy type, 70% of the planet's population. There is constant access to your own energy. Great energy potential and the ability to work long, hard, with pleasure, quickly restoring your strength, but only from the work you love.

The generator should enjoy the work and be satisfied with its results. Any activity without pleasure frustrates and deprives one of strength. How to find what brings satisfaction and distinguish our work from not ours, the person who is suitable for us from the one who is not?

Be sure to study what “oscillator response” is, because he is the key to all decisions in the life of the Generator. There is a lot of information on this topic.

Finds happiness in favorite activities.

Manifestor (initiator)

Energy type, 9% of the planet's population. Punchy. The type in which one of the motors (Solar Plexus, Ego, Root) is connected to the throat. Can act quickly, take initiative, and has the power to influence other people. Its peculiarity is that it is necessary to inform other people about own actions before they start. Without information, one encounters resistance, which leads to one's own anger (the theme of the false self).

Finds happiness in feeling his own calm from anger. Learns the power of his influence on others. Without the ability to inform other people, you may have problems communicating.

Non-energy type, 21% of the population. Has insight, can see the essence of a person. The type whose role is to be a guest guide for Generators. By receiving an invitation, the Projector thereby gains access to the management of sacred energy. If he begins to impose himself, advise and indicate without invitation, he experiences bitterness (the theme of the false self).

Finds happiness in recognition their individual competence by other people. What you do is not so important as it is important with whom you do it.

Reflector (messenger)

Non-energy type, 1% of the population. Feels the differences between people, groups of people, places. The type with the ability to see what is unusual, what breaks out of the pattern, violates order and symmetry. Mostly due to the influence of other people and planetary transits. Literally reflects, mirrors the interlocutor or the team in which he is located.

Very flexible, changeable. Finds happiness in observing differences. Trying to be tough, one may feel a loss of the sense of novelty, a state where nothing surprises. You should not rush to make decisions.

3. How to make decisions so that they are “to your liking” and not “as accepted”?

A core concept in Human Design: how to find your inner source of truth in decision making.

The Human Design chart has a very useful tool that Astrology does not have - internal authority. It is always a sensation in the body and never thoughts or reasoning. How our Body senses what is right for us.

  • What should I do and what is not mine?
  • What people to be with, and who is not correct for us,
  • What to agree to and what to refuse, etc.

This is something you can rely on! Trust not in thoughts and reasoning, but in the feeling of your body, inner authority. And for different types different centers will serve as authority.

For Generator (Creator) in Human Design the authority is the sacral center. This center has the ability to respond with simple internal sounds“Uh-huh,” “Yeah,” “Nope,” “Eee.” Some psychologists call this the Aha reflex, when a person answers any question not with words, but with sounds. This way the mind will not make stereotyped decisions and the answer will come from the essence itself.

Favorite activity evokes an “Aha” response: I want it, I love it, with pleasure. For this decision, energy and strength appear in the body, the body directly wants to do this.

If this activity is not suitable for you, your body will say “Nope” to it, which means it’s not mine. If there is no specific response, but a sluggish “uh,” then this activity is indifferent to you and you will not get pleasure or satisfaction from it.

If in the map inner authority Spleen – This is intuition in the moment! Feeling anxious or calm while making a decision. If you learn to hear and trust this voice, then your life will already begin to change in better side. You will stop going to places where you are not welcome and doing things that are not healthy to do.

If your Human Design bodygraph defines Solar Plexus – emotional inner authority – it is necessary to remember that there is no truth in the moment. You always need to bide your time, mature, and not act on emotions. This means that the emotional wave that is produced by a certain solar plexus always colors one or another response in accordance with the mood, so it is necessary to wait for clarity over time. It could be a day, or it could be a week.

In Human Design there is a conditional hierarchy of internal authorities. These are necessarily certain centers. If several centers, which are internal authorities, are identified, then the most “senior” one manifests itself most clearly. 1 – the oldest, 5 – conditionally the youngest.

The type of authority is indicated on the person's design map.

Remember, this is the place you can rely on:

Sacral- response sounds
Solar plexus- wait for clarity
Spleen- the voice of intuition, taste, instinct
Self-projected authority- when discussing something with someone, listen to yourself
Ego Manifested Authority- asking the question “what do I really want”?
No inner authority - mental projector is aware of the decision when communicating in his environment, and reflector must listen to the authority of the lunar cycle.

4. External role in life. Define your Profile.

The first number in the Human Design map indicates a conscious role in life, the second number - an unconscious role (we play this role unconsciously).

Briefly about the meanings of profile lines in Human Design:

1st line - Explorer- needs a solid foundation to achieve confidence. Human design, getting to the bottom of things in order to calm down. Innovator.

2nd line - Hermit- loves to do what he loves in solitude and sometimes is not even aware of his gift. Human design who wants to discover and realize their talent, and not endlessly learn new things. Not everyone will open up.

3rd line - Martyr- by trial and error, he can make a discovery. Human design- experimenter. Through trial and error he gains unique experience.

4th line - Opportunist- open to opportunities coming from your circle of friends. Friendliness and sincerity are revealed in a suitable team. In the absence of a suitable team, he may remain alone.

5 line - Heretic- projected, he is expected to provide an unconventional and practical solution to the problem. Design influential, infectious person, who attracts other people with his themes, but can himself get lost in the expectations of other people (what do they want from me? - projection).

6th line - Role Model- there is the potential after 50 to become an example of what it means to be yourself. The design of a wise man or a fool that other people look up to. In the highest manifestation of a spiritual leader.

When we combine the meanings of the lines, we can talk about a general understanding of the profile.


1/3: The researcher is a martyr. A person who gains confidence by learning from his own mistakes, an experimenter and a skeptic in life. (Nicole Kidman, Freddie Mercury, Bono, Che Guevara, Van Gogh, Charlie Chaplin).

1/4: The researcher is an opportunist. A person who needs loyal and devoted friends with whom he can share his hobbies, interests and discoveries. (Albert Einstein, Muhammad Ali, Sid Vicious, Ewan McGrgor).

2/4: The hermit is an opportunist. A person who has a talent that was hidden for the time being, who is careful about his private life, in whom others often see more than he would like to allow. (Nikolai Gogol, Viktor Tsoi, John Lennon, Uma Thurman, Sean Connery, Duke Ellington, Salvador Dali, Osho).

2/5: The Hermit is a heretic. A person who has the gift of seducing other people, often surprising with unconventional thinking and an unusual perspective on things and events. (Catherine Deneuve, Mark Twain, Kevin Costner).

3/5: Martyr – heretic. A born rebel, an expert in making mistakes and getting into different, not always pleasant ones. Potential for influence and contagion. (Vladimir Vysotsky, Indira Gandhi, Elvis Presley, Tom Hanks, Osama Bin Laden, Krishnamurti, John F. Kennedy, George Carlin, Tim Burton)

3/6: Martyr - role model. A person who is here to guide others through the wisdom he has acquired by doing own mistakes. (Nikola Tesla, Julia Roberts, David Bowie, Winston Churchill).

4/6: Opportunist - role model. An objective witness who uses his communication skills and experiences to teach and influence others. (Brad Pitt, Sharon Stone, Sigmund Freud, Nat King Cole, Monica Bellucci, Edith Piaf).

4/1: Opportunist – explorer. A man who can never change himself and for whom a very special life path. (Natalia Vodianova, Louis Vuitton, Michael Jordan).

5/1: Heretic – researcher. A person “for others”, capable of giving practical solutions, being useful, showing a different point of view on any issue. (Jude Law, Madonna, Martin Luther King, Napoleon, Justin Timberlake, Catherine Zeta-Jones).

5/2: Heretic – hermit. Closed in their own space and waiting for a specific call to show their talent in interpersonal communication. (Alexander Pushkin, Marlon Brando, Tom Jones, Robert De Niro).

6/2: Role model – hermit. A person who is often a role model for others and is usually surprised by this. (Viktor Pelevin, Mikhail Bulgakov, Antonio Banderas, Jimi Hendrix, Audrey Hepborn, Charles Dickens, Bruce Lee, Barack Obama, Mozart).

6/3: Role model – martyr. A person who knows well the value of his mistakes and failures. (Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Harrison Ford, Jules Verne, Matt Damon).

5. Energy centers

In Human Design there is the concept of 9 energy centers. This is similar to the regular seven chakra system that you may already be familiar with, but here we have two additional centers.

Some centers are painted over different colors, others remain white. each center has its own name and is responsible for a specific function in the body, responsible for the functioning of an organ system or for the functioning of a specific gland.

The centers have their own characteristics and false manifestations, or false self. The false self is most clearly observed in open (unshaded) centers, but it can also be characteristic of certain (shaded) centers.

Crown: mental pressure and inspiration.

Generates itself or receives inspiration from others, guiding us through doubts, confusion and pressure to find answers to our life questions.

The open Parietal Center is inspired by its surroundings, while the defined (colored) Center itself gives inspiration to others.

False manifestation of the parietal center: worry about things that don’t concern you and think about other people’s problems.

Ajna: processing and analysis of information.

Center for working with information through logic or abstract thinking. Our worldview and understanding of ideas.

The open center of Ajna is determined by the information of other people, the defined (shaded) one influences others.

False: constantly strive to be sure of something. Be afraid of your insecurities. They pretend to be confident.

Throat: self-expression and action.

An open throat adapts well to the interlocutor's manner of speaking. Definite – expresses itself in a fixed way.

False: try to attract attention to yourself with all sorts of actions. Very often this is completely unwanted attention.

G area (G): love, direction and self-identity.

The open center receives direction, a sense of “who I am” from those around me. The definite serves as a source of direction and identification for others.

False: try to find yourself, your love, your direction in life. Find your clear self-identification once and for all “I am such and such, period.”

Ego Area: willpower, self-esteem, material world.

The open center of the Ego is sensitive to the will of others, but it is not correct for it to act on “willpower”. A certain Ego center gives rise to a strong-willed person who influences others.

False: to prove something to yourself and others.

vitality, sexuality, performance.

A certain Sacral center gives us the energy type Generator - a person who dissolves in his favorite activity and replenishes spent resources quickly if he acts in response. The open Sacral is subject to the conditioning of the environment, and is conditionally more “free” in choosing activities, since it is less susceptible to frustration from doing the wrong thing.

False: don't know when to stop.

Spleen Center: intuition, health, fears, instincts.

Feelings of anxiety and insecurity or calmness.

A certain (shaded) center can be trusted, but an open one is not recommended, since it reflects the anxiety of the surrounding people and society as a whole.

False: addiction to unhealthy habits and relationships.

Solar Plexus Center: emotionality, sensuality, passion.

The center of our mood, the biochemistry of emotions from “ heartache” to joy.

The open center is emotionally empathic, but does not itself have a constant emotional wave. Determined - determines those around you with your mood.

False: Fear of the truth, fear of conflicts, emotional manifestations.

Root Center: adrenaline pressure.

The center that regulates our stress levels.

The open Root Center is sensitive to stress and pressure. Determined – resistant to stress and puts pressure on others.

False: always hurry up.

6. Certainty and openness

Where we are firm and where we are flexible.

Specific energy center- a center that has a color on the bodygraph other than white, transmits a certain frequency into the surrounding space, its own defining program for the work of the center, depending on its type. These are the places where you are clearly fixed on how it works specific center recorded in your birth chart.

When there is an active gate at one end of the channel and at the other, the channel automatically becomes shaded and the centers of these gates also become active. This means that CONSTANT energy circulates in this channel and centers. Imagine that your body graphics are a power circuit. There is ALWAYS energy present in the painted parts. These are the places you can always rely on. Energy will be generated here constantly! Every minute, every second until the moment of death.

This is the only thing you can rely on! This is what allows you to be yourself. But this is the potential for hardness and inflexibility. You find it difficult to adapt to other people or circumstances in the areas for which this center is responsible. You would rather change your environment than change yourself.

Undefined (open) energy center- a center that has White color on the bodygraph, is tuned to perceive frequency from other people depending on the type of center and does not work consistently. In these areas we are subject to influence from other people. This is something that is present in your nature impermanently, it is determined by those people or planets that influence your energy field at the moment.

This means that with different people You may feel/behave differently. This energy of conditioning (influencing) open center uncontrollable. It can only be observed and experienced. However, if you do not understand your nature, this energy can cause total self-doubt and self-flagellation. It will seem to you that you are someone who you really are not.

This is the potential for flexibility, adaptability, adjustment.

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Share your interest in Human Design with your friends! Studying the cards of friends, acquaintances and relatives is very helpful in understanding many nuances. Human Design, because you know them, you see how certain activations manifest themselves in them. First of all, I counted everyone with whom I communicate frequently. Then - my whole family.

This gave me an understanding of who is attracted to me and how they manifest themselves in life. Generators, Manifestors, Projectors, Reflectors, profiles and specific and open Bodygraph centers. Moreover, those who are interested By Human Design, they themselves were happy to tell me about their activations and how it works for them.

It has been developing since the late 80s and provides people with consistent and accurate information on how to live their own lives well.

Human Design is a system of self-knowledge that is fundamentally different from all practices existing in the world today. This system allows you to see a specific map of your self and offers simple tools to be yourself and reduce resistance as you move through life. Human Design allows you to discover yourself, understand and accept your true nature.

What is the difference

Human Design has several conceptual differences from other systems that claim to describe the nature of man and the world around him. Here are the most basic ones:

Synthesis. Human Design relies on several powerful systems. It includes principles of quantum physics, genetics, astronomy and aspects of four esoteric systems: astrology, the Hindu chakra system, the Kabbalah of Judaism and most of all the I Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes. The esoteric term “aura” coexists in Human Design with terms from physics, and the meanings of the I-Ching hexagrams with the characteristics of amino acids from genetics.

Based on the principle of form. Some spiritual practices and systems of self-knowledge propose to describe the mind and behavior of a person in some typology, others - to turn off the mind or transform it, others - to develop your body and not pay attention to the raging consciousness, fourth - to subordinate the mind and body to the will, fifth - to rigidly limit your body to purify your spirit, etc. Human Design operates on the principle of form. This means that the form of a person determines life and its quality, and the mind is only a “passenger” traveling in this form. Therefore, the unique goal of Human Design is the simultaneous transformation of body and mind. As part of this transformation, a person will have to learn, firstly, to make decisions about his life and for himself from the Inner Authority of the body, and secondly, to stop using the mind to make decisions. The mind must learn to be a “passenger” and engage only in the analysis and synthesis of information coming to it.

Focus on your uniqueness. Human Design shows what makes you unique. This is not a system of self-development, it is a system of self-knowledge. You don’t need to improve anything about yourself, do regular exercises, set and achieve any goals, or pump yourself up with inspiring slogans. Your map will show you who you are and who you have never been. One of the purposes of this system is to help our children in the unique development of their nature and recognition of their talents.

Practicality and empirical testability. The practical value of Human Design is its ability to accurately describe the unique nature of each person. Moreover, based on this nature, show how to make the right decisions on the whole variety of issues in life. Understanding this is tantamount to acquiring a personal “instruction manual”. Every aspect of this knowledge can be “put in a cart,” objectified and seen in your life. Every aspect of this knowledge allows us to answer the question “what should I do with it.” You don't have to take Human Design for granted. With the help of an experiment, you can decide for yourself whether the information it provides you about you or your loved ones resonates with you and has any value.

Mutation knowledge. No matter how pretentious it may sound, this knowledge is not for everyone. One word can succinctly express the very essence of Human Design and its postulates - “heresy”. This knowledge is lively, provocative, filled with information that shakes the cornerstones of many sciences, ranging from psychology to particle physics. Experience shows that the beauty of this heresy is most often able to be appreciated by a person who has already learned or felt something in his life and needs answers of a different scale and perspective. And, of course, there will always be people for whom Human Design is just “commercial knowledge”, “pseudoscience without sufficient facts”, “another typology in the spirit of socionics” or “but you can say that about any person”.

The path of the individualist. Modern world rests entirely on communities and groups of people united by some goal or belief - be it a commercial organization, a psychological support group or a church community. Human Design does not require participation in group meetings (there are simply none), wearing the same clothes as someone else, or performing any rituals, prayers, meditations typical of sects or New Age spiritual practices. This is a deeply selfish knowledge that leaves you alone with the world and in some way alienates you from any help and advice from the outside - because you yourself live your own life.

The opportunity to be yourself. Unlike most other systems, knowledge of Human Design carries no potential reward for learning or using it. Chances are you won't become a richer person. You are guaranteed not to have more control over your life. The only gift that Human Design can give you is the powerful and strong feeling within yourself that you are real, you are living your life and you are following your destiny. Another by-product is living in a body that is healthy for you, with reduced resistance from situations and circumstances, and the right people around you.

A holistic description of the mechanics of the world

Within Human Design, there are several directions that develop various aspects of this knowledge. Primary Health System (PHS) explores strategies for nutrition and body maintenance healthy condition according to each individual's differences. Rave Psychology aims to work with human consciousness and psychology and provide tools that allow you to live more conscious life. Individual analysis allows each person to learn about his true nature, see the influence of global cycles and find out his purpose. Partnership Analysis allows each couple to obtain information about the possibilities and limitations of their partnership and thereby build relationships of a fundamentally different depth and quality. Family Analysis's way of looking at family dynamics helps families find simple ways interactions and communications among themselves, based on respect for the personal characteristics of each family member. The Child Development direction gives your child the opportunity to receive the education, training and development that he really needs. Dream Rave Analysis gives an incredible, fantastic perspective on a person's life during sleep. The Human Design business directions BG5 and OC16 show a person how he can be successful on a material level, and give the business owner the opportunity to instantly assess the potential of his employees. The cosmological direction of Human Design is at the junction with the latest discoveries physicists and astronomers and claims to describe the structure of the entire Universe. The scope of Human Design is enormous, is not limited to any one topic and affects the most important areas of life and the needs of modern man.

How it works

Human Design uses your birth data to create a bodygraph - a map of your uniqueness. A bodygraph allows you to see your genetic type and what is constant in your nature. These are the key components of the system. You can immediately begin an experiment with the Strategy of your genetic type and with your Inner Authority, the place where you make decisions that are correct for you, in order to understand how relevant this knowledge is to you. Human Design is an experimental scientific system, which, according to many criteria, cannot be proven otherwise than through an experiment with one’s own life. The entire scientific value of this system can be proven by one person in one unit of time for himself, and not for others.

Mystical origin

Human Design came into this world with the help of a man named Ra Uru Hu. On January 3, 1987, Ra Uru Hu, who abandoned his former life and sought solitude on the island of Ibiza in the Mediterranean Sea, lived a revelation. A certain entity, which he later called the “Voice,” forcibly invaded his consciousness and for eight days and nights described in detail the structure of the Universe, planets and various forms life, including the person whom “The Voice” called “rave”.

This is the event as described by Ra:

...I inserted the key into the lock, opened the door and pushed it. The kerosene lamp glowed and rotated in the air. My dog ​​jumped into the room. And in the jump, when his body crossed the threshold line, he fell dead, as if he had been shot. I heard a voice. He was unpleasant. I can describe it as the voice of a hundred and fifty year old woman smoking cigars. At the same moment, my body exploded with water. It poured out of my head. From my hands. From my feet. Literally, I was standing in a pool of water flowing from my body. The voice said: “You are ready to work...”. And it wasn't a question...

The pain from super-rapid dehydration was intense but bearable. I couldn't touch my skin. I didn't feel it. Something similar happens when your leg goes numb. You knock on it, but you don't feel anything. After some time I collapsed in exhaustion. I experienced a strange sensation of levitation because I did not feel my body touching the ground at all. And then the voice began to teach me. It was amazing. Because when he spoke, I didn't feel pain. There was only a kind of flight into the field of information. The story of the big bang. Rave cosmology. Mechanics of the personality crystal. The nature of being. I've never heard anything like it. I have never felt so calm. It was very strange. I found myself in a situation where I was as obedient as a beaten dog...

You can learn more about the mystical revelation of Ra by watching the documentary “Encounter with the Voice” on the Jovian archive website.

According to the testimony of people who knew Robert Alan Krakower (the name Ra Uru Hu appeared later) before this mystical experience, he did not even know his own zodiac sign and was skeptical about everything irrational. Having received the revelation, Ra spent several years researching the aspects indicated to him, collecting and testing information. Convinced that this knowledge worked, he began giving public lectures. After some time, the Jovian archive company appeared, patenting the Human Design system.

Synthesis: science and ancient traditions

Despite its mystical origins, Human Design is closely related to modern scientific discoveries and the wisdom of the ancients.

  • Modern physics. In 1998, it was proven that neutrinos are born on stars, have mass, and pass through planets and people with enormous intensity. Physicists believe that the passage of neutrinos through a person has no consequences, but according to the logic of Human Design, this is not so: neutrinos program our bodies. Correlating the time and place of birth of a person allows us to calculate the neutrino imprint imprinted in the person born and translate this imprint into the language of behavioral characteristics
  • Principles of genetics. Each person's genome contains about 30,000 genes. Genes carry instructions for the synthesis of amino acids into proteins from which cells are built. Every single cell in our body contains full map genome, but depending on what type of cell this cell is, only certain genes will be isolated in it. The cellular epithelium of the heart muscle, for example, contains information about all the cells of the body, but only that which allows the heart to perform its tasks is activated - blood supply. Human Design follows the same logic. Each person carries the same genetic matrix, but only certain parts of it are activated. You can see activation data and understand what is genetically expressed in a person and what is not, on a bodygraph - an individual graphic diagram of the body
  • Hindu chakra system. In esoteric traditions, chakras are understood as energy centers that distribute energy throughout the human body. According to “Voice,” the number of centers reflects the evolutionary movement of humanity. Neanderthals had a five-centered structure similar to that of modern mammals. Since 1871, the first nine-centered beings have appeared in the world, for whom the seven chakras of Hinduism are already a thing of the past.
  • Astronomy and astrology. As in astrology, a person receives his individual bodygraph based on the exact date, time and place of birth, using the astrological wheel of planets. At the same time, Human Design does not operate with the concept of “houses” and zodiac signs accepted in astrology, and also uses two dates to compile a bodygraph and compares them with each other
  • I Ching and DNA. Our genetic code is made up of four nucleotide bases, which are organized into groups of three. Each of these chemical groups is assigned to one amino acid and forms what is called a “codon.” Similarly, in the I Ching there are four basic combinations of Yin and Yang, which are also organized into groups of three, known as “trigrams”. And just as the two strands of our DNA complement each other, each I Ching trigram has a partner trigram, and together these two symbols create the “hexagram”, the basis of the I Ching. There are 64 DNA codons in our genetic code, 64 hexagrams are described in the I-Ching, and 64 gates in the bodygraph. And we can also see the four bases of our genetic code, which manifest in the biochemistry of our body in the form of four types of human beings: Manifestors, Generators, Projectors and Reflectors

Like any synthesis, Human Design is more than the sum of its disciplines, practices and principles. All systems included in the synthesis can accurately and in detail describe the world or some of its aspects, but it seems that none of these systems, with the exception of Human Design, tells what a person should do with this world and how to make decisions correctly for him.

Victor Kryuchkov

What will you find in your map?

"Red and black"

The black color indicates a person’s conscious – his personality: what he thinks about himself, what he knows well about himself. Red is the unconscious, its design is something unknown to the person himself, but clearly visible to his loved ones. Red-black activations indicate two or more activations of the same gate. If some center or channel in your chart is determined unconsciously, you will never be sure about the presence of corresponding qualities in your life.

The centers are marked on the map different colors. The shaded ones are called defined or closed. These centers reflect the given, that which will be constantly and invariably present in a person’s life.

White, unfilled centers are called indeterminate or open. This is something that is not permanently present in your nature. This is a place where you have no energy of your own and where you are influenced by other people. We call this influence conditioning. The energy of open centers cannot be consciously controlled. Therefore, they can be, on the one hand, a source of wisdom, and on the other hand, chaos and uncertainty.

Nine centers

Centers and their functions:

  • Head Center: mental pressure and inspiration. Once defined, a person has his own source of inspiration and his own “themes” that are meaningful to him. Being vague, this center gives freedom to choose sources of inspiration for what to think about and what questions to ask.
  • Ajna: processing and analysis of information. A centered person processes information in a fixed way—for example, through cause-and-effect reasoning, review, and critical examination of facts. An indefinite center gives the opportunity to be flexible in the ways of analyzing the information coming to it
  • Throat center: self-expression and action. If a person does not have this center defined, he does not have a clear, fixed way of self-manifestation. A particular Throat Center will cause a person to be inclined to express themselves in a particular way, such as through creativity or social activity, depending on which of the 11 gates are activated in that center
  • G center: love, direction, self-identification. Once defined, this center gives a person a stable sense of his personality. People with an undefined G center can discover more and more layers of themselves around different people, without having a stable identity and changing depending on what kind of people surround them
  • Heart center: willpower, material world, self-esteem, ego. The owner of a certain Heart center has the potential for successful self-realization on the material plane. A person with openness here does not have a fixed energy to search for answers to material questions
  • Sacral center: vitality, sexuality, performance. The vital energy in people with an uncertain Sacral center is changeable. People with a certain Sacral Center have a stable and constant source of vitality
  • Splenic center: survival instincts, intuition, fears, health. To have a specific Spleen center means to have access to the oldest intuitive awareness of the body. People with an open Spleen center can read the physical condition and fears of others
  • Solar Plexus Center: emotionality, sensitivity, passion. The owner of a certain center can experience a whole range of his own feelings and emotions caused by the “wave” of the hormonal biochemistry of his body. People live the emotions of others with openness here.
  • Root Center: adrenaline pressure. People with a specific Root Center have a built-in ability to overcome pressure and cope with stress. People with an open center are not designed to constantly be in stressful situations.

Many centers are multifunctional:

  • Three centers of awareness (Ajna, Splenic and Solar Plexus)
  • Four energy centers or "motors" (Solar Plexus, Sacral, Ego and Root)
  • Two pressure centers (Head and Root)
  • Center for Manifestation and Self-Expression (Gorlova)
  • Center for Identity and Direction ()

Each element of the bodygraph has a biological correlation with the human body - a certain organ, gland, amino acid (for example, at the level of the Ajna centers - the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary gland, the Root center - the adrenal glands). Certain and indefinite centers can function in healthy and unhealthy ways.

Certainty and uncertainty of centers

A certain energy center - a center that has a color on the bodygraph other than white, transmits a certain frequency into the surrounding space, its own defining program for the work of the center, depending on its type. These are the places where you are clearly recorded, the way a certain center works is recorded in your birth chart. No one here can influence you.

This is the only thing you can rely on! This is what allows you to be yourself.

An indeterminate (open) energy center is a center that is white on the bodygraph, is configured to perceive frequencies from other people, depending on the type of center, and works inconsistently. In these areas we are subject to influence from other people. This is something that is present in your nature impermanently, it is determined by those people or planets that influence your energy field at the moment.

This means that you may feel/behave differently with different people. This energy of conditioning (influencing) the open center cannot be controlled. It can only be observed and experienced. However, if you do not understand your nature, this energy can cause total self-doubt and self-flagellation. It will seem to you that you are someone who you really are not.

Uniqueness is reflected in the details: whether your channel is conscious or unconscious, which line is activated by each hexagram, the imprint of which planet, etc.

Gates and Canals


In each Center we see numbers. This is the designation of the Gate. There are 64 of them per carriage. It is these gates that correspond to 64 hexagrams from the ancient Chinese Book of Changes.

Numbers colored purple are active. They are activated consciously, unconsciously, or on two levels simultaneously (black, red or red-black).

  • Black channels are your conscious, this is what you think about yourself, you know.
  • Red channels are your unconscious, your design, what is not known to you, but what other people can notice in you.
  • Half black, half red - one gate is conscious, the other is on an unconscious level.
  • Black and red (striped) - the channel or gate is simultaneously activated on both the unconscious and conscious levels.
  • White channels are inactive channels that can be conditioned and filled with the energy of another person in whose field you are.

Each channel is marked with the numbers of the gates that form it and a name, for example “40-37: Community Channel”. The meaning of the channel reflects something new, based on the combined qualities of the two gates that form it. The channel is not just the sum of values, but represents more - just as a child carries the traits of both parents.

Cognitive architecture

The definite and indefinite centers, channels and gates that you see in your map are, in a way, the tip of the iceberg. Each hexagram can be activated by one of 6 lines, each line is one of 6 colors, each color is one of 6 tones, each tone is one of 5 bases. Thus, combinations of 384 lines, 2,304 colors, 13,824 tones, 69,120 bases are mathematically possible.

These are the deepest levels of our programming. The cognitive architecture of conscious activations reveals features of information processing by the psyche, namely how the human brain perceives reality, how it constructs a personality, how it processes information received from the world and how it reacts to it. The cognitive architecture of unconscious activations determines correct diet for our body and environmental features. These aspects are studied in two areas of Human Design - Rave Psychology and Primary Health System.

Here we encounter an incredibly deep level of differentiation that goes beyond the 4 types, 9 centers and 64 gates. This is why you may meet a person of your type, with the same centers or channels, or even similar activations, for example, with 57 gates in the 5th line, but you will be different due to differences in the deeper levels of programming.

Analysis of this level of information requires incredible accuracy of the time of birth, since the change in color, tone and base values ​​occurs literally every few minutes.


The first digit is the number of the activated gate, the second digit is the hexagram line number.

All gates that you see in the bodygraph are activated by one planet or another. The planets and their meanings are of great importance for understanding the chart:

  • Sun- what you are
  • Earth- conscious and unconscious grounding, support in your life