Read proof of life after death. Life after death - the opinion of priests and the evidence of scientists. There is life after death

Is there life after death? Probably every person has asked this question at least once in their life. And this is quite obvious, because the unknown scares us the most.

In the sacred scriptures of all religions without exception it is said that human soul immortal. Life after death is presented either as something wonderful, or, on the contrary, something terrible in the image of Hell. According to Eastern religion, the human soul undergoes reincarnation - it moves from one material shell to another.

However, modern people are not ready to accept this truth. Everything requires proof. There is a judgment about various forms life after death. Written a large number of scientific and fiction, many films have been made, which provide a lot of evidence of the existence of life after death.

We present to your attention 12 real proofs of the existence of life after death.

1: The Mummy's Mystery

In medicine, the fact of death is declared when the heart stops and the body does not breathe. Clinical death occurs. From this condition the patient can sometimes be brought back to life. True, a few minutes after blood circulation stops, irreversible changes in the human brain, and this means the end of earthly existence. But sometimes after death some fragments physical body as if they continue to live.

For example, in South-East Asia there are mummies of monks whose nails and hair grow, and the energy field around the body is many times higher than the norm for an ordinary living person. And perhaps they still have something else alive that cannot be measured by medical devices.

2: Forgotten tennis shoe

Many patients who have experienced clinical death describe their sensations as a bright flash, a light at the end of a tunnel, or vice versa - a gloomy and dark room with no way to get out.

An amazing story happened to a young woman Maria, an emigrant from Latin America, which is able clinical death as if she had left her room. She noticed a tennis shoe forgotten by someone on the stairs and, having regained consciousness, told the nurse about it. One can only try to imagine the state of the nurse who found the shoe in the indicated place.

3: Polka Dot Dress and Broken Cup

This story was told by professor, doctor medical sciences. His patient's heart stopped during surgery. The doctors managed to get him started. When the professor visited a woman in intensive care, she told an interesting, almost fantastic story. At some point, she saw herself on the operating table and, horrified by the thought that, having died, she would not have time to say goodbye to her daughter and mother, she was miraculously transported to her home. She saw a mother, daughter and a neighbor who came to see them and brought the baby a dress with polka dots.

And then the cup broke and the neighbor said that it was luck and the girl’s mother would recover. When the professor came to visit the young woman’s relatives, it turned out that during the operation a neighbor had actually visited them, who had brought a dress with polka dots, and the cup had broken... Fortunately!

4: Return from Hell

The famous cardiologist, professor at the University of Tennessee, Moritz Rowling, told interesting story. The scientist, who many times brought patients out of a state of clinical death, was, first of all, a person very indifferent to religion. Until 1977.

This year an incident occurred that forced him to change his attitude towards human life, soul, death and eternity. Moritz Rawlings carried out resuscitation procedures, which are not uncommon in his practice. young man by indirect massage hearts. His patient, as soon as consciousness returned to him for a few moments, begged the doctor not to stop.

When he was brought back to life, and the doctor asked what scared him so much, the excited patient replied that he was in hell! And when the doctor stopped, he returned there again and again. At the same time, his face expressed panic horror. As it turns out, there are many such cases in international practice. And this, undoubtedly, makes us think that death only means the death of the body, but not the personality.

Many people who have experienced a state of clinical death describe it as an encounter with something bright and beautiful, but the number of people who have seen lakes of fire and terrible monsters is no less. Skeptics claim that this is nothing more than hallucinations caused by chemical reactions in human body as a result oxygen starvation brain Everyone has their own opinion. Everyone believes what they want to believe.

But what about ghosts? There are a huge number of photographs and videos that allegedly contain ghosts. Some call it a shadow or a film defect, while others firmly believe in the presence of spirits. It is believed that the ghost of the deceased returns to earth to complete unfinished business, to help solve the mystery, to find peace and tranquility. Some historical facts are possible evidence for this theory.

5: Napoleon's signature

In 1821. After the death of Napoleon, King Louis XVIII was installed on the French throne. One day, lying in bed, he could not sleep for a long time, thinking about the fate that befell the emperor. The candles burned dimly. On the table lay the crown of the French state and the marriage contract of Marshal Marmont, which Napoleon was supposed to sign.

But military events prevented this. And this paper lies in front of the monarch. The clock on the Church of Our Lady struck midnight. The bedroom door opened, although it was bolted from the inside, and... Napoleon entered the room! He walked up to the table, put on the crown and took the pen in his hand. At that moment, Louis lost consciousness, and when he came to his senses, it was already morning. The door remained closed, and on the table lay a contract signed by the emperor. The handwriting was recognized as genuine, and the document was in the royal archives as early as 1847.

6: Boundless love for mother

The literature describes another fact of the appearance of the ghost of Napoleon to his mother, on that day, May 5, 1821, when he died far from her in captivity. In the evening of that day, the son appeared before his mother in a robe that covered his face, and an icy cold wafted from him. He said only: “May the fifth, eight hundred and twenty-one, today.” And left the room. Only two months later the poor woman learned that it was on this day that her son died. He couldn't help but say goodbye to her the only woman, which was a support for him in difficult times.

7: The Ghost of Michael Jackson

In 2009, a film crew went to the ranch of the late King of Pop Michael Jackson to film footage for the Larry King program. During filming, a certain shadow came into the frame, very reminiscent of the artist himself. This video went live and immediately caused a strong reaction among the singer’s fans, who could not cope with the death of their beloved star. They are sure that Jackson's ghost still appears in his house. What it really was remains a mystery to this day.

8: Birthmark Transfer

Several Asian countries have a tradition of marking a person's body after death. His relatives hope that in this way the soul of the deceased will be reborn again in his own family, and those same marks will appear in the form of birthmarks on the bodies of children. This happened to a boy from Myanmar, location birthmark on whose body exactly matched the mark on the body of his deceased grandfather.

9: Revived handwriting

This is the story of a little Indian boy, Taranjit Sinngha, who at the age of two began to claim that his name was different, and he used to live in another village, the name of which he could not know, but he called it correctly, like his past name. When he was six years old, the boy was able to remember the circumstances of “his” death. On his way to school, he was hit by a man riding a scooter.

Taranjit claimed that he was a ninth grade student and that day he had 30 rupees with him and his notebooks and books were soaked in blood. The story of the tragic death of the child was completely confirmed, and the handwriting samples of the deceased boy and Taranjit were almost identical.

10: Innate knowledge of a foreign language

The story of a 37-year-old American woman, who was born and raised in Philadelphia, is interesting because, under the influence of regressive hypnosis, she began to speak pure Swedish, considering herself a Swedish peasant.

The question arises: Why can’t everyone remember their “former” life? And is it necessary? There is no single answer to the eternal question about the existence of life after death, and there cannot be.

11: Testimonies of people who experienced clinical death

This evidence is, of course, subjective and controversial. It is often difficult to assess the meaning of statements such as “I was separated from my body,” “I saw a bright light,” “I flew into a long tunnel,” or “I was accompanied by an angel.” It is difficult to know how to respond to those who say that in a state of clinical death they temporarily saw heaven or hell. But we know for sure that the statistics of such cases are very high. General conclusion According to them, the following: approaching death, many people felt that they were coming not to the end of existence, but to the beginning of some new life.

12: Resurrection of Christ

The strongest evidence for the existence of life after death is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Even in the Old Testament, it was predicted that the Messiah would come to Earth, who would save His people from sin and eternal destruction (Isa. 53; Dan. 9:26). This is exactly what Jesus' followers testify that He did. He voluntarily died at the hands of the executioners, “was buried by a rich man,” and three days later left the empty tomb in which he lay.

According to witnesses, they saw not only the empty tomb, but also the resurrected Christ, who appeared to hundreds of people over 40 days, after which he ascended to heaven.

Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov in the early 90s of the 20th century described in detail and accurately what Life (living matter) is, how and where it appears; what conditions must be on planets for the origin of life; what is memory; how and where it functions; what is Reason; what are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the appearance of Mind in living matter; what emotions are and what their role is in the evolutionary development of Man, and much more. He proved inevitability and pattern appearance of Life on any planet on which the corresponding conditions simultaneously occur. For the first time, he accurately and clearly showed what Man really is, how and why he is embodied in a physical body, and what happens to him after inevitable death this body. has long given comprehensive answers to the questions posed by the author in this article. Nevertheless, quite sufficient arguments have been collected here indicating that modern science knows practically nothing about either Man or real the structure of the World in which we all live...

There is life after death!

The view of modern science: does the soul exist, and is Consciousness immortal?

Every person who has encountered the death of a loved one asks the question: is there life after death? Nowadays, this issue is of particular relevance. If several centuries ago the answer to this question was obvious to everyone, now, after a period of atheism, its solution is more difficult. We cannot simply believe hundreds of generations of our ancestors, who, from personal experience, century after century, were convinced of the presence of immortal soul. We want to have facts. Moreover, the facts are scientific. From school they tried to convince us that there is no God, there is no immortal soul. At the same time, we were told that this is what he says. And we believed... Note that exactly believed that there is no immortal soul, believed that this is supposedly proven by science, believed that there is no God. None of us has even tried to figure out what impartial science says about the soul. We simply trusted certain authorities, without particularly going into the details of their worldview, objectivity and interpretation of scientific facts.

And now, when the tragedy happened, there is a conflict within us. We feel that the soul of the deceased is eternal, that it is alive, but on the other hand, the old stereotypes instilled in us that there is no soul drag us into the abyss of despair. This struggle within us is very difficult and very exhausting. We want the truth!

So let's look at the question of the existence of the soul through real, non-ideologized, objective science. Let's hear the opinions of real scientists on this issue and personally evaluate the logical calculations. It is not our FAITH in the existence or non-existence of the soul, but only KNOWLEDGE that can extinguish this internal conflict, preserve our strength, give confidence, look at the tragedy from a different, real point of view.

The article will talk about Consciousness. We will analyze the question of Consciousness from the point of view of science: where is Consciousness located in our body and can it stop its life?

What is Consciousness?

First, about what Consciousness is in general. People have thought about this question throughout the history of mankind, but still cannot come to a final decision. We know only some of the properties and possibilities of consciousness. Consciousness is awareness of oneself, one’s personality, it is a great analyzer of all our feelings, emotions, desires, plans. Consciousness is what sets us apart, what makes us feel that we are not objects, but individuals. In other words, Consciousness miraculously reveals our fundamental existence. Consciousness is our awareness of our “I”, but at the same time Consciousness is a great mystery. Consciousness has no dimensions, no form, no color, no smell, no taste; it cannot be touched or turned in your hands. Even though we know very little about consciousness, we know with absolute certainty that we have it.

One of the main questions of humanity is the question of the nature of this very Consciousness (soul, “I”, ego). Materialism and idealism have diametrically opposed views on this issue. From point of view materialism human Consciousness there is a substrate of the brain, a product of matter, the product of biochemical processes, a special fusion of nerve cells. From point of view idealism Consciousness is the ego, “I”, spirit, soul - an immaterial, invisible, eternally existing, non-dying energy that spiritualizes the body. Acts of consciousness always involve a subject who is actually aware of everything.

If you are interested in purely religious ideas about the soul, then it will not provide any evidence of the existence of the soul. The doctrine of the soul is a dogma and is not subject to scientific proof. There are absolutely no explanations, much less evidence, for materialists who believe that they are impartial scientists (although this is far from the case).

But how do most people, who are equally far from religion, from philosophy, and from science too, imagine this Consciousness, soul, “I”? Let's ask ourselves, what is “I”?

Gender, name, profession and other role functions

The first thing that comes to mind for most is: “I am a person”, “I am a woman (man)”, “I am a businessman (turner, baker)”, “I am Tanya (Katya, Alexey)”, “I am a wife ( husband, daughter)”, etc. These are certainly funny answers. Your individual, unique “I” cannot be defined general concepts. There are a huge number of people in the world with the same characteristics, but they are not your “I”. Half of them are women (men), but they are not “I” either, people with the same professions seem to have their own “I”, not yours, the same can be said about wives (husbands), people of different professions, social status, nationalities, religion, etc. No affiliation with any group will explain to you what your individual “I” represents, because Consciousness is always personal. I am not qualities (qualities only belong to our “I”), because the qualities of the same person can change, but his “I” will remain unchanged.

Mental and physiological characteristics

Some say that their "I" are their reflexes, their behavior, their individual ideas and preferences, their psychological characteristics and so on. In fact, this cannot be the core of the personality, which is called “I”. Why? Because throughout life, behavior, ideas, preferences, and, especially, psychological characteristics change. It cannot be said that if these features were different before, then it was not my “I”.

Realizing this, some people make the following argument: “I am my individual body”. This is already more interesting. Let's examine this assumption as well. Everyone else from school course Anatomy knows that the cells of our body are gradually renewed throughout life. Old ones die (apoptosis), and new ones are born. Some cells (epithelium gastrointestinal tract) are completely renewed almost every day, but there are cells that go through their life cycle much longer. On average, every 5 years all the cells of the body are renewed. If we consider the “I” to be a simple collection of human cells, then the result will be absurd. It turns out that if a person lives, for example, 70 years, during this time all the cells in his body will change at least 10 times (i.e. 10 generations). Could this mean that not just one person, but 10 people lived their 70-year life? different people? Isn't that pretty stupid? We conclude that “I” cannot be a body, because the body is not permanent, but “I” is permanent. This means that the “I” cannot be either the qualities of cells or their totality.

But here the particularly erudite give a counter-argument: “Okay, with bones and muscles it’s clear, this really cannot be the “I”, but there are nerve cells! And they are alone for the rest of their lives. Maybe “I” is the sum of nerve cells?”

Let's think about this question together...

Does consciousness consist of nerve cells? Materialism is accustomed to decomposing the entire multidimensional world into mechanical components, “testing harmony with algebra” (A.S. Pushkin). The most naive misconception of militant materialism regarding personality is the idea that personality is a set of biological qualities. However, the combination of impersonal objects, be they even neurons, cannot give rise to a personality and its core - the “I”.

How can this most complex “I”, feeling, capable of experiences, love, be simply the sum of specific cells of the body, along with the ongoing biochemical and bioelectric processes? How might these processes shape the self? Provided that nerve cells constituted our “I”, then we would lose part of our “I” every day. With each dead cell, with each neuron, the “I” would become smaller and smaller. With cell restoration, it would increase in size.

Scientific research carried out in different countries world, prove that nerve cells, like all other cells of the human body, are capable of regeneration (restoration). This is what the most serious international biological journal writes: Nature: "Employees of the Californian Institute biological research them. Salk discovered that in the brains of adult mammals, fully functional young cells are born that function on a par with existing neurons. Professor Frederick Gage and his colleagues also concluded that brain tissue renews itself most rapidly in physically active animals...”

This is confirmed by publication in another authoritative, peer-reviewed biological journal Science: "Within two recent years Researchers have found that nerve and brain cells are renewed, like others in the human body. The body is capable of repairing disorders related to the nervous tract itself.”, says scientist Helen M. Blon."

Thus, even with a complete change of all (including nerve) cells of the body, the “I” of a person remains the same, therefore, it does not belong to the constantly changing material body.

For some reason, in our time it is so difficult to prove what was obvious and understandable to the ancients. The Roman Neoplatonist philosopher Plotinus, who lived in the 3rd century, wrote: “It is absurd to assume that, since not one of the parts has life, then life can be created by their totality... moreover, it is completely impossible for life to be produced by an accumulation of parts, and that the mind was generated by that which is devoid of mind. If anyone objects that this is not so, but that in fact the soul is formed by atoms coming together, that is, bodies indivisible into parts, then he will be refuted by the fact that the atoms themselves only lie one next to the other, not forming a living whole, for unity and joint feeling cannot be obtained from bodies that are insensitive and incapable of unification; but the soul feels itself” (1).

“I” is the unchanging core of personality, which includes many variables but is not itself a variable.

A skeptic can put forward a last desperate argument: “Maybe “I” is the brain?” Is Consciousness a product of brain activity? What does he say?

Many people heard the fairy tale about the fact that our Consciousness is the activity of the brain in school. The idea that the brain is essentially a person with his “I” is extremely widespread. Most people think that it is the brain that perceives information from the world around us, processes it and decides how to act in each specific case; they think that it is the brain that makes us alive and gives us personality. And the body is nothing more than a spacesuit that ensures the activity of the central nervous system.

But this tale has nothing to do with science. The brain is currently being studied in depth. Long and well studied chemical composition, parts of the brain, connections of these parts with human functions. The brain organization of perception, attention, memory, and speech has been studied. Functional blocks of the brain have been studied. A huge number of clinics and scientific centers They have been studying the human brain for more than a hundred years, for which expensive, effective equipment has been developed. But, opening any textbooks, monographs, scientific journals in neurophysiology or neuropsychology, you will not find scientific data about the connection of the brain with Consciousness.

For people far from this field of knowledge, this seems surprising. In fact, there is nothing surprising about this. Just no one ever didn't find it connections between the brain and the very center of our personality, our “I”. Of course, materialist scientists have always wanted this. Thousands of studies and millions of experiments have been conducted, many billions of dollars have been spent on this. The efforts of scientists were not in vain. Thanks to these studies, the parts of the brain themselves were discovered and studied, their connection with physiological processes, a lot has been done to understand neurophysiological processes and phenomena, but the most important thing has not been achieved. It was not possible to find the place in the brain that is our “I”. It was not even possible, despite extremely active work in this direction, to make a serious assumption about how the brain can be connected with our Consciousness?..

There is life after death!

English researchers Peter Fenwick from the London Institute of Psychiatry and Sam Parnia from Southampton Central Clinic came to the same conclusions. They examined patients who returned to life after cardiac arrest and found that some of them exactly recounted the contents of the conversations they had medical staff while they were in a state of clinical death. Others gave exact a description of the events that occurred during this time period.

Sam Parnia argues that the brain, like any other organ of the human body, is composed of cells and is not capable of thinking. However, it can work as a thought detecting device, i.e. like an antenna, with the help of which it becomes possible to receive a signal from the outside. Scientists have suggested that during clinical death, Consciousness, acting independently of the brain, uses it as a screen. Like a television receiver, which first receives the waves entering it, and then converts them into sound and image.

If we turn off the radio, this does not mean that the radio station stops broadcasting. That is, after the death of the physical body, Consciousness continues to live.

The fact of the continuation of the life of Consciousness after the death of the body is confirmed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of the Research Institute of the Human Brain, Professor N.P. Bekhterev in her book “The Magic of the Brain and the Labyrinths of Life.” In addition to discussing purely scientific issues, in this book the author also provides his personal experience encounters with post-mortem phenomena.

Finally got the answer to one of the most exciting issues: "Is there life after death…"

German scientists have proven the existence of life after death. Their experiment is simply shocking!

A startling announcement was made this morning by a group of psychologists and doctors at the Technical University of Berlin. A group of experts claim that life after death exists in one form or another, and this has been proven through clinical experiments. The announcement comes following research based on observations lasting about 20 minutes of patients who experienced clinical death before they were brought back to life.

Over the course of 4 years, the study was conducted on 944 volunteers, using various medicines, such as adrenaline and dimethyltryptamine, which allow the body to survive a state of clinical death. After clinical death, the patients were induced into a temporary coma. To do this, doctors used a different mixture of drugs that were filtered by ozone taken from the patient's blood during the resuscitation process 18 minutes later.

This 20-minute experiment was made possible thanks to a machine cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR), since Auto Pulse has only recently come into use. Over the past few years, this type of equipment has been used to resuscitate people who have been dead for anywhere between 40 minutes to an hour.

The study was conducted under the direction of Dr. Berthold Ackermann and his team, who closely monitored the experiment and collected various data. The results showed that all study subjects had some memories of their near-death experience, most of which were very similar. There was, however, some variation from one patient to another.

Most of the evidence included a feeling of detachment from the body, a feeling of levitation, complete calm, safety, warmth, a feeling of absolute dissolution, and the presence of an overwhelming light.

The medical team also reported that they were well aware of the impact their experiment would have on most people, especially when it became clear that religious beliefs had no effect on how people felt and experienced during the experiment. To be more objective, the study was conducted on humans different religions: Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus and atheists.

Although early near-death studies led to the hypothesis that these were nothing more than hallucinations, Dr. Ackerman and his team have shed new light on the issue. They put forward evidence for the existence of an afterlife in the form of mind-body dualism.

Dr. Ackerman put it this way:

I know that our results may upset many people's beliefs. But in this way we have just answered one of the most important issues in human history, so I hope people will forgive us. Yes, there is life after death and it seems that this applies to everyone.

Human nature will never be able to come to terms with the fact that immortality is impossible. Moreover, the immortality of the soul for many is indisputable fact. And more recently, scientists have discovered evidence that physical death is not the absolute end of human existence and that there is still something beyond the boundaries of life.

One can imagine how such a discovery delighted people. After all, death, like birth, is the most mysterious and unknown state of a person. There are a lot of questions associated with them. For example, why a person is born and starts life from scratch, why he dies, etc.

A person throughout his entire adult life has been trying to deceive fate in order to prolong his existence in this world. Humanity is trying to calculate the formula for immortality in order to understand whether the words “death” and “end” are synonymous.

However, recent research has brought science and religion into one: death is not the end. After all, only beyond life can a person discover new uniform being. Moreover, scientists are sure that every person can remember his past life. And this means that death is not the end, and there, beyond the line, there is another life. Unknown to humanity, but life.

However, if the transmigration of souls exists, it means that a person must remember not only all his previous lives, but also deaths, while not everyone can survive this experience.

The phenomenon of the transfer of consciousness from one physical shell to another has been exciting the minds of mankind for many centuries. The first mentions of reincarnation are found in the Vedas - the oldest sacred scriptures of Hinduism.

According to the Vedas, any living being resides in two material bodies - the gross and the subtle. And they function only due to the presence of the soul in them. When the gross body finally wears out and becomes unusable, the soul leaves it in another - subtle body. This is death. And when the soul finds a new physical body that is suitable for its mentality, the miracle of birth occurs.

The transition from one body to another, moreover, the transfer of the same physical defects from one life to another, was described in detail by the famous psychiatrist Ian Stevenson. He began studying the mysterious experience of reincarnation back in the sixties of the last century. Stevenson analyzed more than two thousand cases of unique transformation into different ends planets. While conducting research, the scientist came to a sensational conclusion. It turns out that those who have survived reincarnation will have the same defects in their new incarnations as they had in their previous life. These could be scars or moles, stuttering or another defect.

Incredibly, the scientist’s conclusions can only mean one thing: after death, everyone is destined to be born again, but in a different time. Moreover, a third of the children Stevenson studied had birth defects. Thus, a boy with a rough growth on the back of his head, under hypnosis, remembered that in a past life he was hacked to death with an ax. Stevenson found a family where a man who had been killed with an ax actually once lived. And the nature of his wound was like a pattern for a scar on the boy’s head.

Another child, who seemed to have been born with chopped off fingers, said that he was injured during field work. And again there were people who confirmed to Stevenson that one day a man died in a field from loss of blood when his fingers got caught in a threshing machine.

Thanks to the research of Professor Stevenson, supporters of the theory of transmigration of souls consider reincarnation to be a scientifically proven fact. Moreover, they claim that almost every person is able to view their past lives even in their sleep.

And the state of déjà vu, when suddenly there is a feeling that somewhere this has already happened to a person, may well be a flash of memory of previous lives.

First scientific explanation Tsiolkovsky gave the idea that life does not end with the physical death of a person. He argued that absolute death is impossible because the Universe is alive. And Tsiolkovsky described the souls that left their corruptible bodies as indivisible atoms wandering throughout the Universe. This was the first scientific theory about the immortality of the soul, according to which the death of the physical body does not mean the complete disappearance of the consciousness of the deceased person.

But modern science Mere belief in the immortality of the soul is, of course, not enough. Humanity still does not agree that physical death is invincible, and is strenuously looking for weapons against it.

Proof of life after death for some scientists is the unique experience of cryonics, when human body frozen and kept in liquid nitrogen until techniques are found to repair any damaged cells and tissues in the body. And recent research by scientists proves that such technologies have already been found, although only a small part of these developments is publicly available. The results of the main studies are kept confidential. One could only dream of such technologies ten years ago.

Today, science can already freeze a person in order to revive him at the right moment, creates a controlled model of a robot-Avatar, but he still has no idea how to resettle a soul. This means that at one point humanity may face a huge problem - the creation of soulless machines that will never be able to replace humans.

Therefore, today, scientists are sure, cryonics is the only method for the revival of the human race.

In Russia, only three people used it. They are frozen and awaiting the future, eighteen more have signed a contract for cryopreservation after death.

Scientists began to think that the death of a living organism can be prevented by freezing several centuries ago. The first scientific experiments on freezing animals were carried out back in the seventeenth century, but only three hundred years later, in 1962, the American physicist Robert Ettinger finally promised people what they had dreamed of throughout human history - immortality.

The professor proposed freezing people immediately after death and storing them in this state until science finds a way to resurrect the dead. Then the frozen ones can be thawed and revived. According to scientists, a person will retain absolutely everything, it will still be the same person who was before death. And the same thing will happen to his soul that happens to it in the hospital when the patient is resuscitated.

All that remains is to decide what age to enter in the new citizen’s passport. After all, resurrection can occur either after twenty or after a hundred or two hundred years.

The famous geneticist Gennady Berdyshev suggests that the development of such technologies will take another fifty years. But the scientist has no doubt that immortality is a reality.

Today Gennady Berdyshev has built a pyramid at his dacha, an exact copy of the Egyptian one, but from logs, in which he is going to lose his years. According to Berdyshev, the pyramid is a unique hospital where time stops. Its proportions are strictly calculated according to ancient formula. Gennady Dmitrievich assures: it is enough to spend fifteen minutes a day inside such a pyramid, and the years will begin to count down.

But the pyramid is not the only ingredient in this eminent scientist’s recipe for longevity. He knows, if not everything, then almost everything about the secrets of youth. Back in 1977, he became one of the initiators of the opening of the Institute of Juvenology in Moscow. Gennady Dmitrievich led a group of Korean doctors who rejuvenated Kim Il Sung. He was even able to extend the life of the Korean leader to ninety-two years.

Just a few centuries ago, life expectancy on Earth, for example in Europe, did not exceed forty years. Modern man the average lifespan is sixty to seventy years, but even this time is catastrophically short. And in Lately The opinions of scientists agree: the biological program for a person is to live at least one hundred and twenty years. In this case, it turns out that humanity simply does not live to reach its true old age.

Some experts are confident that the processes occurring in the body at the age of seventy are premature old age. Russian scientists were the first in the world to develop a unique medicine that prolongs life to one hundred and ten or one hundred and twenty years, which means it cures old age. The peptide bioregulators contained in the medicine restore damaged areas of cells, and a person’s biological age increases.

As reincarnation psychologists and therapists say, a person’s lived life is connected with his death. For example, a person who does not believe in God and leads a completely “earthly” life, which means he is afraid of death, for the most part does not realize that he is dying, and after death he finds himself in a “gray space.”

At the same time, the soul retains the memory of all its past incarnations. And this experience leaves its mark on new life. And training on memories from past lives helps to understand the causes of failures, problems and illnesses that people often cannot cope with on their own. Experts say that after seeing their mistakes in past lives, people in their present lives begin to be more conscious of their decisions.

Visions from a past life prove that there is a huge information field in the Universe. After all, the law of conservation of energy says that nothing in life disappears anywhere or appears from nothing, but only passes from one state to another.

This means that after death, each of us turns into something like a clot of energy, carrying all the information about past incarnations, which is then again embodied in a new form of life.

And it is quite possible that someday we will be born in another time and in another space. And remembering your past life is useful not only to remember past problems, but also to think about your purpose.

Death is still stronger than life, but under pressure scientific developments her defenses are weakening. And who knows, the time may come when death will open the way for us to another - eternal life.

Human nature will never be able to accept the fact that immortality is impossible. Moreover, the immortality of the soul is an indisputable fact for many. And more recently, scientists have discovered evidence that physical death is not the absolute end of human existence and that there is still something beyond the boundaries of life.

One can imagine how such a discovery delighted people. After all, death, like birth, is the most mysterious and unknown state of a person. There are a lot of questions associated with them. For example, why a person is born and starts life from scratch, why he dies, etc.

A person throughout his entire adult life has been trying to deceive fate in order to prolong his existence in this world. Humanity is trying to calculate the formula for immortality in order to understand whether the words “death” and “end” are synonymous.

However, recent research has brought science and religion into one: death is not the end. After all, only beyond life can a person discover a new form of being. Moreover, scientists are sure that every person can remember his past life. And this means that death is not the end, and there, beyond the line, there is another life. Unknown to humanity, but life.

However, if the transmigration of souls exists, it means that a person must remember not only all his previous lives, but also deaths, while not everyone can survive this experience.

The phenomenon of the transfer of consciousness from one physical shell to another has been exciting the minds of mankind for many centuries. The first mentions of reincarnation are found in the Vedas - the oldest sacred scriptures of Hinduism.

According to the Vedas, any living being resides in two material bodies - the gross and the subtle. And they function only due to the presence of the soul in them. When the gross body finally wears out and becomes unusable, the soul leaves it in another - the subtle body. This is death. And when the soul finds a new physical body that is suitable for its mentality, the miracle of birth occurs.

The transition from one body to another, moreover, the transfer of the same physical defects from one life to another, was described in detail by the famous psychiatrist Ian Stevenson. He began studying the mysterious experience of reincarnation back in the sixties of the last century. Stevenson analyzed more than two thousand cases of unique reincarnation in different parts of the planet. While conducting research, the scientist came to a sensational conclusion. It turns out that those who have survived reincarnation will have the same defects in their new incarnations as they had in their previous life. These could be scars or moles, stuttering or another defect.

Incredibly, the scientist’s conclusions can only mean one thing: after death, everyone is destined to be born again, but in a different time. Moreover, a third of the children Stevenson studied had birth defects. Thus, a boy with a rough growth on the back of his head, under hypnosis, remembered that in a past life he was hacked to death with an ax. Stevenson found a family where a man who had been killed with an ax actually once lived. And the nature of his wound was like a pattern for a scar on the boy’s head.

Another child, who seemed to have been born with chopped off fingers, said that he was injured during field work. And again there were people who confirmed to Stevenson that one day a man died in a field from loss of blood when his fingers got caught in a threshing machine.

Thanks to the research of Professor Stevenson, supporters of the theory of transmigration of souls consider reincarnation to be a scientifically proven fact. Moreover, they claim that almost every person is able to view their past lives even in their sleep.

And the state of déjà vu, when suddenly there is a feeling that somewhere this has already happened to a person, may well be a flash of memory of previous lives.

The first scientific explanation that life does not end with the physical death of a person was given by Tsiolkovsky. He argued that absolute death is impossible because the Universe is alive. And Tsiolkovsky described the souls that left their corruptible bodies as indivisible atoms wandering throughout the Universe. This was the first scientific theory about the immortality of the soul, according to which the death of the physical body does not mean the complete disappearance of the consciousness of the deceased person.

But for modern science, belief in the immortality of the soul alone is, of course, not enough. Humanity still does not agree that physical death is invincible, and is strenuously looking for weapons against it.

Proof of life after death for some scientists is the unique experiment of cryonics, where the human body is frozen and kept in liquid nitrogen until techniques are found to restore any damaged cells and tissues in the body. And recent research by scientists proves that such technologies have already been found, although only a small part of these developments is publicly available. The results of the main studies are kept confidential. One could only dream of such technologies ten years ago.

Today, science can already freeze a person in order to revive him at the right moment, creates a controlled model of a robot-Avatar, but he still has no idea how to resettle a soul. This means that at one point humanity may face a huge problem - the creation of soulless machines that will never be able to replace humans. Therefore, today, scientists are sure, cryonics is the only method for the revival of the human race.

In Russia, only three people used it. They are frozen and awaiting the future, eighteen more have signed a contract for cryopreservation after death.

Scientists began to think that the death of a living organism can be prevented by freezing several centuries ago. The first scientific experiments on freezing animals were carried out back in the seventeenth century, but only three hundred years later, in 1962, the American physicist Robert Ettinger finally promised people what they had dreamed of throughout human history - immortality.

The professor proposed freezing people immediately after death and storing them in this state until science finds a way to resurrect the dead. Then the frozen ones can be thawed and revived. According to scientists, a person will retain absolutely everything, it will still be the same person who was before death. And the same thing will happen to his soul that happens to it in the hospital when the patient is resuscitated.

All that remains is to decide what age to enter in the new citizen’s passport. After all, resurrection can occur either after twenty or after a hundred or two hundred years.

The famous geneticist Gennady Berdyshev suggests that the development of such technologies will take another fifty years. But the scientist has no doubt that immortality is a reality.

Today Gennady Berdyshev has built a pyramid at his dacha, an exact copy of the Egyptian one, but from logs, in which he is going to lose his years. According to Berdyshev, the pyramid is a unique hospital where time stops. Its proportions are strictly calculated according to the ancient formula. Gennady Dmitrievich assures: it is enough to spend fifteen minutes a day inside such a pyramid, and the years will begin to count down.

But the pyramid is not the only ingredient in this eminent scientist’s recipe for longevity. He knows, if not everything, then almost everything about the secrets of youth. Back in 1977, he became one of the initiators of the opening of the Institute of Juvenology in Moscow. Gennady Dmitrievich led a group of Korean doctors who rejuvenated Kim Il Sung. He was even able to extend the life of the Korean leader to ninety-two years.

Just a few centuries ago, life expectancy on Earth, for example in Europe, did not exceed forty years. A modern person lives on average sixty to seventy years, but even this time is catastrophically short. And recently, the opinions of scientists converge: the biological program for a person is to live at least one hundred and twenty years. In this case, it turns out that humanity simply does not live to reach its true old age.

Some experts are confident that the processes occurring in the body at the age of seventy are premature old age. Russian scientists were the first in the world to develop a unique medicine that prolongs life to one hundred and ten or one hundred and twenty years, which means it cures old age. The peptide bioregulators contained in the medicine restore damaged areas of cells, and a person’s biological age increases.

As reincarnation psychologists and therapists say, a person’s lived life is connected with his death. For example, a person who does not believe in God and leads a completely “earthly” life, which means he is afraid of death, for the most part does not realize that he is dying, and after death he finds himself in a “gray space.”

At the same time, the soul retains the memory of all its past incarnations. And this experience leaves its mark on a new life. And training on memories from past lives helps to understand the causes of failures, problems and illnesses that people often cannot cope with on their own. Experts say that after seeing their mistakes in past lives, people in their present lives begin to be more conscious of their decisions.

Visions from a past life prove that there is a huge information field in the Universe. After all, the law of conservation of energy says that nothing in life disappears anywhere or appears from nothing, but only passes from one state to another.

This means that after death, each of us turns into something like a clot of energy, carrying all the information about past incarnations, which is then again embodied in a new form of life.

And it is quite possible that someday we will be born in another time and in another space. And remembering your past life is useful not only to remember past problems, but also to think about your purpose.

Death is still stronger than life, but under the pressure of scientific developments its defenses are weakening. And who knows, the time may come when death will open the way for us to another - eternal life.