Elena in different languages ​​of the world. Female name Elena - which means: description of the name. Girl's name Elena: mystery, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality. Orthodox names

The name Elena is of Greek origin. Its translation is ambiguous, most likely it means “chosen one”, “bright one”. Also, the name Elena can be interpreted as “torch”, “fire”, “light”; “light”, “sparkling”, “shining”, “brilliant”, “solar”, “lunar”, “fiery”, “chosen”. There is an opinion that the name Elena correlates with the concepts of “ Sunbeam"or "sunlight", and the name Helen itself is a derivative name from the name Helios, the god of the Sun in ancient Greek mythology.

According to the second version, the name Elena is related to how the Greeks called themselves - Hellenes. Hence the variations in the pronunciation of the name Elena in different countries. The name Elena means "Greek".

The name Helen is most often associated with the ancient Greek heroine Helen of Troy (Sparta), because of whom the Trojan War broke out, described in Homer's epic. In the Christian tradition, Saint Helen of Constantinople, mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, is especially revered. Great ruler Kievan Rus Princess Olga was baptized under the name Elena (in 955).

Since then, the name Elena began to be used everywhere in Rus', both in its original form and in folk versions– Olena, Olena, Alena, Yalena, Ilena, Elenia. The name was used both among the nobility and among the common people. For example, Elena (Olena) was the name of the first wife of Ivan Kalita, and Elena Glinskaya was the ruler of the Grand Duchy of Moscow under her young son Ivan IV. And everyone knows the heroines of Russian fairy tales, Elena the Beautiful and Elena the Wise.

In former times, the name Alena was considered one of the folk forms of the name Elena, but in modern times the names Alena and Elena are two different names. And, due to their similarity, these names are considered interchangeable for each other.

The short form of the name Elena - Lena - is also an independent, full name and can be used independently of the name Elena. Also full name Lena may be associated with the name of the Siberian river Lena, with the Soviet leader V.I. Lenin, and with the borrowed male name Lenard (Leonard), as a paired female name. In addition, the name Lena is a short form for many female names (Vilena, Vladlena, Elena, Lenina, Leonilla, Leonida, Leontina, Leonia, Leona, Leontia, Marlena, Eleonora and others).

In the Russian language, variants of the name Elena borrowed from other languages ​​are also used - Gelena, Elen, Elina, Ilona, ​​Elona (Ellona), Ilina. And some of these options are used as independent names, for example, Ilona, ​​Elina, Elona, ​​Ilina.

The diminutives Lesya, Elin (Elina), Ella are also independent names. Eli is also an appeal to many other female names: for example, the name Eleanor, Eliana, Elisabeth (Elizabeth) and others.

Little Lena loves to listen to fairy tales. He keeps himself somewhat aloof, especially among his peers, and lives in his own inner world. She is very trusting, but when someone takes advantage of this quality of hers and deceives her, Elena will definitely punish the deceiver, showing extraordinary resourcefulness. Elena's kindness is not of an active nature. She may have her eye on a stray puppy on the street and bring him to her place, but if her father and mother demand to get rid of this “dirty lump”, she will not show firmness and obey.

Elena easily gets carried away with any activity. Tries to knit, stitch, embroider. She likes grace in things. Lessons are taught from case to case, but having good memory, does well at school. Her character is more like her dad's. Mobility and love of sports - distinctive features such a difficult nature of Elena.

Elena is sociable, receptive and gullible. She is distinguished by clearly visible spirituality and increased excitability. Although the girl does not have a special sense of humor, she calmly and uncritically perceives the opinions of others.

As a woman, Elena captivates and attracts. The girl has an innate sense of beauty. Like a delicate flower, it needs sunlight, it needs warmth and affection. However, as they sometimes say, laziness was born before Lena. She often puts things off on the back burner. The girl's thinking is rather synthetic - she is not attentive to details. Elena is curious, talkative and remembers well everything that comes into her field of vision.

Elena stays somewhat aloof from other people. She lives immersed in her inner world, in which her happiness lies. Despite such secrecy, Lena is caring and attentive to her loved ones. In life, she is cheerful and optimistic. People around her see her as smart, quick and warm-hearted. However, in reality the girl is an introvert. In her own world, where jewels, palaces and magnificent receptions live, Elena is most comfortable. On the one hand, constant existence in her own world forces the girl to lie and invent, and, on the other hand, makes her completely indifferent to the outside world.

Elena deserves the title “Miss Sincerity”. She trusts everyone, but she will never forgive those who abused her trust. All her life the girl struggles with her laziness, and this becomes the main driver of all her achievements. Elena is kind, but not active in doing good deeds.

As a child, Elena was shy. She is cheerful, emotional, and has a wild imagination. Over the years, the girl begins to somewhat crowd her parents, expanding her living space. The only way out then is to get Elena married. And do this in such a way that she doesn’t come back.

There are few people more amorous than Elena. She finds her one and only and lays her whole life at his feet. For him, she will become a fabulous, joy-bringing creature. However, she will not achieve anything; she is more accustomed to going with the flow. Lena has an easy-going character, and she knows how to get along with people and avoids unnecessary conflicts. In addition, the girl is not devoid of intuition, which faithfully serves her life plans.

For men, Elena is extremely attractive. Many are captivated by her charm and are ready to do anything for her. She excites with great power and completely captivates her fans. However, only a man-father who calmly endures her antics can become her life partner. Love in Lena’s soul more often appears along with suffering for someone who needs help, but she most likely will not respond to ardent love with the same passion.

Between the rich and the one who needs help, Elena will choose the second as her husband and, sacrificing herself to him, will demand the same from him. Lena does not allow work and hobbies to become more important than husband, but does not completely immerse himself in the family. Although Elena is a homebody and a caring mother, diapers and everyday life will never be in the foreground for her. She expects to see comfort and tranquility within the walls of her home. Lena lovingly gives it a beautiful look. Being a homebody, she often indulges in quiet, homely activities, such as knitting or embroidery.

Elena knows how to communicate with people very well, so her profession should be connected with this. This way she will achieve maximum success. True, she’s not a fan of rushing to work at the crack of dawn; it’s better for her to sleep longer. In addition, she is always interested in everything related to beauty. Therefore, her choice often falls on a career as an artist or fashion model.

Few people have not heard of the restive beauty Helen of Troy or the beautiful Helen the Wise. It is surprising that so many legendary heroines of folk epics and fairy tales bore this name. What is the reason for such a great love for Lena and what character does this name endow with its owners - we will tell below.

Origin and meaning of the name

The name Elena came to us from the Greek language, translated from which it means “light”, “fire”, “torch”, “brilliant”, “lunar”. Some linguists believe that it is rooted in mythology, being a derivative of the name of the sun god - Helios. According to the second version, this appeal arose from the name of the people - Hellenes. Due to its “bright” meaning, the name quickly spread and gained popularity throughout the world.

Day Angel

May 21 is the day of the Holy Queen Helen of Constantinople. She was not only the mother of Tsar Constantine, but also a famous philanthropist who helped the poor and was involved in the construction of temples and churches. Christian chroniclers also claim that during her visit to Jerusalem, the queen led excavations during which the Holy Sepulcher, the Life-Giving Cross and many other relics were discovered.

Did you know? The most popular female name in the world is Anna. This is the name of almost 100 million women.

Thanks to their patronesses, Helena celebrates her name day twice a year, the second holiday (November 12) is dedicated to Saint Helena, who was the mother of the Serbian King Stephen. In her life, she was wise, virtuous, put an end to family feuds and did charity work towards orphans. At the end of her life, she dedicated herself to God and led a monastic lifestyle.

Short and diminutive addresses

The popularity of the name Elena is also due to the presence large quantity abbreviated and affectionate forms. Relatives call the girls Lenochka, Lenusya, Elami, Elya, Elyusha, Elenka, Helya, Lenushi, Lyusya, Lelya. Some people like the more original Ellen, Ilena, Eileen, Elyana. Some forms that were once abbreviations have now become names in their own right:

  • Alyona;
  • Lesya;
  • Ilona, ​​who descended from Ilena;
  • Elina;
  • Eleanor.
By the way, the name Lena, which is often used for girls, can mean not only Elena, but, interestingly, Vilena, Leona, Vladlena.

Did you know? In France there lived a family that, instead of a surname, had a set of numbers - 1792. The children in it were also called in an original way: January, February, March and April.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

The sound and even the spelling of the name Elena varies from country to country:

  • In England on the street you can meet Helen (Helen), Nell, Nelle (Nell), Ellen (Ellen).
  • Among the Germans, in addition to the standard Helena (Helena), they use Lena (Lena), Leneli (Leneli), Lenchen (Lenchen).
  • Romantic Spaniards will affectionately call you Helena (Elena) or Elenita (Elenita), Ele (Ele).
  • This name was transformed in a very original way in the Romanian language: Elenica (Elenika), Elenuica (Elenutsika), Nuica (Nutsika).
  • In the Ukrainian language they use Olena and the more delicate Olenka, Olenonka, Olenochka.
  • A number of Scandinavian countries have their own form: Helene, Eline, Helna, Lene.
  • Elena's beautiful name in Armenian is Հեղինե (Egine).
  • IN Chinese there is its own variation - 叶列娜 (Ielena).
  • In Arabic you can find - إلينا (Aylyna).
  • The Japanese language even has several forms, the most popular of which is 太陽他 - Taieta.

Having figured out how the name Elena sounds in different languages, let's talk about what it means for a woman, what character it carries.

Character Traits, Temperament and Behavior

Little Lena is more like her dad, she trusts those around her and really loves the castles in the air that hover in her fantasies. Her gullibility sometimes fails the baby, but the person who deceived the girl will never be able to win her trust again. And in adulthood, fragile Lenochka will also find a way to take revenge on her offender.

Important! The girl feels great alone with her thoughts and fantasies, but at the same time in company she is quite sociable, although Len has few real friends in life.

At first, parental attention and affection are very important for a girl, because in her fantasies she is a fairy-tale princess whom everyone loves and cherishes. Such girls are characterized by soft-heartedness, and they do not know how to firmly defend their interests even in adulthood. But this does not prevent them from being shy optimists who always look at the world trustingly.

Some may say that Lenochka is a little lazy. In fact, they just have a slightly slower reaction time, and they also like to put off work until later. Len's disadvantages also include frequent whims, cunning, and extreme curiosity. These disadvantages of their character sometimes play against Len. Those with the name Lena have a rather unique character and demeanor. They are not the type who will forge their destiny on their own and work painstakingly to achieve their goals. What matters to her is a leisurely, smooth movement along the river of life, during which she watches with interest what awaits her around the next turn.

Important! Despite her rather calm, phlegmatic character, such a girl may envy someone else’s success if her personal ambitions are not satisfied.

Study, professions and career

Since princesses are not supposed to learn mathematics, the little Lenas do not have a special love for learning. What saves them from failing is their excellent memory and the ability to establish contact with others. But the love of beauty helps the Lens to have a great understanding of music and art, and endows them with artistic abilities. Therefore, in life they often choose the professions of artists, fashion models, singers, and actresses. Surprisingly, thanks to her high intelligence and curiosity, Elena can become both a professor of philosophy and a culturologist. Whatever profession she chooses, a girl with such a character hates getting up early in the morning and living according to a schedule. As for business and entrepreneurship, it is rare that the sophisticated Lenochka will take this path. Money means little to her, but personal peace of mind, a comfortable and measured rhythm of life are much more important.

Health and hobbies

Lenin's laziness has been evident since birth. She sleeps a lot and doesn’t eat well, which upsets her mother. Despite this, such girls are quite strong, they are rare.

Important! Elena's mental health, vision, stomach and lungs are at risk.

Due to her soft but artistic character, Len may have an unstable psyche, nervous disorders or prolonged depression. Colds in girls provoke complications in the eyes, so with age Len’s vision becomes worse, and cataracts may develop. Regarding the digestive system, little Lenusi, with their head in the clouds, often forget to eat on time, so it is important to protect them during this vulnerable period. Otherwise, children's problems will remain with them for life. As for Lena’s hobbies and interests, they are mostly related to art (singing, drawing) or quiet pastime (embroidery, knitting, macrame). In childhood, during more active periods of life, girls can become interested in sports (gymnastics, dancing), but their passion rarely lasts long.

Love relationships and family

A beautiful princess must have a fairy-tale prince, and Elena is firmly convinced of this. She will try to see her betrothed in every young man, being in love in her youth. She usually has a lot of fans, because fate gives Elen a soft and pleasant character, which is important for many men, so the owners of this name have no problems with dating.

Important! However, when Elena finds her mate, her love will be strong and selfless. This young lady plunges headlong into feelings, relationships and demands the same from her partner.

The stars recommend looking for a betrothed named Andrey, Alexey, Dmitry, Alexander, Bogdan or Kirill. But men who want to win Lenochka’s heart should remember one nuance: such a girl would rather love someone in need of help, whom she can benefit, than a successful and rich person who does not require anyone’s support. In love, she is more attracted to sacrifice than passion. Lena will be a wonderful mother and will provide coziness and a comfortable atmosphere in the house, but you should not expect that she will happily rush to wash dishes or do laundry - household routine is not for her.

Elena in different languages ​​of the world

Origin of the name
From the ancient Greek name (Helene), possibly derived from (helene) - “torch, light.”

In Greek mythology, the name Helen is the daughter of Zeus and Leda, the most beautiful of women, the culprit of the Trojan War. The Iliad also mentions the male version of the name - (Helenos; in the Russian literary tradition - Helen, the son of the Trojan king Priam).

In the general Christian tradition, Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helena (c. 250 - 330), mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine, is especially revered. During her pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Elena undertook excavations at Golgotha, where she found the cross on which Jesus Christ was once crucified.

In Catholicism, Helen Equal to the Apostles is considered the heavenly patroness of archaeologists, miners, empresses and divorced spouses (Elena's husband, Constantius, divorced her to inherit the imperial throne), as well as the Maltese city of Birkirkara.

Orthodox saints: and. Elena (name day)

Folk forms Alena, Olena

Diminutive forms: Lena, Lenochka, Lenusha, Lenusya, Lesya, Elenya, Elya, Ela, Elyusha, Elusya, Lyusya, Elenka, Alyonka, Lena, Lesya, Lelya
Catholic calendar (Latinized form): g. Helena (name day)

Famous bearers of the name

and. Helen (Helen), Helena (Helena), Hellen (Hellen), diminutives - Nell, Nelle (Nell), Nella (Nella), Nellie, Nelly (Nelly), Lena (Lena), Lennie (Lenny)

and. medieval Ellen (Ellen), diminutives - Ella (Ella), Ellie, Elly (Ellie), Nella (Nella), Nell, Nelle (Nell), Nellie, Nelly (Nellie)

and. Elaine (Elayne), diminutive - Laney (Lainey). Origin name from the Old French name Elaine (modern form - Hlne).

German (Deutsch)

and. Helena (Helena), Helene (Helene), diminutives - Lena (Lena), Lene (Lene), Leni (Leni), Lenel (Lenel), Leneli (Leneli), Lenchen (Lenchen), Leneke (Leneke), Heli (Heli ), Helika (Helika), Hella (Hella), Nell (Nell), Nella (Nella), Nelli, Nelly (Nelli), lower. Nele (Nele)

French (Franais)

and. Hlne (Helen)

Spanish (Espaol)
and. Elena, Helena (Elena), diminutives - Elenita (Elenita), Ele (Ele), Lena (Lena)

Portuguese (Portugus)

and. Helena (Elena), diminutive - Lena (Lena), Leninha (Leninya), Leni (Leni), Lenocas (port. Lenokash, braz. Lenokas), Hel (Ele), Lel (Lele)

Italian (Italiano)

and. Elena (Elena), diminutives - Lalla (Lalla), Lella (Lella), Lela (Lela), Lele (Lele), Lena (Lena), Lenuccia (Lenuccia), Leni (Leni)

Corsican (Corsu)

and. Lena (Lena)

Occitan (Provençal)(occitan, lenga d"c, provenal)

and. Elena (Eleno)
Provençal dialect:
and. Eleno (Eleno), diminutive - Leno (Leno)
Béarnese dialect:
and. Elna (Eleno), Alna (Aleno), diminutive - Lna (Leno)


and. Elena, Helena (Elena)

Romanian/Moldovan (Romn/Moldoveneasc)

and. Elena (Elena), diminutives - Lena (Lena), Leni (Leni), Elenua (Elenutsa), Lenua (Lenutsa), Nua (Nutsa), Elenica (Elenika), Nica (Nika), Elenuica (Elenutsika), Nuica (Nutsika) ), Nui (Nutsi)

and. folk form: Ileana (Ilyana), diminutives - Leana (Lyana), Ilenua (Ilenutsa), Lenua (Lenutsa), Nua (Nutsa), Nuica (Nutsika), Nui (Nutsi)

Hungarian (Magyar)

and. Helna (Helena), diminutives - Hla (Hela), Hella (Hella), Lna (Lena)

Greek (Modern Greek)

and. (Eleni), (Elena), diminutives - (Lena), (Elenio), (Elenitsa), (Lenitsa), (Nitsa), (Leniko), (Leni), (Elenaki)

Ukrainian (Українська)
Rules for pronunciation of Ukrainian names

and. Olena, church: Elena, diminutives - Olenka, Olenonka, Olenochka, Olenusya, Olentsa, Lena, Lenochka, Lenunya, Lenusya, Lyalya, Lyolya, Olesya, Lіna, Lіnonka

and. Gelena, diminutives - Gelenka, Gelya, Gelyusya, Gelyuska, Gelyunka, Gelyusenka, Gelka, Geltsya, Lena, Lenochka, Lenunya, Lenusya

The Helena variant is borrowed from Polish (see Helena).

Belorussian (Belarusian)
Rules for pronunciation of Belarusian names

and. Alena, Alena, church. Elena, diminutives - Lena, Lenachka, Alyonka, Altsya

and. Gelena, diminutives - Gelenka, Gelya, Lena, Lenachka


and. Helena (Helena), Elena (Elena), diminutives - Hela (Helya), Helcia (Heltsya), Helenka (Helenka), Helka (Helka), Helusia (Helusya), Lena (Lena), Lenka (Lenka)

Czech (etina)

and. Helena (Gelena), Elena (Elena), diminutives - Hela (Gelcha), Helenka (Gelenka), Hela (Gela), Helka (Gelka), Heluka (Gelushka), Helika (Gelichka), Elka (Elka), Elenka (Elenka) ), Eluka (Elushka)

Bulgarian (Български)

and. Elena, Elina, diminutives - Elenka, Elenitsa, Elinka, Eli, Elka, Alyonka, Lena, Lenka, Letsa

m. Elen, Elin, diminutives - Elenko, Lenko

Serbian (Srpski)

and. Elena, Jelena (Elena), Elena, Elena (Elena), diminutives - Јека, Jeka (Eka), Jelenica, Jelenica (Elenica), Jelenka, Jelenka (Elena), Јecka, Jecka (Etska), Lela, Lela (Lela) , Lena, Lena (Lena), Lenka, Lenka (Lenka), Јеја, Jeja (Eya)

m. Jelenko, Jelenko (Elenko)

Danish (Dansk)

and. Ellen (Ellen), Elin (Elin), Elina (Elina), Eline (Eline), diminutives - Lena (Lena), Lina (Lina), Line (Line), Elia (Eliya), Eli (Eli)

Swedish (Svenska)

and. Helena (Helena), Helen (Helen), diminutives - Lena (Lena)

and. Ellen (Ellen), Elin (Elin), Elina (Elina), Elna (Elna), Helna (Helna), diminutives - Lena (Lena), Lina (Lina), Elni (Elni)


and. Ellen (Ellen), Elin (Elin), Elna (Elna), diminutives - Eli (Eli), Lena (Lena), Lene (Lene)

and. Helene (Helene), Helena (Helena), diminutives - Lena (Lena), Lene (Lene)

Icelandic (slenska)

and. Eln (Elin), Helena (Helena)

Finnish (Suomi)

and. Helena (Helena), Helin (Helin), diminutives - Helj (Helya), Heli (Heli), Hellu (Hello), Lena (Lena)

and. Elena (Elena), Elina (Elina), Eliina (Eliina), diminutives - Ellu (Ellu), Elli (Ellie), Lena (Lena)

Irish (Gaeilge)

and. Lan (Lean), Lana (Leana)

Scottish (Gidhlig) and Anglo-Scottish (Scottish)

and. Aileen, Ailene (Eileen, Eileen), Aleen (Alin, Elin), Eileen (Eileen), diminutives - Aila (Eila), Ailie, Ailee, Ailey, Eilidh (Eili)

Breton (Brezhoneg)

and. Elen (Ellen), diminutives - Lena (Lena), Lenaic, Lenaic (Lenaik), Lenaig (Lenaig), Lenaelle (Lenael), Lenais (Lenais). In the Breton language there is also a masculine name Elen, derived from Old Breton. el - "wealth, abundance."

Welsh (Cymraeg)

and. Elen (Ellen), diminutives - Nel (Nel), Neli (Neli), Nelw (Nelu)

I want: Sun

From the Greek name ‘Ελένη (Gelene), possibly derived from ἐλένη (helene) - “torch, light.” In the Christian tradition, Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helena (c. 250 - 330), mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine, is especially revered. During her pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Elena undertook excavations at Golgotha, where she found the cross on which Jesus Christ was once crucified.

In Catholicism, Helen Equal to the Apostles is considered the heavenly patroness of archaeologists, miners, empresses and divorced spouses (Elena's husband, Constantius, divorced her to inherit the imperial throne), as well as the Maltese city of Birkirkara.

Orthodox saints:

and. Elena (name day)

Folk forms: and. Alena, Olena

Diminutive forms: Lena, Lenochka, Lenusha, Lenusya, Lesya, Elenya, Elya, Elya, Elyusha, Elusya, Lyusya, Elenka, Alyonka, Lena, Lesya, Lelya

Catholic calendar (Latinized form):

and. Helena (name day)


and. Helen (Helen), Helena (Helena), Hellen (Hellen), diminutives – Nell, Nelle (Nell), Nella (Nella), Nellie, Nelly (Nelly), Lena (Lena), Lennie (Lenny)

and. medieval Ellen (Ellen), diminutives – Ella (Ella), Ellie, Elly (Ellie), Nella (Nella), Nell, Nelle (Nell), Nellie, Nelly (Nellie)

and. Elaine (Elayne), diminutive - Laney (Lainey). Origin name from the Old French name Elaine (modern form - Hélène)

German (Deutsch)

and. Helena (Helena), Helene (Hellen), diminutives – Lena (Lena), Lene (Lene), Leni (Leni), Heli (Heli), Helika (Helika), Hella (Hella), Nell (Nell), Nella (Nella ), Nelli, Nelly (Nelly), lower. Nele (Nele)


and. Helene

Spanish (Espanol)

and. Elena (Elena), diminutives – Elenita (Elenita), Ele (Ele), Lena (Lena)


and. Helena (Elena), diminutive – Lena (Lena), Leninha (Leninya), Leni (Leni), Lenocas (Lenokash, Lenokas), Helé (Ele), Lelé (Lele)

Italian (Italiano)

and. Elena (Elena), diminutives – Lalla (Lalla), Lella (Lella), Lela (Lela), Lele (Lele), Lena (Lena), Lenuccia (Lenuccia), Leni (Leni)

Occitan, (Provençal) (occitan, lenga d’oc, provencal)

and. Elena (Eleno)
Provençal dialect:
and. Eleno (Eleno), diminutive – Leno (Leno)
Béarnese dialect:
and. Elèna (Eleno), Alèna (Aleno), diminutive – Lèna (Leno)

Ukrainian (Українська)

and. Olena, church: Elena, diminutives – Olenka, Olenonka, Olenochka, Olenusya, Olentsa, Lena, Lenochka, Lenunya, Lenusya, Lyalya, Lyolya, Olesya, Lina, Linonka

and. Gelena, diminutives - Gelenka, Gelya, Gelyusya, Gelyuska, Gelyunka, Gelyusenka, Gelka, Geltsya, Lena, Lenochka, Lenunya, Lenusya

Gehlen's version is borrowed from Polish.


and. Helena (Helena), Elena (Elena), diminutives – Hela (Helya), Helcia (Heltsya), Helenka (Helenka), Helka (Helka), Helusia (Helyusya), Lena (Lena), Lenka (Lenka)

Czech (Cestina)

and. Helena (Gelena), Elena (Elena), diminutives – Helča (Gelcha), Helenka (Gelenka), Hela (Gela), Helka (Gelka), Heluška (Gelushka), Helička (Gelichka), Elka (Elka), Elenka (Elenka) ), Eluška (Elushka)

and. Ilona (Ilona), diminutives – Ila (Ila), Ilka (Ilka), Iluška (Ilushka), Ilonka (Ilonka)

The Ilona variant is borrowed from Hungarian

Bulgarian (Български)

and. Elena, Elina, diminutives – Elenka, Elenitsa, Elinka, Eli, Elka, Alonka, Lena, Lenka, Letsa

m. Elen, Elin, diminutives – Elenko, Lenko

Serbian (Srpski)

and. Jelena, Jelena (Elena), Elena, Elena (Elena), diminutives – Јека, Jeka (Eka), Jelenica, Jelenica (Elenica), Jelenka, Jelenka (Elena), Јecka, Jecka (Etska), Lela, Lela (Lela) , Lena, Lena (Lena), Lenka, Lenka (Lenka), Јеја, Jeja (Eya)

m. Jelenko, Jelenko (Elenko)

Danish (Dansk)

and. Helene (Helene), Helena (Helena), Ellen (Ellen), Elin (Elin), Elina (Elina), Eline (Eline), diminutives – Eli (Eli), Lena (Lena), Lene (Lene), Lina (Lina ), Line (Line), Elia (Eliya)

Swedish (Svenska)

and. Helena (Helena), Helene (Helene), Ellen (Ellen), Elin (Elin), Elina (Elina), Elna (Elna), diminutives – Helna (Helna), Lena (Lena), Lene (Lene), Lina (Lina ), Elni (Elni)

Norwegian (Norsk (bokmal))

and. Ellen (Ellen), Elin (Elin), Helene (Helene), Helena (Helena), Elna (Elna), diminutives – Eli (Eli), Lena (Lena), Lene (Lene)

Icelandic (Íslenska)

and. Elín (Elin), Helena (Helena)

Irish (Gaeilge)

and. Léan (Lean), Léana (Leana)

Scottish (Gaidhlig) and English-Scottish (Scottish)

and. Aileen, Ailene (Aileen, Eileen), Alsheen (Alin, Elin), Eileen (Eileen), diminutives – Aila (Eila), Ailie, Ailee, Ailey, Eilidh (Eiley)

Breton (Brezhoneg)

and. Elen (Ellen), diminutives – Lena (Lena), Lenaic, Lenaic (Lenaik), Lenaig (Lenaig), Lenaelle (Lenael), Lenais (Lenais). In the Breton language there is also a masculine name Elen, derived from the British el - “wealth, abundance”

Welsh (Cymraeg)

and. Elen (Ellen), diminutives – Nel (Nel), Neli (Neli), Nelw (Nelu)

Beautiful, wise - such epithets were given to this beautiful female name in Ancient Russia; the meaning of the name Elena was not far from these definitions. Light, radiant, like a torch - this interpretation of the name is embedded in the bright image of this extraordinary woman, who at all times could become both a subject of discord and a means of reconciliation.

At a younger age, the meaning of the name Elena for a girl consists of some isolation, stiffness, distrust of strangers, but at the same time sufficient liveliness of character for the baby, and moderate obedience. Since childhood, she has developed strong mental abilities, and her parents will only be amazed at how quickly the girl picks up new words and actions.

In junior school age The young lady studies well, but she can do even better - natural laziness prevents her from achieving the status of an excellent student, although she has considerable abilities. Dreamy, with a good fairy-tale imagination, she often does not think about the surrounding reality, living in captivity of fantasies.

Some isolation does not allow Lenochka to achieve understanding and gain authority among her peers; she has few friends, most often only one. In general, the meaning of the name Elena for a child suggests pronounced introversion, a tendency towards melancholy, but at the same time strict moral principles and principles.

In the high school team, Lena will not be an outcast, but she will not be given the opportunity to be a leader either. Although she has natural qualities characteristic of a leader, she does not show them in sufficiently to gain trust and authority among classmates.


The matured Elena can easily control men with her naivety, spontaneity and ability to beat the victim. This means that she knows how to flirt beautifully and unobtrusively, attracting universal male attention and the malicious envy of her rivals. But this doesn’t make her any more enemies: she has absolutely no conflict, and is able to find mutual language even with the woman from whom she stole her lover.

She attracts men with her fragility and eccentricity, but her childish antics can scare away even the most balanced gentleman. A man who is several years older than her, in whom she will see support, who can take control of this girl, is ideal for her.

Lena's love is very closely connected with a feeling of pity and understanding, and therefore one cannot expect violent passion from her. Even trying to pretend to be an easily excitable person, in the end she gets tired and completely burns out. Sex is not of much importance to her; she gives preference to other experiences.


This woman's marriage is characterized by sacrifice. For her, the financial situation of the future spouse and his status in society do not matter. The most important thing is that she feels the strongest feeling for her chosen one - a feeling of compassion and pity. And she will fully demand appropriate returns from her husband.

She attaches great importance to understanding and confidential conversations, but even in their absence, she very rarely leaves men. He is jealous of the time spent with his loved one. This means that even with a slight delay at work it can cause a small scandal.

Even if she works as hard as she can, she is still drawn home, she can’t wait to get rid of the burden of work responsibilities in order to devote herself to the family hearth. She loves her children madly, but does not provoke their activity, since she herself is a homebody and to some extent a phlegmatic person.

Business and career

Lenin's view of life is radically different from many. She is quite superficial, so she is attracted to everything beautiful that can be visualized or felt - it is precisely such characteristics that she attaches great importance to. She'll do a great job with creative work, which means he will successfully pose for the artist - the main thing is a free schedule, without the need to report to his superiors and get up early.

As a businesswoman, Elena rarely realizes her potential. In order to achieve heights in any business, she needs to exert maximum moral and physical strength, which simply exhausts her unbearably. She is purposeful, and great business ideas often appear in her brilliant head, but she often doesn’t last long, and she gives up what she started halfway.

Origin of the name Elena

The origin of the name Elena is attributed to Ancient Greece, and its etymology is akin to the ancient Greek words - torch, bright. In the country where this name originated, many legends and myths are associated with it. But perhaps the most important story is about Helen, the daughter of Zeus and Leda.

It was this woman, whose name is associated with the Trojan War, who was the root cause of all conflicts between Troy and the enemy state. To this day, Elena’s secret is that she can easily reconcile enemies, and with the cunning of a snake, incite discord among friends.

Characteristics of the name Elena

The character of the owner of this name is always quite reserved; she, like no one else, is characterized by introversion. Although, sometimes, due to her natural curiosity, she can completely change, causing admiration for her openness and sociability. But this is just a mask that should not be given much importance.

The characteristics of the name Elena include both pros and cons. Her colossal gullibility sometimes plays a cruel joke on her - she is often betrayed, and for a long time she closes her feelings not only from the offender, but also from everyone around her.

As a creative person striving for perfection, this woman often violates generally accepted moral standards. An incredible dreamer, she strives to make her fantasies come true, regardless of their forbiddenness and vulgarity. She does not achieve heights, but she does not go with the flow, and her characteristic qualities can be called the “golden mean”

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Chalcedony.
  • Name days - January 28, March 19, June 3, 8, July 24, November 12.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Gemini.

Famous people

  • Elena Vaenga is a Russian singer, songwriter and composer.
  • Elena Korikova is a Russian TV presenter, theater and film actress, singer.
  • Elena Malysheva - popular TV presenter medical programs, Russian doctor.

Different languages

The translation of the name Elena can be found in almost all languages ​​- it is widespread everywhere. Usually, the way this word is translated into other languages ​​sounds quite similar to the Russian pronunciation, but there are also very interesting variations: Helen, Ellen, Elaine, Helena, Lena, Eleno, Olena, Eleni, Helena, Alena, Len.

In Chinese, according to the transcription translation, this name will sound exactly the same, and will be written in Chinese characters - 叶列娜. In Japanese, when translating the direct meaning of the name - solar - the word will sound like Taiyota, and written in Japanese characters 太陽他.

Name forms

  • Full name: Elena.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Lenka, Lena, Elenka, Elenushka, Lenchik, Lenuska, Lenusya.
  • Declension of the name – Elena, Elena.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Elena.