Fortune telling on the betrothed on the mirror. Christmas fortune telling with a mirror on your betrothed and wish

Fortune telling for a betrothed with a mirror is known to many under the stigma of “terrible and dangerous” fortune telling. But are people rightly afraid of him? Or, if you are judicious and careful, perhaps you can avoid all the dangers? Learn more about all this.

In the article:

About the magic of mirrors

Mirrors are any polished, smooth surfaces that reflect light and images, as well as the surface of water. Since ancient times, people have used them in magical rituals; but they were always afraid that it might steal their soul. Currently, they are used for development and to obtain information about past lives.

The use of mirrors and crystal balls in magic is called Scrying. This includes any form of magical action involving looking at images in reflections.

There has always been an aura of mysticism and mystery around mirrors. In the West, mirror magic was especially popular in the mid-19th century. They were actively used by people from different walks of life, as well as magicians, witches and sorcerers.

The famous astrologer and magician John Dee used a black mirror made of polished obsidian to predict the future.

It was rumored that Catherine de Medici often consulted magic mirror, which allowed her to see her future and the future of France.

Nowadays, mirrors for fortune telling are more often used in the East than in the West. In some parts of India, preparation for the ritual includes fasting, prayer and smudging. Tibetan lamas trust divination through reflection, and actively use this method when making important decisions.

One of the methods of divination using a mirror is the interpretation of images. It was hung in front of a low table, and a pan of boiling water was placed on the table. Steam rose and the mirror fogged up, and after some time the drops began to flow down, forming bizarre patterns, which were then deciphered.

Preparing for fortune telling

For fortune telling, it is better to use round or oval mirrors, preferably with a metal frame. Also, an old mirror works more efficiently than a new one.

Most seers prefer to tell fortunes on a black mirror. If it is not possible to purchase one, you can make it yourself by filling the glass surface with several layers of black glossy paint.

The most popular time for fortune telling is at midnight on the first Christmas Eve. But you can also cast a spell in the next 14 days after Christmas. Why is that? Because January is a magical and joyful time, full of hopes and expectations. This is the border zone between old and new, winter and spring. They say that otherworldly forces and spirits are most accessible to contact at this time. Girls and women actively use these energies in the hope of finding out their future.

It is worth carefully preparing for, remove all jewelry, let down your hair and, preferably, take off all your clothes. You can wrap yourself in a towel - the main thing is that there are no rubber bands, because they slow down the movement of energies in our body. Prepare the room carefully - there should be no light sources other than a candle flame.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a mirror

After all the preparations, you can proceed directly to the ritual. Below are the two most popular methods of fortune telling with a mirror:

  • You will need candle and mirror. Just before midnight, cover the table with a clean cloth and place a mirror on it and a candle opposite it. Sit in front of it, tune in, and begin to peer closely at your reflection. If possible, try not to blink. At exactly midnight you should see the image of a person over your shoulder. It is assumed that this person is yours future husband.
  • You can conduct an even more effective fortune telling, which can be done either alone or with friends. Everything should take place in complete silence, so those with faint hearts and emotional people It's better not to participate. Place two mirrors opposite each other with their reflective sides, thus creating a gallery of reflections. Look carefully into the reflection and after a while you will see the image of a man there.

Important! Immediately after you see the images in the mirror, even if you did not have time to remember it, stop fortune telling. If you are delayed, it could be very bad consequences. Actually, this is why this fortune telling is considered so dangerous - spirits from mirrors can easily penetrate into our world, but expelling them back will be very troublesome.

For a long time in Rus', people have been telling fortunes at Christmas time. It is curious that this did not go unnoticed even among artists, writers and musicians. were described in great detail by such Russian writers as Ostrovsky, Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Pushkin, and, of course, Gogol. Here is an excerpt from Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana”, which talks about Christmas fortune telling with a mirror on the betrothed:

Here in the little room the table is covered with a white shroud;
And on that table there is a Mirror with a candle;
Two cutlery on the table. “Make a wish, Svetlana;
In the clear glass of the mirror At midnight, without deception
You will know your lot:
Your dear one will knock on the door with a light hand;
The lock will fall from the door;
He will sit down at his device to have dinner with you.”

Zhukovsky V.A. "Svetlana"

Indeed, fortune telling with a mirror about your betrothed is deservedly considered scary and frightening. Therefore, you should resort to it only when you are completely confident in your actions. And, of course, follow all safety measures - this will help reduce the risk as much as possible.

In contact with

A mirror is an exceptional magical attribute of sorcerers and fortune tellers. It connects two worlds - the otherworldly and the real, being a kind of portal through which evil entities can penetrate into reality or, conversely, drag a person’s soul into another dimension. That's why it exists old custom cover all the mirrors in the house when a relative dies, so that they do not linger on the spirit of the deceased. And unmarried girls have been using fortune telling on mirrors and candles since ancient times, wanting to see the appearance of their betrothed. However, these rituals are not within the power of every fortuneteller, because under the mask of the future spouse, the devil appears in the reflective surface.

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    When should you guess?

    The timing of rituals with a mirror by candlelight is very important. To see the appearance of the betrothed in all details, guess in a similar way by old tradition recommended on Christmas Eve (from January 6th to 7th) or at midnight on the first Christmas Eve, but other days on Christmastide, which last from January 7th to 19th, are also suitable.

    The ideal phase of the moon is the full moon. It is believed that this is the most best period, in which otherworldly forces are most active and willingly make contact with those who want to know their fate, and the predictions are truthful and accurate. But if the month is waxing or waning, the accuracy of the image seen will not suffer, but the fortune-telling process itself will be longer and more complex.

    It is not recommended to perform this ritual at any other time. IN best case scenario it will not bring any results, and at worst, it will harm the fortuneteller. An exception is the night of Ivan Kupala on July 7 (June 21, old style), when girls told fortunes in a special way, using mirrors and candles.

    Rules for the ritual

    It is necessary to carefully prepare for fortune telling; for this, a number of conditions must be met:

    1. 1. First you need to tune in to the process itself. The fortuneteller's state should be calm, trance-like, without unnecessary emotions. Laughter, tears, loud conversations are prohibited. No need to think about extraneous things, it will make it difficult to understand important information. A skeptical attitude towards the ritual also interferes with the ritual.
    2. 2. Fortune telling should be carried out in a specially designated place. Previously, they used to cast spells in so-called unclean places. These included a bathhouse, basement, attic, non-residential building, crossroads, cemetery and other unlit spaces where evil spirits reside. In modern times in big city It is quite difficult to comply with this condition, so you can use the bathroom or an ordinary room in the apartment, where you need to curtain all the windows with thick curtains or blinds, remove icons, cover mirrors not used in divination with a cloth, or even better, take them out. According to legends, if you tell fortunes in a living room, evil spirits that appear in the form of your betrothed can remain there and harm living people.
    3. 3. Ideally, the girl should be alone in the room, but since the ritual with mirrors is complex and dangerous, she can invite her friends, the main thing is that they strictly follow all the rules. Household appliances, TV, and radio must be turned off so that extraneous sounds do not distract the fortuneteller.
    4. 4. It is impossible to illuminate the room with electric light or a lamp; the only source of light can be exclusively candles, which are not only a mandatory attribute of this ritual, but also create a mystical atmosphere.
    5. 5. There should be no knots or encircling objects on the girl’s clothes - belts, frills. It is best to go naked or use a loose shirt without buttons or fasteners. Bracelets, rings, other jewelry, everything that hinders movement must be removed, just like the pectoral cross, so as not to be under the protection of God during fortune telling.
    6. 6. Hair should be loose, because it is an additional conductor of energy.
    7. 7. You cannot fold your arms and legs crosswise, so as not to confuse the fortune telling.
    8. 8. After the ritual, do not talk to anyone or do household chores. You should go to bed right away.
    9. 9. After performing the ritual, you must refrain from washing your hair and communicating with strangers for one day.
    10. 10. It is undesirable to retell the details of what you saw in the mirror to strangers.

    Required Attributes

    To create a reflective effect in fortune telling for a betrothed, the key magical objects are mirrors and candles. It is on the surface of the mirror that the appearance of the betrothed should be reflected, and also in the process of fortune telling one can see future events and other images that give various clues to the fortuneteller.

    It acts as a kind of portal between the world of the living and the world of spirits. Dark entities or ghosts can enter reality through the reflection. It remembers all the events that happened in its field of action and is able to broadcast them without distorting them.

    For the ceremony, it is recommended to use oval or round mirrors with metal frames. In some ways it must be new, in others it is believed that the older the item, the fortune telling is more effective. If it is not possible to purchase a mirror again, then it is advisable to take any suitable one and wipe the mirror surface with alcohol, this will rid it of foreign energy. Many magicians and sorcerers prefer to watch pictures of the future in a black mirror. If you can’t buy one, you should make it yourself by filling the front surface with several layers of black glossy paint.

    Black mirror for magic

    The mirror on which the girl will tell fortunes must be perfectly clean and smooth, without chips, stains or other flaws that could lead to incorrect image transmission. Before fortune telling, you need to thoroughly wipe it with a soft cloth.

    Since this ritual is performed exclusively at midnight, candles will help disperse the darkness and create the desired atmosphere in the room. They must be in candlesticks. Their calm, soft glow is a very strong magical element that gives energy and absorbs negativity. Thanks to candles, incorporeal evil spirits are able to materialize and acquire a dense visual shell.

    Some versions of fortune telling provide for the presence of an additional living guide - a cat. But there is a possibility that the animal may jump on the table at the most inopportune moment and throw off or break the magical attributes. In this case, the fortune telling will be disrupted, but this is how the pet will protect its owner.

    Rituals with candles and mirrors

    The version of fortune telling with candles and a mirror is perhaps one of the most dangerous and exciting, since it is associated with summoning evil spirits. But thanks to him, you can see the appearance of your future spouse in the smallest detail. It is not recommended to perform such rituals for people with weak nervous system, cardiovascular diseases or overly impressionable girls with a rich imagination. During such fortune-telling, unpleasant situations also occurred that could result in either a slight shock or a heart attack or mental disorder.

    The methods of such fortune-telling are varied, although the principle is approximately the same everywhere. Fortune telling must begin at midnight or shortly before it. But the betrothed, according to ancient beliefs, usually appears at 12 o'clock at night.

    It should be noted that the devil or the devil himself comes in the form of the groom. Therefore, you should be extremely careful and at the right moment do not forget to say the magic words-amulets: “Forget me! " or " Fuck this (this) place! " to drive it back into the mirror surface. The evil spirits in the form of the betrothed must immediately disappear. According to legends, if this is not done, the demon can materialize from the mirror and take the bewitching girl with him or hit her.

    Fortune telling with one mirror and one candle

    To carry it out you need:

    • sit in front of a large mirror;
    • light a candle and place it next to it so that it is reflected in the mirror surface;
    • Prepare a clean towel or napkin in advance;
    • look carefully at the reflection of the candle;
    • soon the image will begin to become cloudy, which foreshadows the appearance of the groom in the coming minutes, so you should wipe the mirror with the prepared towel and continue to look into it;
    • the future husband should approach the girl from behind, but under no circumstances should he take his eyes off the mirror, much less turn around;
    • after the fortuneteller has examined the betrothed in all details, you need to say the amulets three times, cross yourself and blow out the candles.

    If the groom managed to approach the girl during this time, he will sit down next to her and put some item from his pocket on the table. It is not recommended to look directly at it. You need to suddenly shout: “Oh my God! ”, and then wait for him to leave and only then take the left thing as a souvenir. People believed that at the same time, this particular item should disappear from the future spouse.

    With two candles and two mirrors

    This method is one of the creepiest. To do this you should:

    • place a small mirror on the table in front of you;
    • place the second, larger one behind you so that a long mirrored corridor is formed;
    • place lighted candles on the sides;
    • peer closely for some time at the end of the corridor, illuminated by flames, and say many times: “My betrothed, the mummer, come to me for dinner”;
    • soon the groom's face should appear in the reflection;
    • you need to carefully examine it and loudly pronounce the words of amulets: “Cheer me! ", make the sign of the cross and extinguish the candles.

    Another option for Christmas fortune-telling, which is sure to be crowned with success. But it is suitable only for very brave girls with strong nerves. The fortuneteller, completely alone, must go to an abandoned village and find a bathhouse there, which no one has used for a long time. Moreover an important condition is also the fact that even next to the room in which fortune-telling is carried out, there should be no one. Next you need to follow this algorithm:

    • lock yourself in the bathhouse from the inside, if the lock is still there, then lock yourself;
    • strip naked;
    • place mirrors parallel to each other (one large, one smaller) to form a mirror maze;
    • Place one lit candle near each;
    • sit on the bench opposite the stove so that you are behind the underside of the second smaller mirror;
    • at exactly midnight ask all the elements to show your future husband;
    • look into the reflection without looking away;
    • the betrothed will not appear immediately, but after some time, and before his appearance he will frighten the fortuneteller with all sorts of evil spirits;
    • when the groom finally appears, you should lock him up;
    • then wrap the mirrors in a clean white cloth;
    • hide them in a secret place where no one will find them, since they can no longer be used;
    • wash your hands and face with spring or holy water;
    • dry yourself with a towel;
    • wear clean clothes;
    • go home without talking to anyone along the way;
    • When you arrive, go straight to bed.

    There is also a method with two identical large mirrors and one candle, which is placed between them. The principle of fortune telling is the same as in the previous methods. The fortuneteller must look into the mirror tunnel, from where the silhouette of the future spouse will appear. After which you need to say words of amulets, and cover the mirrors themselves with light material until the morning.

    With three mirrors

    This method will require three mirrors of the same size and two tall candles. Necessary:

    • outline yourself with chalk in a magic circle - a symbol of protection;
    • Place two mirrors opposite each other on your side;
    • Place a lit candle in front of each person;
    • install the third mirror at the rear;
    • say the magic words: “The betrothed-mummer, given to me by fate, show yourself in the mirror”;
    • look carefully into the side reflections, it is from there that the demon should appear in the form of the betrothed.

    There is no need to turn around or look in the mirror for too long. For the frightening vision to disappear, you should say three times: “Forget me! - and stop fortune telling by extinguishing the candles.

    With three candles

    To complete this you will need:

    • prepare a crystal glass or wine glass (you can also use glass without edges);
    • pour water or white wine into it;
    • put it on the table;
    • install a mirror behind it;
    • Place and light three candles around the wine glass;
    • look long time in reflection through a glass;
    • after that they will begin to appear in the mirror various faces, silhouettes and other images by which one can judge the future chosen one.

    At the crossroads

    This simple fortune telling is performed outside the home. To perform a ritual with a mirror, you need to go to the crossroads at 12 o'clock on a moonlit night. Necessary:

    • stand at the intersection of roads so that the month is behind the fortuneteller;
    • look in a small mirror at his reflection;
    • say the spell: “Betrothed, mummer, show yourself to me in the mirror”;
    • when the groom appears, lock him up;
    • cross yourself and silently go home.

    Fortune telling on the night of Ivan Kupala

    This ritual can be performed not at midnight, but late in the evening, unlike Christmas fortune-telling. And you don’t have to be alone, you can invite your girlfriends. To carry out you will need:

    • large mirror;
    • a dish with dumplings;
    • wooden spoon.

    In Rus', the ritual was performed in a bathhouse. In modern conditions, you can tell fortunes at home, for example, in the kitchen or bathroom. You should:

    • install a mirror in the room;
    • place a plate of dumplings next to it;
    • place a spoon near it;
    • Light candles;
    • pronounce a spell (if there are several fortunetellers, then in chorus): “On Ivan and Kupala, betrothed, come to me, come out of the darkness, taste the treats, show yourself in the mirror”;
    • leave the premises and go to different sides to go in search of a cherry branch;
    • as soon as she is found, return to the room with her;
    • approach the mirror (if there are many fortunetellers, then approach one by one);
    • knock on it three times with the twig you brought and see the future groom;
    • take a good look at his face;
    • eat one dumpling;
    • hit the mirror with a spoon so that the vision dissipates;
    • save the branch, because it is an excellent talisman.

    In the city, finding cherries is quite difficult. You can simply leave the room into the corridor, and then sit alone with a mirror, and instead of a twig, immediately use a wooden spoon.

    Less dangerous rituals

    Rituals with mirrors and candles are very complex and very dangerous. If a girl is afraid to cast a spell in this way, she can resort to simpler and safer options for fortune telling.

    Such rituals are usually carried out on any day of the holy week in the late evening. Most of them help to consider the image of your future husband in a dream. To perform them, you also need either mirrors or candles.

    On the mirror and fir branches

    For this Christmas fortune-telling, you will need a new medium-sized mirror and several fir branches. They spend it at midnight before going to bed. Need to:

    • get a mirror;
    • write your lover's name on it;
    • put a mirror under the bed;
    • place spruce branches around it;
    • I must dream about it at night prophetic dream about the beloved.

    Also, if the next morning the inscription has disappeared, then the girl will be happy with the mysterious man. In the case where the inscription is preserved, the relationship will remain at the same level. If a cross appears on the mirror, then this bad sign for a mysterious person.

    Rite of Epiphany

    And this fortune telling with a mirror and a candle should be carried out on the last day of Christmastide, on the so-called Epiphany Evening. To do this, you need to take the following actions:

    • Sprinkle the floor in the room with holy water;
    • place the mirror on the table with the reflective surface facing up;
    • cover it with a white paper sheet;
    • Place a glass cup with plain water on top;
    • pour ashes into it;
    • put it there wedding ring, which should be cleaned first;
    • Light a candle exactly at 12 o'clock at night;
    • look at the water through the ring until the reflection of the betrothed appears;
    • drive away the demon with words of amulets, and pour the water into the street.

    Other easy ways

    Before going to bed, place a round mirror under your pillow and say the magic words seven times. After this, you should fall asleep as quickly as possible. At night you will have a prophetic dream about your betrothed.

    The mirror used in this fortune telling should not be used in everyday life. It must be placed away from prying eyes so that it never falls into the hands of a stranger. In others magical rites this attribute is permitted.

    Another simple fortune telling for your betrothed before going to bed. You should hide a mirror and a comb under the pillow and say: “Come, come. Comb it, comb it. Look at me, show yourself."

    And in this method of fortune telling for a future spouse, only candles are used. It should be carried out at night during Christmas time. Necessary:

    • place three candles in a row so that they merge into one;
    • light them;
    • when reading a magical plot, gradually move the candles one after another so that all three become visible at once;
    • say: “Candle flame, show me your betrothed! Show me his image! Let me at least see my fate in a dream”;
    • wait until the candles burn out completely;
    • go to bed to see your betrothed in a dream.

    How to avoid consequences?

    It is important to add that during the rituals something can go wrong. To prevent bad consequences, you should follow these rules:

    • If during fortune telling the mirror cracks or breaks, you need to collect all the fragments, even the smallest ones, in a basin with clean water without touching them with bare hands. Then cover it with a black cloth and throw it away the next morning.
    • The time allotted for fortune telling is exactly as long as the candles are burning.
    • If during a spell the girl was very frightened and lost the power of speech, then instead of shunning the mirror should be thrown to the floor. But it may break. IN ancient times they believed that at this moment the future husband would have cuts on his face. You can simply turn the mirror over with its reflective surface facing down or cover it with a piece of fabric.
    • Extinguished candles are a bad signal. Fortune telling must be interrupted to protect yourself from possible troubles. Read the “Our Father” three times and cross yourself.

    If the girl did not have time to examine the face of her betrothed in sufficient detail, but suddenly felt danger and fear, she should immediately stop the ritual, pray and make the sign of the cross on herself.

Fortune telling with a candle and a mirror is a ritual known to everyone since time immemorial. He was always considered the most reliable. There are also many dangers that such witchcraft is fraught with. According to one of the existing beliefs, the mirror was donated by dark forces so that they could penetrate the world of people. They endowed those who agreed to help them with the gift of foresight. This is where the legends came from that witches and fortune tellers enter into a magical pact with the devil. Is it true? Most likely not, but the danger from fortune telling on a mirror is quite real. It's no joke - asking the powerful forces of the other world about your future.

From time immemorial

Any magician or clairvoyant will say with confidence that a mirror is not to be trifled with. It is a powerful magical artifact and an extremely dangerous item. A mirror can show not only the real world of people, but also other worlds. Mystical properties have been known to mankind since the Middle Ages. Both in Rus' and in Europe, mirrors began to be used for magical rituals and predicting the future. In addition to the mirrors themselves, candles and melted wax, water, hair, and sometimes even blood were used for fortune telling. The choice of the necessary magical tools depended on what the person wanted to know about his destiny. Was he interested in the date of the wedding or death? Or maybe he wanted to see the face of his sworn enemy? Mirrors could tell the whole truth both about the person himself and about the people who surrounded him.

The best time for fortune telling

Christmastide, Christmas and New Year- the most popular holidays for various magical rituals. Fortune telling on the mirror for your betrothed is no exception. Although some nationalities living in Russia may give preference to other important dates. For example, the days of the summer and winter solstice, the day of Ivan Kupala or the last week of October.

As a rule, fortune telling is done late in the evening or at night. It is at this time of day that otherworldly guests receive the power to see what is happening in the human world. Many experts advise telling fortunes at the “witching hour” - exactly three o’clock in the morning. If fortunetellers plan to call on one of the strong dark entities, then it is better to start fortune telling at three hours and fifteen minutes.

Classic fortune telling with a mirror and a candle

This ritual is very ancient and, one might say, tested by more than one generation. With its help, you can penetrate into the true essence of the souls of fortune tellers, as well as the people who are next to them in Everyday life.

So, the ritual is best performed in a dark room. Curtains should also be drawn tightly and doors should be closed. The mirror should be placed on a table or on an improvised altar, with lit candles placed on the sides. Their flame should be reflected well in the mirror.

At exactly midnight, sit facing the mirror and look into it, looking “eye to eye” at your reflection. It is better to stay in this position for 15-20 minutes, just looking in the mirror. If you hear noise, footsteps or even voices, then you should not pay attention to them.

When you feel that your reflection is distorted and as if moving deeper into the mirror surface, you can see your real self. Usually what is seen is very reminiscent of a person in real life, but sometimes you can notice ugly features in your reflection, even something animalistic. There is no need to be afraid of this. Most likely, you do not lead a completely respectable lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol, lies, betrayal and infidelity always leave imprints on your astral body. It is these “marks” that turn your reflection into something unpleasant and sometimes frightening.

Questions about the future

Fortune telling on a mirror allows a person to learn a lot about the past, present and even the future. Questions can be asked in any form, but sometimes understanding and unraveling the answer is not easy. Otherworldly forces do not speak human language, so they cannot answer “yes” or “no.” But they send people visions, signs and symbols. Sometimes they can be seen in the mirror, and sometimes they come in a dream at night after the ceremony or on the next night from Thursday to Friday.

To make it easier to understand what mirrors and those who live in them are talking about, you can turn to some other artifacts and tools with which you can achieve greater “mutual understanding.”

Water and mirrors

Liquids are considered conductors of energies and can enhance the effect of rituals. In addition, they help decipher the answers given by otherworldly forces.

One of the most simple fortune telling using mirrors and water it looks like this:

  1. Pour plain water into a round container.
  2. Place it in front of the mirror.
  3. Light the candles and place them next to the mirror.
  4. Turn off the lights in the room.
  5. Sit on a comfortable chair and look closely at the water.
  6. Gradually peer more and more, noticing the wall and bottom of the vessel.
  7. After about 20 minutes, images will begin to appear in the water, which will be the answer to your questions.

Usually the answer will be presented in a very symbolic form. For example, White dress- for a wedding or wedding, coins - for quick profit, a black dog - for problems.

Rituals to improve your personal life

The ritual of fortune telling for one's betrothed was known even in pre-revolutionary Russia. True, at that time very few people decided to do it, although with the help of such rituals you can not only find out who will be your betrothed or betrothed. If you already have someone in mind, you can also find out what they think. Fortune telling on the mirror will help both men and women.

You need to guess only at night and in the dark non-residential premises. It is best to carry out the ritual outside the city, for example, a bathhouse in summer cottage or a rustic barn. Before fortune telling on a mirror by candlelight, you need to let your hair down and remove any amulets and symbols of faith ( pectoral crosses, celibacy rings, amulet). Usually women remain in their underwear or sleeping gown.

You need to take two candles and two medium-sized mirrors with you. They need to be placed opposite each other. Typically one faces north and the other faces south. This arrangement creates an endless astral corridor. After this, you need to light the candles, sit facing one of the mirrors and say the following words: “Betrothed-mummer, appear!” It is better to say them three times in a row. Then you will need to wait a little. After 15-20 minutes, an approaching silhouette will appear in the mirrored corridor - this will be your future betrothed. You won’t be able to see his face, but you can clearly see what he’s wearing and what he’s holding in his hands. Based on these signs, you will be able to recognize him in the future, for example, in a crowd of people or see him in a work colleague, or perhaps in someone who has always been next to you - your best friend.

If you look in the mirror for a very long time, and the silhouette still does not appear, then you need to carefully turn back to another mirror. Sometimes your betrothed appears in the mirror that is behind you.

Once you were able to remember all the details (it’s better to do this quickly, since if the silhouette gets too close to you, it can drag you into other world, scratch your face or even strangle you), you need to say loudly and clearly: “Forget me!” and cross yourself or say a prayer. The image should immediately disappear. If this does not happen, then continue to pray and be baptized until he retreats.

Rituals for the bravest

Fortune telling about your betrothed using a mirror and a door is considered the most reliable, but also the most terrible ritual. It can only be carried out if you have been baptized and follow church rules and traditions, for example, fast or at least bless Easter cakes and eggs, otherwise it is better not to perform this ritual.

If you still decide, then you will have to prepare thoroughly. Firstly, the ceremony must be carried out in a non-residential premises where there is a door or at least a doorway. Secondly, fortune telling must be done at midnight. Thirdly, no one should be near you.

So, a mirror is installed on the table. Two lit candles are placed in front of him. When fortune telling with a mirror for love, the door must be visible in the reflection. Then you need to go out into the street and loudly call your betrothed: “Mummer betrothed, come to me, show yourself in the mirror.” After this, you need to quickly return to the house, leaving the door open, sit by the mirror and look at it carefully. As soon as a silhouette appears in it, it is important to instantly remember it and immediately stare at it three times in a row. Under no circumstances should you turn around!

Be careful!

When performing ceremonies and rituals, it is important to remember not only about possible otherworldly dangers, but also very real ones. Never leave lit candles unattended. Do not forget also that you should not bring them too close to your face, so as not to get burned or singe your eyelashes, eyebrows, or even hair.

Will there be trouble?

If in the process of fortune telling the mirror breaks, this is not the most good sign. Collecting its fragments must be done with extreme caution. In addition, you need to collect everything, even the smallest glass chips. There are two reasons for this:

  1. You can get hurt or step on a piece of glass forgotten in the corner, which can sometimes lead to not the most pleasant consequences.
  2. Otherworldly forces will be able to come into your home without asking, since mirrors are always a portal for them, and broken glass gives them the right to come without permission.

After breaking the scrying glass, pick it up using a broom and dustpan (don't do this with your hands!), and then put it in a dark bag or bag. Take plain kitchen salt and pour a handful into a bag. Then you need to take a jute cord, singe it a little over a candle, tie a bag, and fill the tip with wax, as if sealing the “portal.”

Ever since people invented mirrors, they began to be credited with magical and mysterious properties, and even in our time, many believe that mirrors are guides to the other world. Fortune telling on a mirror - (for a betrothed, groom or future husband) - is rightfully considered one of the most popular and accurate options for predictions.

Mirrors are one of the important components for fortune telling, and a way to look into the future. With their help, you can open the door to the future and find out what awaits us there, what trials and changes await us, and how to rid yourself of all the troubles and misfortunes that probably await you.

A selection of fortune telling on the mirror for your future “betrothed” or simply groom.

With the help of a mirror, you can get answers to certain current circumstances. To properly tune in to contact with the mirror, you need to focus and concentrate on your problems. So, before any fortune-telling, we take a mirror, examine it, clean it, wipe it. It is important that you like it and that it is not broken or worse, cracked. In such a mirror you are unlikely to see anything good...

The most correct “antique” fortune telling using candles with a mirror

It goes like this: a girl goes alone into an empty room, brings with her a mirror and a candle. He puts everything on the table, lights a candle and sits down in front of the mirror, and begins to whisper:

“Betrothed, mummer, come to me for dinner.”

  • This whisper is repeated many times, the time allotted for fortune telling is as long as the candle burns.
  • A minute before you see your betrothed, the mirror will most likely dim, after which the girl should wipe the mirror with a towel specially provided for this.
  • After this, you will see the image of your future groom.
  • After you have examined all the facial features of your betrothed, you need to quietly shout: “Out of this place!” The demon that appeared in the form of your man will disappear.
  • When you don’t rush to “shield” the demon (betrothed), then he will stop looking in the mirror and will be able to sit down next to the girl calling him and put a ring or a knife, or maybe some other object, on the table.
  • Then, after the “offerings” of the demon, the girl must have time to “lock up” him and he will disappear, and the left thing will go to her as a keepsake.

Our ancestors really believed that these items really disappeared from your future betrothed (groom).

Fortune telling for your husband using a mirror and a candle.

Other fortune telling using mirrors and candles

Fortune telling with two mirrors and one candle

This fortune telling with two mirrors and a candle is rightfully considered the most terrible. You need to go to this fortune telling prepared, have strong nerves and determination.

  • You need to lock yourself in your room at midnight.
  • For fortune telling you need two identical large mirrors.
  • They need to be placed opposite each other and a candle placed between them.
  • Mirrors must be arranged so that they form a mirror tunnel illuminated by lights.

Mirrors must be clean and not cloudy, because the girl must sit motionless and peer into the depths of the corridor and examine her future groom.

The danger of this fortune telling is that there have been cases where the “betrothed” dragged the fortune tellers into the mirror, so the main thing here is to say “mind me” in time and throw a white cloth over the mirror.

Therefore, before fortune telling, you need to tune in accordingly, so as not to get confused at the wrong moment.

Fortune telling at the crossroads with a mirror

Another simple fortune telling, which however will require you to leave the house.

  • They go to the intersection of roads at midnight and take a mirror with them.
  • They stand at the crossroads so that the month is behind them, then they look in the mirror, saying the words: “Betrothed, mummer, show yourself to me in the mirror.”
  • After some time, the one who was called will come.

Fortune telling with a mirror under the bed and fir branches

Best time for this fortune-telling - Christmastide. For it you will need a new medium-sized mirror and a small amount of spruce branches.

  • By midnight, have all of the above ready.
  • Before going to bed, take a mirror, write the name of your lover or a wish associated with him.
  • The next thing you need to do is to carefully place the mirror under the bed and cover it with spruce branches in a circle.
  • In the morning, take the mirror out from under the bed, and if the inscription disappears, then all your plans will come true. And if the inscription remains, then everything will remain the same.

If a cross appears on the mirror, then this is a bad sign for the one you were fortune-telling about.

Fortune telling on a church candle for Intercession

The most effective time for fortune telling on a mirror for a guy - this is Christmastide and Christmas.

In the time of our great-grandmothers, there was another fortune-telling using church candles for the betrothed groom on the Intercession.

From the very morning, even before the first rooster, the girls hurried to light a candle for the holiday in the church. This was done so that the relationship between lovers would be strong, and whichever girl would light a candle first would be the first to get married. Girls could tell fortunes by the flame of a candle.

It all depended on how it burned:

  • If the flame burns quietly, it meant a quiet, even life and fate in general, without any failures or major upheavals;
  • The candle flame is bright and sometimes “winks” - life is vibrant and interesting;
  • The candle flame is very bright with crackling - means a stormy and cheerful life, fate awaits you full of adventure and positive impressions;
  • The candle flame is dim - a short and sad life;
  • Red flame - to life’s grief;
  • A yellow candle flame means great joy and happiness;
  • A flame the color of red gold - to a very rich life;
  • A candle flame with soot - to an accident, misfortune;

Fortune telling "by wish" using a mirror

Another option for a simple “mirror” fortune-telling for desire (including for a meeting with the groom). On the mirror you need to write a wish, a question, or what you want to know in a dream.

For example, you want to know how events will develop on the love front, you need to write “love groom” if you are interested money matters- write “money work” and continue in the same spirit.

  • Then, you need to wrap it in a handkerchief, and then put the mirror under the pillow. As a result, you will see a dream and it will be like a hint for your actions related to the subject of fortune telling in the future.
  • Most often, direct answers to questions asked do not come in a dream. The answer will come in the form of symbols or images that you should interpret correctly.

There is another simpler way: put a mirror on a table or nightstand near the bed, and put a sheet of paper and a pencil on top of the mirror. They believe that at night evil spirits will write the answer to your questions. It is believed that the answer written on paper should not be shown to anyone; it is better to burn it after reading it.

Fortune telling for a lover's fidelity

When jealousy of your lover or just your boyfriend gnaws at you, although it may be groundless, if you want to test the fidelity of your soulmate, then you have the opportunity to use this fortune telling for the fidelity of your lover or fiancé.

  • Take two identical new candles. The color and material of candles can be any. Church candles in this case it is not recommended to use.
  • Carefully place both candles in the glass, and place the glass in turn on the table.
  • Draw a circle around the glass with chalk. Draw directly on the table; after fortune telling, the circle can be erased.
  • Mentally choose one of the candles and write your name on it.

Then read this plot three times :

« Let my candle go out without completely decaying, if my dear one is unfaithful to me in deed or in thought.”

Next, the candles are lit and if the candle that you wished for (with your name) goes out first and does not burn out completely, this means that they are cheating on you. If your second candle goes out, or even better, both candles burn out to the end - everything is fine, there is no betrayal.

With the help of a mirror you can see not only your betrothed, but also find out your future

How to choose the right candles for fortune telling?

Previously, candles were produced in artisanal factories or by hand, but now many can purchase candles in special esoteric or magical stores. Clean wax candles It's better to buy from the church. This way you will protect yourself from the influence of evil spirits on the attribute of fortune telling.

Depending on the purpose of the ritual, the color of the candle is selected:

  • white is a universal color for love purposes;
  • orange or yellow - for traveling and wandering;
  • red – for decision making;
  • black – for rituals with the enemy (it is better not to use without preparation);
  • green and blue - for performing rituals related to desires;

If you want to get answers from fortune telling that will be accurate in the questions asked. Then you should ask the same questions in different types of fortune telling, so you will avoid different types inaccuracies or misinterpretations. But even in such cases, you need to trust your heart and common sense more.

As the sages said: “the stars predict, but do not oblige”!

Fortune telling with a mirror- this is a very scary and dangerous fortune telling. Only very brave girls can do this.

    • As soon as 12 o'clock struck, taking a mirror, candles and a towel, the girls went to tell fortunes in their room, but most often in the bathhouse. It was necessary to guess in complete solitude. Then, the girl must say the following phrase: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me.” 3 minutes before it appears, the candles become dim. It is at this moment that the girl must wipe the mirror with a white towel, which she took with her. After this, a narrowed one appears. He looks into the mirror over the girl's shoulder. Having looked closely and seen him, the girl immediately needs to cross herself and say the following words: “I smell this place” - this needs to be said three times, and the betrothed-mummer will immediately evaporate. If the fortuneteller did not say these words or simply did not have time, then the betrothed sits down opposite her at the table and places an object on it. If at this moment she says “chur”, he will give this item to her. Girls who have already tried to call their betrothed say that this is exactly what happened to them.
    • For the next fortune telling with mirrors, you will need two candles and two large mirrors. This fortune telling can be carried out in the presence of friends, but the main thing is that none of them should appear in the mirror, should not talk to the fortuneteller, they also need to be silent and laugh. We must remember that friends should only be close ones. During fortune telling, you also need to remove animals and all people from the room; only your closest friends remain in the room. Then, you need to place two mirrors opposite each other so that the whole mirror labyrinth is reflected. It should be lit with two candles. A girl must look in the mirror and not be distracted from the mirrors, so as not to miss the meeting with her betrothed. It will appear suddenly and will evaporate just as quickly!

  • And finally the last, most terrible and terrible fortune telling. The girl must be in a forgotten old village, in an ancient bathhouse and completely alone. This divination is carried out only during Christmas time. The girl must lock herself in the bathhouse from the inside, completely alone. It is forbidden for anyone to even be near the bathhouse. Then, she undresses naked and sits on a bench opposite the stove. One lit candle is placed on each side of the mirrors. After which, a second one is installed between one mirror and the girl. It should be mirror side to another mirror. The girl should notice a long corridor in the mirrors. At 12 o'clock at night, the fortuneteller must ask all the elements to help her and show her betrothed. Then the girl needs to peer attentively into the mirrored corridor without looking away. You need to look for a very long time, because the betrothed will not appear right away. Also, the fortuneteller can see all sorts of evil spirits, but she does not need to be afraid. After all, her patience will not be in vain, and in the end she will see her betrothed! divination ends, you need to wrap the mirrors in a clean white linen and hide them where no one will find. These mirrors can no longer be used. Then the girl must wash her hands and face with clean spring water, dry herself with a clean towel (preferably white), put on clean clothes and go home. On the way, she should under no circumstances talk to anyone, come home and immediately go to bed.

Before you start fortune telling, think carefully, are you ready? It is very important not to get confused and not to run away, but to complete the process!