Where to get advice from an endocrinologist. Ask a question to an endocrinologist for free. Online telephone consultation. Electronic recording. Preventive consultations with an endocrinologist

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Asked by: Maria Vasilievna 14.05.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 63 years

I am 63 years old, my weight is 150 kg, my height is 170. I have been suffering from hypothyroidism for 10 years. The doctor prescribed me eutirox 50 mg. I took tests: total T4 86.5, free T4 15.10, TSH 3.14, AT-TPO 3.1. Please decipher the tests, maybe my dosage is wrong.

Asked by: Filatova Larisa 19.04.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 65 years

Hello! Got an ultrasound thyroid gland: the contours of the thyroid gland are clear, uneven, isthmus 4 mm, dimensions of the right lobe 19*18*44 mm, right lobe 25*21*40 mm, total 19 cm3 / normal up to 18/, heterogeneous echostructure, iso-hypoechoic formations visible in both lobes d7*7 mm, 6*4 mm, s17*13 mm, 6*8 mm, with peri and intranodular blood flow. Conclusion echo signs of focal formations of the thyroid gland of a solid/tissue/character against the background of thyroid gland hyperplasia. Help me decipher, the doctor is sick.

Asked by: Olga 05.04.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 26 years

With any incident, positive or negative, the pressure instantly rises. You can't be nervous at all. Blood pressure 140 over 100, shaking, fear, cold sweat and dizziness. Panic attacks in crowded places. Could this be related to the thyroid gland?

Asked by: Irina Vladimirovna 24.03.2019 Patient: male Patient age: 72 years

Dad is in a lethargic state - he's sorting through things, digging around, can't hold his hands, everything falls. At the same time he has low pressure, but the presence of arrhythmia says that everything is fine. He has group 2 heart disability, diabetes 2 types. What could cause it?

Asked by: Tatyana 11.03.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 61 years

For a long time, my doctor has been unable to find long-acting insulin. Everything was fine on Lantus, then they switched to Tujeo - sugar began to rise (tried different schemes), transferred to Levemir - the story is the same. Sugar 10-14 units. Short Novorapid. Biochemistry is normal (high cholesterol). Weight is normal. Doing sports, bad habits No. I'm on a diet. Why high sugar?

Asked by: Victor 08.03.2019 Patient: male Patient age: 25 years

Hello, dear doctor! I am 25 years old. I took hormone tests and received the following results: LH-1.33 mIU/ml - reduced (normal 1.7-8.6); FSH 0.53 mIU/ml - reduced (1.5-2.4); dihydrotestosterone 919.67 pg/ml (250.0-990.0); testosterone 11.53 nmol/l (6.07-27.1); estradiol 25.7 Pg/ml (20-47): prolactin 150.74 mIU/ml (56.17-279.36); TSH-1.97 mIU/ml (0.3-4.0); T4 St. 11.29 pmol/l (7.86-14.41). What does it mean? Isolated deficiency? How serious is the decline? MRI of the brain is normal.

Asks: Gulya 07.03.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 41 years

Hello, my name is Gulya, I am 41 years old. I'm worried about my thyroid gland. It hurts sometimes when swallowing, and sometimes when at rest too. I am depressed, sad and irritable all the time, I cry over every little thing, it becomes difficult to breathe. I did an ultrasound and they said there were a lot of nodes up to 8 mm, with fuzzy and jagged edges, diffuse Nodal changes. Hyperplasia. I took tests. Hormones: free T3 - 4.8 pmol/l; T4 -14.07 pmol/l; TSH - 0.947 mU/l. All hormones are normal, except for one AT-TPO 584.4 U/ml. Above normal? I would like to know what this hormone means? And is it dangerous? So what should I do?

Asked by: Victoria 24.02.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 34 years

Good night! If tests confirm hereditary hyperuricemia and the symptoms are still there. Joints and muscles especially hurt from the age of 19. What medications can be taken while breastfeeding and also for the future without it? Are peeling and small cracks associated with itching on the joints of the hands (fingers)?

Asked by: Elena 16.02.2019 Patient: male Patient age: 15 years

Over the course of 6 months after entering the EMERCOM Lyceum, my son experienced temperature changes from 36.7 to 39.0. At the same time, blood and urine tests were normal, an ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland was normal, apparent reason The therapist doesn't find it. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs does not change anything. What could it be?

Asked by: Ekaterina 12.02.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 35 years

For several years, my T3 hormone has been reduced, with normal TSH and T4. The endocrinologist at the clinic says that this is normal and no treatment is required. I experienced weight loss (BMI 14), weakness, arrhythmia. I would like to know your opinion whether it is necessary to treat or ignore the decrease in T3? Thank you

Asked by: Anonymous user 05.02.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 20 years

Hello! Please tell me, I'm 20 years old. I have had a goiter for 5 years now, I had an ultrasound of the thyroid gland in January, they said hyperplasia of the thyroid gland against the background of nodular degeneration. Ultrasound data: thyroid gland - 22.93 cm3, right lobe 23.5×21×57 mm V=13.59 cm3. left lobe 19×19×57 mm V=9.34 cm3. Isthmus 7.4 mm. Nodular formations in right lobe small hypoechoic nodes of 3 mm, 4.5 mm TI-RADS category 3 are localized. In the left lobe, an isoechoic formation of vertical orientation of 9.5×8.5 ​​mm is localized, under a hypoechoic rim, with increased vascularization along the contour. TI-RADS category 4a. Changes in the parenchyma of the thyroid gland, characteristic of thyroiditis. Vascularization in both lobes is enhanced. L/nodes are not enlarged, b/o. Conclusion: signs of severe hyperplasia of the thyroid gland against the background of nodular degeneration. Thyroiditis cannot be ruled out. TI-RADS category 4a. The ultrasound doctor said that she didn’t like this node and told me to take a hormone test, I took a free T4 and TSH, they were normal. T4 - 13.16, TSH - 0.947, I don’t know what to think, I made an appointment with an endocrinologist, but it’s a very long wait. Please help me, is this dangerous? Decipher the ultrasound data, are the nodes large and are there many of them?

Please ask your questions to doctors. Our consultants will be happy to answer them. While waiting, please read the most popular questions asked by service users:

Question to the Endocrinologist
Please help me find the right solution! In a month I gained 13 kg, the endocrinologist recommended me to take hormones, took them, and the next day I found out that I was pregnant! The endocrinologist did not want to take responsibility and treat me! The weight continues to grow! Help me what should I do? ANALYSIS RESULTS: aldosterone - 610 (normal 34-273!!!), DZA 131.1, prolactin 8.8, testosterone 0.6, TSH 2.4!
Endocrinologist's answer
The cause of weight gain can be many factors: dietary disorders, metabolic disorders, fluid retention, etc. According to the data you provided, an increase in aldosterone levels probably indicates a violation of the water-salt balance. To decide on the treatment of these disorders, it is necessary to conduct a number of examinations: a biochemical analysis of blood and urine with the obligatory determination of potassium and sodium content, a blood test to determine adrenal hormones (cortisol), a glucose tolerance test, etc. If your endocrinologist did not take responsibility , then consult another endocrinologist on the recommendation of a gynecologist.

Question to the Endocrinologist
My mother was diagnosed with diabetes, she is 43 years old. Against this background, she developed terrible furunculosis, and not in the most pleasant area, the groin. How to deal with this? The surgeon at the hospital simply sent me to a dermatologist, but is this a skin disease, not an internal one? But the endocrinologist can’t really advise anything, help me figure it out!
Endocrinologist's answer
In any department of purulent surgery, an endocrinologist consults, therefore, anyway, the problem will be solved in 2 ways - normalization of carbohydrate metabolism and treatment purulent complications. I do not recommend following the lead of “healers” who promise to cure all diseases with the help of unconventional methods. Trust only doctors who have many years of experience in treating these diseases.

Question to the Endocrinologist
Mom is constantly short of breath. She went to the endocrinologist and was told to do an ultrasound. We discovered that there was a nodule on the thyroid gland. But as she was told, she is short of breath not because of him. Yesterday she was short of breath again, and she drank nitroglycerin. It helped, although there are no heart problems. What could it be?
Endocrinologist's answer
First of all, in this situation it is necessary to exclude cardiac pathology. Your mother needs to see a cardiologist and have an ECG performed. Nodules of the thyroid gland, indeed, do not cause manifestations cardiovascular insufficiency.

Question to the Endocrinologist
Please explain what a “cold node” is and how it can manifest itself?
Endocrinologist's answer
“Cold nodule” is a term used in thyroid scintigraphy and describes an area of ​​the thyroid gland with low uptake of radiopharmaceutical (i.e., an area reduced function). Scintigraphy is performed in terms of comprehensive survey diseases of the thyroid gland and does not allow making a clinical diagnosis.

Question to the Endocrinologist
Tell me, please, could hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland be a “brake” in the fight against excess weight? I’ve been taking Eutyrox for 7 years, my blood test for hormones is normal, ultrasound is also more or less, but I just can’t lose weight, I seem to eat a little, and I was babysitting, and haven’t eaten since I was 18, nothing works. Excess weight about 20 kg, please advise something. Thank you.
Endocrinologist's answer
With the correct dose of levothyroxine (Euthirox, etc.), no weight changes are observed. There can be many reasons for obesity: nutritional, mental, endocrine, etc. It is quite possible that you will need to carry out additional research hormones, biochemical analysis blood, visit a neurologist, gastroenterologist, etc.

Question to the Endocrinologist
Please tell me I have had a lump in my throat for two weeks now. Which specialist should I consult?
Endocrinologist's advice
The constant feeling of "a lump in the throat" is not specific symptom any specific disease: this may accompany diseases of the ENT organs, thyroid gland, stressful situations. Start by visiting an endocrinologist or ENT doctor to determine the examination tactics.