Brilliant inventions made by accident (16 photos). Triplex - history, application and characteristics

9th grade student Alexandra Egorova.

Material for a radio broadcast held as part of the “Chemistry Day” at school.



Radio broadcast as part of the “Chemistry Day at School” event

Chemistry – This is a science that can work miracles. In this wonderful definition of chemistry, which only by chance was not included in textbooks, one must firmly understand that chemistry is a science. And like any science, it requires the most serious, most responsible attitude. Chemistry is the science of substances and transformations so extraordinary that to the uninitiated they seem like miracles

By the end of the 19th century, organic chemistry had emerged as a science. Interesting facts will help you better understand the world and learn how new scientific discoveries were made.

Accidental discovery

Interesting facts about chemistry often concern discoveries made by accident. So, in 1903, Edouard Benedictus, a famous French chemist, invented unbreakable glass. The scientist accidentally dropped the flask, which was filled with nitrocellulose. He noticed that the flask broke, but the glass did not shatter into pieces. After spending necessary research, the chemist found that shockproof glass can be created in a similar way. This is how the first safety glass for cars appeared, which significantly reduced the number of injuries in car accidents.

Live sensor.

Interesting facts about chemistry tell about the use of animal sensitivity for human benefit. Until 1986, miners took canaries underground with them. The fact is that these birds are extremely sensitive to firedamp gases, especially methane and carbon monoxide. Even with a small concentration of these substances in the air, the bird can die. The miners listened to the bird's singing and monitored its well-being. Even today, no device has been invented that senses ore gases as finely as a canary.


Another random invention is rubber. Charles Goodyear, an American scientist, discovered a recipe for making rubber that does not melt in the heat and does not break in the cold. He accidentally heated a mixture of sulfur and rubber by leaving it on the stove. The process of producing rubber was called vulcanization.


Penicillin was invented by accident. Alexander Fleming forgot about the test tube with staphylococcus bacteria for several days. And when I remembered her, I discovered that the colony was dying. The whole thing turned out to be mold, which began to destroy the bacteria. It was from mold fungi that the scientist obtained the world's first antibiotic.

Gray cardinals among plants.

Interesting facts about squirrels. Chemistry can explain the behavior of animals and plants. During evolution, many plants have developed defense mechanisms against herbivores. Most often, plants secrete poison, but scientists have discovered a more subtle method of protection. Some plants secrete substances that attract... predators! Predators regulate the number of herbivores and scare them away from the place where “smart” plants grow. Even familiar plants such as tomatoes and cucumbers have this mechanism. For example, a caterpillar undermined a cucumber leaf, and the smell of the released juice attracted birds.

Protectors are proteins: chemistry and medicine are closely related. During experiments on mice, virologists discovered interferon. This protein is produced in all vertebrates. A special protein, interferon, is released from a virus-infected cell. He doesn't have antiviral effect, but contacts healthy cells and makes them immune to the virus.

The smell of metal

We usually think that coins, handrails on public transport, railings, etc. smell of metal. But this smell is not emitted by the metal, but by compounds that are formed as a result of contact with a metal surface organic matter.

Construction material

Interesting facts about squirrels. Chemistry has been studying proteins relatively recently. They arose more than 4 billion years ago in an incomprehensible way. Proteins are the building material for all living organisms; other forms of life are unknown to science. Half of the dry mass of most living organisms is made up of proteins.

Interesting Facts. Chemistry and soda

In 1767, Joseph Priestley became interested in the nature of the bubbles that escape from beer during fermentation. He collected the gas in a bowl of water, which he tasted. The water was pleasant and refreshing. Thus, the scientist discovered carbon dioxide, which is used today to produce sparkling water. Five years later he described more effective method obtaining this gas.

Cat and iodine

An interesting fact about chemistry: an ordinary cat was directly involved in the discovery of iodine. The pharmacist and chemist Bernard Courtois usually dined in the laboratory, and he was often joined by a cat who loved to sit on his owner’s shoulder. After another meal, the cat jumped onto the floor, knocking over containers with sulfuric acid and a suspension of algae ash in ethanol that stood near the work table. The liquids mixed, and violet vapor began to rise into the air, settling on objects in small black-violet crystals. This is how a new chemical element was discovered.

An amazing world is around us, a lot of interesting things surround a person, a lot of things he has no idea about, it’s enough just to remember Interesting Facts about chemistry and understand what a wonderful world a person lives in.

1. To ensure the standard flight of a modern aircraft, about 80 tons of oxygen are needed. The same amount of oxygen is produced by 40 thousand hectares of forest during photosynthesis.

2. About twenty grams of salt are contained in one liter of sea water.

3. The length of 100 million hydrogen atoms in one chain is one centimeter.

4. About 7 mg of gold can be extracted from one ton of water in the World Ocean.

5. About 75% of water is contained in the human body.

6. The mass of our planet has increased by one billion tons over the past five centuries.

7. The thinnest matter that a person can see includes the walls of a soap bubble.

8. At a temperature of five thousand degrees Celsius, iron turns into a gaseous state.

9. The sun produces more energy in one minute than our planet needs for a whole year.

10. Granite is considered the best conductor of sound compared to air.

12. Joseph Black discovered carbon dioxide in 1754.

13. In addition to mercury, francium and gallium pass into liquid matter at room temperature. 14. Water containing methane can freeze at temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius.

15. Hydrogen is the most common substance in the world.

16. Countries were named after a large number of chemical elements.

17. The substance sulfur is contained in onions, which causes tears in humans.

18. Earwax protects a person from harmful bacteria and microorganisms. 32. French researcher B. Courtois discovered iodine in 1811.

19. More than 100 thousand chemical reactions occur every minute in the human brain.

20. Silver is known for its bactericidal properties, therefore it can purify water from viruses and microorganisms.

21. Geosmin is a substance that is produced on the surface of the earth after rain, causing a characteristic odor

22. Alexander Fleming first discovered antibiotics.

23. It is easier to get ice from hot water.

24. Emeralds contain beryllium.

25. The ocean contains large amounts of sodium.

26. Computer chips use silicon.

27. Phosphorus is used to make matches

28. Scandium is used to make baseball bats, which improves their impact resistance.

29. Titanium is used to create jewelry.

30. Spoons containing gallium may melt in hot water.

31. B mobile phones germanium is used.

32. A toxic substance includes arsenic, from which poison for rats is made.

33. Bromine can melt at room temperature.

34. Technetium is used in x-rays.

35. Uranium is used to produce nuclear weapons.

36. Radon is considered the rarest element of the atmosphere.

37. Tungsten has the most high temperature boiling.

38. Mercury has the most low temperature melting.

39. A small amount of methanol can cause blindness.

40. About thirty chemical elements are part of the human body.

41. B Everyday life a person often encounters hydrolysis of salts, for example, when washing clothes.

42. Due to the oxidation reaction, colored pictures appear on the walls of gorges and quarries.

43. Dry ice is a solid form of carbon dioxide.

44. Semyon Volfkovich was engaged in experiments related to phosphorus. When he worked with him, his clothes were also saturated with phosphorus, and therefore, when he returned home late at night, the professor emitted a bluish glow.

46. ​​The famous chemist Dmitry Mendeleev was the 17th child in the family.

47. The first Russian textbook " Organic chemistry"was created by Dmitry Mendeleev in 1861.

Edward Benedictus was an incredibly versatile personality. He studied not only chemistry, but also literature and music; one of his close friends was the brilliant French composer Maurice Ravel. In general, Benedictus began his professional activity as a bookbinder, then developed furniture fittings and even published articles on this topic in magazines. As we can see, Edward Benedictus was constantly in search of something new, something that could change the world for the better. And it was this quality of his nature that led to the discovery of unbreakable glass, which subsequently led to a revolution in technology.

Eduard Benedictus - inventor of unbreakable glass

One day, Eduard Benedictus was conducting a curious series of experiments with nitrocellulose and accidentally dropped one of the flasks on the floor. Incredibly, the flask did not break, as usually happened before! The glass was only covered with a network of cracks, but overall remained intact. Another scientist would not have paid attention to this, attributing everything to a happy coincidence, but Benedictus decided to find out what turned out to be the reason for such a sudden resistance of glass. He found that nitrocellulose formed a layer of durable film on the surface of the test tube, which held the glass together and prevented the formation of fragments. This happened in 1903, and already on November 25, 1909, after fully realizing his discovery and improving the technology, Benedictus received a patent for safety glass (French patent 405,881).

After receiving the patent, Edouard Benedictus founded the company Société du Verre Triplex. At first, this company produced only windshields for cars. Then similar glasses began to be produced for the needs of the military industry, in particular, for aircraft and gas mask eyepieces. Despite the fact that unbreakable glass was quite expensive in those days due to imperfect production technology, it gained incredible popularity, and the name “triplex” became a household name.

What is triplex

The term “triplex” currently refers to laminated glass. Most often these are two ordinary glasses, between which a polymer film is glued, i.e. The triplex composition includes at least three main elements. Hence the name - in Latin triplex means triple. The production of triplex is quite simple: a polymer film is laid between glass sheets and everything is pressed together when heated, so the glasses are glued together. The quality of finished triplex in Russia is regulated by GOST R 54171-2010 Multilayer glass.

As at the very beginning of its victorious march around the world, triplex is used for the production of automobile and, in general, all glass for any transport - railway, air and sea. Double-glazed windows are produced for glazing buildings using safety laminated glass; armored glass in bank cash desks is also triplex. Well, in any military equipment, all optical instruments are also made using the technology proposed by Eduard Benedictus at the beginning of the 20th century.

By the end of the 19th century, organic chemistry had emerged as a science. Interesting facts will help you better understand the world around you and learn how new scientific discoveries were made.

"Live" dish

The first interesting fact about chemistry concerns unusual foods. One of the famous dishes of Japanese cuisine is “Odori Donu” - “dancing squid”. Many people are shocked by the sight of squid moving its tentacles in a plate. But don’t worry, he’s not suffering and hasn’t felt anything for a long time. Freshly skinned squid is placed in a bowl of rice and topped with soy sauce before serving. The squid's tentacles begin to contract. This is due to the special structure nerve fibers, which for some time after the death of the animal react with sodium ions contained in the sauce, causing the muscles to contract.

Accidental discovery

Interesting facts about chemistry often concern discoveries made by accident. So, in 1903, Edouard Benedictus, a famous French chemist, invented unbreakable glass. The scientist accidentally dropped the flask, which was filled with nitrocellulose. He noticed that the flask broke, but the glass did not shatter into pieces. After conducting the necessary research, the chemist found that it was possible to create shockproof glass in a similar way. This is how the first safety glass for cars appeared, which significantly reduced the number of injuries in car accidents.

Live sensor

Interesting facts about chemistry tell about the use of animal sensitivity for human benefit. Until 1986, miners took canaries underground with them. The fact is that these birds are extremely sensitive to firedamp gases, especially methane and carbon monoxide. Even with a small concentration of these substances in the air, the bird can die. The miners listened to the bird's singing and monitored its well-being. If the canary becomes restless or begins to weaken, this is a signal that the mine needs to be left.

The bird did not necessarily die from poisoning, but fresh air she was getting better quickly. They even used special sealed cages that were closed when there were signs of poisoning. Even today, no device has been invented that senses ore gases as finely as a canary.


Interesting fact about chemistry: another accidental invention is rubber. Charles Goodyear, an American scientist, discovered a recipe for making rubber that does not melt in the heat and does not break in the cold. He accidentally heated a mixture of sulfur and rubber by leaving it on the stove. The process of producing rubber was called vulcanization.


Another interesting fact about chemistry: penicillin was invented by accident. I forgot about the test tube with staphylococcus bacteria for several days. And when I remembered her, I discovered that the colony was dying. The whole thing turned out to be mold, which began to destroy the bacteria. It was from this that the scientist obtained the world's first antibiotic.


Interesting facts about chemistry can refute Mystic stories. You can often hear about ancient houses filled with ghosts. And the whole point is an outdated and poorly functioning heating system. Due to the leakage of the toxic substance, residents of the house experience headaches, as well as auditory and visual hallucinations.

Gray cardinals among plants

Chemistry can explain the behavior of animals and plants. During evolution, many plants have developed defense mechanisms against herbivores. Most often, plants secrete poison, but scientists have discovered a more subtle method of protection. Some plants secrete substances that attract... predators! Predators regulate the number of herbivores and scare them away from the place where “smart” plants grow. Even familiar plants such as tomatoes and cucumbers have this mechanism. For example, a caterpillar undermined a cucumber leaf, and the smell of the released juice attracted birds.

Squirrel Defenders

Interesting facts: chemistry and medicine are closely related. During experiments on mice, virologists discovered interferon. This protein is produced in all vertebrates. A special protein, interferon, is released from a virus-infected cell. It does not have an antiviral effect, but it contacts healthy cells and makes them immune to the virus.

The smell of metal

We usually think that coins, handrails on public transport, railings, etc. smell of metal. But this smell is not emitted by metal, but by compounds that are formed as a result of contact of organic substances, for example, human sweat, with a metal surface. In order for a person to smell a characteristic odor, very few reagents are needed.

Construction material

Chemistry has been studying proteins relatively recently. They arose more than 4 billion years ago in an incomprehensible way. Proteins are the building material for all living organisms; other forms of life are unknown to science. Half of the dry mass of most living organisms is made up of proteins.

In 1767, people became interested in the nature of the bubbles that come out of beer during fermentation. He collected the gas in a bowl of water, which he tasted. The water was pleasant and refreshing. Thus, the scientist discovered carbon dioxide, which is used today to produce sparkling water. Five years later he described a more efficient method for producing this gas.

Sugar substitute

This interesting fact about chemistry suggests that many scientific discoveries were made almost by accident. A curious incident led to the discovery of the properties of sucralose, modern substitute Sahara. Leslie Hugh, a professor from London studying the properties of the new substance trichlorosucrose, instructed his assistant Shashikant Phadnis to test it (test in English). Student with poor knowledge English language, understood this word as “taste”, which means taste, and immediately followed the instructions. Sucralose turned out to be very sweet.


Skatole is an organic compound formed in the intestines of animals and humans. It is this substance that causes the characteristic smell of feces. But if in high concentrations skatole has an odor feces, then in small quantities this substance has a pleasant smell, reminiscent of cream or jasmine. Therefore, skatole is used to flavor perfumes, food products and tobacco products.

Cat and iodine

An interesting fact about chemistry - the most ordinary cat was directly involved in the discovery of iodine. The pharmacist and chemist Bernard Courtois usually dined in the laboratory, and he was often joined by a cat who loved to sit on his owner’s shoulder. After another meal, the cat jumped onto the floor, knocking over containers with sulfuric acid and a suspension of algae ash in ethanol that stood near the work table. The liquids mixed, and violet vapor began to rise into the air, settling on objects in small black-violet crystals. This is how a new chemical element was discovered.

Probably everyone studied at school important facts in chemistry. However, not everyone knows that chemistry surrounds us everywhere. It's impossible to imagine life modern man without the use of chemical elements that are of great benefit to humanity. In addition, interesting facts about chemistry in human life will help you learn more about this amazing and useful science. Everyone should learn about chemical elements and their invaluable benefits for a person. Next, we will take a closer look at interesting facts about chemistry and how it is useful for human life.

1. To ensure the standard flight of a modern aircraft, about 80 tons of oxygen are needed. The same amount of oxygen is produced by 40 thousand hectares of forest during photosynthesis.

2. About twenty grams of salt are contained in one liter of sea water.

3. The length of 100 million hydrogen atoms in one chain is one centimeter.

4. About 7 mg of gold can be extracted from one ton of the waters of the World Ocean.

5. About 75% of water is contained in the human body.

6. The mass of our planet has increased by one billion tons over the past five centuries.

7. The thinnest matter that a person can see includes the walls of a soap bubble.

8. 0.001 seconds - speed of bursting of a soap bubble.

9. At a temperature of 5000 degrees Celsius, iron turns into a gaseous state.

10. The sun produces more energy in one minute than our planet needs for a whole year.

11. Granite is considered the best conductor of sound compared to air.

12. Largest quantity chemical elements were discovered by Carl Shelley, a leading Canadian researcher.

13. The largest platinum nugget weighs more than 7 kilograms.

15. Joseph Black discovered carbon dioxide in 1754.

16. Under the influence soy sauce a chemical reaction occurs that causes the killed squid to “dance” on the plate.

17. The organic compound skatole is responsible for the characteristic odor of feces.

18. Pyotr Stolypin took the chemistry exam from Dmitry Mendeleev.

19. The transition of a substance from a solid to a gaseous state in chemistry is called sublimation.

20. In addition to mercury, francium and gallium pass into liquid matter at room temperature.

21. Water containing methane can freeze at temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius.

22. Hydrogen is the lightest gas.

23. Hydrogen is also the most common substance in the world.

24. Lithium is considered one of the lightest metals.

25. In his youth, Charles Darwin was famous for his chemical discoveries.

26. In a dream, Mendeleev discovered a system of chemical elements.

27. A large number of chemical elements have been named after countries.

28. Onions contain a substance called sulfur, which causes tears in humans.

29. In Indonesia, people extract sulfur from a volcano, which brings them great profit.

30. In addition, sulfur is also added to cosmetics, which are designed to cleanse problematic skin.

31. Earwax protects a person from harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

32. French researcher B. Courtois discovered iodine in 1811.

33. More than 100 thousand chemical reactions occur every minute in the human brain.

34. Silver is known for its bactericidal properties, therefore it can purify water from viruses and microorganisms.

35. The name “sodium” was first used by Berzelius.

36. Iron can be easily turned into gas if it is heated to 5 thousand degrees Celsius.

37. Half the mass of the Sun is hydrogen.

38. About 10 billion tons of gold are contained in the waters of the World Ocean.

39. Once upon a time, only seven metals were known.

40. Ernest Rutherford was the first to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

41. Dihydrogen monoxide is part of acid rain and is dangerous for all living organisms.

42. At first, platinum was cheaper than silver due to its refractoriness.

43. Geosmin is a substance that is produced on the surface of the earth after rain, causing a characteristic odor.

44. Chemical elements such as ytterbium, yttrium, erbium and terbium were named after the Swedish village of Ytterby.

45. Alexander Fleming first discovered antibiotics.

46. ​​Birds help determine the location of a gas leak due to the presence of smell in it raw meat, which is added artificially.

47. Charles Goodyear first invented rubber.

48. It is easier to get ice from hot water.

49. It is in Finland that the most pure water in the world.

50. Helium is considered the lightest among the noble gases.

51. Emeralds contain beryllium.

52. To color the fire in green color use boron.

53. Nitrogen can cause clouding of consciousness.

54. Neon can glow red if current is passed through it.

55. The ocean contains large amounts of sodium.

56. Computer chips use silicon.

57. Phosphorus is used to make matches.

58. Chlorine can cause allergic reactions respiratory organs.

59. Argon is used in light bulbs.

60. Potassium can burn with a violet fire.

61. Dairy products contain large amounts of calcium.

62. Scandium is used to make baseball bats, which improves their impact resistance.

63. Titanium is used to create jewelry.

64. Vanadium is used to make steel stronger.

65. Rare cars were often decorated with chrome.

66. Manganese can lead to intoxication of the body.

67. Cobalt is used to make magnets.

68. Nickel is used to produce green glass.

69. Copper conducts current perfectly.

70. To increase the service life of steel, zinc is added to it.

71. Spoons containing gallium can melt in hot water.

72. Germanium is used in mobile phones.

73. A toxic substance includes arsenic, from which poison for rats is made.

74. Bromine can melt at room temperature.

75. Strontium is used to produce red fireworks.

76. Molybdenum is used to produce powerful tools.

77. Technetium is used in x-rays.

78. Ruthenium is used in jewelry production.

79. Rhodium has an incredibly beautiful natural shine.

80. Some pigment paints use cadmium.

81. Indium can produce a sharp sound when bent.

82. Uranium is used to produce nuclear weapons.

83. Americium is used in smoke detectors.

84. Edward Benedictus accidentally invented impact-resistant glass, which is now widely used in various industries.

85. Radon is considered the rarest element of the atmosphere.

86. Tungsten has the highest boiling point.

87. Mercury has the lowest melting point.

88. Argon was discovered English physicist Relay in 1894.

89. Canaries sense the presence of methane in the air, so they are used to search for gas leaks.

90. Small amounts of methanol can cause blindness.

91. Cesium is one of the most active metals.

92. Fluorine reacts actively with almost all substances.

93. About thirty chemical elements are part of the human body.

94. In everyday life, a person often encounters the hydrolysis of salts, for example, while washing clothes.

95. Due to the oxidation reaction, colored pictures appear on the walls of gorges and quarries.

96. It is impossible to wash stains from protein products in hot water.

97. Dry ice is a solid form of carbon dioxide.

98.V earth's crust included greatest number chemical elements.

99. With the help of carbon dioxide, you can obtain a large number of other substances.

100. Aluminum is one of the lightest metals.

10 facts from the life of chemists

1. The life of the chemist Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin is connected not only with chemistry, but also with music.

2.Edouard Benedictus - a chemist from France who made the discovery by accident.

3. Semyon Volfkovich was engaged in experiments related to phosphorus. When he worked with him, his clothes were also saturated with phosphorus, and therefore, when he returned home late at night, the professor emitted a bluish glow.

4.Alexander Fleming discovered antibiotics by accident.

5. The famous chemist Dmitry Mendeleev was the 17th child in the family.

6. Carbon dioxide was discovered by the English scientist Joseph Priestley.

7. Dmitry Mendeleev’s paternal grandfather was a priest.

8. The famous chemist Svante Arrhenius became overweight from an early age.

9.R. Wood, who is considered an American chemist, originally worked as a laboratory assistant.

10. The first Russian textbook “Organic Chemistry” was created by Dmitry Mendeleev in 1861.

February 16th, 2015 , 06:40 pm

Triplex - laminated glass (two or more organic or silicate glasses glued together with a special polymer film or photo-curable composition capable of holding fragments upon impact). As a rule, it is made by pressing under heating.

History of creation

The invention of triplex was helped by chance.
1903 French chemist Edouard Benedictus, while preparing for experiments, accidentally dropped a glass flask on the laboratory floor. And a surprise awaited him - although the flask was broken, it kept its original shape, the fragments were connected by some kind of film. Before this, the flask was used for experiments with cellulose nitrate (nitrocellulose) - alcohol solution liquid plastic - and they simply forgot to wash it. The plastic dried in a thin and transparent layer, which held the fragments of the broken flask together.
Benedict locked himself in the laboratory for a day. He came out with the first triplex - he connected two glasses with a layer of nitrocellulose.
“I believe my invention has great potential for future applications,” the Frenchman wrote in his diary. The French scientist was not mistaken.

Application of triplex

First new material found application in the army. During the First World War, goggles for gas masks were made from triplex.
And in 1927, Henry Ford ordered that all his cars be equipped with safety glass for safety reasons.
Today triplex is used:

1. In the transport industry. When glazing windows of cars, airplanes, ships, and railway rolling stock.

2. When booking. Triplex is used in armored vehicles and when armoring glass in buildings. Such glass can withstand both physical impact (hits with a crowbar, hammer, sledgehammer) and gunshots. For example, seven-layer triplex glass will “stop” a bullet fired from a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

3. In construction. Here the scope of application is the most extensive - from building facades to stairs and partitions.

Manufacturing and characteristics of triplex

Let's look at manufacturing using the example of the Stecco company plant -

Briefly, the technology is as follows - two blanks - sheets of glass (the type of glass is selected based on the technical specifications) are glued together with a special film. The process takes place in a vacuum chamber at a temperature of 130 -140 degrees Celsius.

Main characteristics:
- resistance to wear, shock and damage. Glass can withstand loads of up to 200-300 kg per 1 m2;
- safety. Even if the glass breaks, the film will hold the fragments;
- glass thickness from 6 to 40 mm, any color and shape;

Triplex from Stecco is high quality, stylish and safe!

In conclusion, I suggest reviewing the safety check of the triplex.