The baby touches his ear. Why does a child touch his ears? Causes of itching in the ears of a small child

If a baby frantically scratches and fiddles with his ears, this cannot go unnoticed by his parents. And if this happens rarely, then special reasons no worries, but if the baby does this all the time, and worse than that, scratches the ears into blood, then the problem is obvious. Only the reasons for such strange behavior remain hidden. We will try to understand them within the framework of this article.

When does this happen?

The baby cannot tell his parents what exactly is bothering him, but he tries in every possible way to draw attention to his well-being. And the reason may not be in the ears at all. Babies are quite inquisitive and enjoy learning about their own bodies. A child may fiddle with his ears simply out of curiosity, touch and explore them.

But things are not always so harmless. Most often, a child scratches his ears because he has discomfort or mild painful sensations in the hearing organs or somewhere nearby, because it is still difficult for a child to understand exactly where to scratch if it itches. Acute pain usually does not cause the desire to scratch the sore spot, and touches are very satisfying discomfort. But long-term, sluggish irritation may well become a reason for such behavior. Let's look at possible pathological and physiological reasons that may be present.

Possible reasons

The desire to comb the ears arises in a child for the following reasons:

  • Poor hygiene. If a child is rarely bathed, then the reason why he picks at his ears may lie in banal contamination of the ears and the folds of skin behind them. Excessive accumulated earwax can also cause discomfort. Parents can cope with this problem on their own, without turning to a pediatrician for help.

WITH similar symptoms You should immediately contact a pediatrician, or better yet an infectious disease specialist, if there is such a doctor in the clinic.

  • Otitis. Itching and itching can only be otitis externa, it is easily recognized by inflammation of the auricle. Abscesses and boils appear quite often. Otitis media does not itch, but hurts. However, the newborn and infant cannot clearly communicate this, and simply rubs his ear, not understanding where and what is going wrong. You can suspect otitis media from the characteristic discharge from the ear. They may be clear, yellowish or purulent. If you lightly press your fingers on the tragus (a small cartilage located right at the entrance to the ear canal), the pain intensifies, and the baby begins to worry and cry.

You should immediately contact a pediatrician or otolaryngologist.

  • Otomycosis. Fungal infection of the hearing organs causes itching and a lot of unpleasant impressions. It is noteworthy that this pathology develops for a very long time, gradually and almost imperceptibly. At first there is a slight itching, then it grows. The baby will scratch his ear in fits and starts as the itching sensation appears. There is practically no pain with otomycosis. It is very difficult to suspect such a disease. Parents may be alerted to slight swelling in the ear canal area, sometimes whitish discharge (not always), as well as a possible decrease in hearing acuity with which the baby will respond to constant feeling congestion. Otomycosis can only be diagnosed using laboratory diagnostics, a microscopic examination that will detect fungi. You will have to be treated by an infectious disease specialist and an otolaryngologist.

  • Psoriasis. Itching and unpleasant burning sensation It also causes psoriasis in a child if it develops in the ear area. Both the auricle and the middle ear area can be affected by seborrheic psoriasis. With this disease, a red rash first appears. With her appearance, the child begins to scratch his ear. Then severe peeling appears, the skin may acquire a whitish tint, and the epidermal scales separate very easily. If such a pathology is suspected, the child is taken to an appointment with a dermatologist and ENT doctor.
  • Allergy. An allergic reaction may well cause itching in the ear. Usually at the same time skin practically unchanged, sometimes slight swelling may be observed. It all depends on what type of allergic reaction began to develop. If it caused allergic otitis, then there will be no discharge from the ear, as with otitis vulgaris. But pressure on the tragus will show that the cause is, after all, inflammation of the middle ear.

If the allergy manifests itself as dermatitis, then the symptoms are unlikely to affect only the hearing organs. Skin rashes are sure to be found in other parts of the body. If you suspect an allergic reaction, you should contact your pediatrician, allergist and ENT specialist.

  • Insect bites. If a child is bitten by a mosquito or other insect, the itching in the area of ​​the bite will not be particularly long-lasting. True, a child may start scratching his ear in his sleep, because insect bites not only itch on their own, but also cause local inflammation and sometimes a slight allergic reaction. Parents can easily cope with this problem on their own without going to the doctor. If it is possible to find a bite, it is smeared " Fenistil" Even without this, the bite will not bother the baby for a long time, and after a couple of days the child will stop scratching his ear.
  • Foreign object. If a child has something foreign in his ear, then it will quite reasonably bother him. If the parents managed to see the foreign body, then they can get it out using small tweezers and on their own. But if the object is located deep, in order to avoid injury to the hearing organs, it is better to seek help from an otolaryngologist, who, using special tools, will be able to remove the object without pain or risk of injury.

How to examine a child?

If a child begins to scratch his ears, then it is necessary to conduct a first home examination. First, the child's temperature is measured. Fever usually characteristic of otitis media, teething, inflammatory process in the hearing organs.

Then you need to explore auricle. To do this, you should use a small household flashlight. First, the condition of the auricle is assessed - size, presence of swelling, rash, ulcers, peeling. If nothing is found, You should inspect the ear canal using a flashlight.

Accumulation of earwax, ear discharge, foreign body in ear canal, as well as insect bites, in most cases, can be seen by everyone, even parents who are not medically savvy. After examination, a test for otitis media is performed by lightly pressing on the tragus. If there is no response to pressing, it is worth considering other reasons.

Undress the child and inspect the skin for rashes and possible manifestations allergies. If the temperature is normal, the ear is visually healthy, and does not hurt, then it is worth observing the child, in what situations and how he scratches his ear; perhaps the reasons lie elsewhere.

If no obvious cause is found

If no pathology is detected, then it is worth considering other reasons why a baby, theoretically and practically, can start scratching his ear:

  • Obsessive movement syndrome. If the child is already a year old or more, then he may scratch his ears for psychological and neurological reasons. This may be a consequence of severe stress that the baby has experienced. Sometimes we are talking about the so-called syndrome obsessive movements. In this case, parents may notice that the child does not always begin to scratch his ears, but in strictly defined situations associated with excitement and experiences. So, at the physical level, the little one is trying to sublimate his accumulated nervous tension. You should contact a neurologist, child psychologist and child psychiatrist.
  • Teeth. Unpleasant and obsessive itching in the gum area can also make a child want to scratch his ear. This usually happens when the baby is 5-6 months old and older, when the period of teething begins. This version can be confirmed by swollen gums on the side on which the child is fiddling with the ear. With absence pathological symptoms from the ears, it is worth considering this version of what is happening.
  • Hunger or tiredness. Very difficult with medical point vision, explain why a child scratches his ears when he wants to sleep or eat. But the fact remains that very often young children react this way to fatigue and hunger. They not only rub their eyes and nose, but also fiddle with their ears.

If, after the child was fed heartily, given water and put to bed, he stopped scratching his ear, then, probably, the parents were able to unravel the secret “signals” of the little man.

To learn how to properly clean the ears of a child and an adult, watch the following video.

What bothers the child? How can one interpret certain of his gestures and actions? Maybe this means something? Parents of infants have asked themselves these questions more than once. After all, a child under the age of one year will not be able to clearly explain to you what is bothering him, but he will be able to show it.

Reasons interest there may be several to the ears of a small growing man. Firstly, it may be a new body part that the baby has discovered and is excited to explore. This reason should not cause concern to parents; it is just a developmental stage. Soon the child’s interest in the ear will disappear and perhaps switch to another part of the body or surrounding objects. Also, many children begin to fiddle with their ears and rub their eyes when they want to sleep. This serves as a signal for calmer communication and games with the child for further transition to sleep.

Reasons why children pull their ears

You may have noticed little children tugging or pulling on their ears. This is very common and usually nothing to worry about. In babies and young children, pulling on the ears may be a sign that your baby is tired or has ears blocked by wax.

When should you see a doctor who is pulling your ears?

Difficulty in the ears can also sometimes be a sign of an ear infection. Teething is often blamed for ear suturing, but it is unclear whether there is a connection between teething and twitching. You think he might have an ear infection, your child is in a bad mood, and you have a fever without apparent reason, which makes you think your child might have put something in his ear. Ear holding and ear pulling are usually nothing to worry about.

The most unfavorable reason increased The child's interest in the ear may be due to conditions and diseases that cause him concern. Teeth cutting, a child with a sore throat, or lymphadenitis may manifest an increased interest in the ear area. The child will constantly touch the parotid area and fiddle with the ear. Sometimes foreign bodies external auditory canal may cause discomfort to the child. It could be sulfur plug or a piece of cotton wool accidentally left in the toilet of the external auditory canal. Change general condition- an increase in temperature, anxiety, and crying of a child should alert parents and be a reason to consult a doctor.

If you think your baby is pulling her ears because she is tired, you can try to soothe her to sleep or give her some quiet time. If your child has an ear infection, he or she may need antibiotics. Don't try to clean your baby's ears with things like popping tips. Avoid getting anything into your baby's ear canal.

Is this a baby's ear infection? 7 Home Tests Can Tell You

If you think your baby is experiencing teething pain, you can try giving it to her at the recommended dose. Stanton, Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. Sleep and oral health. Child Care and Children's Health, 14, 1 Brown, Children's emergency medicine. Determination, Current diagnosis and treatment: Pediatrics.

  • Condition of the ears, nose and throat.
  • Signs, Pediatric reference book.
  • Spicy otitis media and otitis media with effusion.
  • Flint, Cummings Pediatric Otolaryngology.
  • Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier.
An infant ear infection can be devastating Good night, as with other things.

Most common reason increased interest to the ear - Ear ache, which is caused by otitis media ( inflammatory disease middle or outer ear). From the age of four months, a child tries to reach the sore ear or rub it on the pillow. Ear diseases in young children are quite common. This can be explained by the structural features of the nasopharynx and auditory tube, which is a natural connection between the middle ear cavity and external environment. In infants, the Eustachian tube is short and wide, located in the same horizontal plane with the nasopharynx. All these factors contribute to the rapid penetration of microorganisms into the middle ear cavity. Also, the constant horizontal position of the baby contributes to the possible entry of mucus from the nasopharynx into the auditory tube.

The spontaneous scream that comes from a previously serene nursery can shake you to the bone. Everyone is haunted by the lingering question: What’s wrong with her? Speaking from experience, an "unknown" newborn ear infection is a tough pill to swallow. Here are some tips and tricks to help you determine when she might need that doctor's visit.

Ear infections extremely common in children and young children. In fact, nearly two-thirds of all children will have at least one ear infection by their birthday. Almost 75% of all children will have at least one infection by age. The “belief” for neonatal infection is 6–18 months.

What other signs otitis Should the child's mother be alerted? This is the child's anxiety, continuous crying, inability to calm down, the child sucks the breast worse, the temperature rises, the baby holds his ear, scratches it, rubs his head on the pillow, pressing his sore ear, falls asleep better.

Severe form of otitis in children breast age may be accompanied by phenomena - throwing back the head, protruding fontanelles, tension in the arms and legs. Sometimes gastrointestinal disorders in the form of vomiting and diarrhea may occur. Discharge from the ear is one of the clearest signs of the disease, however, the eardrum in children is thicker than in adults, so perforations and, as a result, suppuration are rare in practice.

The most common ear infection for babies is a middle ear infection called acute otitis media in medical jargon. The middle ear is an air-filled space behind the eardrum and in front of the eustachian tubes, which connect to the back throat. This is the area that contains all the tiny bones that transmit sound from eardrum into the inner ear.

Infected: Causes of Newborn Ear Infection

The eustachian tubes are vital for secretions and other fluids that drain from the ear and down the throat. IN healthy body The tubes are allowed to drain when your baby yawns or swallows. Ear infections never happen on their own. They are always haunted by some kind of nose or upper respiratory annoyance - such as cold, allergies or flu. The disease then blocks the eustachian tubes at the back of the throat - usually by draining mucus from the nose.

When a child has the above-mentioned symptoms You should immediately consult a doctor and not self-medicate. As a rule, a local pediatrician is called to your home, who may suspect otitis and recommend a consultation with an ENT doctor. The final diagnosis is made by an otolaryngologist based on characteristic features disease and a mandatory examination of the eardrum - otoscopy and prescribes appropriate treatment.

Any liquid remaining in the pipes settles in inner ear and waits for the passage of bacteria. Bacteria love the warm temperature of their personal pool, so invites Mrs. Of course, a growing family will need more space, so the tissue and eardrum will swell and become increasingly irritated while your child calls the National Guard to kick out the squatters.

Your Child: A Magnet for Ear Infections

Why do children get more ear infections? First of all, their immune system is still developing, which makes them more prone to illness. Secondly, these small eustachian tubes are very short and horizontal. As your baby grows, they will grow longer and more upright, which will help the ear drain naturally. Which children are more likely to struggle with ear infections?

What are the precautions? should follow to reduce the risk of otitis media in a child infancy? It is necessary to preserve it for as long as possible breast-feeding baby as a source protective forces growing organism. When feeding, it is better to hold the baby more upright, this will reduce the risk of fluid reflux into the ear through the auditory tube. If your baby has a cold, it is important to remember that in the lying position, mucus stagnation forms in the nasopharynx and the risk of infection entering the middle ear cavity increases. Here an aspirator will come to your aid to remove pathological contents from the nasal cavity and changing the position of the baby, turning from one side to the other will reduce the likelihood of mucus stagnation.
Thus, your baby’s seemingly harmless interest in his ears can be the cause of many diseases. Every mother should know this.

Testing for ear infection symptoms

Breastfeeding babies who are allowed to self-feed on their backNational American and Eskimo babies. Infants in day care with more than 5-6 children. . Capturing the symptoms of an ear infection can be challenging. Every child is different and exhibits symptoms differently. After all, it's unlikely that your child will suddenly sit up and announce: Mummy, my middle ear is exhibiting a painful sensation! As always, we need to decipher the clues and put them into action.

Here are some “infection tests” to monitor. If several symptoms seem to pass the tests, go ahead and schedule an appointment. Alone they may not mean anything, but when linked together, these tests create a compelling argument for treatment.

Why does a child touch his ears? Every parent asked himself this question. It occurs especially clearly when the child is very small and does not know how to speak. Parents can only guess. And in order not to guess “from the tea leaves,” you need to contact your pediatrician with this question. He will recommend a series of studies to identify the main cause of the child's anxiety in the ear area.

Second test: ear pulling or tightening

Has my infant been exposed to second-hand smoke for long periods of time?

  • Has my child had a cold, allergies or flu recently?
  • Did my child have acid reflux?
  • Let my child drink the bottle, is it her back?
The "tug test" is unreliable with infants younger than 3 months because they have no control over their arms. She cannot consciously point or touch harmful areas of her body at this young age. In addition to hand grooming, you may also be looking for excessive head shaking or even head banging on the floor or crib.

There are a huge number of reasons for the occurrence of pathologies in the ear zone of children - from a small object getting into the ear, ending with otitis media. different degrees in the outer, middle and even inner parts of the ear system. The latter type of disease is extremely rare and is associated with the transmission of infection through the blood and through lymphatic system. Other types of diseases are often diagnosed in young patients. According to statistics, pathologies in the ears of children more often occur after or during colds. Ear diseases are more common in children with low immunity, rickets, after illnesses, etc.

Side Note: Again, this test is not conclusive in itself. There are many other reasons why your baby might be pulling on their ear too: itching, teething, exploring, comfort or simple habit. However, with that said, only one third of babies ever actually develop a fever. This is why this test should be used in combination with others, and never stands alone.

Test test: Irritability at night

As an overnight fix, you can try placing a thin pillow under the crib mattress. This will lift the mattress slightly and help pool fluid in your ears and nose. If you do this, remove all bumpers from the crib. Also, if you're worried about your baby sliding down, we rolled up a hand towel and placed it under our baby's bottom to help her move to the bottom of the crib.

Fungal otitis media

One of the types of otitis is. Caused by the presence of fungus in the baby's body. This is an acquired disease. This type infections can be transmitted both through the outer ear and by fungus entering the sinuses, for example, when rinsing the nose with a runny nose. Also, the fungus can be carried into the middle ear by incorrect medical manipulations. The main causes of fungal otitis media include:

Fifth test: temporary hearing loss

Although this sounds terrible, it is not a sign of impending deafness. Call your doctor to treat the infection; the hole will usually heal.

Test Seven: Other Possible Symptoms

Final exam: when to call the doctor.
  • Does the baby cry during feeding?
  • Sucking and swallowing cause painful pressure changes in the middle ear.
  • Is this during “cold and flu season”?
  • Some viral infections affect digestion.
Preventing infant ear infections.

Babies can't tell us much - not where it hurts, not how it hurts, not whether treatment makes it better. Many pediatricians say that diagnosing infants is similar to veterinary medicine. Ear infections in babies can be complex diagnosis. Veterinary medicine.

  • prolonged illness of the baby;
  • active drug treatment;
  • injuries;
  • small objects getting into the ear, etc.

The disease can occur when the microflora of the child’s body is disrupted, which can be caused by any reasons:

  • mechanical;
  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • thermal.

Allergic reaction

Most common diagnosis in infancy

Let's look at a common diagnosis of infancy: otitis media. Ear infections. Parents bring their children to their papers, saying they believe the youngest has an ear infection.

Why do they think there is an ear infection?

The younger one is running a low-grade fever, drooling, knocking in his ears or putting his fingers in his ears, angrily, did not sleep well. Let's see what happens next in 90% of doctor's offices. Doc looks at Junior's ear drums - to be more precise, attempts to look at Junior's ear drums. Guess what the eardrum looks like when they fight or scream - right: it's red or pink. As we are trained to do, the doc adds it all: low-grade fevers; inserting fingers into ears, hitting ears; irritability; don't sleep, but red drum!

Acute otitis media - ear infection

The younger one is understandably fussy. . Not to be mean to the doctors, but this baby is teething.

Most often, ear diseases plague children with allergies. Allergies are the appearance of pathogenic microflora in the body. And as it develops, it affects not only the outer skin, but can also spread to all the mucous membranes of the child’s organs. Then harmful microflora enters the child’s middle ear, causing damage to organs and tissues. Moreover, no infection is observed during diagnosis. And the child constantly fiddles with his ears and feels restless. The causes of such otitis in most cases are hereditary. But they can also be acquired due to:

The symptom that was missed was drooling. Don't get me started on what all these unnecessary antibiotics are doing to develop drug-resistant bacteria! Symptoms that confuse people are the symptoms of "finger-to-ear" or "bump-to-the-ear" symptoms.

Why does itching cause babies to dig out their ears?

The ear canal and middle ear are innervated by several nerves, including some that also innervate lower jaw where new teeth appear. These sensory nerves do not provide the same sensation as your fingers. They do not provide an accurate, pinpoint sensation of pain. Painful sensation fuzzy, deep.

  • difficult childbirth;
  • poor environment;
  • weak immune system of the baby.

Other reasons

Pathologies in the ear area most often occur in children:

  • having anemia;
  • underweight;
  • having adenoids in the nasopharynx;
  • suffering from various diseases of the throat or nose.

Whatever the reason for the discomfort in the child’s ear, it is necessary to go to the doctor to get the necessary consultation, and, if necessary, prescriptions for treatment.

The pain that some babies experience from teething, or from the back of the throat or back of the nose, may feel like deep pain in the ear. Just ask anyone who has experienced the pain of a tonsillectomy. Deep ear pain is the #2 complaint after tonsillectomy!

Itchy babies simply feel that something deep in the ear canal or throat area hurts. The most convenient thing to grip is outer ear. It is also important to perform “blowing” with by air flow to see how easily the ear drum moves. Yes, this is a difficult question with a squirming, screaming baby.

Doctors explain frequent ear diseases in children under 5 years of age by the horizontal location of the Eustachian tube. In essence, this auditory canal performs the protective function of the middle ear and prevents huge number diseases of the ear area. But in horizontal position auditory tube allows harmful organisms to easily enter and spread in the ear area. Then it changes position and goes into a vertical state. creating a natural barrier for germs, viruses, bacteria.

But if the ear drum moves - and this is most of the time - there is no fluid in the middle ear. No fluid in the middle ear means acute infection. In these cases, these symptoms must be from something other than an ear infection. It's worth repeating: not an ear infection.

Most of the time it's a cutting pain!

Soothing a teething baby is a bit like trying to soothe a colicky baby. Green's blog post about teething pain behind excellent description approach of the main problem of medicine to the problem. Since the resources for natural options not enough, let's look at some of them here. Chamomile is calming and soothing. Do Herb tea with chamomile.

Therefore, ear pathology in young children can easily be provoked by:

  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • when taking a bath;
  • strong gusty wind, etc.

Associated symptoms

Why else would a child pick at his ears? Parents will not know until they determine from a doctor what the symptoms are that are bothering the baby. Maybe it's not only:

All of a sudden Small child experiences:

  • heaviness in the head;
  • headache, etc.

All these are symptoms serious illnesses ear system, which can only be diagnosed by a specialist.

In addition, the doctor determines whether there is discharge from the ears - this is also one of the accompanying symptoms.

Should I see a doctor?

Just watching a child fiddle with his ears and wondering what’s wrong with him is not worth it. The doctor will help determine the nature and cause of the disease, identify the main causative agent of inflammation, and learn about existing concomitant diseases and thus make an accurate diagnosis. And the correct diagnosis is already half the success of further treatment of the baby.

If parents are in no hurry to see a doctor, they expose their baby to the risk of serious ear diseases, even deafness.


After a thorough and careful diagnosis, the child may be prescribed medications that will help relieve him of pathology in the ear area.

Fungal otitis

Treatment of fungal otitis is aimed at destroying the pathogenic fungus. To do this, the doctor must choose the most best option medicine that:

  • will not additionally disrupt the child’s microflora;
  • will remove fungi from the body as much as possible;
  • will not negatively affect immune system baby.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe vitamins; if there is an additional infection, antibacterial drugs. The doctor will try to avoid antibiotic treatment as much as possible, but if this is not possible due to the development of the disease, then antibiotic therapy will be prescribed - both internally and externally. Intramuscular or intravenous injections are also possible.

But on the first day of the appointment, the doctor will wash the child’s ear with antifungal agents.


For allergies, it is aimed at combating allergic reactions. The doctor determines the child's diet, essential vitamins and drugs to enhance immunity. If allergic otitis media occurs due to bronchial asthma, then you should exclude the main allergen. It can be pet hair, dust, smoke, etc. Treatment of such children is carried out mainly with antiallergic drugs and diet therapy. If the allergy affects the outer ear, then ointments, gels, and drops are prescribed for external use.

Traditional treatment

What additional therapy can your doctor recommend? folk remedies: herbs, propolis, sunbathing, etc. Often the doctor recommends teas based on herbs that have antiseptic properties:

  • St. John's wort;
  • aloe, etc.

It is not recommended to give these decoctions, teas and infusions to your child yourself.


Seeing a doctor on time is the key to your child’s health. It is no coincidence that during the first year of your baby’s life you constantly go to the pediatrician, who, after a thorough examination of the child, can promptly identify abnormalities. Then he directs you to more to a specialist to get tested and find out if there is cause for concern. Don't skip visiting the doctor. And if you see that something is bothering your child, then immediately go to the clinic for consultations. If the baby is healthy, then maintain this health:

  • frequent walks;
  • proper nutrition;
  • mandatory daytime sleep;
  • adherence to daily routine and nutrition;
  • hardening procedures and so on.

Monitor your baby's behavior. If he picks at his ear and starts crying, this is not just whims, this is a reason to see a doctor.

What bothers the child? How can one interpret certain of his gestures and actions? Maybe this means something? Parents of infants have asked themselves these questions more than once. After all, a child under the age of one year will not be able to clearly explain to you what is bothering him, but he will be able to show it.

Reasons interest there may be several to the ears of a small growing man. Firstly, it may be a new body part that the baby has discovered and is excited to explore. This reason should not cause concern to parents; it is just a developmental stage. Soon the child’s interest in the ear will disappear and perhaps switch to another part of the body or surrounding objects. Also, many children begin to fiddle with their ears and rub their eyes when they want to sleep. This serves as a signal for calmer communication and games with the child for further transition to sleep.

The most unfavorable reason increased The child's interest in the ear may be due to conditions and diseases that cause him concern. Teeth cutting, a child with a sore throat, or lymphadenitis may manifest an increased interest in the ear area. The child will constantly touch the parotid area and fiddle with the ear. Sometimes foreign bodies in the external auditory canal can cause discomfort to the child. This could be a cerumen plug or a piece of cotton wool accidentally left in the toilet of the external auditory canal. A change in the general condition - fever, anxiety, crying of the child should alert parents and be a reason to consult a doctor.

The most common cause of increased interest to the ear - ear pain caused by otitis media (inflammatory disease of the middle or outer ear). From the age of four months, a child tries to reach the sore ear or rub it on the pillow. Ear diseases in young children are quite common. This can be explained by the structural features of the nasopharynx and auditory tube, which is a natural connection between the middle ear cavity and the external environment. In infants, the Eustachian tube is short and wide, located in the same horizontal plane with the nasopharynx. All these factors contribute to the rapid penetration of microorganisms into the middle ear cavity. Also, the constant horizontal position of the baby contributes to the possible entry of mucus from the nasopharynx into the auditory tube.

What other signs otitis Should the child's mother be alerted? This is the child's anxiety, continuous crying, inability to calm down, the child sucks the breast worse, the temperature rises, the baby holds his ear, scratches it, rubs his head on the pillow, pressing his sore ear, falls asleep better.

Severe form of otitis in children breast age may be accompanied by phenomena - throwing back the head, protruding fontanelles, tension in the arms and legs. Sometimes gastrointestinal disorders in the form of vomiting and diarrhea may occur. Discharge from the ear is one of the clearest signs of the disease, however, the eardrum in children is thicker than in adults, so perforations and, as a result, suppuration are rare in practice.

When a child has the above-mentioned symptoms You should immediately consult a doctor and not self-medicate. As a rule, a local pediatrician is called to your home, who may suspect otitis and recommend a consultation with an ENT doctor. The final diagnosis is made by an otolaryngologist based on the characteristic signs of the disease and a mandatory examination of the eardrum - otoscopy - and prescribes appropriate treatment.

What are the precautions? should follow to reduce the risk of otitis media in an infant? It is necessary to maintain breastfeeding for the baby as long as possible, as a source of protective forces for the growing body. When feeding, it is better to hold the baby more upright, this will reduce the risk of fluid reflux into the ear through the auditory tube. If your baby has a cold, it is important to remember that in the lying position, mucus stagnation forms in the nasopharynx and the risk of infection entering the middle ear cavity increases. Here an aspirator will come to your aid to remove pathological contents from the nasal cavity and changing the position of the baby, turning from one side to the other will reduce the likelihood of mucus stagnation.
Thus, your baby’s seemingly harmless interest in his ears can be the cause of many diseases. Every mother should know this.

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Why does a child touch his ears? Every parent asked himself this question. It occurs especially clearly when the child is very small and does not know how to speak. Parents can only guess. And in order not to guess “from the tea leaves,” you need to contact your pediatrician with this question. He will recommend a series of studies to identify the main cause of the child's anxiety in the ear area.

There are a huge number of reasons for the occurrence of pathologies in the ear zone of children - from a small object getting into the ear, ending with otitis media of various degrees in the outer, middle and even inner parts of the ear system. The latter type of disease is extremely rare and is associated with the transmission of infection through the blood and lymphatic system. Other types of diseases are often diagnosed in young patients. According to statistics, pathologies in the ears of children more often occur after or during colds. Ear diseases are more common in children with low immunity, rickets, after illnesses, etc.

Fungal otitis media

One of the types of otitis is. Caused by the presence of fungus in the baby's body. This is an acquired disease. This type of infection can be transmitted both through the outer ear and by the fungus getting into the sinuses, for example, when rinsing the nose with a runny nose. The fungus can also be introduced into the middle ear due to improper medical procedures. The main causes of fungal otitis media include:

  • prolonged illness of the baby;
  • active drug treatment;
  • injuries;
  • small objects getting into the ear, etc.

The disease can occur when the microflora of the child’s body is disrupted, which can be caused by any reasons:

  • mechanical;
  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • thermal.

Allergic reaction

Most often, ear diseases plague children with allergies. Allergies are the appearance of pathogenic microflora in the body. And as it develops, it affects not only the outer skin, but can also spread to all the mucous membranes of the child’s organs. Then harmful microflora enters the child’s middle ear, causing damage to organs and tissues. Moreover, no infection is observed during diagnosis. And the child constantly fiddles with his ears and feels restless. The causes of such otitis in most cases are hereditary. But they can also be acquired due to:

  • difficult childbirth;
  • poor environment;
  • weak immune system of the baby.

Other reasons

Pathologies in the ear area most often occur in children:

  • having anemia;
  • underweight;
  • having adenoids in the nasopharynx;
  • suffering from various diseases of the throat or nose.

Whatever the cause of ear discomfort in a child, it is necessary to go to the doctor to get the necessary advice and, if necessary, prescriptions for treatment.

Doctors explain frequent ear diseases in children under 5 years of age by the horizontal location of the Eustachian tube. In fact, this auditory canal performs the protective function of the middle ear and prevents a huge number of diseases of the ear area. But in a horizontal position, the auditory tube allows harmful organisms to easily enter and spread in the ear area. Then it changes position and goes into a vertical state. creating a natural barrier for germs, viruses, bacteria.

Therefore, ear pathology in young children can easily be provoked by:

  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • when taking a bath;
  • strong gusty wind, etc.

Associated symptoms

Why else would a child pick at his ears? Parents will not know until they determine from a doctor what the symptoms are that are bothering the baby. Maybe it's not only:

Suddenly a small child experiences:

  • heaviness in the head;
  • headache, etc.

All these are symptoms of serious diseases of the ear system, which can only be diagnosed by a specialist.

In addition, the doctor determines whether there is discharge from the ears - this is also one of the accompanying symptoms.

Should I see a doctor?

Just watching a child fiddle with his ears and wondering what’s wrong with him is not worth it. The doctor will help determine the nature and cause of the disease, identify the main causative agent of inflammation, learn about existing concomitant diseases and thereby accurately make a diagnosis. And the correct diagnosis is already half the success of further treatment of the baby.

If parents are in no hurry to see a doctor, they expose their baby to the risk of serious ear diseases, even deafness.


After a thorough and careful diagnosis, the child may be prescribed medications that will help relieve him of pathology in the ear area.

Fungal otitis

Treatment of fungal otitis is aimed at destroying the pathogenic fungus. To do this, the doctor must choose the most optimal medication option, which:

  • will not additionally disrupt the child’s microflora;
  • will remove fungi from the body as much as possible;
  • will not negatively affect the baby's immune system.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe vitamins, and if there is an additional infection, antibacterial drugs. The doctor will try to avoid antibiotic treatment as much as possible, but if this is not possible due to the development of the disease, then antibiotic therapy will be prescribed - both internally and externally. Intramuscular or intravenous injections are also possible.

But on the first day of the appointment, the doctor will wash the child’s ear with antifungal agents.


For allergies, it is aimed at combating allergic reactions. The doctor determines the child’s diet, necessary vitamins and medications to improve immunity. If allergic otitis media occurs as a result of bronchial asthma, then the main allergen should be excluded. It can be pet hair, dust, smoke, etc. Treatment of such children is carried out mainly with antiallergic drugs and diet therapy. If the allergy affects the outer ear, then ointments, gels, and drops are prescribed for external use.

Traditional treatment

As an additional therapy, the doctor can recommend folk remedies: herbs, propolis, sunbathing, etc. Often the doctor recommends teas based on herbs that have antiseptic properties:

  • St. John's wort;
  • aloe, etc.

It is not recommended to give these decoctions, teas and infusions to your child yourself.


Seeing a doctor on time is the key to your child’s health. It is no coincidence that during the first year of your baby’s life you constantly go to the pediatrician, who, after a thorough examination of the child, can promptly identify abnormalities. Then he will refer you to a more specialized specialist to undergo a diagnosis and find out if there is any reason to worry. Don't skip visiting the doctor. And if you see that something is bothering your child, then immediately go to the clinic for consultations. If the baby is healthy, then maintain this health.

If a baby constantly touches his ears, rubs, pulls and scratches them, parents begin to think about the reason similar behavior. It’s good if in this way he tries to get to know himself better. However, sometimes the reason may be related to various problems with health.

Why does a child pull and scratch his ears?

Why does the baby pull and scratch his ears? The reasons may vary. The most common are infections and allergens. However, a child may also pick and scratch their ears due to insufficient cleanliness of the ears. In infants, this reaction is often explained by simple curiosity.

Poor hygiene

If mom doesn't pay enough attention hygiene procedures baby, it’s not surprising that the child touches his ears. Infrequent bathing and lack of cleaning of the ears lead to contamination internal cavity ears and folds of skin behind them. As a result, the baby begins to experience unpleasant sensations, which he tries to cope with by fiddling with his ears.

Lack of hygiene also leads to the accumulation of earwax in the ear canal. If the reason for a child’s excessive attention to his ears is hidden in non-compliance with hygiene standards, this problem can be solved at home, without going to the doctor. It is enough to properly and properly clean the ears.

Various diseases

There are several diseases and conditions that can provoke negative manifestations. These include:

  • anemia;
  • underweight baby;
  • the presence of adenoids in the nasopharynx;
  • various diseases of the throat and nose.

To determine the exact cause of discomfort in the ear area, the baby should be shown to the attending physician, who will examine the child, provide advice and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. Ear diseases most often occur in children under 5 years of age. The fact is that at this age the Eustachian tube is located in a horizontal position, protecting the middle ear from development various diseases, but at the same time allowing harmful microorganisms to penetrate inside. Only after the position of the Eustachian tube changes to vertical is a barrier created for viruses, bacteria and microbes.

In children under 5 years of age, ear pathologies can develop under the influence of external factors:

  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • water getting into the ear while swimming;
  • exposure to strong gusty winds on the auricle.

Why does a child touch his ears? Often, parents learn from the pediatrician that their child has fungal otitis media. This infection is acquired. The reason for its occurrence is infection through the ear or sinuses (during its rinsing during a runny nose).

Other factors that influence the development of fungal otitis:

  • long-term colds;
  • drug treatment;
  • injuries;
  • small objects caught in the ear.

Allergic reactions

Children with allergies most often suffer from ear diseases. Allergies involve exposure of a child to an allergen (through the skin, Airways, gastrointestinal tract).

If harmful microflora enters the middle ear, its tissues are affected. In this case, diagnostics do not always make it possible to determine the presence of an infection, but the child is constantly worried and fiddles with his ear. Allergic otitis is usually inherited or develops after a difficult birth, due to poor ecology and against the background of weak immunity.

How to properly examine a baby's ear?

If your baby often picks at his ears, you need to examine the auricle. To explore it at home, you need to take a flashlight. Having shined the light inside, you should evaluate the condition of the auricle (presence of rash, swelling, peeling, ulcers). The flashlight illuminates insect bites well, earwax, secretions and foreign bodies. In addition, an otitis media test should also be performed. To do this, you need to lightly press the tragus. If the child does not complain or react in any way to pressure, the cause of his anxiety is something else.

In addition to examining the ears, you should also general examination. If the baby normal temperature body, there are no rashes or other manifestations of allergies, you need to carefully observe him and determine in what situations he begins to scratch his ears.

Treatment options

To determine why your child is constantly touching his ear, you should consult your pediatrician. The doctor will examine the baby, find out the cause of his anxiety and prescribe treatment. Possible use medical supplies, as well as treatment traditional methods. Any methods of therapy should be used only in consultation with the treating doctor.

Drug therapy

During a visit to the pediatrician, the child is carefully examined, if necessary. additional research A smear is taken for culture (to determine the contents of the microflora in the ear). This makes it easier to find out the reason why the baby is rubbing his ears and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Depending on the disease, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • medications with antifungal effect;
  • antibacterial and disinfectant solutions for treating skin (hydrogen peroxide, manganese solution, etc.);
  • antihistamines in case of allergic reaction(Suprastin, Claritin, Diazolin and others);
  • with otitis - ear drops with anti-inflammatory effect ( boric alcohol), nasal drops with diphenhydramine, Fenistil drops in the mouth.

Use of traditional medicine

Anxiety infant, manifested in the form of ear scratching, can be eliminated with proper care looking after the baby and maintaining hygiene standards. Ears need to be cleaned with cotton swab with a limiter at least once a week. It is necessary to ensure that the villi do not remain in the ear canal. The baby’s room needs to be ventilated, wet cleaning done, and possible sources of allergies (for example, flowering plants) should be removed.

Preventive measures

How to protect your child from ear diseases? Otorhinolaryngologists insist on implementing the following recommendations:

  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • balanced diet;
  • mandatory daytime sleep;
  • correct nose blowing - mucus should not get into the ears;
  • the use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops at the first symptoms of otitis media;
  • hardening;
  • after the pool, you need to thoroughly clean the ear with a cotton swab;
  • examination for the presence of adenoids and, if necessary, their removal.