What to do to swallow. Discomfort in the throat when swallowing

The ability to swallow is a truly complex process that relies on the coordination of numerous nerves as well as muscles. A stroke can negatively affect the condition of the nerves and muscles. It should be noted that about 50% of stroke survivors experience severe swallowing difficulties. This disease is traditionally called dysphagia.

What are the signs of dysphagia?

Dysphagia manifests itself not only in difficulties with swallowing movements, but also in other adverse changes.

  1. Omission oral cavity.
  2. Gurgling.
  3. Slurred speech.
  4. Constant discomfort in the throat.
  5. Cough.
  6. Suffocation.

In most cases, dysphagia resolves within a few weeks. However, some people have to long time restore a full swallowing reflex. In a small number of people who have had a stroke, the ability to swallow does not return.

What are the dangers of dysphagia?

Absence proper treatment leads to the risk of malnutrition, as well as dehydration. In addition, incoming food and drink options can go the wrong way, with the result that there is a risk of food entering the trachea, which is the breathing hole, and then into the lungs. In severe cases, there is a risk of developing pneumonia, which is not so easy to cure, given the characteristics of the human condition.

The survivor may suffer from choking and severe coughing. For this reason, the quality of life will again become worse, and it will be necessary serious treatment to improve health.

What tests are required for dysphagia?

If a person is in a condition, there are opportunities for examinations and determining the characteristics of the state of health. Moreover, the situation is facilitated if the victim can remain in a sitting position. The nurse may suggest drinking a small amount of water. So the main task is swallow water by a teaspoon.

If a person can swallow the proposed amount of plain water painlessly and without coughing or choking, a favorable result can be expected. The test can be repeated until the person drinks a small glass of water on their own. The achieved result confirms successful treatment dysphagia and restoration of impaired functions.

If the problem persists, the doctor may do other tests. The main task - fully assess the state of human health affected by a stroke. Among options examination is video-fluoroscopy, which involves the patient swallowing a small volume of liquid containing barium. Barium is expected to release x-ray the correct place where violations occur during swallowing movements.

Proper diagnostics will allow you to establish the cause of the violations in order to try to eliminate the problem, despite its presence.

Features of eating and drinking by a sick person

In most cases, a sick person has difficulty swallowing after a stroke. For example, it may not be possible to feel food or liquid on either side of the mouth. Among other violations, problems with chewing, saliva production should be noted. However, changes in the diet and fluid intake will successfully solve existing problems.

When choosing food, care should be taken to ensure that the foods offered are easy to taste, chew, and swallow. For maximum protection, it is recommended to avoid very hot or cold foods. It should be noted that the dishes should be tasty and fragrant, since with this approach it will be possible to stimulate the production of saliva and improve swallowing movements.

It is extremely important to give up viscous foods that cause swallowing difficulties: dairy products, fruits, jams, syrups. Very dry, hard foods should be avoided: crackers, toasted slices of bread. Cooked rice can be sticky or tough, so you need to make sure that its consistency is optimal: an easy chewing process is guaranteed, there is no risk of sticking to the mouth.

Food should be soft and finely chopped, and it is desirable to combine it with soups, juices. If it is difficult to swallow clean water, it is desirable to use juice. It should be noted that diluted liquids can lead to suffocation because they are not easily felt. To thicken drinks, it is desirable to use milk powder with a minimum level of fat content.

The patient should take food with the unaffected side of the mouth. In this case, you should make sure that the food was swallowed, and the mouth remained completely clean. If food remains, it is recommended to sanitize using a clean finger. For a meal, it is desirable to take 30 – 40 minutes. In this case, a sick person after finishing a meal should stay in a sitting position for about one hour.

Many people have experienced a lump in their throat at least once in a while. If such a phenomenon is observed often and begins to cause terrible discomfort, then it is necessary to find out its causes. It can occur as a result of certain diseases.

By itself, a lump in the larynx does not pose a health hazard and can easily pass. However, his appearance brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort.

And ignorance of the reasons for its occurrence often leads to terrible assumptions why it appears. Therefore, you should be examined by a specialist to find out the causes of its occurrence and prevent cases of relapse.

In order not to wind yourself up in vain, at first you need to determine if you have symptoms of the problem or not.

  • Feeling of a lump in the throat after eating or stressful situation. However, the lump cannot be physically felt. It is only felt.
  • If a symptom occurs, breathing problems may occur. The lump seems to block access to oxygen, and breathing becomes problematic.
  • Itchy throat.
  • Sometimes there is a burning sensation in the throat.
  • Feeling that in the throat or in chest there is an unpleasant residue.

If you have one or more symptoms, you should think about the possible causes of their appearance.

This problem occurs for two reasons: as a result of nervous strain or in the presence of somatic problems.

Nervous tension is the most common cause occurrence of this symptom. It appears as a result of stress, strong fear, excitement, excitement.

However, these are not the only causes of this problem.

Somatic disorders that cause a lump in the throat:

First of all, you need to contact a therapist. He will conduct a full examination and ask several leading questions regarding the problem, which will help determine the cause of the disease.

  • take blood and urine tests;
  • perform thyroid examinations;
  • examine the esophagus;
  • make an x-ray of the spine in the neck area;
  • pass the full examination at the ENT doctor.

In this case, the patient is prescribed the use of medications and consultations with a psychologist.

The patient may be given an appointment the following medications:

  • motherwort;
  • paleriana;
  • herbal teas with a relaxing effect;
  • St. John's wort-P;
  • Nervo-Vit. This preparation includes the herb cyanosis blue, which relaxes and soothes the body;
  • Apitonus-P. This is a complex of vitamins to increase stress resistance.

If it is difficult to breathe while squeezing the throat, then it is recommended to do breathing techniques that lead to relaxation.

It is advised to breathe in the stomach or inhales and exhales into the bag. Such breathing leads to relaxation and calmness.

Depending on the identified causes, measures are prescribed to eliminate the disease. If the cause of heaviness in the trachea is thyroid problems, then the patient is prescribed drugs containing iodine.

If there are problems with the neck, then a special gymnastics is prescribed, which will develop the neck. They also do manual laser treatment and reflexology.

For the treatment of the esophagus, the patient is prescribed a special diet food and related medications. However, with a hernia of the esophagus, surgery is possible.

For inflammation of the airways, antibiotics or other medications are prescribed, depending on the cause of the inflammation. It is also recommended to gargle with soda, herbal infusions, preparations containing iodine. In rare cases, warm compresses are prescribed.

For malignant or benign tumors throats do radiation or chemotherapy, and surgery is also possible. Depending on the situation, the events can be carried out all in a complex, or only one will be selected.

Until you figure out the cause unpleasant symptom and it causes you terrible discomfort, it is recommended to use people's councils to help relieve symptoms:

  • drink soothing tea;
  • pay close attention to your sleep. Try to get good sleep;
  • do relaxing activities. It can be a relaxing bath, massage, breathing technique for relaxation;
  • add foods to your diet high content iodine.

How to avoid the appearance of a coma in the throat?

Always spends better preventive actions than to treat the disease. To prevent the appearance of a feeling of constriction in the larynx, it is recommended certain activities.

  • Timely treat the appearance of any ENT diseases.
  • If there are pathologies thyroid gland, then eliminate them in time.
  • Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Wash the nasopharynx with a saline solution.
  • Do not inhale toxic substances.
  • Do not overexert your vocal cords.
  • Balance nutrition. Add more fruits and vegetables to it.
  • Humidify the air in the apartment regularly.
  • Take walks in the fresh air.
  • Use from time to time herbal preparations with a relaxing effect.
  • Do sport.
  • Try to allocate 8 hours a day for your sleep for complete rest and relaxation.
  • Pay attention to your workplace. An often uncomfortable workplace can lead to muscle tension in the upper body. And this can lead to nervous tension and the appearance of a coma in the throat. Therefore, it is necessary to make your workplace as comfortable as possible.

As you can see, a lump in the throat is not a serious pathology in the body and can go away on its own. However, it can cause a lot of discomfort. Also this problem may signal hidden diseases in the body. Therefore, it should not be ignored if it occurs regularly.

The main thing is you don't know real reason illness, do not scare yourself with the fact that heaviness in the throat is a symptom of serious pathological changes in the body. Diseases such as tumors of the larynx cause squeezing of the throat in rare cases. Therefore, any other cause that causes discomfort can be eliminated, and with it the sensation of a lump in the throat will also go away.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I always try various means, ways, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

If the throat hurts, this condition is usually attributed to a cold. Few people know about the existence of dysphagia, which is accompanied by constant or periodic pain during swallowing, a “lump in the throat”. The disease is serious and requires careful examination, treatment, and sometimes surgery.

Dysphagia and its forms

Dysphagia occurs on the background of neuroses or disorders gastrointestinal tract. Dysphagia is also referred to as clinical syndrome. The patient may feel the presence of food in the esophagus, which, in fact, has long "failed". In some cases, a person is simply terribly afraid to eat so as not to experience such pain again.

Dysphagia can be divided into two main types:

  • True when a person feels pain in the throat area during swallowing.
  • functional . It does not appear immediately, since there is no discomfort during meals. Caused by a disorder of the nervous system.
The disease is classified as follows:
  • Oropharyngeal dysphagia, when pain in the throat is observed precisely during the intake of food or water.
  • Esophageal dysphagia, which is revealed against the background of discomfort in the esophageal region.
  • neurotic dysphagia. The disease begins to manifest itself only during stress.
The disease progresses differently for everyone. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to swallow only solid food, soft food does not cause any difficulties. And sometimes it is not possible to swallow anything. In this state, swallowing ordinary saliva causes severe pain.

Causes and symptoms of dysphagia

The cause of dysphagia can be either a simple indigestion or serious illness gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, which the patient may not be aware of:

  • Malignant tumors in the stomach.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease, when food enters the stomach, begins to irritate its walls.
  • Consequences after burns of the esophagus.
  • Achalasia, that is, blockage of the esophagus during meals. associated with neuroses. It is observed mainly in children.
  • The presence of foreign bodies in the stomach.
  • Injuries to the stomach resulting from bullet wounds.
  • Dermatomyositis. This defeat internal organs due to severe muscle disease.
  • Infectious and allergic reactions in the body.
  • Neurosis and, disruption of the nervous system as a whole.

There are a lot of diseases of the nervous system that cause dysphagia: stroke, encephalitis, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, children cerebral paralysis. Against the background of the latter ailment, children often have a blockage of the esophagus when eating, and dysphagia is detected.

As soon as you have discomfort in the throat area, when you eat food, drink water, this is the first symptom of dysphagia . Pain can be observed in the chest area when food begins to pass through the esophagus. At the same time, it appears bad taste, smell from the mouth. In some cases, food enters the nose or larynx, accompanied by severe cough or suffocation. If such symptoms occur, you should urgently make an appointment with a gastroenterologist in order to avoid serious consequences.

Because dysphagia can occur against the background of various diseases, you should also consult a neurologist.


Dysphagia is diagnosed in several stages. Initially, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease. First of all, an examination of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out, the so-called "swallowing a light bulb". The procedure is not pleasant. In this way, a specialist studies the gastric mucosa and reveals pathologies.

If neoplasms are found, you will have to take a biopsy test, which allows you to determine whether a malignant tumor or not. In addition, a number of tests are prescribed, including biological culture of the contents of the esophagus.

In some cases, they produce swallowing test . The patient should drink 150 ml of water. In this case, the specialist counts the number of sips and the speed at which this process occurs. Such a study allows diagnosing dysphagia by 95%.

By using ultrasound study the state abdominal cavity, liver, kidneys, gallbladder to identify affected areas of internal organs, which can lead to dysphagia.

X-ray the esophagus will show the presence of diseases of the studied area, which led to the occurrence of dysphagia.

Detection of narrowing of the walls of the esophagus, leading to the difficulty of passing food, is diagnosed using irrigoscopy. it x-ray examination on the basis of a contrast agent injected into the esophagus.

Diseases and pathologies of the nervous system are diagnosed using MRI - magnetic resonance imaging. Such a study is necessary if no mechanical obstacles are found to move food to the stomach.

Treatment of dysphagia

Based on the examination, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment. The patient is placed in a hospital for constant monitoring of him. The primary goal of treatment is to restore the patient's swallowing function.

The diet includes the use of only light mushy food and compliance with the drinking regimen. Before eating, the patient is recommended local anesthetics: novocaine, anestezin. If the patient cannot swallow at all, a dropper is installed as food.

To completely cure dysphagia, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease. First of all, the disease that provoked the onset of dysphagia is treated.

Treatment of dysphagia itself begins with drugs that allow you to correct motor disturbances. These include "Domperidone", anticholinergics, prokinetics, antispasmodics. Since the disease is accompanied by a stressful state, psychotropic drugs and antidepressants are prescribed.

As physiotherapy using cervical electrophoresis ganglions and a collar according to Shcherbak.

Used to alleviate illness antacids . Such drugs perform the function of restoring the acidic environment of the stomach: Gastal, Almagel, Rennie, Maalox, Phosphalugel.

To eliminate muscle spasm during swallowing, appoint "No-Shpu", "Papaverin", "Drotaverin".

The patient is instructed about the rules of eating during treatment. As soon as the patient begins to recover, it is recommended to include in your diet dairy products. Dry and hard food is not allowed.

After a meal, the patient should be at rest for a long time, avoid physical activity and forward bends. Before going to bed, you should eat about two hours in advance. Fried and fatty foods are excluded. Vegetables and meat should be steamed. You will have to give up alcohol completely.

Diets must be followed for a sufficiently long period of time until swallowing functions are fully restored.

It is impossible to cure dysphagia with folk remedies. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you should not experiment, you should immediately seek the advice of specialists.

Surgical treatment of dysphagia

Surgical intervention in the treatment of dysphagia is prescribed if a tumor is detected. In most cases, the patient turns too late, when metastases begin to progress throughout the body. And if you make an incision, it can aggravate the situation, and hasten the onset of death.

AT modern medicine There are a number of ways to eliminate the tumor in dysphagia.

Surgical intervention . This is a small operation during which a tube is sewn into the stomach, which is brought out through the abdominal wall. Thus, the patient will be able to consume food directly from the tube into the stomach using a syringe. In this case, the patient needs constant care, including monitoring psychological state patient, as he constantly feels discomfort in the abdomen.

Method radiotherapy . This technique allows you to influence the tumor with the help of high-energy rays. As a result, the walls in the esophagus move apart, the esophagus opens, and the patient can eat naturally.

The therapy can be carried out both remotely through the skin, and by contact method in the esophagus itself. To obtain the greatest effect, these two methods are combined. This method in the treatment of dysphagia is applicable with simultaneous chemotherapy.

Endoscopic techniques are much easier for the patient to carry, since this method does not involve any damage and incisions on the human body. The lumen of the esophagus is viewed visually through the endoscope. In this case, the tumor can be removed different ways: mechanical, surgical, biological, chemical.

Bougienage . This method has been used for a long time. Its essence is that sticks of different diameters are alternately inserted into the lumen of the esophagus in ascending order. Thus, the walls of the esophagus gradually move apart. A balloon is inserted through the resulting space, inflated with a special liquid. This expands the walls of the tumor. This technique is effective, but is short-term and there is a risk of rupture of the walls of the esophagus.

Chemical method. They act on the tumor by enveloping it with various substances, most often ethyl alcohol. Tumor tissues gradually die, begin to decompose, and a space is formed in the esophagus for the passage of food.

Physical Methods most commonly used today. Elimination of the tumor occurs under the influence electric current and a high power laser. As a result, tumor tissue destruction and evaporation occur. But there is a downside to this method. There is no way to control the depth of exposure, which can cause bleeding and a defect in the walls of the esophagus.

Photodynamic therapy is a variety physical method. The patient is injected through the veins Chemical substance a photosensitizer that has the ability to accumulate in tumor cells and respond to radiation. Under the influence of laser beams, the tumor is destroyed, and the lumen of the esophagus is completely freed.

In modern medicine, the method of introducing mesh structures into the esophagus is gradually being mastered, which by themselves gradually open, freeing the esophagus for the passage of food.

The purpose of any of the above methods is full recovery esophagus for the natural passage of food. At the same time, all means are aimed at preserving the strength and health of a person.

Absence timely treatment dysphagia can lead to serious complications.

Problems when swallowing food (video)

Let's watch a video where a gastroenterologist talks about dysphagia, about swallowing processes healthy person and passage of food to the stomach. Communication of the central nervous system with the digestive organs, symptoms and treatment.

Complications of dysphagia

If you do not contact a specialist for examination in time, complications with dysphagia can be the most unpleasant:
  • The presence of a tumor in the esophagus leads to squeezing of the throat, difficulty and cessation of breathing.
  • Food emissions through the nose into the trachea and then into the lungs can trigger aspiration pneumonia. This disease is often seen in premature babies who for a long time take food through the catheter.
  • The passage of food from the stomach to the respiratory organs leads to purulent inflammation lung to abscess.
  • Metabolism in dysphagia is completely disrupted, as food is not digested properly.
  • Due to the inability to swallow, dehydration occurs.
  • In the worst case, if metastases are widespread throughout the body, and there is no possibility of operable intervention, a fatal outcome occurs.

Prevention of dysphagia

Due to the fact that dysphagia occurs on the basis of pain in the throat and esophagus, as a preventive measure, you should eat less fatty and fried foods. More vegetables, fruits, steamed meat.

Avoid burns. Do not eat too hot food. You need to be careful with harmful household substances, do not let them get into the throat.

Remove small toys, parts, coins from the field of view of children. The child "tastes everything" Adults can also swallow solid food, such as a bone.

do more exercise to maintain muscle tone. Women should avoid tight belts and corsets.

If you feel discomfort in your throat while eating, it is better to immediately seek advice from your doctor.

Dysphagia is a serious disease. Unfortunately, people do not always seek help in time. In some cases it is too late. Even an operation cannot save a human life. Take care of yourself! AT modern world There are enough ways to painlessly cope with the disease in the early stages.

Next article.

Very often, doctors are faced with such a complaint from patients as a lump in the throat. What does it represent this symptom, what reasons provoke it, how to deal with this symptom, we will consider in more detail.

Lump in throat: physiology

"Lump in the throat" - this complaint is very often heard by doctors. Usually patients are worried, they do not know why such discomfort occurs.

Usually, with this problem, people turn to the ENT, which cannot always find the cause of this condition. In this case, the ENT may refer the patient to a psychotherapist.

In addition to feeling a lump in the throat, the patient may complain of the following symptoms:

  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • , chest pain;
  • heaviness in the body;
  • feeling of heaviness in the limbs;
  • . They are usually characterized by different intensity, type;
  • feeling of heat, chills;
  • pain, ;
  • suffocation, ;
  • feeling of numbness, tingling different areas body;
  • muscle pain;
  • fast fatiguability.

A lump in the throat may occur different reasons, which experts divided into 2 groups:

  • somatic;
  • psychogenic.

Why there is a lump in the throat and what it can mean:

Somatic causes

The somatic factors that affect the occurrence of a sensation of a lump in the throat include:

  • systemic scleroderma;
  • throat abscess;
  • paratonsillitis;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • anatomical, functional disorders of the esophagus;
  • overweight of the patient;
  • esophagus, pharynx;
  • side effects of certain medications;
  • neurological diseases associated with organic lesions nervous system.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat

A lump in the throat can occur with chronic, acute in the throat, laryngopharynx. This symptom may appear with such diseases:

  • spicy, chronic pharyngitis;
  • acute, chronic laryngitis;
  • parapharyngeal abscess;
  • paratonsillitis;
  • abscess of the root of the tongue, epiglottis;
  • paratonsillar abscess.

How to get rid of a coma in the throat with osteochondrosis:

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Sometimes the feeling of a lump in the throat is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient may also experience the following symptoms:

  • heartburn;
  • discomfort in the stomach area;
  • feeling of acid in the mouth.

Hernia of the esophagus

With a hernia of the esophagus, the patient is concerned about the following symptoms:

  • heartburn;
  • hard breath;
  • pain that worsens when bending forward;
  • difficulty in swallowing;
  • belching with air, stomach contents;
  • burning, pain in the tongue (manifested very rarely);
  • Feeling of a lump in the throat. It is not permanent (appears, then disappears). Difficulty passing food through the esophagus.


A lump in the throat can be felt due to injury to the esophagus, larynx. Rough food, honey instrument during gastroendoscopy can damage the esophagus. Such injuries with all symptoms usually disappear after a week. special treatment in this case is not required.

Allergic reaction

A dangerous lump in the throat is considered when it is provoked. Puffiness in this case increases rapidly, can cause suffocation.

AT similar situations there is no time to waste, you need to urgently seek qualified help. The rapid administration of antihistamines can save the patient.

Other reasons

There are also a number of reasons that experts consider unlikely. But still, they can provoke a sensation of a coma in the throat. These include:

The presence of a mental disorder in a patient, its development can provoke the appearance of suffocation, feelings, coma in the throat. Most often, a lump in the throat is felt with such pathologies:

  • depressive disorders.

Less commonly, the symptom we are considering can occur with endogenous mental illness. Mental disorders most often occur as a result of stress, violations of acclimatization, psycho-emotional stress.


Initially, patients go to an appointment with an ENT. If the specialist does not find somatic diseases in the patient that could provoke the appearance of this symptom, he redirects the patients to other specialists:

  • neurologist (this specialist should detect/exclude organic pathology nervous system);
  • endocrinologist (this specialist excludes / detects thyroid diseases);
  • oncologist (this specialist excludes / detects the development of a neoplasm).

If each of these specialists ruled out violations in the body according to their profile, the patient is referred to a psychiatrist, psychotherapist. This is necessary for the reason that a lump in the throat can occur under the influence of a number of psychogenic factors.

The correct diagnosis is made by a specialist, taking into account the examination data, test results, complaints presented by the patient. The doctor will be able to clarify the diagnosis after conducting such studies:

  • endocrinologist. studies thyroid gland, detects its increase in size;
  • psychiatrist, psychotherapist. The doctor diagnoses mental disorders, emotional upheavals;
  • surgeon. This specialist diagnoses throat abscesses, tumors, burns of the pharynx, esophagus, hiatal hernia, esophageal diverticulum;
  • rheumatologist. A doctor may detect systemic scleroderma.
  • For a detailed video about the causes of a coma in the throat, see our video:

    How is the treatment

    Treatment of a coma in the throat always depends on the cause that provoked its appearance. Doctors can treat this symptom with medication and non-drug (surgical) methods.

    In a medicinal way, they treat a lump in the throat, which is caused by such pathologies:

    • oral candidiasis;
    • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
    • chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis.

    Surgical treatment is necessary when a lump in the throat is provoked by such pathologies:

    • hiatal hernia;
    • diverticulum of the esophagus;
    • throat abscess;
    • tumor.

    If the patient has mental disorders, he is prescribed medication, psychotherapeutic drugs, the passage of special procedures. The existence of problems in cervical region spine is treated with medication, physical therapy. Can be used manual, laser, reflexology.

    At malignant tumors treatment involves the use of radiation, surgery.

    With a gastroenterological problem, the doctor prescribes appropriate medications, diet, surgery (for a hernia of the esophagus).

    What is the dangerous condition

    A lump in the throat is dangerous because it can provoke suffocation. Especially it concerns allergic reaction ().


    The prognosis in the treatment of such a symptom is quite favorable. The main thing is that with this problem a person turns to specialists in time and steadily follows their instructions.

    Experiencing a strong psycho-emotional stress, a person runs the risk of earning unpleasant "nerve lumps". The reason for this phenomenon are psycho-emotional factors - overwork, great stress, discord in the family. Often, people who have experienced a difficult divorce or the death of their loved ones complain of such troubles. A person has a small lump in the throat, it is difficult to breathe and swallow. Patients with these symptoms have difficulty swallowing saliva and often complain of burning, tickling, choking, scratchy, or sore throats. Many of the patients are insanely afraid of the occurrence cancerous tumor they got the feeling foreign body in respiratory tract. suffocation and the appearance of some dangerous disease- constant companions of such "nervous lumps". Sometimes such fear flows into a serious disease - cancerophobia, in which a person is obsessed with the fear of a dangerous disease.

    However, this phenomenon may have a completely different character. If you have a lump in your throat, it's hard to breathe - check your thyroid gland. Its increase usually contributes to the compression of the organs of the neck. Possible cause an unpleasant lump may be chronic pharyngitis, osteochondrosis, an upset esophagus or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

    The cervical spine is the thinnest and most mobile. As a result of overgrowth bone tissue osteochondrosis occurs on the surfaces of the vertebrae, which compresses the roots of the nerve endings, causing a coma

    nervous system to new climatic and social conditions causes vegetative-vascular dystonia. Experts call it a disease modern people. One of the many symptoms of this disease is a lump in the throat, it is difficult to breathe.

    The sensation of "lump" may be side effect medicines. Most often, this antihistamines, drugs for depression and high blood pressure. Often the reason for this phenomenon is hidden in excess weight, hernia. esophageal opening diaphragm, a recent cold or cough.

    If it becomes difficult for you to breathe, a lump in your throat makes it difficult to swallow - do not try to self-diagnose, consult a doctor immediately. First you should check the thyroid gland. The doctor will easily carry out a palpation and ultrasound, confirming or refuting the diagnosis. A vertebrologist will be able to determine osteochondrosis. An ENT doctor will help cure chronic pharyngitis. If none of these doctors has given you an accurate diagnosis, visit a gastroenterologist. But if you suspect that a lump in your throat is caused by psycho-emotional factors - contact a neuropsychiatrist: he will prescribe you tranquilizers - special preparations sedative effect and health resort treatment.

    Requires complex treatment, which is prescribed taking into account the causes of this disease.

    In some cases, due to overweight there may be a lump in the throat, it is difficult to breathe. When you get rid of excess weight, these symptoms disappear without a trace.

    A lump in the throat sometimes occurs as a result of development oncological diseases. This cannot be ignored important symptom. In rare cases, a "lump" reports overwork and goes away without any treatment after a while. But sometimes this bright symptom indicates a serious dangerous disease and requires immediate medical attention.

    Attention to your body is the main principle of people who care about their own health. Outwardly, a completely innocent symptom sometimes turns into a serious pathology. Knowing what this means strange phenomenon, like a lump in your throat, you can turn to the right doctor in time.