Intelligent dog breeds. The leaders of the ratings are the best dog breeds in the world: smart, strong, beautiful. Rating of smart dog breeds

The dog is not only man's friend, but also one of the smartest animals in the world. The pet is able to remember human commands, distinguish up to 200 words or more by ear, and also lend a paw of help in difficult life situations.

We present to the attention of four-legged lovers the rating the most smart dogs in the world- top 10.

Included in the list of the smartest dogs in the world. This is a born hunter with excellent working qualities. It is not advisable to keep a dog in an apartment, since it regularly needs physical activity. The husky chooses only one family member as its owner, to whom it will be devoted for the rest of its life. She does not show aggression towards other people unless she feels threatened by them. Laikas are not only talented hunters, but also reliable bodyguards.

It is not only one of the smartest, but also the smallest dogs in the world. Terriers are easy to train and therefore lend themselves well to training. In addition, pets have well-developed intuition and they sense any changes in the owner’s mood. If the terrier owner is upset about something, the dog will rush to correct the situation. A good example the breed's intelligence and high intelligence - a terrier named Smokey. The pet was part of the reconnaissance air regiment and made many parachute jumps. During his entire service, Smokey was awarded 12 awards. These are very fearless and brave pets who, despite their size, are ready to stand up for both themselves and their owner.

One of the ten smartest dogs in the world. Initially, the breed was used in mountain monasteries for rescue purposes. St. Bernards are responsible for saving thousands of human lives. Possessing phenomenal intuition, the animal is able to predict impending natural disasters. In the mountains, this ability is extremely necessary; St. Bernards have repeatedly warned about an impending avalanche. Four-legged rescuers found and dug out people from under meter-long layers of snow. Among the furry heroes, a dog named Barry is famous, who in his life gave a second birth to forty people. One of the dog’s most heroic deeds was saving the life of a child, whom he carried on his back for five kilometers to the nearest first aid station. In honor of Barry, a monument was erected in Paris, which is a symbol of heroism, kindness and love. Saint Bernards are not only brave and loyal pets to people, but also very smart, which is evident in their lightning-fast reaction to commands.

The dog is considered one of the most smart breeds in the world. The pet has the blood of a dingo dog flowing in it, as it was bred for the purpose of herding. The Australians needed good helper, who could manage large flocks of sheep. With its main task four-legged friend coped with a bang, forcing even the most stubborn animals to obey. Australian shepherds understand their owner at a glance and are easy to train. Teaching any commands to a four-legged “shepherd” will not be difficult, even without special skills. The pet also makes an excellent watchdog.

Ranks sixth among the smartest dogs in the world. An animal of this breed is easy to learn commands due to its quick wits and intelligence. Labradors get along well with other pets and get along well with children, showing themselves in the role of a nanny. They do not give preference to any one family member and willingly communicate with all residents. Previously, only English nobles could drive retrievers. Now they are favorites and pets of everyone who prefers this breed. In the USA, the Labrador is considered the most popular dog. The quadruped makes an excellent guide dog. The animal is also actively used for rescue purposes and for police work.

They have a well-developed intellect and incredible intuition. This pet is able to sense the mood of its owner and will not bother him at the wrong time. Initially, the breed was bred for herding cattle, which affected its intellectual abilities. The guardian of the herd must have intelligence and dexterity, which is typical of the Welsh Corgi. The animal has an excellent memory, which contributes to their incredibly fast learning. The dog is able to remember the places where the owner stores his personal items and belongings, and at the first request brings them. Welsh Corgis are not characterized by aggression - they are very friendly and cheerful pets.

Considered one of the smartest dogs in the world. According to experts, a pet is able to remember a number of words equal to vocabulary two year old child. Legendary dog This breed is Rico, who perceived and distinguished up to 200 words by ear. Scientists conducted an experiment on the four-legged phenomenon using objects. They named the item that Rico had to bring from the next room, and in 38 cases out of 40 he brought the right item. Border collies are capable of performing commands and tricks of increased complexity.

Reveals the top three smartest dogs in the world. These pets are able to understand the meaning of words on an intuitive level and have a good sense of their owner’s mood. They are very smart and can perform simple tricks without special training. One of ancient breeds used as a sled dog. Nowadays, Huskies make excellent companion dogs.

Ranked second among the smartest dogs in the world. The breed has not only a highly developed intelligence, but also a wayward character. They have an excellent memory, which confirms their ability to remember commands on long period. Dogs have the self-control and equanimity inherent in samurai. It’s not for nothing that these pets are respected and honored in the country Rising Sun. The story that has spread all over the world is about Japanese dog Hachiko confirms not only the dog’s mental abilities, but also its devotion to humans. On the day of Hachiko's death, the Japanese declared mourning throughout the country, and then a monument was erected in his honor, which symbolizes loyalty, love and hope.

Tops the ranking of the smartest dog breeds in the world. The animal is actively used for work in the army and police, as they are well trained in search and security skills. Initially, the shepherd dog was bred for herding and service purposes. The pet is able to remember commands the first time. The dog needs constant training and a strong-willed owner, whose commands he will unquestioningly carry out. The German Shepherd doesn't like strangers and treats them with caution. For proper psychological development, the “German” requires regular, close communication with the owner and training with early age.

Vasily 07/06/2015 01:59

I quote Elena:

Why devote all the time to a dog if I can devote it to my child? And the dog’s intelligence lies precisely in the fact that it understands the commands and rules of life in the family right away, and there is no need to study with it for years. You know, if I devote a couple of years exclusively to a dog, I’ll turn a dachshund into the smartest dog.

It is immediately obvious that an amateur is writing.

You will never make a dachshund the smartest dog, don't write funny things. This will happen on a bench with grandmothers, but not here.

One of the smartest collies remembered more than 1 thousand words; your dachshund will never remember so many.

And I didn’t say that you need to devote all your time to a shepherd dog. You are twisting my words. I said that most people don’t work with dogs at all. What will smart dogs do with such owners? Howl from boredom? Go crazy? By the way, some working dogs can, if they don't have a job, get mental illness.

Therefore, they are not needed for people who have neither experience nor desire to work with dogs.

And anyway, what is the point of my posts here? Write a response to a woman who will make a dachshund the smartest dog. Ha-ha-ha, it’s immediately obvious that the person has never seen truly smart dogs, and has never worked with them. And it’s good that such people get show dogs.

The more popular the breed, the worse it becomes, because when Stefanitz (the founding father of the breed) was engaged in the German Shepherd, he bred super-dogs. But when Germans are hired by lazy people and those who don’t work with dogs at all, then they don’t need the same qualities that experts like Stefanitz respect. But lazy people want to brag to their friends that they have a German. Thanks to millions of such lazy people, the show German Shepherd appeared.

But a real German Shepherd, a working German Shepherd (this is already two years ago) different breeds), remained. And if Stefanitz were alive today, he would be horrified by the modern show German shepherd. This is the result of the influence of fashion. Millions of lazy people want Germans, but they don’t want to deal with Germans. For such people there is a show German: it seems to be called a German, he seems to look beautiful, but he is stupid, cowardly, but you don’t need to do anything with him.

And those who understand dogs, they have other Germans. It’s funny, of course, to read amateurs who claim that they will make the smartest dog out of a dachshund. But this is forgivable, because people have never seen the smartest dogs.

Well, try Elena, make your dachshund obey like the dog from the following video (you can find it on YouTube): Jozef Adamuscin 97 FCI IPO 2013. You will never teach your dachshund like this, you can only say this to grandmothers on a bench in the garden ( and this working German Shepherd also perfectly protects the owner, and is amazing at following the scent, and the dog is tough, a real German, what Stefanitz wanted to get when he started breeding dogs).

And your dachshund will never remember 1 thousand words like a border dog, or even a couple hundred.

You just say such things because you have never seen smart dogs, and what you saw on the benches are not dogs at all, but a parody of dogs. I'm not talking about decorative dogs, because they are not supposed to be smart, but about Germans and other serious service dogs.

It's a pity for dogs that so many of them end up with amateurs and lazy people. The fate of the German is unenviable, who is forced to walk for 5 minutes a day in the morning and evening, and sleep the rest of the time. But this happens all the time. That's why we have such Germans.

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The largest organization of dog breeders in the United States (American Kennel Club) has compiled a ranking of dog breeds that have greater intelligence and can perform certain tasks better than other dogs. Let's figure out which dogs are the smartest.

1. The smartest dog is the Border Collie

In first place was the Border Collie breed, which was bred in Great Britain. These dogs are distinguished by an extraordinary instinct and desire to serve people. They are considered the smartest dogs by many ratings.

2. The smartest dog is the German Shepherd

The second place in the ranking of the smartest dogs went to the German Shepherd. Representatives of this breed, according to experts, are highly intelligent in their work and are considered the best service dogs for the military and security forces.

3. The smartest dog is Bloodhound

The third position in the ranking of the smartest dogs was taken by the Bloodhound breed, bred by clergy back in the 13th century. Bloodhounds are extremely balanced dogs; they almost never show aggression. They are very hard-working, considered the best in training and training, and are often used in police and emergency services.

4. The smartest dog is the Beagle

Representatives of the Beagle breed took fourth place in the list of the smartest dogs. They have a strong sense of smell, which makes dogs indispensable in search work. The Beagle is often used to hunt rabbits and hares.

5. The smartest dog is the Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers, considered the most intelligent guide and guide dogs, round out the top five. They are highly trainable and are the most popular family dog ​​in the United States.

Other rankings of the smartest dogs

Earlier, in 1994, Stanley Coren (b. 1942), a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada), compiled an intelligence scale for dogs of 133 breeds. As part of his research, Koren interviewed dog trainers and show ring judges in the United States. Based on the results, the professor wrote the instantly popular book The Intelligence of Dogs. This book became a bestseller. In his book, the author examines three aspects of dog intelligence:
  • instinctive intelligence;
  • intelligence of obedience;
  • adaptive intelligence.
Instinctive intelligence allows the dog to perform functions that are already genetically determined, for example, herding or guarding. Adaptive intelligence occurs when performing tasks using one's own strengths. Obedience intelligence is a dog's ability to learn to follow human commands. It was the intelligence of obedience that formed the basis for the ranking of the smartest dog breeds, which Stanley Coren presented in his book. Coren obtained data on the dogs' ability to perform various commands by interviewing dog training judges in the United States and Canada. The author himself admits the limitations of his approach to determining the intelligence of a particular breed, because sledding or hunting breeds dogs must for successful solution They are tasked with having a significant degree of independence, which is why they are less likely to follow commands than domestic dogs. Therefore, despite the fact that sledding or hunting dog breeds are ranked much lower than domestic breeds, this does not always mean that domestic breeds are definitely smarter. In addition, the author notes in his study that relatively recently bred dog breeds are more trainable than ancient dog breeds, the genotype of which is closer to that of a wild wolf; it is no coincidence that the last place in the ranking is occupied by the Afghan hound - one of the oldest dog breeds.

1st group of dogs - Einsteins - the most capable dog breeds

From 1st to 10th places are occupied by the most intelligent dog breeds, with the most high level obedience and working qualities. Most of them master the command in 5 or less repetitions and obey the trainer’s command on average 95% of the time. Moreover, they respond to commands almost instantly! Training dogs of these breeds is easy and enjoyable even for a beginner.
  • 1. Border Collie
Dog handlers around the world recognize this breed as the smartest. These dogs love to work. They even say about border collies that representatives of this breed live to work. Very easy to train, friendly, love children. In general, they can be used everywhere - as security guards, as nannies, and simply as a smart house dog.
  • 2. Poodle
Poodles are very smart dogs, and are capable of not only jumping around in the circus and performing tricks. Previously, poodles served as both rescuers and observers. They swim well and are able to save a drowning person. Of course, there are a huge variety of poodles - there are big poodles, there are small ones. There are even hunting poodles that hunt birds with their owners. Larger representatives of this breed can be good protectors.
  • 3. German Shepherd
These dogs are very capable, they can be used both as a guard and as a pet dog, and as a police officer. For some reason in Lately The popularity of this breed is on the decline - and it is being replaced by many exotic breeds that are not nearly as smart as the German Shepherd.
  • 4. Golden Retriever
Has a lot in common with the Labrador Retriever, but the Golden Retriever is even smarter. Retrievers are very friendly, they like children, and they are able to learn very quickly. They can also be rescuers, detect drugs, and work as guides. By the way, retrievers are very patient.
  • 5. Doberman
Many people consider representatives of this breed to be stupid. However, this is not true - Dobermans simply need to be trained, otherwise you will end up with an uncontrollable dog that does whatever it wants. These dogs appeared in 1800, when there was a need for a breed that could both protect and attack. It is imperative to train representatives of this breed, otherwise their outstanding mind will do no less outstanding tricks. Very active dogs, which are able to protect their owner.
  • 6. Sheltie
Dogs of this breed have a strong resemblance to collies, but they are not collies. Initially, Shelties also herded sheep - in our time they continue to do this, and among other things, Shelties also live in cities. Shelties have very good hearing and sense of smell, and despite their apparent decorativeness, they are able to protect their owner.
  • 7. Labrador Retriever
Representatives of this breed are very popular among residents of all countries. The victorious path of this breed began with Newfoundland, and now there are Labrador Retrievers in almost every country in the world. They, like Rottweilers, serve in the police - after all, these dogs are able to detect even small doses of drugs. They are used as guides by blind people. Labrador retrievers also work as rescuers.
  • 8. Papillon
Representatives of this breed are very beautiful and intelligent. Papillons have been and remain a symbol of elegance. During the Renaissance, many high-ranking people, including kings, kept dogs of this breed with them.
  • 9. Rottweiler
Today's Rottweilers are descended from a similar breed, only those dogs were larger, their tails were not docked, and the main purpose of the Rottweiler's ancestors was to cut down large animals. cattle. Yes, these were killer dogs that could cope with both a cow and a large bull. Today's Rottweilers are somewhat smaller, but the breed is still distinguished by a strong, wide skeleton and large jaws. Their mental abilities are widely known. Rotwellers sometimes work in the police, and a little earlier the owners of these dogs trained them to carry firewood and other heavy loads to markets or home. Do you need a defender? You found it.
  • 10. Australian Cattle Dog
This breed was bred by Australians who needed a reliable assistant to monitor huge herds of sheep. This breed is famous for its intelligence, ability to understand its owner at a glance, and is easy to train. These dogs not only drive obedient sheep, they are also able to cope with stubborn ones - by easily biting the animals, they force them to go where the shepherd points. The breed was bred relatively recently (19th century), and their abilities are found wide application and today. Let us note that these are very active and efficient dogs.

2nd group of dogs - Clever - simply capable dog breeds

From 11th to 22nd places were shared by dogs with unsurpassed working qualities, the training of which takes from 6 to 15 repetitions. These dogs remember commands well and will respond to the first command given in 85% of cases or more often. Any owner can train dogs of these breeds to an excellent level, even without special patience or experience.

11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
12. Miniature Schnauzer
13. Springer Spaniel
14. Belgian Shepherd
15. Collie
16. German Spitz (Keeshond)
17. Kurzhaar
18. English Cocker
19. Miniature Schnauzer
20. American cocker
21. Pomeranian Spitz
22. Cardigan Welsh Corgi

3rd group of dogs - Capable guys - dog breeds with good ability

From 23rd to 38th places are occupied by breeds with above average training abilities. These dogs begin to understand simple new commands within 15 to 25 repetitions, but you must repeat the learned commands periodically. Dogs of these breeds respond to the first command in 70% of cases or more often. If training is irregular or the trainer is inexperienced, commands will be carried out through the cracks or completely ignored.

23. Yorkshire Terrier
24. Giant Schnauzer
25. Airedale Terrier
26. Bouvier
27. Briard
28. Springer Spaniel
29. Samoyed
30. American Staffordshire Terrier
31. Gordon Setter
32. Cairn Terrier
33. Kerry Blue Terrier
34. Irish Setter
35. Miniature Pinscher
36. English Setter
37. Pharaoh Hound
38. Dalmatian

4th group of dogs - Hard workers - dog breeds with average abilities

The breeds ranked 39th to 57th are working dogs with average abilities. They understand commands after 15 - 20 repetitions, but require 25 - 40 repetitions for sustained effect. Dogs of these breeds respond to the first command 50% of the time or more often. Without regular practice, skills are forgotten quite quickly.

39. Bedlington Terrier
40. Toy Terrier
41. Irish Wolfhound
42. Saluki
43. Pointer
44. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
45. Husky
46. ​​Greyhound
47. Boxer
48. Great Dane
49. Dachshund
50. Bull Terrier
51. Malamute
52. Shar Pei
53. Fox Terrier
54. Ridgeback
55. Welsh Terrier
56. Irish Terrier
57. Akita Inu

5th group of dogs - Stubborn - dog breeds with low abilities

Places 58 - 72 were occupied by breeds that require 25 repetitions to understand the command and 40 - 80 for flawless execution. They remember poorly and need to brush up on their skills. These dogs love to walk on their own, make their own decisions and only react to their owner if he is nearby. These dogs are not for beginners, and training them even for an expert will not be the easiest thing.

58. Skye Terrier
59. Selyham Terrier
60. Pug
61. French bulldog
62. Brussels Griffon
63. Italian Greyhound
64. Chinese Crested Dog
65. Japanese Chin
66. Bobtail
67. Scotch Terrier
68. St. Bernard
69. Great Pyrenees dog
70. Chihuahua
71. Lhasa Apso
72. Bullmastiff

6th group of dogs - Simply handsome - dog breeds with very low abilities

The breeds that took 73rd to 83rd places complete the ranking. Of course, one cannot call them incapable - they are simply very difficult to train. For such breeds, sometimes more than 100 repetitions of command work are required, and over a long period of time. Otherwise, the dogs will behave as if the classes had never happened. Most experts consider some of these breeds to be unteachable.

73. Shih Tzu
74. Basset Hound
75. Mastiff
76. Beagle
77. Pekingese
78. Bloodhound
79. Greyhound
80. Chow-chow
81. Bulldog
82. Basenji
83. Afghan Hound

Choosing a breed future owner evaluates the working qualities of the breed and, not least, its intelligence.

The question of intellectual qualities has been raised for hundreds of years, but a professional rating scale was one of the first to be proposed at the end of the 20th century by psychology professor Stanley Coren, who wrote the manual book “The Intelligence of Dogs.”

In his work, he examined a general theory about differences in behavior, training and intelligence between breeds, based on many years of observations of judges of the American and Canadian Kennel Clubs.

Although the rating system was warmly received by professional dog breeders, one cannot help but note its imperfections - the emphasis is on the animal’s unconditional obedience, which does not help to accurately assess intelligence, for example, hunting dogs, where the norms of obedience are “blurred” for the sake of a quick assessment of the situation and an independent choice of course of action.

Koren in his theory is based on three aspects of the animal mind:

  • instincts;
  • adaptation;
  • obedience.

Instinctive intelligence (instincts) - compliance with the tasks for which the breed was bred.

Most breeds were bred to perform a specific task (guarding, hunting, herding).

The skills were laid down at the genetic level (the dog must react instinctively, automatically) and largely determine the behavior and socialization of the animal. This is, for example, distrust of strangers in guard breeds or aggression in hunting dogs.

Adaptive intelligence (adaptation) is the ability to creatively approach problem solving, independently choosing behavior options.

A smart dog is not only one that depends on everything.

The pet must show an adequate response to normal and stressful situation, which is not always possible, for example, with companion dogs.

Working intelligence (obedience) - the ability to learn new things - commands or principles of work.

Dogs with high intelligence immediately understand what their owner wants from them and most often give in easily and with pleasure. But some animals (due to the characteristics of the breed) are not eager to obey humans, nevertheless demonstrating cunning, ingenuity and the ability to make independent decisions.

Rating of dogs by intelligence: top 10

Today there is a list of the 10 most intelligent and intelligent dog breeds. It includes only those animals that most fully demonstrate understanding, obedience and creativity in communicating with humans and working independently.

1. Border Collie

Border Collie

The ranking of dogs in terms of intelligence is topped by. Its ancestors are Scottish sheep herding dogs, bred on the basis of sheepdogs. The result was a hardy fast dog with excellent reactions and quick assessment of the situation (a collie can control up to hundreds of moving objects).

The Border Collie's excellent ability to train and ability to make independent decisions was the reason for their use as guides for the blind.

2. German Shepherd

According to legend, it was the result of crossing shepherd dogs and wolves, acquiring both endurance and a sharp mind. Considering the worldwide popularity and authority of this breed, how can it not be deservedly included in the ranking of dog breeds based on intelligence?

She has a wide field of activity: security, escort, companionship, police and customs service and even an acting career. After a training course, the shepherd is equally successful in detaining criminals and accompanying children to school.

However, during training, the dog must be stimulated and kept interested, otherwise he will find a more enjoyable pastime by pretending to be busy to avoid punishment.

3. Poodle

10. Pomeranian

They are extremely lively and intelligent, making them excellent companion dogs for seniors. They will please their owner, improve old tricks and invent new ones, and constantly look for adventures and feats.

Dogs have a rightful title best friend person. , protecting, helping with work and brightening up leisure time. Although recently the main emphasis in breeding has been on the decorativeness of breeds, The professional qualities of dogs are more relevant than ever.

“Smart” is not synonymous with “obedient” or comfortable dog.

When choosing the breed of your future pet, you should honestly assess your own strengths and decide which one is best suited for your character and lifestyle.

Additionally, check out the video about the smartest dogs:

For thousands of years, man and dog have been inseparable friends. Some herd herds, others are not averse to hunting, others guard their home and territory, and others faithfully serve their fatherland. But all of them are united by one quality - canine devotion, which is the only and main motto of the four-legged friend.

They have always been, are and will be close to people. These are the only creatures that love a person simply because he exists.

Scientists for a long time tried to find out how dogs develop mental ability. As a result, they came to the conclusion that it is enough for dogs to repeat the command 5 times so that they can remember it. Based on this theory, a rating was formed 10 smartest and most loyal dogs.

A dog you can trust in everything. This homeland wonderful breed is Australia. Locals They were bred as herding dogs and had no equal in this matter. Hardworking, balanced, flexible healers have excellent mental abilities. It is this quality that brought them into the top ten dog leaders on the planet.

infinitely faithful and devoted dog, who is the ideal guard. They are obedient and well trained. These dogs are cheerful and active. Shaggy Australians quickly remember commands and do it with great pleasure.

A nanny dog ​​is the second purpose of this breed. Having absorbed the shepherd's instinct with their mother's milk, they will never offend the child and take care of him, like real educators. For those people who truly love them, they are ready to give their dog’s heart forever.

At first glance it inspires respect. She is ready to make self-sacrifice for the sake of her owner’s life. The ancestors of modern Rottweilers lived in ancient Egypt and Babylon. Dogs helped people hunt, guarded their homes, took part in military operations and at the same time were loyal friends.

A courageous, strong, but slightly lazy Rottweiler agrees to serve a person faithfully at the present time. This dog should be trained from an early age. From the first words he understands what is required of him, but only a strong-willed and calm owner will carry out commands unquestioningly.

In the family, the Rottweiler behaves like a peace-loving goofball and does not show aggression at all towards children and other animals. But as soon as he suspects danger, he turns into a real devil with whom it is better not to argue.

Thanks to their unusual ears, they are affectionately called butterfly dogs. They have ancient history. Nobles and kings kept them in their palaces. These cute little beauties bring joy to your home. With their cheerful barking, funny “bells” will report to the owner about the latest news.

Little papillons are fashionable, elegant breed and are ready to accompany a person twenty-four hours a day.

They are able to amaze the imagination with extraordinary mental abilities. “Butterflies” instantly remember and carry out many commands. They do this with pleasure and without much difficulty. Their main task is to please those who love them. In exchange for the owner's love, they are ready to go to hind legs and dance the waltz.

Need some company? At your service . They will meet you, escort you, wait, carry bags and bring slippers. And if you need to serve in the name of saving humanity, then they keen sense of smell and strong paws are always ready to do any job.

This breed is famous as affectionate and friendly. They will not bark for no reason and bare their teeth at strangers. Minimum aggression and maximum love, that's who they are Labrador retrievers. The “shaggy psychologist” knows perfectly well the path to a person’s heart and is ready to be close to the owner at any time of the day or night. Children are the object of his adoration; he allows them literally everything.

Labrador Retrievers are universally trainable. But security and fighting qualities are strictly contraindicated for him. The main mission of the Labrador Retriever is peacekeeping and this is its great uniqueness.

6. Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)

This is a small representative of the Scottish Cattle Dogs. It has been familiar to man since time immemorial. Externally similar to a collie, the miniature Shetland is distinguished by the fact that it has its own pedigree line.

Sheltie always agrees to herd livestock, but her unearthly beauty looks more elegant on a green lawn, where a cheerful and charming Sheltie will happily demonstrate her mental abilities. She will do whatever the owner asks without reservations, as long as he is satisfied and treats her to a tasty treat.

The Shetland Sheepdog will become a friend and companion, play with children and be a source of pride on walks.

Her chic, shiny fur brings complete delight. Only caring for such a treasure will require a lot of time.

Unprecedented stamina, endurance, sensitive sense of smell, sharp vision, graceful movements and athletic physique - this is all the Doberman Pinscher in person.

Conquers beauty, charisma and strength of character. Serving and working next to a person is a common activity for them. Search for drugs, guard secret objects or stand up fully to defend justice, the magnificent Doberman will do all this without any special reminders.

The Doberman is a flow of energy, which they are able to expend during long walks or physical activity. Dober will not tolerate a despot. Regular training, patient and persistent training can bring him stellar results.

These dogs have their own point of view on everything and only a competent and experienced breeder can understand his character. They will never follow stupid commands, and they only agree to run after a ball in puppyhood.

An intellectual in dog form! This is how this dog breed can be characterized. Beautiful and charming golden retrievers can make anyone fall in love with themselves. These rather large and stately dogs are famous for their sensitive sense of smell; they can smell danger in a second.

– this is a real treasure for people with limited vision. They agree to work on land and in water. This intelligent, good-natured dog is created for a large, friendly and loving family. He will do everything possible to please his owners with his intellectual abilities.

They are ready to lie for hours waiting for walks and do not create fuss or inconvenience, even in a small area. They are playful and loving, intelligent and obedient.

You can safely call police officer. She is ready to serve man and the law from puppyhood. The German Shepherd performs everything that its owner requires of it perfectly. She will guard the house, serve in the army, participate in rescue operations, search for criminals - this is her job! And in moments of rest, the shepherd dog will happily run for a stick or play with children.

Smart looking eyes German Shepherds full of charm. Beautiful body proportions and measured movements create the image of a calm and thoughtful dog. These dogs know the value of loyalty and love. They will not betray under any circumstances.

God forbid that uninvited guests encroach on his territory. At that very second, the “calm German” will rush to the embrasure, at the cost of his own life, protecting the owner and his family.

This dog breed is always at the peak of popularity. She is easy to train and even a novice dog breeder can get along with her.

German Shepherds like to work, overcome difficulties, and they agree to the most dangerous activities. The peculiarity of their character is that they are slightly willful and it is impossible to force them. Only gentle touches and good words are able to inspire heroic shepherd dogs to new exploits.

Currently associated with a decorative dog that performs in the circus. Who would have thought that previously they played a completely different role. Poodles participated in duck hunting, they looked for those wounded in the war and worked as field postmen, accompanied blind people and helped peasants with housework. Mentions of this breed are found on the frescoes of ancient Rome and Greece, in the chronicles of Italy and France.

Today the poodle is one of the most common breeds in the world and is a unique friend and companion. The popularity of the breed lies in the fact that it is not only cheerful, affectionate and beautiful, but also a very smart and peaceful dog.

Training poodles looks like a kind of game that even a child can do. The curly dog ​​happily does everything he is asked to do. It remembers commands literally the first time and does not require long training.

Every day he can delight his owner and household members with new tricks. The original appearance, smart eyes and devoted heart of poodles have found millions of fans.

Anything connected with the owner (play, sleep, walk or long trip) is a joy for poodles. Love, intelligence and great devotion - characteristics these cheerful thinkers.

The leader of the star hit parade of intelligence and devotion is the Border Collie. This breed Universal Soldier : she is a shepherd, a watchman, a nanny, a friend, an actress, an athlete and a great hard worker. The blood of ancient herding dogs flows in her veins, and the Border Collie has preserved this instinct to this day.

Despite their cute appearance, Scottish Borders selflessly protect their home and family. They are brave and courageous dogs.

These collies absolutely love small children and pets. Thanks to such love, they are ready to shepherd them around the clock and make sure that no one gets lost.

Borders are wonderful students and training lessons bring them great joy. From the first words they understand what is required of them. Moreover, they are able to think independently and can understand their owner without words.

Border collies are truly smart and are able to remember more than a hundred words and carry out a huge number of commands. This breed is not for the lazy and requires daily training. It comes easily to her, and the dog will ask for more and more new tasks.