Yorkshire Terrier: description, pros and cons of the breed. Dogs of the Yorkshire Terrier breed Why Yorkshire

The homeland of the Yorkie is considered to be England, Yorkshire. At the end of the 19th century. the dogs were used in coal mines to catch rats, then the breed became popular among the nobility and among hunters. Ladies loved to comb the silky fur of the Yorkie, and hunters valued the dogs for their courage in hunting badgers and foxes.

It is not known for sure where Yorkshire terriers came from. Most likely, the breed was the result of crossing local small terriers with Skye terriers and related breeds brought from Scotland. It is also believed that to improve the coat of Yorkshire terriers they bred with Maltese dogs. There is even a whole line of Yorkies with white markings (Biewer Yorkies) that are not recognized by the FCI, but have a lot of adherents.

The breed appeared in Russia quite recently (only at the end of the 20th century), but quickly spread throughout the country and is now very popular.

Description of the breed and maintenance of Yorkies

Externally, the Yorkshire Terrier is a small, proportional dog with a slightly elongated body, a small head with a rather short muzzle and small triangular ears. The eyes are small, dark and shiny, and should not be protruding. Yorkies have straight legs and the tail is usually docked halfway.

Yorkshire Terrier coat care

Naturally, such wool needs constant care. Yorkshire Terriers are washed frequently and brushed daily. Your eyes also require daily care. To avoid damage, the hair of show dogs is put away in curlers, and at the show the hair on the head is collected in a special tail (top knot). If the dog is not shown, you can trim the coat about once every 3 months, which greatly simplifies care.

Despite the long hair, shedding in the Yorkshire Terrier goes unnoticed, because... he has no undercoat. In general, the dog is very convenient for keeping in apartments. Spending a few minutes a day combing your hair is not difficult. But Yorkies do not take up space, they can be litter trained, like cats, they do not require long walks, but can go with you in your bag to the ends of the earth.

Character and characteristics of the breed

Yorkies have a typically “terrier” disposition. This is a real brave dog, active, constantly on the move, inquisitive and cheerful. Yorkies have a great sense of humor, are loyal and love attention. These are nimble pranksters, ready to perform tricks to attract the attention of their adored owner. They are very wary of strangers and can be good guards, despite their small size.

Males are often bullies and provoke other dogs when walking, so they need to be socialized from childhood. Get them accustomed to the company of other dogs right away. In addition, Yorkies need firm guidance and training, otherwise they can grow up capricious and disobedient.

Dogs, like people, can be stupid, they can be capable, and they can be talented. Sometimes I talk to a dog and catch myself thinking: she is simply suffering that she cannot answer me in human language - she has so much intelligence, intelligence, and understanding of what is happening.

(Yury Nikulin)

Nowadays, thanks to the efforts of dog handlers, the Yorkie has turned into a real work of art. Proud and gentle, beautiful and smart, brave and kind, he is at the same time so small and obedient that you can take him with you everywhere.

Elegance, poise, cheerful disposition and other most attractive features of the Yorkie are hereditary characteristics of the breed.

The Yorkshire Terrier is truly an elite creature. A small dog weighing 1.5-3.0 kg, in an antique-colored coat with dark blue silver, a golden head and the posture of a king of lions, luxurious silk wool, refined elegance and a curiously daring look - this is the portrait of our hero.

But first of all, the Yorkie is a very smart dog.

What is especially surprising is that Yorkies have a sense of humor. Are you sad? Your Yorkie will immediately try to attract your attention with his play, funny facial expressions and all his sly resourcefulness, and will find a way to make you smile. Agile like a monkey, cunning like a fox, he always achieves his goal.

Joy, sadness, disappointment, resentment, love - all these human feelings can be read in her gaze. He is able to understand not only our words and gestures, but also the slightest shades of our mood. Sometimes it seems like your dogs read your mind.

York is very brave, and he will not hesitate for a moment to rush to protect those he loves and his home. But he is not aggressive and gets along easily with other animals.

A tireless player, he can run, jump, and play ball tirelessly. But no surprise will take him by surprise, he is always on the alert and nothing escapes his attention.

Needless to say, the Yorkie is not a bark; he barks only when he wants to attract the attention of his owner. With the most important look, he will begin to saunter around the room, holding in his teeth a plush toy three times larger than himself.

York is not without imagination and can turn any trifle into a funny, attractive game. He runs after flies and feathers, papers and balls. You need to see how seriously and mysteriously he hides his prey in secluded corners or collects toys in his basket for sleeping at night.

What's amazing is that a Yorkie can be charming, even if it is the worst Yorkie in the whole world. Seeing your dissatisfaction, he will look at you with a soulful gaze: “You understand that I didn’t want to annoy you at all. On the contrary, I just wanted to have fun and believe me, I am sincerely sorry. And so that you forgive me, I will lick the tip of your nose.” Rest assured, a real Yorkie will accept your scolding with the most equanimous expression.

In essence, the Yorkie is a very comfortable dog. Its fur practically does not shed and has no odor. He is so small that he can easily “take a walk” in the tray or just on a newspaper if you are very tired, you are not at home or there is bad weather outside.

It is difficult for people who do not know this breed to believe that a luxurious jewel with a long flowing silken coat, perfumed, well-mannered, regally reclining on a velvet pillow or in the arms of its owner, and a street urchin busily running and digging the ground, is not necessarily in the garden, A flower pot in your house is quite enough, it is the same dog.

It can be fed with industrial food or cooked at home. It easily adapts to your lifestyle. But York must be handled with extreme care.

This does not mean at all that it should be wrapped in cotton wool. No! This is about something completely different. Remember that a careless kick from a person or the jaw of a large dog can kill a Yorkie. It is better to always take him in your arms or put him in a bag in a crowd.

Always walk him on a leash in the city. Brave and curious, he often risks getting into dangerous situations. In addition, our baby is not devoid of a hunting instinct and chasing a mouse, bird, cat, etc. can lead to tragedy. The area where you want to let your Yorkie run around on its own must be securely fenced with a strong mesh that cannot be dug under.

Nowadays, the Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular and beloved breeds. There are not enough pages to tell about all the celebrities whose hearts are given to Yorkshire. Who should I talk about first? About the English royal family since the time of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) or about J.P. Belmondo, who needs no introduction, about the wonderful Russian actor V. Mashkov or about the superstar S. Stallone, about Russian bioenergetics healers Tamara and Vyacheslav Lankov or about the brilliant family of I. Kobzon and his beautiful daughter-in-law, top model K. Polyanskaya, about the Olympic champion O. Rukavishnikova or about the talented Yudashkin family, about the geniuses of our time M. Plisetskaya, G. Vishnevskaya and M. Rostropovich, about the modern science fiction writer S. Lukyanenko, about the popular hairdresser S. Zverev or the wonderful artist I. Ugolnikov.

We wouldn't like to call York simply lap dog: brave, smart, proud - he almost completely retained the traits of a terrier - fortitude, temperament, fearlessness, tirelessness. It is true that in 1987 the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) transferred Yorkies from the Toy group to the

Undoubtedly, fans of Yorkshire terriers will be interested in reading an interview with Igor Ugolnikov in the magazine “Friend” (2002, 7). This is how he describes his Yorkie Zyama. Isn't that a familiar name? Indeed, it was given in honor and with the approval of Zinovy ​​Gerd.

So: “There were only two puppies, and first I took Zyama out of the box. I twirled it in my hands, looked at it and put it back - I wanted to pick it up and look at another one. But at that moment Zyama’s fate was sealed: he began not only to scratch, he began to yell, climb, and turn over the box: “You already chose me, why are you reaching for another puppy, you chose me!”

And I already knew that in fact it’s not you who choose the dog, but the dog itself chooses its future owner.” “It can be different. As a rule, it depends on the mood in which I am at the current moment. I’m sad, he’s sad too, if I’m having fun, that means he’s having fun to the point of unconsciousness.... Being “on a roll,” he behaves more than actively: he spins around like a top, throws toys at me, and generally challenges me to a fight.

We just want to tell people who buy a Yorkie as a toy or an elegant decoration that they may be disappointed and will only have to indulge their aesthetic needs, while it is the personality, along with the rare beauty, that makes the Yorkie a wonderful Friend with whom it is so pleasant and fun live under one roof, relax in the country, go on a visit, which you can take with you to a restaurant or on long journeys.

I'm telling you that this is a real serious dog. He was born a shepherd at heart, and nature gave him the elegant appearance of a Yorkie.”

And further: “Zyama can be arrogant, but on the contrary, he can be very affectionate with everyone. He is very loving, sometimes he rejoices at literally all of humanity, and is insanely happy if he is caressed. But if someone approaches our fence, he begins to growl and bark, showing with all his appearance that he is the master here and will not let strangers in under any circumstances.”

Working qualities of a Yorkie

The Yorkshire Terrier is an excellent companion dog that will share all the joys and sorrows with its owner and will be able to settle in every part of his soul. By nature, the Yorkie is a naughty dog ​​and a hunter, so owners of mini Yorkies should be especially careful.

The terrier's hunting passion has not faded away in the little one and he can boldly rush not only at a bird or a mouse, but at a huge rat that appeared at the old dacha. And how a Yorkie protects its owner! Yes, he will immediately detect a stranger who has entered your territory and will do everything to drive him away.

It is known that due to their temperament, agility and courage, Yorkshire terriers successfully perform in agility - an excellent form of active recreation for the owner and his dog. The year of birth of agility is considered to be 1978, when at the most prestigious and significant British dog show, “Craft,” it was decided to arrange entertainment for the audience to fill the pause before the start of the Best in show. The steeplechase, reminiscent of horse show jumping competitions, attracted a huge number of spectators.

The main purpose of a Yorkie is to live with you and honestly share not only tasty morsels at the table, but also all your hobbies.

The first real agility competition was held in France in 1987, and two years later it was registered with the FCI. So, the game has turned into an educational and sports activity, which amazingly reflects the harmony of communication between a person and a dog. Dogs of all breeds and sizes can participate in this game - from huge Irish Wolfhounds to tiny Yorkies. Naturally, in order to avoid injury, the size of the obstacles must correspond to the size of the participants in the competition.

The winner is the dog that completes a route of a certain difficulty the fastest and makes the minimum number of mistakes. In this case, the dog works without a leash and collar, obeying only the owner’s gestures.

You can train your Yorkie and take part in club obedience competitions. The set of commands is well known: sit, lie down, stand, come to me, fetching an object, moving nearby without a leash, staying in a standing position, lying down, sitting, in a group of other dogs, etc. Believe me, this is no less exciting spectacle, especially when it is carried out by such little ones.

Yorkshire terriers successfully compete in agility competitions, demonstrating beauty, temperament, intelligence, obedience and reminding us again and again how pleasant and useful communication between a dog and its owner can be.

According to British tradition, Yorkies are displayed on a stand covered with a red velvet cape, washed, combed, perfumed with special cosmetics, in all the shine of the shining silks of their own fur and always with a red bow on their head. Such a luxurious outfit requires careful preparation, so throughout the non-exhibition period the dog’s fur is washed with special shampoos, soaked in oils, wound on curlers, and then a silk jumpsuit is put on the dog.

Yorkies are ridiculously flirtatious and take all these procedures with philosophical calm, as if they know that true beauty requires sacrifice.

By nature, the Yorkshire Terrier is a clown and an artist. One can only shrug in surprise at how sensitively he determines the situation. Just now he was merrily tumbling with a toy, teasing his household, offering to catch up with himself, grabbing the cat by the tail, or even crawling into the mouth of the good-natured Newfoundland. But with what dignity will he stand in front of the judge or run around the ring, demonstrating the luxury of his outfit and casual pride?

This little guy is able to work on an equal footing with professional top models.

Here is what the “queen of Russian fur”, artist-fashion designer, laureate of the State Prize, member of the Russian Association of High Fashion Irina Vladimirovna Krutikova, says: “It’s hard to remember now who first came up with the idea of ​​inviting small dogs to participate in the show of a fur collection at the days of High Fashion. It seems that these were our young top models - owners of Yorkshire terriers Masha Nazarova and Galya Yudashkina.

Everyone was a little nervous: how would the tiny dogs behave on the podium when the music started blaring, the jupiters flashed, the flashes of the press photographers flashed, and the television cameras started moving. Will they get scared, lose their rhythm, get tangled in the leashes, or who knows what?

At the rehearsal, the girl models and the dogs chose each other. Yes Yes! The Yorkies did not perform with their owners. The audience should see a wonderful performance, here the model and the dog should be in harmony with each other. So Nadya Mikhalkova got as a partner tiny Dyushka (Jordy), a cheerful, independent Yorkie who came to us from France. Gale Yudashkina is tiny Dalila, Dyushka’s daughter, and Masha Nazarova performed with her Robin. When the young princesses, dressed in furs, accompanied by “little pages” dressed in silks, walked onto the podium, the audience burst into applause.

We have used Yorkshire Terriers a few more times. And experienced dogs have always demonstrated beauty, poise, aristocracy and amazing ability to mutual understanding and cooperation with almost strangers. No one whined or barked behind the scenes, and they worked like true professionals. Thanks to our little friends who managed to bring warmth, humor and variety to our joint work.”

And here we have an interview with the famous designer, founder of the company “Tom Klaim” Anatoly Klimin, published in the weekly “Arguments and Facts” (1999, No. 23):

“For example, we recently got a dog. At first I didn’t feel much affection for her - she barks and shits everywhere. But suddenly I felt that she was becoming a member of the family. And you begin to perceive the dog differently. You worry about her, look after her and understand that you will never leave her. This is inexplicable... Actually, I wanted a cat, fat, fat, lazy, but my wife and son gave me a Yorkshire terrier. And, as you can see, it has very tangible benefits.”

York is truly an amazing friend, ready to share with his owner all his whims, fantasies and fun, while remaining free himself.

Your questions

Questions most often asked by potential Yorkshire Terrier owners.

What is the size and lifespan of an ideal Yorkie?

The weight of an adult animal should not exceed 3 kg 175 g. The height at the withers is not limited by the standard and can reach 28 cm. We recommend that novice dog breeders choose very carefully what we call Mini Yorkies, since in this group of animals there are quite often individuals with signs of degeneration.

And the point is not only in the spherical head, bulging eyes, open fontanelle, hunchbacked back, weakened type of constitution, but also in the fact that among this category of animals various hereditary diseases. And the life expectancy of very small specimens is usually short - from 2 to 6 years. We are talking about individuals whose weight in adulthood does not reach one and a half kilograms, and sometimes significantly lower. While Yorkies live on average 12-14 years or more (the record is 20 years).

What is the color of a Yorkie?

According to the standard, the Yorkie has a steel-colored saddle coat with a special shade from blue to dark blue and golden-red hair on the head, paws, chest and under the tail.

When choosing a puppy that is always black with gold spots, you should first focus on the color of the parents.

Is Yorkie fur really allergy-free?

Anyone who answers: “no, he doesn’t” is disingenuous. Allergens can be dandruff, hair debris, odor and any other waste products. In addition, individual sensitivity to various allergens varies among people.

It is likely that some people with allergies will not react to the dog, but for others it may be triggered by dry food for aquarium fish.

Another thing is that Yorkies do not have undercoat and the dog practically does not pollute the apartment, so the likelihood of an allergic reaction in this case is much less.

Is it easy to keep a Yorkshire Terrier clean?

Of course, since it is enough to teach the dog from puppyhood to “walk” in a certain place in your apartment and take it outside at a time convenient for you.

Does grooming a Yorkshire Terrier require professional skills?

Absolutely not, it is enough to comb the coat and clean the eyes daily. However, if the hassle of long hair is burdensome for you, cut your dog's hair, unless, of course, your Yorkie will participate in exhibitions.

Do Yorkies often suffer from dermatitis and other skin diseases?

Are there any peculiarities in feeding a Yorkshire Terrier?

Basically no. At your request, you can feed him meat, vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, small quantities rice or buckwheat porridge, or use ready-made food, in which all nutritional elements are perfectly balanced: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and microelements. It is convenient, practical and such food is easily digestible.

Is the Yorkshire Terrier lying?

Dogs are naturally mistrustful and they should raise the alarm, but a yapping dog is mainly a matter of training.

Do not be indifferent to the puppy’s barking, do not encourage it, distract it from various noises, for example, the steps of neighbors outside the door or barking dogs on the street. Show your dissatisfaction, otherwise you risk raising an empty nester.

Is a Yorkie aggressive?

This tiny terrier, due to its hereditary inclinations, is aggressive towards mice, rats, and sometimes towards strangers. He is a hunter and protector.

But the Yorkie has a very flexible psyche and easily adapts to the lifestyle and behavior of its owner. Surprisingly, the Yorkie has a very strong character and woe to anyone he dislikes. Fortunately, this happens extremely rarely.

Is a Yorkshire Terrier puppy expensive?

Yes, this is a pretty expensive dog. In the West, where the Yorkshire Terrier is a very common breed, the average price of a tiny purebred puppy is from 1,500 to 2,000 US dollars. Prices are approximately the same in the UK and USA. Grown-up dogs of the appropriate level are much more expensive.

The talk that you can buy a Yorkie inexpensively in European countries is based on the prices of pet stores, where they sell mainly purebred dogs without pedigrees or the pedigree of local cynological organizations that are not members of the FCI.

But before choosing a Yorkshire Terrier puppy, you should get acquainted with the dog’s characteristics and the breed standard.

Breed standard

The standard is a description of the ideal dog, which presents a brief description of the animal’s general appearance, type of build, size, weight, temperament, and then a sequential description of the animal’s features from head to tail, and features of coat and color.

The RKF (Russian Cynological Federation) system uses standards approved by the FCI, which are based on the standards adopted in the homeland of each breed.

Yorkshire Terrier breed standard FCI No. 86 1987

General form: a dog with long, straight hair flowing down both sides of the body, parted from the back of the head to the base of the tail.

Body compact, harmonious, with a strong, proportional structure.

Temperament – typical for a terrier - smart, brave, easy to train.

Weight: maximum 3.1 kg. Preference should be given to individuals from 2 to 3 kg.

Dog characteristics: 1 – nose; 2 – muzzle; 3 – transition from forehead to muzzle; 4 – eyes; 5 – forehead; 6 – cheekbones; 7 – ears; 8 – throat; 9 – neck; 10 – shoulder blade; 11 – front of the chest; 12 – shoulder; 13 – forearm; 14 – wrist; 15 – metacarpus; 16 – paw; 17 – elbow; 18 – lateral part of the chest; 19 – lower chest; 20 – stomach; 21 – groin; 22 – sigh; 23 – withers; 24 – back; 25 – lower back; 26 – croup; 27 – tail; 28 – ischial tuberosity; 29 – thigh; 30 – knee; 31 – lower leg; 32 – hock joint; 33 – metatarsus

Yorkshire Terrier standard: 1 – eyes; 2 – bite; 3 – forelimbs straight; 4 – tail; 5 – body; 6 – hind legs; 7 – ears; 8 – head; 9 wool; 10 – color

Head quite small with a flat skull. The muzzle is not too long and not too short, voluminous with a well-defined transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The craniofacial axes are parallel. The nose is black.

Eyes dark, medium-sized, with very tight-fitting eyelids. The edges of the eyelids are pigmented.

Teeth strong, healthy, scissor bite, complete.

Ears small, erect, V-shaped, not too widely spaced, covered with bright reddish hair.

Neck medium length, lean and slightly arched with good muscles, elegant.

Frame compact with a moderately rounded chest.

The lumbar region is short and strong. The croup is short, strong, and the top line is straight.

Limbs very strong, straight, parallel, with good angulations, paws round and compact (in a ball), claws black.

Tail usually docked at half the length, covered with darker colored hair, raised above the line of the back.

Coat: silky, fine, straight, shiny coat flows down the sides. The color from the back of the head to the base of the tail is steel-blue. The head, chest, forelimbs and area under the tail are bright golden in color.

The stride is wide and relaxed, the front and rear legs are parallel to each other. The line of the back should remain straight and parallel to the surface of the ground while moving.

In a male dog, both testes should be descended into the scrotum.

Disadvantages and vices

Weight above the limit provided by the standard. Individuals that are too light are also not welcome.

The head is massive with a rounded or convex skull, a disproportionate muzzle, a smoothed transition from the forehead to the muzzle, craniofacial axes converging or diverging.

Teeth undershot, overshot, absence of more than two teeth in one of the jaws.

Eyes round, too large, too close or wide-set, uncolored eyelids.

Ears very large, set too far apart, hanging or semi-erect.

Neck too short, massive, weak, too long.

Frame overly stretched, not strong enough, too massive, the back line is not straight, sloping croup.

Limbs not straight, turned inward or outward, with poor angulation.

Tail dropped low.

Coat: the coat is wavy, curly, tow-like, standing upright, gray, silver or black in adult individuals. Too pale tan color is also undesirable.

Step short, jumping, limbs tend to cross.

Males have unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism.

In 1989, the Yorkshire Terrier standard was revised, as a result of which dogs with semi-erect ears and the absence of silky hair (“wadded”, “woolly”) were out of the breed. Any deviations from the standard are a disadvantage and affect the rating depending on the severity.

Disadvantages and defects of the exterior: 1 – normal position of the forelimbs; 2 – correct head and physique; 3 – massive build; 4 – upturned muzzle; 5 – lowered muzzle; 6 – eyes too big, protruding; 7 – eyes set too close; 8 – ears are too big; 9 – semi-erect ears; 10 – short neck, long body; 11 – back weak, sagging; 12 – clubfoot; 13 – dimensions; 14 – barrel-shaped hind limbs; 15 – close hock joints; 16 – humped back; 17 – a light dog with an underdeveloped chest; 18 – normal position of the hind legs

Disqualifying faults: undershot, overshot, hanging or semi-erect ears, non-standard color, cryptorchidism.

In general, the Yorkie is characterized by a high head carriage and a confident demeanor. His beauty is in his silk outfit, small size, charming face with expressive eyes. His entire proud and at the same time touching appearance involuntarily attracts the eyes of those around him and makes him want to take him in his arms.

Such a seductive appearance makes you forget that a Yorkie is big dog in a small body, which initially is a brave hunter of an animal, capable of driving it into a dark underground hole. York, like a real terrier, is very independent and is not averse to “commanding”, so it is necessary to use the rule of “an iron hand in a velvet glove” when raising him.

Choosing a puppy

You have carefully read excerpts from the standard, looked at the appendix and familiarized yourself with the official RKF standard. Now you can go to the Yorkshire Terrier exhibition. Any show is a great performance, exciting and exciting.

Our rings always attract the attention of numerous fans of Yorkshire terriers. A fabulous performance unfolds before the audience, full of beauty and charm of our dogs and their owners, whose skillful actions create the impression of elegant festivity and such lightness that to an amateur, working in the ring with a Yorkshire terrier may seem only pleasant fun.

For true connoisseurs of the breed, the exhibition is both a holiday and an exam assessing the level of domestic breeding, and undoubted joy and pride when the truly best representatives of the breed become winners.

While connoisseurs are given the opportunity to see the excellent breed qualities of animals, the titanic work of the owners, and the peculiarities of the examination of a particular judge.

I would like to note with what dignity the breeders perceive the expert’s assessment, even if, according to completely objective criteria, they do not agree with it, which, in turn, indicates a high level of their professionalism.

Take a very close look at the exhibitors, especially the dogs that took the first four prizes in their class. Applaud the winners, talk to some of the owners if possible, but only after the rings are over.

When contacting a breeder, tell him in advance the purpose of purchasing a dog: the desire to have pet(pet), a high-quality, high-quality animal for breeding (breed) or participant in the most prestigious exhibitions (show class).

To a large extent, the beauty of a Yorkie depends on the condition of the outfit, which requires careful care.

If you are an esthete, then be prepared for additional expenses of money, time and patience to care for your Yorkie’s “dress.”

If you are attracted by its miniature size and ideal character, then the dog can be cut and dressed in various clothes, from the usual bow on the head to shirts, pants, overalls and even evening dresses.

At major exhibitions you can always purchase literature on the breed you are interested in. Not all publications on Yorkshire Terriers are equally valuable or useful, but read as much as possible, especially books on general canine science. However, not a single book, even the most intelligent one, can replace contacts with experienced specialists.

For lovers of long walks and trips to the forest for mushrooms or fishing, a Yorkie is also suitable, but you should choose a dog of a larger and stronger build. The cost of such copies is much lower, but they will bring no less love and joy. Of course, it is better to cut the Yorkie hunter and sportsman.

It’s great that lovers of large dogs, when purchasing a Yorkshire Terrier for a loved one or a child, themselves become fans of these little ones. Very soon the head of the family discovers that inside this miniature creature lives a large dog with a kind heart, a cheerful character and the devotion of a true friend, capable of noticing the shades of our mood and well-being, joys and disappointments, failures and victories. With all its behavior, the Yorkie will react sensitively to the situation. The most talk about this different people, including very accomplished, talented and very famous both in our country and abroad.

IN Lately Among those less familiar with our breed, the misconception has spread that females are cleaner than males. In fact, which of them is “cleaner” depends on the owner. For some reason, some people, having bought a 2-4 month old puppy, believe that from the first days he is obliged to “walk” where he is shown.

But, gentlemen! You have a small child in front of you and you need to patiently teach him everything, and not lock him in the bathroom for a day, like in a punishment cell, in the hope that the baby himself will understand why he was thrown there alone, and even on the stone floor, even with heated As a result - various inflammations, cystitis, mental disorders and all the accompanying complications when raising and raising an initially healthy puppy.

A puppy is a living creature, and not a toy that can be put away in a box or shoved into a closet as unnecessary. Therefore the first and main advice– do not make spontaneous decisions about purchasing a dog.

It makes sense to buy a Yorkie puppy in Russia or abroad only in well-known nurseries or clubs specializing in our breed, information about which can be gleaned from books dedicated to Yorkshire terriers, found in specialized printed publications, on the Internet and at prestigious dog shows. Purchasing an animal from an experienced breeder in a professional nursery will help you avoid many problems.

You shouldn’t fly headlong to the first address just because, as they assure you, they sell high-breed puppies at very cheap prices. Remember: “free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.”

Avoid those whose home is filled with puppies and dogs of all different breeds and ages. These are either resellers, or people who are not interested in breeding real pedigree animals (although advertisements often write about the sale of “elite” puppies), and those who mate individuals of a very mediocre level, just to get immediate benefits, without giving themselves the trouble to think about the fate of the breed.

So take an interest in the origin of the puppies offered to you for sale. A serious breeder will give you fairly complete information.

Be prepared for him to ask questions about your family and the conditions in which his pet will live. If you decide to buy a very expensive purebred dog, in turn find out in what conditions the puppies were raised, what the condition of the mother is, whether the puppies have tattoos and whether they match the documents.

As a rule, the breeder is a true lover of his breed and wishes it to prosper, but one should not lose sight of the fact that he is also a seller. This sometimes prevents him from being completely objective and he will never reveal all his secrets. Alas! It is possible that you will encounter unscrupulous people, so do not buy puppies from random people or resellers.

On the other hand, no responsible breeder can guarantee that this puppy, no matter how good he is on the day of sale, will be a champion. In addition to the qualities of the parents and the hereditary inclinations of the puppy itself, it is very important to feed, raise, train (including handling), veterinary care, and communicate with other people and animals.

Choosing a puppy is always a risk if your ultimate goal is to win your Yorkie at shows.

Experts around the world advise in this case to purchase an older dog. But this task is beyond the capabilities of novice dog breeders.

It’s great if you have the opportunity to consult with a breed specialist and, even more so, involve him in choosing a puppy. Just don’t contact people who give advertisements like: “We’ll help you choose the future champion.” This is obviously a false step.

Many buyers prefer to make their own choices. Maybe our advice will be useful to them.

It is better to purchase Yorkshire Terrier puppies at two or three months of age. Babies must be vaccinated, have a veterinary passport with the appropriate marks, have a tattoo, an exchange card for a puppy (puppy) with all fields filled in, numbers, signatures, seals, the address of the breeder and the RKF. A responsible breeder will provide the buyer with written recommendations for raising the puppy.

Don't be delighted by the sight of adorable shaggy babies.

First of all, choose a healthy, active puppy who should be strong for his tiny size, cheerful, playful and active. He should have a clean, shiny, flowing coat.

Dandruff, flaking or redness of the skin, dry hair - all this indicates trouble.

At this age, the Yorkshire Terrier puppy should have straight limbs and rounded, balled paws. The puppy's movements are free and coordinated, the top line (back) is straight.

Limping or related movements indicate a possible malformation of the joints, which leads to even greater complications with age. Anyone who assures that the puppy will get better with age is either a superficial optimist or a speculator. Be very careful!

Now ask permission to pick up the puppy and examine him from head to toe and tail. The nose should be black, cold and moist.

After sleep it may be warm. There should be no discharge or white border along the contour of the nose.

Look into your mouth. The gums are usually a rich pink color; their pallor indicates anemia. Each jaw has 6 incisors and 2 canines.

The Yorkie's bite is scissor-shaped, or in extreme cases straight (pincer-shaped). Underbites and underbites are disqualifying signs and must be noted in the exchange card in the column “marks on breeding marriage”. With a correct bite, the outer surface of the incisors of the lower jaw is in close contact with the inner surface of the upper incisors, that is, the upper row of teeth seems to cover the lower one.

If it's the other way around, it's a snack. If the teeth of the upper jaw have moved far forward and a gap has formed between the surfaces, this is an underbite. Regardless of the severity of this defect, the dog cannot be used for breeding.

In a two- or three-month-old Yorkshire terrier puppy, who will later claim exhibition victories, the fontanel should be closed. Gently feel the crown.

In individuals whose adult weight does not reach 1.5 kg, an open fontanel of no more than 3 mm in diameter is allowed, but such a baby has little chance of winning at exhibitions and participating in breeding.

A fragile build in combination with a large apple-shaped head, bulging eyes and an open fontanel indicates dwarfism (dwarfism). Such symptoms often indicate hydrocephalic syndrome (water on the brain). Signs of dwarfism persist in an adult dog; animals with hydrocephalic syndrome are practically unviable.

The Yorkie's eyes are dark, moist, looking straight ahead without any deviation in one direction or another. Puffiness under the eyes may indicate eyelid defects such as entropion, ectropion, or conjunctivitis (inflammation of the lining of the eyes).

Purulent discharge from the nose and eyes is especially dangerous, as they occur as a result of severe, often fatal infectious diseases, for example, canine distemper (Carré disease). The pupils should be dark, the iris should be free of inclusions and spots indicating inflammation or previous trauma. The third eyelid, even if noticeable, should not be enlarged or inflamed.

Not all Yorkie puppies have ears that stand up by the age of two months, but if you are buying a puppy from purebred parents, then there is no reason to worry, of course, if the puppy’s ears are not too large and heavy.

Look carefully at the puppy's ear. There should be no crusts or baldness along its edges; they are evenly covered with clean, shiny hair.

The external auditory canal should be clean and odorless. If your puppy shakes his head, scratches behind his ears, and there is an unpleasant odor coming from his ear, then beware. ear mite or inflammatory process.

The puppy's breathing is smooth and free. The skin of the abdomen is clean, healthy, without any spots or rashes. Protrusions in the navel or groin area indicate the presence of hernias, umbilical or inguinal, respectively. The puppy may need surgery to prevent strangulation of the hernia.

The abdomen should not be bloated, as this indicates indigestion or helminthic infestation.

Check the bitch's loop for inflammation of the vagina, which can be easily detected by the glued hairs.

A male dog should also not have anything like this at the end of the prepuce. Both testes should be easily palpable, but in dwarf breeds, especially small specimens, their descent into the scrotum may be slightly delayed.

Failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum (cryptochism) - unilateral or spiritual - is a disqualifying defect. A healthy puppy will have clean and healthy skin and fur around its anus.

Ask the owner to stand the puppy (an experienced breeder will know how to do this). Then lower it to the floor and examine it carefully. If a puppy’s back is not straight or has a hump, this will continue to be the case in an adult dog.

Only if the puppy's coat is black with golden markings will it be able to take on the color characteristic of our breed. This usually occurs by 15-18 months of age.

If your puppy's coat is wavy or curly, it will not become straight with age. Any non-standard spots are disqualifying, however, a small white spot on the chest is allowed and, as a rule, it disappears when overcolored.

Do not trust those who offer you a puppy of silver-gray or other non-standard color, claiming that he will later turn steely gray. This is also not true. More likely, the opposite will happen.

Do not trust those who claim, just to sell you a dog, that the breed has various options by size. Please note that the standard does not specify the height of the Yorkshire Terrier, but strictly prescribes a maximum weight of no more than 3.1 kg. If the puppy looks too large, then as it matures it will not have all the external and behavioral characteristics of the breed.

At the age of 2-3 months, Yorkie puppies are funny and completely different from their parents. The fur has not grown and sticks out in all directions, the color is black with red markings.

The puppy looks fragile, but in fact it is a real strong one, of course, if you received it from the hands of an experienced and conscientious breeder. And he has a strong character, this little one chooses the person with whom he will have the warmest relationship and to whom he will obey. He is always cheerful and always ready to follow his owner, adapting to any situation.

Each owner will tell you about the puppy’s character traits, but try to determine it yourself using simple tests. With the breeder's permission, place the puppy on the floor next to you and begin to calmly move away from him.

If he happily runs after you, then he is an active, balanced dog with a dominant type of behavior, but if he attacks and bites your legs, that is, he shows aggressiveness, then it is likely that he will remain that way when he grows up.

If he follows you hesitantly, then he is simply shy, but someone who runs away in the other direction with his tail between his legs will grow up to be a coward. You can put the puppy on the floor, move 2-3 steps away from him and, squatting, attract his attention with soft clapping of your palms.

An aggressive puppy will run up and try to grab your hand with its teeth, a balanced one will run up cheerfully and poke its nose into your hands, a shy one will stop before reaching you, and a cowardly one will not budge or move away.

Another trick: turn the puppy over on his back, holding him in this position for 30 seconds. You already guessed it - the aggressive one will bite and senselessly struggle, the balanced puppy will actively resist at the beginning, but quickly realizes that this is a game, will calm down and look at you with a look full of sly curiosity. The shy one will immediately become submissive, and the cowardly one will tensely cower in your arms.

An aggressive puppy is not a good friend, especially for children. He may attack, growl and bite when picked up or tried to be petted.

Naturally, the character of an adult dog is always something individual, formed on the basis of hereditary inclinations and environmental influences, and the choice depends on your taste and ideas about the ideal dog. But let's always remember that, regardless of its size and breed, a dog is a pack predator, hunter, watchman, capable of both very good deeds and bad ones, depending on selection, cultivation and upbringing.

Sometimes the environment puts a greater imprint on the brain than heredity, and this is very important for understanding the characteristics of the development and character education of an animal. Imagine that a puppy's life takes place in a monotonous environment without colors, sounds of music and voices, without contact with dogs and people. Having become an adult, such an animal is not capable of communicating with people and its own kind. And it’s a completely different matter when a puppy develops in a house full of sounds, movements, children’s games, affection, communication with other animals, the opportunity to walk and meet dogs. This one grows up to be sociable, smart and sociable.

Modern dog experts believe that character is formed not only in the process of cultivation and education, but also during the period of intrauterine development. They advise owners of pregnant bitches to give them, in addition to excellent conditions, feeding and a calm environment, a particularly gentle attitude: patting them on the belly, talking affectionately to the future cubs. In their opinion, all this has a very positive effect on the psyche of newborns.

It’s incredible, but the puppy, while still in its embryonic state, in the middle of the bitch’s pregnancy, begins to feel touch. He has not yet been born, but is already getting acquainted with the world around him. Puppies from a bitch that has been petted and stroked on the belly during pregnancy are more obedient and less fearful than puppies whose mother has been exposed to stress. The first ones develop more loving and attached to the mother, and then to the person.

The domestication of dogs, in other words, the ability of animals to have social and friendly connections with the people who raised him, began more than 12,000 years ago. But it is not written in any of your Yorkie's genetic code that he should live with a person, be sweet and accommodating, especially with children.

One should not think that a dog’s touching attitude towards a child is only a hereditary characteristic. On the contrary, the friendship between a child and a dog of any breed depends to a very large extent on the nature of the relationship between the child and the puppy, especially during the period of growth and formation of the young dog.

Contact and affection – absolute quality necessary for a dog companion. A puppy whose mother has never been petted is a poor candidate for companions. Research by scientists has shown that tactile sti! Mulation of the puppy before and after birth contributes to its development nervous system, mental abilities and psychophysiological characteristics.

In all breeds, including Yorkshire terriers, there are very patient individuals, there are choleric, aggressive or, on the contrary, overly good-natured, brave or cowardly, etc.

Understanding these features helps the breeder in the correct selection of sires and obtaining offspring close to the ideal. Adaptation in new family and training of such puppies occurs much easier and faster, unless the owner makes demands on the small cub that are incommensurate with its age and characteristics of the nervous system.

An ideal puppy for a family is one who does not tuck its tail between its legs, follows its owner everywhere, and is responsive to affection. He resists being picked up, but then relaxes and licks his owner.

Now ask yourself the main thing? Are you ready for a new tenant in your home? Do you have the time and patience to take care of an animal: feed it, walk it, wash it, cut it, comb it, play, clean up after it, raise it? When choosing a companion dog, you should know that he cannot be left alone for more than four hours. That's why many people get not one, but two, even three Yorkies. But who will take care of them during your absence?

Alas! Despite the fact that Yorkshire terriers are quite expensive dogs, people sometimes literally suddenly rush to buy a puppy. A sweet, warm, lively little bundle, received from the hands of an experienced breeder, so beautiful, clean and cheerful. He smells so wonderful of childhood.

But the puppy got used to the new place, began to leave “calling cards” everywhere, tore a fashion magazine, bit his favorite shoes... but you never know what he can do in the hands of an inexperienced or overly careless owner. Enthusiasm is cooling down, the dog is in best case scenario placed in reliable hands, and most often in the first available ones.

Nowadays, a category of “new owners” has appeared who, after playing for a month or two with an expensive, prestigious toy, begin to invent non-existent diseases, vices, etc., trying to push the delayed, spoiled creature back to the breeder. Naturally, the latter's sincere indignation and indignation. He handed over a full-fledged puppy from hand to hand, and now they are demanding money from him for a spoiled one. Why?

It is quite obvious that a puppy sold with a guarantee will cost significantly more and, in turn, future owner is obliged to guarantee not only the proper care, cultivation and education of the animal, but also the implementation of its exhibition and (or breeding career, if it is purchased for this purpose). A pet is always the most beloved, and owners will not exchange it under any circumstances.


So, if your deliberate decision is final, then prepare in advance for the arrival of a new tenant. Don’t rush to buy brushes, bows, leashes, shampoos, etc. It’s all expensive, but it’s not always suitable for our dogs. Consult the breeder or the club that he recommends to you.

First you need to choose a special place. Let it be a warm, soft faux fur basket that can be washed (but not wicker). A plastic trough with a mattress is good for sleeping. It is very hygienic and convenient to gnaw on its edges, and not on your furniture, during the period of changing teeth. The feeder and drinker should be heavy, earthenware or ceramic. Convenient stainless steel feeders on a stand.

Like any baby, a puppy needs toys: balls, squeakers, artificial bones.

For safe transportation, purchase a container or carrying bag. From the first days you will need a massage brush, comb, nail clipper, scissors with rounded tips, shampoo for puppies, hygienic drops for the eyes and ears.

Any dog ​​needs a collar and leash, but for a Yorkie they should be made of very soft skin or woven silk. A tape measure for small dogs and a show ring will come in handy. The tape measure provides freedom of movement for the puppy within a radius of 3-5 meters, but be very careful, as recklessly courageous Yorkies in pursuit of a bird, cat, dog, piece of paper... risk jumping out onto the road, falling under the feet of a hurrying passerby, or falling under the wheels of a bicycle or baby stroller.

Never use a harness - it ruins the coat and the stance of the front legs. Some people mistakenly believe that with a harness they will quickly pick up and grab the puppy in their arms when an unfamiliar large dog approaches. Believe me, with such actions you expose your pet to increased danger: firstly, you may not have time, and secondly, sudden movements will provoke aggression on both sides. It is better to cover the puppy with yourself, calmly take it in your arms, and move away in the opposite direction.

It’s a good idea, in the worst case, to have a “Control” type pepper spray to protect your pet. It will not seriously harm the stranger's dog, but will cause it to retreat.

The basic principles of raising puppies, regardless of breed, are the same: a comfortable, dry room, clean bedding, plenty of space to play, sun, fresh air, ample walks and rest.

All these are necessary conditions for raising healthy, beautiful, strong puppies. In addition, a balanced diet and regular meals are necessary. The love and friendship of the people around you will help to correctly shape not only the health, but also the character of the future dog.

The basis of raising a Yorkie is fun play. The Yorkie responds to any attempt at violence with the famous stubbornness of terriers. It is easy to teach him anything and quite difficult to re-teach. The main thing for his peace of mind is to feel his importance and significance in the house. But you should not indulge all his whims, in which case he will become a real despot. Yorkies are generally easy to train their owners.

First of all, you should know that in this creature, barely reaching three kilograms, lives a dog, in all its manifestations no different from other, much larger breeds. This is a terrier with its own innate character traits that require attention and respect.

If you want to adopt a Yorkie into your family, you should not base your choice of breed on its beauty, small size, luxurious coat, etc.

If there are children in the family, you need to teach them the basic rules of handling in advance: explain to the child that at first everything around the little puppy in the new house will seem unusual and scary.

Let the child not rush to introduce him to his friends in the very first days. There is no need to arrange noisy games in front of the baby’s nose, grab him in your arms and try to turn a living creature into a toy. Even the youngest children should be taught that the puppy is not a stuffed dog with rubber bones.

First meeting

So, you brought a tiny bundle of life into your home - a little Yorkie. Until now, he lived in a family with his brothers, sisters, mother and was in the experienced hands of a breeder. Now help him get comfortable in your home.

To make it easier for the puppy to endure separation from its mother, you can put a plush toy or an old fur hat in its place. Just make sure that the puppy does not tear them, as swallowed pieces can cause intestinal blockage.

If the puppy whines during the day from sadness, take him in your arms, stroke him, and talk to him affectionately. At night it is better not to pay attention to him and endure his possible screams in the first nights. If the puppy achieves to be taken into bed, then he will become the master of his owners.

But if you agree with him sleeping with you, then take him right away, although we do not recommend doing this. Firstly, he is small and a possible fall at night or an unsuccessful jump could result in a broken paw for him. Your puppy will need to urinate several times during the night and will bother you. Accustomed to sleeping with you, he will climb into bed with children, which is unacceptable for obvious reasons. If you don't mind climbing on chairs and sofas, then make “steps” for descent from available material (old blankets, pillows, etc.). This temporary structure is necessary only for the period of growth.

A puppy should not be frightened, chased, chased, driven out from under furniture with a broom or brush - this is cruel and can ruin the dog’s character for life.

Prepare a place for him in advance. The sleeping basket should not be too large. It is always clean, warm, cozy here, there will be no drafts and no one will ever dare to disturb the dog. When you need to feed, clean, wash, walk, etc., gently call the puppy, lure him with a treat or his favorite toy. Never take a puppy by force.

But the “place” command can be taught from the first days. Gently stroke the puppy, call him by name, place him on the mat and repeat several times: “place, place, good place.” When the puppy falls asleep anywhere, take him to his place and repeat the command in a calm, gentle voice. Soon the baby will get used to it.

It is important that the puppy does not become afraid when picked up. On the contrary, it should give him great pleasure. But it is not necessary for the puppy to be picked up too often by different people, especially children. Puppies are very active and quite strong, so you need to hold them carefully but firmly so that the puppy does not jump from a height and get hurt.

The puppy's elbows should always be pressed to his sides. It is strictly forbidden to lift the puppy up while holding it by the front paws - this weakens the ligaments.

You cannot lift it by clasping it with your whole palm under the elbows. If you frequently handle a puppy this way, it will develop “turned elbows.” The puppy must be lifted by clasping both shoulders in front with one hand and supporting it from behind with the other hand.

Remember that it is much easier to teach a puppy to stand or walk on a leash than an adult dog. Give the puppy a few days to adapt and start training.

The younger the puppy, the shorter the training time. At the same time, your hands, voice, intonation should be kind, affectionate and confident at the same time. Any activity should not tire the puppy. At first, just play, gradually moving on to the requirements.

Care and education

Raising and raising a puppy is a responsible, painstaking, but rewarding task. If you want to raise your pet to be obedient, clean, and cheerful, then spare no time or effort on this.

Most people understand the severity and firmness when raising a Great Dane, Shepherd, or Rottweiler, but they mistakenly believe that for puppies small breeds this is not at all necessary. Any growing dog tries to determine its place in the family hierarchy, striving to occupy a higher level.

In dwarf breeds, this can manifest itself in the form of numerous whims, the desire to arouse inappropriate pity of the owners and other similar tricks. A frivolous approach to raising a friend not only spoils his character, but often banal disobedience sometimes leads to tragic consequences.

The popularity of these dogs all over the world is apparently due to such reasons as the absence of shedding, smell, he is a small dog, and he is easy to train to the toilet at home. You won’t have to take your dog for a walk in bad weather or rush home from guests.

With all your touching love for your baby, you shouldn’t wrap him up too much, pamper him and indulge all his whims. Otherwise, instead of a charming companion, you risk having a real despot in your house with a sly face and a cute bow on his head.

If you are a small fan of walking, then immediately choose a miniature dog (which is always much more expensive) and teach it to “walk” in a tray, on a diaper napkin, or simply on a newspaper. But remember that for physical and mental health Dog walks and games in the fresh air are extremely necessary and beneficial.

Like any child, the puppy should have toys: rubber squeakers, artificial bones, balls, etc., purchased from trustworthy pet stores. In all cases, children must be treated wisely and puppies of toy breeds should not be wrapped in “cotton wool” like a fragile jewel, not allowing them to walk even on sunny days.

Puppies should not be handled unless absolutely necessary. Well trained, they are able to withstand significant physical activity and surprise us with their endurance. In addition, from constant carrying in your arms, the puppy’s topline may deteriorate, and your dog will look like a “shrimp”, and even a cowardly one.

Puppies, like human children, must learn everything and comprehend various things as quickly as possible. life situations, but preferably one thing at a time: collar – situation 1, leash – 2, collar + leash – 3, etc. The main thing is to follow the principle of gradualness.

One of the important boarding lessons for a puppy should be the prohibition of stupid barking, and in general, you need to teach him not to be annoying, which, however, is not typical for a Yorkshire terrier. Once in a human family, the puppy perceives it as a pack. At first he unconditionally accepts the owner as the leader. But as you grow older, a reassessment of values ​​begins to occur.

A growing dog is trying to determine its place in the family hierarchy, striving to occupy a higher level. In dwarf breeds, this can manifest itself in the form of numerous whims, the desire to evoke inappropriate pity of the owners and other similar tricks, which in fact turn out to be so effective that they can force literally the entire family to indulge his whims. Sometimes these whims are harmful to the health of the animal itself.

Accustoming to cleanliness

Typically, puppies defecate after waking up, eating, and playing and, therefore, need to be taken out for walks regularly. At home, place an oilcloth on the “walk” area, not plastic film, as the puppy can bite off and swallow pieces of polyethylene. Cover it with several layers of newspapers, a diaper or special diapers.

Remove soiled newspapers promptly and replace them with fresh ones. It is better to leave the middle layer, as odors remain on it, reminding the puppy where he should leave his “calling cards”.

Puppies typically urinate every three hours. When the puppy tries to defecate (usually he starts running fussily, spinning around), take him to the designated place, gently repeat: “walk, walk, have a good walk.” Praise for good luck; it is quite appropriate to treat you with something tasty.

Don't blame yourself for failure! If the puppy begins to defecate on your favorite carpet, then no matter how unpleasant it may be for you, it is already too late to scold, grab, or drag him to the designated place. You will only scare the baby and he will still “walk” on the carpet, only now hiding in a secluded place, for example, behind a chair. It is better to express your dissatisfaction in a calm, low voice without scaring the baby. With your behavior and intonation, let him understand that the “business cards” on the carpet cause your dissatisfaction, and the puddles and “bumps” in the walking area lead to indescribable delight.

It makes sense to swear and praise only during the action itself; punishment after the action is meaningless. The puppy does not understand the reasons for your anger. And although he takes a guilty pose, know that this is only a reaction to your anger, and there is no connection between the action and your dissatisfaction in his head. This is the nature of conditioned reflexes.

Stains and odors can be easily removed from carpets, for example, using Vanish.

Do not poke your puppy's nose into feces - it is useless and stupid. Such punishment will cause fear and mistrust of you. Be consistent and patient. Yorkies are clean, and the baby will soon understand everything. For growing male dogs, you can place an inverted bucket at the walking area or buy a special tray with a post. What a pleasure to lift your paw!

General hygiene

The puppy's bedding should be covered with a clean cover, which should be washed as often as possible. It is advisable to treat floors and carpets at least once a week. Until the puppy is fully vaccinated, it is not recommended to walk around the apartment in outdoor shoes. It is better to put your shoes out of reach of the puppy.

If the baby gets dirty during bowel movements, you need to wash him with warm water and carefully blot him with a soft terry cloth. Lubricate the redness in the anal area with baby cream or boric vaseline, you can powder it with baby powder or treat it with sea buckthorn oil.

Using special tweezers (suitable for cats and birds), shorten the tips of the claws by about 1 mm, but no more, since the pulp of Yorkies is very close.

Trim the fur on the paws into a cat's paw shape, remove matted hair between the toes, on the belly, inner surface thighs, around the anus, and in males, around the prepuce.

Make sure that hair never falls into your Yorkie's eyes. It is advisable to wipe your Yorkie's eyes every other day or a little less often with special liquids or freshly brewed (not strong) tea. If there is even the slightest pus in the eyes or discharge from the nose, consult a doctor.

It is enough to clean your ears once a week, usually on the day of bathing. It is good to drip 1-2 drops of a special liquid, lightly massage the base of the ear and then carefully insert a dry, clean ear stick, making a slight rotational movement.

If the ear discharge is dark brown in color and has an unpleasant odor, you should use special medicinal drops, but it is better to select them on the advice of a veterinarian. Over time, you will gain experience and know in which cases which drugs can be used, but a novice dog breeder should not use “self-medication”.

Regularly trim the outer and outer hair of your ears. inner sides no more than 1/3 the size of the ear, giving it the correct V-shape. Old, dying hair from the ear canal should be plucked.

Exist general techniques dog hair care and specific for each breed. So it is recommended to wash Yorkshire terriers 2-3 times a month. When swimming, avoid getting water in your ears and shampoo in your eyes.

It is better to tightly close the ear canals with small cotton swabs. You can wash your Yorkie in the sink or in the bathtub, placing it on a rubber mat. Be extremely vigilant at this time, as the dog may jump out completely unexpectedly and injure itself.

Wet the dog's fur generously with water, the temperature of which is slightly lower than that at which we bathe our own children (about 35 ° C); The shower pressure should not be strong so as not to frighten the puppy and cause fear and aversion to bathing for the rest of its life.

Use mild shampoos with special additives that are designed for Yorkie's silky coat. Lightly massage the soapy body. Then rinse your dog very thoroughly. Otherwise, you risk getting a dull, dandruff-covered coat.

It is advisable that bathing last no more than 10 minutes. If you conscientiously brush your dog every day, drying should not take more than 10 minutes. Using a hairdryer and a massage brush with metal teeth, you begin to dry the fur.

After shampooing, use a conditioner-rinse, which will add additional silkiness and shine. Rinse the fur thoroughly again, wring it out with your hands and, without allowing the dog to shake itself off, wrap it in a soft terry towel and lightly blot the fur.

Make sure that the teeth of the brush slide from the very roots along the entire length of the coat. Never use a hair dryer at full power.

Not a single knot or tangle should remain unsorted. To untangle them, it is convenient to use a comb with smooth, wide teeth or a short knitting needle. Try to sort out especially difficult tangles with your hands first. All this must be done extremely carefully and gently.

We recommend using special liquids to untangle tangles. Once your Yorkie is dry and thoroughly combed, use a metal comb to part the hair from the nape of the neck to the base of the tail.

Then create a ponytail hairstyle. To do this, pick up hair on each side of your head from the outer corner of your eyes to the middle of your ears. Raise the hair on the head by making another part between the ears (slightly behind) and, collecting them in one bun, tie them with an elastic ribbon or wrap them in a curling iron. Never tie wool with a bare rubber band.

Once or twice a week, the dog's coat should be treated with oil, but if you do not use hair curlers, then apply the oil a few hours before bathing or at night, and in the morning next day buy the animal.

If you completely refuse to use oils, you need to bathe your dog with special shampoos that contain an oil additive, or add a little vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, to a high-quality dog ​​shampoo, shake well and wash the dog with a freshly prepared mixture. The coat will be silky and the skin will be soft and elastic.

It is better to spend the first bath with an experienced assistant. Contact the club or breeder for help. In the future, try to carry out all manipulations yourself.

When you yourself support the dog with one hand and wash, comb, etc. with the other, then you feel every movement and will be able to control its actions in such a way as to adapt to them and give the dog the opportunity to understand you. Otherwise, the Yorkie will perceive your actions as violence, because you have united two against one.

Particular attention should be paid to teeth. A Yorkie's teeth usually change at 4-6 months. If some baby teeth do not fall out by 5 months, we advise you to contact a qualified veterinary dentist who will decide on tooth extraction. Delayed removal of baby teeth sometimes leads to malocclusion.

Permanent teeth should be brushed several times a week and the gums massaged with a special toothpaste for dogs (not for humans). This should be done with a soft-bristled toothbrush, holding it at a 45-degree angle.

You can clean your pet's teeth with gauze wrapped around your finger, especially on the outside and near the gums, where plaque and tartar build up, which harbors many bacteria.

When tartar forms, an unpleasant odor appears from the dog’s mouth, the stomach constantly becomes infected, and a lot of pathogenic microorganisms enter here along with the food.

Give your dog something hard to chew on: crackers, dog biscuits, carrots, artificial bones, but not a rubber ball. In advanced cases, tartar needs to be removed. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian first.

Pay special attention to the following circumstances:

You should not drop small objects on the floor: needles, beads, pins, buttons, fragments, rubber bands, toys, pieces of foam rubber, cotton wool, spools of thread - all this is very dangerous, since the puppy can swallow them and he will have to undergo surgery.

Medicines, washing powders and any other chemicals should be kept out of reach. Floor pots with flowers should also be placed higher, because a terrier has settled in the house, he will happily dig up the soil, scatter it, and the puppy will also taste it.

The latter is fraught with intestinal inflammation. Christmas tree needles, toys, tinsel, and electrical wiring also pose a great danger to the baby.

The puppy should not go out onto an unfenced balcony or stairs.

Don't pull anything out of your puppy's mouth. Ruin your bite. If you want to take something away from him, then tilt his head down, open his jaws and hook him with your finger.

Never pet your puppy's head. If the ears are not erect by three or three and a half months, contact the breeder. Some experts recommend adding one-fourth of a coffee spoon of boiled gelatin to food during this period.

Before each vaccination, drive away worms 10 days before each vaccination.

Get your vaccinations as directed by your veterinarian.

Walking begins 2-3 weeks after re-vaccination. Avoid contact with puppies and young dogs unless you are sure they are vaccinated.

If you have any questions, please contact the club, breeder or veterinarian.

Never use the advice of friends and “all-knowing” dog breeders who are unfamiliar with our breed.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog, but it requires high-quality, nutritious food. Yorkshire puppies grow very quickly and by 3 months, as a rule, reach half the weight of an adult animal, and by 9-12 months they practically gain it completely.

When compiling a diet for a Yorkshire Terrier, it is necessary to take into account that the proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in the food must be easily digestible, and minerals and vitamins must be present in the required proportions. Unfortunately, excess protein is converted into fat deposits in mammals as a result of metabolism; in dwarf breeds, this excess leads to kidney disease, and in particularly sensitive individuals it provokes food allergies.

In fact, the group of products that potentially have an allergenic effect is quite numerous. First of all, these include: non-white meat, milk, cereals, fish, eggs, chocolate.

The use of these products may result in the appearance of rashes, dermatitis, itchy skin, dryness and brittleness of the coat. In this case, a strict diet is required, prescribed by a veterinarian, who will help identify the allergen and offer ready-made dietary food. One interesting observation worth noting is that prolonged heat treatment reduces the allergic effect of foods.

This is probably why, in one of his books, A. Tomaselli does not advise giving Yorkshire terriers raw meat from 7-8 weeks of age.

The vast majority of Yorkies are not prone to allergies and you can choose their diet yourself. Yorkies really like a little boiled rice or buckwheat porridge with the addition of meat products, vegetables and a few drops of any unrefined vegetable oil.

Most of them are passionate about vegetables and fruits and eat them simply cut into pieces or as hand-held treats. For protein products, it is preferable to use beef; once or twice a week, give fish, liver, game, a raw yolk or a whole egg in the form of an omelet (feed a small puppy one-sixth of a whole egg).

All food must be freshly prepared. After changing teeth, on a full stomach, you can treat your dog to a soft beef bone with leftover meat. Some give food from a stand (at elbow level).

Never feed Yorkies raw protein, as this will lead to deterioration of the coat. Yorkshire terriers are small fans of fermented milk products, but they eat homemade cottage cheese with pleasure; many do not refuse kefir, yoghurt, and fermented baked milk. The most optimal ratio of food products: 50% proteins (meat, fish, cottage cheese, etc.), 25% vegetables and 25% cereals.

As the puppy grows, the height of the stand increases. Food should be warm, not hot and not from the refrigerator. If the dog has not eaten food within 20 minutes, it should be removed and nothing else should be offered until the next feeding. Feeding and walking should be done at the same hours.

A healthy dog ​​should be neither thin nor fat. If you feed ready-made food, then your dog does not need mineral and vitamin supplementation, since here the ratio of all necessary ingredients is already balanced. Using natural feed the puppy must receive appropriate medications: vitamins and mineral supplements.

In any case, the puppy’s nutrition should be complete and the advice of some “experts” to feed him less so that the Yorkshire Terrier remains small is not only unprofessional, but in fact, cruel and absolutely unacceptable for true animal lovers.

Cheerfulness, playfulness, activity, display of interest in the surrounding world, normal weight gain, excellent condition of skin and coat, bones and muscles, timely appearance of baby teeth and their replacement with permanent ones - all this indicates the health and normal development of the puppy.

Starting from 6 months, puppies can be fed 3 times, gradually switching to two meals a day by 9 months.

Strictly avoid: game bones and other sharp bones, pork, sausage, hot dogs, ham, fatty cheeses, pasta, fresh bread, raw fish(river), as well as any cabbage, turnips, peas and other legumes, potatoes, pies, cakes, ice cream, broths and juices.

Make sure that your dog does not pick up anything from the ground while walking! This is very dangerous for her life.

Good health – beautiful coat

The skin and coat of a Yorkshire Terrier should be the object of constant attention from the owner, because they not only reflect our aesthetic perception of the dog, but also indicate its health.

The length, density, color and shine of the coat are a derivative of hereditary factors, however, improper nutrition can significantly spoil the “dress” of a Yorkie. Usually, much more attention is paid to the coat than to the skin, but the hair of the coat grows and receives nutrition from skin cells.

The skin provides protection for the body from the external environment, retains the necessary amount of moisture, fats, mineral salts and vitamins, protects the body from the penetration of foreign microorganisms and, together with the corresponding glands, produces an individual smell, which is so necessary when communicating with one’s own kind.

Insufficient or unbalanced nutrition can worsen the condition of the external integument. So, if there is a lack of fat in the dog’s diet, peeling of the skin is observed, localized first in the abdomen, then on the tail and, finally, on the back. The appearance of rashes, ulcers and wounds is often observed.

Mineral salts and trace elements have a specific effect on the skin and coat.

Lack of sodium and chlorine causes dry skin and hair loss; lack of copper leads to loss of pigmentation; A lack of zinc can be judged by the appearance of plaques, crusts at the roots of the hair, in the corners of the mouth, around the eyes, ears, etc.

An unbalanced intake of iodine compounds deteriorates the coat, making it brittle and short. Problems like these typically arise from feeding dogs leftovers from family meals. This is absolutely impossible to do.

Unfortunately, quite often we observe a “family idyll”: the grandmother gets up first and treats the dog with a tiny piece of soft bread with butter and sausage, then moms and dads wake up, and everyone tries to treat best friend family because he likes to eat himself in the morning, the children finally got up... You guessed it, they also “treated” the baby, probably with sugar or candy.

A “sweet” piece the size of the tip of your little finger relative to the size of a Yorkie can, without exaggeration, be equated to a huge piece of sweet pie. Just imagine how many unnecessary and sometimes harmful products a dog can get in a day.

Unhealthy skin, crusts around the eyes, near the nose and on the tail, redness, flaking, itching, inflammation and, as a result, hair loss are very often associated with deficiency various vitamins, for example, A, B 1, pantothenic acid, etc. (Table 1). Biotin (vitamin H) has a very specific effect. When it is deficient, dandruff, itching, and inflammation appear. sebaceous glands. The coat becomes dry, pigmentation weakens and alopecia (baldness) may begin.

Table 1


One should not delude ourselves that taking numerous vitamins, minerals and food additives will create a miracle. Quite the opposite - an excess of vitamins will lead to even more unfavorable consequences. It would be wiser to consult with veterinarian. Trying to fix the situation yourself will only waste time. In addition, in some cases, the owner runs the risk of not recognizing a skin infection, which will further aggravate the situation.

Care and proper nutrition are the two most important factors maintaining healthy condition your Yorkie. Any sudden change in feed often leads to dyspepsia. When purchasing food, check the integrity of the packaging and never buy food sold by weight for your dogs.

The packaging of the finished food must indicate: expiration date, quantity and number of feedings per day. Experienced specialists do not hesitate to taste the food. The dog should always have fresh drinking water, but when feeding dry food, be especially careful to ensure that the animals have constant access to water.

As for general recommendations, for a growing Yorkie puppy, one level tablespoon of food for every 500 g of weight is sufficient. Adult animals should not be overfed, and your dog should be weighed 2-3 times a year. If she starts to gain weight, then reduce the amount of food, if she loses weight, add more.

The exception is pregnant and lactating bitches, who need a larger volume of food rich in proteins, vitamins and mineral supplements.

Some Yorkies know their limits, others are small-sized, and others are always ready to eat something. Of course, each animal is unique and requires an individual approach. The main thing is that your Yorkie is healthy, cheerful and happy.

On general state Vitamin H (biotin) has a great influence on wool and skin. However, the slightest overdose of the drug leads to serious illnesses liver.

Caring for a show Yorkshire Terrier

Caring for a pet's coat is quite simple, but a show dog is a completely different matter. Festive attire, the richness of the coat, its length, the exquisite silky heaviness of straight flowing hair require a lot of effort and patience from the owner.

From the hands of an experienced breeder you received a puppy already accustomed to daily brushing of its coat.

Continue to do this, being especially gentle when handling the mustache, beard and legs. Make sure that while playing, your cheerful and funny baby does not damage his fur, especially his mustache and beard (they are so difficult and take a long time to grow).

Do not let him rub his face on furniture, carpets, roll on the floor, etc. If the puppy is not accustomed to the trimming table, it is better to start training on your lap, and then transfer all grooming procedures to the table.

Leaving an adult dog, much less a puppy, alone on the table is strictly forbidden. The famous handsome man, multi-champion, World Champion Hooligan de Pengibur died as a result of a fall from a table.

Teach your dog to stand quietly with the leash attached to the bracket. In this case, both hands remain free, which is extremely necessary when working.

As soon as the puppy's fur grows, we begin to use hair curlers, which help preserve and grow it. High quality tissue paper is used to make paper curlers.

The first papillot is placed on the head in the center of the forehead and secured with a small elastic band, which in no case should tighten or pull the hair and skin. Otherwise, the animal will begin to rub against everything and try to tear off the curlers. Alas... very often with scraps of wool.

By the age of 9-10 months, you can begin to curl the hair on the body. The length of the hair curlers should correspond to the length of the animal's fur. The average size is approximately equal to a typewritten sheet folded in half.

Usually they begin to grow a mustache and beard from 10-11 months of age or a little later. Be careful when collecting whisker hair and do not pick up hair from the lower jaw, otherwise the dog will not be able to open its mouth and eat normally.

If the mustache is still short, do not rush to collect it in curlers, as you will most likely ruin the wool. Be patient.

When twirling the tail, make sure that the collected hair does not cover the anus and in no case should the elastic band tighten the tail itself, only the hair. Next, you begin to curl the hair on the hips, lower back, back, etc. The curls on the dog's body are placed symmetrically according to the proposed scheme.

Scheme for winding curlers

Regularly - the frequency depends on the type and quality of your Yorkie's coat, remove all curls and thoroughly comb all the coat. It is quite difficult to grow a beard and mustache, so hair curlers have to be changed much more often, almost every day.

If you delay replacing the curlers, tangles of torn wool will form, and the dress will be hopelessly damaged. After the entire coat is wrapped in curlers, the dog is put on a light overall, which in turn protects it from damage. Its shape and size should not hinder movement and allow the animal to jump, play and run freely; The clasp must be on the chest.

After each wrap, observe your dog for a few minutes. True, there are cunning people who will never rub themselves and rip off their curlers in front of you, but they will gladly do all this on the sly. Be carefull.

Yorkies have an amazing character: most of them are ready to perceive combing, cutting hair, wearing curlers, overalls, etc. as an exciting game. However, you need to accustom the dog to all this gradually, talking cheerfully and affectionately to it, constantly approving it and encouraging it with tidbits.

A well-groomed Yorkie is adorable—let your dog know that. Yorkshire Terriers are unusually receptive to praise.

Roll curlers onto well-washed and blow-dried wool. Before curling, the wool is carefully treated with one of the special oils: olive, almond, mink, etc. We would not recommend the oil for children, since in many dogs it provokes the appearance of profuse dandruff.

The oil can be applied from a spray bottle or with a very soft natural hair brush, and then combed well so that it is evenly distributed throughout the hair. It should not saturate the wool too much; it is better to apply it more often than to oil it too much, advises Osman Sameya. Bathing too infrequently leads to hair loss.

Long before performing at an exhibition, starting from the age of 5 months, the Yorkshire Terrier has to select the most suitable oils and shampoos for it. There is no definitive advice here, and it is up to each owner to determine the best option for each of their dogs.

Working with wool should not be a pain for either the owner or the dog. When caring for your Yorkie's coat, encourage him, talk about how beautiful, smart, amazing he is, well, the most... Yorkie in the world! Experienced dog owners are in a hurry to jump onto the desktop in anticipation of pleasant communication. Don't forget to wear socks on your hind legs, as the dog will tear the fur with its claws when scratching.

A show Yorkie is usually washed every week. When bathing, you should lather your dog very delicately in one direction, so as not to confuse or tear the hair.

Shampoos for show Yorkies should be of especially high quality and special for dogs with long silky hair. On normal days, washing your dog twice is enough. With moisturizing shampoo plus treating the coat with special moisturizing conditioners or conditioners. Well-washed wool “crunches” under your fingers. But remember, the Yorkie's coat is not very durable; it needs to be lightly and gently blotted with two terry towels. Then, to avoid tangling the wool, take it into strands, comb it with a sparse comb and part it. Now you can dry it. Strictly avoid using too hot air, which breaks the wool, and too strong a jet, which tangles it.

For all manipulations with wool, use professional brushes. Drying hair starts from the paws, then gradually rises up to the middle of the back. Other groomers advise drying the Yorkie's coat from the parting downwards, carefully combing the entire length of the hair with a brush, pulling it beautifully.

When the dog is completely dry, you part it again, but this time very carefully and beautifully so that the hair falls evenly on both sides of the body. To do this, it is better to use a comb, one end of which looks like a short knitting needle. Now the shiny silk wool flows down, resting lightly on the table surface.

Ton-notes on the head are collected using tiny elastic bands. You can do different hairstyles, but don't pull the fur too tight - and don't pull it back. On the contrary, highlight your stop with a hairstyle and pin a bow. Practice your hairstyles in advance, not on the day of the show.

In a young dog, one side of the dress may be shorter than the other, since the dog prefers to sleep on this side. When the dress grows, make sure that its length does not interfere with the dog’s movements in the ring, especially on the grass. Shorten it accordingly. It's better to do this with an assistant.

One person makes sure that the dog is standing in the exhibition stand on a stand, and the other evens out the hair, but so that it goes down over the edge of the stand. Then in the ring the fur will lie beautifully and evenly on the sides of the body. Start straightening the coat from the front of the body towards the back, first on one side, then on the other.

After this, turn the dog's tail towards you, look at it from a distance and trim the fur on the back. Next, proceed to leveling the fur from the front. Once the fur is aligned around the entire perimeter of the dress, move on to the beard and mustache, observing the same principle of symmetry. After this, start processing the fur on the paws.

Lift the hair growing on the forearm (metatarsus) and shorten the hair on the paw, giving it a round, cat-like shape. Then lower the hair from the leg and trim so that all the lines are smooth and clean. The Yorkie's coat grows constantly, so it needs to be trimmed regularly. Naturally, they trim it a few days before the exhibition, including the hair on the paws and ears. We carry out all manipulations on clean, dried wool.

Not only too tight elastic bands pose a great danger, but these can also be fleas, which force the dog to bite and scratch itself, rendering the fur unusable, as well as eczema, the main causes of which can be improper feeding, bathing, choice of shampoos and oils, blockage of the anal glands and more.

Remember, all the luxury of a silk outfit, which is demonstrated by the best representatives of the breed, is not only a genetically determined inheritance, but also the titanic work of their owners. If you neglect the rules of care even for a short time, all your work will go down the drain.

What is handling

If you have purchased a Yorkshire Terrier and are planning to participate in exhibitions, then in addition to proper care, feeding, physical and mental development puppy, it needs special training to work in the ring.

First of all, the puppy must accept the leash as a natural part of his life. Having taught your puppy to walk on a leash, take him to a fairly quiet, isolated place and start moving at a slow, even trot, gradually increasing the pace.

Match your speed to your tiny Yorkie's ability, but also determine his maximum stride length. If the dog begins to gallop as the speed increases, give a slight tug on the leash, say “no” and continue moving. You should run with the dog without losing pace, at first for 1-2 minutes. The time and distance increase as the dog matures, its physical condition and temperament.

The most important thing is not to overtire your puppy and turn these activities into a fun game that you both enjoy. Therefore, it is necessary to take with you toys, balls, squeakers, whistles and, of course, tasty morsels. A fur ball on a cord is very suitable for us as a training toy; perhaps it reminds a Yorkshire terrier of a rat and awakens the hunting instinct in him.

Don’t be lazy to run around first, bending over and holding the “bait” in front of the dog’s nose so that it carries its head high while moving.

First practice moving in a straight line, then in a circle, in a triangle. Movements should be free, uniform and effective.

You can train your Yorkie to a certain pace of movement using rhythmic sounds, for example, “on”, “on”, “on” - they can be pronounced at different speeds and intonations. If during training you made these sounds, gave tidbits, encouraged and praised, never pulled the animal and showed maximum patience and love, then in the ring the familiar sounds will approve and encourage your Yorkie. They just need to be published so quietly so as not to disturb other exhibitors.

You need to exercise your puppy regularly and always on a leash. First at home, then on the street. First in a quiet place, then in any place. In bad or very cold weather, training your Yorkie outside is not possible, but try to continue it in a simplified manner at home. If possible, find an enclosed area, gym, long corridor or other suitable room.

It is necessary to accustom the puppy to stand from the first days of his stay in the house. First, place the puppy on your lap so that the front legs are resting on the right knee, and right hand support him by the head. The support for your back legs will be your left knee. Use your left hand to support the puppy's tail.

Spread your knees slightly so that your puppy straightens his back and stretches his back legs. Make sure the front legs are positioned directly under the chest.

Similar games-exercises can be done several times every day, the main thing is not to overtire the puppy. As soon as the baby takes the correct position for 2-3 seconds, praise him in an exaggeratedly joyful voice. Approve with affection and a tasty piece, prepared on hand in advance.

Gradually transfer classes from your knees, first to a low table, and then to a regular one. Experienced Yorkshiremen place the table in front of a mirror. With its help, it is much easier to adjust your stance, because you will see the dog in the mirror the way an expert sees it. Any classes should take place in a friendly, fun atmosphere.

Training a puppy to stand

One of the conditions for successful dog training is the practice of stereotypical commands. Usually all owners start with the word “work”. When examining your teeth – “show your teeth” or simply “teeth”. The word “ring” or “stand” refers to a stance, since the command “stand” is used in everyday life when you need to quickly stop a dog, for example, in front of a roadway. The words “trot” or “walk” indicate movement around the ring.

Despite their small size, Yorkshire Terriers look great in the show ring. But for this, both the dog and the person exhibiting it - the handler - must be prepared for it. This could be the dog owner or a hired professional.

Since rings can take place in open areas, it is necessary to teach your Yorkie to walk on different types of ground: earth, gravel, asphalt, short grass. From the very beginning, accustom your dog to being transported in a special container and to various types transport.

With a show dog you need to play as much as possible, move around at home and outside, and communicate with other dogs and people. Animals raised in isolation often behave extremely insecurely in the ring.

From time to time, a dog with overgrown hair should be allowed to run without curlers and walk with it on a leash, so that it adapts to the length of the coat and understands how to move correctly in the ring. If your dog gets tangled in a long dress, shorten it slightly.

Needless to say, a show dog should be comfortable with leashes and collars. The show leash for the Yorkshire Terrier "ringovka" should be made of silky cord, preferably black. Thin round leashes, cutting into the neck, cause anxiety for some dogs; for them, you can purchase a special ring with a wide base in the throat area.

Standard and grooming determine the overall appearance of the Yorkshire Terrier in the show ring. As for the handler, his clothing should not be too bright or too shiny and should not compete with the shine of the dog's coat. Also, do not use too light colors, especially if you are showing a young dog or your Yorkie's dress is too dark.

Yorkies always look good on a red background, but the latter is a matter of taste and age. In any case, the stand on which it is customary to display Yorkies in Great Britain should always be covered with a red velvet blanket. Under no circumstances should you enter the ring wearing high, pointed heels.

It is customary to arrive at the exhibition at least an hour before the start of the ring. Go through veterinary control with your dog, then register and receive a catalog and your number. Make sure there are no registration errors and head to your ring. Be sure to take with you a light folding table and chair, necessary cosmetics, a brush and comb, spare rubber bands and bows, a bowl for water, paper napkins and a towel. Having positioned yourself near your ring, place the dog on the table and thoroughly comb it, gather the hair on its head into a beautiful top-not, and pin a bow.

When the assistant announces your class, enter the ring and stand according to your order number. Place the dog in a beautiful, impressive stance with its head raised so that it emphasizes the beauty of its neck and proud posture.

In this case, the hind legs are slightly pulled back, the back is perfectly straight. The front legs should not go under the body or forward, they are positioned straight, as if continuing the line of the high neck. The tail is raised above the line of the back. Don't forget to take a hair brush to the ring. Brush your dog.

Manual control of Yorkshire terriers is carried out on the table. At the invitation of the expert, go to him and place the dog on the table in the exhibition rack.

Comb the fur. The dog must allow the handler to show its teeth and bite, allow the expert to feel the entire body, head, limbs, and in males, the testes. An experienced expert will definitely evaluate the quality of the coat using a brush. The dog must remain calm and friendly. When described, the dog stands motionless for several minutes in a characteristic exhibition position.

Don't forget to groom your dog in the ring. Be prepared for the fact that an expert can check the animal’s reaction to a bell, whistle, or musical toy. The Yorkshire Terrier should show the most lively interest.

In the ring, the animal must be able to move in a straight line, without pulling the leash, without playing with the owner and without getting under his feet. The dog should not bark, much less be aggressive. At this time, the expert evaluates the nature of the movements, the manner of carrying the head, keeping the top line, the coordination of the movements of the limbs, the position of the tail, etc.

While driving in a circle, do not hesitate to pass someone who is slowing down and disrupting the rhythm of movement or who has simply stopped. Be very careful and never allow yourself to step on your dog's or your competitors' paws.

All certificate exhibitions in the RKF system are held by appointment with the release of a full catalog of all participants, publication of the procedure for conducting shows and awarding titles, as well as the names of experts.

It is better for a beginner to first show the dog in his club, as there are more opportunities for training. From time to time, the club organizes litters of young animals, where you can compare puppies and receive qualified help.

Beginners can also be advised to contact professional handlers or take special courses themselves. Here you can not only train your young dog to work in the ring, but also learn the basics of handler skills.

According to the regulations of the RKF, the following ranks of exhibitions are provided:

1. International exhibitions at the CACIB level.

2. All-Russian CAC level.

3. Regional CAC levels.

4. Interregional CAC levels.

5. National special breed CAC level, CC-club champion.

6. Regional special breed CAC level, Candidate Club Champion Club Champion.

Depending on age, dogs are divided into the following classes:

1. Puppy class....................from 6 to 9 months

2. Junior class...................from 9 to 18 months

3. Intermediate class...... from 15 to 24 months

4. Open class................from 15 months

5. Champion class......from 15 months

6. Veteran class................from 7 years old

At club exhibitions, a breeding class from 15 months and a baby class from 4 months are organized.

The male and female who win their class participate in the comparison ring. By comparing class winners, the Best of Breed (BOB) is determined and titles are assigned according to the rank of the exhibition. Naturally, younger age groups, like veterans, do not participate in the comparison.

Currently, a young dog that has won four times in the junior class at shows of the CAC or CACIB rank in the RKF is awarded the title of Junior Champion of Russia.

Titles and ratings

1. CACIB – candidate for International Beauty Champions

2. R.CACIB – reserve candidate for International Beauty Champions

3. CAC – candidate for National Champion

4. R.CAC – reserve candidate for National Champions

5. Black Sea Fleet – champion of the federation

6. KChF – candidate for federation champion

7. Cheka – national champion

8. KCHK – candidate for national club champion

9. CW – class winner

10. excellent

11. very good

12. good

13. satisfactory

14. disqualification

Start showing your dog as early and often as possible. These shows will be great training for you and your pet. Regardless of the results, treat them as valuable lessons that will help you correct your mistakes. Here it is possible to exchange opinions with more experienced colleagues and exhibition descriptions and expert comments are always useful.

Always remain correct and thank the expert for the work done, no matter how dissatisfied you are with the results. An exhibition is a sport, and it is even more interesting that under different judges, in different time different dogs win.

Never forget to praise and thank your Yorkie regardless of success. Find strength in yourself and congratulate the winner. We wish you and your dog success! Good luck!

Often surprises its established owners with its unexpectedly persistent character. Many fans of charming miniature dogs do not think about the disposition of their future pet; it would seem that they put it in a bag, bought a jacket and the four-legged dog is happy, but everything is not so simple.

The term "terrier" indicates belonging to the hunting class. “Terra” is translated from Latin as earth, and “terrier” is interpreted as a burrowing dog. In the middle of the 19th century, Yorkies were real working dogs themselves, and bravely fought with rats. Great Britain has always elevated dogs to a special status; there were times when commoners were prohibited from owning large or hunting four-legged dogs. Early Yorkies were not subject to the ban, which was what farmers took advantage of. The breed was bred in the northern part of England, more precisely, in the counties of Yorkshire and Lancashire. Owners of tireless hunters always took their pets on sea and foot trips, thus the breed spread throughout the state and throughout the world.

Read also: What food is best for a Spitz puppy?

This is interesting! Yorkies and their ancient ancestors have been carried on arms since the Renaissance! It is not surprising that modern representatives of the breed are able to take a graceful pose on the curved arm of the owner from birth.

Skills, needs, character traits

The character of the Yorkshire Terrier and its obedience are completely different concepts. The innate characteristics of the breed amaze everyone who is not familiar with the breed. To begin with, the Yorkie considers himself at least a Shepherd, without hesitation he rushes into battle, protecting the owner, puppies or his territory. Despite the general knowledge of this fact, every year many representatives of the breed suffer in fights with larger relatives. Trouble can be avoided by walking your dog on a leash and avoiding “sworn enemies”, this especially applies to males.

This is interesting! Successful owners call their tiny charges lions. Perhaps the nickname quite accurately describes the fearless nature of the breed.

Yorkies can be mischievous! The active temperament of a hunter should not be confined to an apartment, a carrier or a bag; the Yorkie needs an active walk and games. Despite its size, the breed is distinguished by its persistence, especially if the dog is confident that it is right. Remember that torn pillows, damaged wires and shoes are an indicator of unmet physical needs of the pet.

Advice: If you live in your own house with a fenced area, energy costs problems are solved automatically. But! Be vigilant, they dig well and love this activity. Think in advance about the safety of the beds and the depth of the fence foundation.

Don't be fooled! Yorkies are natural strategists, endowed with a keen mind and the ability to manipulate. Do not give in to the offended look and the sight of trembling paws, otherwise bad habits cannot be avoided! Yorkshire terriers need full education, socialization and training. If your commands are clearly ignored, the dog should receive composure in response. Believe me, the genetic memory of four-legged animals creates in them a great need for humans and this must be used for educational purposes.

Read also: Practicing an exhibition stand - expert advice

Important! Yorkshire Terriers should absolutely not be physically punished, otherwise the dog will take revenge.

Yorkies are running away! Again a question of training. It is worth understanding that the character of a hunter is hidden under the luxurious fur and cute face. A pet may chase a bird or a cat without thinking about the consequences. If you are not sure that your dog is under control, do not let it off the leash during walks! By the way, snatching the leash from the owner’s hands is also not a problem for a Yorkie, so don’t be fooled by the small size of the ward.

Yorkies love company, but need their own space! It is a mistake to believe that a four-legged animal needs the care and company of its owner around the clock. The pet should be able to relax in silence and go about its doggy business, whatever that means. Not understanding the needs of the breed, inexperienced owners take their four-legged animals with them always and everywhere. The dog is happy to receive the attention of the owner and others, and the situation does not arouse suspicion. However, after a few months or a year, the pet begins to suffer from neuroses, becomes overly excited or aggressive, and these are direct consequences of ongoing stress.

Is a Yorkie right for you?

Character description is far from a universal indicator and many nuances depend on upbringing. If you rely on luck and do not train your ward, you should prepare for devastating consequences. Before buying a Yorkshire Terrier, soberly assess your capabilities, since in the next 13–16 years your pet will need:

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular commercial dogs today. Cute and funny dogs with a doll-like appearance attract people with their appearance, cheerful, good-natured disposition, and quick wit. Having decided to get a Yorkshire Terrier breed, future owners should remember that even such a small dog has its own personality, temperament, and disposition.

The main character traits of dogs are determined based on the parental genotype, environmental factors and, of course, proper education. Despite the fact that Yorkies belong to the decorative breeds of dogs and many owners mistakenly believe that these cute creatures can simply be loved and cared for, representatives of this breed, like others, in addition to care and attention, need education. Correct training will help you avoid many problems. After adaptation, it is very important to instill in the pet the correct manners and norms of behavior. You shouldn’t allow a cute little naughty girl to do something that he won’t be allowed to do in the future. Don't forget that a cute little puppy should grow into an obedient, manageable dog.

Owners should approach the process of raising a puppy with special responsibility, try not to commit, or turn a blind eye to the small, even insignificant tricks of their pet. It is also necessary to remember that Yorkies are a very emotional breed with a subtle mental organization. Dogs of this breed very sensitively sense the emotional mood of the owner, they are very smart and quick-witted, so you should not show weakness or follow the dog’s lead, allowing it to do unacceptable things. Let us consider the main psychological problems that breeders of this breed have repeatedly encountered.

Dominance principle

Any dog ​​living side by side with a person perceives its family as a pack. In nature, relationships in a pack are based on hierarchy. That is, there is always a leader to whom the flock obeys, and there are weak individuals. Even little puppy must see authority in its owner, otherwise in the future, as the dog grows up, problems may arise in raising the pet. Often, owners allow the Yorkie to sleep on the bed, growl when the puppy, playing with a toy, does not want to give it to the owner, bite or bark when one of the family members tries to punish the pet. Every small victory of the puppy over the owner leads to the loss of his authority. Dogs very quickly learn bad habits, which are then very difficult to eradicate. even in games, by biting the owner’s hands, the puppy acquires dominance skills that need to be eradicated, but not by violent methods - beating or screaming.

Yorkie started biting

Owners of this breed often complain that the quiet and calm baby begins to bite or growl at the owner if the pet doesn’t like something. For example, when a dog’s paws are washed or any other hygiene procedures. Firstly, it is necessary to accustom the dog to such hygienic measures from the first days of the baby’s stay in the house. Secondly, as described above, do not allow the dog such behavior, which will lead to dominance and strengthening the dog’s status in the family.

The dog began to crap in the house or mark the corners of the apartment

Yorkshire terriers do not really need long walks, and many breeders teach the puppy to do his “business” in disposable diapers or a litter tray. it is necessary gradually, but persistently. Most often, Yorkies, especially males, with the advent of puberty begin to crap in the house, mark corners or furniture in the apartment. This behavior must be eradicated immediately, and it’s not just about the unpleasant smell that will spread throughout the apartment, as in the pet becoming accustomed to such a habit. If you do not plan to breed a male dog, you can of course castrate him. But as practice shows, even sterilization and castration may not give the expected result. We need to find the reason that led to this behavior of the dog. Perhaps a Yorkie who loves to be the center of attention is often left alone and in this way wants to attract attention. Don't forget that the Yorkie is first and foremost a dog that needs daily walks. Even if the weather is bad outside, you should definitely take the dog out at least for a short time. Well, to keep your pet from freezing, be sure to purchase one that will keep your dog comfortable and warm.

Yorkie barks at passers-by and other dogs on walks

A dog barking is primarily a sign of “Attention.” This pattern of behavior can occur if the dog is naturally cowardly, or the socialization period has not gone through correctly due to the fault of the owner. For this reason, you must always be very careful; therefore, from an early age you need to instill the correct manners of behavior not only at home, but also on the street. As soon as the baby gets comfortable and gets used to the new environment, introduce your pet to his relatives. The dog must react adequately to others. Perhaps this behavior was the reason that the small Yorkie was frightened by the large dog. Therefore, you should always watch your puppy very carefully on the street, without letting him out of sight. Barking can also be a call for other dogs to get to know each other or play together. Still, a dog, regardless of breed, should not bark in vain, for any reason. Having noticed this tendency of your pet, teach the dog the command “Fu” or “Quiet”. If your pet is overexcited, distract his attention and calm him down.

Yorkie does not like to walk outside, he constantly wants to go home or beg to be held

The owners themselves are to blame for this behavior because they missed the right moment to socialize the puppy. or, even worse, they constantly carried him in their arms, protecting him from the dangers of the outside world. In this situation, it is necessary to interest the dog in walks. First, short walks in a calm, quiet place where no one will scare the dog. Try to make walks fun and interesting for your dog. Remember, the age of fear in Yorkies begins at 4 months of age, so Special attention During this period, you need to pay attention to the socialization of the baby. In addition, the dog may simply not understand why go outside when there is a warm bed, food, toys, litter tray and other amenities at home. Again, this approach is one of the common mistakes of breeders of this breed. Your Yorkie should go for walks every day and get to know the world around him.

The dog does not want to be left alone, constantly whines, barks, spoils things

Yorkies always want to be the center of attention and such neurosis manifests itself either with insufficient attention to the dog on the part of the owner or, conversely, with excessive attention. From an early age it is necessary to teach your Yorkie to remain alone, gradually increasing the time the dog spends alone.

Yorkie refuses to eat on his own. Takes food only from a spoon

If, after a veterinary examination, no pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract were found, reconsider the dog’s diet, select the optimal diet and portion size. Even if the dog is capricious and refuses to eat on its own, you should not make the common mistake of starting to feed your pet from a spoon. Enlarge physical activity and do not forget that it should be varied, balanced and nutritious.

We counted about 8 misconceptions that are associated with the words “Yorkshire Terrier” and “etiquette”.

1. There is an opinion that you can visit any establishment with this small animal, and these visits themselves are not tied to the time of day or duration. This is wrong. Animals cannot accompany their owner in hospitals, clinics and other institutions related to the health department. You should not take your dog to educational institutions (school, university), cinema or opera, or just go with it to visit friends who, for some reason unknown to us, do not like these beautiful creatures.

There is a well-known story about one girl who was undergoing treatment in a hospital, and who could not live without her little Yorkie, so her parents brought her pet to her in the hospital; she, in turn, tried to hide the dog from the doctors right under the blanket. Another “smart” lady dragged her Yorkie to lessons in the school office, torturing him in a closed space for half a day.

This attitude evokes pity for the poor animal; this can hardly be regarded as a manifestation of love and care for the pet. The dog has its own established routine and rhythm of life - meal times, walks, rest, games, set times for the toilet. However, it is necessary to go with your four-legged friend to visit and public places; this is an excellent way to prevent its possible nervousness, which may arise due to the fact that a dog that has never been among a group of other people and animals is brought, for example, to exhibition or to a veterinary hospital. Regular walks and meeting other dogs and people will have a positive effect on your pet’s sociability and interaction with the outside world.

2. Training is contraindicated for the Yorkshire Terrier. Indeed, there are no specialized courses for these small animals, but the story of a family who sent their Yorkshire terrier to protective guard courses is also known. It is clear to anyone that this “many”, in a tense moment, will not be able to help its owner against the enemy, as a pit bull terrier or Doberman will do this, but as a “security alarm” a Yorkie will be more than useful.

A Yorkie, like any other breed, while still a puppy, simply needs socialization and education courses.

After all, our little pet must find out for himself in time that, it turns out, besides him and his adored owners, the world is inhabited by many more people, dogs and cats, who for some reason do not particularly like our perky loud barking. Cars fly by with noise and roar on the streets, skaters and children on bicycles “fly” back and forth along the sidewalks, other dogs, it turns out, may not be too friendly. All this poses a danger to our pet and he must clearly learn to patiently wait for his owner’s command, go to the toilet only in the appropriate place and go for a walk while fastened to a leash.

Just a couple of training sessions with a professional dog handler will be enough for your four-legged friend to learn social manners, and their absence can, on the contrary, slow down the mental development of your beloved pet. The saying “like the dog, like the owner” also applies. Find just a little time and money and let your pet please you with his obedience and good behavior.

3. Clothes for dogs - excessive luxury and glamor. Some people believe that the elegant clothes in which the owners of Yorkshire terriers “pack” their babies perform only decorative functions and are needed only to “show off” in front of the owners of other dogs. Wrong point of view! This clothing has at least two useful functions - creating comfort for the animal in unfavorable weather conditions and preserving the fur, which is an important criterion when judging at an exhibition, and simply, the silky, beautiful shiny fur is pleasantly pleasing to the eye. Agree, it is much more convenient to regularly wash our dog’s clothes than to wash, dry, and brush your pet’s fur three times a day, immediately upon coming home from the street. Clothing is simply a necessary tool for preventing diseases of the skin, hair and the whole body as a whole.

4. Yorkies are purely domestic dogs that eat from their owners’ table, go to the toilet at home and sleep with people in the same bed. And here is a mistake. They need a diaper only during the period of littering puppies and for a couple of days, immediately after the birth of the offspring. A walk outside is a great dog's joy and great pleasure for a playful terrier. Feeding dogs from the table is already a thing of the past; it was relevant in those years when people had not yet created professional canine food with a large number of rare but irreplaceable ingredients that ensure healthy growth and proper development our doggies. Moreover, some foods from the table do not carry anything that is harmful to the dog’s body, because they have a different system of fermentation and digestion of food than humans. Most shining example– chocolate, the regular consumption of which practically guarantees cirrhosis of the canine liver.

5. Yorkies do not tolerate travel and travel very well, and especially air travel. Pure fiction! As a rule, Yorkies and other small dogs do not experience much discomfort when traveling, and air travel is as easy for them as traveling by car. If we talk about air travel, then Yorkies are very lucky; their low weight guarantees them a flight with the whole family on the plane. According to the standards of many airlines, dogs are allowed to fly inside the cabin if their weight, together with the pet basket, is no more than 8 kg. Why leave your beloved animal at home, under the supervision of other people, think and worry about it for half a vacation, just because the myth has settled in your brain that the dog experiences great discomfort during the flight. Take this cute, cuddly little creature with you on a trip and let him experience all the beauty and joy of a holiday in another city or country with you. Just remember that the dogs cannot be fed for half a day before the trip and must be given a good walk first. Happy travels to you, your family and your pet, who has long become a full-fledged member of your family.

Only once, on seven flights to London, did our dog noticeably worry, and even then he endured the flight much easier than the passengers. The plane over Heathrow hit a zone of turbulence and our little one looked simply fearless against the backdrop of frightened people.

6. “It would be better to give money to the poor than to spoil a dog.” You can often hear reproaches from other people, saying that you dress your dog in fur, she sleeps on feather beds, and at this time somewhere there are hungry children and other animals who are simply happy to have a piece of bread and a piece of roof over their heads. We are adults, we earn our own money, we spend our own money, we arrange our own destiny and manage our own income and expenses. Many wealthy people who truly love animals sponsor dog shelters and donate money to charity. I am sure that these evil tongues themselves did not donate a penny. If you have a pet, then no one will forbid you to dress it the way you want and feed it what you want. If possible, do not forget to visit an animal shelter or orphanage as a philanthropist. Thank you in advance for your noble deed.

7. “You can always buy a puppy with a pedigree cheaply.” On the Internet you can actually find messages about the sale of famous puppies from dubious breeders, a la “Yorkie puppy for 3000 UAH,” etc. Believe me, there is no smell of good pedigree there. All certified breeders are united in a worldwide community (dogs .lv), and ALL others are simply attempts to deceive the gullible buyer by slipping in breeding marriages or puppies without a pedigree. Famous Yorkies cannot be cheap, because the process of their birth is a very difficult path. Everything about it is very complicated and risky, from mating to the actual process of giving birth to a puppy. Childbirth, as a rule, is difficult, and the mother often has a caesarean section. Considering that good puppies both mom and dad are winners in various exhibitions, and only no more than 3 puppies are born (and dad gets a lot of money for breeding; it’s not hard to imagine how much a real Yorkie, close in parameters and characteristics to the standard individual, costs). Each birth – a trauma for a mother who is loved, cherished, and who herself is close to the ideal Yorkshire Terrier, since she has successfully passed through dozens of exhibitions. If you don’t have money for a beautiful eminent Yorkshire Terrier puppy, just take a dog from a shelter, this is noble and your home will be filled with joy from communicating with even a mongrel puppy.

8. Yorkies, like any other small animals, are adopted by lonely people.

It's a strange myth, but it still happens. Actually this is not true. York communicates well with family members, and one gets the impression that what more people, the more comfortable he is, he is always the center of attention. The dog gets along well with children, who pay them a lot of attention, and in return, she gives positive emotions to the whole family.