Why do your ears burn on Friday night? Folk signs associated with reddened ears. In a warm room or in hot weather

Have you ever had your ears burn? There are many various options, Why is this happening. But in fact, your ears begin to burn for one reason, and it is quite simple - there is a sudden flow of blood to your ears. Now all that remains is to figure out why this is happening.

Scientific reasons and assumptions why people’s ears “burn”

1. Increased brain function

The Australian National University, which is located in Canberra, recently conducted research on the topic severe redness ears. Scientists who have studied this issue have come to a clear conclusion: in most cases, this indicates that it is at this moment that a person experiences a surge in brain activity.

The scheme is simple: during amplification brain work this part of the brain requires increased amount oxygen. Oxygen enters brain cells through the blood. Accordingly, the blood flow increases, and part of this blood flow enters the ears, which makes them blush. A very reasonable and understandable explanation, but there is a small nuance here that is alarming: why, in this case, on tests At school or during exams in universities, not all students and schoolchildren have their ears burning? According to this hypothesis, any tense brainwork should provoke this phenomenon, but for some reason this does not happen to everyone.

2. Frostbite of the skin

Some people do not even suspect that their ears are frostbitten, if we are talking about mild frostbite. In this case, redness of the ears is also explained by a strong rush of blood to the frostbitten area in which blood circulation has been impaired. You can’t argue with this explanation, since it is scientifically substantiated and quite logical.

3. Heat

If the surrounding atmosphere is hot, the body looks for ways to give maximum amount heat. One way of cooling is by rushing blood to skin. Some people's faces turn red, some people's palms sweat intensely, and some people's ears begin to burn.

In addition to scientific points of view, why ears burn, there are also folk signs.

Folk signs why ears “burn”

  • Burning ears indicate that someone is talking or thinking about you;
  • If it's on right ear: what is this for? - If it burns, someone is telling the truth about you - it doesn’t matter whether it’s good or bad;
  • If it's on left ear: what is this for? - This indicates that no one is scolding you: someone just remembered you in some conversation. This is by no means an aggressive attitude. Friends, mother or just acquaintances who treat you well can remember. The left ear burns much more softly than the right;
  • They also say that your left ear burns when people tell lies about you;
  • Itchy ears (and they also inevitably burn) foreshadow a quick change in the weather, and a person born in summer can safely expect warming, but “children of winter”, in turn, will have to be content with colder weather;
  • Itching ears (very itchy) indicate the appearance of a child in the family of close acquaintances, friends or relatives;
  • “Problems” with the ears promise interesting news (this almost always comes true, because we receive new information very often)

So if now your ears start to “burn”, you will know how to explain it with scientific point point of view, and from the point of view of folk signs.

WITH human body a number of minor changes may occur. They seem familiar, no one pays attention to them. But in vain - the ancient Slavs argued that our body can give signs of danger, betrayal, deception, etc., the main thing is to be able to recognize such signals.

Sometimes you should listen to such changes and try to understand the reasons for their occurrence.

In almost all nations of the world there are signs that are based on observations of reactions human body. This has happened to everyone - some parts of the body burn without a specific reason, a sharp, unreasonable malaise arises, it is either hot or cold. Let's look at what the left ear is for?

Folk signs

If you are trying to understand why your ear is burning, remember your enemies and ill-wishers. It is possible that it is at this moment that they spread nasty rumors, slander you or condemn you. You should be concerned if, in addition to the reddened ear, you feel a slight malaise, weakness, or loss of strength. When using foul language, a stream of negative energy is directed at the victim, which causes symptoms of illness and can be expressed in a reddened ear.

Other interpretations

A reddened left ear indicates bad words directed at you. Often redness is accompanied by pain in any part of the body. You may feel dizzy or simply feel restless, with a loss of mood for no reason. A person who does not even believe in such beliefs has negative energy directed at him, which prevents him from being calm and enjoying life, as he did just a few minutes ago. The subconscious tries to warn a person about possible danger or a problem caused by an ill-wisher.

If you are trying to understand why your left ear is red, you should not look for an exclusively negative explanation. Perhaps one of your relatives or friends simply mentioned your name during a conversation. Moreover, such a conversation could be quite pleasant, and characterize you with the best side. But in this case, you should not feel a deterioration in your condition. If the reddened left ear is accompanied by a cheerful state and good mood, no need to worry. You may be admired or simply praised.

When interpreting why your left ear is burning, it is important to listen to other changes. If the right ear turns red after the left one, they are discussing your shortcomings or character. Such a conversation does not carry positive emotions. Think about it, have you had any conflicts or quarrels in the near future? Consider whether those around you might be plotting revenge or setting traps.

For those who are trying to explain why their ears are burning, it is worth remembering the day of the week. The nature of this phenomenon depends on the specific day.

Signs by day of the week

  1. Monday - sharply reddened ears on this day may mean an approaching conflict situation with people around you, a sudden and unjustified quarrel. An unpleasant conversation may flare up “out of the blue,” but, despite its intensity, the conflict will quickly be resolved. Don't let yourself get thrown off balance and just wait for your opponent to calm down.
  2. Tuesday - separation, loss awaits you loved one. If you notice your left ear burning on Tuesday, try to resolve all disputes and tense relationships with others.
  3. Seeing a red ear on Wednesday means an unexpected but pleasant meeting. You will sooner see the person who used to mean a lot to you..
  4. Don't worry if you notice similar changes in your body on Thursday. Soon you will hear good news or receive an unexpected gift.
  5. A red ear on Friday means a date. On this day, take care of your appearance, choose beautiful clothes. You are about to go to an intriguing meeting.
  6. On Saturday, folk signs do not predict good news. Unexpected troubles, problems and troubles may occur.
  7. On Sunday, trying to find an answer to the question “Why is my left ear red?” There is no need to be afraid or worry - good profits, financial influence, and the signing of lucrative deals await. Perhaps they are going to repay your debt.

U modern medicine your explanations for those who are trying to understand why the ear is burning? According to doctors, at this moment a person feels awkward, scared or nervous. The most a shining example you can call a student or schoolchild pulling out an exam paper or a person speaking in front of a large audience.

According to experts, reddened ears may indicate feelings of shame, awkwardness, and guilt.

Folk signs or traditional medicine

It’s up to you to believe the opinion of doctors or the observations of our ancestors. The main thing is not to worry about deteriorating health. This sign is not a symptom of any disease.

Video about why the left ear burns

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If your cheeks, ears are burning, or they are itching, then this is a very important sign that they are discussing you. Moreover, the right ear and the left can mean completely different things. Our ears feel much more than is commonly imagined. Although they are a physical, material organ, they are connected to our brain, which thinks not with physical thoughts. And therefore they can perceive much more than just sound. Sometimes you can hear stories of people who “heard” each other kilometers away and understood what exactly was being said to them or about them. You can understand what exactly your ears and cheeks say about you using the signs described below.

Right ear burns. This ear usually receives positive signals, something positive or neutral. It has several interpretation options:

  • When the right ear burns according to the sign, it’s pretty good sign. It means that you are in this moment someone praises, thanks. Moreover, if you can guess who it is, then your ear will immediately stop burning.
  • Also, very often for a girl, such a sign can mean that someone is currently trying to call you, or is looking for you and cannot find you.
  • This symptom of your subconscious indicates that you made some kind of promise to a person, but did not keep it in time, and now this man or woman is thinking - should they trust you?

Right ear itches. When it itches (itches), then this is a sure sign that they are saying bad things behind your back, and right at this very moment. Signs describe several interpretations:

  • You are being reproached, insulted at a given moment in time, and this is done by a person quite close to you.
  • In the case when there is nothing to reproach you for, this can be an expression that soon new pleasant and unexpected news will come to you. Moreover, if it is insignificant, then the ear will itch slightly. If the hand continues to reach for the ear and it itches more and more, then this is a sign of global changes.

Left ear burns and itches

Left ear burning. This is a subconscious bad signal. It appears when your enemies, competitors, or simply people who are dissatisfied with you try to throw mud at you. The left ear is configured to perceive only negative information, and therefore its signals are always negative. If your ear is on fire, then people have already gotten personal, but at the same time they still won’t dare say the same thing to you.

Left ear itches. Negativity can also spread to new level if your ear begins to itch persistently. At the same time, it may even turn noticeably purple if the discussion about you is too emotional and full of swear words. These words can already be perceived as a strong insult, and do not doubt that you will soon hear at least half of them addressed to you personally.
Since our body is very thin instrument, then with such insults you can even feel a slight malaise or dizziness.

Both ears burn at the same time

Both ears are burning. When both your ears are burning from discussions, then this means a very strong quarrel, a huge scandal between you and the person discussing.

It may also mean that someone remembered a bright event with your participation and is now replaying it in their head.

Both ears itch (itch). When both ears not only burn, but also itch, then this is a sure sign that more than two people are discussing you and they are all very negative towards you.

It also portends large expenses disproportionate to earnings.

The earlobe burns and itches

When your lobe burns or itches (itches), then for a girl this means unimaginable strife and problems. A lot of things will not work out in your favor now and will drag you into trouble. Moreover, it is you who will start this quarrel, not wanting to put up with the current state of affairs.

Also this sign shows a greater likelihood of receiving news. Some news or event will soon come to your home and bring significant changes. They can be positive, but unfortunately most often they still portend trouble.

  • Right earlobe - positive news.
  • Left earlobe - negative news, and most often negativity directed at you.

Sometimes this sign can be interpreted as a sign of a quick change in the weather outside the window.

  • A burning earlobe means warming.
  • An itchy earlobe means it will get colder.
  • Both earlobes burn and itch - signifies heavy torrential rains, hurricanes, and severe bad weather.

The cartilage (ear shell) burns and itches

Itchy outside of ear. A person close to you, whom you considered a friend, speaks ill of you. Perhaps this is a relative.

The inside of the ear is itchy and itchy. This will lead to quick punishment for you, or to a decent reproach. Soon you will have to endure well-deserved criticism of your mistakes and failures. Because of the mistake made, you will have to endure it.

Cheeks are burning

Cheeks are burning. This sign means that someone remembers you, thinks about you. It doesn’t have to be something bad at all - it could very well be a thought or expressed pride in you.
It is also necessary to coordinate this with the day of the week on which they are lit:

  • Monday - new meetings, pleasant communication.
  • Tuesday - to increase passion and fire in relationships.
  • Wednesday - meeting with relatives.
  • Thursday - for news, announcements.
  • Friday - to a big quarrel with your loved one.
  • Saturday - to meet a person you haven’t heard from for a long time, perhaps an old friend.
  • Sunday - for a fun time, relaxation, party.

Cheeks and ears burn at the same time

When your cheeks are on fire, and even the ears on top of your head are itching and burning and you are completely exhausted - this is a sign of slander. That is, someone right now is slandering you about something you didn’t do, criticizing you in every possible way and trying to offend you. Perhaps there are several gossips and they are weaving their intrigues right now.

Away from me empty slander and gossip.
I will remain with pure and untarnished honor. Ankiermo.

Lose or find an earring

Lost an earring. An earring is not just a decoration, but also serves as a talisman for the owner and its loss is usually not good. If it falls out of the ear, it promises shedding of tears and loss of mood.

However, there is also a favorable side. Among other things, the earring also accumulates all the negativity directed at you, and if you lose it, then too much of it has accumulated. She was filled with negativity and so that it would not transfer to you, she slipped away in time. To avoid losing your earrings in the future, do not forget to clean them regularly.

Found an earring. This is not a good sign. After all, as we know from the previous paragraph, they run away when they are overwhelmed with negative energy. By choosing it, you can take over everything. Therefore, you should not take it with your bare hands, take it through a handkerchief, take it to the sink and rinse thoroughly under running water. This will help remove most of it. After this, clean thoroughly.

Still have questions about ears or other signs? Ask them in the comments and I will definitely answer you. Author of the article: psychic, parapsychologist and magician Boris Shabrin.

I wish your ears to hear only pleasant things about yourself.

Folk signs They say: your body can tell you what awaits a person in the future. For example, if your ears are burning, it doesn’t just happen. The ears are the organ of hearing, and if they cause any unusual sensations, most likely it means that he has a presentiment of something, but you cannot realize it. What can burning ears tell? Today we’ll talk about why the right ear is burning?

Why does my ear burn?

When we say “ears are burning,” it means that the ears become red and begin to cause a slight burning sensation and discomfort. Most often it is believed that such changes in the ears hint that someone speaks poorly. With what, with what stronger feeling, the more actively they say nasty things about you. To stop your ears from burning, you need to think about those who could speak badly about you. As soon as you remember the name of the one who scolds, the ears will immediately return to their normal color.

Also a sign that someone is gossiping about a person is hiccups. If your ears begin to turn red at the same time as hiccups appear, you can rest assured that the bones are being washed. And if the redness of the ears is combined with a headache, this may mean that you will meet an ill-wisher right now.

Other signs believe that red ears only mean people talking about you, positive or negative, it doesn’t matter. In any case, an increase in temperature and redness of the ears should indicate that someone is paying special attention to you.

Left or right?

If only one ear turns red, you need to pay attention to which side these sensations arise from. So, if the ear on the left is burning, folk signs say that someone is trying to spread gossip about you. If, in addition to your burning ear, you suddenly feel unwell or weak, you are being slandered and completely unfairly.

According to another opinion, the left ear only means that someone mentions you in conversation. Probably one of your acquaintances, friends or loved ones is simply telling a story in which they took part. In this case, your health does not deteriorate, and your ear does not burn too much.

Doctors have a slightly different opinion about such symptoms. According to them, a burning left ear can be caused by the following:

  • Often the left ear can glow when the brain is active.
  • It may also turn red due to the release of adrenaline.
  • When it's hot, any areas of the skin can change color, including auditory organs.

If the right ear is burning, the signs are completely different. Right side has always been associated with truth and honesty, so redness of the right ear can mean that someone is discussing you, but they are telling the truth or praising you. In this case, the rules are the same as if someone were scolding a person: by remembering who could speak well of him now, get rid of the unpleasant symptom.

According to another sign, the right ear may turn red if it is ridiculed or condemned for your mistakes. Most often this happens when people from the closest circle discuss it - relatives, friends, etc. Also, more modern signs say that a reddened right ear hints that someone should call him on the phone for a serious conversation.

The situation with the right ear is much more confusing than with the left. When the right ear lights up, it can mean praise and positive feedback, as well as ridicule. Even if you manage to guess who is talking about you, even the most accurate signs will not help you find out for sure what the conversation was like.

There are also less common signs of a burning right ear. It may indicate that someone is rushing towards you. Working people believe that your right ear lights up when your immediate superiors praise you or someone speaks approvingly of your successes.

WITH medical point vision, the right ear may burn from high content in the blood of adrenaline - that is, with any strong emotions.

If you are happy, worried or scared, your auditory organs can light up without any signs.

Ears are burning - signs by day of the week

In folk signs, not only which ear burns is of great importance, but also when it happens. By day of the week you can determine the following:

  • If they lit up on Monday morning, it could mean someone is jealous. More late symptoms have a different meaning - on Monday afternoon your ears will burn if you quarrel with someone in the near future.
  • Burning ears on Tuesday - Bad sign. For lovers, this often means a quick separation. If a person does not have a pair, but they burn on Tuesday, then it is very likely that someone will try to cheat.
  • When they burn on Wednesday morning, it foreshadows a long-awaited meeting. In the evening, burning organs will indicate that in the near future there will be an acquaintance and, possibly, a new romance. But on Wednesday afternoon, the sign suggests that there are envious people.
  • Good news means burning ears on Thursday. This could be a sign of good news.
  • On Friday, your ears may burn if you have a romantic date ahead. If you are expecting a meeting and are not sure about its possibility, do not hesitate - the date will take place.
  • On Saturdays, the signs turn out to be very vague - in the morning and during the day you can’t expect anything special from burning ears. But ears burning in the evening predict the approach of some troubles.
  • Sunday is one of the most auspicious days, on this day they burn for those who can soon expect good profits. Are you waiting for your paycheck or participating in the lottery? Most likely, you will get lucky soon!

Why do my ears burn in the evening?

Very often they start to burn in the evening. At this time they become especially sensitive, so you should be more attentive to your body and listen to existing signs. If they burn in the evening, this may indicate what awaits the person soon or what is happening right now.

Therefore, you should be careful about burning ears in the evening. Which ear is burning? What day of the week is it today? Are there any expectations that can be met? However, do not attach too much importance to signs. In the evening, they can also burn from usual fatigue, and also from an approaching cold.

Other signs

The ears are not the only organ that can burn. If, in addition to your ears, your face is also burning, this indicates that someone is remembering you right now. Think about who could remember now - perhaps after this his ears will light up. Thoughts can be both good and bad - but only one person is always in mind.

A popular sign says that you can find out what thoughts about you are haunting the culprit of the burning face using wedding ring. The ring must be gold. If you run it across your cheek, it will leave a light or dark stripe on it. A dark stripe means that they think badly of you. The light stripe will symbolize positive thoughts. Perhaps right now someone is missing you. Also, using such a strip, you can determine the presence of damage.

But if your lips are burning along with your ears, you definitely have a fan. Such symptoms indicate a very ambiguous interest in your address.

If your ears and palms are burning, this promises you the quick profit you were expecting. You should expect money in the very near future. Check your card - it may have already received money. If your earlobe or cheek itches, know that it means something, read about it in our reviews. You need to remember that one or another part of the body itches at night or during the day.

Signs are folk wisdom, so you shouldn’t treat them condescendingly, but you shouldn’t attach too much importance either.

For many centuries, people have been studying the characteristics of nature and our body. By drawing certain conclusions based on such observations, signs are drawn up that help us avoid troubles and predict certain events in life. Let's try to figure out why the left ear is burning, and whether we should worry about it.

General brief interpretation

Exactly the same is interpreted in a negative way and any other omens about the left half of the body

If your left ear starts to burn, then you shouldn’t expect anything good from it. In most cases, this means that something bad is said about you, scolded or discussed in a negative way. According to superstitions, in this way the demon sitting on the left shoulder helps to hear gossip in order to make a person angry and make him want to quarrel with friends and relatives.

Does the interpretation of signs depend on gender?

Predictions for men and women are of course different.

The interpretation of signs has some differences depending on whether we are talking about a woman or a man. For girls, most often all superstitions are related to the theme of love. When the left ear burns, it means:

  1. A future quarrel with a loved one. Your patience and positive thoughts will help you avoid it.
  2. A conflict due to a difference of opinion may be limited to a small quarrel or develop into a scandal. If it is not resolved in time, the situation will lead to separation.
  3. Perhaps there will be an unexpected, unpleasant meeting with a loved one, which will not bring anything good, but will only upset the woman.
  4. Severe depression will soon set in, which will arise against the backdrop of memories of a former loved one.
  5. Impending troubles that can only be avoided the right approach to them: you should always look at life with a positive attitude.
  6. Unexpected monetary losses, which you will later regret, because finances could have been saved.

When the feeling of heat visits you very often, seek help from a fortune teller. Perhaps you have been damaged. A sign of this is also the frequent headache, deterioration general condition body, weakness, apathy.

If a man’s left ear is burning, then you need to pay attention to the following interpretations of this sign:

  1. Problems at work that arise due to disagreements with superiors. If you value your work, avoid conflicts in the near future, and also try to keep your opinions to yourself.
  2. An inevitable quarrel with your girlfriend.
  3. A future important meeting will go very poorly, bringing disappointment and spoiled mood. To avoid this, it is better to change your plans and reschedule the date for another day.
  4. Perhaps the man will soon receive some unpleasant news. It will mean divorce from your wife, problems at work or financial losses. Change your behavior style, try to correct the situation if possible.
  5. Small troubles are looming that you will have to endure and move on.
  6. Unforeseen financial expenses that will be useless. Please note that during this period it is not worth throwing away a large sum, because you will not receive any profit for yourself.

A constant feeling of heat in the left ear indicates that the guy regularly communicates with an energy vampire, which leads to a deterioration in well-being and a depressed state.

Why does the left ear burn depending on the time of day?

It turns out that when you feel heat in your left ear, you should pay attention to what time of day it happens, because interpretations can be different.

Don’t get started in the morning after receiving an unpleasant prediction

Be sure to think about what you say. Remember, a wrong choice or accidentally thrown words will definitely lead to big losses or disappointments. A poorly thought out application will affect your career, personal life only from the negative side.


Problems await you at work. Try not to conflict with colleagues and superiors. It is better to keep your opinion to yourself, because for the general mass of people it will certainly seem wrong, destroying the relationship that you have built for so long.


Troubles in the intimate sphere are inevitable. Be patient and don't argue with your significant other. Try to smooth out the conflict, otherwise separation cannot be avoided.


A burning ear while going to bed warns: tomorrow will be a hot day!

If you feel your left ear burning after sunset, it means that during the day you took wrong decision or some action was wrong. Try to get out of this situation tomorrow, fix everything, because by doing nothing, positive result there is no need to hope anyway.

By day of the week and taking into account the time of day

Depending on what day of the week you experience a burning sensation in your left ear, you will have different explanations for this phenomenon.


  • In the morning, a red ear indicates that you have an assignment waiting for you from your boss, which you are unlikely to be able to cope with, so it is better to try to skillfully refuse it so as not to cause dissatisfaction on the part of your superiors.
  • Discomfort during the day will also not lead to anything good. There may be a quarrel at work or at home.
  • Redness of the ear in the evening is the result of colleagues gossiping about how you behaved today. Try to be careful with them and not be too frank.


  • Redness in the morning indicates that the day will be positive, full of energy and pleasant meetings.
  • When you feel this during the day, a major scandal is looming in your personal life or with colleagues. Keep your opinion to yourself to get away with it and prevent a disaster.
  • Red ear in the evening - think about who you are communicating with. You have many envious people and ill-wishers.


Watch your language, be strict!
  • In the morning you will meet a pleasant person who can influence your personal life in a positive way.
  • If your ear burns during the day, you will have an unpleasant date at work, requiring large financial expenses, which will be in vain and useless.
  • Feeling hot in the evening is a reason to think about what you talked about today. Try to understand your actions and words. Perhaps tomorrow you will have to apologize to someone for your actions.


  • Morning portends good luck, monetary reward.
  • Ear heat during the day, on the contrary, will prepare you for an unsuccessful transaction and financial losses.
  • In the evening discomfort also do not bode well. Again you will have to spend a lot of money in vain. Try to control yourself so as not to end up at a loss.


  • In the morning your ear is burning - there will be a pleasant meeting with friends, which will bring only positive emotions.
  • The same sensations during the day are a sign of minor troubles, which will be quite easy to cope with.
  • Heat in the evening - think about how to spend your weekend so as not to say anything unnecessary, because in the future it could lead to trouble.


  • A burning ear in the morning is a sign that it is time to think about family relationships and resolve long-standing conflicts.
  • Closer to noon, the heat will indicate that you urgently need to make an important decision that will save your relationship with your loved one and bring it to a more favorable level.
  • In the evening, a burning sensation in the ear portends: serious danger awaits you on the way. Be vigilant and attentive.


  • In the morning, urgently remember what important thing you forgot about. Today is the last chance to fix everything, otherwise big quarrels cannot be avoided.
  • Your ear burns during the day - you will have to spend money to achieve your goal. Otherwise, you will be disappointed and fail.
  • In the evening - a signal that you need to try to relax and gain strength before starting working week because you have to work hard to achieve your goal.

In combination with other parts of the face

If not only your ear, but also your face burns, you are remembered very fondly, and the reason for this is not the most rosy!

When your ear burns along with your cheek, this is the result of being discussed by ill-wishers who want to cause trouble in your life. If the redness has spread to the entire face, according to the old interpretation, you need to wait for a change in weather: rain or heavy snow (depending on the time of year).

If only the earlobe burns, and not the whole ear, this indicates a cold snap or warming. You can correctly interpret such a sign based on the time of year in which you were born. If you celebrate your name day in spring and summer, you need to wait for warmth. A holiday in winter or late autumn indicates approaching frost.

Redness of the nose along with the ear foreshadows an imminent feast or bad news that will certainly spoil the mood or result in a quarrel.

Noticing that your forehead and ear are often burning at the same time, you can safely say that you have a secret admirer or admirer. Not daring to express his feelings, the admirer often thinks about you and, perhaps, discusses it with friends.

Redness of two ears at once is a sign that a person is not only being discussed, but also being scolded for something. Except strangers, these could be relatives or close friends. Another interpretation states that they are trying to find you and cannot get through to you, they are very worried about what is wrong with you.

Is there any way to avoid negative omens?

In order to get rid of negative influences, you need to go to the shower and rinse your body under cool water. When this is not possible, at least wash only your legs and arms, as well as your neck. Say to yourself 7 times that you are not afraid of anyone else’s words and that everything will be fine anyway.

Try to remain positive under any circumstances, believe in the best. Surround yourself good people, always thinking about how you behave with them and what you say. This will allow you to get away with it and also avoid losses. Also, do not write off a simple explanation from a medical point of view: increased emotionality easily explains why fever suddenly appeared in the ears.