Why do you dream about dolphins in the sea? Dream book. Why do you dream about dolphins: classical interpretations. Dolphins on the shore in a dream

People are not always able to figure it out on their own. secret meaning of your night visions. In this case, you can always turn to the dream book for help. Dolphins in real life are exceptionally positive emotions. However, their appearance in a dream can predict both good and bad events. So, what interpretation do the guidebooks to the world of dreams offer?

Seeing dolphins in a dream: Miller's dream book

What does the American psychologist think about all this? What interpretation does Miller’s dream book offer? A dolphin can be seen in a dream by someone who in reality tends to quickly fall under the influence of others. The dreamer's life is controlled by other people. He does not make independent decisions, but only follows the will of others. This must definitely be fought, otherwise a person’s dreams will never come true.

Dolphins in the sea are a symbol that promises misfortune and trouble. The person is in danger of trouble on the personal front. He risks quarreling and breaking up with his other half. Also, such a dream may warn that it is better to refrain from sea trips in the near future. This warning applies not only to the sleeper himself, but also to his loved ones.

Girls, women

Why do you dream about a dolphin? The dream book also contains an interpretation that applies only to the fair sex. Often the appearance of this animal in night dreams prophesies for women a new addition to the family. A child can be born not only to the dreamer, but also to her relatives.

Young girls dream of a dolphin as a sign of joyful and bright events. The life of the sleeping woman will soon change in better side. It is possible that a worthy contender for her hand and heart will appear on the horizon. However, the dreamer should still be careful when communicating with new acquaintances, as there may be scammers among them.

Why do married ladies dream of a dolphin? The dream book connects this with sexual dissatisfaction. For pregnant women, such a symbol promises a calm and successful childbirth, the birth of a strong and healthy baby.

For men

What does the appearance of a dolphin in night dreams mean for representatives of the stronger sex? For men, such dreams promise reliable and strong relationships. It is not at all necessary that this prediction is related to personal life. For example, an entrepreneur can acquire a partner with whom he will cooperate for a long time and fruitfully.

River, sea

The interpretation directly depends on the water in which these animals swim in their night dreams. What options does the dream book consider? Dolphins in the water, if it is clear and clean, promise changes for the better. Soon a person will advance up the career ladder. He will be able to occupy a higher position thanks to the patronage of his superiors or the help of friends.

If dolphins splash in river water, such a plot indicates that a person is faced with the need to do difficult choice. He must make an important decision on his own. You should not seek advice from others or try to shift all responsibility onto them.

Why else can you dream of dolphins in the water? The dream book also considers such an option as their games at sea. Such dreams indicate the importance of the role played by friends and relatives in a person’s life. If a person misses his loved ones, then now is the right time to meet them.

Catch him

In his nightly dreams, a person may be trying to catch a dolphin. If he succeeds, what does such a plot mean?

If the dreamer simply grabbed the dolphin with his hands, in reality good luck will accompany all his endeavors. There is also no doubt that he is surrounded by true friends. In difficult times, the sleeper can safely count on their help and support.

If a person catches a dolphin and releases it in his dreams, in real life he will not be able to defend his position. His opponent, who has much more experience in such matters, will win the debate.

Hook - the desire to unjustified risk. The sleeper is preparing to take a decisive step, but the outcome of the business he has planned is difficult to predict. You shouldn’t make hasty decisions, it’s better to think everything through.

Swim, swim with him

What does it mean to swim with dolphins? Dream Interpretation offers various options answers to this question:

  • In the near future, the dreamer may change his surroundings. There is a high probability that a person will go on a trip or business trip.
  • The sleeper can change jobs. Unfortunately, it will take him a long time to get used to the new team.
  • Swimming with dolphins sometimes promises the appearance of rivals. The dreamer will suffer from jealousy, and this will lead to the fact that his relationship with his other half will deteriorate. If a person does not want this, he should learn restraint.

Lots of dolphins

What else can a dream book tell about dolphins? The interpretation of night dreams, in which there are many of these animals, is also of interest. Such a plot indicates that the sexual activity of the sleeper can only be envied. A person needs to be careful when choosing partners.

Many dolphins are a symbol that can mean that new projects will be successfully implemented. Luck has turned its face to the sleeping person, you should definitely take advantage of this. The main thing is not to deviate from the chosen path, not to waste energy on trifles.

ride it

In his dreams, a person can perform amazing actions, including riding a dolphin. What does such a dream warn about? In reality you should be careful. You should not trust your partner if the romantic relationship has recently begun. Most likely, this person will not be able to appreciate the love that the dreamer has for him.

Riding dolphins is a symbol that can also predict the cycle of events. For the most part they will be negative. A person will have to get out of one dangerous situation after another. Stress resistance, which must be developed in oneself, will help him cope with all problems.

pet him

What other information about dolphins can the dream book provide? Why, for example, do you dream of stroking this animal:

  • Moving, renovation, new job - big changes await the sleeper. It will not be easy for him to adapt to new conditions; he should prepare for difficulties and prepare to fight them.
  • Some dream books make negative predictions. A person will spend a lot of money and energy in order to make his dream come true. However, his plans, unfortunately, were not destined to come true.

In a swimming pool

What other interesting things will the dream book help you learn about dolphins? The interpretation of night dreams in which a person sees these animals in the pool also deserves attention. What are you waiting for?

A dolphin in a pool is a symbol that can warn a sleeper that he is surrounded by insincere people. They try to pass themselves off as true friends, but in reality they do not like the dreamer and envy him.

In the near future, you should not listen to other people's advice. Even if the one who gives them is guided by good intentions. The person himself knows better the answer to the question of what he should do. You just need to learn to trust your own intuition.

People who actively impose their opinions on the sleeping person should be avoided. Otherwise, he will have to follow other people's instructions all his life.

Wounded, dead

What can the appearance of wounded dolphins in night dreams warn about? In this case, the dream book does not bode well for the sleeper. In reality, a person will face major troubles, or he will have to deal with the problems of his loved ones. The dreamer may also be struck by a serious illness with which he will be forced to fight long time. First of all, you should beware venereal diseases, diseases of the genital organs.

What else could be the interpretation of dreams about dolphins? The dream book gives a negative assessment of night dreams in which dead animals appear. In reality, a person will face changes that will force him to plunge into a stressful state. Due to constant tension, his relationship with his other half will deteriorate, and problems will begin in the sexual sphere.

Dolphins seen in a dream foreshadow amazing events that will happen in your life. The article suggests finding out what fish means, mermaids, why a girl dreams of a dolphin, in clean or dirty water, killer whales, whales, fur seals, sharks, sperm whales, penguins, in an aquarium and much more.

Why do pregnant women, men, young girls, and married people dream about dolphins?

A dream in which a pregnant woman saw a dolphin means that she will have an easy birth and the birth of a healthy and smart baby.

If a man saw a dolphin in his dream, good news awaits him in real life.

A young girl dreams of dolphins as a sign of meeting an interesting young man who will later become a reliable friend for her.

A dream about a dolphin seen by a married woman predicts.

Why do you dream of dolphins without water, white, in a pool, in the sea, in a river, in the ocean, in a lake?

If you dreamed of a dolphin on land, this is a sign that in real life you have chosen the wrong path for yourself. Before it's too late, it's better to return back to your element.

A white dolphin is usually dreamed of before a promotion.

A dream in which a dolphin swims in a pool or lake means that in real life you are too concerned about maintaining decency.

If in your dream you watch dolphins swimming in the sea or ocean, it means that in reality all good and joyful events pass you by, you only watch how happy others are.

If in a dream you saw a dolphin swimming along the river, it means that in real life you need to stop being an outside observer, start being active and, if necessary, swim against the current. Only then can life change for the better.

Why do dolphins dream of petting a dolphin, biting, saving, dead

A dream in which you come into close contact with dolphins - pet them, or they save you - means that in real life you can always count on the support of your loved ones.

If a dolphin in your dream shows aggression towards you, you should think about whether you have offended a loved one with your behavior.

Dead dolphins are a dream that predicts separation from a congenial person.

If in a dream dolphins are on land, in the sky, on a ring, on the shore, swimming with them, jumping out of the water

If in a dream you see a dolphin that is forced to live in an element other than its native one, it means that this dream serves as a warning to you that you are doing the wrong thing.

So seeing a dolphin on land or on the shore is a symbol that in real life you need to back down before things go too far.

A dolphin fluttering across the sky is a sign that you are soaring in the clouds instead of getting down to business.

A dolphin jumping through a ring is a symbol of the fact that you blindly obey the will of your spouse and have no say in your family.

Dolphins jumping out of the water are a sign of a promotion or that you will be able to overcome all difficulties with dignity and will be above the circumstances.

A dream when you swim with dolphins is considered a good sign - you will be able to feel like a fish in water and not panic in any life situations, since you are confident in your loved ones as well as in yourself.

Why do beluga dolphins dream?

A young woman's dream of a beluga whale means that she will become pregnant with a girl.

The same dream may mean that you will have a reliable and sincere girlfriend.

Why do dolphins dream about Miller's dream book?

In Miller's dream book, dolphins symbolize good luck, which is easy to miss if you show softness and indecisiveness. Be active and there will always be people around you who will support you in difficult situations.

Why do dolphins dream about Freud's dream book?

According to Freud's dream book, a dolphin symbolizes your desire to experience the joys of love and the thrill of doing everything in the water.

A dream in which a man sees himself swimming among dolphins speaks of his strange desires.

Why do dolphins dream about Vanga’s dream book?

In Vanga’s dream book, dolphins symbolize spiritual enlightenment and a person’s ability to “stay afloat” in any difficult situations that arise in real life.

Why do Juno dolphins dream?

Dreaming of dolphins, according to Juno’s dream book, symbolizes a harmonious family life.

Also, this dream can predict the conception of a child who will be destined to save the lives of other people. What dreams of two (2, 3) dead dolphins mean is the appearance of unforeseen circumstances in your life that will not affect you in the best way.

A toy or playing dolphins can be a sign of pregnancy. Feeding a lot of small dolphins or touching a dolphin in a show (dolphinarium) means that the children will eat well. Holding in hands, tattoo, family, hugging, feeding, seeing at home, dreamed of a baby dolphin, kissed (kisses), gives birth, wounded with a baby dolphin, in muddy water or they are with people from Wednesday to Thursday or want to be photographed, sick, this has different interpretations, which you can find out by leaving your question in the comments.

Dolphins are unique marine mammals from the order Cetaceans. They have a special intelligence, ways of communicating with each other and a huge tendency towards empathy. That is why communication with dolphins is even one of the effective methods animal-assisted therapy (treatment using animals).

Despite the fact that in reality few people have seen them, much less interacted, they are attractive to almost all people. Therefore, dreams involving these mammals are intuitively interpreted as positive. Why do you dream about dolphins soon after meeting them in reality? You don’t have to worry about searching for decoding and hidden meaning. Their appearance indicates: daytime impressions turned out to be so vivid that they penetrated into the world of dreams. In other cases, it is advisable to recall all the circumstances of the dream and begin interpretation.

Dream Interpretation: seeing dolphins in a dream

Gustav Miller interprets one dreamed aquatic mammal as tolerance for all government ideas. The well-known interpreter also warns that due to the softness of the character, the sleeper may miss opportunities to achieve success.

Saving a dolphin caught in a net or washed ashore is, according to Miller’s dream book, a symbol of lack of faith in one’s own strength. Old habits that have long outlived their usefulness prevent us from moving forward.

However, a baby dolphin in a dream has a radically opposite meaning. The dreamer has chosen the right path in life, and success awaits him. Many dolphins mean the need to quickly adapt to constantly changing external circumstances.

Interpretation according to the ontopsychological dream book Meneghetti extremely positive. Dolphins predict excellent health and harmonious relationships. The instincts that guide the dreamer are among the highest.

Vanga's Dream Book interprets dolphins as a stage of spiritual enlightenment. The Bulgarian fortuneteller reports that the dreamer knows how to take into account external circumstances and accordingly change your plans to achieve the goal.

Family dream book suggests that when you dream of dolphins, too much time is spent on trifles. It is worth changing your daily routine in order to have time to do more and achieve success in implementing ideas.

According to Freud marine mammals signal a lack of sensory sensation during copulation. The psychiatrist recommends diversifying sex to refresh dull relationships.

Dead dolphins in a dream indicate problems with libido in dreamers of both sexes.

According to dream book 21 centuries, a man dreams of a kind dolphin as a symbol of rapid career growth.

If you happen to pet a dolphin, the dream warns of mistrust on the part of friends. Frank conversation and action will help restore mutual understanding.

Dream interpretation of esotericism Evgenia Tsvetkova interprets that dolphins in a dream mean that the sleeper successfully falls into the rhythm of the changes taking place. Feeding a mammal is a warning about possible poisoning from low-quality products.

Dolphins in dreams are of particular importance to the fair sex. The attacking mammal encourages you to think about whether the dreamer has offended someone close to you. It is advisable to apologize so as not to ruin valuable friendships or family relationships.

Friendly dolphin girl, seen in a dream in an aquarium, reflects her internal emotional constraint. If you get rid of completely unfounded complexes a little, you will probably soon have a happy acquaintance with an intelligent and well-mannered man.

When a married woman of childbearing age dreams of dolphins frolicking in the ocean, this indicates an increased possibility of conception in the current cycle. If replenishment is not part of your immediate plans, precautions must be taken.

If you dream white dolphin, this portends advancement up the career ladder. Another meaning of a mammal of such an unusual color is the appearance of a soulmate.

When you dream of a dolphin pregnant for a woman, this is an excellent sign. She will easily be relieved of her burden with a strong baby.

A warning about the deceit of others is black dolphin in a woman's dream. Need to share less details personal life, so as not to arouse the envy of ill-wishers and not provoke their vile natures into intrigue.

Why do you dream of dolphins in the water?

Playing dolphins in the sea indicate the dreamer's observational position. It is advisable to remember that this is not the most productive way to achieve goals. If you want to achieve something important in life, you need to try and work to bring your plans into reality.

Dream about dolphins as a symbol of internal limitations in a swimming pool. The cramped space of a dolphinarium or oceanarium also indicates strict limits of self-restraint. The caveat of such a plot is that it is impossible to fully feel the joy of existence. For family people, seeing mammals jumping through hoops or performing other tricks in their dreams means being too focused on their partner’s opinion. Sometimes you need to express your own opinion.

Dolphins reflect harmony in life in the ocean. This is a sign of inner balance, joyful emotions and happy events in reality.

Seeing mammals washed ashore is a warning sign. The dreamer is not doing what he really needs and wants. It is advisable to reconsider priorities in order to find happiness, and not to infringe on oneself in self-expression.

Why do you dream about a lot of dolphins?

If in a dream a family person (no difference: men or women) flock dolphins frolic in the sea or ocean space, this warns that someone is interested in a partner. It is also necessary to remember what the reservoir looked like.

If you dreamed about a lot of dolphins in the sea With clean water, the plot portends success in the business sphere. The cloudy or dark surface from which they jump reflects concern about health. After such a dream, it is recommended to be attentive to amorous adventures, and in case of casual relationships, take measures to protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

cute small dolphins in a dream foretell a pleasant acquaintance. The new person will be very close in worldview. Communication with him will enrich you spiritually and bring true pleasure.

If you dreamed about a lot of dolphins in a river, this reflects the restrictions that the sleeper has set for himself. The dream is a warning that constantly agreeing with everything and letting life go by itself can lead to something other than where you really want. It's time to step up and get serious about realizing your talents.

If you don’t just dream about dolphins, but manage to somehow communicate with charming aquatic mammals, deciphering the dream may have additional meanings.

As a symbol of the awakening of talents and realization internal potential in a dream there is an opportunity ride on a dolphin. What the dreamer previously considered fun or a useless hobby will likely become a way of permanent and fairly significant income. Important condition To ensure success in this period of revolution, you need to listen to the dictates of your own heart. Swimming with dolphins in a dream is a very favorable symbol. The dream symbolizes the ability to easily adapt, feel great and act in any environment. Depending on the gender of the sleeper, there are different interpretations.

Swim with dolphins for a man- a sign of gaining confidence in one’s strengths and capabilities. This will allow you to boldly take on new projects and expand your business and creative horizons.

The warning is the plot in which it happened woman swimming with dolphins in a dream. The dreamer moved away from real life. Her behavior in relationships with members of the opposite sex is too playful and frivolous.

When dolphins were caught by the dreamer in a dream, this indicates the right business strategy for entrepreneurs. For the rest, the plot suggests the correctness of the chosen path in life.

If the dreamer stroked calm and friendly dolphins, this is a positive sign. His friends and relatives are always ready to help. Kissing mammals means experiencing a feeling of sincere gratitude. In reality, it is worth expressing your emotions to those who deserve it.

Dolphins and other sea creatures in a dream

If several types of aquatic animals appear simultaneously in a dream, the symbolic meanings are combined.

So whales and dolphins in a dream means receiving unexpected and very timely help from friends. The dream suggests that you should not be embarrassed to ask for support. Faithful people they won't refuse!

As a symbol of the need to be in the company of friends and like-minded people, you dream dolphins and killer whales. In the coming period, loneliness is undesirable, otherwise depressive thoughts are possible due to the sleeper’s dissatisfaction with his life. If in a dream these inhabitants of the water element fought, a quarrel is likely in reality. When dolphins and killer whales (orcas in another form of spelling) swim peacefully on opposite courses, an important meeting lies ahead. This could be a rendezvous with a representative person you already know, or a completely new acquaintance. Subsequently, it will have a significant impact on fate.

When you dream of dolphins, most often the feeling after waking up is bright and joyful. The interpretation of dreams is also mostly positive, and very few indicate errors in the actions of the sleeper. Let exclusively positive interpretations come true, let shortcomings be corrected, and pleasant emotions become a reality.

The article on the topic: “why do you dream of dolphins in water, dream book” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

Read also:

Dolphins seen in a dream foreshadow amazing events that will happen in your life. The article suggests finding out what fish means, mermaids, why a girl dreams of a dolphin, in clean or dirty water, killer whales, whales, fur seals, sharks, sperm whales, penguins, in an aquarium and much more.

Why do pregnant women, men, young girls, and married people dream about dolphins?

A dream in which a pregnant woman saw a dolphin means that she will have an easy birth and the birth of a healthy and smart baby.

If a man saw a dolphin in his dream, good news awaits him in real life.

A young girl dreams of dolphins as a sign of meeting an interesting young man who will later become a reliable friend for her.

A dream about a dolphin seen by a married woman predicts pregnancy.

Why do you dream of dolphins without water, white, in a pool, in the sea, in a river, in the ocean, in a lake?

If you dreamed of a dolphin on land, this is a sign that in real life you have chosen the wrong path for yourself. Before it's too late, it's better to return back to your element.

A white dolphin is usually dreamed of before a promotion.

A dream in which a dolphin swims in a pool or lake means that in real life you are too concerned about maintaining decency.

If in your dream you watch dolphins swimming in the sea or ocean, it means that in reality all good and joyful events pass you by, you only watch how happy others are.

If in a dream you saw a dolphin swimming along the river, it means that in real life you need to stop being an outside observer, start being active and, if necessary, swim against the current. Only then can life change for the better.

Why do dolphins dream of petting a dolphin, biting, saving, dead

A dream in which you come into close contact with dolphins - pet them, or they save you - means that in real life you can always count on the support of your loved ones.

If a dolphin in your dream shows aggression towards you, you should think about whether you have offended a loved one with your behavior.

Dead dolphins are a dream that predicts separation from a congenial person.

If in a dream dolphins are on land, in the sky, on a ring, on the shore, swimming with them, jumping out of the water

If in a dream you see a dolphin that is forced to live in an element other than its native one, it means that this dream serves as a warning to you that you are doing the wrong thing.

So seeing a dolphin on land or on the shore is a symbol that in real life you need to back down before things go too far.

A dolphin fluttering across the sky is a sign that you are soaring in the clouds instead of getting down to business.

A dolphin jumping through a ring is a symbol of the fact that you blindly obey the will of your spouse and have no say in your family.

Dolphins jumping out of the water are a sign of a promotion or that you will be able to overcome all difficulties with dignity and will be above the circumstances.

A dream when you swim with dolphins is considered a good sign - you will be able to feel like a fish in water and not panic in any life situations, since you are confident in your loved ones as well as in yourself.

Why do beluga dolphins dream?

A young woman's dream of a beluga whale means that she will become pregnant with a girl.

The same dream may mean that you will have a reliable and sincere girlfriend.

Why do dolphins dream about Miller's dream book?

In Miller's dream book, dolphins symbolize good luck, which is easy to miss if you show softness and indecisiveness. Be active and there will always be people around you who will support you in difficult situations.

Why do dolphins dream about Freud's dream book?

According to Freud's dream book, a dolphin symbolizes your desire to experience the joys of love and the thrill of doing everything in the water.

A dream in which a man sees himself swimming among dolphins speaks of his strange desires.

Why do dolphins dream about Vanga’s dream book?

In Vanga’s dream book, dolphins symbolize spiritual enlightenment and a person’s ability to “stay afloat” in any difficult situations that arise in real life.

Why do Juno dolphins dream?

Dreaming of dolphins, according to Juno’s dream book, symbolizes a harmonious family life.

Also, this dream can predict the conception of a child who will be destined to save the lives of other people. What dreams of two (2, 3) dead dolphins mean is the appearance of unforeseen circumstances in your life that will not affect you in the best way.

A toy or playing dolphins can be a sign of pregnancy. During pregnancy, dreaming about and feeding many small dolphins or touching a dolphin in a show (dolphinarium) means that the children will eat well. Holding in hands, tattoo, family, hugging, feeding, seeing at home, dreamed of a baby dolphin, kissed (kisses), gives birth, wounded with a baby dolphin, in muddy water, or they fly in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday with people or want to be photographed, sick, this has different interpretations, which you can find out by leaving your question in the comments.


Girls, I dreamed of 6 dolphins, 2 of which played with me, laughed, kissed me and, hugging me with their fins, dragged me into the water. What could this mean?

And last night I swam in a clear lake with dolphins. It was so nice! They are very positive and soft, but for some reason I was a little afraid of them))) And today is the birthday of my father, who died 4 years ago! Why sleep?

Diana, this dream is a harbinger of pregnancy and fertility!

“6 dolphins” is a designation for 6 close relationships with different guys. And “2 of which played with me” is a symbol of the fact that you may soon become the mother of twins! but you will doubt who the father is.

I dreamed that I was looking at the sea, I saw a lot of dolphins and I jumped towards them, not being afraid of anything, one of them picked me up and swam with me far out to sea with great speed. What could this mean?

I see in a dream the Sea, the cold season. But people are swimming near the shore, and with them are several dolphins, from 5 to 10 approximately. I look at the shore, and there are a lot of dead small fish, similar to baby dolphins, but very small in size. Tell me, what could such a dream portend?

I caught a white dolphin with a fishing rod, but it turned out to be sick. All covered in bruises. Then, on the shore, the dolphin turned into a thin, toothless and mute man; he looked like a patient with cerebral palsy. I tried to save the dolphin and then this man...

Hello, today I had a dream about 2 dolphins, as if they were playing in a pool. And then I dreamed that there were dead fish on top, what is this??

I dreamed that a dolphin jumped out of the lake onto land with me twice, played with me, and I stroked it.

I dreamed of a dolphin being roasted alive at the stake, and later killed by my friend

One of my friends dreamed that I was riding a dolphin. And the water is pure. What could this mean?

I dreamed of many dying dolphins on the seashore and everyone was trying to save them. I was scared, but I took the two little ones and tried to save them, I didn’t trust anyone.

I was walking with a guy and we decided to go down to the seashore, where he discovered 5 dolphins. two of whom were almost dead. I began to save the little one and then I ended up with him in my apartment. I began to fill the bath with water and followed the others. managed to save his mother in a dream

Hello. I dreamed that a killer whale attacked me in a dolphinarium and seemed to bite me, but it didn’t hurt me and the dolphin saved me and I stroked its face. Why such a dream?

I dreamed that I caught a white dolphin with a fishing rod, what is this for?

I held a baby dolphin in my arms in a dream

Good afternoon, I dreamed of several dolphins, at some show, one of them kissed me and swam next to me, the presenters of the program suggested that I stand on the board so that the dolphin would ride me in a circle in front of all the spectators, but I doubted it because I was in a position I was afraid to fall

Please tell me, last night I dreamed of a dolphin who was trying to crawl across the road by jumping out of the sea in front of our bus. I thought they were saving themselves and this is their method of playing. There is a river across the road and then they again swim to the sea and crawl across the road again, what is this? I'm pregnant on an ultrasound and they said that a girl can have this dream for a boy)))

Hello, I dreamed that I was standing in a clean river and saw a small flock of dolphins swimming along me, they smiled at me, swam straight into my hands, I hugged them all, kissed them, among them was the smallest white one, I then held them in my arms, I was so happy, then I swam with them

Why is this dream?

I dreamed of a shark killing a dolphin in a pool, a lot of blood and dirty water. Then the shark disappeared. and another dolphin appeared swimming in this water

I had a dream - I found a small dolphin, its belly was white, and its back, tail, and fins were blue. (Like a toy) I picked it up, and he poked me in the face with his cold nose. And then, in the dream, when I remembered him, I thought... as if to throw it into the water, as if to show it to my granddaughter. So I woke up in worries. There was still a fire, the mountains were burning in the distance, but I couldn’t call the fire department, in the darkness I couldn’t see the buttons on the phone. .

Good morning! I saw dolphins swimming in the sea and stroked one! It was so pleasant to the touch and as if in reality... in a dream I was very happy about it... please tell me, does this mean something!?

Hello, I dreamed that my husband and I were sitting on the shore of a lake, and there were a lot of white dolphins swimming in the water, they were playing with each other and swam close to the shore. I wanted to film everything on video and called them and swam up to me. big dolphin and pulled it up in front of me.

Hello, tell me what this is for, I dreamed of a dolphin - it swam up, and on its head there was something like a helmet or a saucepan, as if someone was making fun of it. He looked and asked with his eyes to take it off, I took it off, and he swam back and started poking him in the face (kissing), I stroked him, kissed him all over, and next to him there was another beluga dolphin just watching.

Good afternoon In the dream we were sailing on a ship, my son saw dolphins in the water and jumped to them, they played with him, gave him rides, but I was worried when they swam a little far. A pleasant dream

It's true about the beluga. True, I was not a bee in the dream, it was a white whale or a white dolphin, as it was releasing water like a fountain. Soon I found out that I was pregnant. A girl was born. Tell me, from Thursday to Friday I had a dream: a dolphin was playing in the sea and emerging. I'm being watched from the shore. Then the dolphin will swim close and take the child (as I understand it, mine) and begin to ride. Then he jumps high (the height is unreal, towards the clouds) and jumps into the sea with the child. At the same time, I felt fear, and we (probably my husband and I) are trying to remember the place where I dived in order to start searching. I don’t remember the rest of the dream.

In a dream, I dreamed that a dolphin swam to the river bank, and the husband decided to go for a ride, a dolphin 3-5 meters swam along with her husband. The husband took pity on the dolphin and left the water. And the dolphin swam further

Hello, I dreamed of a large pool in which there were a huge number of small white and blue dolphins. They were very affectionate and active, but I was able to catch one and took it into the hands of my mother, who also happened to be in the pool.

Good morning! I had a dream today. I arrived in a village on the seashore. It was evening, the sun was already setting. I went to the beach: the water was calm, blue, transparent, you could see the sandy bottom. I go into the water and suddenly 2 dolphins swim up. One adult just floats around me, one little one pokes at me and tries to play. We played with him, hugged, rubbed noses. Suddenly the boats began to swim up, the big dolphin swam away, and the little one stayed with me, I took him in my arms and began to carry him away from the boats. Two Japanese men got out of one boat: a father and a son about 10 years old. They ran up to me, and I was standing in the water with a baby dolphin in my arms.

They started poking him roughly, grabbing him by the tail, my son even tried to break it. I took the baby dolphin away from them and ran away. She ran to some old pier. The sun had almost set and the first stars were visible. I released the baby into the water and he swam away.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday. What does it mean?

Today I dreamed of a lot of fish in round aquarium and a baby dolphin, who many times jumped out of the aquarium into my arms and tried to kiss me, but I didn’t let him get in his face and, holding him in my hands, stroked him.

Why do dolphins dream: classical interpretations

Dolphins are a symbol of freedom, beauty and spiritual quest. The appearance of this mammal in a dream foreshadows imminent changes in a person’s professional life, and also indicates hidden emotions suppressed by the dreamer. To find out why dolphins dream, let’s look at some details.

What does sleep mean?

Swim on the back of a dolphin in a dream means wearing rose-colored glasses and not noticing even the most basic things. For people who are married or in a romantic relationship, this means disappointment in their partner, too different views lovers for life.

A school of dolphins in the pool speaks of feelings suppressed by a person and pent-up impulses. To see a dolphin performing in a performance means that a person is acting out and behaving theatrically.

A dolphin in the water says that in real life everything goes according to plan and no troubles are expected. If a dolphin swims in cold water, this indicates a change in some plans.

A friendly dolphin, willingly following commands, speaks of a person’s excessive softness, of the fact that his naivety and desire to help are taken advantage of by the people around him in the most unscrupulous way. Sometimes the dream indicates that the dreamer is falling under the influence of a more powerful person– boss, family member, friend, etc.

Dolphin in the sea portends the possibility of an increase social or professional status. A person needs to be ready to seize the opportunity given and take full advantage of it.

Dolphin jumping out of the water indicates a person’s fatigue from routine and gray everyday life, a desire to change your life, as well as failure in love or the fact that romance has disappeared in a relationship.

Dolphins in the sea portend the appearance of new friends in a person’s life who differ from the dreamer in their worldview, social role in society, and sphere of interests. With their help, a person will be able to get acquainted with a new world.

Riding a dolphin and petting it means a complex matter, an undertaking that will require great effort from the dreamer. Such a dream indicates family problems, childhood grievances hidden against their parents, which are projected into adulthood.

Dreamed dolphin indicates that the sleeper does not feel satisfied with his intimate life and is looking for new experiences in this area. The dream speaks of the loss of spark, passion in a romantic relationship.

Swimming in the water with a dolphin foreshadows experiments in bed, upcoming lovemaking in the water.

Dolphins in a dream represent friends. Swimming with dolphins means that friends and relatives trust the dreamer, rely on his opinion and even consider him some kind of authority. The dream book says that similar attitude well deserved.

I dreamed of a dolphin - this is a symbol of human intellectual abilities. A dream with a friendly dolphin indicates the dreamer’s ability to make friends and realize all his plans. An aggressive dolphin indicates that a person annoys and offends those close to him.

The appearance of a dolphin in a dream means a kind, reliable friend, which will help a sleeping person get through difficult times. The dolphin also symbolizes strong, pure love and sudden altruistic impulses.

A dolphin in the sea represents the dreamer's close relatives and indicates that he spends too little time with his family, preferring work and friends to them. Seeing a dolphin jumping on the waves means receiving an invitation to an interesting event, a noisy party or other celebration.

The appearance of a dolphin in a dream foreshadows imminent unexpected events in the dreamer’s life that will disrupt his plans, but in such a way that he will only be happy about it. Vision predicts a quick meeting with her lover, and if a person is already married, it speaks of a light affair on the side.

See a dolphin in the dark sea or in dark time day indicates that a person is beginning to realize his true purpose and is trying to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

Dolphins portend receiving good news from relatives or friends living far away. Dolphins playing in the water predict a promotion, bonus or education.

Interpretation for women and men

The interpretation of a dream largely depends on who exactly is dreaming it.

For women, seeing a dolphin in a dream foretells an imminent pregnancy. For already pregnant women, the dream foreshadows the birth of a healthy, strong baby. Seeing a dark dolphin means the birth of a boy, and a white one means a girl.

If a woman dreams of swimming in the water with several dolphins, this indicates a lack of male attention in reality. The dream speaks of women’s desire to acquire several lovers or admirers at once.

For a young unmarried girl, such a dream promises the appearance of a friend in the person of an older man., who may later become her husband. In addition, the vision foreshadows changes in your personal life, but you should be careful, because this can lead to an unplanned pregnancy.

Men's sleep promises unexpected profits– winning the lottery, receiving a bonus or inheritance, as well as promotion and approval from superiors.

In the pool or in the river

Dolphins in the pool indicate that a person feels uncomfortable and vulnerable in society, follows all the rules, ignoring his desires and aspirations. Seeing a dolphin in your own pool portends an acquaintance with an interesting and kind person, who will become a good friend and advisor to the sleeping person.

Seeing a dolphin in the river means that the dreamer simply goes with the flow, not pursuing any goals. The dream advises you to finally take fate into your own hands and try to change something. Seeing several dolphins splashing in river water means that life is passing a person by, he is only a witness, and not a participant in the action.

Many dolphins portend new opportunities and pleasant acquaintances. Sailing with the pack means moving up the career ladder, acquiring loyal allies and business partners. Seeing a school of dolphins in a pool where they are limited in space speaks of a person’s creative inclinations, which he is embarrassed or cannot express.

Little dolphin in a dream portends pleasant acquaintances and vivid impressions, and the baby dolphin also personifies a faithful friend who you can rely on at any time.

Dead dolphin warns of deadlock, rash decisions that the dreamer can make in the heat of the moment, and the emergence of unexpected problems. The dream suggests that a person relies on emotions more than reason. A dead dolphin also means a miscarriage or stillbirth for a woman.

Swim with them

Swimming with dolphins means family support, support in a difficult situation, as well as a faithful friend who will not betray you. To swim after a dolphin means to succumb to someone's influence, to submit to a more powerful person. In most cases we are talking about a boss or a teacher.

Hold a dolphin by the fin speaks of readiness to help and support a friend in trouble. Riding a dolphin indicates the dreamer's dominance in friendly and romantic relationships, and the suppression of someone else's will. Losing sight of a dolphin or falling from it while swimming portends imminent troubles and the loss of some valuables.

Swim with a dolphin in the open sea promises a noisy, fun party or relax on the sea beach with friends. The dream also speaks of a possible adventurous adventure.

Why do people dream about dolphins?

Dolphins are considered one of the most mysterious representatives of the fauna, meeting them gives an unforgettable feeling and joy. But if you dreamed about a dolphin, what does it mean? In order to accurately answer this question, you need to remember all the smallest details of the dream and look into the dream book.

Dreams about dolphins are a favorable sign, symbolizing liberation from what has weighed on the dreamer for a long time. This could be a serious illness, unrequited love, tense relationships with superiors at work, or depression.

Why do you dream about dolphins in the sea? Such dreams indicate that soon a person will need help from family or close friends. Another interpretation of such dreams foreshadows a change of job.

If you dreamed that dolphins were playing with each other, then this promises a fun time with old friends. If animals frolic in the water at a distance from the dreamer, you should think about a more active lifestyle, since interesting events pass by a person. You need to take the initiative.

Why does a woman dream about a dolphin? If a lady had a dream about a dolphin, then this symbolizes the lack of sharp and fresh sensations in intimate relationships with a man. The only way out in this situation is a frank conversation on this topic with your significant other or breaking off the relationship in order to find a new partner.

Seeing a school of dolphins in a pool in a dream symbolizes that in reality something is holding the dreamer back and preventing him from developing to his full potential. If you dreamed of dolphins in the sea, then soon a person will meet new people.

Swimming with dolphins and kissing them in a dream foreshadows some kind of difficult situation. life situation, in which friends will help a person.

Why do you dream of petting a dolphin? This dream foreshadows a person’s success in all endeavors, especially in material terms.

Did you see an animal on land? This is a symbol that the dreamer has chosen the wrong path and is doing the wrong thing. He should stop and think about what else he can change.

Why do you dream of dolphins in the pool? Such a dream characterizes the dreamer as a person for whom the opinions of others are important. You should learn to defend your own point of view.

Seeing an animal on the shore means that the dreamer should abandon his cunning plans, since they will not bring anything good. Seeing a dolphin in the clouds is a sign that a person spends too much time dreaming and not real actions and actions. Thus, it will not be possible to achieve your goals.

If you saw a dolphin jumping through a ring, then you are under psychological pressure from the other half. You should be bolder and openly express your feelings and emotions. This will help avoid scandals and misunderstandings in the future.

Looking at animals is one thing, but it’s a completely different situation if you’re lucky enough to touch a dolphin, much less swim with it.

If a girl or woman dreamed that she was swimming with dolphins, then this promises a new romantic acquaintance and passionate love, and for a man - love success, married couple– a wonderful and unforgettable vacation away from home.

According to esoteric dream book swimming with aggressive dolphins means that the dreamer is not making enough effort to achieve his goals. If animals behave calmly, then this portends a measured family life for a person.

Swimming with small dolphins is a sign of good news from afar; with a pregnant female is a sign of improvement. financial situation. What does it mean to swim with dolphins in a dream in stormy weather? The meaning of this dream is favorable. The person will soon have a financial patron.

Swimming with dolphins and petting them means helping loved ones in a difficult situation. Riding on the back of an animal means a new romantic acquaintance, which will give rise to a serious and passionate relationship. Don't be afraid to take a step towards your hot feelings.

If in a dream dolphins accepted a person into their pod and he began to live among these sea animals, then this promises communication with intelligent and highly moral people. Such meetings will bring positive emotions to the dreamer.

If an animal bites a person in a dream, this indicates that the owner of the night vision needs to work a lot more to achieve his goal. Otherwise you should not expect success.

If the dreamer dreamed that he was feeding animals, then this portends great happiness and the fulfillment of cherished desires.

Did you have a dream in which a dolphin was getting something from the bottom of the sea? In the near future, you should expect monetary profits and resolution of all financial issues.

If a person saw himself in the form of a dolphin among other animals, then this promises a great family celebration. Another interpretation of the dream foreshadows a new place of work in a friendly team.

Swimming with dolphins in dark water means unexpected troubles; in muddy water, it means illnesses and slander about the dreamer. Did you dream that the animals swam ahead, and the person lagged behind them a little? Such a dream promises loneliness and problems with starting a family.

Swimming with a wounded animal means a big family scandal or even separation. Another interpretation of the dream is dismissal from work or demotion.

If a person dreamed that he was drowning, but the dreamer was saved by a dolphin, strangers will come to the rescue in difficult times.

For many outstanding people, especially for psychoanalysts, soothsayers, healers and esotericists, the issue of the presence of animals in human night visions is relevant. However, each of them has their own interpretation of such dreams.

Sigmund Freud associated the interpretation of each dream with the characteristics of a person’s sexual sphere. Night visions of dolphins are also no exception. He claims that dreams about these sea animals symbolize an acute lack of extreme sensations in intimate relationships with a partner, so the owner of the vision begins to look for them with someone else. The dreamer has a great desire to experiment in bed, but this is not mutual. It is necessary to bring something new and original to sexual relations. Riding an animal in a dream means making love in a pool or sea. If a girl dreamed that she was swimming next to a dolphin, then this promises her a successful marriage and the birth of a child. A pod of dolphins seen around a ship warns of possible treason. You should be more attentive to your partner. A wounded animal promises a disease of the genital organs. A dead dolphin symbolizes the possible development of erectile dysfunction. If a man dreamed that he was riding a dolphin, then this speaks of homosexual inclinations; if a woman dreamed, then this symbolizes her desire to have many sexual partners.

According to the English dream book, dolphins in a dream portend disappointment in their dreams and unrealistic hopes. Also, animals in the sea can warn the dreamer that one of his friends may drown. Such dreams are dangerous for those people who are planning to go on a long journey in the near future. It makes sense to postpone the trip for some time, since there is a threat to the health and life of the dreamer.

Miller's dream interpreter says that dolphins are a symbol of meeting interesting, spiritually developed people. The conversation will bring only pleasant impressions. Watching animals in the pool is not auspicious sign that ill-wishers are trying to influence the dreamer’s decision.

According to the 21st century dream book, a night vision in which dolphins splash merrily in the sea portends rapid career growth or a salary increase, a bonus.

Apostle Simon the Canaanite claims that dolphins dream of joining the family.

The Bulgarian seer Vanga considers dreams about dolphins very good sign, which promises financial prosperity and stability of financial situation. Also, such night visions may indicate that the dreamer will soon come to mind successful idea, which will bring profit and promotion. You can safely begin to implement your plans into reality.

According to dream interpreter Loff, dolphins warn a person that he should take a vacation as soon as possible and have a good rest. Otherwise he will not escape the disease nervous system. To see a sea animal entangled in fishing nets means that an unforeseen situation will soon occur, for which a person will be forced to ask close friends or relatives for help. If an animal is swimming through a stormy stream, then this dream tells the owner of the vision that he is setting impossible tasks for himself.

Phelomen claims that swimming on the back of a sea animal warns the dreamer of love discord. A person should take a closer look at his soulmate to avoid disappointment. A couple may have different views on life. It is necessary to learn to find compromises and a middle ground in relationships. This will prevent a possible break in the union.

According to the Chinese dream book, a dolphin in the sea portends a promotion up the career ladder. Also similar dreams may indicate that a person is tired of the monotony of life. It is necessary to try to bring a little romance and novelty into the everyday course of affairs.

The family dream book says that sea animals can promise acquaintance with very good people, with which the dreamer will have a lot common interests. If in a dream you ride on a sea animal, then in reality you should correctly calculate your strength and not set yourself impossible tasks. Otherwise, disappointment cannot be avoided.

According to the interpreter of Juno's dreams, a dream about a dolphin foreshadows the birth of a child who is destined to save more than one human life in the future. Seeing several dead sea animals is a sign of unforeseen circumstances.

According to the interpretations of the Mayan people, swimming in the same body of water with dolphins indicates the dreamer’s reliability. You can rely on a person in difficult times and be confident in his devotion.

Grishina’s dream book warns that if you see a fight with an aggressive animal in your night vision, then the person is dissatisfied with something. Perhaps he shouldn't be presented with high requirements to other people.

Meneghetti claims that sea animals promise a strong and tender family union. Thanks to their sincere feelings, the couple will be able to overcome any adversity in life.

According to modern dream book, if a pregnant woman dreamed that she was stroking and feeding dolphins, then this means a good appetite in a newborn.

Watching dolphins jump out of the water portends career growth, a salary increase, or success in solving old problems.

Why do you dream of swimming with dolphins? This dream suggests that in a difficult situation the dreamer will be confident in himself and will not panic.

If a young girl had a dream about a beluga whale, then soon she will become the mother of a girl. A dream about a little dolphin promises an acquaintance with useful and necessary people. Another interpretation of the dream is the support of friends in all the dreamer’s endeavors.

If you dreamed of a black dolphin, then this promises disappointment in a partner, best friend, or a work project on which a person had high hopes. To achieve success, the dreamer lacked one step. The reason for this was low self-esteem and lack of confidence in oneself and one’s strengths.

Why do you dream of dead dolphins? The dream foreshadows a difficult situation that will lead a person to a dead end. All hopes and risks will not be justified. However, it is necessary to take advantage of the current situation.

Dolphins in the role of circus performers in a dream suggest that in reality a person often overacts and behaves unnaturally. In order to change your life in a positive direction, you should become more honest and frank. If the animal refuses to perform tricks, then this indicates that the person is in unpleasant company. It is necessary to change the circle of communication.

To see an animal jumping into the sea in a dream is a favorable sign that tells a person that he is doing everything right and should not deviate from his intended goals. Treating dolphins in a dream is a symbol of the need to show increased care for one of your loved ones. If a dolphin washed ashore, this indicates that the dreamer will soon need the help of friends.

Did you dream about how sharks attacked a school of dolphins? This promises a serious fight with competitors. Watching an animal joyfully jump out of the water is a sign of good news from afar.

Often seeing in your dreams how animals swim in a closed water space symbolizes that a person is under psychological pressure, which prevents him from revealing himself as a creative person. If you dreamed of dolphins who can talk, then this portends good news from afar.

Briefly about the main thing

Dolphins in the sea usually dream of interesting acquaintances, happy events, communication with friends and loved ones. Most interpreters interpret a vision with these mammals as a sign of imminent changes for the better and success in all endeavors.

TOP 5 positive interpretations

  1. Dolphins playing with each other- for relaxation and entertainment.
  2. Flock at sea- to the appearance of new friends and useful acquaintances in life.
  3. Petting a dolphin while standing in the water- to financial well-being.
  4. See a beluga whale far out to sea- to replenish the family.
  5. Hand feeding a dolphin- to the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

TOP 2 negative interpretations

  1. Swim with the flock- the dreamer is wasting his time because he initially chose the wrong field of activity.
  2. Wounded dolphin means serious difficulties, such as being fired from a job or breaking up with a loved one.

TOP 4 neutral interpretations

  1. Dolphin jumping out of the water may mean solving old problems.
  2. See a little dolphin means that friends will come to the rescue in difficult times.
  3. Animal floats in muddy, dark water- to a slight malaise.
  4. Delfin jumped ashore— it’s worth reconsidering your affairs and decisions, some of them are wrong.
  5. Treat sea animals in a dream means that you will soon need to show concern for loved ones.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book:

  • dreaming of dolphins means new meetings and communication among like-minded people;
  • Seeing the death of an animal in a dream can symbolize the loss of a close friend.

For women:

  • meeting a wealthy man who can become a groom or patron;
  • friends can help Negative influence on the dreamer's life;
  • peace and well-being in the family.

Video about what it means to see a dolphin in a dream

Courtesy of the channel "Man and Dream".

Freud's Dream Book

For men:

  • according to Freud, a dolphin symbolizes the penis, therefore a healthy and frolicking animal seen in a dream is a sign of sexual activity;
  • dead mammal - fear of impotence.

For women:

  • riding on the back of a dolphin - hidden desires for new sexual sensations;
  • seeing a sick animal in a dream means gynecological diseases;
  • swimming with a dolphin in the sea - a thirst for attention from men, searching for a new partner;
  • a flock passing by portends betrayal or disappointment in a loved one.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga believed that dolphins swimming in the sea dream of:

  • great luck;
  • new ideas that can bring significant material benefits;
  • successful resolution of a difficult life situation;
  • career success at work.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to Evgeniy Tsvetkov:

  • the appearance of dolphins in dreams means changes in the dreamer’s life that will turn out to his benefit;
  • Feeding an animal means that you should be careful about food, as food poisoning is possible.

Loff's Dream Book

According to Loff's dream book, if you dreamed of dolphins:

  • in a calm sea - the dreamer needs rest from work and other affairs;
  • entangled in fishing nets - the emergence of a difficult problem that other people will help solve;
  • in a stormy sea - at the present time it is worth refusing to solve problems that are beyond the dreamer’s strength.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

According to Hasse's dream book, if you stroke a dolphin in a dream:

  • child - in reality there will be a need to ask for help from a person who is unpleasant;
  • adult - it’s worth rethinking risky investments or business and, perhaps, postponing them for a while.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

It is important to know

According to Nostaradamus's dream book, dolphins dream of positive changes in life.

For women:

  • swimming on a dolphin - fun and pleasant communication;
  • stroking with your hand - a long-awaited pregnancy is possible;
  • a small dolphin is a surprise from a loved one;
  • loud screams of dolphins - new ideas in business.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

For men:

  • a dolphin in a dream is a symbol of a strong relationship with your beloved woman and friends;
  • a mammal may foretell the appearance of a person with whom you can start a new business.

For women:

  • married - a dreaming dolphin personifies a strong and prosperous marriage.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

In Longo’s dream book, such a dream should be interpreted taking into account the color of the mammal:

  • white - promotion at work, getting a new position;
  • black - unexpected inheritance;
  • pink - danger of falling under the influence of a narrow-minded person.

Azar's Dream Book

According to this source, hand-feeding a dolphin means that the dreamer may be compromised or accused of something he did not do.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

Simon Kananit considers dolphins to be harbingers of imminent pregnancy and the birth of a child. If a sea animal white- a girl will be born, and a dark one will be a boy.

Dream Interpretation Veles

For women:

  • seeing a dolphin means a good groom for a girl;
  • if you have a dream adult woman, then she will soon have a very persistent admirer.

Aesop's Dream Book

Aesop's dream book interprets dolphins as a symbol of fundamental changes in life, and it is worth remembering exactly where they swam:

  • on the high seas - new friends;
  • very far - slow fulfillment of desires;
  • close - to a joyful event.

English dream book

It is important to know

According to English dream book, dolphins are harbingers of trouble.

See a school of dolphins:

  • circling around a ship during a sea voyage - the dreamer is in a dangerous situation;
  • floating in a choppy sea - broken dreams and hopes;
  • jumps out of the water - to the loss of a friend or loved one.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

According to the Wanderer's dream book, a dolphin is a symbol of renewal and change in personal life.

When interpreting the vision, you need to pay attention to the interaction of people with dolphins:

  • floats around the dreamer - a new person will appear in the environment who wants to become a close friend;
  • someone riding a dolphin - successful completion of work, receiving a large sum of money;
  • the sleeper himself floats with them - the beginning of a new project that will bring great profit in the future.

French dream book

According to the French dream book, a vision with a dolphin means that relatives and friends trust the dreamer and will gladly come to his aid.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

For women:

  • the imminent onset of a long-awaited pregnancy;
  • the appearance of an influential patron;
  • receiving an expensive gift.

Assyrian dream book

According to the Assyrian dream book, a vision with a dolphin indicates that a person for a long time experiences mental discomfort.

Dream book of healer Akulina

According to the dream book of the healer Akulina, the dolphin predicts an early acquaintance with a new admirer. A sea animal playing on the waves suggests that you should not be too soft and succumb to the influence of others.

Modern dream book

For men:

  • catching a dolphin with a fishing rod is an unjustified risk in business.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

IN Big dream book Phoebe the dolphin symbolizes long-term friendship, a faithful partner and a reliable companion.

Chinese dream book

IN Chinese dream book There are the following explanations for what dreams of dolphins in the sea mean:

  • jumping in the water - professional and career growth;
  • swimming in circles - a person’s desire to break out of the daily routine;
  • moving towards people - it will be necessary to provide help to a loved one.

Muslim dream book

According to Muslim dream book, dolphins dream of improving your financial situation, for example, receiving an inheritance or raising your salary.

For women:

  • successful marriage.

Islamic dream book

For women:

  • material well-being;
  • a new friend who will help;
  • good news.

For men:

  • overcoming obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • quick and easy earnings;
  • success in business.

Russian dream book

According to the Russian dream book, a dolphin foretells the fulfillment of a cherished desire. It is worth considering that it should not be related to finance or business.

Slavic dream book

The Slavic dream book interprets this vision in this way:

  • a frolicking dolphin foreshadows the imminent fulfillment of desires;
  • several marine mammals - soon bright prospects will open up before the dreamer.

Ukrainian dream book

According to the Ukrainian dream book, a dream with dolphins promises a solution to financial problems, and it is worth remembering in what water the sea animals swam:

  • in pure form - to luck, winning the lottery;
  • in muddy - good income can only be achieved through hard work.

Family dream book

According to the Family Dream Book, there are too many trivial matters in the dreamer’s life, on which an excessive amount of strength and energy is spent. It is worth focusing on what will bring not only financial well-being, but also peace of mind.

Esoteric dream book

According to this source, a dolphin approaching in a dream means change.

To interpret the vision, it is worth taking into account the response of the sea animal:

  • calm - the dreamer will be happy, good news awaits him;
  • aggressive - difficulties may arise.

Love dream book

The love dream book warns: a new friend or lover may appear in the dreamer’s life, towards whom you should be careful. You should not immediately trust such a person, he can deceive.

Dream book by numbers: interpretation table

Day of the monthDecoding the dream
1 Meeting with a reliable and true friend who you won’t be afraid to rely on in any matter
2 Vision portends promotion
3 Severe fatigue from everyday responsibilities, routine, joyless days
4 Meeting an interesting person, good luck in cordial relationships
5 The vision is dreamed of at the beginning of a responsible project. To bring it to the end, you will need to give your all, not only physically, but also mentally.
6 In reality, a person will experience an unusual love adventure that will be remembered for a long time
7 Hasty decisions should be avoided
8 Having completed difficult work, a person will experience great joy and become rich.
9 For reasons beyond the dreamer’s control, loved ones will stop trusting him
10 IN difficult situation ask your family and friends for help, as it will be very difficult to cope on your own
11 You should consider changing your existing environment
12 There is no need to interfere with the natural course of events so as not to overshadow the existing situation
13 New acquaintances will allow you to increase your authority and become a more significant figure in society
14 Health problems can only be avoided if you get proper rest immediately.
15 You will need to show a lot of strength so as not to become the object of someone else's influence.
16 Soon the dreamer will be forced to make a difficult choice, after which he will have to grieve for a long time
17 The need to make excuses to someone in order to remain decent in the eyes of another person
18 The time has come when new sensations will benefit both health and relationships.
19 You need to take a little rest and let yourself go with the flow
20 You should prepare for serious competition in life
21 The dreamer will be surrounded by a person whom he will trust as himself
22 Unexpected events leading to troubles and misfortunes
23 It is worth paying attention to health in the sexual sphere, it is quite possible that there are problems
24 A wonderful relationship with your significant other will be full of love and understanding.
25 Soon you will have to give up the company of pleasant people due to serious work at work
26 We need to reconsider our views on certain things. Probably, priorities are not set entirely correctly and you should focus on other areas of life.
27 A breathtaking event or an interesting adventure awaits the sleeper
28 You should change your observer position and become active participant ongoing processes to gain new experience
29 Expect career growth and pleasant bonuses: most likely, diligence will materialize into monetary units
30 The dreamer can count on the support of a friend, be consoled by the end of a protracted matter, or find an interesting hobby
31 To finally be convinced of the sincerity of a person, the dreamer will have to resort to additional sources of information

Dream book for women

For women:

  • an affectionate and friendly dolphin predicts quick decision-making, as well as calm and harmony in life;
  • if a sea animal does not behave very peacefully, you should think about your affairs and make more efforts to achieve success.

Dream book for men

For men:

  • a dolphin plays and frolics in the waves - the dreamer considers himself sexually attractive;
  • if it circles around the sleeping person, homosexual preferences are possible;
  • to see a flock of mammals - the desire to have as many partners as possible;
  • a very beautiful animal - a new romantic adventure.

Lunar dream book

For women:

  • a person will appear in life who will put strong psychological pressure on her, so she will have to make an effort to free herself from him.

Intimate dream book

According to the Intimate Dream Book, a dream with a dolphin hints that the dreamer’s sex life has become boring and monotonous. It is worth adding bright colors and new unusual sensations to it, for example, making love in the water.

Winter dream book

According to the Winter Dream Book, a dolphin predicts the appearance of new friends in the sleeping person’s life who will share his interests. If the mammal is in danger, this means that the dreamer has taken all matters upon himself. There is a risk of not being able to cope, so it is worth looking for a partner for your business project or sharing the work with colleagues.

Summer dream book

According to the interpretation of the Summer Dream Book, a dolphin is a symbol of joy, new meetings and pleasant acquaintances.

Autumn dream book

The autumn dream book interprets the vision with a dolphin as follows:

  • to train an animal is to try to solve many problems at the same time;
  • to see a mammal jumping out of the water is a desire to become an active participant in the ongoing processes to gain new experience.

Home dream book

According to this source, seeing a dolphin straying from a pod in a dream means personal loneliness, which will place a heavy burden on the dreamer. It will not be possible to solve this problem quickly, but in the end a person will appear who will show love and care.

Creative dream book

According to Creative dream book, the dolphin reveals the personality of the dreamer, characterizing him as a very reliable person, a devoted and faithful friend.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

Interpretation according to the Dream Book of the subconscious:

  • if a dolphin swims in a small creek, not far from the shore, the sleeper is dissatisfied with his surroundings or work;
  • a flock in the open calm sea symbolizes inner calm and confidence in one’s actions.

Video about why you dream about a dolphin

Courtesy of HoroscopeVideo.