How to develop the etheric body. Aetheric Energy

The etheric body consists of light lines, which are conductors of prana flows that feed the entire human structure. At the etheric body, vortex rotations of the chakras are noted, projections are clearly visible physiological organs. The nature of subtle energy connections indicates the primacy of the etheric body in relation to the physically visible body.

Organs physical body depend on the state of their ethereal matrix. The etheric body is a template for the dense body and makes it grow in accordance with the given program of features, etheric body determines human genetics.

The etheric body plays a significant role both in modeling the physical body and acts as a protector of the dense body from the negative effects of the environment, as well as from the energy aggression of other people. It was found that during severe attacks of rage, a person throws out emotional clots of a certain hardness, which are capable of leaving dents or even making gaps in energy body interlocutor. The etheric body serves as a kind of screen that absorbs and reflects the energy effects of the environment and directed influence.

The etheric body protects the physical body from negative influences from the subtle worlds. It tends to recover quickly, however, if the etheric body for a long time negative impact is produced, for example, electromagnetic smog from household appliances, this can lead to deformation of the etheric body. In such cases, if you do not accept emergency measures due to the rapid restoration of the etheric body, a person can become seriously ill physically.

There are methods of energy vibration therapy that allow you to achieve quick recovery etheric body, healing energy diseases by influencing the etheric organs.

In addition, the etheric body is a reserve storage of a huge amount of energy, energy vibration therapy turns on this reserve and feeds the etheric body with a large amount of energy. free energy from external natural structures. The result of which is the improvement of the qualities of the physical body, all its systems, the susceptibility to viral diseases is reduced.

Ensuring a sufficient flow of energy in a qualitative way improves the structures of the etheric body and contributes not only to well-being, but also tunes the system human body to reject bad habits. Thus, most people stop smoking, the craving for the consumption of alcoholic derivatives weakens. A person has an interest in outdoor activities.

The state of the physical system depends on the degree of its interaction with the subtle world, and this is precisely what is the determining factor in saturating all human organs and systems with energy.
Based on this, an energy model was developed healthy body and a methodology has been developed for increasing mental, physical and energy forces through a balanced distribution of energy between the organs and systems of the body in such a way as to provide each of the components of the body with a sufficient amount of energy.

From Chinese medicine It is known that in the event of an illness, a weakened organ begins to intensively consume the energy of another neighboring organ, so an imbalance occurs in the body and complex diseases form in a person. On the early stages this imbalance leads to a gradual weakening of the body's defenses, deterioration of well-being, psychological depression, unwillingness to live and change something in oneself. A person does not feel the strength and energy in himself for further activity and simply goes with the flow, missing a number of opportunities.

To start taking care of yourself in time means to regain youth, success, beauty, joy, to begin to feel the taste of life in its entirety again.

Energy vibration therapy allows you to make a person more resilient, strong, self-confident. The settings synchronize the subtle processes in the body, nourish the cells with energy and strength. Through energy settings, impact on the etheric body, a person turns on the methods of self-regulation of the body, in which a person connects to the natural natural areas of pure energy.

way integrated approach acting on the structures of the energy component of a person, the etheric body is provided with the parameters it needs, the circulation of energy through the channels improves.

Cases of an increase in results in sports have been recorded, a person becomes faster, more enduring, his mind clears up, the reaction speed becomes an order of magnitude higher.

It was found that the use of energy vibration therapy improves brain activity, stimulates hidden intellectual possibilities, opens up a number of unusual abilities and talents in a person. Cases of disclosure of artistic, extrasensory, creative abilities, abilities for fast counting speed have been noted.

People become more sociable, the ability to memorize information increases significantly, and a further desire to develop. There is a tendency to maintain physical fitness, intellectual activity and increase life expectancy among the elderly.

To sign up for energy vibration therapy sessions of the Secret Ray ™ system you can on the forum.

The cost of one session is 10 dollars, for those living in Russia 300 rubles, the price is fixed.
Usually for recovery and persistent positive result three to five sessions are required. Sessions are conducted by remote exposure.

One of the subtle bodies of a person is the etheric body or the energy body of a person. It exactly repeats the physical body, or rather its silhouette, while going beyond its limits by 3-5 centimeters, therefore the ethereal body is called the ethereal double.

American scientists have found that the weight of the etheric body is about seven grams. Like the physical body, the etheric body includes all of its parts and organs. The etheric body consists of a special substance called ether.

This substance in its properties occupies an intermediate position between dense and very thin types of matter. Ether forms the bodies of many entities, which are very often mentioned in fairy tales and mystical literature.

According to psychics, the color of the etheric body changes from light shades of blue to gray. In a person with a sensual nature, the blue color of the etheric body predominates, and in people of a strong physique, gray tones predominate. Violations in the energy body lead to various diseases. Any disease initially appears in the form of some kind of disturbance in the etheric body and after a while manifests itself in the form of diseases of various organs.


In what state is the etheric body, it is possible to carry out prevention, diagnosis of the body and diseases. Many psychics have the ability to use their hands to feel the distortions of the energy body and correct them. With the right impact on the energy body, you can get rid of the disease or facilitate the process of its course. You can cut off the vampire channels, saturate the etheric body with the necessary energies - cleansing (upper flow), energy (the sun), taking away the negative (earth flow). You can arrange pumping as a bodybuilder. You can injure - a bad option.

In the etheric body there are different kinds energy flows that are part of the energy meridians. It is these meridians that are affected by acupressure or acupuncture.


After the onset of death, all types of subtle bodies leave the physical body, approximately on the 9th day after death, the etheric body also dies.

You can hear such an expression “No strength, hands drop”, this is a sure sign of a lack of energy in the etheric body. The powerful energy of the etheric body provides good protection physical body. Energy enters the etheric body from neighboring bodies: physical and astral, from the environment, in the form of etheric bodies of products, plants, animals, water, stones, as well as elements - Water, Air, Earth, Fire, Ether and all their derivatives.

The ability of the physical body to resist diseases and infections is also determined by the energy state of the etheric body. By the state of the etheric body, one can judge the state of the other six bodies of a person.


The etheric body performs several important functions: it is an exact copy of the physical body, and also reflects all the changes that occur in the body under the influence of the environment.

When a person cannot go around the table without hitting it; hold dishes and other small items in your hands; makes awkward and clumsy movements - all this indicates that this person could not find contact with his etheric body, i.e. lives in harmony with it. The etheric body has the ability to leave the physical body, to leave its limits, this is most noticeable during sudden movements.

In cases where a person has smooth movements, this indicates a complete coordination of the physical and etheric bodies. In such cases, a person acquires the ability to make quick movements and at the same time the physical body does not go beyond the etheric. But movements are not the main indicator of the contact of the etheric and physical bodies. Its absence is indicated by frequent dislocations of the joints.

A well-developed etheric body steadily transmits through itself flows of etheric energy, on which mental, astral and other subtle views vibrations.


The Etheric Body is the densest of the invisible Bodies and is directly involved in controlling all the elements of the Physical Body. The Etheric Body is the energy Matrix.
The ethereal shell is formed around the Physical Body in the period from the moment of birth to puberty, and most intensively at the age of 4 to 8 years.
“His vital essence is the fetus in the spleen. From the spleen, the Etheric Body emerges as ghostly whorls and a spiraling essence like smoke gradually takes shape.”
Until the Etheric Body is fully formed, the Astral Plane manifests itself more fully, since protective functions ethereal energy does not apply to him. Therefore, during this period, children can see the inhabitants of the Astral Plane. When the Etheric Body is formed, then most of the manifestations Subtle World access to the sphere of Consciousness is closed, but the Subconscious mind retains the ability to perceive them. The ethereal body (the name comes from the word "ether", denoting a state intermediate between energy and matter) consists of the thinnest lines along which energy flows propagate. The body is like a "sparkling network of light rays" that can be compared to the glow of an empty television screen.
The network structure of the etheric body is in constant motion. The Etheric Body is visible mainly around the hands, steps, head, and a little near the shoulders. The skin has a black field, and immediately behind it begins a field of bluish Light. This field of soft whitish - blue light. Around the entire Body, it usually protrudes at a distance of 5 mm to 5 cm from the skin and pulsates at a frequency of 15 to 20 times per minute. The color of the etheric body changes from light blue to grey-violet. Bright blue is associated with a more subtle structure of the etheric body than gray. This means that a more sensitive person with a delicate body is likely to have a blue first layer of the aura, and a tougher person, an athletic person, is gray.
Observing a person's shoulder in twilight light against a white, black or dark blue wall, one can see the pulsation of the etheric body. The pulsation starts at the shoulder and undulates down the arm. If you look closely, you can see the empty space between the shoulder and the hazy blue light. After that comes a layer of bright light that spreads out, gradually weakening as it moves away from the physical body. It should be noted that at the moment of fixing the gaze on this cloud, it immediately disappears, since it moves very quickly. The pulse will move down your arm as you keep your eyes on your shoulder. Try again. Then you may be able to catch the next pulse.

The Etheric Body is an integral part of the Physical Body, and its division into parts is conditional.

Seven human bodies (subtle human bodies)

etheric body located around the physical. They call it differently aura or electromagnetic field . Sometimes it is called ethereal twin . This name did not appear by chance. The fact is that the etheric body completely repeats the physical. It seems to be its contour, an exact cast.

Essential subtle body is a storehouse of energy. All the forces that are necessary for the vital activity of the physical body are concentrated inside it. They are responsible for our feelings, thoughts, life itself. Thanks to the ethereal body, the flesh receives universal energy, develops, and grows spiritually. Even our illnesses begin, oddly enough, with changes in the aura. And only after they have already formed at the energy level, we begin to feel them physically.

Psychics and Healers they know that if you influence the etheric body correctly, you can change the fate of a person, cure him of illnesses, and correct negative lines of behavior. Why is this possible? Because the aura is a subtle biofield that passes through the entire body, interacts with other biofields. Finally, it contains the so-called meridians . These are peculiar channels through which energy from the Universe enters the body.

Ordinary people, not endowed with supernatural powers, cannot see the etheric body. In order to recognize it, it will take years of training, spiritual practices, as well as a great desire. The most amazing thing is that the invisible, it turns out, belongs to our physical world. Yes, yes, the etheric body also consists of matter. But why then human eye doesn't see him? The fact is that the frequency at which the aura operates is much higher than the frequencies of matter. That is why we can only feel the etheric body on an intuitive level. Those who have seen the aura describe it as a dense fog that surrounds the flesh at a distance of three to ten centimeters.

etheric body

Ethereal twin is responsible for the transfer of emotions, thoughts, spiritual information from other subtle bodies to the body. It is his work that is hidden under the concept of "intuition". Everything that happens in the etheric body is a very subtle and complex process. We cannot watch it. To an ordinary person it is only possible to see the consequences of this work. These are the thoughts that appear in his head, those actions that he unconsciously performs, those clues that come to him on an intuitive level.

The etheric body is the conductor of the energy of the sun and the earth. The first comes to him through the chakra located in the solar plexus area, the second through the root chakra. Further, the energy diverges (just like blood through the veins and vessels) through others chakras and meridians and enters the body. Thanks to the combination of the energy of the sun and the earth, the cells of the body are able to live and breathe.

Etheric body in meditation

Sometimes it turns out that the amount of incoming energy is greater than the body needs. In this case, excess energy leaves the flesh through the pores of the skin and chakras. Excess energy does not go into the Universe, it remains in the human aura, creating that same ethereal body. Aura- this is a very powerful energy shield that protects a person from diseases, bacteria, viruses, harmful substances. In addition, it radiates energy in environment and interacts with the biofields of other living beings.

Aura professionals have long recognized that a person with a healthy aura cannot catch any disease from outside. The protective layer simply will not allow germs and viruses to enter the body. If the disease still overtook, then the cause is inside the person himself. These can be negative thoughts leading to insomnia, severe stressful situations, bad habits(drinking, smoking, drug addiction), wrong way of life.

All of the above will sooner or later to change the etheric body . The fact is that an exhausted organism, which is in constant stress, requires a huge amount of energy. And he begins to literally suck it out of the etheric body. As a result, the ethereal twin becomes thinner, small holes are formed in it. If you look at the energy shield at this moment, you will notice that it has become uneven, distorted. He seems to be unstable, just like his master. The negative result affects very quickly. Through the gaps formed, viruses enter the body from the outside, the negative energy of hostile biofields penetrates.

The worst thing is something else. Through disturbed areas of the etheric body, vital energy leaves the body. A person becomes less powerful, he constantly want to sleep, there is weakness . If these leaks are noticed in time (and this can only be done by people with special abilities), it is possible to prevent serious illness, global (negative) changes in fate.

etheric body - this is not only a source of energy, but also a kind of transmitter of information between the flesh and higher subtle bodies. Thus, our feelings and thoughts, passing through the etheric body, enter into mental and astral body . Information and energy also go from them to the body. With the weakening of the ethereal double, this connection is weakened, and often completely broken. In this case, a person may lose interest in life, he loses the ability to experience sincere feelings. Only the flesh remains, which mechanically consumes food, moves, works. At the same time, this flesh has no goals in life.

Psychics have long noticed that the etheric bodies are very susceptible to thoughts transmitted through the mental bodies. That is why they advise people with health problems to work with mantras, mentally formulate positive attitudes for recovery and repeat them.

plant aura

Many plants and trees emit energy that is similar in structure to the energy of etheric bodies. Maybe that's why plants help people to some extent replenish their energy reserves. The main thing here is to choose the right tree or plant that will bring you maximum benefit. This can be done on an intuitive level.

If you feel that energy is leaving you, get out into nature. Spend a few hours in the forest or in the park, absorb the beneficial energy that nature will give you. Gather a bunch of wildflowers. Let it sit in your room for a few days. Purchase an aromatic oil made from a plant you love. You can use it to massage, take baths, fill aromatic lamps with it. Finally, choose for yourself a strengthening collection of medicinal herbs. All this will help you restore energy and return to a fulfilling life.

The etheric body is the second body and the first sentient body. It is also called the aura of the body. It resembles the physical body in shape, which is why it is sometimes called the "etheric twin" or "inner physical body."

Aura - Etheric body

Within the etheric body are the forces that form the physical body, the life energy that creates movement, and all the physical senses. The physical body of a person receives nourishment, develops and exists due to this subtle energy field; diseases begin to develop in it, which then manifest themselves on the physical level. Therefore, by influencing the ethereal body, it is possible to influence the physical states, since the ethereal body is a subtle biofield that passes through all matter. This subtle body is responsible for general health person and various actions. There are meridians in it, along which vital energies are transmitted and charge the body.

Although the etheric body is not accessible to ordinary observation (however, with some effort, one can develop the ability to see it), it consists of matter and belongs to the physical world. It is invisible because its vibrations have a higher frequency than the vibrations of matter. Often we unconsciously absorb it and take it into ourselves. It is described as a nebulous substance surrounding the body at a distance of 2.5-10 cm.

The etheric body conducts emotions (which affect and are influenced by the emotional body), thoughts and intuition (which are associated with the mental body), and spiritual information. Ultimately, the overall result is expressed in the material world.

The etheric body receives its energy from the sun through the solar plexus chakra and from the earth through the root chakra. It stores these energies in itself and feeds them to the physical body through the chakras and meridians. These two forms of energy - the energy of the sun and the energy of the earth - provide life and sustainable respiration of the cells of the body. When the body's need for energy is satisfied, the etheric body releases excess energy through the chakras and skin pores, and it flies off to a distance of 2.5-10 cm from the physical body. Thus, an ethereal aura is created around the body. Rays of energy emitted by the body envelop it with a protective layer. This layer protects the body from disease-carrying bacteria and viruses, as well as harmful substances. At the same time it radiates vital energy into the environment.

When studying protective property, which creates the etheric layer, it is not difficult to understand that when the etheric body is in an optimal state - or even slightly below it - a person is unlikely to fall ill with any disease caused by external causes. The cause of the disease, if any, will come from within: unpleasant thoughts, negative emotions, an unbalanced, stressful unhealthy lifestyle, ignoring the needs of the body, the use of harmful substances such as nicotine and alcohol, and so on.

All this leads to a weakening of the etheric body and absorbs the energy stored in it, due to which the protective shell becomes thinner and a “window” is gradually formed through which diseases that have external causes. This is how "weak" areas and "holes" are formed in the aura. The flow of energy emanating from the body to create a kind of energy shield around it does not look smooth, but distorted, disordered and unbalanced. This is how voids, holes or, on the contrary, centers are created in the human aura, in which a large number of energy. In such a state, negative energy can penetrate into the physical body of a person and various diseases, called external factors, viruses and bacteria.

Meanwhile, the problem is not limited to this: vital energy can “leak” through gaps in the energy shield. This allows you to determine painful conditions by observing or feeling the etheric body before they manifest themselves in the physical body. Moreover, it is possible to treat them as long as they exist only in the etheric body.

The etheric body connects higher order energy bodies with the physical body. It transmits information that is perceived by our physical senses to the mental and astral bodies and at the same time carries out the transfer of energy and information from higher bodies to the physical body. When the energy of the etheric body weakens, this connection is broken, and a person can become indifferent, lose mental interests, become impoverished emotionally.

The etheric body, like the physical body, responds well to thoughts that are transmitted through the mental (conceptual) body. This is the reason why mantra work or positive attitudes have such a powerful effect on the health of the body.

Kirlian photography has shown that plants, especially trees and flowers, emit an energy very similar to that emitted by the etheric body. This seems to be one of the reasons why plants in different types and forms so effectively help us replenish our energy reserves. This energy can be found in aromatic oils, Bach colors and various medicinal herbs. When a person is on the street, the plant kingdom pours out its beneficial energy on him, which strengthens and renews his strength.

This chapter seems to me very important, because it is thanks to it that you will learn to work with your etheric body directly, with your own consciousness, without any extraneous means, such as breathing, visualization, and so on.

So, go back to the section where I described what the human energy field looks like. Imagine a transparent shell that repeats your physical body along the contour and goes beyond its limits by ten centimeters. This whole shell is filled with energy. We can change this shell in size, move it relative to the physical body, make it of different density, fill it with energy to the limit or de-energize it, but all this is possible only under one condition - we can get into the energy level with our consciousness. The following exercises will help you master this useful skill.

Exercise #1: Ethereal Hand

Take a standing position, enter the working state. Raise right hand forward so that it is parallel to the floor, then lower it to its original position. Repeat these movements 5-6 times and remember the sensations that you had. Return to the starting position. Now feel your whole hand as some kind of energy substance, forget about the physical hand - now you have only an etheric double of your hand. It has no bones and muscles, it consists of energy and has energy channels. Your energy hand is very similar in shape to the physical one, it extends beyond it by several centimeters.

Your second task will be to perform the same movement with your hand up, but with both hands - physical and energy. That is, you must keep both matters with your consciousness. Perform this movement about 5 times.

And the third stage, which consists of the movement only with the etheric hand. Your physical hand should remain in place, with your own consciousness you raise the energy one. If you do everything right, you will feel as if you raised a physical hand, but the sensations will be more erased.

This exercise is extremely important in mastering your etheric body. Raising your hand is just a simple example of a movement. You can perform absolutely any action: exercise, play sports or just walk. Combine the physical body and the energy body in your mind, and then you will find beautiful, smooth, forceful movements. Remember the practice of Chinese qigong, how amazing the forms that people perform are quite mature, if not elderly. But they just concentrate on their own energy.

Paste this exercise into morning exercises. Perform all movements very slowly, feelingly, feeling both the physical body and the energy body.

20 minutes

Execution Criteria: You feel strength and beauty, combining the movement of the physical and energy bodies, you get sensations similar to the physical ones when you move only the etheric hand.

When your etheric body interacts with the etheric field of any object, animal or person, you will feel some tactile changes, very similar to the sensation of touching a physical hand with a physical object, but much weaker. This principle gives us a lot, and you will see this in the following exercises.

Exercise #2: Hand Touch

In the first exercise, you have already tried to move the etheric hand - this is called the partial exit of the etheric body. Your etheric body can change in size, density and move to different distances. Now let's try to stretch your ethereal shell.

Stand so that there is a large object in front of you at a distance of a couple of meters: a tree, a wall, a closet, and so on. Extend your hand forward in front of you. Feel your ethereal hand, which has automatically risen from the physical, feel that this is an extensible shell that easily changes in size. Now, with the help of your consciousness, stretch out the etheric hand - do it with the help of your intention, willpower. Perhaps the exhalation made during this attempt will help you. Stretch out your etheric double of your hand just enough to reach the object in front of you. Feel that your hand is stretching - it should be a real tactile sensation, similar to physical. Feel the object in front of you with your ethereal hand, catch the sensations received. If you perform the exercise correctly, you will be able to feel any surface, temperature, volume and other characteristics of an object with the help of your ethereal field.

Minimum time execution: 10 minutes

Execution Criteria: You clearly feel all the objects you feel, their structure, size, density, etc. At least 50 large objects were probed

Clue: The laws of physics have not yet been repealed. If you dramatically increase the size of your ethereal hand, then the sensations that it will convey to you will greatly decrease. If you make it very small, then the level of receptivity will increase. After all, in a smaller volume there will be more density with the same amount of energy. Check this statement empirically.

Exercise #3: Change the size of the ethereal body

Now you have to master a very important skill - changing the size of your etheric body. Once again, I note that all these exercises are worthless if you have not learned to penetrate your consciousness into the energy shell, you could not feel it. Spend more time on this skill and then all other techniques will go like clockwork.

With this exercise, you can get lost in the crowd, or vice versa, make sure that everyone notices you. After all, it is with the etheric body that people feel each other, and if you have a large etheric body, then the path will be cleared for you.

Part one. Sit as comfortably as possible and feel your whole body at the same time, imagine your entire energy shell. Now start expanding your body more and more, you are getting bigger every moment. Enlarge yourself to the size of a room and reach the size of a house. Stay at home - hold it for 5 minutes. Get your etheric body back to normal size

Part two. Now start shrinking. Your etheric body is getting smaller and denser, reaching the size of a soccer ball, an orange, a cherry. Stay cherry-sized for a couple of minutes, resisting your etheric body's attempts to increase to normal size. After the period you marked, return to the usual size.

Minimum run time: 15 minutes

Execution Criteria: You clearly feel changes in the size of your etheric body, its density. The state of consciousness is changing.

Exercise #3: Full release of the etheric body

You have already partially exited your energy body, changing its size and length. But after all, it is possible not only to displace the etheric double bit by bit relative to the physical body, but also to leave it completely.

Stand comfortably, close your eyes. Feel your etheric body and step forward with it. Stay like this for a minute, then step back into your physical body.

Then exit it again and walk around the room. For us now the main thing is tactile sensations, but you can try to see through your etheric body what is happening around it. Look from it at your physical body.

Minimum run time: 15 minutes

Execution Criteria: There is a feeling of moving the etheric body, the field of surrounding objects is perceived

Clue: it would be a mistake to wait too long strong sensations when you change the size of your etheric body, although there will definitely be certain changes. You cannot imagine your ethereal body from the outside, your consciousness must be completely in it, as if you are looking from it. Perform test: Increase with eyes closed the size of the etheric body to the size of the room, then suddenly open your eyes. If you really increased the etheric double, then for a second you will very clearly feel that you are the size of a room and you will immediately be thrown into the normal state when you feel in a physical body.

Exercise number 4: Perception of the energy of the surrounding space

With the help of this exercise, you will learn to feel the energy component of the space around you with the help of your etheric body. After all, the ethereal field is sensitive not only in the area of ​​your hands, but also in any other place. Your entire energy field is a sensor that can distinguish everything that is around you - walls, trees, any objects.

Part one. Take a standing position and relax as much as possible. Focus on your energy body - feel it from head to toe. Now start walking towards the wall or tree, keeping your hypersensitivity. Your task will be to feel the field of a large object in front of you with the help of your etheric body. It can be subtle sensations of vibration, pressure, heat, or any other. Next, walk along the wall while maintaining your sensations, feel how the field of the wall resists your own field. Very slowly turn 360 degrees relative to the wall and constantly, while feeling how the contacting parts of the wall and the body interact with each other. When you succeed, start slowly moving away from the wall while holding the sensations that come from it. Gradually increase this distance. This exercise will greatly increase your energy sensitivity and allow you to perceive much more information than you received before.

Part two. After you have mastered all the elements of the first part of the exercise, do the following. Keep your eyes half closed and focus on your etheric field - start feeling it. Now walk very slowly around the apartment, while feeling more or less large objects, the field of which will come into contact with your own field. You can perform this exercise in the park, perceiving the energy of the objects around you.

Part three. The exercise is carried out in a room, although you can choose any other. Sit down and relax, feel your etheric body, enlarge it to the size of a room. Now you completely fill the space of the room with yourself - feel every curve of the room, all the objects and things that are located in it.

Test: Go to a room where the door is often opened (metro, airport, lobby, McDonald's). Increase your field to the size of the room and get a certain feeling. Then feel how your sensations change when the door opens. At this moment, there will be a feeling that some kind of hole, a leak has appeared in your energy. But the moment the door closes again, you become whole again.

Exercise number 5: Improvised Tai Chi

This exercise is very multifaceted, it allows you to develop the sensitivity of your hands, works very hard on interaction with the surrounding energy, and also harmonizes your entire body.

You have probably seen how in China children, adults and the elderly make slow smooth movements with their arms and legs, their eyes are usually half closed, they look relaxed and focused at the same time. The complex that they performed is called Tai Chi Quan - a sequence of certain forms (body movements) that are performed in conjunction with deep internal energy study. Now we are going to do something similar.

Turn on pleasant relaxing music without words, stand in the middle of the room, there should be enough space around you to take a step in any direction. The eyes can be left ajar, the gaze is directed inward. Feel your entire energy field, and especially the energy of your hands. Now feel that the air around you is charged with energy, consisting of millions of smallest particles. Energy is very similar in structure to air itself, but more dense, viscous and noticeable. Let go of your body, let it move on its own. Observe only one condition - constantly feel your center, located just below the navel, let all movements occur around this center. Periodically focus your attention on your hands and begin to feel how with each movement, the energy surrounding your fingers begins to move. You seem to cut the energy space around you with the field of your hands. Perform the movements very slowly and with concentration. Achieve a clear sense of the interaction of your field and the energy of the surrounding space

Minimum run time: 15 minutes

Execution Criteria: Feel the energy around you, interact with it with your field.