How to get out of bed after. How to quickly and easily wake up in the morning - easy and effective tips. Increased vitality

Don't drink caffeine or alcohol the night before. Substances such as coffee and alcoholic beverages remain in the body for a long time (about 3-8 hours). This can seriously impact your ability to fall asleep and fall into deep sleep, causing you to feel groggy in the morning.

  • Avoid drinking caffeine in the afternoon and evening to ensure it is out of your system by the time you go to bed.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation and in combination with plenty of water, as getting out of bed with a hangover is doubly difficult.

Get enough sleep. Adults need 7–8 hours of sleep each night, children 8–9 hours, and toddlers and infants much more. If you don't sleep enough at night, you will always feel tired when you try to wake up. Take this data into account, but keep in mind that we are all different.

  • If you're having trouble getting enough sleep at night, try resting during the day to catch up a little.
  • Find out yours. Waking up in the middle of the fast sleep phase (REM, REM phase), a person feels exhausted, it is difficult for him to get out of bed after deep sleep. Fortunately, the body naturally starts to wake up several hours before you actually get out of bed, and if you can sync this process with your alarm clock, you'll have a much easier time getting up. To find out your sleep pattern:

    Adjust your sleep cycle to light cues. Although sleep patterns are largely determined by genetics, there are steps you can take to adapt your body to a new routine. The first thing that affects sleep is lighting. When the light fades at night, the body begins to produce melatonin, which makes us naturally sleepy. And when we see or feel Sun rays in the morning, this pushes our body to naturally wake up and it stops producing melatonin. Therefore, the most beneficial sleep pattern is waking up early with the sunrise.

    • Work with dim lighting at night and try not to look at a bright smartphone or laptop screen before bed, as bright light stops melatonin production.
    • Open the curtains or go outside as soon as you wake up. Sunlight will tell the body that it is time to start the day.
  • Stick to a sleep schedule on weekends too. Resist the urge to sleep in longer on the weekend, as this disrupts your natural sleep-wake cycle, making it much harder to wake up on Monday. Your body sets itself up to wake up at a certain time, but if you constantly change this time, it will lead to problems sleeping and it will be more difficult to get up on weekdays.

  • Prepare for the morning the night before. To focus on waking up rather than your morning responsibilities, you can put a pair of slippers and a warm robe by your bed, grind some coffee, and pack your bag or backpack the night before. Just knowing that you'll get your coffee at the touch of a button will make a big difference in your desire to get out of bed.

    • You can make a to-do list the day before. This way, you'll feel more prepared for the day ahead and put all your energy into waking up rather than worrying about what you need to do.
  • It's very simple: to get up easily, you need to sleep. And to get enough sleep, you need at least 7-8 hours a day; in less time the body does not have time to recover. Do you need to get up cheerfully at 7 am, cook breakfast for everyone and get your child ready for school? This means you need to go to bed no later than midnight. And it’s better - even earlier, because growth hormone, which allows us to stay alert and not gain weight, is produced only from 11 pm to 1 am, and only during sleep.


    You've probably read many times that the blue light from smartphones and tablets interferes with the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which is necessary for good sleep. And you probably still, to put it mildly, ignored this information. And in the morning they rubbed their eyes, pressed the “snooze” button and drank liters of coffee. Try not using gadgets once before bed and notice the difference. Firstly, don’t sit on social networks, don’t play games or watch movies an hour and a half before bed. It’s better to read a book - traditional, not electronic, or have sex - also traditional, not virtual. Secondly, turn off all gadgets or remove them from the bedroom. The room should be completely dark, only in this case the sleep hormone melatonin is produced as expected.


    If you had a big dinner and immediately went to bed, it will be difficult to relax, because the body needs to put in a lot of effort to digest what you have eaten. Besides, full stomach in a supine position it puts pressure on the diaphragm, and this interferes with breathing and complicates the work of the heart. The result is that you feel hot, stuffy, your heart hurts, you cannot fall asleep for two hours, and in the morning you are unable to get up. Optimal time for dinner - 3 hours before bedtime, while trying not to overeat. Complex carbohydrates(vegetables, brown rice, wholemeal pasta) + lean protein (cottage cheese, fish, seafood, eggs) is what you need.


    On the one hand, it is very likely that a couple of glasses of wine before bed will help you relax and fall asleep instantly. But scientists have proven that alcohol significantly reduces the quality of sleep: sleep becomes less deep and more interrupted. This means that even after 8 hours in bed you risk waking up exhausted. Conclusion: stop drinking alcohol 2-3 hours before bedtime. And be careful with green tea and even ordinary water. If you have to run to the toilet at night, it's no wonder you're not getting enough sleep.


    If the alarm clock is ringing at the far end of the room, you will have to get up anyway, if only to turn off the annoying alarm.


    In autumn and winter, it is also difficult for us to wake up because it is dark outside and it seems that it is still deep night. The illuminated alarm clock not only rings, but also begins to glow brighter and brighter at the appointed time, simulating the dawn.


    During the night, the body loses moisture, and in order to wake up easily, you need to restore fluid reserves. In the evening, pour water into a glass and place it on the nightstand near the bed.


    Then rub your entire body. This will activate blood circulation and help you cheer up.


    If you know that joy awaits you at the very beginning of the day, it will be easier to get up. And be sure to plan a reward system. Usually you lie in bed for half an hour, but today you got up in five minutes? Think about what fun things you can do with the free time. A little yoga? Mask for the face? Paint your nails? Or drink coffee in a cafe? And don't forget about the power of motivation. Think about what bonuses you can get if you start waking up earlier, and everything will work out!

    Most people don't get out of bed in the morning correctly. And if people with healthy backs are at risk minimal risks, then patients with osteochondrosis are strictly prohibited from rising sharply. In his new article, Dr. Alexander Ivanov will tell readers how to get out of bed correctly and share morning exercises.


    According to my observations, most people suffering from osteochondrosis do not get out of bed correctly. No wonder their backs hurt. Even after an osteopathic session, some patients try to jump off the couch. This is strictly prohibited! The situation is similar with getting out of bed after a night's rest. During the night, all muscles relax, the space between the vertebrae increases, and if you stand up suddenly, you can easily get a pinched nerve and pain. It’s good if the back is relatively healthy, but if there is a disc herniation or severe protrusion, a sudden rise increases the risk of exacerbation of pain. Many people, unfortunately, do this, don’t take care of themselves at all, and then come for treatment. During the appointment, I consider it my duty to teach patients how to properly get up from a bed, sofa, or any horizontal surface.

    The ideal option after waking up is to do morning exercises in bed. It engages muscles and stimulates cardiovascular system, prepares the body for an active day. Here are some exercises for morning exercises.


    Katsudzo Nishi (1884–1959) - a famous Japanese doctor who created a healing system based on proper nutrition and maintaining spinal health. If you have many diseases, Nishi said, treat your spine. As a child, doctors gave him a terrible diagnosis and gave him disappointing forecast- He will live only a few years. But thanks to search and practice healing techniques Nishi was able to cope with the disease and lived a long and happy life. The author of the method died at the age of 75, but not from old age, but from radiation sickness, which developed against the background of increased radiation in Japan.

    Exercise " gold fish»


    Starting position: lying on your back, can be done on a bed or any other hard surface. We begin to stretch the body, to do this we pull the heel of the right leg away from us and the arms in the opposite direction, then do the same with the left leg. Next, we place our hands under our neck and, without lifting our torso from the floor (heels, hips and spine are pressed to the floor!), we make wave-like movements with our whole body like a fish from left to right (but not up and down - this is important condition!) for 1–2 minutes.

    Exercise for capillaries “Bug”

    Capillaries are microscopic blood vessels that feed the cells themselves, and their diameter is so small that even red blood cells (erythrocytes) are deformed when passing through them. The role of capillaries is difficult to overestimate - without them the cell dies. Nishi suggests an exercise that improves blood flow through the capillaries, and therefore the nutrition of cells.

    Starting position: lying on your back, place a cushion under your neck. We raise our legs up, feet parallel to the floor, and also raise our arms up. In this position, we perform active shaking with our arms and legs for 1–3 minutes.


    Breathing exercises should be performed 3-4 times a day, 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after. When performing the exercises correctly, there should be no dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath, yawning, headaches, numbness in the fingers and others. unpleasant symptoms.

    Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands on your stomach, eyes closed, body relaxed. Exhale actively, contracting the abdominal press, the stomach is drawn in, the diaphragm rises. After exhaling, hold your breath for 3 seconds until you feel the need to inhale. Then inhale, while the stomach protrudes, inflates like a ball, the diaphragm tenses, and its dome lowers. Next we repeat the cycle. We do it 8–10 times.



    After morning exercises, you need to slowly get out of bed. I give two options.

    Option #1. Roll over onto your side. Bend your knees. One hand can be placed under the head. Next, slowly move your legs bent at the knees over the edge of the bed. As soon as they begin to descend from the bed under the influence of gravity, help yourself with your hands, pushing off the surface of the bed, and slowly sit up. Keep your back straight. Before standing up, sit for 5-10 seconds and breathe calmly.

    Option #2. Roll over onto your side. Bend one leg at the knee, extend your arm forward. Next, slowly roll over onto your stomach. Place your elbows on the bed and get on all fours, then lower one leg (the one closest to the edge) off the bed. Now you can get up.

    Both options are good and will help avoid worsening back pain and dizziness when standing up. These methods can also be used during periods of exacerbation of back pain.

    Be healthy!

    Yours sincerely,

    Ivanov Alexander Alexandrovich— candidate medical sciences, osteopathic doctor, neurologist, naturopath, member of the Russian Osteopathic Association, popularizer healthy image life and a conscious approach to health.

    Personal site

    Having caught the alarm, the brain transmits impulses throughout the body demanding an urgent rise. Succumbing to panic, the adrenal glands release an overdose of the stress hormone - adrenaline, which, in turn, contracts the blood vessels and forces the heart to beat at maximum speed, accelerating the blood. An instant transition from a lying position causes the muscles to literally shrink into a ball. The joints and spine, which are in a relaxed state, receive an axial blow every time from a sharp rise. The consequences of such awakenings can be compression of the intervertebral discs, microtears, hernias and muscle hemorrhage.

    Some brain areas do not have time to wake up so quickly and are disoriented. That is why in the morning all usual actions are performed more slowly and require much more effort. Such morning stress causes inhibition, slowness, absent-mindedness, drowsiness and bad mood, which will accompany a person throughout the day.

    How to make your morning pleasant

    If you start your day correctly, you can find that the morning is not about running around and fussy getting ready, but the most productive time of the day. It is much better to sacrifice a few minutes of sleep and wake up a little earlier than to subject your body to stress due to the possibility of being late for work, school or an important meeting. The freed up time can be devoted to pleasant thoughts, planning the day, reading interesting literature, and communicating with loved ones. In addition, getting out of bed, realizing that you don’t need to run anywhere, but can calmly go about your business, which is much more pleasant and easier.

    Wake up without an alarm clock, completely trusting your biological clock, it doesn’t work out right away and not for everyone, and therefore it makes sense to make friends with him. Don't set sharp alarms loud sounds. The choice of melody is a purely individual matter, but you should like it and evoke positive emotions. It’s better when the alarm clock is not a phone, but a watch of some interesting design.

    The ideal location for the alarm clock is a few steps from the bed. Then you will need to get up to turn it off. But in order to avoid developing an unconscious habit: getting up, turning it off, lying down again, it is better to put it in the different places, while changing the height levels: cabinet, floor, table. You can ask someone to hide the alarm clock and a glass of water next to it. 200 - 300 ml of clean, cool water, drunk in one gulp in the morning, can wake you up no worse contrast shower.

    And one more thing: movement is , so when you wake up, you can’t stop. It is necessary to shift from foot to foot, dance while moving around the house and cooking tasty breakfast. If desired, boring exercises can be replaced with energetic dancing to your favorite music. But you shouldn’t overdo physical exercise immediately after waking up; you need to give your muscles some time to recover from sleep.

    Getting out of bed in the morning should be small for us, but very important ritual. After all, the first quarter of an hour after waking up affects our mood for the whole day. Therefore, let us try for our own good to learn, how to get out of bed correctly.

    What to avoid:

    * Rapid change of position - from horizontal to vertical. The heart then does not have enough time to adapt to the new “blood dynamics” and therefore we instantly find ourselves in transitional state high blood pressure. If the state of your heart and blood vessels and this is far from ideal, nausea, dizziness and even fainting may occur! Regardless of the time when we get up, we must first sit on the edge of the bed for two to three minutes, and then lower our feet to the floor.

    * Standing up with your left leg. Not because of a sign, but because the asymmetrical and sharp movement (just like right foot) can cause pain in the lower back, especially if it is accompanied by a strong bending of the body - unprepared and still numb from sleep. For example, you are looking for slippers that, as luck would have it, “ran away” under the bed and at the same time blocking one of the vertebrae. In particular serious cases you can't even straighten up because of severe pain in back. Therefore, in the evening, place your slippers near your bed - where you usually put your feet down after waking up.

    * Immediately perform morning exercises. Otherwise, you will earn another morning stress. You should not perform active activities immediately after waking up. physical exercise

    First of all, it is necessary for the body to get used to the vertical position, then with simple movements you need to accustom the body to the changed situation. For the same reason, do not immediately pull on tights or trousers, and if you are in a hurry, do it while sitting. The best morning exercises It will be a half-hour walk to work, and it is better to do physical exercises before dinner.

    * Locations near open window, especially in winter. The air you breathe should, like red wine, have room temperature. And suddenly inhaling frosty or cold air immediately after waking up is simply harmful.

    The perfect lift

    You should prepare for it the night before. Set the table for breakfast, arrange the dishes, prepare clothes for the morning and the papers you need. This way you will also save a few minutes and go to work without haste.

    Before you get up, take a closer look at how your cat gets up. His getting up is a real ritual! Curl up in bed and sit on your knees. Curl yourself into a ball again, bring your knees up to your chin and rock for a minute, lying on your back with your hands clasped together on your knees. This way you massage the spine and position the vertebrae correctly.

    Sleep a quarter of an hour less. It is important to start the day without rush. Haste, stress, and fear cause stomach cramps. If you need half an hour to get ready and leave the house, from today onwards, give yourself 45 minutes: a quarter of an hour to warm up is much more important than 15 minutes of sleep, and a day started in a hurry will never be successful.

    If you have difficulty getting out of bed, lie on your side. On the right or left, depending on how the bed is positioned, lower your legs, wait a minute and lean on them, sitting down at the same time.
    You need to get out of bed calmly and slowly. Don't wave your legs in the air. Rapid movements when the body is still numb can injure the spine.

    Before breakfast, walk on tiptoes and straighten up. In fact, you can do everything on tiptoe - walk, wash, cook breakfast, make the bed. This is a great exercise for the legs, which we are going to make full use of throughout the coming day. Don't forget to suck in your stomach and tighten your buttocks.

    Raise and lower your arms - this basic exercise will relieve numbness in the upper body.

    Take a shower and then lie down for three minutes. This is the key to peace of mind for the whole day.
    Have breakfast before applying makeup; it is best to have breakfast with fruits, cheeses, cottage cheese and milk. Don't forget: a successful awakening is a successful day.