How to choose your totem. How can you strengthen your connection with the totem? Magical protectors Totem Animals

Since ancient times, totem animals have been revered as faithful companions human life from the moment of the birth of the spark of existence until its extinction. Absolutely everyone has a patron who defines him life path and character traits, and also accompanies from the beginning to the end of life. In ancient times, people worshiped their totemic representatives and revered them in every possible way. Read on to find out how to find out your totem in our article.

How does a person meet his spirit animal?

When a child is born, he is accompanied by energy from the subtle worlds. This energy plays the role of the child’s guardian, and when he grows up, he bestows on the child the characteristics of morals, talent and preferences.

In a family where a child grows up in harmony and is well brought up by his parents, the spirit of his patron will have a beneficial effect on the child. You should not reprimand a child if he wants to adopt a kitten or dog in the house. Most likely, the desire to get closer to the animal is influenced by the totem.

The totem patrons of a person can change in the course of life, but the main totem influences the ward to a greater extent. Character depends on it emotional sphere and even a person's appearance. Thus, people whose appearance is similar to representatives of the animal world (for example, wolves or foxes) may have similar patrons.

Why does a person need a totem?

IN modern world attention is not deservedly paid to totem animals. People have lost faith in what their ancestors believed. This is a big mistake, since knowing your totem animal has many advantages.

Thus, the definition of a totem allows you to find the right solution in a difficult situation according to the characteristics of the patron, find a soul mate under the same protection and be clearly aware of your own strengths and weaknesses.

Worshiping an animal will allow you to withdraw some of the energy that it bestows on its followers. We already wrote about this when we talked about the Slavic totem horoscope.

Features of totem animals

For a human being, totem animals are bundles of energy that guarantee protection and energy balance for a person. The peculiarity of such creatures is that they bestow on humans the same qualities that they themselves possess. Let's give a few examples.

The wolf is a totem animal with great strength, belligerence and tenacity. Such creatures are predominantly nocturnal and draw energy from the moon. They have great potential for developing paranormal abilities.

The elephant is a huge, powerful animal. The calmness and wisdom of an elephant is often replaced by incredible aggression in an angry state, which leads to destruction. The ability to destroy everything in your path in anger often turns into a disaster for those around you.

The eagle is a bird that watches everything that happens from above. People endowed with this totem are able to reason coldly and consider the situation from different positions. This ability helps them make the right decision, regardless of their own desires.

Thus, based on the characteristics of representatives of the animal world, you can find your patron. It is important to draw a parallel between the similarities and differences between beings from the subtle and material worlds.

Does a person have one totem or more?

A person does not necessarily have to have one totem. Each person is multifaceted and does not have a single “face,” which affects the totem animals that they “look after.” Here are examples of possible options:

    Often a person has only one totem animal, which completely covers the personality of the ward. In this case, a person feels maximum harmony.

    Two totems can be in the form of a personal and ordinary totem. The first type pays attention exclusively to the person himself, energetically feeding him, while the ordinary type takes care of all members of the family.

    Two personal totems can argue with each other, and this will affect their ward: the personality will be extremely ambiguous and emotionally unstable in life. It will be difficult for such a person to find his calling, since his spiritual impulses will be directed in different directions.

    Areas of life can be protected by different totem animals. For example, careerists have punctuality and great loyalty to work thanks to the totem in the form of a dog. IN love relationships The totem can be a windy, fickle dragonfly.

There are special practices that will help you figure out how to recognize your totem animal. You can deal with this issue yourself, although it is necessary to take into account not only the personal qualities of the ward (or your own, if you are looking for a totem for yourself), but also the characteristics of the totem animal. For example, while one cat may be playful and frivolous, another is calm and serious.

How to find out your totem?

There are several options for how to find out your totem. Here is a list of possible options:

  1. Listen to the call of your soul. Think about which representatives of the animal world you are partial to. A visit to the zoo can help with this issue.
  2. Familiarize yourself with special calendars that determine adherence to a particular totem according to the date of birth.
  3. Take special tests, as a result of which you will instantly recognize your totem.
  4. Pay attention to your dreams. Often in dreams a person sees something that is of great importance on an energetic level, and your totem may also visit you.
  5. Take a course of meditation, as a result of which your totem will contact you.
  6. Listen to the comments of your family and friends. Perhaps they say that you are cunning like a fox or calm like a boa constrictor.

Find out the totem through meditation

You can recognize your totem animal by your horoscope and date of birth. Of course, there are such methods, and we will talk about them below. But one of the most reliable means of finally meeting a patron is meditation.

Yes, it’s not very easy, and not everyone succeeds on the first try. But we will still tell you about this method. So, in order to “get to know” your patron, you should choose a convenient place and time.

If you are doing this at home, then the room needs to be prepared:

    dim the lights;

    Light candles;

    turn on appropriate music.

After this, take a position that is comfortable for you. It is not necessary to sit cross-legged, the point is to make it really comfortable for you. If you want, you can even lie down, because it doesn’t matter at all how the body is positioned, the main role is assigned to the mind and spirit.

Close your eyes, relax as much as possible.

Imagine a point five centimeters from your forehead. Concentrate on it. It needs to be fully felt, detailed, felt and seen.

As soon as this happens, begin to “move” this point away from you. Don't lose detail, keep feeling it.

As soon as the point is at some distance from you, think about your totem. You don’t know who he is yet, you only know that he’s an animal. Don't imagine anything specific, just look at the point, watch it. It will change - take on the appearance of your totem.

If you don't succeed the first time, don't be upset. Keep meditating. In the end, this way you will definitely recognize your totem animal.

Sleep as a means of attracting a patron animal

Sleep helps a person to be transported to the world of energy and subtle matter that surrounds a person in everyday life. In the sleeping state, we can become closer to the spirits and energy that have the form closest to us. Therefore, the meeting of a totem and its ward in a dream can take place due to the fact that in a sleeping state we are closer to the subtle worlds than in a waking state.

In order to see your totem in a dream, you need to prepare a week in advance. To do this, you need to refrain from eating meat, avoid stress and situations that require increased attention, which can lead you astray from your task. Mentally connect with the animal daily and feel the desire to meet it.

Choose a suitable evening and begin the process of immersion in subtle worlds. Lie down on the bed and relax: relax all the muscles in your body one by one. Monitor your breathing and try to avoid any movement, but if you need to move, do so and continue the practice immediately.

Lying on your bed, imagine yourself on dry grass in a lonely field, feel the breeze blowing and the slight tickling of the blades of grass. Next, your imagination will fill in the missing elements: houses, stones, trees, clouds... Ultimately, you will feel the presence of your guest. Having looked at its blurry silhouette, try to fix it in your memory and reproduce it while you are awake.

It is not at all necessary to enter a state of meditation in order to contact your totem. In a normal dream, patrons also often visit their charges.

Find out your totem by date of birth

There are several ways to find out the totem by date of birth. Actually, you will need the date and month and year of birth. We will present both options.

* The pictures are large, click on the spoiler.

A moment of humor

IN Lately It has become very fashionable to look for your totem animal. This was one of the reasons for the emergence of many memes. In the vastness of the Runet, we have found a funny selection of totems for you. This is, of course, a joke, but every joke has some truth =)

Totem animals accompany a person throughout his life and can give him large reserves of energy. Honoring your patron guarantees protection, harmony and inspiration, which will become driving force throughout life. Therefore, it is important to know how to recognize your totem animal in order to learn more about yourself, draw appropriate conclusions and provide yourself with energetic support from a being from the world of energy.

Is there a “sly fox” or a “clumsy” among your friends? bear" or "prickly hedgehog"? How often do you compare people to animals? The ancient Iranians, who lived according to the sacred Zoroastrian calendar, believed that each of us is like some kind of animal. And it depends on the year of birth.

What is your totem? Find out, depending on the year of birth.

ZOROASTRIANism is one of the oldest world religions, which appeared approximately 4 thousand years ago in Central Asia, and left us its sacred calendar, focused on the cycle of the planet Saturn. There are 32 annual totems in this calendar. It was believed that a person born in a certain year, in character and even in appearance, resembles a totem animal. Each year also had its own antitotem, a kind of “horror story”, a warning about what not to be. In countries professing Zoroastrianism,
carnival processions wearing antitotem masks so that people know what exactly is unacceptable to them.

Antitotem is a kind of “horror story” that denotes twee weak spots, a warning of what not to be.

Any person can check how much he corresponds to his divine destiny and corresponds to the similarities with animal totems.

The Zoroastrian year begins on March 21st. Those born from January to March may have traits of both their own and the following year in their character and appearance.

The first year of the cycle is the Red Deer - 1906, 1938, 1970, 2002. A person born in these years has an elegant and slender physique, strives for social activities, and is an aesthetic example for others. A deer always knows or feels what is important and what is secondary in life.

Antitotem - Toad - a man of short stature, plump, unattractive. He is always dissatisfied with something, does not understand what is happening around him, what is important and what is not.

Year of the Ram - 1907, 1939, 1971, 2003. Those born in these years gravitate towards collective activities, love to unite people, and have a good sense of the energy around them. In appearance, they are often, like their totem, curly-haired with elongated faces and somewhat bulging eyes.

Antitotem - Mouflon (a ram straying from the herd) - a person with inflated self-esteem and a pronounced susceptibility to panic. Characteristic external signs not found.

Year of the Mongoose - 1908, 1940, 1972, 2004. Mongoose is a person with a pronounced creative impulse, good intuition, an excellent instinct for innovations and promising things, an enthusiastic person who knows how to evade difficulties and troubles. Externally, Mongooses are small, nimble, with sharp features faces, very lively eyes. Movements are fast and precise. They are witty and can hurt with words.

Antitotem - Cobra. Outwardly, this person corresponds to the description of the totem, but he is calculating and very cunning. He is burned by envy of more talented people, and he himself is a primitive person who loves to look for the weaknesses of those around him in order to play on them.

Year of the Wolf - 1909, 1941, 1973, 2005. A person born in the year of the Wolf shows his true strength only in an extreme, critical situation. Then he is courageous, decisive, shows a powerful leadership principle, and with one glance persuades people to act as he sees fit. IN ordinary life an unpretentious person, distinguished by enviable self-control, able to endure hardships and hardships. Externally strong, strong, sinewy and hardy.

Antitotem - Werewolf. Pathologically Cruel person with a tendency towards violence and self-destruction. He strives to unite around himself a flock of equally evil and reckless people. Promotes a sense of threat and uncontrollable power.

Year of the Stork - 1910, 1942, 1974, 2006. Born in the year of the Stork is a person with a difficult destiny. It is difficult for him to sit in one place, to do one thing, to belong to the system. These are travelers, wanderers. They have good intuition, but usually keep their insights to themselves. In everyday life they are unpretentious, even ascetic, and try not to become seriously attached to anyone. Externally, people have an asthenic build (weak, thin-boned).

Antitotem - Toad. Unlike the graceful, “ethereal” stork, the Toad-man has a massive physique and a large physiognomy. He is distinguished by stupidity, lack of understanding and moral uncleanliness. There is chaos in thoughts and actions.

Year of the Spider - 1911, 1943, 1975, 2007. Spider is a mysterious man. He doesn't like to talk, prefers to do his job quietly. Spiders are actively involved in handicrafts, are familiar with technology, and strive to obtain and use practical knowledge. Outwardly they do not differ in brightness, they are characteristic Strong arms, calm appearance, modesty.

Antitotem - Fly. Small, unprepossessing, he is arrogant and annoying. He pesters everyone and constantly buzzes. Spreads gossip, rumors, infects others with various diseases.

Year of the Snake or Python - 1912, 1944, 1976, 2008. Python in Zoroastrianism was considered the guardian of the Law of Karma, and the Python man strictly follows this law. Keeping his inner world intact, he does not commit unnecessary actions and is distinguished by increased determination. At the same time, he is very flexible, ready to wait for years until the situation becomes favorable for action. He is distinguished by high erudition and always knows how to use knowledge for the benefit of business. Outwardly, people are flexible, long, with a “deep” look, and have great physical strength, which is not manifested externally.

Antitotem - Poisonous Snake. This is a person who “bites” everyone indiscriminately, without restraint. Characterized by shifty eyes, looseness, narcissism, and posing.

Year of the Beaver - 1913, 1945, 1977, 2009. The beaver is a creator, a builder by nature, zealous, hardworking, economical. He has strong convictions and reasonable needs. Usually of medium height, strong, with the most ordinary, “standard” physiognomy.

Antitotem - Otter - a person who pollutes everything around, and from whom some kind of unpleasant smell always emanates.

Year of the Turtle - 1914, 1946, 1978, 2010. He is a slow, careful and self-confident person. He is only interested in earthly affairs; his whole life must be precisely calibrated. No obstacles are a hindrance to a real Turtle. She is practical and cool-headed. Outwardly, turtles are small in stature, calm, calm, and able to calm others down.

Antitotem - Seagull - a person prone to theft, who loves to plot intrigues around others. A brawler, they like to yell and sort things out.

Year of the Magpie - 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011. The Magpie Man loves to talk; his words always contain a lot of useful things. An intelligent man, lively, with a sharp tongue and also cheerful. Short in stature, fast, characterized by a sharp, straight nose.

Antitotem - Mole, who does not see the forest for the trees. He has difficulty learning, runs away from unpleasant information, and buries himself in the ground. The mole is plump, greedy, tight-fisted, just like in the fairy tale about Thumbelina.

Year of the Squirrel - 1916, 1948, 1980, 2012. Belka is an excellent hardworking worker with a lively mind aimed at fulfilling her duty perfectly. External - small sharp facial features, usually thin, fair-haired.

Antitotem - Marten - a sluggish, indecisive creature, loves to have fun and be rude. All he does is take care of himself.

Year of the Raven - 1917, 1941, 1981, 2013. A person with the Raven totem is outwardly stern and strict. He has excellent intuition, especially for negative events. Characterized by black humor. This is a single person. He knows a lot, understands that he can only rely on himself and feels like a stranger in society.

Year of the Rooster - 1918, 1950, 1982, 2014. The Rooster Man is quiet and calm until someone breaks the law of justice. This is a fearless person; it is impossible to intimidate him with anything. Externally lean, sporty, very fast. He is sincere in his communication and is not polite.

Antitotem - Kite. A merciless predator mocking its “prey.” It differs from the rooster in its plumpness and gentle manners.

Year of the Ox - 1919, 1951, 1983, 2015. The Ox is a peaceful, creative person, prone to contemplation and unity with nature. He loves to work, but only when he is not forced. A caring, pleasant person to talk to. Externally strong, very healthy.

Antitotem - Wasp. An insidious, greedy, irreconcilable person. He lacks the desire to create. This is a weak and unviable person, but at the same time very tenacious and notices the mistakes of others.

Year of the Badger - 1920, 1952, 1984, 2016. Badger is a thrifty, zealous, materialist and pragmatist person. Loves to save money, good owner, excellent manager. This is a person who stands well on his feet, who does not like to stand out and proves his advantages with deeds. Strong, with sharp facial features.

Antitotem - Cat-Bayun (wild cat). Very greedy, insidious, does not trust anyone, loves to secretly prepare trouble for others. Unlike the Badger, the Wild Cat is fat, shiny, smiles at everyone, but his eyes are angry and cruel.

Year of the Camel - 1921, 1953, 1985, 2017. The camel is a social person and loves to feel like he is at the head of some movement. Feels like a defender of justice. Very hardy, ready to be content with little. Externally, the camel is of quite strong build, with strong long arms. The face is usually elongated.

Antitotem - Spider Karakurt. In contrast to the Camel, he hates the truth and creates a web of lies around himself. A very complex person, he often has problems in the sexual sphere, which he carefully hides. Outwardly - a crazy look, even in a calm state there is anger on the face, the body is weak.

Year of the Hedgehog - 1922, 1954, 1986, 2018. The hedgehog is a bearer of freedom and tries to be independent of any system. This is a very calm, balanced person. He has his own belief system, which he carries throughout his life. Hedgehog has an excellent memory, he is picky, strict, inclined to study exact sciences. Appearance - prickly look. Average build.

Antitotem - Monkey. The creature, in the understanding of a Zoroastrian, is boorish, cowardly, lustful. The monkey intrigues everyone and mocks everyone (at a safe distance). She is a very noticeable person, she loves to show off, dress beautifully, preen herself all the time and demonstrate her sexual attractiveness. She lives at the expense of others and does not know how to work herself.

Year of the Doe - 1923, 1955, 1987, 2019. The man is very handsome, with regular facial features, graceful, and dances beautifully. A doe can be recognized by its easy gait, slender legs, and excellent taste. The doe is righteous, honest, and committed to tradition. She is artistic, romantic, amorous. Everything he does, he does sincerely, with full dedication.

Antitotem - Crocodile. Usually a man of enormous size, very strong. Extremely rational, rude, insatiable, achieves his goal at any cost. A lover of dirty entertainment, he longs to make others dependent on himself.

Year of the Elephant - 1924, 1956, 1988, 2010. The Elephant Man is distinguished by physical strength. He is full of dignity, dignified, slow, firm and persistent. The elephant is a wise creator, a good leader, and takes care of his subordinates. If he gets angry, he is merciless.

Antitotem - Mouse - a little man. Everyone feels sorry for him, and he takes advantage of it. Weak voice, lethargy, indecision, wants everything to be decided for him. He gravitates towards strong personalities and fawns over them.

Year of the Horse - 1925, 1957, 1989, 2021. The Horse Man is a real athlete, handsome, with a straight back, broad chest, muscular, strong, very courageous man. He is persistent, gets things done, and is also perfectly honest. An excellent athlete, military man, rescuer, he is distinguished by increased sexuality and health.

Antitotem - Jackal. Some kind of “shabby” guy, playing on the self-pity of those around him. He acts on the sly, often changes his point of view, and envies everyone tall and beautiful. He does nasty things to them or just quietly hates them.

Year of the Cheetah - 1926, 1958, 1990, 2022. Externally, the Cheetah man resembles a runner on a long distances: tall, slender. Warlike, indomitable, very proud, the Cheetah is demanding of himself and those around him. He protects the weak and if his honor is affected, he will fight to the end.

Antitotem - Leopard - a ruthless predator, devoid of nobility and generosity. He curries favor with the strong and offends the weak. Externally larger than the Cheetah, it looks brighter. Loves jewelry, trinkets, provocative clothes.

Year of the Peacock - 1927, 1959, 1991, 2023. Peacock is a player, loves entertainment, is endowed with many talents, and does not mind showing off. This is a graceful, subtle, graceful, sophisticated and proud person. He doesn’t impose himself on anyone, he knows his own worth very well.

Antitotem - Jerboa - mediocre, gray man, obsessed with his safety. Mentally very vulnerable, cowardly.

Year of the Swan - 1928, 1960, 1992, 2024. Tall, graceful, graceful, the Swan is an idealist, prone to meditation and self-absorption. He expects a miracle, despises material wealth, wants to change the world for the better.

Antitotem - Rat - a very ugly, unattractive and completely unspiritual person who lives only by his physiological needs.

Year of the Lynx - 1929, 1961, 1993, 2025. The Lynx man is a born hunter, endowed with great physical strength, in many ways reminiscent of the Horse, but more sarcastic, delicate, a good diplomat, psychologist. Knows how to enjoy life in all its manifestations. Such a person cannot be tamed, he does not want to obey anyone, freedom is most valuable to him.

Antitotem - Tick. Small in appearance weak person, like the Fly, spreads infection. It is impossible to get rid of him. Appearance is vague, gray and inconspicuous, in contrast to the bright and cheerful Lynx.

Year of the Donkey - 1930, 1962, 1994, 2026. Donkey is the embodiment of peace, tranquility, stability. An unperturbed person, very principled, always retains his beliefs, which are focused on the reasonable consumption of material goods. He is of medium height, good build, and strong. Excellent health, very great endurance.

Antitotem - Rabbit - cowardly, lustful, fails in everything he undertakes, fussy, impractical. Weak physique.

Year of the Polar Bear - 1931, 1963, 1995, 2027. A person born this year is distinguished by health, strength, and massiveness. He can be harsh, rude, unpredictable. This is a born owner who knows how to organize people for fruitful work. He does not like to obey, he is very kind and responsive to his loved ones.

Antitotem - Brown Bear. Endowed with enormous power, this despot is cruel and merciless. He can pretend to be harmless, and when they get used to it, he shows his true colors.

Year of the Imperial Eagle - 1900, 1932, 1964, 1996, 2028. The Eagle Man is very noticeable in appearance. He is usually of medium height, with a proud posture, an impressive noble face, and an intelligent, stern look. The eagle is born to be a leader. But he also knows how to work within the system. Very rational.

Antitotem - Locust - a malicious person of uncertain appearance. Does not submit to any authority, has criminal inclinations.

Year of the Fox - 1901, 1933, 1965, 1997. The Fox Man is tall, flexible, athletic, affable, and friendly. He has a tenacious mind, works well in the field of science, diplomacy, and public service.

Antitotem - Rat (Rabbit). This is a stupid, unreasonable person at whom everyone laughs, an opportunist and a sycophant.

Year of the Dolphin - 1902, 1934, 1966, 1998. Dolphin is the most intelligent of totems. Such people usually have a big head, high forehead. Dolphin is a man of science, he is calm, inclined to communicate with friends, like-minded people, believes in goodness, justice, and acts within the framework of the law.

Antitotem - Shark. A man of insatiable appetites, hungry for power. He is very aggressive and solves all problems with violence. Thirsts for blood, loves disputes, discord, and often draws everyone around him into the orbit of his power ambitions.

Year of the Boar - 1935, 1967, 1999, 2031. The Pig Man is massively built and overweight. By nature - a warrior, a legionnaire, a fighter. He loves travel, long journeys, and can sacrifice his life for a good cause. He never offends the weak; he fights only with those who are equal or superior to him in strength.

Antitotem - Wolverine. A vengeful, vile person who avoids open conflicts. He clings to words, gossips, makes denunciations. Physically weak.

Year of the Owl - 1904, 1936, 1968, 2000. Owl people are plump in appearance, characteristically round face, a look “to nowhere.” The whole appearance has a touch of mystery and otherworldliness. They are prone to mysticism, religious, but not formally, but internally.

Antitotem - Bat. Puts forward false ideas and tries to inspire them as much as possible larger number of people. They have a lot of other bad inclinations, and mania often manifests itself.

Year of the Falcon - 1905. 1937, 1969, 2001. Falcon Man is unpredictable, he has a complex character. He is distinguished by his patriotism, ideological commitment, and is irreconcilable with his enemies, and considers the enemies of his state, and not his own, as enemies. Falcon is impractical, struggling with " windmills“, sacrifices his interests for the sake of an idea, a faithful, devoted person, a defender of order.

The Falcon antitotem was not preserved in this ancient calendar.

Determine your totem. Full description magical properties animals, birds and reptiles Andrews Ted

Summon Spirit Animal

Summon Spirit Animal

Once you identify your spirit animal, it is important to immediately establish a strong working relationship with it. This will let you know what it can and cannot do for you. This will help you to access it and those archetypal energies that work through it for your personal purposes.

Start with an animal meditation. Perform simple visualizations, imagine how it stands in front of you or approaches you. Give him the opportunity to mentally talk to you. When the animal appears in your mind's eye, allow it to tell you information about itself. Let it tell you how it can help you in various fields of your life. Don't worry that all this will happen only in your imagination. The more attention you pay to this, the more confident the invitation to communicate will be and the more real the connection with its essence.

Visualize the animal merging with you. Do a meditation during which you see yourself in the form of this animal. The exercises in the next chapter will help you do this. If any situations arise at work or at home in which you know you will need the energy of your animal, wait five minutes before connecting to the circumstances to feel your totem come to life within you. Feel the strength and vibration of its energies. Remember that they will help you cope with the situation as successfully as possible. As a result, you will see how the situation changes for the better.

As you become more familiar with your spirit animal and can become aware of its energies around and within you, you can begin to call it to you. To do this, you can use music, ritual chants and drumming. The rhythm of the tambourine and ritual chants represent effective means, which can assist in moving consciousness and opening the door to the world of spirits.

Create songs and chants dedicated to your totem. They don't have to be complicated. Two or three simple, melodic and repeated lines can be a wonderful way to establish contact with him. If there is already a simple song or chant that you know, then change the words so that they relate to your totem. During meditation, you can ask your totem to teach you prayer songs with which you can call it faster.

One of the most effective chants I use to communicate with all my spirit animals was based on a passage from a Renaissance song. I use three lines of refrain as an address to my spirit animal. This chant not only glorifies the animal, but also protects you and energizes you.

The excerpt is called "Riu Chiu" ("Riu Chiu"). It is taken from a work by an unknown 16th-century Spanish musician. This is one of the most frequently performed excerpts from Renaissance works heard at Christmas. Like most of the detailed passages, there are ecclesiastical and secular versions.

Each of the three lines of the refrain contains twelve syllables. The number "three" is a symbol of creation. The number twelve also has its own mystical meaning associated with the twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve months of the year, etc. These numbers give the chant a creative rhythm. Those who study numerology are well aware of the importance of all this. (If you like, you can refer to my earlier book called Sacred Sounds, which reveals the essence of rhythm and provides special methods for writing magical and mystical chants and prayers.)

The text of this passage is related to the mystery of the relationship between predator and prey, which was already discussed earlier in this book. The third line I changed indicates that divine powers appear to the world in the form of certain animals and natural phenomena.

"Riu Chiu"

Riu Riu Chiu. La guardo ribera. (Riu Riu Chiu. Who stands guard by the river.)

Dios guardo el lobo de nuestra cordera. (God is on guard / does not allow the wolf to come to our sheep.)

In my adaptation I do not use the word "dios" in the third line. Instead, I insert the name of the animal to which I am addressing. Since this passage is Spanish, I use Spanish animal names. Thus, I emphasize the idea that God or divine power appears to the world in the form of an animal, and it is the energy of the animal that prevents the wolf from approaching the sheep. It is the animal that activates those energies that maintain balance in the magic of the relationship between predator and prey. For example: “Halcon guardo el lobo de nuestra cordera” (“The falcon stands guard / does not let the wolf near our sheep”).

The animal is a form of manifestation of the divine principle. If I communicate with several animals, then I repeat this chant, each time replacing the name of the animal. As a rule, I repeat this chant three times for each animal, observing the magical rhythm of the number “three”. Experiment with this. Determine what suits you best. This passage is very powerful, and I have found that it is effective even when speaking to animals with whom I usually do not interact in any way.

The notes for this passage are given at the end of this chapter. If you can play the piano or other musical instrument, then you can play and sing it using the notes given below. I also recommend that you visit your local library, a specialized music library educational institution or even go to a music store where you can find Renaissance works and pick up a recording of the song. Listening to a professional sing will help you learn the tune much faster. Most libraries, if they don't have this entry, can help you find it.

The effort put into finding and learning this chant will be duly rewarded, as this work has great power. When performing it, you can also use tambourines and rattles, which will give even better results.

A regular Spanish-English dictionary will help you find the Spanish animal names you need. Some titles may not fit well, so you'll need to get creative. For example, in Spanish an owl is called lechuza, which is not a good substitute for "Dios." I simply shortened it by dropping the last vowel, so that instead of three syllables, the word lechuza began to have two - lechuz. The meaning hasn't changed.

Below are some examples.

Deer – venado, ciervo (masc.).

Hawk – halcon.

Eagle – aguilla.

Fox – zorro.

Horse – caballo.

Elephant – elefante.

Kangaroo - canguro.

Owl – lechuza.

Rabbit – conejo.

Turtle – tortuga.

Vulture – gallinazo.

Keith – ballena.

Below are the sheet music for this call to animals. Work with them. Experiment. The result will not be long in coming. Once you learn this chant, you can use it to summon animals, send them messages, and transform into them. It has effective magic.

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Many people are interested in the question of what is This article contains basic information about methods of searching for it and gaining a spiritual connection with it. It is important to know that a totem is a symbol of certain aspects of a person. Using the powers of the corresponding totem helps the individual to connect with his personality and discover previously hidden energies and talents.


There are several ways. You can use special calendars or astrological tables. Another option is to resort to specialized meditation techniques. Of course, the latter method has more advantages, since it gives a greater chance of success in finding your individual totem animal. During meditation, a subtle connection arises between consciousness and subconscious, which allows hidden energies to gain strength and show themselves. It must be remembered that the totem is a symbol different sides individuality, so you can use several totems at once. This option will make working with them easier. Plus, in a variety of problematic situations it will become possible to think more pragmatically and productively. For example, during a period of illness, you can resort to the properties of a totem that is associated with the earth, and in solving problems of a psychological or intellectual nature, you can use the help of totems related to the air. The characteristics of totem animals given in this article will be useful to a person who wants to find his totem and begin to use his hidden powers.

It is important to know

Before you start searching for your own totem animal, you need to do some research necessary information. The totem is usually a wild or mystical animal. Each person has one main totem and several minor ones. The individual must find it himself, without resorting to anyone’s help, since this connection is too intimate. A totem does not always accompany its owner throughout his life. It can influence his destiny for several years, and then leave or influence a person only during the period of his creative activity. Different totems correspond to different spheres of life. When working with them, you don’t have to worry about any restrictions, because there are none. The most important thing is that you first need to learn to cooperate with at least one totem, and then try to establish contact with others. A totem animal may leave its owner, for example, because of its wrong actions or errors.

Shamans say that...

Taking into account the teachings of ancient shamans, we can say that the presence of animal power in a person does not mean that its qualities and energy are available to him. They only exist in the consciousness of the individual, but are waiting for their manifestation and development. The totem animal was determined by date of birth and year. And in the world of ancient shamans it was believed that if an individual easily finds contact with animals of a certain kind, then most likely this person has his own strong totem. The relationship between a person and his totem must gradually improve and develop. He should be treated with respect and deference. If the totem comes to the rescue, you need to thank it in your thoughts. Shamans have known what a totem animal is since time immemorial. They were omniscient and understood what a totem could give to a person good health, great strength, powerful energy. It also helps in solving problems, telling a person the right way out of difficult situations.

Totem animal in different cultures

Many thousands of years ago it was believed that animals were the ancestors of humans, which, however, did not dispute Darwin’s theory of evolution. Animals have always been revered in all ancient cults of ancient civilizations. Totem animals different nations the worlds are almost the same. Basically they are the same wild animals and birds. Only some animals are endowed with the gift of magnetism and incredible strength, determination and courage, while others are the embodiment of wisdom and patience. IN Ancient India each god had his own individual animal, which served him as a messenger and a means of transportation. It is believed that the Supreme Spirit is in every animal and plant, and even in stones.

Totem animal and date of birth

Each personality has its own protector beast, which reveals certain temperamental qualities in a person. Even the ancient Slavs were guided by an ancient tradition in the question of how to recognize a person’s totem animal. Knowing his individual guardian animal, a person gets the opportunity to better understand himself and quickly achieve inner harmony. Knowledge about totem animals can help a person understand his essence and discover new talents. Each of them has its own specific and unique properties. How to recognize a totem animal by date of birth and begin to use the hidden energy of your “I”? Celtic, Zoroastrian and Turkic astrological totem calendars-horoscopes will help you find the answer to this question. Using them, you can determine your totem animal based on your date or year of birth.

Bear (December 10 - January 9) 1931, 1963, 1995

The Bear totem is endowed with many noble qualities. He is independent and loves to fight for power and his place in the sun. This game gives him pleasure. The bear is a powerful but benevolent animal. If he is not angered, he will always act openly. He has a highly developed sense of justice. The bear often protects the weak and helps the poor, even if it does not benefit him. He is patient, but only for the time being. It's better not to play with his endurance. The main character traits are wisdom and balance. Bears are generally unpretentious, but are often too passive.

Squirrel Totem (January 10 - February 9) 1948, 1980, 2012

People who live under the protection of the totem animal Squirrel are inherently quite sociable, but they do not like strangers. The main traits of their character are readiness for action and They lead a restless lifestyle and do not concentrate well on one thing. However, such people are irreplaceable in the economy. They know how to give a home comfort and a family atmosphere. They treat little things superficially and rarely deign to pay attention to them.

Wolf - March 9) 1941, 1973, 2005

The totem animal Wolf has masculine and strong character traits. People who have a Wolf as their protector animal are very sociable and friendly. They are devoted to their friends and remain faithful to their partner. Nobility for them is not an empty word. They try to be honest both with other people and with themselves in any problematic situations. Such individuals are intellectually gifted, but are not proud of it. They tend to be compassionate and sensitive. They love children and are endowed with teaching talent.

Totem Dog - April 9) 1954, 1986, 2018

What is the totem animal Dog and what basic qualities does it have? The main character traits of Dogs are courage and justice. People protected by the Dog do not tolerate bias and lies, and have a highly developed sensory perception. They are loyal and devoted, capable of doing anything for a friend or loved one. In life, they often show ingenuity and resourcefulness. But in some matters they can be too trusting and naive, since for Dogs the main thing in life is selflessness.

Totem animal Cat (April 10 - May 9) 1961, 1993, 2025

A person under the protection of a Cat has high insight and intelligence. He is dexterous and agile in business, often showing his cunning to achieve his own goals. He captivates his interlocutors by having an excellent sense of humor and a sharp tongue. The main qualities are independence and love of freedom. The cat behaves carefully in life, always trying to be vigilant and wary. Often they are helped by highly developed intuition. It is quite difficult to look into their inner world. These people are very secretive and carefully guard their true being. It is important to remember that a message about a totem animal may come unexpectedly; the main thing is to understand it and correctly use the prompts of nature itself.

Tiger (May 10 - June 9) 1958, 1990, 2022

The totem animal Tiger has strong feeling property, very proud and stubborn. They always go straight towards their goal, not paying attention to anything or anyone. Tigers are stubborn, and it is almost impossible to convince them if they have their own established opinion about something. However, they are endowed with the ability to teach others and can be generous and noble. Tigers are prone to contemplation and a philosophical type of thinking.

Raven (June 10 - July 9) 1949, 1981, 2013

Since ancient times, the Raven has been considered a mystical bird, shrouded in mystery and mystery. Therefore, a person who is inclined to the occult sciences and has a very strong intuition. She has a sharp mind and is not inclined towards material values. For Raven, the main thing is a high ideal and spiritual development. He is able to think deeply and seriously, which often interferes with Everyday life, where you need to understand everyday issues and solve real problems. Raven is a swift and insightful bird. People under his protection have hidden powers and may even have clairvoyance.

Snake Totem (July 10 - August 9) 1944, 1976, 2008

What is the totem animal Snake and what properties does it have? This is an interesting and dual totem. People under the protection of the Snake have hidden opportunities for recovery. They have grace and agility. They know how to act skillfully and quickly. Snakes are patient and mysterious creatures who love to protect those weaker than them. The snake has good intuition and is endowed with the ability to heal. Snakes are not indifferent to wealth and abundance, but they can carefully hide it, since they have a dual nature.

Dolphin (August 10 - September 9) 1966, 1998, 2030

The main qualities of the Dolphin's character are cheerfulness and optimism. They find it easily mutual language with others, because they are generally friendly and playful, full of cheerfulness and have an active life position. They have a keen intellect and can right time find a caustic joke or an appropriate phrase. People with a Dolphin totem are very kind and generous. They are loyal to their friends and expect the same from them. They love everything harmonious and spiritual. Far from the material world and convert Special attention on spirituality and its development. The dolphin is a dreamy creature, prone to clairvoyance and romanticism. Constantly strives for excellence in everything.

Spirit animal Deer (September 10 - October 9) 1970, 2002, 2034

Deer are peaceful and observant animals. Individuals under the protection of the Protector Deer are prone to creativity and philanthropy. They are able to love deeply and truly, without expecting anything in return. Deer are characterized by modesty and simplicity. They do not like pretentiousness and pathos. The main qualities of their character are humility, generosity and gentleness. Deer are partial to beauty in any form of its manifestation, strive for perfection and often show dexterity and swiftness in solving difficult situations.

Totem Buffalo (October 10 - November 9) 1967, 1999, 2031

Based on a person’s date of birth, a totem animal can determine his future fate. If an individual is born under the auspices of the Buffalo, then this means that he is reliable and logical in business. The totem animal Buffalo will help reveal personality qualities such as reliability and consistency. He is always true to his words and keeps his promises. The buffalo has enormous physical strength and stamina. His main qualities are thrift and prudence. Buffaloes are excellent owners and keepers of the hearth. They are always grateful if they are helped and never remain in debt. Kind and stable, they try to build their lives according to the example of a fortress, so that there will always be wealth and stability.

Fox (November 10 - December 9) 1965, 1997, 2029

As you know, the Fox is a cunning and agile animal. The totem animal Fox will help its owner discover the ability to be decisive and resourceful. She is endowed with life wisdom and education. Can find a way out of any situation using natural cunning. The main qualities of the Fox are adaptability to the environment, determination and passion.

Totem and zodiac sign

It is not difficult to recognize a totem animal by date. You need to choose the right one totem calendar and find out which animal patronizes a certain period. There you can also view secondary totems that can influence the development of a person’s abilities and behavior in difficult situations. Everyone can hear the voice of their totemic guardian, you just need to understand it and turn to it. Of course, the result may not appear immediately, but after some time. But life will definitely begin to change in better side. If a person does not want to turn to himself, then he can simply find his totem animal according to his zodiac sign. However, this method does not always work. It is better to try meditative techniques to reveal your essence and determine the appropriate totem individually.

List of totems according to zodiac sign:

  • Aries - Bear.
  • Taurus - Tiger.
  • Gemini - Eagle.
  • Cancer - Crocodile.
  • Leo - Peacock.
  • Virgo - Wolf.
  • Libra - Owl.
  • Scorpio - Dolphin.
  • Sagittarius - Cheetah.
  • Capricorn - Elephant.
  • Aquarius - Swan.
  • Pisces - Turtle.

Totemic Essence

How to find out your totem animal? Of course, you can use the above information. But it’s still better to look for your totem through meditation. Some people are lucky and can immediately identify their true guardian animal. For example, some people get along with cats from birth, others have never been bitten by snakes, others are attracted to dogs. If you take a closer look at the behavior of animals towards yourself, it will not be difficult to recognize your totem. Totemic roots manifest themselves in all spheres of life, but not every person notices this. It is very important to understand that a totemic animal is not something foreign and distant from a person. This is the true essence of a person, his character and abilities in the form of a wild animal. This totemic appearance contains internal energy and personal qualities.

Faithful assistant

The totem is psychological portrait person. Looking through the totem animals of different peoples, you can see that our ancient ancestors turned to the animal and plant worlds for help. It helped people reach their potential back then, so why wouldn't it help now? The main thing is to understand and accept your real totem animal, establish a connection and trusting relationship with it. Then, when spiritual difficulties arise or during illness, it will come to the rescue and allow a person to release internal energy, recognize the essence of his “I” and use his hidden abilities. Totems are important companions of a person on the path of a florid and confusing life.

Since ancient times, people have treated animals with respect, believing that their energies can interact. Many nations have animal symbols, so-called patrons, who are given certain honors. It is believed that each person has his own protector, who can be defined in different ways.

An ancient sign or symbol with an image of an animal on it is called a totem. They appeared at a time when people united into tribes and chose protectors among living beings, whom they worshiped, asking for help. A totem animal is a symbol of power with its own unique energy that can influence a person. They are close from birth to death.

Totem animals of the Slavs

Slavic shamans claim that each person has his own animal of power. When figuring out what a totem animal means, it should be noted that it is also called an egregor, and it evokes in its owner a desire to engage in research and development of his inner world. The Slavs created amulets and depicted on them a human totem animal, which they identified through meditation or other methods.

Why do you need a totem animal?

In the modern world, the importance of totems has decreased significantly, and some people are sure that this is nothing more than fiction. In fact, there are huge benefits to be gained from knowing and interacting with your advocate.

Totem animals different countries expand the spheres of perception of the surrounding world, thanks to which you can receive additional energy.

The characteristics inherent in egregor help to understand how to properly deal with difficulties in life.
The totem animal and predictions based on its characteristics give a chance to understand the strengths and weak sides a, to reveal talents and develop intuition. Helps communicate with Higher powers. Helps unite people with the same patrons.

How to communicate with a totem animal?

There are a few different ways, which allow you to get in touch with your egregor. It is best to conduct sessions in nature.

  • Having chosen a quiet and secluded place, you need to position yourself so that you face west.
  • Working with a totem animal begins with lighting a candle or fire. Prepare a small amount of water. As a result, you get four elements, because there are no problems with earth and air in nature.
  • Close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply to relax as much as possible. Say the spell below.
  • Continuing to be in a trance, after some time you will notice the appearance of an image of a totem animal. It is worth noting that some people are unable to see their “new friend” the first time, but do not despair, this is normal.
  • When the image is clear, you must bow to it and greet it. After this, you can start communicating and ask questions. At the end of the conversation, thank the assistant.
  • It is important to then learn the habits and characteristics of your animal, thereby showing respect.