What smells can scare away a stray dog? How to keep dogs away from the area: methods and tips. In what cases can an ultrasonic repeller be used?

Running is a wonderful way to get rid of the blues and an excellent recipe for staying in good physical shape. For many of us, jogging is the best moment to get away from all problems and worries and be alone with ourselves. Unfortunately, sometimes unpleasant episodes happen while jogging. Today we’ll talk about one of the pressing problems, dogs, and how to scare them away.

Why does the dog attack

Everyone knows that a dog is man’s friend, his protector. But like any animal, dogs are unpredictable and in certain situations can behave quite aggressively. Of course, the runner does not always evoke negative emotions in them. But it also happens that the animal may regard the athlete as a threat.
If this pet dog, walking with the owner, the dog may suspect that you are catching up with the owner with bad intentions. And she will rush to protect him.

If these are stray dogs, the situation is even more complicated. The dog may be aggressive due to hunger, have rabies, or regard your running as fear, an attempt to escape - and this provokes the animal to attack. In addition, each roaming flock has its own territory, and the animals can harshly suppress your attempt to invade their territory. In short, they have plenty of reasons to attack.

Is it possible to avoid aggression?

Most often, dogs attack from behind or from the side, so first of all try to avoid situations in which you may find yourself in the role of a “weak victim”. Sometimes, to repel aggression, it is enough to suppress it with your behavior: to show rage instead of fear. For example, shout loudly, imitating a growl, or pretend that you are picking up a stone or stick from the ground... But, unfortunately, this method does not always work.

Some people recommend carrying a gas canister with you. But this option is not good for everyone. For example, if you do not take into account the direction of the wind, a cloud of gas may cover you. In this case, you will find yourself completely defenseless against the enraged beast.

Therefore, it is much more practical to take care in advance to avoid dog attacks.

Modern means of protection

How to scare dogs away is not the easiest question. On the one hand, you must protect yourself and your life. On the other hand, it is important not to break the law. In addition, there are cases when, after too much active protection the owner of some purebred but ill-mannered dog can also bill for compensation for “damage” for his four-legged pet.

Therefore, increasing popularity in last years acquire high-tech tools that allow you to scare dogs away from a distance without resorting to physical contact with the animal. These are ultrasonic dog repellers.

There are stationary and personal portable models. Stationary ones, as a rule, are more bulky, but have a greater range. Depending on the model, stationary dog ​​repellers can cover an area from 85 to 200 m2. However, such devices are not entirely suitable for a runner. Firstly, they require a power source. Secondly, dense bushes and other obstacles reduce the effectiveness of the device.

When jogging, it is much more convenient to have a portable personal repeller with you. It will easily fit in your pocket or on your running belt. It runs on a battery and is ready to use at any time - just press a button and point the device towards the dog. The range of portable repellers ranges from 1 to 7 meters - quite enough to prevent an attack.

True, there is one BUT. Such a device will be ineffective if a well-trained fighting dog or an animal with rabies shows aggression towards you. Otherwise, this method of scaring has already proven itself as a safe option for preventing an attack.

The price of a portable device, depending on the manufacturer and model, ranges from $30 to $100. And as practice shows, it is better to spend a small amount once, but for many years to save yourself from the problem of how to scare away dogs and enjoy jogging in peace and quiet.

Nowadays, almost every family has pets. As a rule, these are cats or dogs. Unfortunately, not all owners are ready to take responsibility for their pets, so they often end up on the street. This gives rise to the emergence of new individuals, which can then cause inconvenience and even pose a danger to people. There are often cases when dogs, gathering in packs, attack passers-by.

In suburban villages the situation is similar: dogs can get into the area in search of food or scare someone on the street. Manufacturers have developed a modern device specifically so that when meeting a flock a person feels safe and can defend himself if necessary. Its name is repeller. Such devices are available in 3 types:

  1. Gas (aerosol) ones resemble a regular pepper spray, only with different contents. Relevant only in case of an animal attack, because operate at a minimum distance. Just spray a small amount of in front of the dog's face so that the animal feels irritation in the eyes. The main disadvantage is that they do not prevent attacks.
  2. Electric repellers are small in size, easily fit in your hands and work on the principle of a stun gun. In direct contact with the dog, a special button is pressed, which releases a charge of current in order to immobilize the animal for a while. The main disadvantage is the same as that of a gas repeller - it only works during an attack, and not before it. But it has several more disadvantages: if used carelessly, it can kill an animal or harm a person.
  3. Ultrasonic repellers are the best option. They work over a long distance (up to 30 m) and act through special waves that cause discomfort to dogs and force the animal to leave. There are two types - pocket and stationary. The former are more often used in the city, while the latter are installed in the private sector directly on houses.

Ultrasonic repellers are considered the safest for animals and most effective for humans. Therefore, we will dwell in detail on this type of device and consider best models the most popular manufacturers.

The Best Pocket Ultrasonic Dog Repellers

Choosing a dog repeller is not an easy task. Nowadays you can find a huge number of different models in stores. But if you know for sure that you will need the device far from home on the street, then a pocket repeller is what you need. The portable device has small dimensions, a light weight, shock-proof housing. Some models are equipped with additional means of protection (sound and light signals). It can really help when dealing with aggressive dogs. We studied customer reviews and found out which repellers are considered the most effective.

5 Chiston-11 AntiDog

Best for ease of use
Country Russia
Average price: 1,190 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

One of the most budget-friendly, but nevertheless very effective ultrasonic device"Chiston-11 AntiDog" is designed to repel stray dogs of any size. When turned on, the device generates sounds that are inaudible to the human ear, but produce such an irritating effect on the animal’s body that it will not be able to attack you, but will run away to a safe distance.

The undoubted advantage of this repeller is the presence of 2 knot emitters, which are activated by pressing one button. Thanks so much simple mechanism work, as well as its compact size (the weight of the structure without battery is only 70 g), even a child or child can easily use “Chiston-11 AntiDog” for their protection. old man. According to reviews, the product copes well with its assigned function, disorienting animals at a distance of up to 15 m. This is a very reliable and inexpensive equipment that can keep aggressive individuals at a safe distance.

4 Dogs.No

Longest range
Country Russia
Average price: 2,690 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The next domestically produced model, “Sobakam.Net”, has the largest range of action among pocket scarers. The signal from this device can negatively affect a dog located 20 m from the radiation source. Although, it is worth noting that the device demonstrates its maximum efficiency at a distance of no more than 10 m.

In addition, the manufacturer promises stable operation of the equipment even with half-dead batteries. Thanks to a special built-in digital controller that stabilizes the voltage, you won’t have to worry about your safety, even if you didn’t manage to recharge the battery in time. In general, most buyers were satisfied with the use of this model for their protection, however, some noticed that the repeller does not work on all dogs. Judging by the reviews, in practice some dogs had a very weak reaction to the emitter, so we cannot place the product “Dogs.No” at a higher place in our rating.

3 Bios "Cobra"

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

“Cobra” is the most reliable representative of the budget segment of devices. It is a small “remote control” oval shape with a button. The emitter itself is located inside a large metal ring, which enhances the effect. It runs on a Krona battery, which needs to be changed on average no more than once a year. As additional means protection is provided by a bright LED flashlight. The important advantages of the Cobra are its light weight (only 50 g) and convenient attachment to the belt. Works at a distance not exceeding 10 m. Helps get rid of the threat of attack aggressive dogs. The manufacturer warns that the device does not work on trained or calm dogs.


  • best price;
  • little weight;
  • easy to carry or attach to your belt;
  • additional protection (LED);
  • the battery lasts for about a year;
  • easy to use.


  • low power;
  • fragile body.


Universal device for protection and training
Country: France
Average price: 1,300 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Second place in the category of portable ultrasonic repellers is occupied by the compact and powerful EYENIMAL model from the famous French pet products brand NUM`AXES. The product is designed to neutralize dogs of the most different sizes– from small to large breeds, and will also be able to protect a person when meeting with wild beast on a walk in the forest. For more effective action, the device is equipped with an audible siren, which will help notify others of a dangerous situation.

In addition to self-defense, the manufacturer recommends using EYENIMAL to improve the training process. With this device you can wean your pet from unwanted behavior, for example, rummaging in the garden or climbing on upholstered furniture Houses. For use at night, the design includes a built-in diode flashlight. Ultrasound range is up to 15 m. EYENIMAL operates from a 9 Volt alkaline battery. Comes with equipment clear instructions in Russian, allowing you to quickly understand the principle of operating the repeller.


Best efficiency, excellent equipment
A country: Russia (manufactured in China)
Average price: 3300 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Judging by the reviews, “SITITEK GROM-250M” is the most popular domestically produced repeller. It has a number of important advantages. Its compact size makes it easy to take it with you (fits in your pocket or purse). He has increased efficiency due to the presence of two ultrasonic emitters at once. Another feature of the device is its equipment. A special built-in flashlight not only illuminates the road dark time day, but also emits a special light signal (flashes) when meeting animals. And a unique siren will additionally protect you from attacks by dogs and even robbers. Range - 18 m. The ultrasonic frequencies at which the Thunder 250M operates are not perceived by human hearing. Does not harm the dog's health. Power type: lithium battery.


  • good range;
  • effective ultrasonic pressure;
  • absolutely safe for people and animals;
  • does not require battery replacement;
  • compact dimensions;
  • excellent reviews;
  • ease of use;
  • additional security elements (flashes, siren).


  • high price.

The best stationary ultrasonic dog repellers

Stationary repellers are usually larger in size than pocket repellers, but at the same time they have more extensive equipment and higher efficiency. They are attached to fences, house walls, poles, etc. Designed to repel not only dogs, but also other animals (various garden pests, etc.). An important advantage of some models is charging from solar panels. This saves battery costs and is very convenient to use. We found out which stationary ultrasonic frighteners are the most useful.

5 DC-035

The best in terms of efficiency. Equipped with a motion sensor
A country: USA (manufactured in Taiwan)
Average price: 2,490 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Initially, the street repeller DC-035 was conceived by the American manufacturer as household equipment designed to protect farms from invasion of mice, rats and other rodent pests. However, in practice, the power of the device turned out to be enough to protect private yards from larger animals - for example, stray dogs and cats.

The device has several effective ways effects on living organisms: ultrasound (ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 15-26 kHz), siren ( loud noise up to 100 dB) and strobe ( bright flashes light at a certain frequency). You can independently choose the operating mode that suits your conditions. Due to its safe effects, DC-035 can be used not only in open spaces, but also indoors, including in catering establishments. The coverage area is approximately 70 square meters. m, and the presence of an infrared tracking sensor with a viewing angle of 110° allows you to save battery power, turning on the active stage only if a moving object is detected.

4 Grad Duos S

Three power supplies. Large coverage area
Country Russia
Average price: 2,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The stationary repeller Grad Duos S from the Russian company i4Technology will not only protect your area from the entry of homeless people or neighbor's dogs and cats, but will also be able to protect from other uninvited guests: raccoons, foxes, wolves and other representatives of wild fauna. Two multi-directional emitters with a coverage angle of 180° effectively cover an area of ​​200 sq. m, thanks to which even a large courtyard can be easily protected from unwanted visits. The maximum distance from the radiation source over which ultrasound waves propagate is 20 m, the most effective is 10 m.

The device is equipped with a universal mounting stand with holes for self-tapping screws, which greatly facilitates installation of the equipment on any surface convenient for you. And choosing the degree of inclination allows you to direct the signal exactly in the direction from which animals are expected to appear. One of the biggest advantages of the Grad Duos S is its universal charging method. Power is supplied in three ways: from the mains, an external battery and a solar panel, so this model can be used even in areas where there is no electricity.

3 Tornado-115

Easiest to use
Country Russia
Average price: 1850 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The ultrasonic repeller "Tornado-115" is designed for reliable protection against various pests. Using a special high-frequency signal, it gives animals discomfort that forces them to run away from the affected area. It has two emitters, which significantly increases the efficiency of the device. Operates from a standard socket with a power of 220 W. Installed in front of the entrance at a height of 1 to 1.5 meters. The action is aimed at a specific territory. Has no adjustments or settings. “Tornado-115” is the simplest electronic ultrasonic repeller that copes well with its main task - protecting the territory from cats and dogs without harm to humans. There is a 12 month manufacturer's warranty.


  • easy to use;
  • operates in a wide temperature range (from -5 to +40);
  • small sizes;
  • copes with its task;
  • has no effect on humans.


  • requires constant connection to the power grid;
  • breakdowns happen.

2 EcoSniper LS-937CD

The best ratio of price and quality
A country: Russia (manufactured in Taiwan)
Average price: 1850 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The EcoSniper LS-937CD dog repeller is designed for use in the area in front of the house. Mounts on the wall and has a 90 degree directional action. Taking into account the operating range (15 meters) and the angle of inclination, the resulting protected area is about 200 sq.m. Works at a wide range of temperatures: from -10 to +50. Power type: from the mains. It has an unpleasant effect with high-frequency pulses on small rodents, cats, dogs, etc. It has a small round shape and weighs about 400 g. Customer reviews indicate good wear resistance of the device and its efficiency. Does not affect human and animal health. The manufacturer warns of the danger of exposure to moisture or direct sun rays on the device body.


  • reliably repels dogs;
  • safe for humans;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • affects a large area;
  • a light weight;
  • small dimensions.


  • you always need an outlet nearby;
  • not very durable body.

1 Weitech WK0053

Most functional
Country: Weitech WK0053
Average price: 3300 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Weitech WK0053 is an ultra-modern device with the most extensive equipment. Firstly, it runs on solar panels. Secondly, it can be configured to protect against specific animals. Thirdly, the built-in sensor turns on the device only when motion is detected in a given area. This saves battery life significantly. It is a small box with a special fastening for a nail. By the way, this sensor has a separate sensitivity setting. An important feature of the device is its protection according to the IP54 standard, which ensures resistance to moisture, dust, etc. It operates at high frequencies, so people do not feel the effects of ultrasonic waves.


  • several repellent modes (3);
  • adjusting the intensity of the motion sensor;
  • operation from solar panels;
  • high efficiency;
  • reliable protection from a wide variety of animals;
  • very strong body;
  • best customer reviews.


  • high price.

Unfortunately, there are situations in our lives in which we need to quickly and effectively stand up for ourselves. These include cases in which not only people are involved, but also animals, in particular dogs.

Not only stray dogs pose a danger, but also “the owner’s” ones. Quite often on the street you can see dogs walking without a muzzle or a leash. Assurances from the owners that the animal does not bite can reassure few people, especially if the dog is large.

The craze for breeding fighting dogs and guard breeds causes considerable concern on the part of the public. And the careless attitude of the owners during walks and the lack of training in dogs can lead to extremely undesirable consequences.

As for stray dogs, they usually attack in packs. Single dogs are more preoccupied with searching for food, but when obvious signs aggression can attack a person alone.

That's why in Lately become popular means protection from dogs, allowing you to protect yourself from animal attacks.

What to do when aggressive dogs appear?

If you notice clearly in your immediate vicinity aggressive dog, the best way out of this situation is to quietly leave dangerous territory. At the same time, you should not attract the animal’s attention to yourself - wave your arms, shout or throw stones or sticks at it.

In the event that the dog directly shows “interest” in you, it will not be superfluous to have on hand stray dog ​​protection device. This will help scare the animal away without causing physical harm to it.

A separate story– if the dog attacks a person or is about to attack. The consequences can be catastrophic - the animal can cause serious damage and end up with rabies.

If you are bitten, you should immediately go to the emergency room. If the dog is domestic, you should find out what vaccinations it has received, but if the dog is a stray, you will have to undergo a full course of rabies injections.

The best remedies for stray dogs

We bring to your attention an overview of products that provide protection against dogs on the street. All information is presented based on real reviews buyers, as well as manufacturers' instructions.

Traditional methods

Since ancient times, the so-called cayenne mixture has been used as protection against dogs. It consists of finely chopped shag (you can take tobacco) and any ground pepper, preferably hot pepper, but if it is not available, any will do.

The mixture can be poured into a bottle with a neck diameter of 3-4 centimeters and a height of 7-9 centimeters. With such a container size, one movement is enough for the powder to easily get into the dog’s face. A bottle of vitamins is best suited for these purposes.

You should know that the Caine mixture cannot be used indoors.

Important. Experts recommend that you never put the container with the mixture in your trouser pocket. The best place for it is the chest pocket. While in dangerous areas you can quickly take out the bottle and use the mixture.

Another well-known remedy is citric acid. You can buy it in grocery stores, in those departments where they sell spices. Recommendations are the same as above. But the effectiveness of the cayenne mixture is much higher than citric acid.

Ultrasonic repellers

They are among the most effective means of protecting against dogs. The proven action gives grounds to talk about them as devices with maximum efficiency.

The action of repellers is based on the effect of ultrasound on the hearing organs and, accordingly, on the brain in dogs. For comparison, imagine that an airplane is flying above you at low altitude.

Ultrasound causes a feeling of discomfort in animals, and they try to escape from the dangerous zone as quickly as possible. If you notice an aggressive dog, you should direct an imaginary beam from the device directly at the animal, preferably at its head. When the animal turns and runs, the beam must be directed after it.

Pictured is one of the top sellers -

The greatest efficiency of the devices is observed with a range of 5-10 meters, then the effect of ultrasound is significantly reduced.

The best of the series of ultrasonic dog repellers are considered to be Typhoon LS-300.

Very important. It is strictly not recommended to test devices on friendly animals. This can cause them to become aggressive and behave inappropriately. You should also not direct the beam of the device at people - severe headaches and discomfort may occur.

Ultrasonic repellers are considered the most effective dog repellents for children. Ease of use, compactness and aesthetic design of devices that resemble a toy make it possible for children and older people to use the products.

Pepper spray

Another effective remedy for protection from animals. Contains a mixture of peppers, causing burning in the eyes, watery eyes and severe cough.

Among the disadvantages of this method of protection, the following point should be noted. You need to take the can out of the bag, remove the cap and direct the stream at the dog. You may simply not have these seconds - while you are performing these simple actions, the animal will already attack you. Pepper spray cans are not recommended for indoor use.

Are you afraid that you might become a victim of a stray dog ​​right in your yard? Although in most cases, you are worried not so much for yourself, but for your children, who often become objects of animal aggression. Such situations are not uncommon, but if you properly prepare for a meeting with an animal, problems can be avoided. Today, manufacturers offer different devices, and we will try to find out which of them has become the leader in efficiency.

Ultrasound that repels dogs - reliable and inexpensive

This type of device is created taking into account the physiology of dogs. The generated ultrasonic waves create severe discomfort for the animal, they irritate nervous system and force the “enemy” to retreat from the victim. The dog perceives such an attack as your defense and prefers to run away rather than attack under such conditions. True, not all repellers are equally effective. We have selected real “leaders” who have stood the test of time and proven their effectiveness in practice:

Ultrasonic dog repellent device Grom 250

The main advantage is that this device, despite its small dimensions, has excellent technical characteristics. These are two built-in emitters, and high pressure(125 dB), and optimal ultrasound frequency (up to 25 GHz).

Cost - 3300 rubles

Repeller Thunder 250 —

The repeller is effective within a radius of 20 m, you can simply put it (weighs only 250 grams) in your pocket and not worry about being attacked by dogs. Powerful flashes of built-in LEDs enhance the effectiveness of the device. The manufacturer went further and created a real station wagon for all occasions:

  • A siren is a very loud sound that throws not only dogs into panic, but, if necessary, people (thieves, hooligans, etc.).
  • Built-in flashlight – powerful LED creates a continuous stream of light, allowing you to illuminate a large area.
  • Alarm – the presence of a cord allows you to turn the device into a real security system. To do this, it is threaded around the handle of a bag, bicycle, and as soon as someone tries to take possession of your property, a loud sound is generated.

Thunder 250 is very easy to use and does not require special skills. As soon as you are in danger, just press the button on the body and point the device at the dog or the whole flock. The result is that the animals leave the territory, losing the desire to attack.

Electronic dog repeller TYPHOON LS-300 +

If you need reliable protection from dogs, this device is perfect for you. Sturdy body, light weight, powered by a simple battery - Typhoon is always ready to work when you press a button on the body. The main advantage is that this repeller has large range of up to 30 m.

For such devices, this is a very impressive figure, and this is without being tied to bulky batteries or a stationary power supply. The device generates a dog-repellent sound in the range from 18 to 28 GHz - absolutely safe and inaudible for humans, but effective against dogs. As soon as the animal enters the field of action of ultrasonic waves, it begins to panic, a feeling of fear sets in, severe discomfort, they run away, leaving the idea of ​​attacking you.

Using the repeller is simple; just press the button and hold it for 2-4 seconds, pointing it at the aggressive dog.

DAZER II - a powerful repeller from America

How to repel dogs and provide yourself with maximum protection at minimal cost? You simply need DAZER II. This is a proven development that has proven itself in many countries.

This device is not only portable, but also universal. Thanks to its increased power and optimal emission frequencies of ultrasonic waves (up to 24.3 GHz, pressure up to 116.5 dB), the device can scare away: dogs, cats, wild animals, wolves.

  • Cost - 3990 rub.

Pictured is the DAZER II repeller

Range reaches 15 m. The case is very durable, has a fastening (clip) made of steel, allowing it to be worn on a belt, weight is about 120 g. When the repeller operates, a powerful acoustic attack occurs on hearing aid an animal that instantly leaves the “battlefield” - this sound imitates the takeoff of a jet plane, but is absolutely inaudible to humans.

DAZER II is a real “professional”, which has long been used by the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other specialized units.

Gas attack!

If you have not yet managed to purchase an effective device, and your area is attacked by dogs, leaving unpleasant “surprises” or you are in danger, you can try another method. For example, various pepper sprays, gas sprays and even Dichlorvos. True, you will have to “seize the moment” and spray such mixtures in the dog’s eyes when it marks your territory or is preparing to attack a person.

Such a measure will surely for a long time will form an instinct not to return to your site and retreat from the victim. Unfortunately, such methods are not perfect; you may not have time to spray in the animal’s face and then problems cannot be avoided.

It is also possible to use aerosol repellers, for example PA-2 device. The basis of the repeller is the substance Oleoresin capsicum, which causes irritation and even pain shock, which, however, passes quickly without causing serious injury. The 15-30 minutes that a dog or bully needs to recover and come to his senses is enough to retreat or call for help.

Effective at a distance of 50 cm to 2.5 m.

TO How to scare away stray dogs with a whistle?

This is the latest development that will make you feel safe even when meeting a pack of stray dogs. The device is very simple, it resembles a regular whistle. As soon as a person activates the button, there is not an ordinary sound, but an ultrasound. The power of such a device is not inferior to conventional portable repellers, the range is different models reaches from 5 to 40 m.

Anna Belyaeva

Dogs attack at the most various reasons. Sometimes because they feel someone else's fear, and sometimes because they feel threatened. It often happens that this is how they defend their territory. Unmotivated attacks also occur due to the animal being rabid. Bite mad dog, in addition to causing a wound, there is also the possibility of the animal’s saliva entering the bloodstream, which leads to human infection with this disease.

Also very scary are packs of stray dogs, who may consider you a weak prey and hunt you. Bitches are unsafe when feeding puppies, and males are unsafe during the rut.

How do you know if an animal is preparing to attack you?

Most of all, you should be wary of service dogs in the territory they protect, stray packs in the dark or in vacant lots, and, of course, those dogs that rush at you on the command “Face!” "

There are differences in the attacks of different animals. Strays are more timid, they can be scared away even by a well-thrown stone, but they can be extremely persistent. Well, trained dogs may not be afraid even of some specific means of protection, for example, the same pepper spray.

Therefore, if fate has led you to meet such an animal, best advice- is to immediately leave the disputed territory. Fighting dogs are even more dangerous; fortunately, owners rarely walk them without a leash and muzzle.

In the event of an attack, it is worth knowing some of the habits of these animals; this will help you maintain your health and, possibly, your life. So, they always try to attack from behind. Therefore, to prevent an attack, try to retreat backwards, or stand with your back to a fence or wall.

It will also be nice if you stop being afraid, but on the contrary, feel rage and show with your appearance that you are ready to fight back. Sometimes to scare away stray dog, it is enough to growl (scream) at him yourself or launch him with some large, heavy object.

A large dog will try to knock the victim down in order to grab his throat. A small dog cannot do this, but it will try to jump high, trying again to get to your neck, so try to cover your throat with your hands.

Many residents of private homes are faced with another problem - they need to scare away homeless or neighbor dogs from their property, garden, garden or lawns, or protect their pet from a stray aggressive pack.

Means of protection

Many methods of protection from aggressive animals, such as dog repellers, can be cruel, so when using them in practice, first of all, assess whether you are actually in danger or whether the dog is simply barking at you or scaring you.

If the animal nevertheless rushes at you, and there is nothing at hand, try to dodge it, throw sand or earth in its eyes, and best of all, kick the animal back. Sensitive places are his groin, chest, stomach, tip of the nose, bridge of the nose.

But it's best if you have special means, repelling dogs, they can be:

  • gas cartridge;
  • pepper spray;
  • industrial cans based on the smell of citrus or bitter apples;
  • ultrasonic repeller.

Let's take a closer look at these remedies and decide which one is better.

When using a gas canister, you first need to determine the direction of the wind. Because if a stream of gas goes in your direction, then you will find yourself absolutely defenseless against the attacking beast, which will only worsen your situation.

Pepper or industrial dog repellers with other odors were first used by postmen, and quite successfully. The principle of action of pepper spray is simple: it burns the mucous membrane of the animal, thereby neutralizing the attacker. Naturally, you should also take care not to get burned yourself.

Compared to these products, an ultrasonic dog repeller looks especially effective. After all, it is safe for humans and acts exclusively on aggressive animals. In this case, physical damage is not caused to the latter, which is highest degree humane.

Using an ultrasonic repeller is simple: you need to point the device towards the animal and activate the signal by pressing a key.

Choosing the right ultrasonic dog repeller

When choosing a repeller, you should pay attention to only two characteristics:

  • maximum range is the distance at which the animal will feel ultrasound;
  • The effective range is the distance at which the ultrasonic power will be at its maximum.

Repellers also come in two types - manual and stationary. The latter, of course, are more powerful, but they are installed at a specific facility. Well, manual repellers, accordingly, are deliberately created for protection in critical situations from aggressive animals.

Some manual models are also additionally equipped with other useful features. For example, a stun gun, a flashlight or a sound siren.

Smells that help repel dogs

Often, owners of private houses are faced with attacks from stray flocks. How to protect your household, housing and pets from uninvited guests?

You can make homemade repellers. Facilities homemade They operate on the basis that dogs, due to their sensitive sense of smell, which is 60 times sharper than humans, cannot tolerate many odors.

What smell can scare dogs away?

  • Medical or isopropyl alcohol good remedy, which scares away stray animals from your property. Dogs do not like it and the only disadvantage of the product is that it evaporates quickly and therefore needs to be constantly renewed. In order to scare dogs away from the garden, place cotton swabs soaked in alcohol in it;
  • Hot peppers cause irritation to the nose of dogs, and chilli peppers also irritate the eyes and skin, so animals will avoid the place where these plants are planted. You can also sprinkle pepper around the perimeter of your territory. Not a single dog will want to cross this improvised invisible " flavored» line;
  • Dogs do not like the smell of lemons and oranges, so you can use these fruits to discourage uninvited guests from your territory. To do this, cut the fruit into pieces and leave it in the garden or vegetable garden;
  • Vinegar is another smell that an animal's sensitive sense of smell cannot tolerate. Just like with alcohol, soak cotton swabs in vinegar and spread around the perimeter, being careful not to let it soak into the ground, otherwise it could harm your plants.