What's next New Year? What will the year of the yellow earth dog bring?

The time for traditional pre-holiday chores and pleasant preparations will soon come!

Now you will find out what the year 2018 will be like, which animal will become the symbol of the year according to eastern calendar, and the color of the outfit in which to celebrate this New Year!

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The year of which animal according to the eastern calendar

Let's start with the most interesting!

2018 is the time when the patroness and mistress will become Dog. The animal symbolizes devotion, love, justice, wisdom and understanding, but at the same time the readiness to rush into battle if necessary.

Basic color of the year - yellow, because exactly sunny shades cause a mass positive emotions and associations. Element of 2018 - Earth, symbolizing wealth and fertility.

So, the ruling animal of 2018 is the Yellow Earth Dog. Astrologers assure that this period will be very successful! Positive influence Those born in the year of the Dog will feel it more than others.

By eastern horoscope The year of the Yellow Earth Dog begins only on February 16, and ends in January 2019. But in our country it is customary to start counting from the first of January.

So, we have already found out whose year 2018 is and what animal becomes its symbol. Now let’s talk about what to celebrate the holiday in and what color of outfit to choose so that the Dog will be most favorable to us!

The color you should wear to celebrate the New Year

If you pay a lot of attention to horoscopes, then you definitely need to know what color to celebrate the New Year.

Considering that the element of 2018 is Earth, astrologers recommend using the entire natural gamut in the colors of the outfit in which you will celebrate the holiday.

These colors include:

  • black;
  • pale red;
  • orange;
  • gold;
  • yellow;
  • golden;
  • brick;
  • all shades of brown.

Colors defined by the Chinese horoscope

But what colors for the year of the dog are determined for it by the Chinese horoscope:

  • yellow;
  • brown;
  • beige;
  • coffee with milk;
  • gold.

Thus, in order for good luck to accompany you throughout the year and the symbol of the year to be favorable to you, it is best to choose the color of your outfit from yellow, golden, or brown.

You should not wear dresses that are too provocative or revealing. There should be moderation and a sense of style in everything. Short, open outfits that expose the shoulders and back are prohibited.

Avoid things with sparkles and with images (even humorous ones) of cats, because cats are the enemies of dogs. It is not recommended to wear clothes with fur elements.

By the way, you should not choose things with the leopard print so beloved by many.

If you want to learn even more about how to properly celebrate the New 2018 Year of the Dog, then watch this video:

When do you plan to start preparing for the New Year? Write in the comments

2018 anyone? 2018 is the year of which animal? – this is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. This year it will be difficult to resist the temptation to waste money; all signs need to be careful and reasonable in their spending. Saving in the year of the Earth Dog is a fundamental factor for success. It is worth refraining from temptations, making fewer unnecessary movements, wasting not only your finances, but also your time and energy.

All winter of changes in personal life It is not predicted for representatives of the Ox, Pig, Rat and Dragon signs. The rest of the signs need to be on their guard, as there will be the influence of negative trends. All signs should make compromises all winter and spring, forgive their partner their weaknesses, listen and help with advice. If at the beginning of the year the family manages to maintain a pleasant atmosphere, then all things will go well throughout the year.
It will be useful to travel throughout the spring, especially for work.

It’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings; at this time of year you need to be more careful not to get caught in other people’s networks. It is best to start new business in mid-summer; you can also look for a new place of work at this time. In the fall, there is no need to change anything globally. In 2018, it is better not to create conflicts with your superiors, but rather to peacefully resolve emerging problems and issues.

Marriages concluded in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will be strong and calm. At the end of autumn - beginning of winter, it is worth paying attention to your health.

General characteristics of the sign

Representatives of the sign are very loyal, confident people. You can't rely on anyone like the Dog. If she promises something, you can be sure that the job will be done, and in at its best. The Dog is not the best leader, but an excellent employee. Her responsible nature simply cannot allow her to do anything wrong. A dog is a good teacher and wise adviser. She is assertive, knows how to stand up for herself, and prove her point. Unlike, for example, Roosters or Bulls, the Dog knows how to admit and correct its mistakes.

IN family life It’s easy and calm with a Dog. If everything suits her, she will improve everyday life and look after the family hearth. Otherwise, it is better not to expect strong loyalty from the Dog; despite all its devotion, the Dog knows its own worth. In relationships, he is always guided by both the desires of the heart and the arguments of the mind. She is not the first to meet her partner halfway, but she actively responds to actions from the opposite side.

The dog really knows how to spend money. Representatives of the sign are the best at making money out of money, investing it and multiplying it. At the same time, Dogs are often shopaholics, but only when there is actually more than enough money. The Dog’s children will definitely not go hungry; first of all, representatives of the sign care about the comfort of their family rather than their own.

It is easy to anger a dog if you create chaos around him. People born under the sign of the Dog love order, but do not like minimalism. They learn easily and strive to explore new horizons. Dogs love to travel, both within their own country and abroad.

Horoscope for signs for 2018

It won't be easy for the Rat in 2018. The Rat is sentimental and selfish by nature, while the Dog is more practical. It will be easier to establish relationships with other signs if the Rat makes concessions and is able to find a compromise.

The Ox promises to have a successful year. If no global changes occur in family life, then in the professional sphere everything will go smoothly.

For Tiger, 2018 will be full of new acquaintances and eventful. Adventurous by nature, the Tiger is very similar to the Dog in its heightened sense of justice. You should approach matters wisely, do not make hasty conclusions, and do not rush headlong into the pool.

Rabbits will have a calm and peaceful year, without any major changes. In 2018, the Rabbit has the opportunity to find truly faithful and devoted friends. A favorable year for changing jobs.

The Dragon needs to be wary of troubles at work. This year it will not be easy for representatives of the sign. Accustomed to always shining, they will need to moderate their ardor and try to do without universal approval and constant flattery.

In 2018, Snakes need to relax and try to let go of the situation. In relationships with the opposite sex, Snakes do not observe negative tendencies.

It is better for a horse not to make hasty decisions in the professional field. In 2018, there is a high probability of finding your love, and such relationships will be very long and strong.

It is better for the Goat not to look for difficulties where there are none. Sometimes you need not to share responsibilities, but to do everything yourself. This will be more effective both at work and in family life.

The Monkey should beware of problems at work. Problems in family life can come from unexpected places. In mid-spring and until the end of summer, you should relax and take time for your health.

The Rooster should be more cunning and look for non-standard ways to solve problems. In family life, you should not give in to quick pleasures and not waste your time on trifles.

For the Dogs themselves, not everything will go smoothly in their relationships. At the same time, in 2018 the Dog will find truly loyal friends and work partners. It is not recommended to go on long business trips.

Everything will go smoothly for the Pig. Long-standing issues with finances will be resolved, and ways will be found to resolve contradictions and misunderstandings in the family.

The dates of the New Year according to the Eastern calendar are somewhat different from those generally accepted in Russia. If in our country every year begins and is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1, then in the East everything is completely different. For them, this date is floating and is closely related to the phase of the moon (occurs every 12th new moon). Therefore, in reality the year of Yellow earth dog will last from February 16, 2018 to February 4, 2019.

The Chinese have very interesting system calculation of time. They divide time into cycles of 60 years. Each year in this cycle is associated with a certain color, animal and element. It turns out that next year will have the following characteristics:

  1. Yellow color;
  2. The beast is a dog;
  3. Element – ​​earth.

table of correspondence

To determine which animal the year you are interested in belongs to, as well as what color and element it will be, the easiest way is to use the table (data provided for 1930-2050 - 2 cycles):

Red (fire) Yellow (ground) Blue-green (wood) Black (water) White (metal)
Dog 1946, 2006 1958, 2018 1934, 1994 1982, 2042 1970, 2030
Rooster 1957, 2017 1969, 2029 1945, 2005 1933, 1993 1981, 2041
Tiger 1986, 2046 1938, 1998 1974, 2034 1962, 2022 1950, 2010
Bull 1937, 1997 1949, 2009 1985, 2045 1973, 2033 1961, 2021
Rabbit 1987, 2047 1939, 1999 1975, 2035 1963, 2023 1951, 2011
Rat 1996, 2056 1948, 2008 1984, 2044 1972, 2032 1960, 2020
The Dragon 1976, 2036 1988, 2048 1964, 2024 1952, 2012 1940, 2000
Horse 1966, 2026 1978, 2038 1954, 2014 1942, 2002 1990, 2050
Monkey 1956, 2016 1968, 2028 1944, 2004 1932, 1992 1980, 2040
Pig 1947, 2007 1959, 2019 1935, 1995 1983, 2043 1971, 2031
Sheep 1967, 2027 1979, 2039 1955, 2015 1943, 2003 1931, 1991
Snake 1977, 2037 1989, 2049 1965, 2025 1953, 2013 1941, 2001

However, it must be remembered that the start and end dates of the year do not coincide with the traditional ones and depend on the 12th new moon. They need to be recognized separately.

Year of whom: main features of the sign

By Chinese calendar A dog is a sympathetic, honest, loyal and kind animal. People born in the year of the dog have the following qualities:

1. Positive:

  • Loyal and loving (they are monogamous, and also incredibly devoted to their friends and loved ones);
  • Honest and fair (you can safely trust them with secrets and ask for advice);
  • Kind and caring (always strive to help others, sometimes even to their own detriment);
  • Reasonable and calm (excellent control over themselves in difficult situations, from them we get good leaders and bosses).

2. Negative:

  • Excessive gullibility and vulnerability (if you are their friend or loved one, they will believe you unconditionally, even if the facts confirm that you should not believe, but if a small deception is discovered, they will take it very hard, even too much);
  • Sometimes they are stubborn and overly confident that they are right (in this situation, convincing them that they are wrong is almost impossible);
  • They can be quarrelsome (if you greatly upset a representative of this sign, for example, by deceiving or betraying them, they can begin to behave quite aggressively: screaming or even attacking you with their fists);
  • Excessive worry (they tend to constantly worry about everything, even about insignificant things).

Who to celebrate New Year with

Since a dog is a friendly and herd animal, the wisest thing to do would be to gather your closest friends and relatives around you. People you truly trust. Then both the holiday and the year as a whole will be wonderful.

What to wear and how to decorate your home

In clothing and home decoration, you should stick to various shades of yellow, beige, brown and gold. Various gold jewelry would be very appropriate (but don’t overdo it). Also, your overall appearance should not be overly luxurious. Give preference to more modest, comfortable and practical outfits.

What dishes to cook

Since the dog’s favorite treat is meat, it is worth preparing as many different meat dishes as possible: chicken, beef, pork, meat pates and salads.
How the animal symbol of 2018 will affect the horoscope.
A dog is a peace-loving creature that does not tolerate conflicts. Consequently, according to astrologers, there is a high probability that world conflicts and unrest will finally end in the coming year. Previously tense relationships with friends and acquaintances will also improve. Overall, this should be a year of peace and tranquility.

Every person wants to look into the unknown future and quickly find out what the coming 2018 will be like: what animal according to the horoscope, what color, what to celebrate this holiday in and what to prepare for the New Year's table? We will answer all these questions immediately and with great pleasure. Since the New Year is a magical holiday, it should be celebrated correctly. Then the whole coming year will be mega-positive and mega-successful.

New Year according to the Eastern calendar began to be celebrated in our country relatively recently. However, this tradition harmoniously “fit” into the domestic framework, which entailed a whole series of New Year’s pleasures. These are cute too animal symbols - patrons of the New Year, and traditional colors, and a festive menu, and a stylish wardrobe. Some astrologers believe that these factors can directly affect the course of events that will await you in the coming year.

Very soon we will be celebrating the new year 2018: what animal according to the horoscope, what to wear and what to prepare for the festive table - you should take care of this today. Next year's patroness will be the Yellow Earth Dog - an intelligent, sensible and very loyal animal. And although the Dog will enter into its immediate rights somewhat later than New Year’s Eve (according to the Eastern calendar, year Yellow dog will occur on the New Moon, February 16, 2018), souvenir shops are already in full swing with active trade in cute porcelain figurines of dogs and magnets with pictures of puppies. Therefore, the question of what kind of memorable gift should be presented to loved ones in honor of the New Year 2018 will be considered resolved.
If you are planning to transform your home for New Year's Eve or give your loved ones exclusive gifts, start choosing and purchasing New Year's symbols now to be in time for the holiday. It will be even cooler if you make and give exclusive dogs to your loved ones for good luck and for a long memory.

What to expect in the new 2018?

Throughout the next year, the donated dog will faithfully protect its owner from all sorts of troubles and adversities. It will bring mutual understanding and prosperity to married couples, therefore Marriages entered into in the year of the Dog are considered successful and happy.. As we have already said, a dog is a kind and friendly animal. Therefore, she will be favorable to those who value such qualities as friendship, loyalty, honor and justice. Next year will be successful for military personnel, lawyers, scientists, entrepreneurs and government officials. Financial transactions concluded in 2018 will be successful, but you should treat money very judiciously and thriftily. The element of the new year - earth - suggests that the year will be stable, balanced and peaceful in all respects.

People born in the year of the Dog according to the eastern calendar, are excellent speakers and diplomats. They successfully choose their friends and are loyal friends themselves. In the family, representatives of this sign are assigned the role of a caring husband or wife, but they categorically do not tolerate betrayal.

What to wear to celebrate the yellow dog in 2018?

If you already know who you will congratulate on New Year's Eve and what you will give, it’s time to take care of yourself and your appearance. As for the outfit, it should be elegant, but not too pretentious, not vulgar or provocative. It could be Nice dress or a smart shirt in symbolic tones and shades. The main color of 2018 will be yellow - the color of wisdom, sun and light. Along with yellow , the New Year's trend will include the following colors:

  • orange;
  • brown;
  • gold;
  • brick;
  • pale red.

In terms of jewelry, you should avoid shiny items and leopard prints. Image of cats and natural fur also prohibited.

What to cook for the table for the New Year 2018?

Like New Year's outfits, dishes for festive table You should not choose overly pompous and pretentious ones. The main requirement for the New Year's menu is a large selection of meat snacks. Prepare for the festive feast:

  • cold cuts;
  • baked meat and fish;
  • meat salads;
  • salads from offal (heart, liver);
  • pates and meat sandwiches.

Take time to decorate and set the New Year's table - choose yellow napkins and plates, you can take a white tablecloth. Avoid red when decorating your New Year's meal. Also choose candles, dog figurines and New Year's crafts in golden brown colors.

The new year 2018 is just around the corner - what year of the animal according to the horoscope will it be, and what to expect from it? I always find out in advance what he likes New Year, what colors he prefers in clothes (you have to look for a dress), and most importantly, what good it promises and what you should be wary of.

And no less interesting, what can each of us do to appease the symbol of the year and make our lives and the fate of our loved ones more successful, prosperous and calmer during these 12 months?

Wise Chinese centuries ago divided the years into 60 cycles, assigning each its own symbol in accordance with the element, animal and color. The year of the red fiery rooster is ending and will be replaced by the year of the dog, and not an ordinary one, but a yellow one, and an earthen one at that.

What will 2018 be like?

What will the new year 2018 be like according to its patron?

The Earth Dog promises to make life calm, quiet, without any special surprises. This means that you can count on the new a year will pass peacefully, without scandals, shouting, sudden changes, both in the family, and at work, and even in politics.

Astrologers predict the dominance of material wealth over moral principles, that is, in 2018 you can expect:

  • for success in business;
  • improvement of financial condition;
  • promotions at work.

The color yellow gives the symbol of the year wisdom and the ability to restrain itself at the right moment, which means that the likelihood of clarification of relationships and scandals is reduced. Beauty!

By the way, if you analyze other years that passed under the same sign, they were calm, prosperous, without disasters or political upheavals. For example, these were the years 1958 and 1898 - examples of peace and silence surrounded by more chaotic years.

A dog hardened in outdoor conditions will also help us avoid serious illnesses—we shouldn’t expect any health problems. But also bad habits you will have to abandon it - the animal does not like to spend money on all sorts of nonsense. After all, it is better to use them for tasty and healthy food, improving living conditions (covering the booth, insulating it).

IN love relationships good luck is also expected:

  1. U married couples there will be a new honeymoon with a revival of feelings and tenderness;
  2. Well, unmarried and unmarried people should count on a new romance and even a stable marriage.
  3. And no disappointments or separations - dogs are extraordinarily faithful! By the way, it is a good sign to get married in the year of the Dog. Typically, such unions are incredibly strong and durable, and children born in 2018 promise to grow up healthy, cheerful, smart and balanced.

There is a chance to find not only love, but also true, true friendship. Each of us, with the help of a dog's sense of smell, will be able to accurately identify falsehood, lies and notice people with whom we want to go through life and share all the joys and hardships.

2018 according to the eastern calendar

According to the eastern calendar, time is divided into 12 cycles, each is assigned an animal, the criterion is supplemented by the elements - wood, fire, metal, water and earth. It's amazing why the Chinese called the earth yellow!

But in those parts, it is not chernozem or other dark-colored soils that predominate, but loam and clay, which give the earth a yellow and brown color. So it turns out that 2018, according to the elements, belongs to the yellow earth.

Of course, assigning the status of an earth dog to a dog is rather strange, but, you see, an earthly creature is much more peaceful than a violent, sometimes even dangerous one fire rooster, in the elements of which we have lived for almost a year.

Characteristics of the 2018 Year of the Dog

A dog is essentially a domestic creature, loyal to death. No wonder these animals are called best friends person, so 2018 promises to be good in all respects.

The new symbol is respectable, honest, prefers to guard his property rather than commit robberies or raids. He is pragmatic, not with his head in the clouds, but valuing real friends, family, home comfort and warmth. Refuses drastic changes and reforms.

What does the Yellow Earth Dog like?

The dog prefers stability, but is not a stranger to new experiences, so to please him, it is worth going on a trip or a long-planned vacation, making repairs, or moving. Although the unassuming guard is ready to live in a simple booth, he will not mind lounging in the mansions.

The dog also loves honesty, so he will have to obey laws and traditions without slipping into reforms and strange innovations. Only measured daily work and hard work! But a thrifty yellow dog will help you get a reward, if not a buried treasure, then a decent payment for your efforts:

  • promotion at work;
  • salary increase;
  • bonuses and increases are quite real in the new year.

The symbol of the year respects honesty - you should not lie or be a hypocrite either at home or at work, even with competitors and old enemies. But you don’t have to expect deception either - a fair dog will strictly punish thieves and scammers for their dangerous actions!

And dogs also respect creativity in everything, even if the work is ordinary, mundane, then there is an opportunity to show artistic abilities, and the management will probably appreciate the efforts and increase the salary.

Well, for people of mental work, a fertile time is coming - it is imperative to come up with and implement interesting projects.

What should you watch out for in 2018?

There are things you have to watch out for. So, the dog will punish sloths for lack of hard work with a ruble. For excessive aggression and “barking”, violation of oaths of fidelity to a spouse and other sins, the wrestling dog will make you pay to the fullest extent.

Knowing whose year it is 2018, it’s worth adjusting your behavior a little. The dog demands fulfillment simple rules: do not yap without reason, do not bite, especially your own, unconditionally trust people and forget about growling, trying to resolve issues peacefully and diplomatically.

Character of people born in the year of the Dog

The characteristics of people born under the symbol of the Dog are quite predictable. These are loyal people, dedicated to their family and their work. It is typical for them

But these faithful “dogs” also have drawbacks - they are prone to anger, quarrelsomeness, and are sometimes ready to bark at others. They are also let down by excessive confidence in their rightness, which others do not like.

Of course, such characteristics do not make a person a standard, but we are all not perfect. The main thing is to know your shortcomings and be able to control them.

Video - forecast for 2018 according to zodiac signs

Where to celebrate New Year 2018

It is best to celebrate 2018 at home, with family and closest friends; the symbol of the year loves familiar comfort. But if you still have to celebrate the New Year in company, it is better to surround yourself with those people who are pleasant to you - “the dog knows the owner, but not the house.”

Where to celebrate New Year 2018 in Russia

Some families prefer to celebrate the holiday at foreign resorts, far from their homes. But, firstly, not everyone can afford it, and secondly, a holiday without a Christmas tree and snow?

It's good to note this fabulous night Perhaps, even without leaving the country, there are simply amazing places in Russia.

  1. For example, it is worth visiting at least once in your life the main Christmas tree of the country in Moscow, surrounded by fairs and various entertainment venues. And in general, you won’t be bored in the capital - there are so many interesting things here, for every taste!
  2. The northern capital is no less beautiful in winter. In St. Petersburg, you can enjoy its original atmosphere at any time of the year, and in winter the city becomes truly fantastic! Fireworks on Vasilievsky, palace square, fairs, festive entertainment and round dances are a worthy setting for such a significant day.
  3. Veliky Ustyug is a great place for a walk with children who still sincerely believe in Father Frost. Well, would a kid refuse to personally say hello to a storyteller bringing gifts under the Christmas tree? And adults will never be bored, because there is an excursion to a magical tower, a fairy tale trail, a walk with deer and folk games.
  4. It is interesting to go to Kamchatka, admire its unique gifts of nature: geysers, mountains hidden in the snow, volcanoes and real bears.

How to celebrate the New Year

To count on the Dog’s comprehensive help, you need to know how to celebrate the New Year in order to appease the cute creature. In general, the animal is not particularly demanding, but some features are worth taking into account.

2018 - what to celebrate in?

The symbol of 2018 is a homely, not picky creature; it will not make you suffer all New Year's Eve in a pretentious, uncomfortable dress. It will allow you to choose an outfit that fits you well and gives you pleasant memories and feelings. But he won’t approve of wearing pajamas or a T-shirt with jeans at the holiday table!

What color to celebrate New Year 2018

Astrologers consider it most preferable yellow 2018 in clothes, although it does not suit everyone and can visually add several years.

Therefore, we will try to expand the color gamut a little by adding:

  • Gold;
  • Brown;
  • Beige;
  • Terracotta;
  • Orange;
  • Saffron;
  • Khaki;
  • Mustard.

Quite a decent selection, there is an option for every taste. For men, brown shades of formal suits are ideal.

Jewelry made of gold, platinum, silver, wood and amber will help complement your outfit. But you shouldn’t overdo it with makeup, it’s better to limit it natural light make-up

How to decorate your home for the New Year

Do you have a question about decorating your home ahead of the holiday? Yellow color and dog themes are welcome - animal statues different breeds, pillows and bedspreads with their images.

  • Yellow;
  • Cream;
  • Ocher;
  • Citric'
  • Sand'
  • Olive;
  • Coffee.

For the dog higher value has not fashion, but traditions. Therefore, when decorating your home, use family treasures - dishes, photographs, kitchen utensils, old appliances, records, clothes, lamps, books, diaries of ancestors.

For twelve years, my husband and I bought animal figurines that corresponded to the year. And now we put them under the Christmas tree. We also buy candles from the animal of the current year, make a wish and light them until they burn out completely.

How to decorate a Christmas tree

You should not put an artificial tree in your house; your dog will not be happy with such a decoration. Considering the elements of the earth, it is better to install a real, living tree in a tub, which will give a breathtaking aroma and will not harm nature. And in the spring, plant the green beauty in the yard, at the dacha and admire it for many years!

You can decorate the spruce with ordinary toys, as well as with figurines in the form of dogs, bones, their booths and other themed balls.

What to cook for the New Year's table 2018

Probably, every housewife, long before the celebration, thinks about what dishes to choose for the New Year so that it is tasty, satisfying, safe for the stomach and figure, and even manages to please the symbol of the year. Difficult? Not at all, a dog is not a picky creature; it will eat any dish, although it still prefers meat.

  1. Therefore, casseroles, pates, sausages, and salads also made from meat are welcome on the table. It is better to cook dishes on the bone - ribs, drumsticks, entrecotes, wings, and as a side dish - potatoes in any form, buckwheat porridge. Don’t forget about light snacks, vegetables and fruits, so you don’t have a heavy stomach the next morning.
  2. There are no special requirements for drinks, but it is better to give preference to light wines and liqueurs.
  3. Well, don’t forget about table setting; it is recommended to stick to the rustic style and yellow color range. Beautifully folded napkins, natural tablecloths, an abundance of greenery in decorating dishes, dog figurines will please the symbol of the coming year.

What to give for the New Year

Of course, a real puppy would be an ideal gift - it will be useful and will be remembered for a long time. But if you are not ready for such a serious step or are already raising such an animal, then you will have to look for other options.

  • Things with dog symbols can be a pleasant surprise - pillows, blankets, slippers, brooches, sweets, bed linen;
  • Give your colleagues sweets;
  • To parents - good technique, useful household little things.

I am sure that the symbol of 2018 will approve of any gift if it brings joy!
Happy New Year 2018! This is for the holiday spirit!

Although January 1, and even more so February 16, when the Chinese celebrate this holiday, is still far away, we already know what 2018 promises us - what year of the animal according to the horoscope, what to expect and how to appease a yellow earthen dog and become happier, more successful, healthier . With this I say goodbye, I sincerely wish you to prepare well for the holiday and have fun celebrating it, don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates!