The beautiful name Yaroslav: the day of the angel and the lives of saints with this name. What does the name Yaroslava mean for a girl?

Yaroslav - male name Slavic origin, consisting of two bases. It has two roots: “yar” (bright) and “slav” (glory). The literal meaning of the name Yaroslav is “bright glory.” Given name- one of the few Slavic ones accepted by the Russian Orthodox Church. To date, it has become widespread in five countries: Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. Two cities were named in honor of Prince Yaroslav the Wise: Yaroslavl and Yaroslav.

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    Name day

    During the year, a person named Yaroslav has name days according to the church calendar three times:

    • March 5 (at leap year- March 4) is the memorial day of Prince Yaroslav the Wise.
    • June 3 is the memorial day of Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich of Murom.
    • February 11 or December 8 is the memorial day of the holy martyr Archpriest Yaroslav Savitsky.

    This is interesting! Until 2005, the name Yaroslav had name days only twice: June 3 and February 11 (December 8). Only on December 8, 2005, when His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II blessed the name of Prince Yaroslav the Wise and it was included in the calendar, the third ones appeared (March 4-5).

    Character and destiny

    Among children his age, Yaroslav has a difficult, even somewhat stubborn character. During his childhood, he is very energetic, which is why he cannot sit in one place for a long time. But, even if you manage to keep an eye on him at home, the boy will still do something at school, for which teachers will often complain about him. Since childhood, he strives to demonstrate independence and does not want to follow the rules established by other people.

    Yaroslav is a sporty person. In martial arts he will be able to reveal his full potential. High concentration and the desire to win will help him in this. In order to achieve the goal set for him, he is ready to use all his skills.

    Even though slowness in Yaroslav’s character may initially be noticeable, one cannot help but notice perseverance and firmness in the person. He is a secretive person who does not at all like to share his thoughts and feelings with anyone. When communicating with him, you should not take all his statements to heart. In his irony, Yaroslav sometimes goes too far, but in reality he is more friendly than everyone seems at the first meeting.

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    Position in society

    In a team, the boy always tries to show himself as courageous and persistent. If he has any difficulties, he usually deals with them on his own, without complaining to anyone. His spirit is so strong that it will not break even if serious pressure is put on him. Often those around him believe that Yaroslav has no weak points. He is very susceptible to compliments.

    In a team, the boy’s leadership qualities often manifest themselves. Among friends, who are usually robbers like himself, Yaroslav feels comfortable. Vanity is no stranger to him, and he sees nothing shameful in this. In fact, even from elementary school, he manages to earn good authority. In any company, his opinion will always not be in last place.

    The owner of this name usually places himself above others. He is often selfish and considers himself the best in the team. Whatever situation the guy finds himself in, he manages to avoid unpleasant consequences. He succeeds because he quickly reacts to a rapidly changing situation, and, if necessary, applies tough measures. Such character qualities will turn out to be indispensable if a guy in the future wants to connect his fate with entrepreneurial activity.

    Yaroslav is successful in almost any field of activity. He has a lot of talents. In the future, professions related to art (acting or artistic activity), because he needs fame and recognition. Thanks to perseverance, determination and innate abilities, he will quickly reach the top career ladder. Management and colleagues usually respect him.

    Yaroslav will try to do everything possible to never need money. He sets goals for himself and achieves them, no matter how difficult it may be. A person with this name is always ready to act, to conquer new heights, due to which his reputation is steadily growing.

    In a circle of comrades, Yaroslav is able to attract everyone’s attention at any moment. His nature is such that he simply needs to be looked at and listened to. Yaroslav loves when the attention of others is paid to him. Let it be appearance The guy is tough, he tries to show kindness and tolerance if necessary.

    Behavior in friendship and family

    Boys named Yaroslav find it difficult to build friendships. Such a child is hindered in this by his complex character. Few will be able to find something in common with him in terms of interests and communication, so there is no need to force yourself on him. It’s also not worth arguing with a guy, since he is characterized by vindictiveness and rancor. At the same time, he is always honest and able to act fairly.

    In terms of family relationships, Yaroslav can only be described on the good side. He is always honest with his loved ones, and his wife and child are invariably in first place. He is in no hurry to start a family. Before he proposes to a girl, he must understand that he can trust her. Therefore, people with this name have a strong marriage and a happy family life.


    The child, who was named Yaroslav, quickly gets used to the situation in the house. Him a good appetite and dream. IN infancy Stomach problems often occur. The immune system The baby's birth largely depends on the month and time of birth. So, if he was born during the day, his immunity will be much weaker than if he was born at night. IN adolescence Yaroslav's health is getting better. IN winter time year, a boy named Yaroslav often suffers from tonsillitis.

    The time of year when Yaroslav was born is also of great importance.

    Yaroslav has a predisposition to heart disease. To such a child early age strict rules must be followed nap mandatory for him. The child has a predisposition to nephritis. If there is an opportunity to take him to the sea every summer, you should not miss it, but there he is forbidden to be in the sun. You need to come to the beach with Yaroslav after sixteen hours. Since he has a weak stomach, you should consult a nutritionist and follow all his recommendations.

    The boy is predisposed to bronchitis and various infectious diseases. There is a high probability that he will get scarlet fever in childhood. After birth and during childhood, it has a very weak immunity Therefore, it is important to give him all his vaccinations.

    The boy has a tendency to respiratory diseases. Possible cholecystitis. Stress greatly affects the boy, so there is no point in yelling at him. There is a high likelihood of indecisiveness in the future.

    If the owner of this name was born in the fall, then he will often suffer from a sore throat. There is no particular predisposition to other diseases.

    Over time, your health only gets better. An adult man with this name manages to maintain youth and natural attractiveness into old age. Yaroslav should not lean too heavily on alcohol, smoking and sweets. A guy shouldn’t get carried away with frequent feasts. Such a person is more prone to accidents, so caution must be exercised.

    Love and relationships

    Yaroslav is full of passion, but he does not show it to the first people he meets. He likes women who have extravagance, brightness and willpower. Although a man chooses a girl with a strong personality as his companion, he still wants to be the head future family. Considering that in most cases his wife will also covet this “position,” scandals are possible.

    Yaroslav is very jealous; he is characterized by controlling every step of his chosen one. Suspecting his wife of having relationships with other men, he often throws up scenes of jealousy. I am not reconciled to treason. If this happens, he will break off the relationship without hesitation.

    For Yaroslav, marriage is possible with Anastasia, Efrosinya, Elizaveta, Lada, Ekaterina, Svetlana, Elena and Mila. There are also those girls who are absolutely not suitable for such a guy. Poor compatibility of a man with the name Yaroslav with Stella, Zinaida, Clara, Inga, Dina was discovered.

    As a partner, a man with this name is reliable. It is unusual for him to constantly change girlfriends. Yaroslav is exclusively for long term relationship. For Yaroslav, sex is one of the best pleasures that a person allows himself. Often dissatisfied with intimacy, but keeps it a secret.

    In sex, he is characterized by selflessness. He prefers to take all the initiative upon himself, literally subordinating the woman to himself. A man wants a woman to be weak and completely submissive to him at the moment of intimacy.

    Don’t think that Yaroslav is driven by lust. He perceives a woman not as a sexual object, but as a person to whom he would like to give a sea of ​​romance and tenderness. Ordinary female responsiveness is not sexual encouragement for him. He is against intimacy after the first date. Before doing this, the man will first try to find confirmation that the woman has sexual interest in Yaroslav.

“What’s in your name?” - Everyone has heard this phrase more than once and probably wondered: does it matter what you were called when? Moreover, many are racking their brains, thinking about what to name their child so that he grows up happy and his future turns out well. Today we will talk about those named after Yaroslav, we will reveal the meaning of this name and how it affects character and destiny.

What does it mean and where does it come from?

According to historians, this name has purely Slavic roots and comes from two ancient Slavic words: “Yar” (“strong”, “fiery”, “decisive”) and “Slav” (“glorify”, “Slavs”).
At the same time, in the Old Slavonic dictionary there is the word “Yar”, which symbolizes abundance, fertility, and “Yaro”, which means “very”.

That is why Yaroslava means:

  • bright;
  • passionate;
  • strong;
  • divine;
  • solar;
  • full of vitality.

Important! Some scholars suggest that the root “yar” only in relation to a woman means “light”» , « bright."

Some historians believe that Yaroslav - female version male Yaroslav, but at the same time they do not exclude a connection with God Yaril - “Glorifying Yaril.”

Day Angel

Yaroslava does not celebrate her name day according to the church calendar, since this name is not included in the calendar. Therefore, with a child, parents will be advised to choose a different name.
It should be remembered that Angel Day and name day are not one holiday. Angel Yara's Day falls on the name day of the male version of this.

Did you know? Believers believe that if you baptize a child with a name different from the worldly one, they will not be able to damage him.

Short and diminutive form

Yaroslava sounds beautiful, majestic and proud, but there are also diminutive options:

  • Glory;
  • Yaska;
  • Yarka;
  • Yasonka;
  • Slavochka;
  • Warbler;
  • Yarochka;
  • Yasyunya;
  • Yaroslavka;
  • Yaroslavochka;
  • Yarishka;
  • Yasyunya.

Sometimes these people are called Yasochka, Rosya, Slavtsya, Yarilka and Yarina - these are more exotic options.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

On foreign languages this name is almost unchanged and sounds something like this:

  • German, Esperanto, French, Italian, Norwegian - Jaroslava;
  • Greek - Γιαροσλάβα (Giarosláva);
  • English - Yaroslava;
  • Chinese - 雅羅斯拉夫 (Yǎ luó sīlāfū);
  • Japanese - ヤロスラフ (Yarosurafu);
  • Armenian - Յարոսլավ (Yaroslava);
  • Ukrainian, Belarusian - Yaroslav.

Character Traits, Temperament and Behavior

In life, Yaroslava fully justifies the origin of her name: she is an active and sociable person, easily gets along with people and attracts with her ease, affability and friendliness. She is independent, loves the attention of others, and is in the thick of things.
It is worth noting that although there is some assertiveness in her character, she often admits that she is wrong. And the owner carries such traits as honesty and justice throughout his life.

Yassi love to make people feel good. For example, they can give a gift or prepare a pleasant surprise just like that, for no reason.

The Yars are sympathetic and good-natured people, ready to help at any time, putting aside their own affairs. It is this trait that loved ones value and love.

Study, professions and career

Independence, diligence and flexible character allow Yaroslavs to achieve considerable success in their studies and careers. Thanks to their perseverance, perseverance and desire to finish what they started, such women become:

  • accountants;
  • programmers;
  • journalists;
  • teachers;
  • engineers;
  • choreographers;
  • flight attendants;
  • translators.

Health and hobbies

As a child, Yasi likes to attend various clubs. Those where you can free yourself from excess energy and compete are in great demand: dancing or extreme sports.

Among Yarochka's hobbies are animals, books and watching cartoons (and this love does not fade with age).

Important! Yaroslavs should carefully select their diet and try not to freeze.

Yaroslavs are distinguished by good physical shape and, thanks to physical activity, retain their food for a long time. However, the bronchi and intestines - weak organs such women.

Love relationships and family

In a relationship, Yara devotes herself entirely to her lover. However, this is only if she is sure of reciprocal feelings.
When such a woman is possessed by a truly bright feeling, she becomes a loving, responsive, faithful and caring wife.

Such girls are in no hurry to get married. They look closely at their lover so as not to experience disappointment later. Yasya wants to see everything in her companion positive features that she knows.

Immediately after marriage, it is advisable for such women to live with their parents (but not with their mother-in-law - the Yaroslavs cannot stand comments) so that they can teach them how to run a household. Even if she is not a very dexterous cook, in the future she is able to surpass even the most experienced chefs.

Yaroslava is a faithful wife, but, despite the gentle sound of her shortened name, she will not forgive betrayal. Is divorce imminent? and the spouse must take this into account. At the same time, the woman will endure the breakup quite steadfastly.

Yasya is brought up in strictness, often punished, without even realizing that words are more effective than physical actions.
Such girls are indifferent to sexual life. And only after birth does her libido grow and sex becomes more interesting.

Important! Sex is not the main thing in Yaroslava’s life, so the partner should devote more time to foreplay.

Ideal compatibility will be achieved with men bearing names such as: Dmitry, Maxim, Kirill, Gleb, Stepan, Eduard, Ivan, Ruslan, Vadim, Nikolai, Valentin, Georgy, Arkady, Daniil, David. Relationships with Igor, Semyon, Denis, Alexey will not be easy.

Meanings of letters in the name and numerology

In numerology, this name corresponds to the number “5”, which means an independent and freedom-loving person. Such people rarely listen to other people's opinions and advice, making mistakes and gaining their own experience.

Breaking it down letter by letter, you can get an interesting and contradictory personality:

  • I am responsible for self-esteem, a rich inner world.
  • P - the ability to achieve the essence, the potential for craft.
  • O - inner wealth, wonderful intuition.
  • C - desire for security.
  • L - creative abilities, ability to appreciate art.
  • A is a symbol of beginning, the desire for improvement.
  • B - optimism, cheerfulness, honesty.

Did you know? There is a version that the name Yaroslav came from the city of the same name - this is what its inhabitants were called.

Name Astrology

Yaroslavs are unusual personalities who correspond to the following astrological indicators:

  • Zodiac sign - Libra, Taurus;
  • stone - turquoise, azurite, quartz;
  • metal - gold;
  • plant - basil, orchid;
  • tree - oak;
  • animal - deer;
  • color - fiery red, scarlet;
  • planet (or rather, star) - the Sun.

Name in history: famous and successful people

Women with this name have taken their rightful place in history. The most famous personalities:

  • Yaroslava Vyacheslavovna Shvedova is a Russian professional tennis player who also represents Kazakhstan in competitions. Among the achievements is victory in 2 Grand Slam tournaments in doubles.

  • Yaroslava Iosifovna Stetsko is a political, anti-Soviet activist from Ukraine. Founded the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists.

  • Yaroslava Aleksandrovna Pulinovich - Russian playwright (plays, film scripts). Among famous works- “Yolki-5”, “Cloud of Happiness”, “Elsa’s Land”.

  • Jaroslava Mozerova is a Czech politician. The first woman in political history Czech Republic, which has put forward its candidacy for the post of President.

We tried to provide maximum information about the name Yaroslav. We hope that now you will be able to better understand the character of your friends. But it is also worth considering that not everything in a person depends on the name, because he develops many character traits himself.

Old Church Slavonic names hold the palm among the popular names that parents choose for their newborn babies. Boys and girls are called the same as their ancestors in ancient times, when there was a strong and powerful Kievan Rus. However, not all parents, when naming their child, understand what this or that fashionable name means and what it will bring to their beloved child. For example, the tendency to call boys Yaroslavs acquired in last years new uniform- now newborn girls are named the feminine form of this popular Old Slavonic name. Later, parents planning to baptize their daughter begin to wonder about Yaroslava’s name day. And they are surprised that they cannot find them in the calendar. And really, when is the day of the angel Yaroslava? Let's try to understand this topic.

Origin and meaning of the name

Before giving a name to a girl and being interested in the day Orthodox name days Yaroslavy, it’s worth learning a little more about how exactly it was formed and what it means.

As we said, the Old Church Slavonic name Yaroslav acquired a feminine form over time. Many believe that its meaning remains the same regardless of its form. However, books and reference books indicate a different interpretation female name, on this moment two meanings are known:

  • "Glorifying Yarila." IN Ancient Rus' The cult of pagan gods was given great importance. The Sun God, or Yarila, belonged to the highest caste, so naming a child after him was considered a great honor. Indeed, in this case, the newborn received protection and was endowed with some character traits characteristic of its patron.
  • "Strong and bright." This value is somewhat similar to a man’s name, so it is believed that Yaroslava, whose name day we will try to find out today, has incredible self-confidence and goes through life with her head held high.

However, all this already applies to the character traits of the girl named Yaroslava.

Characteristics of the name: childhood

Already from early childhood, Yaroslav (we will indicate the girl’s birthday in one of the following sections of the article) has been distinguished by activity and self-will. She is inquisitive, has many friends and actively develops due to her natural curiosity. Despite her stubbornness, the girl knows how to admit her mistakes and is the first to make reconciliation with people close to her.

Adult Yaroslava

Over time, character traits such as honesty, openness to new proposals and independence begin to appear in a grown-up girl. Thanks to this, Yaroslava studies very easily both at school and at university, and she has excellent relationships with her peers. The girl has a good sense of humor, insight, knows how to speak beautifully and takes criticism positively. However, you should not offend Yaroslava, she can react very violently.

Girls with this name have the right attitude towards money - they spend it easily, but never indulge in outright squandering.

Yaroslav in love and family life

If you name your daughter this name, then be prepared for a huge number of fans hovering around her. The girl loves entertainment and enjoys spending time with friends and gentlemen. She likes to be the center of attention, so she rarely refuses courtship. However, Yaroslava cannot be called flighty; she clearly understands what kind of chosen one she needs, and will look for him for as long as it takes.

A girl with that name always chooses family life an adult and understanding person who has already taken place in life. And with him, Yaroslava fully reveals herself as a woman. She turns out to be a very faithful and devoted wife, loving mother and excellent housewife. It seems that any matter is in her hands. For the sake of her family, such a woman can sacrifice absolutely everything, but she is very jealous. Therefore, you should not make her emotional; in this state, Yaroslava is capable of stupid and rash actions.

Yaroslav's name day according to the church calendar

Many parents, having read the meaning of this beautiful Old Church Slavonic name in reference books, decide to name their daughter it. However, sooner or later, they come to the moment of their child’s baptism and begin to become interested in Yaroslava’s name day.

It is worth noting that you will not find them in the calendar. Surprisingly, the man’s name is indicated there three times, but Yaroslava’s name day is missing according to the church calendar. The clergy explain this by saying that Orthodox Church There is no tradition of naming a girl with a male name. This trend is considered an echo of paganism, and therefore has not taken root in the Christian church.

When to celebrate Yaroslava's name day?

A girl with this beautiful old name will need to choose a new name at her baptism at the discretion of her parents. To avoid mistakes, they can be guided by several rules:

  • The church name must begin with the same letter as the previous one. In the case of Yaroslava, the day of remembrance of Yazdundokta of Persia is suitable. She happens to be the only woman in the calendar with a name starting with the letter “I”. If you decide to choose this saint, then your daughter will celebrate her name day on November 16th.
  • The chosen name may sound similar to a secular one. For those who decide to stick of this rule, we can advise you to baptize your daughter like Mstislava. IN church calendar The day of the Venerable Martyr Mstislava, which falls on March 10, is celebrated.
  • At the request of the parents, the priest may, at baptism, give the girl any name included in the calendar. Some stop at those that are closest to the date of baptism.

Priests notice that sometimes parents, who are not too familiar with church rules, believe that their daughter’s name day can be considered the days of the patrons of the masculine form of the name. This is a fundamentally wrong approach. Despite the fact that Yaroslav celebrates his name day three times a year - March 5, June 3 and December 8 - no priest has the right to give a girl a male form of name at baptism. This is allowed to be done only in case of tonsure as a nun.

However, if your name is Yaroslav and you have not been baptized, but you really want to celebrate a name day in addition to your birthday, then you can easily choose any date indicated in the church calendar for Yaroslav. This will not be a significant sin and deviation from the rules. But do not forget that a baptized girl should always celebrate her name day only on the day of her patron established by the church.

Linguists believe that the name Yaroslav is a name of Old Church Slavonic origin. According to one version, it comes from the Slavic “ardent” + “glory”. Yarayaya translated from Slavic means “powerful” or “strong”, and the meaning “bright” is often used. Most often literary the meaning of the name Yaroslav is “possessing bright glory”. After the adoption of Orthodoxy in Rus', this version became the most popular.

No less popular is the version of origin on behalf of the Slavic god Yarilo. According to this version the meaning of the name Yaroslav is “glorifying Yarilo”. But it’s better for you to decide which version to choose.

The name Yaroslav has a paired male name - Yaroslav. You can find out the meaning of the name Yaroslav and much more by following the link.

The meaning of the name Yaroslav for a girl

Yaroslava is growing up as a joyful and active girl. She is very positive and kind, but knows how to stand up for herself and others. Yaroslava is a defender of truth and justice. The girl has excellent leadership qualities and her peers often turn to her for help. She is obedient and mostly pleases her parents. She is very obliging and if she has promised something, she will make every effort to fulfill what she promised.

Yaroslav studies well. She learns very well new material and diligent enough to study. Yaroslava often becomes the class leader, although this role does not particularly appeal to her. The girl will be happy to go to various clubs, especially if she can throw out her internal energy there. Yaroslava will be most happy to go dancing, but she may also begin to get involved in extreme sports.

Yaroslava's health is usually good. This is facilitated by her high vitality And physical activity. Usually weak point girls have intestines and bronchi. She needs to carefully monitor what she eats and try not to freeze too much.

Short name of Yaroslav

Yaroslavka, Yasya, Yaska, Slava, Slavka, Yarina, Yarinka.

Diminutive pet names

Yarochka, Yaroslavochka, Yasenka, Yasonka, Yasochka, Slavochka, Slavunya, Slavusya, Yarishka, Yarinochka.

Yaroslav's name in English

IN English language Yaroslav's name is written as Yaroslava.

Name Yaroslav for international passport- IAROSLAVA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Yaroslav into other languages

in Bulgarian - Yaroslava
in Italian - Jaroslava
in Chinese - 雅罗斯拉夫 (transcription)
in Latin - Jaroslava
in German - Jaroslava
in Norwegian - Jaroslava
in Serbian - Jaroslava
in Ukrainian - Yaroslava
in French - Jaroslava
in Czech - Jaroslava
in Japanese - ヤロスラヴァ (transcription)

Church name Yaroslav(in the Orthodox faith) absent (not listed in the calendar). This means that at baptism Yaroslav will receive a name different from the worldly one.

Characteristics of the name Yaroslav

Yaroslava is characterized by a love of life and simply a fountain of energy. She is always busy with something and has many plans. Yaroslava is quite emotional and cheerful, but at the same time serious and responsible. She is a very decent person, which always attracts many friends to her. She is often the leader of the company. Her name characteristics are balanced, making her a versatile person. This is quite a rare phenomenon in our world.

Yaroslav chooses his profession “out of love.” It is unlikely that she will work for a long time at a job she doesn’t like. Yaroslava is multidirectional enough to have no problems in any industry. Her leadership qualities and innate honesty also help. This always attracts others, which helps to achieve success in almost everything. She loves to work in a team, but she is quite bored by herself. This is probably the only limitation in choosing a profession.

IN family relationships Yaroslava is usually lucky. She is looking for a calm and flexible husband. She understands that two leaders in the house is a lot. She is usually the boss in the house, but she does everything very delicately. Her husband rarely worries about this. Yaroslava is usually easy to find mutual language with my husband's relatives. She is a good housewife and a caring wife. Yaroslava knows how to create home comfort and loves to receive guests. She is also a wonderful mother. Yaroslava becomes a true friend for her children.

The secret of the name Yaroslav

Yaroslava's secret can be called her inability to listen. She rarely follows other people's advice, which in turn leads to stupid mistakes. She doesn’t like to learn from other people’s mistakes and will definitely make her own. This is due to a feeling of superiority over others. Yaroslav needs to remember that pride is not far from feeling superior. She should be careful in this matter.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

Totem animal- Pheasant.

Name color- Scarlet.

Tree- Oak.

Plant- Nettle.

Stone- Amber.

Yaroslav is a fairly common name, especially in the post-Soviet countries. Most often, such a name is chosen for their children because of its euphony and many options for abbreviation, but few people think about its meaning and the character traits manifested in its owners. Therefore it is important to know secret meaning named Yaroslav, as well as its influence on the fate of a person.

Characteristics of the name

This beautiful name is of Slavic origin. However, experts cannot give an exact version of its interpretation. Most often it is translated as “having great vitality", "strong" and "bright". In Old Slavonic times, the word “yar” was interpreted as “fertility”, “power of the earth”. Therefore, sometimes it is also translated as “energetic,” and the abbreviation Slava is translated as “glorious,” “distinguished by extraordinary glory.” In Rus', Yaroslav was affectionately called Yarosh, and this title is used even today in Poland and the Czech Republic. Some scientists are convinced of the origin of the name Yaroslav from Normandy. At the same time, it is also popular female uniform named after Yaroslav.


Yaroslav is an unusually strong and morally steadfast person, possessing the strongest energy. A man who owns a similar name always strives for leadership and always tries to be the first and the best. He quickly establishes the main life goals and chooses the most correct ways to achieve them. But the most striking features of Yaroslav include friendliness, kindness and decency. People around him consider Yaroslav very fair and calm, so they listen to his advice and often turn to him for help. He has a balanced character and easily finds a common language even with strangers. It is easy for him to communicate with people from different backgrounds. age categories, population strata and temperaments.

As a child, Yaroslav is a very obedient and problem-free child. He tries not to upset his parents and always act according to their instructions. Before any action, he does not miss the chance to ask permission in order to be sure of the correctness of the chosen goal. The boy's main idol is the kind forest robber Robin Lip, who helps everyone in need selflessly and fully. He quickly wins the favor of his peers and also gains the favor of his teachers. However, he almost never becomes an excellent student, because he has no desire for fame and recognition. Little Yaroslav has many friends and is an unusually gifted child. But if his parents do not direct his talents in the right direction, he may waste them on various little things and not achieve success in life. Therefore, from childhood it is necessary to instill in him a sense of purpose and a desire to achieve a certain success.

Growing up, Yaroslav becomes more self-confident. He tries to distance himself from all boring and uninteresting activities. All free time devotes himself to his hobbies and activities that are useful to him or others. Often Yaroslav follows his own impulses and, without listening to the advice of his parents and loved ones, becomes a musician, writer or artist, but rarely achieves success in this field. He quickly loses inspiration and switches to other activities. Therefore, to achieve success in the creative field, Yaroslav needs a person who supports him and guides him to achieve great success. If there is no such person, it is better to choose more practical activities.

In any company, Yaroslav feels calm and confident. Almost everyone pays attention to him and tries to establish friendly relations. He is educated and knows how to speak beautifully. Always selects the necessary words to maintain a courtyard, friendly, social or even women's conversation. Yaroslav almost always becomes a woman's favorite, but this does not save him from love failures. He is often betrayed and deceived, but he heroically and calmly endures these insults, forgiving unfaithful women. In his soul, Yaroslav experiences such grievances incredibly acutely, but he never shows it to others, trying to seem like a cheerful and cheerful person.

It is difficult to find a more reliable partner than Yaroslav. He often changes women, because there are always ladies who surprise him with their relaxedness and originality. In the intimate sphere, he is considered a very strong partner. He treats sexual relations as the greatest gift available to humanity. Such views on intimacy often lead to dissatisfaction with his partner’s actions, but Yaroslav rarely talks about this, trying to hide his disappointment.

When engaging in sexual relations, Yaroslav does not tolerate being commanded by a woman. He should be the only initiator and ruler in bed. Most of all, he likes women who become fragile, weak and defenseless in his arms, obediently following his suggestions and ideas.

The most striking feature of Yaroslav is his good manners. He has excellent self-control and can refuse any, even tempting and promising adventure. With women, he always remains noble and feels at ease. Many women see him as a noble gentleman, straight out of the novels of old English writers.

Thinking of a woman as a sexual partner, Yaroslav can in his fantasies attribute non-existent qualities to her, making her more tender and romantic. At the same time, he does not set himself the goal of persuading a woman to have sex immediately after meeting him. Such a pleasant end to the evening can only come after a few dates, when Yaroslav fully demonstrates himself as a gentleman, and also becomes convinced of the elegance and romance of the chosen one. Before the start of bed games, Yaroslav needs a certain foreplay, which sets the pace for all caresses and further actions. To find happiness, it is better for him to get acquainted and connect his life with women born in the summer.

The mystery of the name

Yaroslav, born in winter, has a complex character. He is more withdrawn and taciturn. He is sensitive to conflicts, and is also distinguished by his ability to adapt to any living conditions. He is an understanding and attentive interlocutor, and can also give important tips, help.

“Spring” Yaroslav has many talents and can master almost any profession. Also, the owners of this name born in spring are distinguished by sociability, sincerity, as well as an inflated sense of justice.

“Summer” Yaroslav is characterized by a desire to understand everyone around him. However, he is a suggestible person. A good and hospitable friend, capable of becoming a leader.

“Autumn” Yaroslavs are very vulnerable. They are interested in different philosophical questions, and are also distinguished by modesty and reticence