Beautiful quotes about health. Quotes from writers about sports

How to instill in a child the understanding that it is easier to prevent the occurrence of diseases than to cure them? How to imprint in their memory the simplest basics of healthcare and instill healthy habits?

Quotes and statements from famous great people about health will help you instill in children’s minds a love of nature and develop the child’s knowledge of how to protect themselves from diseases. You just need to help the baby understand their meaning.

Explain each phrase and expression in clear language so that wise sense speech patterns were easily perceived and retained in the children’s memory. By using this approach, you will help your child understand the meaning of the quote and remember it faster.

  • If you don’t want to run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick. Horace
  • Gymnastics and physical exercise should become a firm part of the everyday life of everyone who values ​​performance, health, and a full and joyful life. Hippocrates
  • Don't be hunched over, take care of your skeleton - that's all that's left of us. K. Bilica
  • Anyone who expects to ensure his health by being lazy acts as stupidly as a person who tries to improve his voice by silence. Plutarch
  • You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be mentally healthy. L. N. Tolstoy
  • With help physical exercise and abstinence, many people can do without medicine. D. Addison

About pep

  • The most active ally of illness is the despondency of the patient. Gorky M.
  • Nerves deteriorate more easily than they are repaired. Clapier Vauvenargues
  • Don’t make jokes when you have gastritis and don’t lie when you have neuritis! S. Fedin
  • Humor is the only doping that is good for health. I. Gerchikov
  • Happiness is a product of health, so every person should try to physical disorders were only exceptional phenomena. S. Smiles

About proper nutrition

  • Our food substances should be medicines, and our medicinal products must be nutrients. Hippocrates
  • Health depends much more on our habits and nutrition than on the art of medicine. D. Lubbock
  • The mortality rate from khachapuri today is much higher than the mortality rate from hara-kiri. S. Fedin
  • Eat and drink just enough to restore your strength rather than suppress it. Cicero
  • We are what we eat. Li Bo
  • Eating in abundance is harmful to the body, just as abundance of water is harmful to crops. Abul Faraj

About bad habits

  • Drunkenness of fathers and mothers - main reason weakness and sickness of children. Hippocrates
  • During the first half of our life we ​​earn money and an ulcer, which we treat in the second half. S. Fedin
  • The strongest organism is broken, worn out and tired when it uses the gifts of nature too luxuriously. D. I. Pisarev
  • The main thing for your health is that you yourself are not among its enemies. B. Toyshibekov
  • We drink to each other's health, thereby spoiling our own health. D. K. Jerome

About doctors and medicines

  • Respites should not be neglected: for seriously ill patients, temporary improvement replaces health. Seneca
  • Our diseases are so old-fashioned that they cannot keep up with new medicines. L. Sukhorukov
  • Without making a diagnosis, it is impossible to treat the disease. If antidotes are given in excess, they will be more harmful than poison. Ali As-Samarkandi
  • Counteract the disease first; when the disease takes root from long delay, it will be too late to think about medicine. Ovid
  • Sympathy for the patient should be the main movement of the doctor’s mind and heart. T. Kelanovsky
  • Never go to a doctor who is dry houseplants. E. Bombeck
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Greetings to all my readers.

If you, like me, want to switch to , then you know how difficult it is to do, how to overcome a long-term habit such as smoking or drinking beer.

You know how difficult it is to start eating right, and how hard it is to give up your favorite but harmful foods.

And sometimes at such moments you want support, or wise advice. I would like to know what other people think about this - are you doing it right, is it worth continuing and why do it?

This is what I want to dedicate today’s article to. Here I have collected a small selection of sayings about sports and a healthy lifestyle.

It’s very interesting to see a girl who smells nice, has a great figure, a beautiful face, and not a fume, belly and a swollen face!
Unknown author

Playing sports is fun until you sweat.
Maurice Porcupine

Thanks only to sport, a person retains his primitive qualities.
J. Girado

If someone doesn’t want to run in the morning, then nothing can stop him.
Yogi Bera

I don’t go to training to break everyone, I don’t want them to break me!
Unknown author

Be strong in sports, simple in life!
Unknown author

IN healthy bodyhealthy mind.
Yuney Yuvinal

A healthy mind in a healthy body is a wrong expression. A healthy body is the result of a sound mind, that’s the true saying.
D. Birnard

Despite constant repetition, the ending in sports always remains unknown.
Neil Samon

Thanks to physical education and some abstinence, many people would do without doctors!
A. Joseph

Everyone does not swim in the same style, but everyone sinks in the same way!
E. Meek

If you don’t run with health, then you will run with illness.
G. Flaccus

Do you want to be healthy, but are you lazy? You are as stupid as a speaker who wants to improve his voice by silence!

Physical education can replace many medications, but medicine cannot replace physical education.
A. Moso

Life is not just a struggle, but a lot different types sports
B. Krutier

Sayings about a healthy lifestyle

Health is the best wealth we have!

A person who takes care of his health is better than any doctor.

An important condition for recovery is the desire to get well.
S. Lutsyi

A healthy stomach does not accept bad food, healthy mind - bad thoughts!
W. Hezlitt

To live your life correctly, you need to know a lot.
W. Shakespeare

Take food and water so that the strength comes and does not go away!
M.T. Cicero

The body protects itself from diseases healthy image life and wrong way of thinking! A. Minchenkov

Excellent health is when you only go to the pharmacy to buy condoms!

What a vicious circle of life! From a young age we give away our health in order to earn money, and in old age we are forced to give away all our money in order to at least regain our health a little!
L. Sukhorukov

Sauna, massages, teas. How many different pleasures are hidden behind health prevention! And we, like fools, run to the pharmacy!
E. Ermolova

Sayings and quotes about health and medicine.

No art healthier than medicine. Pliny

I want to use whole body gymnastics to make him more balanced. Socrates

Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking out dust from it, so gymnastics cleanses the body. Swift D.

Counteract the disease first; It’s too late to think about medicine when the disease has taken root from a long delay. Ovid

Medicine is truly the noblest of all arts. Hippocrates

Health is as contagious as disease. Rolland R.

Gymnastics prolongs a person’s youth. John Locke

If the pain is painful, it is short-lived, and if it is long-lasting, it is not painful. Cicero

A doctor is nothing more than a comfort to the soul. Petronius

Temperance and work are two true doctors of a person: work sharpens his appetite, and abstinence prevents him from abusing it. Russo J.

Doctor-philosopher: no big difference between wisdom and medicine. Hippocrates

Medicines act more slowly than the disease. Tacitus

Most of our illnesses are our own doing. own hands; we could have avoided almost all of them if we had preserved the simple, monotonous and solitary lifestyle that nature prescribed for us. Rousseau J. J.

For a woman - as experience teaches us - Health and beauty are inseparable. Lope de Vega

Proportion, beauty and health require not only education in the fields of science and art, but also lifelong physical exercise and gymnastics. Plato

When we are healthy, we all give easily. good advice sick. Terence

Just as you cannot begin to treat the eye without thinking about the head, or treat the head without thinking about the whole body, so you cannot treat the body without treating the soul. Socrates

The great advantage of a doctor is that he is not obliged to follow his own advice. Christy A.

The best doctor is the one who knows the uselessness of most drugs. Franklin B.

If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick. Horace

The opposite is cured by the opposite. Hippocrates

The effects of dietary remedies are long-lasting, while the effects of drugs are transient. Hippocrates

Medicine is one of the greatest misconceptions of mankind. Moliere

Anyone who wants to be healthy already partially recovers. Boccaccio D.

Health is more valuable than gold. Shakespeare W.

Health so outweighs all other blessings of life that a truly healthy beggar is happier than a sick king. Schopenhauer A.

The hope of recovery is the floorboard of recovery. Voltaire

A person loves to talk about his illnesses, but yet this is the most uninteresting thing in his life. Chekhov A.P.

The most active ally of the disease is the despondency of the patient. Gorky M.

He who is strong in body can endure both heat and cold. Likewise, someone who is mentally healthy is able to endure anger, grief, joy, and other feelings. Epictetus

Nothing hinders health more than frequent change medicines. Seneca

The disease is a kind of premature old age. Pope A.

If the disease is not identified, it is impossible to treat it. As-Samarkandi

If everything is fine with your stomach, chest, legs, no royal treasures can add anything. Horace

Nothing is as necessary for the entire human race as medicine. Quintilian

Without revealing your illness to the doctor, is it possible to be healed? Rustaveli Sh.

There is no all-healing remedy. Beaumarchais P.

The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals. Hippocrates

What medicine does not cure, iron cures; What iron does not heal, fire heals; What fire does not heal should be considered incurable. Hippocrates

Life is short, the path of art is long, opportunity is fleeting, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult. Therefore, not only the doctor himself must use everything that is necessary, but also the patient, those around him, and everyone external circumstances should assist the doctor in his activities. Hippocrates

Of all medicines, the best is rest and abstinence. Franklin B.

You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be mentally healthy. Tolstoy L. N.

Gymnastics is a healing part of medicine. Plato

A healthy mind in a healthy body - this is a short but Full description happy state in this world. John Locke

Our food substances must be a remedy, and our remedies must be a food substance. Hippocrates

Idleness and idleness entail depravity and ill health - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind towards something brings with it vigor, eternally aimed at strengthening life. Hippocrates

One of the conditions for recovery is the desire to get well. Seneca

Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life. Hippocrates

Health is pleasure itself or inevitably generates pleasure, just as fire creates warmth. Thomas More

Without health, happiness is impossible. Belinsky V. G.

Illness is a cross, but maybe also a support. The ideal would be to take her strength and reject her weaknesses. Let it become a refuge that gives strength at the right time. And if we have to pay with suffering and renunciation, we will pay. Camus A.

With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine. Addison D.

If a person takes care of his own health, then it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better what is beneficial for his health than himself. Socrates

Some are always sick only because they care very much to be healthy, while others are healthy only because they are not afraid of being sick. Klyuchevsky V.

Neither satiety, nor hunger, nor anything else is good if you exceed the measure of nature. Hippocrates

If you follow nature, you will remain healthy forever. Penn William

Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring. Toro G.

As long as the patient has breath, they say there is hope. Cicero

Health is a great thing both for the one who enjoys it and for others. Carlyle T.

Anyone who expects to ensure his health by being lazy is acting just as stupidly as a person who thinks to improve his voice through silence. Plutarch

Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on health. Schopenhauer A.

It is not always in the power of a doctor to heal a patient. Ovid

Diseases are endless. Pliny

Do no harm (to the patient). Hippocrates

Philosophy and medicine have made man the most intelligent of animals, fortune telling and astrology the most insane, superstition and despotism the most unfortunate. Diogenes

The feeling of recovery is one of the sweetest. Pushkin A. S.

A conscientious doctor, before prescribing treatment to a patient, must find out not only his illness, but also his habits. healthy condition, and properties of the body. Cicero

If you exercise, there is no need to take medications taken for various diseases, if at the same time you comply with all other requirements of the normal regime. Ibn Sina

The highest good is achieved on the basis of complete physical and mental health. Cicero

Human health is not in the heart, not in the kidneys, not in the roots, not in the leaves or back. Of course, there are no words, it’s good for a person if he has all this as well as the bulls. But the very essence of purely human health is when one is irresistibly drawn to say something good to another person, as if it were even a law: if it’s good for me, then it should be good for everyone! Prishvin M. M.

Writers' statements about sports and a healthy lifestyle

A.S. Pushkin

“...What is needed? “Movement, gentlemen!”

"My friends! Take your staff, go into the forest, wander through the valley. And as long as the night is deep your sleep.”

Sports and a healthy lifestyle have always been especially necessary. And it’s no secret that they are the most important in a person’s life. Our success and motivation to achieve our goals largely depend on this.

In the year of literature, let us remember the statements of great writers about health and sports, which show us how important they are for every person and what needs to be done for this maximum amount effort.

Suitable as a motto simple words satirical writer Mikhail Zhvanetsky"Instead of life - a healthy lifestyle."

Even in ancient times BC. Ancient Roman poet of the "golden age" of Roman literature Horace said wonderful words that contain more than understandable truths: “If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick!”

- “Thanks to abstinence and physical exercise, humanity can live without medicine,” the words belong to the famous writer, playwright, poet, politician of the 18th century and just to a wise man Addison Joseph.

A writer who possessed “the gift of an extremely subtle analysis of a person’s thoughts and emotional movements,” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote:

“You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be mentally healthy.”

“There is no illness that prevents a person from fulfilling his duty, and can serve people through labor, serving as an example of patience.”

“The beauty of bodily forms always coincides with the concept of healthy strength, active vital energy.”

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, who wrote about himself: “Never, not once in my life have I allowed myself to live relaxed, lounging,” taught how to become a healthy person by reading: “Read more, drive away the thought of drinking in the future, don’t start smoking, don’t reaching out for those who started it early is a bad thing. Remember that you have a lot to do for your people. Everything that will interfere with this - wine, tobacco, but you need to be a healthy person, laziness, exorbitant ambition - drive everything away from yourself. All the best to you."

When Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov, who did a lot to shape the patriotic feelings of a Russian citizen, managed to find a free moment; he preferred activities related to health. He played tennis, at some point did physical exercises at the dacha and liked to say: “An hour spent on the tennis court is always not only an hour of work not lost for me, but, on the contrary, always an hour gained. After this, he moves more freely and works better at his desk.”

- Goethe was born very sickly child and all my life I strived to learn a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, riding a sled horse, exciting dancing, complete refusal bad habits, such as smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol and leading a wild lifestyle.

The German poet and philosopher, whose thoughts and ideas instantly scattered throughout the world, loved to walk. He said: “Everything that is most valuable in the field of thinking, the best ways expressions of thought come into my head when I walk” or “Nature knows no stop in its movement and punishes all inactivity.”

Irish playwright, writer and novelist George Bernard defines a “healthy body” in his own way. Show: “A healthy mind in a healthy body is a stupid saying. A healthy body is a product of a sound mind."

And how to manage your body is expressed by the recognized classic of Russian literature, satirist and playwright Mikhail Zoshchenko: “Managing habits and creating them is one of the basic principles of managing your body,”

On the same occasion, but more sharply and boldly, Vladimir Vladimirovich shouts Mayakovsky, one of the greatest poets of the 20th century: “There is no more beautiful clothing in the world than the bronze of muscles and the freshness of skin.”

Family Radishchevs, grandfather and grandson “about the powers of reason”:

“Excessive rest relaxes the body and is the cause of many, and even serious, illnesses” (A.P. Radishchev)

Just as exercise in bodily movements strengthens bodily strength, so exercise in reflection strengthens rational strength (A.N. Radishchev)

I would like to conclude my discussion on the topic of sports with the words of the laureate Nobel Prize in literature and the author of the famous series “The Forsyte Saga, John Galsworthy: “Sport is the saving force in our world: optimism still rises above it, the enemy is respected here and the rules are followed, regardless of which side wins.”

Absolutely different statements by book and literature lovers about sports, but they all contain the same meaning: “Sport is our everything.”

1. A healthy mind in a healthy body.

Decimus Junius Juvenal

2. Whoever expects to ensure his health by being lazy acts as stupidly as a person who thinks to improve his voice by silence.

Plutarch of Chaeronea (50-120)

3. A person who exercises moderately and in a timely manner does not need any treatment aimed at eliminating the disease.

Avicenna (980-1037)

4. As soon as a person gets sick, he first needs to think about whom he needs to forgive.

Louise Hay

5. Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking it out of dust, so gymnastics cleanses the body.


6. short life we do not receive it, but make it like this; We are not poor in life, but we use it wastefully. Life is long if you use it skillfully.


7. The beauty of bodily forms always coincides with the concept of healthy strength, active vital energy.

Lev Tolstoy

Mark Twain

9. Diseases are cured by nature, the doctor only helps her.


10. Funny people recover faster and live longer.

Ambroise Pare

11. Everyone healthy people love life.

Heinrich Heine

12. All your food should be your medicine!


13. Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life.


14. Movement is the storehouse of life.


15. The effects of dietary drugs are long-lasting, but the effects of drugs are transient.


16. A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.

Arthur Schopenhauer

17. Doctors constantly work to preserve our health, and cooks work to destroy it; however, the latter are more confident of success.

Denis Diderot

18. It would be excusable not to give up meat-eating if it were necessary and justified by any considerations. But this is not the case. This is simply a bad thing that has no justification in our time.

Lev Tolstoy

19. A wise man will rather avoid diseases than choose remedies against them.

Thomas More

20. The only beauty I know is health.

Heinrich Heine

21. In eating food, the ability to eat more than others is a disadvantage, the ability to get enough of less is a virtue.

Harun Agatsarsky

22. Anyone who wants to be healthy is already partly recovering.

D. Boccaccio

23. Health is a fee for the wise...

Pierre Jean Beranger

24. Health depends much more on our habits and nutrition than on the art of medicine.

D. Lubbock

25. Just as you cannot begin to treat the eye without thinking about the head, or treat the head without thinking about the whole body, you cannot treat the body without treating the soul.


26. Sleep is the balm of nature.

William Shakespeare

27. With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Joseph Addison

28. Nothing extra. Early to bed and early to rise is what makes a person healthy, rich and smart.

Benjamin Franklin

29. Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring.

Henry David Thoreau

30. People who cannot find time for rest will sooner or later be obliged to find time for illness.

John Wanamaker

31. Become a better person and you will feel better.

Georg Enrich

32. He who is strong in body can endure both heat and cold. Likewise, someone who is mentally healthy is able to endure anger, grief, joy, and other feelings.


33. Many are healthy without beauty, but no one is beautiful without health.

Lorenzo Valla

34. If you don’t eat food as medicine, then you will eat medicine as food!

Mikhail Zadornov

35. It is human nature to observe moderation, not only out of concern for one’s health in the future, but also because of good health in the present.

Immanuel Kant

36. Don’t hope that doctors... will make you healthy. They can save a life, even cure a disease, but they will only get you started. And then learn to rely on yourself.

Nikolay Amosov

37. There is no wealth better than physical health and no joy higher than the joy of the heart.


38. For women's health, the admiring glances of men are more important than calories and medications.

Francoise Sagan

39. If people ate only when they are very hungry, and if they ate simple, pure and healthy food, then they would not know illness and it would be easier for them to control their soul and body.

Lev Tolstoy

40. If you want to lengthen your life, shorten your meals.

Benjamin Franklin