Who is better - a Scottish cat or a cat? Cat or cat - choose together Who is more cunning cats or cats

Often one of the painful questions for future owners of a small, fluffy or not-so-furry cat is the gender of the baby. Some people think that it is better to take a cat as a pet, since it is more affectionate and pliable, while others, on the contrary, think that it is a cat, because they are found to be more clean and tidy. And you can argue about this for hours, days, weeks. One thing is for sure, cats and cats are different from each other. For comparison, let's say both men and women. There are some things in common, but they are still different in many ways. Let's try to simplify this difficult choice, and highlight all the disadvantages, as well as the advantages of cats.


In literature, the film industry, and also in architecture, they love to glorify cats. Suffice it to recall “Puss in Boots”, “Prostokvashino” or the famous lines from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin:

“Near Lukomorye there is a green oak;

Golden chain on the oak tree:

Day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain;"

On the famous street - La Ramba, which is located in the very center of Barcelona, ​​there is an amazing monument to a cat. In size, this cat is similar to Hippopotamus, the hero of Mikhail Bulgakov’s immortal work “The Master and Margarita”. Of course, there are several versions of the origin of this monument. One of them says that the sculptor Fernando Botero wanted this cat to become a symbol of all those cats who helped the port city get rid of an infestation of rats, and therefore, from many dangerous diseases, including the plague. All this allows us to create the impression that a cat is better than a cat. But let's take our time and figure it out.

Pros or why a cat is better than a cat

1. A strong argument in favor of cats is the fact that under no circumstances will they bring kittens as a surprise. However, if a cat lives in your courtyard of a private house, then you cannot be insured against the fact that one day he will bring, so to speak, a wife - a cat, who will give birth to offspring. Naturally, this does not threaten owners of domestic cats.

2. If the cat is purebred and not neutered, then you can make good money by bringing brides to him.

3. Often cats choose one “favorite” in the family. The one who feeds and looks after more often, who is stronger in spirit and holds everything in his hands. If this favorite turns out to be you, then I think you will be very pleased. After all, it is with you that the cat will prefer to sleep, purr on his knees, play and rub against his legs.

4. The cat is more pliable and lazy. In the event that the family has Small child, then this is undoubtedly a plus. After all, a cat treats torture and bullying with more restraint. Sometimes, even allowing you to dress yourself in some outfit or put on a bow.

5. The cat is much larger in size than the cat, which makes its appearance more majestic and beautiful.

Cons or why a cat is worse than a cat

1. A significant drawback is the March serenades. They are only called March events, but they happen much more often.

2. Another disadvantage is that the cat leaves odorous marks in the most inappropriate places: on an expensive sofa, clothes, curtains, wallpaper, and so on. At the same time, it is very difficult to get rid of the smell of the marked area. Sometimes a year passes, or even five years, but nothing disappears. However, it is worth noting that this minus is automatically removed if your cat lives most of the time in the courtyard of a private house.

3. It's no secret that cats are less tidy than cats. Of course, he also licks himself and takes care of his hygiene. However, more frequent toilet cleaning and bathing is inevitable.

4. A cat is more pliable and lazy than a cat. He would rather lie on the couch one more time than hunt a fly flying by. If he does not feel the need to get food on his own, then he loses interest in hunting and plays with a ball or mouse just for fun.

5. The next disadvantage is that the cat eats more than the cat. This is due, first of all, to the size, because... Since a cat is larger than a cat, it needs a lot of food to survive. In addition, during estrus, a cat, in principle, eats very little, but a male cat does not have such a feature.

6. If the cat is “tortoiseshell” in color, which is extremely rare, then it is infertile.


Although not as many works and songs have been written about cats as about cats, this does not prevent them from remaining interesting and fascinating individuals. Let's not delay and move on to the pros and cons of cats.

Pros or why a cat is better than a cat

1. The main argument in favor of the cat is that it does not mark its territory with specific secretions, as a cat does. In cats it is more graceful. They rub against or lie on new objects, thereby marking them. Fortunately, this smell is elusive to the human nose.

2. Cats are neater than most cats. They are ready to spend a lot of time a day on personal hygiene until every hair sparkles with perfect cleanliness.

3. Only cats can boast of unusual coat colors - tri-color and tortoiseshell. There is a belief that these cats bring good luck and wealth to the house. The British prefer to have a pure black cat and believe that such a beauty will undoubtedly attract fortune.

4. Cats best hunters. Firstly, because all worries about future offspring fall on their shoulders and they must always keep themselves in good shape. Secondly, it is necessary to teach kittens to hunt, because their further survival depends on this.

5. If you have a beautiful, purebred cat, then you can try to find her a gentleman of the same color. The process of a cat courting a cat, as well as the birth and first steps of kittens will not leave anyone indifferent. In addition to the fact that it is very interesting, you can make good money from selling kittens.

6. A cat, due to its size and the fact that during heat it practically does not eat, eats much less than a cat.

Cons or why a cat is worse than a cat

1. One of the disadvantages is that cats are more willful and independent than cats. No wonder we hear a line from the song Time Machine “And only a cat walks on its own and only in the spring with a cat”. She certainly walks on her own and on rare occasions fawns over her owner.

2. Cats are significantly smaller in size than cats. Therefore, males look more majestic in contrast to females.

3. About three times a year, and sometimes more often, a cat, if it is not sterilized, requires male attention. During this period, her behavior becomes, roughly speaking, inadequate. She eats little, practically does not sleep and constantly “rolls” on the floor or raises her butt in the air, emitting heartbreaking screams. It is, of course, possible to survive this, but it is not easy. There are three ways out of this situation. The first is to give sedative tablets, drops and wait for them to start working, but they don’t work right away. The second solution is to take the cat to the cat, but then you will have a headache wondering where to place the kittens. In addition, the risk of a cat’s health deteriorating during childbirth is always present. The third way out is to sterilize and relieve the torment caused by the sexual instinct.

4. In cats good memory for grievances. Therefore, think before you scold. Perhaps the fact that the cat peed, for example, next to the litter box is your fault and you simply need to clean the litter box more often.

5. If the cat mainly lives in the yard, and it is not sterilized, then frequent offspring are inevitable. Naturally, if the cat lives only in an apartment and does not meet a cat in its open spaces, but this minus is automatically removed.

6. In general, cats are not as affectionate as male cats. She is not favorable to every person and not everyone will allow herself to be stroked. Despite the fact that the cat is a mother by nature, she does not really like children and tries to avoid contact with them.


They are so different, but beautiful in their own way. Think carefully about all the pros and cons of both, weigh all the pros and cons and make a choice for yourself or for your family, because your little furry friend will someday grow up and show character. And remember, having tamed an animal, you are responsible for it.

So, the decision has been made: you will soon have a kitten! These soft and affectionate creatures bring harmony and peace to the house with their very presence. And what a great happiness this is for children! But here the question immediately arises: better cat or a cat? What differences exist between them, besides the quite obvious ones? Let's try to figure it out based on opinion veterinarians and experienced cat owners.

Some people know right away that they only need a cat, because he will not bring kittens home, while others, on the contrary, are impressed by the tenderness of cats. Choosing a pet is a very responsible undertaking, because, in essence, you are choosing a new family member whom you will take care of for many years. Therefore, if you are in doubt about who to choose, a cat or a female cat, pay attention to the following distinctive features related to the gender of the animal.

External differences

Experienced cat lover appearance will determine the sex of an adult animal without the slightest hesitation. Indeed, adult cats larger than cats, have larger size heads relative to the body and more massive jaws. And looking at the cat, neat and graceful, it immediately becomes clear: this is a real lady!

Character and behavior

The difference in character between cats and male cats is a very controversial issue. Veterinarians believe that after castration, gender differences between animals become almost invisible.

In general, they talk about the following features that characterize cats:

1. Affectionateness and love for the owner

“Cat people” like to argue about who loves their owners more, cats or cats, but there is no consensus on this issue. The truth, perhaps, is that regardless of the gender of the animal, they are very attached to the one they have chosen as their favorite in the house. But this love manifests itself in different ways.

Cats are rather individualists, and it is unlikely that your furry friend will constantly, with or without reason, express his attitude towards you. The “sessions” of tenderness will be short-lived, after which the cat will hurry about its urgent feline affairs.

The cat loves to sit on its owner's lap, purr and rub against its owner's legs. In this way, the cat usually hints that it would be nice to have some food, but the cat is not so “selfish” - she just wants to get her portion of affection from you.

2. Activity

Males are considered more active than cats. Their predatory nature is realized at home through curiosity and unpredictable behavior. Cats try to look into every corner, get into all the boxes and bags, and sometimes scare their owners with an unexpected jump towards them from the darkness.

Cats clearly establish their rights in the house, unlike cats, which are softer and more flexible. As males, they can be aggressive towards other animals in the house. The cat seems to be hinting: “I’m in charge here!”, and you need to try to make him understand that this is not entirely true.

3. Cleanliness

There is no need to argue about cleanliness - cats are definitely cleaner than males, and by their nature they have a less pungent odor. In addition, it is cats who constantly “make a mess”, licking their fur coat for hours.

Continuation of the family line

One of the main aspects of choice. If breeding purebred cats is not your goal, it would be more humane to spay or neuter your pet. Otherwise, the cries of your beloved animal, which clearly indicate its desires, may simply exhaust your patience. And for an animal’s body, an unrealized instinct is a great stress. Neutered cats and sterilized cats become softer, more affectionate, more attached to the home and most often do not cause their owners such problems as puddles in the corners.

If you do not want to castrate your cat, be prepared for the fact that he may begin to mark his territory. Get rid of harsh unpleasant odor pretty hard. Of course, it is possible that the cat, considering the apartment to be its personal territory, simply does not consider it necessary to mark it. But still, if you are categorically opposed to castration, this point needs to be taken into account. They usually bring “girlfriends” to a purebred cat, and the owners also receive money for it. Pets living in private homes live peacefully and do not disturb anyone, doing their men's business outside the yard. But in an apartment, an uncastrated cat will feel very bad, so it is necessary to find a humane way out of the situation (for example, hormonal drugs).

For a cat, as for any woman, motherhood is the real meaning of life. On the one hand, an unsterilized cat during heat can truly drive her owners crazy, and on the other hand, by allowing her to realize her maternal instinct, you will certainly be touched by the true tenderness and harmony emanating from mommy and her furry babies. However, you also have to think about the consequences, namely, where the kittens will live in the future. We are responsible for those who are weaker and completely dependent on us. Therefore, take care of the future fate of the kids. If the cat is purebred, most likely there will be no problems; kittens can be sold using the Internet, advertisements in newspapers or through friends. For “simple” owners it will be more difficult to find, but it is also quite possible.

Are you dreaming of a cat, but don’t want the hassle of “adopting” kittens? As with cats, there are two options - radical (sterilization) or hormonal (special drops). Please note: spaying a cat will be significantly more expensive than neutering a male. But this method is much more humane than hormonal effects. Most veterinarians emphasize the dangers of using such contraceptives, in particular, the increased risk oncological diseases in cats.

Cat or cat: which one to choose?

Choosing a pet is not an easy task. Cats, like people, have different personalities and may not fit into any standard. It is simply impossible to say who is better, a cat or a female cat. There are only some objective differences by gender, primarily related to the desire of animals to leave offspring. As for the rest - regardless of whether a cat appears in your house, it will be a great responsibility, but at the same time a joy. We hope that your new pet will become a truly dear and beloved member of your family!

Who is better to have a cat or a female cat (in an apartment)?

    I can’t explain why, but I always have male cats and female dogs.

    The cats, except for the last one, were let out into the street; they lived in an apartment, but did not shy away from the street. All the novels took place outside the walls of the home. They did not bring brides with them. I liked it. The last cat lived at home, but practically chose the balcony as his residence. He was older than the dog, he teased her when she was little, for which she chased him. He passed away, we changed apartments, the dog is naughty, and we are not yet getting a new cat. And I’m 90 percent sure that it will be a cat again.

    It's easier with a cat. This is what animal sellers advised me to do. You can give your fiance for mating as many times as you like, receiving a kitten each time. It is not recommended to breed a cat more than 1-2 times a year. The cat more often needs to be examined by a veterinarian, and this is also an expense.

    Well I do not know. I read it here and I don’t agree. I'm for the cat. If she is a domestic animal, she sits in the apartment and does not go out for walks, so why be afraid of offspring every six months? I had both a cat and a male cat. The cat is clean and does not shit anywhere except the litter box. And the cat, just not on the bed (and with friends, on the bed too... If the owners do something wrong to him).

    But, as they say, there are exceptions to every rule, I think. But my experience shows that a cat is still more desirable for an apartment.

    I had a cat at home, the good thing about a cat is that he will not bring home offspring, and if the cat is not sterilized, then she will constantly give birth to kittens and they will have to be constantly distributed. Although cats are cleaner than cats, and if the cat is not neutered, then he can leave marks at home and there will be a constant smell of a cat in the house. Both cats and cats have their advantages.

    Both cats and cats are very amazing and wonderful creatures. You can pet them, they will greet you from work. You have already been answered about all the nuances of keeping cats and kittens. Personally, I think when you choose a kitten, take the one that comes to you and which you like best. So decide.

    If you are not going to sterilize them, then it is better to get a cat. The cat will just have to look for brides (you can also make money from this), and the cat will also have to give birth every six months. And for the first couple of months you will have to feed the kittens at your own expense, until you give them away or sell them. It also happens that a kitten becomes attached to the mother cat’s house and never wants to part with her. My cat's sister, when potential buyers they came to pick her up, she behaved in such a way that they abandoned her. As a result, she remained to live with her cat mother.

    If for sterilization, it is also better to take a cat. It is easier to castrate a cat in a way that is less painful for the body. Although a cat can have its tubes tied.

    Mischief and sociability do not depend on gender. Character traits - not much either.

    The main difference: the cat feels like the master of the house (his conceit is higher than that of the cat), he has a harder time accepting new family members. There's no need to talk about new pets. For example, my cat will not tolerate other animals in the house, because... feels like a king and is not ready to share our love with other animals. And he doesn’t need to communicate with other (neighborhood) cats either. I have never met a more self-sufficient person.)))

    The cat behaves more modestly and docilely. She loves to rub against her legs and clothes. And the cat grabs your ankles from behind. But this is not the standard for cat gender.

    It is a myth that cats are more clean. Two of my cats (one from the past and the current one) wash themselves so thoroughly that their fur becomes directly wet. The current cat washes itself even after being petted, like getting dirty.)) And he doesn’t mark the territory with excrement, he only clears it with his paws. And his dad was aiming for castration.

    As a rule, cats are larger than cats - both in length and width. If you need a cat with a body, choose a boy. If you are a more elegant and graceful creature, take a girl.

    For as long as I can remember, we have always had cats and female cats, and all of their characters were very different and unique. It's hard to guess who is better to get a cat or a male cat. A cat can also be caught with a problematic character. Much depends on the breed of cat. Now I have a cat with an independent character. She only goes into her arms when she wants it, but it doesn’t happen that way. There is a plus, she is very clean and smart. Before her there was a cat, so he was very lazy and dirty. He was pure white, so he had to be bathed often. That’s why he loved it when people picked him up and stroked him under the neck. He was much kinder. But despite the pros and cons, I love my pets, no matter what they are.

When the impending appearance of a pet is already a settled issue, many people wonder who is better to have: a male cat or a male cat in an apartment. The question is, of course, complex. Although there is no fundamental difference between animals of different sexes, there are still certain differences.

About character

It is generally accepted that cats are more affectionate, gentle, flexible, patient, easier to train, and less capricious. This is not entirely true. These character traits largely depend not on gender, but on breed and individual characteristics animal. Affectionate cats can be found as often as aggressive cats, and the one who has owned animals more than once different breeds, this will confirm.

There are differences in character:

  • Males usually strive to “seize power” in the house, to become a dictator. At the same time, they do not disdain any methods. They are capricious, throw hysterics and in every possible way demand that their opinion be listened to.
  • Cats are much more cunning. Like true women, they achieve their goal in roundabout ways. Often, owners don’t even notice how they find themselves “under the nail” of their furry beauty.

Therefore, when thinking about the question of whether to get a cat or a female cat, you need to think about what you would like more: reckless honesty or diplomatic cunning. Probably, if there is a child in the family, it is better to take a female. After all, she will not claim leadership, while the cat will become jealous of the owners for the baby. And the child is the center in any family, and it is unlikely that even the most beloved animal will be able to compete with him.

About hygiene

When it comes to hygiene, cats win. They are much cleaner and are willing to spend hours “cleaning their feathers.” Cats are a little careless in this regard.

Their own appearance does not bother them so much, and they are quite capable of “going out in public unkempt.” Although with proper care from the owners this problem easily solved. However, the fact remains that you won’t have to spend so much effort on a cat, and it will always remain a decoration of the apartment, embodying neatness and comfort.

For people prone to perfectionism, it is better to choose a female. Those who are ready to love an animal, no matter what they look like, can get a cat.

Intimate question

Perhaps the most important difference between cats and cats lies in the intimate plane. This should definitely be taken into account by those who plan to have a pet in the apartment. IN wildlife everything is much simpler, but problems often arise with pets.

We are talking about sex life, or rather, the desire for it. When the cat wants to “walk”, there is not enough space for everyone in the apartment. The fact that an animal screams obscenities for days is not so bad. His need to mark everything around him is the main problem. The apartment is literally saturated with a terrible smell, and getting rid of it is quite difficult.

Cats also behave inappropriately during heat. They can meow loudly, act up, roll on the floor and even rush at their owners. However, at least they do not mark, and there is no smell from them. From this point of view, of course, it is better to have a cat in an apartment.

Although the problem, in fact, can be solved very simply. If kittens are not planned, then the animal must be sterilized. In the case of cats, this procedure will be cheaper and the animal will recover from it faster.

Everyone who decided to have pet, should know that in any case they take on a huge responsibility. The gender of the pet does not play a special role in this matter. You can argue for a long time about who is better to take: a cat or a male cat into an apartment. However, these are individual preferences.

The decision to have a cat is made by the whole family. At the same time, details such as the color and breed of the future pet, as well as its gender, are discussed. It seems to make no difference whether this cute furry creature is a girl or a boy. The main thing is that all family members like it. While the kitten is small, its gender really doesn’t matter. But with age, the features characteristic of a cat will become more noticeable.

Who to choose - a cat or a kitty

The gender of a pet greatly influences its lifestyle and behavior. Cats and kitties differ from each other just like men and women. To decide on the choice of a pet, you need to familiarize yourself with its most significant characteristics.

Most people think that a cat more affectionate than a cat, she is cleaner and hunts better. The cat is lazy, does not like manifestations of tenderness, and with the arrival of spring days he completely turns into an intolerable, heart-rending meowing creature.

People have many stereotypes regarding cats

In fact, these stereotypes are easy to break. It happens that cats hunt much better than cats. You can also argue about affection. There are fluffy girls of such a nature that it is better not to touch them, and on the contrary, there are surprisingly affectionate and friendly cats. The final choice will be dictated by the heart, but it is still useful to know about the peculiarities of animal behavior depending on gender.

Continuation of the family line

If a person gets a pet for the soul, and not for the purpose of breeding, then gender is important aspect. By choosing a cat, you can save yourself from unpleasant moments associated with estrus, and also not be afraid of the appearance of unplanned offspring. However, the unrealized instinct of procreation in a cat can also bring a lot of unpleasant moments. To avoid problems, the animal can be spayed or neutered.

Castration is a veterinary operation to completely remove the genital organs, including those of female cats. In castrated animals, estrus is interrupted due to the cessation of egg production. As a result, all symptoms of sexual behavior, including annoying cat “songs,” end.

When sterilized, cats are simply bandaged fallopian tubes without partial or complete removal internal genital organs. The ovaries and uterus remain, function and continue to produce hormones. Therefore, in sterilized individuals, normal sexual attraction, and all the instincts, they are able to mate, but with 100% probability they cannot bear offspring.

Sterilizing an animal has benefits not only for the owner, but also for the pet itself.

Those who are against the use of any surgical procedures on their pets need to be prepared for certain difficulties. A cat, especially one living in an apartment and deprived of the opportunity to leave it, will mark its territory. Getting rid of this “aroma” is quite difficult. Fluffy pet, living in a private house, solves his “male” affairs on his own, taking regular walks. For a homebody cat, owners who care about his health and their peace of mind should bring “girlfriends” themselves. If the pet is purebred, for each such date you can also receive a certain amount.

If the owner decides to allow his cat to become a mother, then he must take care in advance about the fate of her offspring. If the pet is purebred, it will not be difficult to place the kittens. With ordinary four-legged babies this is more difficult, but also possible.

An alternative option for those who do not want to adopt kittens, but are also against sterilization, is the method hormonal contraception. However, you should know that most veterinarians are opposed to this method, considering it dangerous to the health of the animal.

Home attachment

The nature of the cat family is such that they become more attached to a certain place than to a person. Moreover, in a cat this feeling is expressed more strongly. She, like a woman, is a kind of keeper of the family hearth. The cat is more active; on occasion, he can run out onto the landing or run away completely.

Affectionateness and affection for a person

There is no consensus on the question of who is more affectionate - a cat or a kitten. Regardless of gender, pets show affection for the person they choose as their pet. They just do it differently.

Cats can be called individualists. You shouldn't expect your furry friend to constantly express his love to his owner. The period of manifestation of tenderness is short-lived, and it occurs only when the animal itself wishes it. If you try to grab a cat when he is busy with his own business, then the person will receive nothing but dissatisfaction.

The cat loves to purr, be on the owner's lap or rub against his legs. This is how she expresses her affection, while a more “selfish” cat, when performing these manipulations, usually begs for food.

Fluffy pets are sensitive to how they treat themselves. Love is responded to with devotion, and bad attitude is responded to with resentment. Noticing hostility on the part of a family member, the animal may become capricious or aggressive.

Regardless of gender, cats feel treated by their owner and respond to love with devotion.

Pros and cons of keeping a cat

The cat can be called an exemplary clean girl. She can lick her fur for hours until, in her opinion, it becomes perfectly clean. In addition, by their nature, cats have a much less pronounced odor.

The vast majority of cats are big clean people.

The fluffy beauty is also a magnificent hunter. To get a cat for a private home - perfect choice. You shouldn’t be surprised if she wants to show off her catch to her owners.

The cat is very accommodating with children - she allows you to play with her and even dress her up. At the same time, it will never hiss or scratch.

Cats are more child friendly

TO bad habits cats can be attributed constant desire leave traces of their claws on the upholstery of interior items. The way out of the situation is to purchase a scratching post, which the pet should be accustomed to from the first days of its stay in the house.

Advantages and disadvantages of keeping a cat

Because of increased activity cats are predisposed to spend a lot of time playing. At the same time, the animals bury themselves in the linen, hide in different places, and then suddenly jump out at the feet of the household. Cats are very curious - in this they resemble a dog. Whatever appears in the house, the animal will definitely sniff and examine this object thoroughly. Cats love to live in empty boxes.

Being a leader by nature, a male animal can behave quite defiantly. The owner must stop such a manifestation of character in time, without offending the animal.

Many cats think that they are the masters of the house; a person should in a friendly manner let the pet understand the real state of affairs.

Cats are also beggars - as soon as the owner walks into the kitchen, the four-legged family member is right there. He will get underfoot and meow invitingly, begging for a treat.

A strong argument against purchasing a cat is its pronounced smell. Certainly, proper care may help solve the problem, but when the animal begins to mark after reaching sexual maturity, it will be a very unpleasant surprise. It’s one thing if a pet lives in a private house, where he can do his unpleasant-smelling business in the yard. But in an apartment, especially if there are small children in the family, this is completely useless.

What breed of cat is best to get for a child?

Looking for your child four-legged friend, parents must understand that responsibility for a small ball of fur will have to lie with adult family members. A kitten in the house will not only become a friend for the child, but will also gradually teach him to take care of animals and love them. How to do right choice? Which breed is the most playful and good-natured?

The British Shorthair breed is one of the most popular both in Russia and abroad. The British look like real aristocrats; the character, especially of cats, is balanced and flexible. Animals of this breed easily find mutual language with kids. Strong nerves are the key to a child’s safety. But their imperturbable character makes them inactive. Half an hour of games, and then a long rest in a cozy armchair.

Characteristics of British shorthair cats: calmness, turning into some phlegmaticity, and self-esteem

Unusual appearance of cute animal ears Scottish breed makes them especially popular. Males are distinguished by their waywardness, but female cats, on the contrary, are very calm. It is the pet of the Scottish breed that shows extraordinary tenderness towards members of the household, including children. The cat, on the contrary, will be interested in everything, except for the prospect of being held. You need to accept this and not force the animal to do something it doesn’t like. At the same time, he can be very attached to family members, but, like any man, he considers it unnecessary to show his feelings every minute.

Scottish Folds are very attached to family members, but can be shy towards strangers


Many people dream of owning a representative of the Bengal breed. It is simply impossible to pass by this proud, handsome man with a bright spotted coat indifferently. These animals are more suitable for children school age. They love noisy games, but do not tolerate familiarity. The cat is not aggressive, but will be able to fend for itself if necessary. The Bengal is not a toy, but rather a reliable, loyal and interesting companion.

Representatives of the Bengal breed act in the family as equal members of the family, and not “soft toys”

Representatives of the Sphynx breed, called “crystal figurines,” are characterized by unpredictability. The peculiarity of these animals is their complete dependence on the owner. They do not like loneliness and try to spend as much time as possible near their owners. “Naked” cats are suitable for older children, since babies are almost always sloppy, and the unprotected skin is very easy to injure. In addition, these animals require especially careful care, as they sweat a lot.

The character of Sphynx cats is special: they are kind and peaceful, are not afraid of people and other animals, and build friendly, trusting relationships with people.


If Siamese cat will establish a bond with the child, they will forever remain best friends

Short-haired breeds are the best option for small children. It is much more difficult to grasp short hairs with your fingers - there is less chance of aggression. In addition, children can be gradually accustomed to caring for a pet, because even a baby three years is able to go through short fur with a special brush.


Snub-nosed and furry representatives Persian breed- very calm creatures. They are attached to their owners and love communication. Animals of this breed are clean and devoid of aggression. They don't mind playing, but they prefer to rest. If there is excessive pressure from the child, they will rather run away and hide than let out their claws. Their main disadvantage is that they are too long wool, which remains throughout the apartment and can harm allergy sufferers.

Representatives of the Persian breed prefer relaxation to active pastime.

Representatives of the Maine Coon breed are calm and balanced. Pets are extremely attached to their owners, love to communicate and have high intelligence. Maine Coons are very patient with a child's antics and can become his best friend.

The Maine Coon is easy to train, does not require special care, you just need more space and food for it