Who is an oil worker? Profession "oil worker": description, training features and interesting facts. Profession: oil worker

Oil is one of the most expensive minerals in the world. Its extraction is carried out by representatives of different specialties, united by the profession of oil worker.

Society has a stereotype about an overgrown man covered in oil from head to toe. This is an erroneous image, because a modern oil worker is a young man of about 30 years old, in a respectable suit with a folder of documents. Realize yourself in oil industry Any talented specialist can do it. According to experts, the demand for the oil industry profession will increase by 40% in the future.

Description of the profession oil worker

The main responsibilities of a petroleum engineer include:

  • search and development of new oil and gas fields;
  • assessment of deposit potential;
  • environmental restoration of the working area upon completion of drilling operations.

The modern oil industry actively uses advances in computer technology. The work of specialists is carried out both in the office and directly on the field. Thanks to the introduction of qualitatively new technologies into work, the oil industry profession opens the door to young specialists who get a chance to quickly advance in their careers. career ladder. In addition, the starting salary of an oil worker is much higher than that of some office workers.

To succeed in the oil industry you must have high level qualifications. In addition, the following requirements are put forward:

  • for ordinary employees - specialized secondary education, for management positions - higher education;
  • experience in conducting engineering and geological surveys;
  • skills in using computer-aided design systems (AutoCAD, DraftSight, LibreCAD);
  • readiness for business trips and relocations.

Today, there is no worthy alternative to fossil energy sources. They will certainly appear in the future, but for now the profession of a petroleum engineer will be popular and attract young specialists to its ranks.

The oil industry occupies a leading position in terms of wages in Russia. An oil worker's salary largely depends on working conditions, the scale of the company's activities and the position of the employee.

Below is the average salary of an oil worker in Russia

The numbers are impressive. However, in fairness, we need to make an allowance for the salary of top management; the income of an ordinary oil worker is much more modest.

How to find a job in the oil industry? In the countries of the post-Soviet space, there is an opinion that without connections it is impossible to get a well-paid job. However, recent studies refute this opinion. According to experts, the decisive factor is quality preparation and focus on results.

Pros and cons of the oil industry profession

Advantages :

  • The work can hardly be called routine. Field development involves traveling to new territories, studying them and solving non-standard situations;
  • the opportunity to visit remote places of our country;
  • outdoor work;
  • Oil workers perform strategic work, indirectly filling the state budget.

Flaws :

  • Lack of comfort in the workplace can cause negative feelings over time;
  • Constant business trips interfere with your personal life;
  • the choice of oil refining companies is not so large, the competition for one place is quite high;
  • the work involves health risks.

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One of the most valuable minerals and commodities in the world today is oil. This is an instrument of geopolitics, wars are fought for it, it revitalizes the economy of any state. Oil today is called black gold and this resource is extracted by people of different professions, who are united under the general name - oil workers. This is the name given to oil industry workers from engineer to driller's assistant.

The main responsibilities of a petroleum engineer include:

  • search and development of new oil and gas fields;
  • assessment of deposit potential;
  • environmental restoration of the working area upon completion of drilling operations.

The modern oil industry actively uses advances in computer technology. The work of specialists is carried out both in the office and directly on the field. Thanks to the introduction of qualitatively new technologies into work, the oil industry profession opens the door to young specialists who get the chance to quickly move up the career ladder. In addition, the starting salary of an oil worker is much higher than that of some office workers.

To achieve success in the oil industry, you must have a high level of qualifications.

In addition, the following requirements are put forward:

  • for ordinary employees - specialized secondary education, for management positions - higher education;
  • experience in conducting engineering and geological surveys;
  • skills in using computer-aided design systems (AutoCAD, DraftSight, LibreCAD);
  • readiness for business trips and relocations.

Today, there is no worthy alternative to fossil energy sources. They will certainly appear in the future, but for now the profession of a petroleum engineer will be popular and attract young specialists to its ranks.

History of the profession

People knew about oil deposits in the ground for a very long time, but did not use them. Often during excavations, archaeologists find some things and buildings, for the strengthening of which hardening petroleum bitumen was used. The black, thick liquid that came out of the ground and mixed in places with river water was frightening with its unknown nature. Some peoples used oil for medicinal purposes. Petroleum products began to be used as a combustible material relatively recently, with the beginning of technical progress. Then the question arose of extracting this mineral from the bowels of the earth.

According to historical data, the world's first well for industrial oil production was created in Pennsylvania. It was drilled by Edwin Drake, an unknown lone prospector. Perhaps this was the first oil worker. The profession was not so popular in those ancient times; no one knew the true size of the reserves of this mineral. And researchers consider the Chumelov brothers to be the first oil refiners, who built an enterprise for the production of kerosene and lubricating oils back in 1745 on the banks of the Ukhta River.

Social significance of the profession in society

Most countries modern world depend on oil more than on the political situation in the country. Of course, an oil worker extracting a resource so necessary for the people brings great benefit to their fellow citizens. The need for specialists in this field depends on the region of the country and, in general, on the place on the world map. In our state, most of the oil deposits have already been discovered, but not all fields are being developed. Therefore, it is not difficult for an oil worker to find a job, but he must be prepared to work away from home on a rotational basis.

Mass character and uniqueness of the profession

People in this profession must have an aptitude for technical sciences, good physical condition and be attentive. An oil worker must monitor pressure gauges, respond to changes in pressure in a timely manner, wield power tools, and have many other skills depending on his specific function in the field. Good specialist has great prospects in this area. Oil is good way earn money, including for industry employees. In addition, a smart engineer and designer of gas wells can go to work abroad, where the world's oil giants generously pay experienced specialists.

Professional quality

As can be seen from the above brief description process of oil production and refining, specialists at any level must have a high level of qualifications, good education and at least basic knowledge of professional software. The higher the salary offered, the more serious the requirements for the applicant.

So, among the requirements we can highlight:

  • professional education. For workers - specialized secondary education, for engineering and scientific personnel - higher education.
  • at least minimum work experience in the specialty, experience in geological exploration and survey work.
  • high level of computer use, knowledge of geological modeling programs, AutoCAD, etc.
  • technical knowledge in English at a level sufficient to understand documentation and literature in the specialty.
  • Willingness to travel, live and work in the field.

Candidates for management positions are subject to increased requirements, for example, experience in organizing geological parties, experience working in non-standard conditions, in-depth knowledge of specialized software, the ability to quickly and clearly make decisions, strategic planning skills and much more. Naturally, the responsibility of a manager is much higher than that of an ordinary oil worker, which is reflected in his salary.

Advantages of being an oil worker

IN currently All of these specialties are very popular in Russia. And, above all, thanks to high pay. The oil industry has the highest salaries. They are the most powerful incentive when choosing a profession as a geologist, geophysicist or driller.

In addition, this industry provides a large number of benefits and additional bonuses: various additional payments and financial incentives, vacations and vacation travel at the expense of enterprises, early retirement (if the fields are located in areas equated to the Far North), etc.

The prestige and demand for the profession also play an important role. People employed in the oil industry enjoy special respect and honor. And competent specialists with special education are worth their weight in gold. And graduates of oil institutes always have excellent opportunities for a start in life and for building a career.

In a word, by choosing this profession, the applicant will definitely not be left behind. In addition, he is guaranteed employment, a high salary and, with ability and desire, a brilliant career.

Risks of the profession

An oil worker at a well risks his life, as there have been cases of black gold catching fire right in the field. Some operations have to be performed on high altitude Therefore, the possibility of falling and injury cannot be ruled out. A significant disadvantage should also be considered the remoteness of the place of work from home and, in general, from populated areas. A significant part of the employees in this industry generally work at sea, which entails more more dangers. But basically all this is compensated by decent wages.

Where to get a profession?

Petroleum engineers are trained at universities and institutes. The training of such a specialist takes 5 years, after which there will be an internship at the place of work. Workers such as drillers or well and oil rig equipment installers are trained in vocational schools and training centers oil production enterprises. Often graduates receive the qualification of an assistant or junior specialist and only after several years of experience can they become an independent worker.

The leading Russian educational institution in the oil and gas production industry is the Russian State University oil and gas named after. THEM. Gubkina. Branches of the university operate in Orenburg, Ashgabat and Tashkent. The university is at the forefront of science, its graduates have no problems finding prestigious jobs in their specialty.

Ufa State Petroleum Technical University is one of the leaders in training personnel for the oil industry. Studying at the university is directly related to both scientific research, and with practical work in the field.

Other prestigious universities in the oil industry:

  • Tyumen State Oil and Gas University
  • Tomsk Polytechnic University
  • Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov"
  • Ugra State University
  • Institute of Oil and Gas Business (managerial training)

It is worth noting the joint master's program of Tomsk Polytechnic University and the Scottish Heriot-Watt University. It includes training in two specialties - petroleum engineering and oil and gas geology. Most of the subjects are taught by Scottish teachers, and diploma projects are defended before a commission from Edinburgh. Graduates receive an international diploma and have the opportunity to find employment in leading oil companies peace.

Salary range (in rubles)

One for residents of all regions, since work in any case takes place far from home and is paid very differently - from 35,000 (at the beginning of work) to 150,000 (with a high workload).

Here, for example, is what one of the representatives of this specialty writes to his friend.

“Oilman is a generalized word; more specifically in Russian, my specialty is plugger(from the word “tampon”). Our working day on a rotational basis is 12 hours, but sometimes we have to work longer, because... the drilling rig will not stand: it is expensive. It can be difficult when, after work from one drilling rig, you immediately have to go to a second or third one and drag the iron with you. Any healthy man who has a driver's license and can lift and carry a bag of sugar 200 meters can work for us - the rest still needs to be taught from scratch... We work where there are drilling rigs and drilling is being done, and this can be anywhere - and near cities, and in the dense taiga, where, as in the song, you can only fly by helicopter - no TV, no cell phones. In short, we sometimes live like bears. The shift usually lasts four weeks. If we work near a city, then five weeks.

At the drilling rig, a team of five people sets up the equipment as needed, connects it with hoses and pipes to each other and to the drilling rig, and during the injection process, cement is mixed with water in the unit, after which this solution is supplied by pumps high pressure into the well. At the end of injection, the unit and pipes are washed of cement. We collect tubes and hoses and go to the base or another drilling site.

We live on a working shift, depending on the project, either in a hotel or on rented apartment(at the expense of the enterprise, of course), if in the taiga, then in a comfortable hostel.

The salary at first is not very good, somewhere around 25-30 thousand rubles (average earnings), after advanced training it increases by 1.5-2 times.

Physical strength is needed because... despite all the means of mechanization, high-pressure pipeline parts weighing up to 80 kg have to be installed and connected manually.”

As you can see, no amount of money can drag a sissy and a lover of urban comfort into such a job. But the brave, strong, dexterous connoisseur of taiga romance has something to look for there - reliable friends, life experiences, and satisfaction from creative work for real guys. Nevertheless, the difficulties and inconveniences of working in the fuel and energy complex are usually compensated not only by fairly high and, most importantly, stable earnings, but also by earlier retirement, preferential sanatorium and resort vouchers for the whole family, and increased vacation time. Somewhere, fuel and energy enterprises provide their promising employees with good office housing or provide a profitable loan for the purchase of an apartment (or construction own home). It is clear that such a gift must be earned, but it is still a big plus in the conditions of working in the fuel and energy complex.

The oil and gas industry has remained one of the most profitable sectors of the economy for many decades. This explains the popularity of the profession of petroleum technologist among applicants.

The rapid development of technology constantly attracts students to this industry, as it allows them to show their talents and contribute to the development oil and gas industry. The specialty “Oil and Gas Engineering” can only be obtained at higher educational institutions.

Oil and gas business: who to work with and what professions are there?

When entering the oil and gas industry, an applicant must be aware that most professions in this special field involve working on gas and oil rigs, which are located far from large populated areas.

In addition to working on drilling sites, a specialist can engage in organizational and supervisory activities in the office. But without practical knowledge, it is quite difficult to become a real expert in the oil and gas industry.

In addition, the specialty “Oil and Gas Engineering” provides enormous opportunities for scientific work and implementation innovative technologies. The oil and gas industry keeps up with the times and is constantly in need of competent developers and inventors.

What should a girl do in the oil and gas industry?

Not only boys, but also girls can find themselves in the oil and gas field. Representatives of the fair sex are trained on the same basis as young people and can later hold the position of engineer, developer of gas and oil production technologies, and control field production.

Although girls who have chosen a profession in the oil and gas industry should remember that this is a serious, responsible and rather difficult profession.

Education at universities and distance learning in oil and gas business

To enter a university for an oil and gas specialty, an applicant must provide the results of the unified state exam.

In most higher educational institutions, the required list of exams will consist of the Russian language, specialized mathematics, computer science or physics.

If the scores obtained on the exam exceed 80 points, the applicant has a high chance of being accepted into the chosen specialty.

Today, you can get a profession related to the oil and gas industry not only in universities in the capital, but also in other regional centers all around Russia.

The main list of educational institutions consists of the following universities:

  • MGRI-RGGRU (Moscow);
  • MAMI (Moscow);
  • Branch of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University (Nefteyugansk);
  • DVGUPS (Khabarovsk);
  • KFU (Kazan);
  • VSTU (Voronezh).

Full-time study for a bachelor's degree program will take a student four years. Part-time, evening and part-time forms of study last for five years.

The popularity of distance learning and its quality are growing every year. Distance learning allows you to get an education in almost any field, including oil and gas.

In addition, universities provide master's degree opportunities for specialists in the oil and gas industry. Obtaining a master's degree allows you to continue scientific work in higher education institutions, as well as occupy higher positions in oil refining companies.

Specialties and salaries in the oil and gas industry

As a rule, graduates who have completed the specialty “oil and gas engineering” do not have to look for a job for a long time. Despite the competition, it is quite possible to get a job in oil and gas processing or mining enterprises.

Education in the oil and gas sector opens up the opportunity to obtain the following professions:

  • engineer;
  • petroleum geologist;
  • technician;
  • geologist;
  • land surveyor;
  • master;
  • driller;
  • structures laboratory technician;
  • environmental analyst.

Graduates are also given the opportunity to prove themselves in scientific activity and get a vacancy at the institute.

The average salary level for those starting to work in gas and oil production areas is on average 45 thousand rubles. With increasing experience, this amount can approximately double. Wage engineer varies from 65 to 80 thousand rubles. The salary of a chief engineer can reach 100 thousand.

Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Business

Mastering the basics of oil and gas business involves studying disciplines such as:

  • oil and gas mechanics;
  • qualimetry;
  • oil and gas hydraulics;
  • metrology;
  • chemistry of oil and gas;
  • standardization;
  • thermodynamics;
  • engineering computer graphics.

Versatile training and constant practice ensure the acquisition of the required level of qualifications in the field of oil and gas.

Being one of the most dynamic and developing industries, the oil and gas industry will always need qualified specialists in various fields.

WITH higher education in this segment of the country's economy, students receive a guarantee highly paid profession and a worthy future.

More details from oil and gas business you can meet at the exhibition "Neftegaz" at the Expocentre Fairgrounds

The need for clean, safe, available energy increases every year. Following the growth in demand, oil production is also growing. You can help achieve the goals of the oil industry. If you want to make a difference in this world, love the solution complex tasks, search interesting job and strive for financial security, you should seriously consider a career in the oil industry.

The oil industry is one of the most complex. What does it mean? This means that almost any talented person can find use in it. Behind one word, oil worker, lies a whole arsenal of professions. The oil industry includes both engineering and economic specialties. These are chemists, mathematicians, drillers, financiers, lawyers, accountants, mechanics, technologists, geologists, power engineers, economists and other various professions.

Petroleum engineer is one of the most promising professions According to The Society of Petroleum Engineers, 38% more petroleum engineers are needed to provide the world with the necessary amount of energy today and in the future. Society of Petroleum Engineers For engineers, the oil industry is always was a favorable field of activity. Here you will find many different opportunities to realize and develop your technical and personal qualities.

Petroleum engineers are engaged in the search for oil and gas fields, their development and operation, and they are also responsible for the restoration of the area after the completion of drilling operations. They are innovators who use cutting-edge technology to develop new methods for discovering oil and drilling wells. The profession of a petroleum engineer involves many different specializations, but they all serve the same goal - to provide energy to the world and save environment for the next generations.

Some areas of specialization for petroleum engineers: drilling engineer; process engineer; oil and gas field development engineer; environmental engineer; teacher/professor; consultant; government relations representative; entrepreneur; supervisor. The work of petroleum engineers is carried out both from the office, with the help of special computer programs, and in the fields. In addition, they often travel to various parts of their country and the world, where they implement a wide variety of projects, one way or another related to their specialization.

The demand for new methods, technologies and sources of energy is constantly growing, and with it the demand for petroleum engineers is also increasing. Many representatives of this profession will soon reach retirement age, which means that young professionals will have a chance for rapid career growth. In the oil industry, a higher education graduate educational institution offers one of the highest starting salaries. Even junior petroleum engineers often receive lucrative positions and significant bonuses.
The world will always need energy. Oil and gas are the most important sources of energy, the demand for which is only growing. Meeting the growing demand for energy is the task of petroleum engineers. They are expected to innovate and find new sources to meet this demand. It is the representatives of this profession who determine the future of humanity and actually change the world. Therefore, those who choose a career as a petroleum engineer today have a unique and exciting future ahead of them. Do not miss your chance!

Profession oil worker

One of the most valuable minerals and commodities in the world today is oil. This is an instrument of geopolitics, wars are fought for it, it revitalizes the economy of any state. Oil today is called black gold and this resource is extracted by people of different professions, who are united under the common name - oil workers. This is the name given to oil industry workers from engineer to driller's assistant.

Traces of oil fields discovered in Iraq date back more than 4,000 years. This means that there were already oil workers then. In Moscow, oil was first seen in the 16th century and was called “burning water.” Drilling wells were invented only closer to the middle of the 19th century, and then they began to use them as the main method of oil production. Until 1823, no one knew that oil could be refined and kerosene extracted from it. The profession of oil worker became widespread already in the 20th century, when the widespread use of this fuel began.…

Most countries in the modern world depend on oil more than on the political situation in the country. Of course, an oil worker who extracts a resource so necessary for the people brings enormous benefits to his fellow citizens. The need for specialists in this field depends on the region of the country and, in general, on the place on the world map. In our state, most of the oil deposits have already been discovered, but not all fields are being developed. Therefore, it is not difficult for an oil worker to find a job, but he must be prepared to work away from home on a rotational basis.

People in this profession must have an aptitude for technical sciences, good physical condition and be attentive. An oil worker must monitor pressure gauges, respond to changes in pressure in a timely manner, wield power tools, and have many other skills depending on his specific function in the field. A good specialist in this field has great prospects. Oil is a good way to earn money, including for field employees. In addition, a smart engineer and designer of gas wells can go to work abroad, where the world's oil giants generously pay experienced specialists.

An oil worker at a well risks his life, as there have been cases of black gold catching fire right in the field. Some operations have to be performed at high altitudes, so the possibility of falling and injury cannot be ruled out. A significant disadvantage should also be considered the remoteness of the place of work from home and, in general, from populated areas. A significant part of the employees in this industry work at sea, which entails even more dangers. But basically all this is compensated by decent wages.

Petroleum engineers are trained at universities and institutes. The training of such a specialist takes 5 years, after which there will be an internship at the place of work. Workers such as drillers and well and oil rig equipment installers are trained in vocational schools and oil production training centers. Often graduates receive the qualification of an assistant or junior specialist and only after several years of experience can they become an independent worker.