Why eat candy in a dream? Why do you dream about chocolate candies according to Miller’s dream book? Why do you dream about a lot of candy according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Every night a person plunges into the world of dreams. But he does not always remember what appeared to him in his dreams.

It’s so interesting to still see the different subjects that appear in dreams. And how informative it is to interpret them later.

Why do you dream chocolate candies- it's time to interpret.

Why do you dream about chocolates - basic interpretations

Sweets always dream of positive changes in a person’s life. It is worth interpreting the dream in full in order to understand in which particular area positive changes will manifest themselves. Often such dreams indicate that a person in reality needs a sweet life.

If a child has such a dream– he lacks the care and affection of his parents. He needs her now more than ever. What to do if a child dreamed about losing a chocolate candy - you should console him and warn him that in reality he may lose his true friend because of my pride.

If a child sees how the candy melts and remains in his hands- in reality he will have a lot of emotions and impressions - the main thing is to listen to the advice of his elders in time and not to do anything stupid.

If friends dream about eating chocolates- in reality, a long trip together awaits them. This trip will be unexpected and very entertaining. It will bring a sea of ​​positive emotions and new acquaintances.

Seeing people giving each other chocolates– envy in reality someone else’s mutual understanding and happiness. In order to avoid this, you should give yourself small gifts, allow yourself to enjoy every day, because there is only one life.

Why do you dream about chocolates? To a wonderful and fun life. Buying candy in a store and at the same time haggling for a long time means you are not making decisions in life regarding moments that are fundamentally important to you. It is worth paying more attention to issues of personal life, issues of self-development and the development of creative potential.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is eating chocolate candy- the birth will be successful. If she dreams that she is trying to unwrap the candy, but something is wrong, it means that she is really in trouble. real life she makes a lot of mistakes that will cost her a lot of nerves later on. These mistakes will affect the course of events in the rest of her life.

Why do you dream of chocolates according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller's dream book indicates that chocolates seen in a dream promise positive emotions and positive changes in life. Perhaps a person will soon have a vacation or legal rest after hard work.

Miller points out that it is very important to interpret all the details of the dream; they usually contain additional clues that can explain the reason for the appearance of dream-like. It is also very important to remember the emotions that filled the dream.

If you dream that you were given a box of chocolates- success awaits you in financial sector, you will double your material well-being. At this time, it is worth investing money in various projects. It would be good to invest money in a deposit, in the creation of a new large project.

Gift box of chocolates- symbolizes dreams that are not destined to come true and be realized in life. If such a dream appeared to an unmarried girl, she is deeply mistaken in her chosen one. She attributes to him virtues that he never possessed. The chosen one deceives the girl, and she firmly believes him.

In order for the interpretation of the dream to be complete– it is also necessary to interpret their qualities as external characteristics and taste qualities. If you dream of more beautiful chocolate shapes, and even of an unusual shape, such a dream promises creative development, making new acquaintances that will give an impetus to your life.

If you eat candy, and it is really tasty and very fresh, expect new opportunities, ideas and prospects to appear. You need all this just to realize your ambitions. But there’s nothing wrong with that either.

If the candy is bitter, it means there will be an unpleasant conversation with a loved one;

Seeing chocolate crumbling from a candy means you may be betrayed, make your own decisions;

Seeing how the filling flows out of a candy - the secret becomes obvious, it’s worth being on the safe side.

Buying chocolates promises arrival soon relatives from afar. He will be joyful, but at first he will bring a lot of worries and troubles. The joy of an unexpected meeting will overcome all possible inconveniences and initial worries

If you make your own chocolate- your material well-being will improve dramatically. Of course, you will have to work hard, but your work will be worth it. In this situation, you should not wait for outside support.

Miller also interprets the chocolates that appeared in a dream as an opportunity to provide financially for his family and loved ones. If a businessman sees flowing hot chocolate in a dream, he will simply be swimming in contracts and orders. His partners will not let you down, they will not set you up - they will offer new and more favorable terms of cooperation.

To dream about eating stale, spoiled chocolates- to be sick and in trouble. It is possible to part with a loved one. In any case, no matter how negative the interpretation of a dream may seem, it is worth interpreting all its symbols and taking into account the mood during the dream.

Why do you dream about chocolate candies according to Freud’s dream book?

According to Freud's dream book, chocolates symbolize sweet intimate adventures. If an unmarried girl dreams of how she enjoys the refined and refined taste of chocolates, in reality she will thoroughly enjoy her partner.

If married woman If she dreams of how she bites off a piece of chocolate candy, someone will covet her family happiness. In order not to lose your family, you should be attentive to your husband and avoid weaknesses in behavior. You should restrain your emotions and not lose your temper.

Why do you dream of chocolates according to other dream books?

IN esoteric dream book presents a different interpretation of what chocolate candies mean in dreams. It states that chocolates promise only health problems and Negative consequences previous decisions. These decisions were made incorrectly, and therefore led to a series of troubles.

If you dream that you eat chocolate but do not get the proper pleasure from the meal, you should be wary of a serious illness, for which you will have to spend a considerable amount of money. If to the expectant mother If she dreams about how she treats other people's children to candy - someone is very jealous of her pregnancy. She should take care of herself.

For a young unmarried girl, seeing her eating candy means a loss of inner balance. Most likely, her loneliness is caused by negative impact from outside. For a man to feed his beloved chocolates from his hands - to quarrels and quarrels.

In the dream book of the White Magician it is said that chocolates indicate that a person subconsciously wants to get easy life, he wants to live beautifully and expensively. But in order to realize your plans, you need to do something, and not just wait for life to start giving gifts.

Also, such a dream may indicate that a person has become a hostage to negative events, unpleasant conversations, and he simply does not know what to do next. Perhaps he has accumulated debts and is unable to pay them off. If you dream that you are treating someone to candy, it means that you are trying in every possible way to hide your shortcomings and manipulate the facts. This idea can be very dangerous; you should not get carried away with it.

You shouldn’t meekly follow the clues of your dreams, but you also need to believe that they can change your life. Sometimes a person hesitates which interpretation to choose. In such cases, it is worth remembering all the emotions that accompanied the dream. Perhaps, in fact, they were very positive, and even if you dreamed that the candies were tasteless, in reality minor troubles would quickly end and after them great prospects would open up.

A period of problems and worries is sometimes worth going through. Your future fate depends on how well and calmly you survive this period. The main thing is not to get confused when accepting gifts and lessons from fate. Sometimes they are very important. It is also important to look for the positive in everything and not to be discouraged if dreams do not give an encouraging forecast. In any case, happiness is just around the corner.

Seeing Candy in a dream

Candy in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Receive - you will be invited to the celebration
  • Eat - you will fall in love.
  • Interpretation in Ukrainian dream book Sleep Candy:

  • Sweets, honey, sugar - to death, as they are part of the memorial service.
  • Why do you dream about Candy? Modern dream book?

  • Eating candy in a dream means that a variety of entertainment awaits you in the near future. Sour-tasting candies can symbolize illness or annoyance. Receiving candy as a gift means that you will become an object of worship. Such a dream usually promises prosperity. If in a dream you make candy yourself, then you will be able to achieve success thanks to your hard work and patience. Giving candy means that you will decide to get married, but then you risk being disappointed in your chosen one.
  • IN Miller's Dream Book if you dream about Candy:

  • Making candy in a dream means improving your well-being thanks to diligence, diligence, and hard work.
  • To dream that you are eating crumbly, crispy candy speaks of secular pleasures and promises love to young and older people. Sour candy is a sign of illness or that frustration and irritation will replace the former boundless trust.
  • He promises to receive a box of chocolates as a gift young man someone's persistent but hypocritical harassment. Usually this dream promises prosperity. If you yourself send someone a box of chocolates, you will soon make a proposal (business or marriage), but you will be disappointed: your hopes will not come true.
  • If you dream about Candy? IN Culinary dream book:

  • Eating candy in a dream foretells the approach of exciting, intoxicating pleasures in your intimate life. Receiving candy as a gift in a dream means that you will soon experience a captivating but risky joy.
  • Interpretation of dream Candy in The newest dream book:

  • You will suffer from jealousy. Collecting wrappers from K. means senseless hoarding.
  • Seeing Candy in a dream Family dream book:

  • If you received a box of chocolates as a gift, prosperity lies ahead of you. If you sent someone a box of chocolates, your hopes will not come true.
  • If you made candy in a dream, then your well-being will improve thanks to diligence, diligence and hard work. A dream in which you eat crumbly, crispy candy foreshadows secular pleasures and promises love. Sour candy is a sign of illness or annoyance and irritation.
  • What does it mean to see Candy in a dream? Eastern dream book?

  • Eating lollipops means having fun in the very near future. Sour candies symbolize illness or annoyance. Receiving candy as a gift is a sign that you will become an object of worship. Such a dream usually promises prosperity. If you make candy yourself, it means you can achieve success thanks to hard work and patience. Giving candy is a sign that you will decide to get married, but then you may be disappointed in your chosen one.
  • What does Candy mean in a dream? Schiller's Dream Book?

  • arrival of guests.
  • Candy in a dream French dream book:

  • If you dreamed of candy, the dream warns you of someone’s insincerity hiding under the guise of flattery.
  • Seeing candy in a dream. IN Dream Interpretation of Health:

  • Seeing candy - to positive emotions; Eating candy means problems with the pancreas; to the danger of dental caries; Feeling disgust when eating or seeing sweets is a sign of possible diabetes.
  • Known since early childhood. And many people do not want to stop this acquaintance until old age. In reality, we meet sweets everywhere: we eat them with tea, give them to loved ones and colleagues as a sign of love and respect, and make children happy with them. But sometimes this sweetness appears to us in a dream as a sign from above. In this article you will find out why you dream about a lot of sweets, as well as other sweets.

    The best prophecies

    • Dream Interpretation Enigma

      This modern dream book counts dreams about lots of candy happy sign, symbolizing joyful events, enjoying life and carefree.

      Very often dreams have similar content promise the dreamer improvement financial situation and real prosperity in the near future. At the same time, the dream book warns: you will not get all this for nothing, but thanks to your hard work and diligence.

      Seeing in a dream not just a lot, but too much candy bright colorssuch a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s dreams and his bright hopes for the future. If in a dream you touched these candies, and even tasted them, rejoice: your dreams, even the most daring and secret ones, will come true. If not, alas, the future will not live up to your expectations.

      Try to remember appearance and the taste of the delicacy - the true meaning of the vision revealed to you depends on them. If the candies were chocolate and wrapped - soon you will be lucky to complete a large and successful financial transaction. Marmalade - in the near future it will give you a great chance that you would be foolish to miss. Fruit - the personification of erotic adventures into which the dreamer will be drawn.

      Caramel candies - a dream about caramels warns you: now is the time to enter into a romantic relationship with the person you like. Lollipops – a warning that you should not expect to make large profits. Boxed ones are a sign foreshadowing an invitation to some holiday or banquet where you will have a lot of fun.

    • Dream book for lovers

      The compilers of this book of dreams are convinced that a lot of sweets in a dream are an unambiguously positive sign, predicting a happy relationship and marriage for a person. The only exception is if the sweets were sour or bitter. In this case, the person with whom you make plans for the future will bring you disappointment and bitter regret in your choice.

      A girl or woman had a dream - it foretells you sweet love and a happy relationship with the man of your dreams. The only exception is in which you are given an elegant box of chocolates. In this case, you will have to literally fight off the annoying advances of an unwanted person.

      For a guy - the meaning completely coincides with the previous interpretation: see or eat candy - to happy relationship with my girlfriend; giving them to someone in a box means a sharp refusal from your chosen one and unrequited feelings.

      Dream Interpretation of Medea

      The sorceress Medea counted the candies she saw in her dream a symbol of naivety, carefreeness and childish light joy. Eat a lot of different sweets - bad sign, signifying the dreamer’s hopeless situation. Seeing them means all your hopes and desires will come true. Buying candy is a harbinger that your relatives will soon visit you. The visit will be unexpected and therefore doubly pleasant.

      Lots of chocolates - a dream promising the dreamer to receive an impressive sum of money. Lots of caramels - good for the little things.

      Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

      Unlike her colleague, Medea, Miss Hasse mostly interpreted dreams about candy as positive. Most often, such a delicacy symbolizes love and the sweetness of a romantic relationship.. Receiving candy as a gift means you will soon be invited to a holiday or celebration.

      Eat them and enjoy the pleasant taste - a harbinger of happy love flirting and mutual falling in love. Chocolate candies are a dream that promises the dreamer joy and high spirits. Buying candy is a vision that promises a lot of pleasure. Seeing whole mountains of candies in a dream - having seen such a dream, become more decisive. A similar sign is shown to people who behave too hesitantly with the opposite sex.

      Stealing candy in a store or from a merchant - you will be able to achieve all your goals, but for this you will have to put in a lot of effort and even take risks. Candies with nuts inside are a sign that in reality you are overindulging in internal thoughts, instead of just enjoying life. Making candy yourself is a dream that promises an improvement in the dreamer’s well-being.

      Dream book of Gustav Miller

      According to Miller's dream book, sweets are considered a symbol of intimate pleasures and all kinds of pleasures. Enjoying melted or soft candy is a harbinger of erotic adventures. Trying an unpleasant-tasting candy means that the dreamer will soon experience grief and despair. It’s as if the people and events around you will deliberately make you feel sad and sad.

      Accept candy as a gift - a symbol that in reality a very persistent and deceitful person likes you. Giving candy to someone yourself - such a dream should be taken literally: soon you will make someone an offer (business or personal), but will receive an unequivocal refusal in response.

      Dream Interpretation of Spouses Winter

      Esotericists Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima consider sweets appearing in a dream to be a harbinger of life’s joys, which, however, will be very insignificant.

      Eating them in a dream is an internal sign that in reality you are very tired of DC voltage and want your life to become brighter and happier.

      Finding a handful of candies in your pocket - soon happiness will appear in your life, and quite unexpectedly and from an unexpected source. Troubles associated with candy (tongue bite, bitter, sour or tasteless candy) - such a dream warns: you are too carried away by pleasures and may not notice the dangers that are hidden behind them.

    Collect candy in the cemetery

    At first glance, such a dream seems frightening, because the cemetery is associated with death, deprivation, grief and despair. If you saw such a dream, do not rush to get upset - best books dreams interpret such a sign as exclusively positive.

    Collecting candy in a cemetery foreshadows large monetary profits, prosperity and enrichment in one form or another. This could be a major one, a promotion, receiving an expensive gift or a substantial inheritance. When you wake up after such a dream, rest assured that luck has truly turned in your favor.

    What did you do with them in your dream?

    As the best dream books in the world indicate, important meaning in a dream is carried not only by objects (in this case, candy), but also by actions with them. To better understand the meaning of the dream that appeared to you, try to remember what exactly you did with the candy:

    • There are them- a dream that completely depends on the taste and type of sweets. Sweet, beautiful candies with an unforgettable taste are considered a symbol foretelling the dreamer good time with nice people. This could be an interesting party or a date with your loved one. On the contrary, sour, bitter or insipid candy predicts disappointment, grief and the need to deal with unpleasant people against your will.
    • Steal candy- a dream that should be understood as a harbinger of the dreamer’s enrichment and the fulfillment of his most cherished desires. But it is worth remembering that this will not happen on its own, as they say, “water will not flow under a lying stone.”
    • Give them away- an unfavorable dream, symbolizing the dreamer’s enormous disappointments. It seems that the hopes you had for the people around you will be completely crushed, and in fact they will not turn out to be what you imagined. You will not receive any gratitude for everything you have selflessly done for them.
    • Treating someone with candy- good pleasant dream, promising you pleasant communication with a pleasant person. This could be either a conversation with a like-minded person or a date with the person you have been dreaming about for a long time.
    • Buying candy in a dream- a harbinger of amazing luck and success in all areas of life: good health, successful career, reliable friendship and happy personal life provided for you.
    • Take candy from someone- a dream foreshadowing the receipt interesting offer from anyone. To understand from whom exactly, remember the details of the dream: you took candy from a representative of the same sex - you will be offered an interesting time; the opposite - a person who has sympathy for you will try to get closer to you.


    Dreams about candy wrappers are interpreted very ambiguously. The wrappers that you managed to pick up are a symbol of large monetary profits in the dreamer’s life. It looks like you will soon get a big win, and perhaps you will receive a large inheritance or a cash bonus.

    If you were unable to touch them - it is a symbol of vivid memories of your past. Apparently, the present seems dim and empty to you, and you are chasing the ghosts of bygone times.

    Box of candies

    If you received a box of chocolates as a gift, the person you are indifferent to will make every effort to win your attention. Having seen such a dream, get ready for the intrusive and annoying behavior of your fan (or fan).

    Give them yourself - you have feelings for a person who has no intention of reciprocating your feelings. All your gifts, surprises and courtship will not only not make your feelings mutual, but will also cause irritation and even hostility of your chosen one (or chosen one).

    Other sweets

    If in a dream you dreamed of other sweets than candies, do not despair: the best dream books will help you understand visions of any content. So, you dreamed:

    • Chocolate– sweet moments await you, which will mainly relate to relationships with your significant other.
    • Chocolate bar- a sign foreshadowing career growth and getting a good position.
    • Lollipop– there is a person in the world who loves you madly (albeit secretly).
    • Cake– the dreamer’s excessive naivety and his tendency to have his head in the clouds.
    • small cake- a sign of complete satisfaction with your own life.
    • A big cake- a symbol of the dreamer’s ambitions and desire to make life even brighter and happier.

    How can one understand candies and sweets do not always portend a “sweet” future. Nevertheless, a detailed study of the interpretations best dream books, multiplied by your intuition and will, will help you draw the right conclusions and avoid any possible troubles.

    Sweets are a symbol of childhood, which is always filled with pleasures and joys. But in dreams, this delicacy is far from an unambiguous symbol. When interpreting night dreams in which sweets appeared, you must pay attention to all the nuances of the dream.

    Dreams in which sweets appear are extremely diverse. They can appear in dreams in different quantities; they can simply be seen or eaten. It is very important to remember what type of candy you dreamed about, because in each specific case the interpretations may differ.

    Look at the candy

    If sweets appeared in your night dreams, and you just look at them, then this foreshadows the onset of joyful days in reality. Perhaps the celebration of life will not be large-scale, but it will bring a lot of pleasant moments.

    A lot of sweets - interpretation of sleep

    Very often dreamers are interested in the question, why do they dream about a lot of candy? If sweets appeared in a huge variety in night dreams, then this indicates that in reality the dreamer will have many pleasant and happy events. A bright streak of life with many surprises awaits you. Moreover, gifts from fate will appear in whole bunches, although, perhaps, they will not be global.

    Sweets on display - what do you dream about?

    If, according to the plot of the dream, you saw candy in the window of a candy store, then this accentuates your daydreaming. Such a dream indicates that you should be more realistic about the events happening around you. Of course, it is necessary to have a dream, but living in a dream world is not entirely correct.

    Candies in bright wrappers - dream book

    It’s very good if in your night dreams you see sweets in bright wrappers. This is a symbol of the fact that a period of carefree joy and fun is coming in life. One candy in a shiny wrapper portends a meeting with an interesting person.

    Different types of candies can mean the following:

      Chocolate candies predict that you will receive a large sum of money in reality; Marmalade candies predict good luck, but it is important not to miss the opportunity; Caramel indicates that a calm period is coming in life without quarrels and conflicts; Candy with fruit filling portends erotic adventures; Lollipops indicate a small profit in real life.

    Why do you dream about eating candy?

    Very often, dreamers indulge in sweets in their nightly sins, so the question of why they dream of eating sweets is quite natural. If you eat a delicious crispy wafer candy in a dream, then this promises you luxurious life filled with all sorts of pleasures. In reality, various social events await you at which you will shine. If you don’t like the taste of candy, then this indicates that in reality someone is trying to deceive you. For a lonely person, eating candy in a dream means starting a new romantic relationship in real life.

    Making candy

    Very good sign is a dream in which you make candy yourself. Why do you have such a pleasant dream? This means that in real life, thanks to your own diligence and hard work, you will be able to significantly improve your own well-being. And if in your night dreams you eat homemade sweets, this indicates that your plans will be successfully implemented.

    In addition, it is important to remember what kind of candy you tasted in your night dreams:

      If you eat chocolate and very sweet candies, this is a sign of great love, and sincere feelings will completely overwhelm you. Do not close your own heart from great love and get real pleasure. When you have to eat sour candies, this indicates that in real life there are irritating factors around you. Such a dream advises you not to throw out your emotions, but to try to understand yourself. In addition, it is important to remember that you need to be more tolerant of people and only then will it be possible to build harmonious relationships in society.

    Also, a dream in which you eat chocolates, according to Vanga’s dream book, can symbolize that you have serious business partners with whom you manage to make a good profit. Also, such dreams indicate that you are adapted to self-development and know how to achieve success in the most difficult situations.

    Receive candy as a gift

    A very good sign is a dream in which you receive candy as a gift. This symbolizes your prosperity in real life. Moreover, this may concern not only the material side, but also the spiritual. You can learn to give people joy and in this way you can enrich your inner world.

    In addition, donated sweets in a dream predict that you may soon receive lucrative offers. But if, upon waking up, you realized that you didn’t like the candy, then in real life you can expect disappointment. A noteworthy dream is one in which the dreamer's attention is focused on the fact that he receives candy as a gift from a member of the opposite sex. This indicates that an invitation to a wedding or anniversary will soon be received in reality.

    Find candy in your pocket

    If you find several candies in the pockets of your own clothes in a dream, this indicates that you can expect small but very positive life changes in the near future.

    Giving candy - the meaning of sleep

    When you give candy to someone in your night dreams, this indicates an excess of your hopes in reality. In this regard, they may turn out to be unrealistic. In this case, the dream advises you to take a more realistic approach to life, so as not to get upset later. But such a dream also indicates that you can make someone an offer of a business or personal nature, but it will not necessarily be successful.

    The most frequently asked question is why you dream about buying sweets. Such a dream is a good omen. This indicates that luck will smile on you in reality. You need to take advantage of this and start implementing your own wildest ideas.

    Also, if you dream that you are buying candy in a dream, this may mean in reality:
      Arrival of unexpected guests; Receiving a well-deserved reward.
    If you buy very expensive candies in your night dreams, this may portend great pleasures in the near future associated with a wide variety of events. For businessmen and entrepreneurs, such a dream can mean concluding a profitable deal in reality. It is very bad if any problems arise when buying sweets negative emotions. For example, the dreamer feels that he does not have enough money to buy the candy he likes. Such a dream can be a harbinger of the development of hidden diseases. It is highly likely that problems may arise with the organs of the digestive system.

    Collect candy in the cemetery

    A dream in which, according to the plot, you collect candy in a cemetery speaks of you as a person who does not show compassion for loved ones. In addition, it may indicate that you enjoy the misfortunes of others. You definitely need to overcome this feeling, because this is ordinary envy, and, as you know, envious people have a hard life.

    Treat with candy

    Treating someone in a dream with candy is very good. Such a dream foretells that in real life you will have a true friend. But if you give a beautiful box of chocolates, then this indicates that your offer is risky and, most likely, it will be rejected.

    Why do you dream about sweets? To do this you need to read the dream book. Sweets represent childhood, joy and a life of abundance. They are presented as a gift at all festive events. It is impossible to imagine a birthday, anniversary, or other memorable dates without sweets. This is not just a treat. Candy is also given simply to express kindness towards a person and to bring pleasure.

    Night visions of sweets foreshadow mostly positive news. They report prosperity, good meetings and acquaintances, and joy. Unfavorable explanations are associated with the taste of candy, if you felt it in a dream. For an accurate interpretation of sleep, you need to get acquainted with them in the suggested sources.

    Interpretations of various dream books

    Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

    • Chocolate candies - great mood, creative inspiration, joint activities with serious employees.
    • Received them as a gift - to unfulfilled desires.
    • The sweets had an unpleasant taste - a sign of stomach illness and a sad mood.

    Women's dream book (explanations only for women)

    • Receiving a package of sweets as a gift promises prosperity and luck.
    • Give it yourself - your offer will be rejected.
    • Enjoyed the crispy candy - to romantic relationships, pleasure.
    • It tasted like something sour - a sign of poor health, dissatisfaction, and resentment.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    • Seeing them means good health, prosperity.
    • I dreamed of a monpensier - to a surprise from loved ones.

    Interpretation of the sorceress Medea

    • The candy represents serenity and fun.
    • Seeing them means anticipation, eating them means material well-being.

    Explanation by psychologist G. Miller

    • Making them yourself means an increase in your well-being due to your hard work and perseverance.
    • Sour candy means a possible illness.
    • A guy receiving boxes of chocolates as a gift is predicted by false persistent demands.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

    They dream of pleasure and prosperity.

    French dream book

    Seeing them means beware of lies and pretense.

    Big dream book

    Lollipops - to resent your loved one. Chocolate ones talk about unexpected income.

    Culinary dream book

    • Eat them - intimate life will give you pleasure.
    • We received them as a gift - fun days you are expected soon.

    Love dream book

    They gave them to someone. Marriage will not be happy for you. You will be completely disappointed in family life and in your husband.

    Azar's biblical dream book

    Seeing promises you guests.

    Interpretation of the medium Hasse

    Receiving them means attending a festive feast, eating them means a romantic relationship.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Feng Shui

    What does it mean to feast on them and give them as a gift in a dream.

    • If you eat them, fortune is on your side. Feel free to start any business. You will complete them successfully.
    • For married women, you will be present at the wedding as a guest.
    • For single girls, this portends marriage, a wealthy groom, and a happy married life.
    • For sick people, this is a harbinger of a long illness.
    • Giving them means success at work, career growth, salary increase.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Astrological Dream Book

    Such night visions signify pleasant events and well-being.

    Explanation by psychologist S. Freud

    Sweets and their purchase are a warning about carelessness in intimate relationships. You don't think about their consequences. They can have disastrous results.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    • Seeing them is a sign of small joys.
    • Eating is a warning about your fatigue. Find time to relax. You really need it now.
    • Finding candy in your pocket means pleasant events and fun.
    • You dream of a box of chocolates for a feast.
    • Candy wrapper - your expectations will not be met, to dissatisfaction.

    Jewish dream book

    Seeing them promises a meeting of guests.

    Eastern women's dream book

    • Treating yourself to lollipops is a sign of a wonderful time soon.
    • Sour candies predict illness, irritation, dissatisfaction.
    • Received them as a gift - to a prosperous life, prosperity.

    The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

    Seeing them portends deliverance from diseases and a long life.

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    • For a girl to see them - romantic meetings with a young man who will eventually offer you his hand and heart.
    • If you receive a box of expensive chocolates as a gift, you will be invited to a festive event.
    • You made such a present yourself - your declaration of love will not be reciprocated.
    • Buying them is a waste of money.
    • Eating is a sign with a positive connotation. Portends success at work, a carefree life, and fun.
    • Eating mints means dissatisfaction and annoyance.
    • Sweet ones - for income, sour ones - for illness, nervousness.
    • Caramel - for mutual understanding, lollipops - betrayal of imaginary friends.
    • Chocolate - you will meet people you have been looking for for a long time. All obstacles are behind you, your endeavors will go uphill.

    Collection of dream books

    Seeing - to slander from a loved one, resentment and worries.

    Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

    1. See them - expect guests.
    2. Eating means pleasant intimate meetings.
    3. Buy - you will be disappointed in someone.
    4. Treating is a loss of faith.
    5. Received as a gift - to well-being and pleasure in sexual relationships.

    Interpretations from other sources

    1. Receiving a gift in the form of a package of expensive chocolates promises presence at a festive evening.
    2. Giving something like this yourself means you will be the first to confess your love. Unfortunately, you won't get reciprocity.
    3. Eating them in a dream means well-being in the home and happy love relationships.
    4. Eating caramel means you are probably in love.
    5. Seeing them in a store window speaks of your sentimental nature.