The best companion and pet is the Japanese Spitz. Characteristics of dogs of the Japanese Spitz breed with reviews and photos Japanese Spitz: description of the breed

a brief description of

  • Other names: Japanese Spitz, 日本スピッツ, Nihon Supittsu, Nihon Supittsu, silent Asian Spitz, Japanese.
  • Height: up to 40 cm.
  • Weight: from 7.0 to 10.0 kg.
  • Color: exclusively white.
  • Wool: fluffy, silky, middle length, the down is soft, dense, short.
  • Lifespan: up to 13-15 years old.
  • Advantages of the breed: Very friendly and cheerful animals. Absolutely conflict-free, they are perceived by children as living toys. Dogs practically do not speak, have no smell and are famous for their cleanliness.
  • Difficulties: Spitz dogs are extremely wary of strangers, but only severe fear can force the dog to bark. These are monogamous people who find it extremely difficult to cope with separation from their owner. Abandoned animals practically do not survive.
  • Price: $2000.

Origin story

According to one hypothesis, miniature Japanese Spitz owe their origin to Siberian Samoyed Laika. were brought to Japan at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In some litters, the size of the puppies was so small, but they looked so beautiful, that Japanese dog handlers began to select small representatives of the breed, raise and breed them in such a way as to obtain a miniature copy of the Siberian Samoyed.

The experiments were successful, and in 1921 were presented to the canine community snow white dwarf spitz, resembling the appearance of their supposed ancestors. The breed was liked by the European contingent, and the price of Japanese Spitz puppies began to rise steadily. Demand creates supply, and small snow-white fluffies began to appear in Finland, Sweden, France and even Australia.

Having received in 1930 recognition The entire world canine community, with the exception of the American Club, approved the first standard for the Japanese Spitz breed. But in difficult period During World War II, the popularity of the breed came to a standstill. They stopped being interested in dogs even in Europe, and in Japan, and to this day Japanese dwarf spitz rarely in demand. It was only in 1992 that the breed standard was updated and adopted by the FCI World Association.

Purpose of the breed

Dogs originally bred as an ornamental breed. Japanese Spitz- typical representative indoor breeds dogs. In their homeland, dogs are used as companions, and are also raised, accustomed to circus activities. In our country, there are still very few representatives of this breed, and they are often confused with Samoyed huskies.


Dogs They have a cheerful, friendly disposition. These resilient animals are literally infectious with their temperament. Being in full confidence in their superiority, animals They simply cannot imagine themselves outside of human attention. They bestow their selfless friendship on everyone who communicates with them.

Video review of the Japanese Spitz breed

About the quietest dog in the world, the Japanese Spitz, video from the TEST.TV program. Here you will learn about the character and what dogs eat, how strong their health is and what wisdom can be taught to an animal by simple upbringing:

Choosing a puppy

Purchasing a little beast comes down to finding a nursery. It is strictly not recommended to purchase a purebred puppy at a poultry market or at a crossing. Well, this is not the breed to stand with a baby at a crossroads and offer it, like a kitten, to the first person you meet.

When choosing a puppy need to see all the babies of the litter, and especially parents, to have an idea of ​​the parameters and external characteristics an adult and already my own dog. All puppies of the litter must be active, curious, daring and very nimble, but not loud. Yes, they can pick on each other in play, but the breed is one of the most silent varieties.

Particular attention should be paid to the puppy's eyes, since this is the “weakest link” of the breed. And also on the puppy’s belly. It should be dense, but not hard and without signs of swelling, which can indicate rachitic manifestations or the presence.

For a puppy purchased from a kennel dowry is due:

  • veterinary passport;
  • birth certificate – puppy;
  • photocopies of the litter's parents' pedigrees;
  • photocopies of health certificates of the father, mother and, possibly, the puppy itself;
  • the breeder's recommendations on raising the baby;
  • a favorite toy so that the puppy quickly adapts to the new place.

Nicknames and names

From the kennel, the puppy moves to new owners with an official nickname. But most people rename their pet in their own way, giving the baby a pet name. Little fluffy balls choose names that suit their characters. But do not forget that the dog will grow a little, and the nickname given to the baby may sound ridiculous.

The most popular names for Japanese Spitz:

  • Boys– Zon, Dillon, Yoho, Exy, Clyde, Bach, Arcee, Mio.
  • Girls– Bretta, Yola, Maya, Bonnie, Aldrey, Fifa.

Dog can adapt to almost any type of content, including accommodation in an enclosure. But typical indoor dog It will be not so much physically as psychologically difficult to be in an enclosure alone, since the Japanese have a sociable character.

The pride of the Japanese Spitz is its magnificent snow-white coat. The cover has self-cleaning properties. Even if the wool gets dirty in an oily substance, it will clean itself after two or three days, thanks to its unique structure. That's why wash often pet strongly Not recommended. Moreover, the Japanese have no smell at all.

The Japanese Spitz should be brushed regularly, especially during the moulting period. Twice a year, dogs are brushed daily. The rest of the time - two or three times a week, but at least three times a month.

Young puppies are diligently trained to go to the toilet. Since puppies and even adults are not particularly good at obedience, the process takes some time. Teaching a dog to recover during a walk and go to the toilet at an older age is much faster.

Health and heredity

Nature rewarded Japanese Spitz excellent health and strong immunity. The only drawback is considered eye sensitivity dogs. They need to be closely monitored and washed regularly with ophthalmic agents.

The dental system is strong. Plaque on the teeth practically does not form, but this does not exempt owners from visiting veterinary clinic for preventive purposes. Dog ears once a week. They also monitor the length of the claws and, if necessary, trim them either independently or with the help of a veterinarian.

Despite the fact that the Japanese Spitz is considered decorative breed, dogs seasonal treatments required from blood-sucking insects. Mosquitoes can cause a lot of trouble as carriers of dangerous blood diseases, not to mention those that transmit serious infectious diseases.

Preventive examinations can be timed to coincide with the annual dogs. Before vaccinations, it is advisable to measure communication and education. You need to immediately show your pet the place where he will rest and provide him with toys. Due to its restless, playful and at the same time quite stubborn nature, you need to constantly communicate with the puppy through play.

Japanese very susceptible to insults. Indoor dogs do not require serious training, but it is still necessary to teach a small dog the basic commands, at least so that over time the dog does not simply “sit on its head.”

All classes are conducted with the use of treats. But you shouldn’t be zealous, because Spitz-like prone to rapid weight gain. Excessive obesity leads to major health problems. Therefore, all the goodies eaten are added to the daily diet, and the amount eaten “in class” is removed from the daily ration.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dogs have high self-esteem. These are very proud and easily wounded animals. They tend to be offended, but due to their cheerful disposition, dogs very easy-going. For some reason they are considered good watchmen, but the dogs practically do not speak. It is possible that the opinion was formed as a result of the fact that the Spitz is extremely distrustful and suspicious of strangers. He will never answer a call if the person is unfamiliar to him.

With children the situation is different. Dogs love children, both their own and those of others.. Sometimes a dog can be impudent to the point of indecency. But all character traits are associated not so much with upbringing as with individual characteristics animal.

IN last years Japanese Spitz dogs are becoming increasingly popular. And this is not surprising, since the character appearance and the structural features of its coat make it, without exaggeration, an ideal dog for city dwellers.

Post-war anti-stress

The development of the Japanese Spitz breed (Nihon Supitzu) was initiated by the Imperial Government of Japan. After World War I, many families experienced depression due to financial situation and the loss of relatives at the fronts. The Japanese love pets, so the government decided that dogs would help brighten up the everyday life of ordinary residents.

We needed a breed that would make contact, get along with other pets, and have a cute appearance. In addition, the dog had to be easy to care for, while still being able to protect its owner. There were not enough local breeds on the islands, so puppies had to be purchased on the continent for selection. The Japanese made their first attempts to breed their own Spitz in the 20s of the last century. Soon, the Japanese Spitz dog breed was shown in its “raw” form at an exhibition in Tokyo. The dogs made their debut successfully, with a reservation for further development of the breed. The selection work was based on German Spitz and other breeds of this group. Eskimo Spitz became the final “touch” in breeding work, which does not indicate its main component, as some representatives of the American Kennel Club claim. By the way, which was not accepted new breed as independent to this day.

After World War II, where Japan was defeated, the breed did not disappear. Breeding documents and many Japanese Spitz dogs remained intact. And in 1948, national experts approved the breed standard. State propaganda also contributed to its development. It is also one of the few types of dogs in the Country rising sun, which was exported without hindrance. When she captured the hearts of people around the world, she was also recognized by the British Kennel Club, which happened in 1977.

For the first time in Russia

The Japanese Spitz first came to our country in 1993. Trainer Nikolai Pavlenko, returning from Germany, brought the dog with him. In his interviews, he says that he loves all his dogs equally, but, in his words, the Japanese Spitz Ricky is something incredible. He receives great spiritual pleasure from communicating with him.

Dear friend

The price of a Japanese Spitz starts from 25 thousand rubles. On average, depending on various factors, breeders ask 30-40 thousand rubles for a “Japanese” puppy. And this is not the limit. Many people wonder why prices for puppies are so high.

Breeders provide many well-reasoned answers. Partly the price increases due to exoticism, for the sake of fashion. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you dig deeper, you will find out the root cause of the high cost of Japanese Spitz puppies - the low fertility of the breed. With this feature, the cost of mating increases, which breeders put into the price of puppies.

Appearance and description

In any collection, the description of the Japanese Spitz breed indicates that it is a harmoniously built dog. The height at the withers does not exceed forty centimeters, the ears are set high and turned forward. Small nose always black. The eyes are almond-shaped, lively and with a friendly expression. The head has a wide nape and a spacious forehead, with a smooth transition to a neatly pointed and rounded muzzle.

The body is proportional, with a deep chest. The high-set tail, typical of Spitz, is carried over the back and held close, but does not form a ring. Straight and level forelimbs with strong and flexible joints. Hind legs wider in stance than the front ones. There is an "undermining" hidden by the fur. The long coat is exclusively white, with a structure characteristic of the breed.

I should add a few words about growth. A myth is spreading on the Internet about the existence of the dwarf Japanese Spitz. In fact, such a breed has not yet been bred. Perhaps the misconception arose after meeting the smallest specimen. The breed standard stipulates dimensions from thirty to forty centimeters at the withers.

Incredible wool

The unusual wool of the “Japanese” is covered in fame. The breed's peculiarity of the structure of the coat does not allow dirt to linger on it. And this is not a gimmick or a myth. Therefore, it is not recommended to bathe such a dog often, as these fantastic properties of the coat may deteriorate. And you only need to use dry shampoo. Brush the dog's fur at least once a week with a brush.


Positive quality these dogs are theirs good health. No hereditary diseases have been identified over all the years of existence. You just need to pay attention to the condition of their sensitive eyes, protecting them from the penetration of dust and dirt. It is recommended to wash dogs' eyes with a decoction of chamomile or strong tea using cotton swabs. Digestive problems may arise if you do not maintain a balanced diet. But in general, they are unpretentious in food, the main thing is that it is not too fatty. On average, Spitz live up to thirteen years.


Many owners of this breed claim that it is an ideal family dog ​​and companion. Which, in principle, corresponds to the goals of its breeding. They are cheerful and easily make contact with both people and animals. They learn quickly, but do not tolerate rough treatment. This dog will not stop robbers breaking into the house (due to its small weight and height), but it will be able to warn - the security instinct is well developed. But at the same time he doesn’t lie about trifles. It is also called the most silent dog, which can be noted as a feature of the breed, in addition to its wonderful fur.

As numerous reviews of Japanese Spitz testify, training them is a real pleasure. They look like they were made for the circus. In addition, these dogs are very clean, which makes it possible to keep them in an apartment without any problems. Children allow themselves to be squeezed great friends in their fun and energetic games. It is considered a very loyal dog that perfectly senses the mood of its owner. And you can’t call her intrusive. They are very active until they are two years old, and with each passing year they become calmer. The hunting instinct is not demonstrated at all: they live in families side by side with rabbits, cats and parrots. The bright appearance will not allow you to walk down the street unnoticed. Many people stop and ask to pet them. For those who have a problem meeting new people, the Japanese Spitz will help.

It would seem that there are continuous advantages, but this does not happen. There are disadvantages, however, they appear only through the fault of careless owners. If you choose the wrong food for your Spitz and do not comb it properly, the coat will become noticeably dull and will collect in different parts dwellings on a large scale. Although the “Japanese” is not intrusive, it still requires the owner’s attention. You can’t lock him in an enclosure for the whole day and forget about him. He needs to be given at least the necessary minimum of communication.

The Japanese Spitz (Japanese: Nihon Supittsu, English: Japanese Spitz) is a medium-sized dog breed. Bred in Japan by crossing various Spitz dogs. Despite the fact that this is a fairly young breed, it has gained great popularity due to its appearance and character.

This breed was formed in Japan, between 1920 and 1950, since the first mentions of it date back to these years.

The Japanese imported the German Spitz from China and began crossing it with other Spitz dogs. As in most cases, precise data on these crossings has not been preserved.

This has led to the fact that some consider the Japanese Spitz to be a variation of the German, while others consider it a separate, independent breed.

On this moment it is recognized by most canine organizations, except the American Kennel Club due to its similarity with.


Different organizations have different growth standards. In Japan it is 30-38 cm for males at the withers, for females it is slightly less.

In England 34-37 for males and 30-34 for females. In the USA 30.5-38 cm for males and 30.5-35.6 cm for females. Small organizations and clubs use their own standards. But, the Japanese Spitz is considered larger than its close relative -.

The Japanese Spitz is a classic medium-sized dog with a snowy white coat that consists of two layers. The upper, longer and harder, and the lower, dense undercoat. On the chest and neck the fur forms a collar.

The color is snow-white, it creates a contrast with dark eyes, a black nose, lip lines and paw pads.

The muzzle is long and pointed. Ears triangular shape, standing. The tail is of medium length, covered with thick hair and carried over the back.

The body is strong and strong, but remains flexible. General impression of the dog: pride, friendliness and intelligence.


The Japanese Spitz is a family dog; they cannot live without communication with their family. Smart, lively, capable and willing to please the owner, but not servile, with their own personality.

If a Spitz meets a stranger, it is wary. However, if he turns out to be friendly, he will receive the same friendliness in return. The breed has no aggression towards humans; on the contrary, it has a lot of friendliness.

But in relation to other animals they are often dominant. Puppies need to be accustomed to the company of other animals with early age, then everything will be fine.

However, their dominance is still high and they often become the leaders in the pack, even if a much larger dog lives in the house.

Most often this is a dog of one owner. Treating all family members equally, the Japanese Spitz chooses one person whom it loves the most. This makes the breed ideal for those who, by the will of fate, live alone and need a companion.


Despite the long white wool- V special care they don't need it. She is very easy to care for, although at first glance it does not seem so.

The texture of the wool allows dirt to be removed very easily, it does not linger in it. At the same time, Japanese Spitz are as clean as cats and despite the fact that they often like to play in the dirt, they look neat.

The breed does not have a dog smell.

As a rule, they need to be brushed once or twice a week and bathed once every two months.

They shed twice a year, but the shedding lasts a week and the fur is easily removed with regular brushing.
Despite the activity, they do not need large quantities loads, like all companion dogs.

You can't let your dog get bored, yes. But, this is not a hunting or herding breed that needs incredible activity.

Games, walks, communication - everything and anything a Japanese Spitz needs.

They tolerate cold weather well, but since this is a companion dog, they should live in a house, with their family, and not in an enclosure.


It is necessary to take into account that these dogs live 12-14 years, and often 16.

This is an excellent indicator for dogs of this size, but not everyone plans to keep a dog for that long.

Otherwise a healthy breed. Yes, they get sick like other purebred dogs, but they are carriers of special genetic diseases.

The Japanese Spitz was developed by crossing a number of other breeds of the same type. He is a classic decorative dog, not used as a watchman or hunter. This breed is characterized by its small size, unpretentiousness, good health and long life. It can be called the ideal companion, suitable for any owner. The Japanese Spitz is recommended to inexperienced dog handlers as their first dog.

Description of the Japanese Spitz breed

The Japanese Spitz was recognized as a separate breed of dog only in the 70-90s of the twentieth century, although its breeding began in the 30s. It is believed that the German Spitz was taken as the basis, but a number of other breeds were used in crossing. The final breed standard was developed only after the Second World War. The Japanese Spitz is recognized by a number of canine organizations around the world and is considered by them as a companion dog. It has detailed description, which every exhibition animal must comply with.

Appearance of a Japanese Spitz

As the description of the breed says, the Japanese Spitz dog is a medium-sized, tightly built animal of a square format. These animals are characterized by agility and grace, which is not always visible at first glance. The height of the Japanese Spitz is 30-40 cm, and the weight is 5-9 kg, and females are smaller and more graceful than males. The dogs' backs are straight and wide, and rib cage developed and deep. The limbs are straight and parallel to each other. The tail is set high, curls over the back, and is not docked.

The head of these dogs is large, with a wide and rounded skull. The muzzle is pointed, tapering towards the nose, the forehead is high, and the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced. The jaws of the Japanese Spitz close tightly, only a scissor bite is allowed. The ears are erect, triangular in shape, located at the top of the skull. The nose is large, with wide nostrils, eyes oval shape, smart and perky.

Dogs of this breed are only allowed White color wool Black, grey, red or brown shades of the coat are unacceptable and are considered a serious fault. The color of the eyes, lips and nose is black, without spots of other colors or shades. The Japanese Spitz is a long-haired dog whose hair is thick and fluffy. The hair is shorter on the head, and longer on the neck, chest and tail. On the neck and chest, the fur creates a kind of collar.

Character and training of the Japanese Spitz

If you believe the description of the breed and reviews of the owners, then this dwarf Spitz is smart, quick-witted, energetic and easy-going. If a Japanese Spitz puppy has interacted with other animals since childhood, then it will not conflict with any of the other pets. But it is important to remember that the Japanese Spitz does not know that he is mini size - he considers himself big dog and the main watchman in the house. And barks at every guest. The puppy must be weaned from this habit from an early age. And this should be done by the family member whom the Spitz considers to be the main one and to whom he is most attached.

The white Japanese Spitz is a monogamous person, so changing owners is contraindicated for him, otherwise the baby will be stressed, and it’s not a fact that he will be able to fully recover, so you should buy this dog only if the dog is taken into the family forever, because you need to provide the necessary care It’s not difficult for this handsome guy: he doesn’t take up much space and easily adapts to urban conditions. Here are the reviews about the Japanese Spitz left by experienced dog handlers:

“The White Japanese Spitz is a wonderful gift for any dog ​​lover. He is smart and energetic, gets along well with children and does not like to bark in vain. He also makes a good watchman who will never be the first to approach to a stranger. This dog should be trained from the very first day with a puppy, then there will be no problems with the socialization of the pet. You just need to remember that the Spitz selects for itself the eldest in the family, and only obeys him to the end.”

Caring for a Japanese Spitz dog

You should walk a dog of this breed every day, at least twice a day. These dogs are not difficult to train to a litter tray, but for normal functioning they need constant walks. It is recommended to find a place to run without a leash. This is necessary so that the pet can spend extra energy. Without walks, care will be incomplete, and the pet’s health will deteriorate. You should spend 20-30 minutes walking in the morning and evening - this is a small price to pay for a healthy pet

Any Japanese Spitz in the photo shows its luxurious long wool, but caring for her is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The hair on a dog’s body does not get tangled, and dirt and dust reluctantly stick to it, but you should brush your pet at least 3-4 times a week. And if there is such an opportunity, then the dog is combed daily with a specially designed brush. The dog is bathed infrequently, no more than once every 1.5-2 months. The shampoo for this is selected after consultation with a veterinarian, since improper care for wool has a negative impact on its quality.

Japanese Spitz - All about the dog breed | Dog breed - Japanese Spitz

Japanese Spitz

TEST.TV: Everything for animals. The Japanese Spitz is the quietest dog.

The owner of a Japanese Spitz should know that, despite his thick coat, his pet does not like the cold. This is a pet that is more comfortable in the home, close to family. Puppies of this breed also need to be taught to wash their fur and trim their nails, since both small and adult Spitz dogs do not like these procedures. If possible, they are held in special salons for dogs. The owner can also provide care for pets, but for exhibitions the animal must be prepared by professionals.

Feeding the Japanese Spitz

An adult animal of this breed is fed twice a day, morning and evening. But the puppy is given food three to six times a day. It is only important not to accustom your baby to night feeding: this is harmful to health and disrupts the pet’s routine. At the age of 1-2 months, a small Spitz is fed 5-6 times a day in small portions. When he turns three months old, the number of daily feedings is reduced to 3-4 times a day. Well, from 8-9 months the dog can be switched to two meals a day.

The weight of a daily portion of food for a Japanese Spitz is 300-500 g, depending on the size of the pet and its activity. The diet includes lightly boiled meat, cereals, vegetables and a small amount of dairy products. The meat you choose is chicken or beef, you can also use liver. Oatmeal or buckwheat are used as porridge; they can be replaced with ground black bread. Well, from plant food carrots, fodder beets, zucchini or pumpkins are selected.

It is better not to give fruits to Spitz, as well as nightshade crops: tomatoes and potatoes. Dairy products include cottage cheese or kefir, milk in pure form Can only be given to puppies. For normal maintenance, the share of meat and porridge is 35-40% of the diet. The rest is vegetables and shelf products. It is also recommended to add to food a small amount of fish oil. It contains substances necessary for the normal functioning of the dog.

Japanese Spitz Health

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by good health, but they still cannot do without trips to the veterinarian. The first thing the owner should remember: without necessary vaccinations keeping the dog will be incomplete. The veterinarian will tell you which vaccines the owner should use. And although the characteristics of this dog include good health, there are a number of diseases that representatives of this breed suffer from. These are the diseases:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • adrenal gland diseases.

Purchasing a Japanese Spitz puppy

Outside of Japan, it is not easy to even find a pair to breed a Japanese Spitz, let alone find a kennel that sells these dogs, so any advertisement for the sale of puppies of this breed must be treated with caution. In order to accurately determine the breed, it is recommended to watch training videos. Those videos that show all the main features of dogs of this breed. Then it’s worth looking at photos of the puppies offered by the breeder. And after that - decide whether to buy a dog.

Although this breed is gaining popularity, it is still relatively rare outside of Japan. And no matter how many nurseries there are in Russia that breed Japanese Spitz, there are still few of them, which is why the price for a puppy of this breed is very high. In rubles, the price for a pet is 25-35 thousand. And elite animals for exhibitions and breeding will cost 60-70 thousand rubles, sometimes more.


Japanese Spitz is perfect a pet. His level of intelligence and easy-going personality will appeal to any owner, and his good health and long lifespan will make caring for the dog easier. Its only drawback is its rarity and high price.