Michael Newton The Purpose of the Soul. Michael Newton The Purpose of the Soul Life between lives. Many of these groups work in classrooms in our neighborhoods. In other groups there are certain souls with whom we work together and whom we have come to know over time.

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Michael Newton

Purpose of the Soul
Life between lives


Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? I tried to answer this eternal question in my first book, Journeys of the Soul, published in 1994 by Llewellyn. Many people have told me that this book helped them discover their inner selves, because they had never read a book like this before. detailed description life in the world of spirit. In addition, the information contained in it confirmed and strengthened their deep inner knowledge of the existence of their soul after physical death and the purpose of their return to Earth.

As soon as the book hit the shelves and later as it was translated into other languages, I began to receive letters from readers from all over the world asking me if there would be a sequel to the book. For a long time I gave a negative answer. It was not easy to process the materials of my many years of research and, in the end, present them in the form of a voluminous book about our immortal life. And I thought that by writing Journeys of the Soul I had already done quite a lot of work.

In the introduction to Journeys of the Soul, I wrote that I was a traditional hypnotherapist from the beginning and was skeptical about the use of hypnosis for metaphysical regressions. In 1947, when I was fifteen years old, I hypnotized my first subject, and I was definitely a devotee. old school, and not “new age” at all. Therefore, when, while working with a patient, I inadvertently opened the gate to the world of the spirit, I was stunned. It seemed to me that most past life regression specialists believed that our life between lives was simply a period of vague uncertainty, serving only as a bridge from one life to the next. I soon realized that I must myself develop ways to awaken the Subject's memories of his existence in mysterious world spirit. After many years of methodical research, I was finally able to build a working model of this world, its structure and patterns, and it became clear to me that the process of hypnotherapy regression could bring enormous benefits to my patients. I also found that it did not matter whether the patients were atheists, deeply religious people, or held any other philosophical beliefs. When they are correctly immersed in a superconscious hypnotic state, their reports do not contradict each other, which is why I became - as I I call this a spiritual regressionist, that is, a hypnotherapist specializing in life after death.

To provide a wide range of readers with basic information about this, I wrote the book “Journeys of the Soul,” in which I tried to clearly and consistently describe the course of events after physical death: who meets us, where we go, and what we do as souls in the World of Souls before that. how to choose a body for a new birth. This form of presentation was intended to be a visual journey through time, using real stories from practical sessions with my patients, who described to me in detail their experiences in the intervals between past lives. Thus, "Journeys of the Soul" became not so much another book about past lives and reincarnation, but a new breakthrough in metaphysical studies of spiritual areas that had not previously been explored through hypnosis.

During the eighties, as I developed a working model of life between lives, I stopped practicing all other forms of hypnotherapy. Having accumulated a large number of cases, I felt a great desire to penetrate even deeper into the secrets of the World of Souls. These studies strengthened my confidence in the reliability of my earlier discoveries. For many years of such special studies of the World of Souls, I worked practically in solitude and only with those of my patients who were informed about the nature of my work and each knew only what concerned him and his friends personally. I even avoided esoteric bookstores because I wanted to be absolutely free from any kind of bias or prejudice. And today I remain convinced that my voluntary isolation and desire not to speak out publicly was the right decision.

When I left Los Angeles and retreated to the Sierra Nevada Mountains to write Journeys of the Soul, I hoped to remain completely anonymous. This turned out to be unrealistic. Much of the material presented in the book had never been published before, and I began to receive a large number of letters through my publishers. I am indebted to Llewellyn and grateful for their vision and courage in presenting my research to the public. Soon after the book was published, I had to travel around giving lectures and appear on radio and television.

People wanted to know more details about the World of Souls and constantly asked if I had any more information. I was forced to answer in the affirmative. In fact, I had a large amount of various raw information that, in my opinion, was too serious for the public to accept from an unknown author. Even though people were very inspired by Journeys of the Soul, I didn't want to write a sequel. However, I had to make a compromise. The fifth edition has added an index, as well as a new cover and several paragraphs, to provide greater clarity on certain issues. But this was not enough. The flow of letters I received every week with questions about life after death continually increased.

Now people started looking for me and I decided to start a small hypnotherapy practice again. Among my new patients, I noted a high percentage of more evolved souls. But now patients have to wait a long time for their turn because my appointments are limited. Therefore, among my patients there are only a small number of young souls who are experiencing a serious psychological crisis, and the majority are people who are able to exercise patience. They want to turn to their spiritual memory in order to reveal the meaning and essence of certain problems and, ultimately, identify their purpose in life. Many of them are healers and teachers themselves, and they enjoy sharing with me information about their soul life between incarnations. I think that I, in turn, also helped them in their quest.

All this time, the opinion remained among readers that I had not revealed to them all the secrets I had. Eventually, I began to lean toward writing a second book. As a result, the book “The Purpose of the Soul” was born. My first book, “Journeys of the Soul,” was a journey to the World of Souls along the great River of Eternity. The journey began from the moment of physical death and ended in that place in the World of Souls from where we enter a new birth. I climbed up the River towards the Source as far as was possible at that time. And it was not possible to move forward. Although the memory of such journeys, made countless times, is stored in the mind of every person, it seems that none of those who are still incarnating are able to pass or carry me further.

The book “The Purpose of the Soul” will accompany travelers on the second expedition, which will pass along the same River and along its main tributaries - for a more detailed examination. During this journey together, I intend to present some hidden aspects of the route to give people a more significant picture of the whole. I structured this book largely thematically and did not always follow the sequence of events. Thus, I shifted the time frame of the standard progression of the soul from one point in the spiritual realm to another in order to more fully analyze this experience. I have also tried to invite readers to look at the same elements of soul life in the context various Occasions. The book “Soul Purpose” is designed to expand our understanding of the amazing meaning of the existing Higher plan and structure of the World of Souls, which is intended for the benefit of all human beings.

At the same time, I would like this second journey into the amazing realms of the World of Souls to become something new and pleasant not only for knowledgeable people, but also for inexperienced readers. For those reading my research for the first time, the introductory chapter will give a condensed overview of the information I have received about the life between lives. I hope this short description will help you understand what follows, and perhaps inspire you to read my first book.

Chapter 1. World of Souls

At the moment of death, our soul leaves the physical body. If the soul is old enough and has the experience of many past incarnations, it immediately realizes that it has been liberated and goes “home”. These advanced souls do not need anyone to meet them. However, most of the souls I have worked with are met outside of the astral plane of Earth by their Guides. A young soul or the soul of a deceased child may feel a little disoriented - until someone meets it on a level close to the earth. There are souls who decide to remain for some time at the place of their physical death. But most want to leave this place immediately. Time has no meaning in the World of Souls. Souls that have left the body, but want to calm down loved ones who are in grief or have some other reason to stay for some time near the place of their death, do not feel the passage of time. It becomes simple hereby time for the soul - as opposed to linear time.

As souls move away from the Earth, they notice an increasingly intensifying glow of light around them. Some see grayish darkness for a short time and describe it as passing through a tunnel or some kind of gate. This depends on the speed of leaving the body and the movement of the soul, which in turn is related to its experience. The feeling of the attractive force emanating from our guides can be soft or strong - depending on the maturity of the soul and its ability to quickly change. In the first moments after leaving the body, all souls find themselves in a zone of “thin clouds”, which soon dissipates, and souls can see around them over long distances. It is at this moment that the ordinary soul notices a form of subtle energy, a spiritual being, approaching it. This being may be her loving spirit friend, or there may be two of them, but most often it is our Guide. If we are greeted by a spouse or friend who has predeceased us, our Guide is nearby so that the soul can make this transition. In all the years of my research, I have not come across a single subject (patient) who would have been met by such religious beings as Jesus or Buddha. Yet the spirit of love of the Great Teachers of the Earth emanates from each personal Guide who is assigned to us.

By the time souls return to the place they call home, the earthly aspect of their being has changed. They can no longer be called human in the sense in which we usually imagine a human being with specific emotions, character and physical characteristics. For example, they do not grieve their recent physical death in the same way that their loved ones do. It is our soul that makes us human on Earth, but outside of our physical body we are no longer Homo sapiens. The soul is so majestic that it defies description. I tend to define the soul as an intelligent, radiant form of energy. Immediately after death, the soul suddenly feels a change, because it is no longer burdened by the temporary body that owns it, with a brain and a central nervous system. Some people get used to the new state faster, while others get used to it more slowly.

The energy of the soul can be divided into identical parts, like a hologram. She can simultaneously live in different bodies, although this is less common than it is written about. However, thanks to this ability of the soul, part of our light energy always remains in the World of Souls. Therefore, it is possible to see your mother, returning there from the physical world, even if she died thirty earthly years ago and has already incarnated on Earth in another body.

The period of transition (period of coordination) that we spend with our Guides before joining our spiritual community or group varies from soul to soul and from the same soul in the intervals between its different lives. This is a calm period when we can receive some recommendations or express all sorts of our feelings about the life that has just ended. This coordination period is intended for an initial viewing, accompanied by a gentle probing of the soul, a check carried out by very insightful and caring Teacher-Guides.

The meeting-discussion can be more or less long, which depends on the specific circumstances - on what was or was not completed by the soul according to its life contract. Special karmic issues are also covered, although they will be discussed later in detail within the circle of our spiritual group. The energy of some returning souls is not immediately sent back to their spirit group. These are those souls that have been contaminated in their physical bodies due to participation in acts of evil will. There is a difference between misdeeds or crimes committed without a conscious desire to hurt someone, and actions that are obviously evil. The degree of damage caused to other people as a result of such unkind actions, ranging from some minor offenses to major crimes, is viewed and calculated very carefully.

Those souls who have been involved in evil deeds are sent to special centers, which some patients call "intensive care centers." Here, they say, their energy is reconstructed or dismantled and reassembled into one whole. Depending on the nature of their misdeeds, these souls can be returned to Earth quite quickly. They may make a just decision to become victims of other people's evil actions in their next life. But still, if their criminal actions in the past life were long-lasting and especially cruel towards many, many people, this may indicate the presence of a certain model of malicious behavior. Such souls are plunged into a lonely existence in spiritual space for a long time - perhaps for a thousand earthly years. The guiding principle of the World of Souls is that the cruel misdeeds of all souls, conscious or unintentional, must be made amends in one form or another in future life. This is not considered a punishment or even a fine, but rather an opportunity for karmic development. There is no hell for the soul - except on Earth.

Some lives are so difficult that the soul returns home very tired. Despite the process of restoration and renewal of energy organized by our Guides, who connect their energy with ours at the entrance to the World of Souls, our energy potential may still remain too depleted. In such cases, the newly arrived soul requires not so much a joyful greeting as rest and solitude. Indeed, many souls who wish to rest have the opportunity to do so before rejoining their spiritual group. Our spiritual group may be loud or quiet, but it respects what we went through during our last incarnation. All groups are waiting for the return of their friends - each in their own way, but always with deep love and brotherly feelings.

Returning home is a joyful period of time, especially if in the last physical incarnation the soul did not have a strong enough karmic connection with its spiritually close friends.

Most of my subjects tell me that they were greeted with hugs, laughter and jokes, which in my opinion is characteristic feature life in the World of Souls.

Particularly expressive groups, carefully preparing for the ceremonial welcome of the returning soul, may suspend all other activities. Here's what one of my subjects (patients) told me about how he was greeted:

After mine last life my group had a great evening with music, wine, dancing and singing. They did everything in the spirit of a classic Roman festival with marble halls, togas and all those exotic decorations that dominated so many of our lives together in the ancient world. Melissa (the main spiritual friend) was waiting for me, recreating the century that could most remind me of her, and, as always, she looked brilliant.

Such groups of spiritual like-minded people include from three to twenty-five members - on average, about fifteen. Sometimes souls near groups may express a desire to establish contacts with each other. This often refers to older souls who have many friends from other groups with whom they have interacted over hundreds of past lives. About ten million US television viewers saw the television show in 1995 Sightings produced by Paramount, a fragment of which was dedicated to my work. Those who watched this program about life after death may remember one of my patients named Colleen who talked about our session. She described returning to the World of Souls after her past life, about how she got to the grand ball of the seventeenth century. She saw over a hundred people who came to celebrate her return. A Time and Place” that she loved was so beautifully staged that Colleen could begin the process of updating her style.

So, returning home can happen in two ways. A spinning soul may be greeted by several souls at once, right at the entrance, and then given a Guide, who will help it through the preliminary coordinating preparations. More often than not, the kinship group waits for the soul to truly return to it. This group may be in an auditorium, or on the steps of a temple, or in a garden, or the returning soul may meet with many groups. Souls passing by other communities on the way to their destination often notice that other souls with whom they interacted in past lives recognize them and greet them with a smile or wave.

How the subject sees his group and the surrounding environment depends on the state of advancement of the soul, although the memories of the atmosphere of the classroom that prevails there are always very clear. In the World of Souls, student status depends on the level of development of the soul. Just because a soul has been incarnating since the Stone Age does not mean that it has reached a high level. In my lectures, I often give the example of one patient who needed 4 thousand years of incarnations to finally overcome the feeling of envy. I can report that at present he is no longer an envious person, but he has not come far in overcoming his own intolerance. Some students take longer to complete certain lessons, just like school lessons on Earth. On the other hand, all highly advanced souls are old in the sense of wealth of knowledge and experience.

IN "Journey of the Soul" I gave a rough classification of souls, highlighting three general categories, such as: beginner, intermediate and advanced, and gave specific examples of each, while revealing some of the subtle nuances of development within these categories. Basically, a group of souls consists of beings of approximately the same level of development, although each may have its own strengths and weak sides. These qualities provide a certain balance in the group. Souls help each other understand the information and experiences they received in their past life, and also review how, while in that physical body, they used the feelings and emotions directly related to those experiences. The group critically examines every aspect of life, to the point that some episodes are acted out by group members for a clearer understanding. By the time souls reach the intermediate level, they begin to concentrate on those core areas and interests in which certain skills have been demonstrated. We will look at this in more depth in subsequent chapters.

Another very significant aspect of my research was establishing the color of the various energies that souls manifest in the World of Souls. Colors relate to the level of advancement of the soul. Using this information, which has been collected gradually over many years, one can judge the progress of the soul, as well as what kind of souls surround our subject while he is in a state of trance, I have found that, as a rule, purely White color indicates a younger soul as it progresses, the soul's energy becomes more saturated in color - turning into orange, yellow and eventually blue colors. In addition to this basic aura color, in each group there is a slight mixed radiance of various shades characteristic of each soul.

To develop a more convenient system, I have identified the stages of soul development, starting from beginner level I - through various stages training – up to the VI level of Master. These highly evolved souls have a rich indigo color. I have no doubt that there are even more high levels, but I have no information about them, since I dealt with people who are still incarnating on Earth. To be honest, I don't really like defining the location of the soul with the word "level", because this label obscures the variety of features of the development of souls at each specific stage. Despite these doubts of mine, the subjects themselves used the word “level” when describing their step on the ladder of cognition or learning. They also show considerable modesty when talking about their achievements. Regardless of my assessment, none of the patients showed any inclination to declare themselves to be advanced souls. Although in their normal state of controlled consciousness (not under hypnosis) they were less restrained in their assessments.

During hypnosis, while in a state of superconsciousness, my subjects tell me that in the World of Souls no soul is looked upon as less developed or less valuable than any other soul. We are all in the process of transformation, acquiring some more significant and higher state of enlightenment than now. Each of us is seen as uniquely qualified to contribute to the whole—no matter how hard we struggle to learn our lessons. If this were not so, we would not have been created in the first place.

Based on my consideration of the colors of degrees of advancement, the different levels of development, the different audiences, Teachers and students, one could easily conclude that there is a certain hierarchy in the World of Souls; Such a conclusion would be completely erroneous - judging by the testimony of my patients. If there is any hierarchy in the spiritual world, it concerns rather mental consciousness. We are inclined to judge by the system of authorities existing on Earth, which is characterized by the struggle for power, subjugation and the use of a system of strict rules within a hierarchical structure. There is definitely structure in the Soul World, but it exists within the depths of sublime matrix forms of compassion, harmony, ethics and morality that are completely different from what we practice on Earth. In my experience, in the World of Souls there is also a vast kind of “centralized personnel department” that takes into account the tasks, assignments and purpose of souls. However, there is a system of values ​​such as incredible kindness, tolerance, patience and absolute love.

By informing me of such things, my subjects humbly accept the process itself.

I have an old friend, with whom we studied together, and who has been an ardent opponent of all kinds of authorities for life, which I generally sympathize with. My friend suspects that my patients are so brainwashed that their souls believe that their fate is under some control. He is convinced that any kind of power - even spiritual power - cannot exist without corruption and abuse of rights and privileges. My research indicates that there is a fairly large order in the World of Souls, which is not at all what he thinks.

However, all my subjects believe that in the past they had unlimited possibilities choice and that this will continue in the future. The advancement of souls through the acceptance of personal responsibility does not involve changes in status or degree of power, but the identification of opportunities. They testify to the honesty, purity and personal freedom that always and everywhere took place in their lives between lives.

In the World of Souls, we are not forced to incarnate again or participate in group projects. If souls want to retire, they can do so. If they do not want to take on more and more difficult tasks, this desire is also respected. One subject told me: “I've lived a lot of easy lives, and I like it because I didn't really want to work hard. But that will soon change. My Guide says: “We are ready when you are ready.” In fact, we have so much free will there that if we are not ready for one reason or another to leave the astral plane of Earth after death, our Guides will allow us to remain there until until we are ready to return home."

I hope that this book will show that we have many choices, both within the Soul World and beyond. What is very clear to me about these choices is that most souls have a strong desire to justify the trust placed in them. We are expected to make mistakes in this process. Attempting to move forward towards greater goodness and union with the Source that created us is the primary motive of souls. Souls experience a sense of humility when they are given the opportunity to incarnate in physical form.

I have been asked on numerous occasions whether my subjects saw the Source of Creation during their sessions. In the Introduction, I already said that my progress upward to the source, or Source, was limited to the fact that I worked with people who are still incarnating on Earth. By referring to the "time of union", advanced subjects say that in the future they will join the "Most Sacred Beings". In this sphere of intense violet light there is a Presence known to all. What this means I cannot say, but I do know that the Presence is felt when we appear before our Council of Elders. Once or twice between lives we visit this group of Supreme Beings who are an order of magnitude or more higher than our Teacher-Guides. In my first book I gave a couple of examples of such meetings. In this book I will dwell in more detail on our visits to these Great Teachers, meeting with whom I come closest to the Creator. This is because it is here that the soul experiences the highest source of divine knowledge. My patients call this energy “Presence.”

The Council of Elders is neither a meeting of judges nor a court of law where souls are examined and sentenced to this or that punishment for misdeeds, although I must admit that sometimes someone will tell me what a visit to the Council reminds him of call to the school principal's office. Council members want to talk to us about our mistakes and what we can do to correct negative behavior in our next life.

This is where the discussion about the right body for our next life begins. When the time of rebirth approaches, we go into a space where a number of possible physical forms are viewed that might best suit us to fulfill our goals. Here we have the opportunity to look into the future and test different bodies before making a final choice. Souls voluntarily choose less perfect bodies and more difficult lives in order to work off karmic debts or work on other aspects of a lesson they did not quite master in their past. Most souls accept the body that is offered to them here, but a soul can refuse and even postpone its reincarnation. Then the soul may also ask to go to some other physical planet during this period of time. If we agree to our new “assignment”, we are usually sent to class preliminary preparation, to remind us of certain key rules, signs and pointers in the life ahead, especially for those moments when we meet our important soul mates.

Finally, when the time of our return approaches, we say goodbye to our friends (we tell them: “See you!”) and are escorted to the space from where souls depart on their next journey to Earth. Souls enter their assigned body in the womb of their expectant mother approximately in the fourth month of her pregnancy, so that they already have a fairly developed brain at their disposal, which they can use until the moment of their birth. While in the fetal position, they are still able to think like immortal souls, getting used to the peculiarities of the brain and to its new, second self. After birth, the memory is blocked, and the soul combines its immortal qualities with the transient human mind, which gives rise to a combination of traits of a new personality.

I use a certain system of methods to activate the mind of the soul, in particular, I offer it to patients who are on initial stages hypnotic regression, perform a series of exercises. This process is designed to gradually sharpen my subjects' memories of their past and prepare them to critically analyze the images they will see in life in the spirit world. After the usual introductory phrases, I very quickly introduce them into a state of hypnosis. And my secret is to deepen the state of hypnosis. Over many years of practice, I eventually came to the conclusion that immersing the patient in the normal alpha state is not exactly what is required to achieve a state of superconscious soul mind. To do this, I must take the subject into the deeper theta stages of hypnosis.

In terms of methodology, I may spend an hour or so having the subject visualize images of a forest or seashore for a long time, then I take him back to his childhood years. I question him in detail about such things as the furniture in his home when the subject was twelve, his favorite clothes at age ten, favorite toys at age seven, and his earliest memories from ages three to two. We do all this before I take the patient into the fetal period, ask some questions and then guide him into his past life for her. brief overview. The preparatory stage of our work is completed by the moment when the patient, having already passed through the scene of death in that life, reaches the gate to the World of Souls. Continuous hypnosis, deepened during the first hour, enhances the process of liberation, or detachment of the subject from his earthly environment. He also has to answer in detail numerous questions about his spiritual life. This takes another two hours.

Name: Purpose of the Soul.

Each of us, somewhere deep in our hearts, asks ourselves questions - who am I, why was I born, why was I given this life, where will I go after death and what do I need to do in this life?
Each of us, somewhere deep in our souls, feels that we were born for something very important. But, alas, not all of us manage to live our lives in such a way as to understand and fulfill our true purpose in this life.
Without knowing what will actually happen to us after death, it is impossible to understand the true purpose of life.
The book "The Purpose of the Soul" by the famous hypnotherapist Michael Newton is a continuation of the sensational exploration of life after death, published in the worldwide best-selling book "Journeys of the Soul".
Like the previous book, “Journeys of the Soul,” it is based not on theoretical speculations and legends of antiquity, but on real, scientific, practical experience.
This book will help each of us find our place in this life with maximum benefit for the soul, to understand its true purpose not only in a short period of time called life, but in endless eternity.

Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? I tried to answer this eternal question in my first book, Journeys of the Soul, published in 1994 by Llewellyn. Many people have told me that this book helped them discover their inner selves because they had never read a book that described life in the spirit world in such detail before. In addition, the information contained in it confirmed and strengthened their deep inner knowledge of the existence of their soul after physical death and the purpose of their return to Earth.
As soon as the book hit the shelves and later as it was translated into other languages, I began to receive letters from readers from all over the world asking me if there would be a sequel to the book. For a long time I gave a negative answer. It was not easy to process the materials of my many years of research and ultimately present them in the form of a voluminous book about our immortal life. And I thought that by writing Journeys of the Soul I had already done quite a lot of work.

Chapter 1. World of Souls
Chapter 2. Death, grief and tranquility

Refusal and acceptance
Therapeutic soul techniques
Ways to establish contact between souls and living people
Somatic touch
Using objects (personification through objects)
Dream recognition
Conveying a message through children
Contact through familiar surroundings
Strangers as Messengers
Angels and other celestial beings
Emotional recovery souls and people remaining on Earth. Reconnecting with those we love
Chapter 3. Earthly Spirits
Astral Planes
Nature spirits
Abandoned Souls
Spiritual duality
Souls in solitude
Discarnate souls who visit Earth. Demons or Devas
Chapter 4. Restoring Spiritual Energy
Soul energy
Standard treatment souls at the entrance to the World of Souls
Urgent treatment at the entrance to the postmortem World of Souls
Restoration zones for less damaged souls Renewing severely damaged souls
Souls in isolation
Energy healing on Earth
Healers of the human body
Ambient Energy Healers
Soul Separation and Reunion
Three stations.
Chapter 5. Soulmate Group Systems
Origin of the soul
Spiritual constructs
Community Centers
Library of Books of Life.
Soul Energy Colors
Color combinations in soul groups
Colors of group visitors
Color aura of man and soul
Spiritual Meditation Using Color Forms of Color Energy
Sounds and spiritual names
Study groups shower
Chapter 6. Council of Elders
Human fears: awaiting Judgment and punishment
Conditions for the development of the soul in the World of Souls
Appearance and structure of the Council
Signs and symbols
Chain of Divine Influence
Processing information received at meetings of the Council of Elders
Chapter 7. Dynamics of the Soul Community
Soul mates
Primary Soul Mates (Soul Mates)
Soul Mates Companions
Corporate souls
Relationship between spiritual and earthly families
Reconnecting with the souls that hurt us
Interaction between soul groups
Recreation and entertainment in the World of Souls
During breaks between classes
Quiet solitude as relaxation and entertainment
Visiting Earth for relaxation and entertainment (between incarnations)
Recreating Earth Settlements
Animal souls
Space of Transformation
Dancing, music and games
Four Basic Types of Souls
Chapter 8. Advanced Souls
End of the course
Promotion to Intermediate Levels
Children's Teachers
Masters of Ethics
Masters of Harmony
Masters of Construction
Chapter 9. Circle of Fate
Observation room of future lives
Timelines and body choice
Masters of Time
Free will
Souls of the young
Loss of a child.
A new partnership between soul and body
Chapter 10. Our spiritual path

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Michael Newton Soul Purpose Life between lives

Corporate souls

This category of souls includes secondary group members belonging to different primary groups located in the same spiritual zone. As I mentioned in Chapter 5 in the commentary on Figure 1, the groups surrounding our own and forming with us one secondary group may include a total of up to 1000 souls or more. Many of these groups work in classrooms in our neighborhoods. In other groups there are certain souls with whom we work together and whom we have come to know over many lifetimes together, while other souls only appear briefly in our lives. Quite often our parents come from one of these neighboring groups.

In terms of companionship in the Soul World, as well as contact during physical incarnations, souls of one primary group may have little or nothing in common with many souls from other groups. In a broader sense, all secondary group souls are corporate in one way or another, but they are not considered soulmates. Although they cannot be called companion souls in the grand scheme of things, they do form a large body of people from whom our leaders can recruit to fill various roles in our lives. Such a corporate soul, or companion soul, may have special qualities that are just right for us to learn a certain karmic lesson. They can incarnate as people who, through their communication with us, bring strong positive or negative energy into our lives. As for the favorable or unfavorable aspects of these roles, all decisions are previously agreed upon between all participants and their Teachers.

The role can be very fleeting. The reader may recall the bus stop incident that occurred with Subject 39. The help provided to the woman in that Case was most likely a spontaneous act of compassion, and it seems to me that this woman was not that kind of role-playing soul for the Subject. I will give an example of a brief positive encounter with another Subject who definitely met such a corporate soul companion.

“I was wandering alone on the beach, completely desperate after being fired from my job. A man appeared and we started talking. I didn’t know him and never met him again in my life. But that day he came up to me without any warning, and we started talking. I poured out my problems to this stranger. He calmed me down and helped me see my work situation in a completely different light. About an hour later we parted. Now I understand that he was an acquaintance of mine from another group in the World of Souls. It was no coincidence that we met that day. It was sent to me."

However, the most significant contacts we make are with our fellow souls. While I was thinking about this book, people asked me to give a detailed case study of a love story between primary soulmates. Being a romantic myself, I couldn't resist this request.


When Maureen called me, there was something in her voice that indicated an urgent need for an urgent meeting. Back then I didn’t yet have a long list of people who had made appointments a year in advance. Maureen lived near my office in California and asked if she could come visit me with a friend of hers who was on his way from New York for their first meeting. I asked her about this friend whom she had never met, and she told me the following story.

Three months earlier, a group of twenty-five people interested in life after death had set up a kind of “chat room” on a website, called a “chat room” in computer jargon. People having common interests, conduct conversations in this way directly on the Internet. All this was explained to me in detail, because I am not good with computers. Morin said that she and a man named Dale found that they were very much on the same page in discussions about soulmates and felt strangely connected to each other. She added that there was something uncanny about the way Dale literally reproduced her thoughts. They decided to set up their own “private chat room” for further computer conversations.

Maureen and Dale discovered that they were born in the same year fifty years ago, just months apart, near San Francisco. They told each other that they had each had a bad marriage and a shared feeling of inexplicable sadness because they could not find something that would open their hearts. Their conversations revolved mainly around the topic of life after life, and Dale mentioned that he had read my book. Soon they decided to meet in California and come to me for a joint, combined regression session.

We scheduled a session for the very next day after their first meeting. When they arrived to me, they seemed out of this world, and I noticed that they were already in a state of trance and did not need me. As soon as they met, they immediately recognized each other. Maureen said: “The way we smiled at each other, the look in our eyes, the sound of our laughter, the vibrations that connected us when we shook hands - it all created a state of euphoria that was so strong that we immediately forgot about everything else. light."

I will present this case on Maureen's behalf as I initially made contact with her. During the interview, I learned that throughout her life she had sometimes experienced the feeling of “deja vu” (the feeling when we think we have seen or heard it before) when she heard music from the 20s of the twentieth century or saw Charleston dancers in loose clothes of that time. Maureen also told me that since childhood she had been plagued by recurring nightmares about unexpected death.

I have a rule of introducing Subjects into the World of Souls after the death scene in their past life so that they do not miss the natural experience of the miracle of entering the World of Souls. There are many advantages to this technique in regressive hypnosis, including the ability to find out whether imprints of the destroyed physical body of a past life have been transferred into the patient’s current body. If the Subject is immediately introduced directly into the World of Souls, say, from the womb of their mother, then he may be disoriented. It's similar to when you take someone to back side house and ask him to describe the facade. Such an accelerated procedure for entering the World of Souls can also lead to them “bypassing” a number of points of “orienting adjustment”. These points can be vital if a previous life was tragically cut short. By going through the death scenes, the patient is actually better protected from painful physical memories.

As I began to guide Maureen through the most significant scenes of her past life, she turned to the events leading up to her death. This is often a signal that something disturbing is ahead, and the hypnotherapist must be prepared to deal with a death scene, which can be terrifying. What follows is an abridged version of Maureen's story.

Dr. N: Are you a man or a woman?

S: A girl, actually.

Dr. N: What is your name?

S: Samantha. In short - Sam.

Dr. N: Where are you located and what are you doing?

S: I'm in my bedroom at my dressing table getting ready for the evening.

Dr. N: What kind of evening is this?

S: (pause and then a little laugh) It's... arranged for me, today is my eighteenth birthday and my parents have organized a retreat.

Dr. N: Happy birthday then, Sam. What date is today?

Dr. N: Since you are at your dressing table, I would like you to look in the mirror and describe to me what you see.

S: My hair is blonde and it's pulled up tonight. I'm wearing a white silk dress. This is my first truly grown-up evening dress. I'm going to put on my new white high-heeled shoes.

Dr. N: You seem to look great.

S: (smiling slyly) I wish Rick thought the same.

Dr. N: Who is Rick?

S: (now embarrassed and blushing) Rick... this is my boyfriend... I have a date with him tonight. I have to finish the preparations, he will come soon.

Dr. N: Look, Sam, I'm sure you can talk to me while you continue to get yourself organized - I don't want to keep you. Tell me, are you serious about Rick?

S: (blushes again) Yes... But I don't want to show it. I'm playing a girl whose affection is not easy to win. I know that he wants to be with me.

Dr. N: Looks like this is an important evening. I'm guessing he'll honk his horn soon, inviting you into his car?

S: (irritated) Not at all! Well, maybe he would like to, but he would ring the doorbell, as expected, and the maid would let him in and ask him to wait downstairs.

Dr. N: So, the evening will be away from home?

S: Not very far - in a fancy mansion in the lower part of San Francisco.

Dr. N: Okay, Sam, now move forward in time to the evening itself. Tell me what's going on there.

S: (enthusiastically) So cool! Rick certainly looks great. My parents and their friends tell me how I grew up. Music, dancing... a lot of my friends, they congratulate me... and (subject's face darkens for a moment) there is a lot of alcohol that my parents don't know about.

Dr. N: Does this bother you?

S: (dispels the dark feelings by quickly running a hand through her hair and returns to the party) Ah... there's always a drink at these events - it helps us relax. I drink too... Rick and some of his friends are sipping alcohol.

Dr. N: Now move on to the next important event this evening and tell me what happens.

S: (Subject's face softens and she speaks stammeringly) Rick and I are dancing... he's pressed so close to me... we're... on fire... he whispers in my ear that we need to escape the party, to spend some time alone.

Dr. N: And how did you feel, Samantha?

S: Delight... but something seemed to hold me back... I overcame it... I am willful. I guess I'm afraid of my parents' possible disapproval... although I think there's more to it than that. I push away these thoughts for the sake of an exciting feeling.

Dr. N: Stay with those emotions. What happens next?

S: We went out the back door so no one would see us and headed to Rick's car. This is a lovely, new red two-seater. The night is amazing, and the top (of the car) is down.

S: We get into the car. Rick pulls the pins out of my hair so it flutters freely. We kiss. Rick wants to show off... we rush down the long driveway and out onto the street.

Dr. N: Can you describe this road and what direction you are going?

S: (increasingly nervous) We're heading south along the ocean on Pacific Coast Road, outside of San Francisco.

Dr. N: How do you like the ride, Sam?

S: (Subject perks up, momentarily forgetting his premonitions) I feel so energized! The night is warm and the wind blows strands of hair across my face. Rick hugs me with one arm. He squeezes me and says that I am the most beautiful girl in the world. We both know we're in love with each other.

Dr. N: (I notice that the subject's hands begin to shake and her body tenses; I take her hand because I suspect what is about to happen) Now, Samantha, I want you to understand that all the time, every step while you talk, I will be with you and can quickly move you through anything that may happen. You know this, don't you?

S: (weakly) Yes...

Dr. N: Go to a point in your trip with Rick when things start to change and describe how things happen.

S: (Subject now begins to tremble all over) Rick has had too much to drink and the road is getting more and more twisted. The turns are steeper, and Rick holds the steering wheel with only one hand. We're driving through a hilly area... close to the ocean... there's a cliff... (Now screaming) RICK, BRAKE!

Dr. N: Slowed down?


Dr. N: Now, quickly, Sam—go ahead.

S: (sobbing) We miss the next turn - the car is in the air - we fall into the ocean... I'm dying... the water... so cold... I can't breathe... Oh, Rick... Rick.. .

We pause for a moment and I begin a rapid desensitization of this traumatic memory, while at the same time removing Samantha's soul from her physical body. I remind her that she has experienced physical death many times before and everything will be okay. Samantha explains that she doesn't want to leave because she has just started living. She doesn't want to leave Rick, but some force pulling her away from the ocean is "too strong."

When I began my research into soul travel, I believed that when two people like Samantha and Rick die together, they enter the Soul World together as well. But I found that this was not the case, with one exception. Little children who are killed along with those who love them rise with this man. I will discuss this further in Chapter 9. Even primary soul mates who die at the same time usually go their separate ways, along their own vibrational line. I thought this loss of friendship between kindred souls was a little sad, until it became clear to me that at the right moment and in in the right place they are met by their Guides and friends in the World of Souls. Each soul ascends at its own speed and along its own route, which includes stops for orientation and re-energization, even if they return to the same group of souls. This is what happened with Rick and Samantha.

Dr. N: Do you see Rick?

S: No, I'm trying to resist the force that is trying to turn me away from the ocean. I want to see the ocean... I want to help Rick.

Dr. N: Does this force eventually turn you in the right direction, away from the Pacific Ocean?

S: (Subject is now calm and resigned, but sad) Yes, I am now high above the Earth.

Dr. N: (This is a common question I ask patients) Do you want to say goodbye to your parents before you move on?

S: Oh... no... not now... I'll say goodbye later... now I want to go.

Dr. N: I understand. Tell me, what do you see next, Samantha?

S: The tunnel eye... opening and closing... coordinating its movements with my movements. I get through it and feel much easier. It's so bright now. Someone in clothes comes out to meet me.

In Dale's session we learned that he was Rick and his memories matched Maureen's. If Samantha lived a few seconds after the crash and rose from the ocean, Rick's soul left his body while the car was still in the air. As I was telling this story to an audience in Dallas, one woman loudly grumbled, “That’s what these men are like!” I told her that when the mind knows there is no chance of escape from the imminent destruction of the body, the soul can leave the body moments before actual death. Thus, the soul and its energies are less affected.

After my sessions with Dale and Maureen, I met with these kindred spirits to take stock of what we had learned. Maureen explained that whenever she drives down Highway 1 south of San Francisco, she feels an inexplicable nervousness and fear along a certain stretch of road along the coast. Now she knows why. I hoped that my reprogramming of her death scene in 1923 would also free her from recurring nightmares of sudden death. A month later, Maureen wrote to me and confirmed that these nightmares were finally over.

Another surprising evidence of synchronicity in this Case was Dale's statement that he moved away from his home because he felt uncomfortable driving in the San Francisco area. You might be thinking; that the time we spend in the Soul World between lives should eradicate all residual effects of our past life experiences. In most cases this is true, but as I said, some people do carry the physical and emotional imprints of the old body from one life to the next. This is especially true if the imprint relates to a karmic lesson in the new life.

Why were these primary soul mates separated in the current life for fifty years? To understand this we must consider the dynamics of their soul group. Dale and Maureen belong to the Level 1 soul group. To one degree or another, all twelve souls in this group are active fighters and always take risks. Their Guide regularly refers them to neighboring groups so that they can see how other groups function in larger world and harmony. Dale and Maureen told me that these visits were interesting, but they found these peaceful souls “a little boring.” Of course, there are souls in their group who are less restless, but Rick/Dale is not one of them. In his current life, he was a paratrooper who went through the Vietnam War. “I didn’t expect to go back,” he said, “and that would be normal.” Because he likes to live on the edge of danger, he left the service after the war, since being a soldier in peacetime was too stupid.

After the 1923 crash, Rick was met by the group's senior guide and had to spend more time interviewing and orientation than Samantha. When he returned to the group, he was very upset. In a tender reunion scene, Rick told his girlfriend how sorry he was for ending her young life. It was not clear from the session how much they both knew about the possibility of an accident. They had been lovers in numerous past lives, many of which were promiscuous. Although Dale and Maureen incarnated at the same time in this life and in the same place where they lived in the 20s, they were not destined to meet young. The same sensory experience and emotional energy of this geographical place were simply part of the conditions for their later meeting in this life.

These paired souls, accepting a new life, knew that conditions would not allow them to meet for a long time. Dale especially needed to feel the frustration of years of searching for “his” woman. Today he is not a carefree, irresponsible person. Samantha/Maureen also had to gain a maturity that she didn't have in her relationship with Rick in the 20s. Neither Dale nor Maureen viewed life as an easy gift at this stage of their union. They both went through the heartache of living without each other. My work with this couple ended with their common statement. Maureen said, “We completed our healing by gaining respect for the sanctity of life and understanding the importance of forgiveness. Now that we both know what loss is, we're going to cherish the time we have left to spend together."

Before leaving the topic of soulmates, I should add that many soulmates have a preliminary meeting just before their next incarnation. The essence of this dress rehearsal with your Guides is the final review critical issues future life. This preparatory lesson may also involve a moment where two soul mates go off together, sending each other visual images of what they will look like in their new human bodies and in what circumstances they will meet.

There is a whole chapter in the book “Journeys of the Soul” in which I give various examples of this kind of preparation for incarnation. Paired souls do not always end up together immediately before birth. Also, depending on their karma, sometimes one soul knows more than the other about their future meeting and what that person will look like. Here is a short story from one of the soul mates about the features of the upcoming meeting with her future wife.

“I was allowed to see my wife in the screen room for viewing future lives. She was an attractive aerobics instructor and I got to meet her at the gym. I carefully studied her bodily features because I didn’t want to ruin everything like in my previous life. The scent of her body mixed with sweat... her gestures... her smile... and most of all her eyes were imprinted in my mind. The moment I saw her in this life was like two magnets attracting each other.”

Each of us, somewhere deep in our hearts, asks ourselves questions: “Who am I, why was I born, why was I given this life, what do I need to do in it, where will I go after death?”

Each of us feels deep in our souls that we were born for something very important. But, alas, not all of us manage to live our lives in such a way as to understand and fulfill our true purpose in this life.

The book "The Purpose of the Soul" by the famous hypnotherapist Michael Newton is a continuation of the sensational exploration of life after death, published in the worldwide best-selling book "Journeys of the Soul".
The book “The Purpose of the Soul,” like the previous book, is based not on theoretical speculations and legends of antiquity, but on real, scientific, practical experience.

This book will help each of us find our place in this life and use it with maximum benefit for the soul, to understand our true purpose not only in a short period of time called life, but in endless eternity.

Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? I tried to answer this eternal question in my first book, Journeys of the Soul, published in 1994 by Llewellyn. Many people have told me that this book helped them discover their inner selves because they had never read a book that described life in the spirit world in such detail before. In addition, the information contained in it confirmed and strengthened their deep inner knowledge of the existence of their soul after physical death and the purpose of their return to Earth.

As soon as the book hit the shelves and later as it was translated into other languages, I began to receive letters from readers from all over the world asking me if there would be a sequel to the book. For a long time I gave a negative answer. It was not easy to process the materials of my many years of research and ultimately present them in the form of a voluminous book about our immortal life. And I thought that by writing Journeys of the Soul I had already done a great job

In the introduction to Journeys of the Soul, I wrote that I was a traditional hypnotherapist from the beginning and was skeptical about the use of hypnosis for metaphysical regressions. In 1947, when I was fifteen years old, I hypnotized my first subject, and I was definitely old school and not New Age. Therefore, when, while working with a patient, I inadvertently opened the gate to the world of the spirit, I was stunned. It seemed to me that most past life regression specialists believed that our life between lives was simply a period of vague uncertainty, serving only as a bridge from one life to the next. I soon realized that I must myself develop ways to awaken the Subject's memories of his existence in the mysterious world of the spirit. After many years of methodical research, I was finally able to build a working model of this world, its structure and patterns, and it became clear to me that the process of hypnotherapy regression could bring enormous benefits to my patients. I also found that it did not matter whether the patients were atheists, deeply religious people, or held any other philosophical beliefs. When they are correctly immersed in a superconscious hypnotic state, their reports do not contradict each other, which is why I became what I call a spiritual regressionist, that is, a hypnotherapist specializing in life after death.

At the moment of death, our soul leaves the physical body. If the soul is old enough and has the experience of many past incarnations, it immediately realizes that it has been liberated and goes “home”. These advanced souls do not need anyone to meet them. However, most of the souls I have worked with are met outside of the astral plane of Earth by their Guides. A young soul or the soul of a deceased child may feel a little disoriented - until someone meets it on a level close to the earth. There are souls who decide to remain for some time at the place of their physical death. But the majority wants to leave this place immediately. Time has no meaning in the World of Souls. Souls that have left the body, but want to calm down loved ones who are in grief or have some other reason to stay for some time near the place of their death, do not feel the passage of time. It becomes simple hereby time for the soul - as opposed to linear time.

As souls move away from the Earth, they notice an increasingly intensifying glow of light around them. Some see grayish darkness for a short time and describe it as passing through a tunnel or some kind of gate. This depends on the speed of leaving the body and the movement of the soul, which in turn is related to its experience. The feeling of the attractive force emanating from our guides can be soft or strong - depending on the maturity of the soul and its ability to quickly change. In the first moments after leaving the body, all souls find themselves in a zone of “thin clouds,” which soon dissipates, and souls can see around them over long distances. It is at this moment that the ordinary soul notices a form of subtle energy, a spiritual being, approaching it. This being may be her loving spiritual friend, or there may be two of them, but most often it is our Guide. If we are greeted by a spouse or friend who has predeceased us, our Guide is nearby so that the soul can make this transition. In all the years of my research, I have not come across a single subject (patient) who would have been met by such religious beings as Jesus or Buddha. Yet the spirit of love of the Great Teachers of the Earth emanates from each personal Guide who is assigned to us.

By the time souls return to the place they call home, the earthly aspect of their being has changed. They can no longer be called human in the sense in which we usually imagine a human being with specific emotions, character and physical characteristics. For example, they do not grieve their recent physical death in the same way that their loved ones do. It is our soul that makes us human on Earth, but outside of our physical body we are no longer Homosapiens. The soul is so majestic that it defies description. I tend to define the soul as an intelligent, radiant form of energy. Immediately after death, the soul suddenly feels a change because it is no longer burdened by the temporary body with a brain and central nervous system that owns it. Some people get used to the new state faster, while others get used to it more slowly.

Refusal and acceptance

Losing a loved one is one of life's hardest experiences. It is well known that in the process of overcoming grief due to loss, a person goes through an initial shock, then he refuses to accept the terrible fact, experiences feelings of anger, becomes depressed and subsequently somehow resigns himself. Each of these stages of emotional experiences may have varying degrees intensity and last for months or even years. Losing someone with whom we have a deep connection can lead us to such despair that we feel as if we are in a bottomless pit from which it is impossible to escape because death seems to be the end of everything.

In the West, the belief that everything ends with death is an obstacle to healing. We have a dynamic culture in which the possibility of loss of personal nature seems unthinkable. A death in a loving family is akin to when a successfully staged play is disrupted due to the loss of one of the main performers. The partners in the play are experiencing difficulties and have to make changes to the script. Attempts to somehow fill the resulting void somehow affect the performance of the remaining actors. There is a dichotomy here - a contradictory situation, because, being in the World of Souls and preparing for the next life, the souls laugh, rehearsing their role in the future big performance on Earth. They know that all roles are temporary.

In our society, it is not customary to prepare for death during life, because it is something that we cannot change. The fear of death begins to haunt us only when we grow old. It is always present, lurking somewhere in the dark shadows, regardless of our ideas about what awaits us after death. When discussing life after death in my seminars, I was surprised to find that many people who hold traditional religious views are most afraid of death.

In most cases, fear comes from ignorance. Until we go through the experience clinical death or past life regression and we don’t remember how we experienced death in a past life, death will remain a mystery to us. When we have to face death personally or as an observer, it can cause pain, sadness and fear. Healthy people they don’t want to talk about it, just like those who are seriously ill. Thus, our society treats death as something terrible.

The twentieth century has seen significant changes in people's views on life after death. At the beginning of the century, most traditionally believed that they only live once. In the sixties and seventies, 40 percent of the US population believed in reincarnation. Thanks to these changes, people who took the path spiritual development, have become somewhat easier to relate to death, discarding the idea that with death comes darkness and oblivion.

When my subjects during our sessions describe their ascent into the postmortem spirit world as “passing through nebulous layers of translucent light,” I am reminded of the astral planes that we have read about in various Eastern texts. I must confess that me I am not at all attracted by the idea of ​​a rigid multi-stage hierarchy of qualities of the known seven planes of existence, ascending from the lowest to the highest, which came from the spiritual philosophy of the East. The thing is volume, that my patients see no signs of all these plans. In general, it is a human weakness to categorize concepts in order to somehow systematize them. In my descriptions of the postmortem World of Souls, I do the same thing - like anyone else. Perhaps it is even better that we simply accept those ideas or principles in which we see some spiritual meaning, and reject all other ideas, regardless of their antiquity or anyone's authoritative opinion about their truth.

The reason I object to the rigid scheme of special planes of existence, arranged in ascending order from Earth to God, is that these states present unnecessary obstacles. All my research with Subjects introduced into highest state consciousness, indicate that after death we, from one astral plane surrounding the Earth, go straight through the gates of the postmortem World of Souls. And it does not matter whether my subject is a young soul or a highly advanced old soul - they all tell me that immediately after death their soul passes through a dense atmosphere of light around the astral plane of Earth. This light has darkish or gray areas, but not black opaque areas. Many people describe the tunnel effect. All souls, having detached themselves from the Earth, then quickly move into the sphere of bright light of the spiritual world. And this is the only ethereal space around which there are no zones or boundaries.

In the World of Souls itself, all the so-called spaces or places available to reincarnating souls are commensurate and comparable. For example, the tradition of the Akashic Records, widespread in the East, does not seem to my Subjects to exist on some fourth causal plane separately from other functional zones. My Subjects call these records Books of Life, which are kept in symbolic Libraries located in the vicinity of other spiritual places.

I recognize that there is a vast realm beyond the spiritual experience of reincarnating souls and therefore beyond the scope of my research. Perhaps the whole idea of ​​cosmic plans is basically an attempt to comprehend the stages of unearthly consciousness in comparison with the movement of a limited earthly consciousness. Historically, human thought has been significantly dominated by the tradition of distinguishing special spheres, including the “underworld” - a world invented for “unworthy” souls. We'll talk more about this in Chapter 6.

When my subjects talk about interdimensional movements, I think it can be interpreted as the soul passing through different planes. The word "planes" is not used as often as the words "levels", "edges", "boundaries", "sections", except when patients mention the Earth. People in hypnosis report that within the astral plane surrounding the Earth, alternate or co-existing realities are part of our physical world. It is likely that within these realities some people of our physical reality can see immaterial beings. I have been told of many interdimensional realms that are used by souls for learning and recreation.

Soul energy

We cannot give the soul any physical, material definition, since this would somehow limit something that seems to have no limits. I understand the soul as intelligent light energy. This energy appears to function as vibrational waves, similar to electromagnetic force, but not limited to charged particles of matter. The energy of the soul is not some kind of uniform, unchanging substance. Just as each person has unique fingerprints, each soul has unique characteristics associated with its formation, structure and vibration. It is possible to determine the level of development of the soul by color shades, but this does not allow us to establish what the soul is like as a living being.

For many years I have studied how the soul interacts with the human mind in various incarnations and what it then does in the afterlife Soul World, and I have learned something about its desire for perfection. But this also does not reveal to me what the soul is. To fully understand soul energy, we must know all aspects of its creation and the consciousness of its source. This is the perfection that I cannot fully comprehend, despite all my efforts in studying the mystery of life after death.

All I can do is explore the actions of this perfect, intelligent energetic substance, how it reacts to people and events, and what it strives for in the physical and mental environment. If the soul begins its existence and is formed by pure thought, then this thought supports it as an immortal being.The kind of soul allows it to influence the physical environment and bring more harmony and balance to life. Souls are an expression of beauty, imagination and creativity. The ancient Egyptians said that in order to understand the soul, a person must listen to his heart. I think they were right.

Standard treatment for souls at the entrance to the World of Souls

When we make the transition after physical death, the guides who meet us resort to special methods and techniques, which, according to my research, can be divided into two categories.

1. Envelopment. The returning souls are completely engulfed by the huge spinning mass of the powerful energy of their Guides. When the soul and the Guide meet, the soul feels how, together with the Guide, it falls inside a certain bubble. This is the most common method, which my Subjects describe as pure ecstasy.

2. Focusing effect. This additional procedure, carried out during the initial contact, occurs somewhat differently. When the Guide approaches, energy is directed to certain points along the edges of the soul's etheric body from different directions at the Guide's discretion. They may take us by the hand or hold us at the side by the shoulders. Healing begins from a special point in the etheric body as a light stroking, after which a deeper penetration of energy occurs.

The use of one or another method depends on the decision of the Guide, as well as on the state of the energy of our soul at this moment. In both cases, there is an immediate penetration of powerful, invigorating energy. This is the initial phase of our journey to our final destination in the World of Souls. More advanced souls, especially if they are intact, usually do not need assistance from loving energy.

Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? I tried to answer this eternal question in my first book, Journeys of the Soul, published in 1994 by Llewellyn. Many people have told me that this book helped them discover their inner selves because they had never read a book that described life in the spirit world in such detail before. In addition, the information contained in it confirmed and strengthened their deep inner knowledge of the existence of their soul after physical death and the purpose of their return to Earth.

As soon as the book hit the shelves and later as it was translated into other languages, I began to receive letters from readers from all over the world asking me if there would be a sequel to the book. For a long time I gave a negative answer. It was not easy to process the materials of my many years of research and, in the end, present them in the form of a voluminous book about our immortal life. And I thought that by writing Journeys of the Soul I had already done quite a lot of work.

In the introduction to Journeys of the Soul, I wrote that I was a traditional hypnotherapist from the beginning and was skeptical about the use of hypnosis for metaphysical regressions. In 1947, when I was fifteen years old, I hypnotized my first subject, and I was definitely old school and not New Age. Therefore, when, while working with a patient, I inadvertently opened the gate to the world of the spirit, I was stunned. It seemed to me that most past life regression specialists believed that our life between lives was simply a period of vague uncertainty, serving only as a bridge from one life to the next. I soon realized that I must myself develop ways to awaken the Subject's memories of his existence in the mysterious world of the spirit. After many years of methodical research, I was finally able to build a working model of this world, its structure and patterns, and it became clear to me that the process of hypnotherapy regression could bring enormous benefits to my patients. I also found that it did not matter whether the patients were atheists, deeply religious people, or held any other philosophical beliefs. When they are correctly immersed in a superconscious hypnotic state, their reports do not contradict each other, which is why I became - as I I call this a spiritual regressionist, that is, a hypnotherapist specializing in life after death.

To provide a wide range of readers with basic information about this, I wrote the book “Journeys of the Soul,” in which I tried to clearly and consistently describe the course of events after physical death: who meets us, where we go, and what we do as souls in the World of Souls before that. how to choose a body for a new birth. This form of presentation was intended to be a visual journey through time, using real stories from practical sessions with my patients, who described to me in detail their experiences in the intervals between past lives. Thus, "Journeys of the Soul" became not so much another book about past lives and reincarnation, but a new breakthrough in metaphysical studies of spiritual areas that had not previously been explored through hypnosis.

During the eighties, as I developed a working model of life between lives, I stopped practicing all other forms of hypnotherapy. Having accumulated a large number of cases, I felt a great desire to penetrate even deeper into the secrets of the World of Souls. These studies strengthened my confidence in the reliability of my earlier discoveries. For many years of such special studies of the World of Souls, I worked practically in solitude and only with those of my patients who were informed about the nature of my work and each knew only what concerned him and his friends personally. I even avoided esoteric bookstores because I wanted to be absolutely free from any kind of bias or prejudice. And today I remain convinced that my voluntary isolation and desire not to speak out publicly was the right decision.

When I left Los Angeles and retreated to the Sierra Nevada Mountains to write Journeys of the Soul, I hoped to remain completely anonymous. This turned out to be unrealistic. Much of the material presented in the book had never been published before, and I began to receive a large number of letters through my publishers. I am indebted to Llewellyn and grateful for their vision and courage in presenting my research to the public. Soon after the book was published, I had to travel around giving lectures and appear on radio and television.

People wanted to know more details about the World of Souls and constantly asked if I had any more information. I was forced to answer in the affirmative. In fact, I had a large amount of various raw information that, in my opinion, was too serious for the public to accept from an unknown author. Even though people were very inspired by Journeys of the Soul, I didn't want to write a sequel. However, I had to make a compromise. The fifth edition has added an index, as well as a new cover and several paragraphs, to provide greater clarity on certain issues. But this was not enough. The flow of letters I received every week with questions about life after death continually increased.

Now people started looking for me and I decided to start a small hypnotherapy practice again. Among my new patients, I noted a high percentage of more evolved souls. But now patients have to wait a long time for their turn because my appointments are limited. Therefore, among my patients there are only a small number of young souls who are experiencing a serious psychological crisis, and the majority are people who are able to exercise patience. They want to turn to their spiritual memory in order to reveal the meaning and essence of certain problems and, ultimately, identify their purpose in life. Many of them are healers and teachers themselves, and they enjoy sharing with me information about their soul life between incarnations. I think that I, in turn, also helped them in their quest.

All this time, the opinion remained among readers that I had not revealed to them all the secrets I had. Eventually, I began to lean toward writing a second book. As a result, the book “The Purpose of the Soul” was born. My first book, “Journeys of the Soul,” was a journey to the World of Souls along the great River of Eternity. The journey began from the moment of physical death and ended in that place in the World of Souls from where we enter a new birth. I climbed up the River towards the Source as far as was possible at that time. And it was not possible to move forward. Although the memory of such journeys, made countless times, is stored in the mind of every person, it seems that none of those who are still incarnating are able to pass or carry me further.

The book “The Purpose of the Soul” will accompany travelers on the second expedition, which will pass along the same River and along its main tributaries - for a more detailed examination. During this journey together, I intend to present some hidden aspects of the route to give people a more significant picture of the whole. I structured this book largely thematically and did not always follow the sequence of events. Thus, I shifted the time frame of the standard progression of the soul from one point in the spiritual realm to another in order to more fully analyze this experience. I have also tried to invite readers to look at the same elements of soul life in the context of different Cases. The book “Soul Purpose” is designed to expand our understanding of the amazing meaning of the existing Higher plan and structure of the World of Souls, which is intended for the benefit of all human beings.