The Gaussian method is... Reverse of the Gaussian method

Here you can solve a system of linear equations for free Gauss method online large sizes in complex numbers with a very detailed solution. Our calculator can solve online both the usual definite and indefinite systems of linear equations using the Gaussian method, which has an infinite number of solutions. In this case, in the answer you will receive the dependence of some variables through other, free ones. You can also check the system of equations for consistency online using the Gaussian solution.

Matrix size: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 X 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101

About the method

When solving a system of linear equations online method Gauss the following steps are performed.

  1. We write the extended matrix.
  2. In fact, the solution is divided into forward and backward steps of the Gaussian method. The direct step of the Gaussian method is the reduction of a matrix to a stepwise form. The reverse of the Gaussian method is the reduction of a matrix to a special stepwise form. But in practice, it is more convenient to immediately zero out what is located both above and below the element in question. Our calculator uses exactly this approach.
  3. It is important to note that when solving using the Gaussian method, the presence in the matrix of at least one zero row with a NOT zero right side(column of free members) indicates the incompatibility of the system. Solution linear system in this case it does not exist.

To best understand how the Gaussian algorithm works online, enter any example, select "very detailed solution" and look up his solution online.

1. System of linear algebraic equations

1.1 The concept of a system of linear algebraic equations

A system of equations is a condition consisting of simultaneous execution of several equations with respect to several variables. A system of linear algebraic equations (hereinafter referred to as SLAE) containing m equations and n unknowns is called a system of the form:

where numbers a ij are called system coefficients, numbers b i are called free terms, a ij And b i(i=1,…, m; b=1,…, n) represent some known numbers, and x 1 ,…, x n– unknown. In the designation of coefficients a ij the first index i denotes the number of the equation, and the second j is the number of the unknown at which this coefficient stands. The numbers x n must be found. It is convenient to write such a system in a compact matrix form: AX=B. Here A is the matrix of system coefficients, called the main matrix;

– column vector of unknowns xj.
is a column vector of free terms bi.

The product of matrices A*X is defined, since there are as many columns in matrix A as there are rows in matrix X (n pieces).

The extended matrix of a system is the matrix A of the system, supplemented by a column of free terms

1.2 Solving a system of linear algebraic equations

The solution to a system of equations is an ordered set of numbers (values ​​of variables), when substituting them instead of variables, each of the equations of the system turns into a true equality.

A solution to a system is n values ​​of the unknowns x1=c1, x2=c2,…, xn=cn, upon substitution of which all equations of the system become true equalities. Any solution to the system can be written as a column matrix

A system of equations is called consistent if it has at least one solution, and inconsistent if it does not have any solution.

A consistent system is said to be determinate if it has a single solution, and indefinite if it has more than one solution. In the latter case, each of its solutions is called a particular solution of the system. The set of all particular solutions is called the general solution.

Solving a system means finding out whether it is compatible or inconsistent. If the system is consistent, find its general solution.

Two systems are called equivalent (equivalent) if they have the same general solution. In other words, systems are equivalent if every solution of one of them is a solution of the other, and vice versa.

Transformation, the application of which turns the system into new system, equivalent to the original one, is called an equivalent or equivalent transformation. Examples of equivalent transformations include the following transformations: interchanging two equations of a system, interchanging two unknowns along with the coefficients of all equations, multiplying both sides of any equation of a system by a nonzero number.

A system of linear equations is called homogeneous if all free terms are equal to zero:

A homogeneous system is always consistent, since x1=x2=x3=…=xn=0 is a solution of the system. This solution is called zero or trivial.

2. Gaussian elimination method

2.1 The essence of the Gaussian elimination method

The classical method for solving systems of linear algebraic equations is the method of sequential elimination of unknowns - Gaussian method(it is also called the Gaussian elimination method). This is a method of sequential elimination of variables, when, using elementary transformations, a system of equations is reduced to an equivalent system of a step (or triangular) form, from which all other variables are found sequentially, starting with the last (by number) variables.

The solution process using the Gaussian method consists of two stages: forward and backward moves.

1. Direct stroke.

At the first stage, the so-called direct move is carried out, when, through elementary transformations over the rows, the system is brought to a stepwise or triangular shape, or establish that the system is incompatible. Namely, among the elements of the first column of the matrix, select a non-zero one, move it to the uppermost position by rearranging the rows, and subtract the resulting first row from the remaining rows after the rearrangement, multiplying it by a value equal to the ratio of the first element of each of these rows to the first element of the first row, zeroing thus the column below it.

After these transformations have been completed, the first row and first column are mentally crossed out and continued until a zero-size matrix remains. If at any iteration there is no non-zero element among the elements of the first column, then go to the next column and perform a similar operation.

At the first stage (direct stroke), the system is reduced to a stepped (in particular, triangular) form.

The system below has a stepwise form:


Coefficients aii are called the main (leading) elements of the system.

(if a11=0, rearrange the rows of the matrix so that a 11 was not equal to 0. This is always possible, because otherwise the matrix contains a zero column, its determinant is equal to zero and the system is inconsistent).

Let's transform the system by eliminating the unknown x1 in all equations except the first (using elementary transformations of the system). To do this, multiply both sides of the first equation by

and add term by term with the second equation of the system (or from the second equation subtract term by term by the first, multiplied by ). Then we multiply both sides of the first equation by and add them to the third equation of the system (or from the third we subtract the first one multiplied by ). Thus, we sequentially multiply the first line by a number and add to i th line, for i= 2, 3, …,n.

Continuing this process, we obtain an equivalent system:

– new values ​​of coefficients for unknowns and free terms in the last m-1 equations of the system, which are determined by the formulas:

Thus, at the first step, all coefficients lying under the first leading element a 11 are destroyed

0, in the second step the elements lying under the second leading element a 22 (1) are destroyed (if a 22 (1) 0), etc. Continuing this process further, we finally, at the (m-1) step, reduce the original system to a triangular system.

If, in the process of reducing the system to a stepwise form, zero equations appear, i.e. equalities of the form 0=0, they are discarded. If an equation of the form appears

then this indicates the incompatibility of the system.

This is where the direct progression of Gauss's method ends.

2. Reverse stroke.

At the second stage, the so-called reverse move is carried out, the essence of which is to express all the resulting basic variables in terms of non-basic ones and build a fundamental system of solutions, or, if all the variables are basic, then express numerically the only solution to the system of linear equations.

This procedure begins with the last equation, from which the corresponding basic variable is expressed (there is only one in it) and substituted into the previous equations, and so on, going up the “steps”.

Each line corresponds to exactly one basis variable, so at every step except the last (topmost), the situation exactly repeats the case of the last line.

Note: in practice, it is more convenient to work not with the system, but with its extended matrix, performing all the elementary transformations on its rows. It is convenient for the coefficient a11 to be equal to 1 (rearrange the equations, or divide both sides of the equation by a11).

2.2 Examples of solving SLAEs using the Gaussian method

In this section there are three various examples Let us show how the Gaussian method can solve SLAE.

Example 1. Solve a 3rd order SLAE.

Let's reset the coefficients at

in the second and third lines. To do this, multiply them by 2/3 and 1, respectively, and add them to the first line:

Let a system of linear algebraic equations be given that needs to be solved (find such values ​​of the unknowns xi that turn each equation of the system into an equality).

We know that a system of linear algebraic equations can:

1) Have no solutions (be non-joint).
2) Have infinitely many solutions.
3) Have a single solution.

As we remember, Cramer's rule and matrix method are unsuitable in cases where the system has infinitely many solutions or is inconsistent. Gauss methodthe most powerful and versatile tool for finding solutions to any system of linear equations, which in every case will lead us to the answer! The method algorithm itself works the same in all three cases. If the Cramer and matrix methods require knowledge of determinants, then to apply the Gauss method you only need knowledge of arithmetic operations, which makes it accessible even to primary school students.

Augmented matrix transformations ( this is the matrix of the system - a matrix composed only of the coefficients of the unknowns, plus a column of free terms) systems of linear algebraic equations in the Gauss method:

1) With troki matrices Can rearrange in some places.

2) if proportional ones appeared (or exist) in the matrix (as special case– identical) lines, then it follows delete All these rows are from the matrix except one.

3) if a zero row appears in the matrix during transformations, then it should also be delete.

4) a row of the matrix can be multiply (divide) to any number other than zero.

5) to a row of the matrix you can add another string multiplied by a number, different from zero.

In the Gauss method, elementary transformations do not change the solution of the system of equations.

The Gauss method consists of two stages:

  1. “Direct move” - using elementary transformations, bring the extended matrix of a system of linear algebraic equations to a “triangular” step form: the elements of the extended matrix located below the main diagonal are equal to zero (top-down move). For example, to this type:

To do this, perform the following steps:

1) Let us consider the first equation of a system of linear algebraic equations and the coefficient for x 1 is equal to K. The second, third, etc. we transform the equations as follows: we divide each equation (coefficients of the unknowns, including free terms) by the coefficient of the unknown x 1 in each equation, and multiply by K. After this, we subtract the first from the second equation (coefficients of unknowns and free terms). For x 1 in the second equation we obtain the coefficient 0. From the third transformed equation we subtract the first equation until all equations except the first, for unknown x 1, have a coefficient 0.

2) Let's move on to the next equation. Let this be the second equation and the coefficient for x 2 equal to M. We proceed with all “lower” equations as described above. Thus, “under” the unknown x 2 there will be zeros in all equations.

3) Move on to the next equation and so on until one last unknown and the transformed free term remain.

  1. The “reverse move” of the Gauss method is to obtain a solution to a system of linear algebraic equations (the “bottom-up” move). From the last “lower” equation we obtain one first solution - the unknown x n. To do this, we solve the elementary equation A * x n = B. In the example given above, x 3 = 4. We substitute the found value into the “upper” next equation and solve it with respect to the next unknown. For example, x 2 – 4 = 1, i.e. x 2 = 5. And so on until we find all the unknowns.


Let's solve the system of linear equations using the Gauss method, as some authors advise:

Let us write down the extended matrix of the system and, using elementary transformations, bring it to a stepwise form:

We look at the upper left “step”. We should have one there. The problem is that there are no units in the first column at all, so rearranging the rows will not solve anything. In such cases, the unit must be organized using an elementary transformation. This can usually be done in several ways. Let's do this:
1 step . To the first line we add the second line, multiplied by –1. That is, we mentally multiplied the second line by –1 and added the first and second lines, while the second line did not change.

Now at the top left there is “minus one”, which suits us quite well. Anyone who wants to get +1 can perform an additional action: multiply the first line by –1 (change its sign).

Step 2 . The first line, multiplied by 5, was added to the second line. The first line, multiplied by 3, was added to the third line.

Step 3 . The first line was multiplied by –1, in principle, this is for beauty. The sign of the third line was also changed and it was moved to second place, so that on the second “step” we had the required unit.

Step 4 . The third line was added to the second line, multiplied by 2.

Step 5 . The third line was divided by 3.

A sign that indicates an error in calculations (more rarely, a typo) is a “bad” bottom line. That is, if we got something like (0 0 11 |23) below, and, accordingly, 11x 3 = 23, x 3 = 23/11, then with a large share probability, it can be argued that an error was made during elementary transformations.

Let’s do the reverse; in the design of examples, the system itself is often not rewritten, but the equations are “taken directly from the given matrix.” The reverse move, I remind you, works from the bottom up. In this example, the result was a gift:

x 3 = 1
x 2 = 3
x 1 + x 2 – x 3 = 1, therefore x 1 + 3 – 1 = 1, x 1 = –1

Answer:x 1 = –1, x 2 = 3, x 3 = 1.

Let's solve the same system using the proposed algorithm. We get

4 2 –1 1
5 3 –2 2
3 2 –3 0

Divide the second equation by 5, and the third by 3. We get:

4 2 –1 1
1 0.6 –0.4 0.4
1 0.66 –1 0

Multiplying the second and third equations by 4, we get:

4 2 –1 1
4 2,4 –1.6 1.6
4 2.64 –4 0

Subtract the first equation from the second and third equations, we have:

4 2 –1 1
0 0.4 –0.6 0.6
0 0.64 –3 –1

Divide the third equation by 0.64:

4 2 –1 1
0 0.4 –0.6 0.6
0 1 –4.6875 –1.5625

Multiply the third equation by 0.4

4 2 –1 1
0 0.4 –0.6 0.6
0 0.4 –1.875 –0.625

Subtracting the second from the third equation, we obtain a “stepped” extended matrix:

4 2 –1 1
0 0.4 –0.6 0.6
0 0 –1.275 –1.225

Thus, since the error accumulated during the calculations, we obtain x 3 = 0.96 or approximately 1.

x 2 = 3 and x 1 = –1.

By solving in this way, you will never get confused in the calculations and, despite the calculation errors, you will get the result.

This method of solving a system of linear algebraic equations is easy to program and does not take into account specific features coefficients for unknowns, because in practice (in economic and technical calculations) one has to deal with non-integer coefficients.

I wish you success! See you in class! Tutor Dmitry Aystrakhanov.

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In this article, the method is considered as a method for solving systems of linear equations (SLAEs). The method is analytical, that is, it allows you to write a solution algorithm in general view, and then substitute values ​​from specific examples there. Unlike the matrix method or Cramer's formulas, when solving a system of linear equations using the Gauss method, you can also work with those that have an infinite number of solutions. Or they don't have it at all.

What does it mean to solve using the Gaussian method?

First, we need to write our system of equations in It looks like this. Take the system:

The coefficients are written in the form of a table, and the free terms are written in a separate column on the right. The column with free terms is separated for convenience. The matrix that includes this column is called extended.

Next, the main matrix with coefficients must be reduced to an upper triangular form. This is the main point of solving the system using the Gaussian method. Simply put, after certain manipulations, the matrix should look so that its lower left part contains only zeros:

Then, if you write the new matrix again as a system of equations, you will notice that the last row already contains the value of one of the roots, which is then substituted into the equation above, another root is found, and so on.

This is a description of the solution by the Gaussian method in the most general outline. What happens if suddenly the system has no solution? Or are there infinitely many of them? To answer these and many other questions, it is necessary to consider separately all the elements used in solving the Gaussian method.

Matrices, their properties

There is no hidden meaning in the matrix. It's simple convenient way recording data for subsequent operations with them. Even schoolchildren do not need to be afraid of them.

The matrix is ​​always rectangular, because it is more convenient. Even in the Gauss method, where everything comes down to constructing a matrix of a triangular form, a rectangle appears in the entry, only with zeros in the place where there are no numbers. Zeros may not be written, but they are implied.

The matrix has a size. Its “width” is the number of rows (m), “length” is the number of columns (n). Then the size of the matrix A (capital Latin letters are usually used to denote them) will be denoted as A m×n. If m=n, then this matrix is ​​square, and m=n is its order. Accordingly, any element of matrix A can be denoted by its row and column numbers: a xy ; x - row number, changes, y - column number, changes.

B is not the main point of the decision. In principle, all operations can be performed directly with the equations themselves, but the notation will be much more cumbersome, and it will be much easier to get confused in it.


The matrix also has a determinant. This is very important characteristic. There is no need to find out its meaning now; you can simply show how it is calculated, and then tell what properties of the matrix it determines. The easiest way to find the determinant is through diagonals. Imaginary diagonals are drawn in the matrix; the elements located on each of them are multiplied, and then the resulting products are added: diagonals with a slope to the right - with a plus sign, with a slope to the left - with a minus sign.

It is extremely important to note that the determinant can only be calculated for a square matrix. For a rectangular matrix, you can do the following: choose the smallest from the number of rows and the number of columns (let it be k), and then randomly mark k columns and k rows in the matrix. The elements at the intersection of the selected columns and rows will form a new square matrix. If the determinant of such a matrix is ​​a non-zero number, it is called the basis minor of the original rectangular matrix.

Before you start solving a system of equations using the Gaussian method, it doesn’t hurt to calculate the determinant. If it turns out to be zero, then we can immediately say that the matrix has either an infinite number of solutions or none at all. In such a sad case, you need to go further and find out about the rank of the matrix.

System classification

There is such a thing as the rank of a matrix. This is the maximum order of its non-zero determinant (if we remember about the basis minor, we can say that the rank of a matrix is ​​the order of the basis minor).

Based on the situation with rank, SLAE can be divided into:

  • Joint. U In joint systems, the rank of the main matrix (consisting only of coefficients) coincides with the rank of the extended matrix (with a column of free terms). Such systems have a solution, but not necessarily one, therefore, additionally joint systems are divided into:
  • - certain- having a single solution. In certain systems, the rank of the matrix and the number of unknowns (or the number of columns, which is the same thing) are equal;
  • - undefined - with an infinite number of solutions. The rank of matrices in such systems is less than the number of unknowns.
  • Incompatible. U In such systems, the ranks of the main and extended matrices do not coincide. Incompatible systems have no solution.

The Gauss method is good because during the solution it allows one to obtain either an unambiguous proof of the inconsistency of the system (without calculating the determinants of large matrices), or a solution in general form for a system with an infinite number of solutions.

Elementary transformations

Before proceeding directly to solving the system, you can make it less cumbersome and more convenient for calculations. This is achieved through elementary transformations - such that their implementation does not change the final answer in any way. It should be noted that some of the given elementary transformations are valid only for matrices, the source of which was the SLAE. Here is a list of these transformations:

  1. Rearranging lines. Obviously, if you change the order of the equations in the system record, this will not affect the solution in any way. Consequently, rows in the matrix of this system can also be swapped, not forgetting, of course, the column of free terms.
  2. Multiplying all elements of a string by a certain coefficient. Very helpful! It can be used to shorten big numbers in the matrix or remove zeros. Many decisions, as usual, will not change, but further operations will become more convenient. The main thing is that the coefficient is not equal to zero.
  3. Removing rows with proportional factors. This partly follows from the previous paragraph. If two or more rows in a matrix have proportional coefficients, then when one of the rows is multiplied/divided by the proportionality coefficient, two (or, again, more) absolutely identical rows are obtained, and the extra ones can be removed, leaving only one.
  4. Removing a null line. If, during the transformation, a row is obtained somewhere in which all elements, including the free term, are zero, then such a row can be called zero and thrown out of the matrix.
  5. Adding to the elements of one row the elements of another (in the corresponding columns), multiplied by a certain coefficient. The most unobvious and most important transformation of all. It is worth dwelling on it in more detail.

Adding a string multiplied by a factor

For ease of understanding, it is worth breaking down this process step by step. Two rows are taken from the matrix:

a 11 a 12 ... a 1n | b1

a 21 a 22 ... a 2n | b 2

Let's say you need to add the first to the second, multiplied by the coefficient "-2".

a" 21 = a 21 + -2×a 11

a" 22 = a 22 + -2×a 12

a" 2n = a 2n + -2×a 1n

Then the second row in the matrix is ​​replaced with a new one, and the first remains unchanged.

a 11 a 12 ... a 1n | b1

a" 21 a" 22 ... a" 2n | b 2

It should be noted that the multiplication coefficient can be selected in such a way that, as a result of adding two rows, one of the elements of the new row is equal to zero. Therefore, it is possible to obtain an equation in a system where there will be one less unknown. And if you get two such equations, then the operation can be done again and get an equation that will contain two fewer unknowns. And if each time you turn one coefficient of all rows that are below the original one to zero, then you can, like stairs, go down to the very bottom of the matrix and get an equation with one unknown. This is called solving the system using the Gaussian method.

In general

Let there be a system. It has m equations and n unknown roots. You can write it as follows:

The main matrix is ​​compiled from the system coefficients. A column of free terms is added to the extended matrix and, for convenience, separated by a line.

  • the first row of the matrix is ​​multiplied by the coefficient k = (-a 21 /a 11);
  • the first modified row and the second row of the matrix are added;
  • instead of the second row, the result of the addition from the previous paragraph is inserted into the matrix;
  • now the first coefficient in the new second row is a 11 × (-a 21 /a 11) + a 21 = -a 21 + a 21 = 0.

Now the same series of transformations is performed, only the first and third rows are involved. Accordingly, at each step of the algorithm, element a 21 is replaced by a 31. Then everything is repeated for a 41, ... a m1. The result is a matrix where the first element in the rows is zero. Now you need to forget about line number one and perform the same algorithm, starting from line two:

  • coefficient k = (-a 32 /a 22);
  • the second modified line is added to the “current” line;
  • the result of the addition is substituted into the third, fourth, and so on lines, while the first and second remain unchanged;
  • in the rows of the matrix the first two elements are already equal to zero.

The algorithm must be repeated until the coefficient k = (-a m,m-1 /a mm) appears. This means that the last time the algorithm was executed was only for the lower equation. Now the matrix looks like a triangle, or has a stepped shape. In the bottom line there is the equality a mn × x n = b m. The coefficient and free term are known, and the root is expressed through them: x n = b m /a mn. The resulting root is substituted into the top line to find x n-1 = (b m-1 - a m-1,n ×(b m /a mn))÷a m-1,n-1. And so on by analogy: in each next line there is a new root, and, having reached the “top” of the system, you can find many solutions. It will be the only one.

When there are no solutions

If in one of the matrix rows all elements except the free term are equal to zero, then the equation corresponding to this row looks like 0 = b. It has no solution. And since such an equation is included in the system, then the set of solutions of the entire system is empty, that is, it is degenerate.

When there are an infinite number of solutions

It may happen that in the given triangular matrix there are no rows with one coefficient element of the equation and one free term. There are only lines that, when rewritten, would look like an equation with two or more variables. This means that the system has an infinite number of solutions. In this case, the answer can be given in the form of a general solution. How to do it?

All variables in the matrix are divided into basic and free. Basic ones are those that stand “on the edge” of the rows in the step matrix. The rest are free. In the general solution, the basic variables are written through free ones.

For convenience, the matrix is ​​first rewritten back into a system of equations. Then in the last of them, where exactly there is only one basic variable left, it remains on one side, and everything else is transferred to the other. This is done for every equation with one basic variable. Then, in the remaining equations, where possible, the expression obtained for it is substituted instead of the basic variable. If the result is again an expression containing only one basic variable, it is again expressed from there, and so on, until each basic variable is written as an expression with free variables. This is the general solution of SLAE.

You can also find the basic solution of the system - give the free variables any values, and then for this specific case calculate the values ​​of the basic variables. There are an infinite number of particular solutions that can be given.

Solution with specific examples

Here is a system of equations.

For convenience, it is better to immediately create its matrix

It is known that when solved by the Gaussian method, the equation corresponding to the first row will remain unchanged at the end of the transformations. Therefore, it will be more profitable if the left top element matrix will be the smallest - then the first elements of the remaining rows after the operations will turn to zero. This means that in the compiled matrix it will be advantageous to put the second row in place of the first one.

second line: k = (-a 21 /a 11) = (-3/1) = -3

a" 21 = a 21 + k×a 11 = 3 + (-3)×1 = 0

a" 22 = a 22 + k×a 12 = -1 + (-3)×2 = -7

a" 23 = a 23 + k×a 13 = 1 + (-3)×4 = -11

b" 2 = b 2 + k×b 1 = 12 + (-3)×12 = -24

third line: k = (-a 3 1 /a 11) = (-5/1) = -5

a" 3 1 = a 3 1 + k×a 11 = 5 + (-5)×1 = 0

a" 3 2 = a 3 2 + k×a 12 = 1 + (-5)×2 = -9

a" 3 3 = a 33 + k×a 13 = 2 + (-5)×4 = -18

b" 3 = b 3 + k×b 1 = 3 + (-5)×12 = -57

Now, in order not to get confused, you need to write down a matrix with the intermediate results of the transformations.

Obviously, such a matrix can be made more convenient for perception using certain operations. For example, you can remove all “minuses” from the second line by multiplying each element by “-1”.

It is also worth noting that in the third line all elements are multiples of three. Then you can shorten the line by this number, multiplying each element by "-1/3" (minus - at the same time, to remove negative values).

Looks much nicer. Now we need to leave the first line alone and work with the second and third. The task is to add the second line to the third line, multiplied by such a coefficient that the element a 32 becomes equal to zero.

k = (-a 32 /a 22) = (-3/7) = -3/7 (if during some transformations the answer does not turn out to be an integer, it is recommended to maintain the accuracy of the calculations to leave it “as is”, in the form common fraction, and only then, when the answers are received, decide whether to round and convert to another form of recording)

a" 32 = a 32 + k×a 22 = 3 + (-3/7)×7 = 3 + (-3) = 0

a" 33 = a 33 + k×a 23 = 6 + (-3/7)×11 = -9/7

b" 3 = b 3 + k×b 2 = 19 + (-3/7)×24 = -61/7

The matrix is ​​written again with new values.

1 2 4 12
0 7 11 24
0 0 -9/7 -61/7

As you can see, the resulting matrix already has a stepped form. Therefore, further transformations of the system using the Gaussian method are not required. What can be done here is to remove from the third line overall coefficient "-1/7".

Now everything is beautiful. All that’s left to do is write the matrix again in the form of a system of equations and calculate the roots

x + 2y + 4z = 12 (1)

7y + 11z = 24 (2)

The algorithm by which the roots will now be found is called the reverse move in the Gaussian method. Equation (3) contains the z value:

y = (24 - 11×(61/9))/7 = -65/9

And the first equation allows us to find x:

x = (12 - 4z - 2y)/1 = 12 - 4×(61/9) - 2×(-65/9) = -6/9 = -2/3

We have the right to call such a system joint, and even definite, that is, having a unique solution. The answer is written in the following form:

x 1 = -2/3, y = -65/9, z = 61/9.

An example of an uncertain system

The variant of solving a certain system using the Gauss method has been analyzed; now it is necessary to consider the case if the system is uncertain, that is, infinitely many solutions can be found for it.

x 1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 + x 5 = 7 (1)

3x 1 + 2x 2 + x 3 + x 4 - 3x 5 = -2 (2)

x 2 + 2x 3 + 2x 4 + 6x 5 = 23 (3)

5x 1 + 4x 2 + 3x 3 + 3x 4 - x 5 = 12 (4)

The very appearance of the system is already alarming, because the number of unknowns is n = 5, and the rank of the system matrix is ​​already exactly less than this number, because the number of rows is m = 4, that is, the largest order of the determinant-square is 4. This means that there are an infinite number of solutions, and you need to look for its general appearance. The Gauss method for linear equations allows you to do this.

First, as usual, an extended matrix is ​​compiled.

Second line: coefficient k = (-a 21 /a 11) = -3. In the third line, the first element is before the transformations, so you don’t need to touch anything, you need to leave it as is. Fourth line: k = (-a 4 1 /a 11) = -5

By multiplying the elements of the first row by each of their coefficients in turn and adding them to the required rows, we obtain a matrix of the following form:

As you can see, the second, third and fourth rows consist of elements proportional to each other. The second and fourth are generally identical, so one of them can be removed immediately, and the remaining one can be multiplied by the coefficient “-1” and get line number 3. And again, out of two identical lines, leave one.

The result is a matrix like this. While the system has not yet been written down, it is necessary to determine the basic variables here - those standing at the coefficients a 11 = 1 and a 22 = 1, and free ones - all the rest.

In the second equation there is only one basic variable - x 2. This means that it can be expressed from there by writing it through the variables x 3 , x 4 , x 5 , which are free.

We substitute the resulting expression into the first equation.

The result is an equation in which the only basic variable is x 1 . Let's do the same with it as with x 2.

All basic variables, of which there are two, are expressed in terms of three free ones; now we can write the answer in general form.

You can also specify one of the particular solutions of the system. For such cases, zeros are usually chosen as values ​​for free variables. Then the answer will be:

16, 23, 0, 0, 0.

An example of a non-cooperative system

Solving incompatible systems of equations using the Gauss method is the fastest. It ends immediately as soon as at one of the stages an equation is obtained that has no solution. That is, the stage of calculating the roots, which is quite long and tedious, is eliminated. The following system is considered:

x + y - z = 0 (1)

2x - y - z = -2 (2)

4x + y - 3z = 5 (3)

As usual, the matrix is ​​compiled:

1 1 -1 0
2 -1 -1 -2
4 1 -3 5

And it is reduced to a stepwise form:

k 1 = -2k 2 = -4

1 1 -1 0
0 -3 1 -2
0 0 0 7

After the first transformation, the third line contains an equation of the form

without a solution. Consequently, the system is inconsistent, and the answer will be the empty set.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

If you choose which method to solve SLAEs on paper with a pen, then the method that was discussed in this article looks the most attractive. It is much more difficult to get confused in elementary transformations than if you have to manually search for a determinant or some tricky inverse matrix. However, if you use programs for working with data of this type, for example, spreadsheets, then it turns out that such programs already contain algorithms for calculating the main parameters of matrices - determinant, minors, inverse, and so on. And if you are sure that the machine will calculate these values ​​​​itself and will not make mistakes, it is more advisable to use the matrix method or Cramer’s formulas, because their application begins and ends with the calculation of determinants and inverse matrices.


Since the Gaussian solution is an algorithm, and the matrix is ​​actually a two-dimensional array, it can be used in programming. But since the article positions itself as a guide “for dummies,” it should be said that the easiest place to put the method into is spreadsheets, for example, Excel. Again, any SLAE entered into a table in the form of a matrix will be considered by Excel as a two-dimensional array. And for operations with them there are many nice commands: addition (you can only add matrices of the same size!), multiplication by a number, multiplication of matrices (also with certain restrictions), finding the inverse and transposed matrices and, most importantly, calculating the determinant. If this time-consuming task is replaced by a single command, it is possible to determine the rank of the matrix much more quickly and, therefore, establish its compatibility or incompatibility.

Let the system be given, ∆≠0. (1)
Gauss method is a method of sequentially eliminating unknowns.

The essence of the Gauss method is to transform (1) to a system with a triangular matrix, from which the values ​​of all unknowns are then obtained sequentially (in reverse). Let's consider one of the computational schemes. This circuit is called a single division circuit. So let's look at this diagram. Let a 11 ≠0 (leading element) divide the first equation by a 11. We get
Using equation (2), it is easy to eliminate the unknowns x 1 from the remaining equations of the system (to do this, it is enough to subtract equation (2) from each equation, previously multiplied by the corresponding coefficient for x 1), that is, in the first step we obtain
In other words, at step 1, each element of subsequent rows, starting from the second, is equal to the difference between the original element and the product of its “projection” onto the first column and the first (transformed) row.
Following this, leaving the first equation alone, we perform a similar transformation over the remaining equations of the system obtained in the first step: we select from among them the equation with the leading element and, with its help, exclude x 2 from the remaining equations (step 2).
After n steps, instead of (1), we obtain an equivalent system
Thus, at the first stage we obtain a triangular system (3). This stage is called forward stroke.
At the second stage (reverse), we find sequentially from (3) the values ​​x n, x n -1, ..., x 1.
Let us denote the resulting solution as x 0 . Then the difference ε=b-A x 0 called residual.
If ε=0, then the found solution x 0 is correct.

Calculations using the Gaussian method are performed in two stages:

  1. The first stage is called the forward method. At the first stage, the original system is converted to a triangular form.
  2. The second stage is called the reverse stroke. At the second stage, a triangular system equivalent to the original one is solved.
The coefficients a 11, a 22, ... are called leading elements.
At each step, the leading element was assumed to be nonzero. If this is not the case, then any other element can be used as a leading element, as if rearranging the equations of the system.

Purpose of the Gauss method

The Gauss method is designed for solving systems of linear equations. Refers to direct solution methods.

Types of Gaussian method

  1. Classical Gaussian method;
  2. Modifications of the Gauss method. One of the modifications of the Gaussian method is a scheme with the choice of the main element. A feature of the Gauss method with the choice of the main element is such a rearrangement of the equations so that at the kth step the leading element turns out to be the largest element in the kth column.
  3. Jordano-Gauss method;
The difference between the Jordano-Gauss method and the classical one Gauss method consists in applying the rectangle rule, when the direction of searching for a solution occurs along the main diagonal (transformation to the identity matrix). In the Gauss method, the direction of searching for a solution occurs along the columns (transformation to a system with a triangular matrix).
Let's illustrate the difference Jordano-Gauss method from the Gaussian method with examples.

Example of a solution using the Gaussian method
Let's solve the system:

For ease of calculation, let's swap the lines:

Let's multiply the 2nd line by (2). Add the 3rd line to the 2nd

Multiply the 2nd line by (-1). Add the 2nd line to the 1st

From the 1st line we express x 3:
From the 2nd line we express x 2:
From the 3rd line we express x 1:

An example of a solution using the Jordano-Gauss method
Let us solve the same SLAE using the Jordano-Gauss method.

We will sequentially select the resolving element RE, which lies on the main diagonal of the matrix.
The resolution element is equal to (1).

NE = SE - (A*B)/RE
RE - resolving element (1), A and B - matrix elements forming a rectangle with elements STE and RE.
Let's present the calculation of each element in the form of a table:

x 1 x 2 x 3 B
1 / 1 = 1 2 / 1 = 2 -2 / 1 = -2 1 / 1 = 1

The resolving element is equal to (3).
In place of the resolving element we get 1, and in the column itself we write zeros.
All other elements of the matrix, including elements of column B, are determined by the rectangle rule.
To do this, we select four numbers that are located at the vertices of the rectangle and always include the resolving element RE.
x 1 x 2 x 3 B
0 / 3 = 0 3 / 3 = 1 1 / 3 = 0.33 4 / 3 = 1.33

The resolution element is (-4).
In place of the resolving element we get 1, and in the column itself we write zeros.
All other elements of the matrix, including elements of column B, are determined by the rectangle rule.
To do this, we select four numbers that are located at the vertices of the rectangle and always include the resolving element RE.
Let's present the calculation of each element in the form of a table:
x 1 x 2 x 3 B
0 / -4 = 0 0 / -4 = 0 -4 / -4 = 1 -4 / -4 = 1

Answer: x 1 = 1, x 2 = 1, x 3 = 1

Implementation of the Gaussian method

The Gaussian method is implemented in many programming languages, in particular: Pascal, C++, php, Delphi, and there is also an online implementation of the Gaussian method.

Using the Gaussian Method

Application of the Gauss method in game theory

In game theory, when finding the maximin optimal strategy of a player, a system of equations is compiled, which is solved by the Gaussian method.

Application of the Gauss method in solving differential equations

To find a partial solution to a differential equation, first find derivatives of the appropriate degree for the written partial solution (y=f(A,B,C,D)), which are substituted into the original equation. Next to find variables A,B,C,D a system of equations is compiled and solved by the Gaussian method.

Application of the Jordano-Gauss method in linear programming

In linear programming, in particular in the simplex method, the rectangle rule, which uses the Jordano-Gauss method, is used to transform the simplex table at each iteration.