The beginning of the birthday script. Birthday entertainment

Author's scenario for a woman’s birthday or anniversary “Rainbow of Life”- absolutely unique, completely musically designed, the program includes both funny and touching congratulations, which are easy to organize on your own. The program is rich in costume and game moments that will delight both the hero of the occasion and all the guests. All the music for this can be downloaded directly into the script .

Scenario for the anniversary "Rainbow of Life"

Color drawing before the start of the evening.

In different corners of the hall hang bundles of balls of blue, red, yellow and green.

Presenter: Dear guests, before you sit comfortably at this beautiful and appetizing table, I ask each of you to approach a bunch of balloons of the color that most appeals to you. (Guests approach the balls).

Great, now I understand why each of you came to this holiday. I'll tell you a secret too. Those who chose red balls came here to have fun! Those who chose green - get drunk! Yellow - eat something tasty! And blue balls were preferred by those who are full of energy and ready to dance until the morning. Did you guess right? No? As they say, the evening will tell, but for now, take your seats at this beautiful table.

Sounds 1. Pugacheva. Come in guests - in the background

(to download - click on the file)

FIRST Feast.

Presenter: Good evening , Today we are with you: presenter (Name) and DJ (Name)- we will be happy to celebrate a holiday that is dedicated to flowers, bright colors and the fulfillment of the varied and colorful wishes of the birthday girl (anniversaries) Irina. Fill your glasses!

First toast

All, all lovers of green and red,

We raise our glasses to Irina - the most beautiful!

Everyone is an expert yellow color, as well as the color blue,

Let's not be left behind, let's drink to Irina, the most beautiful!

To the youngest, most charming and attractive birthday girl in the world - to Irina! Dear Irina, today everything is just for you!

Sounds 2. S. Mikhailov. Everything for you.

small break

Musical acquaintance of guests at the Rainbow of Life anniversary

Presenter: And now I propose to get acquainted a little with the help of musical and dance table greetings. Our greetings will be colored, like everything else on this holiday. Remind me who in the audience preferred the color red, raise your hand (if there are only a few guests, you can ask everythingx names, if there are many guests, selectively get to know some of them). Dear lovers of red, when the song about the color red starts, I ask you all to stand up and dance to it, using welcoming hand movements (show which ones). Now tell me who chose green color(also fullor selective acquaintance). When an excerpt of your song starts playing, I also ask you to get up and dance, but use movements in the dance that imitate hugs, such as “barrels” (show). Let's now admire the lovers of yellow (acquaintance), In your symbolic welcome dance, I ask you to use the American gesture - “everything is okay” . And now a group of amateurs of blue color, active recreation and dancing - show yourself (acquaintance), you get the moves from the well-known dance in the movie “Pulp Fiction”.

All red lovers,

We spread our greetings around! (shows movements)

Did you come here to have fun?

Then light up your faces with a smile! - the group of “Reds” gets up and dances

An excerpt from the song “Red Currant” is played -

To whom is green the best in the world?

Open your arms wider! (shows movements)

The hostess has enough alcohol,

So that everyone can drink to their heart's content! - the group of “Greens” gets up and dances.

An excerpt from the song “Green Light” sounds -

To whom is yellow the closest of all?

Of course, everything is okay with you! (shows movements)

A generous feast awaits you,

Variety and expanse! - the “Yellow” group gets up and dances.

An excerpt from the song " Yellow tulips» -

Who prefers blue?

We do it with our hands like this, it’s beautiful! (shows movements)

You won't be bored here,

We will sing and dance a lot!

Sounds 4. Excerpt from the song “Blue Frost”

Presenter: Amazing! Then let's get acquainted!

Sounds 3. Factory. We are so different - in the background

Presenter: Yes, we are very different, but still we got together for the birthday of everyone’s beloved Irina. But we won’t talk about age, because beauties like our birthday girl get younger every year and do not obey passport data. So let’s talk about the name Irina.

This is what is written about girls with that name in the encyclopedia. The name is of ancient Greek origin and means peace and tranquility.

In childhood, Irina is independent and decisive. They have good abilities, and studying does not require much effort from them. They are able to take a realistic approach to assessing the reality around them. They approach any work responsibly.

Sociable, quickly establish contact with strangers. Irina are amorous natures, but they do not lose their heads in hobbies, they always strive to maintain independence.

Professional activity always plays a significant role in their lives.

Irina knows how to cook well, is fond of fashionable systems of raising children, sports and never loses heart.

Whether this characteristic corresponds to our Irina or not, her parents know best: (names)- Let's greet them with applause. Today, each of the guests, as a sign of respect and love for Irina, would like to give her a special gift, but the most important one was given to her by her parents - they gave her life!

Toast to parents

We would give Irina a miracle,
A wonderful moment of magic
Only a miracle was created before,
The people who gave her life, birth!

Please raise your glasses and drink to Irina’s parents!

Sounds 4. Povaliy . Mommy mommy.

Presenter: The floor is given to the mother of the hero of the day (Name)-

mom's toast...

Presenter: And now a word to the person who knows Irina by professional qualities - the boss (Name)

Word and toast from the boss...

Sounds 5. Allegrova. Birthday.

Presenter: This concludes the solemn part of our holiday, and we, with pleasure, begin the entertaining part!

I’ll say right away that there will be no invited artists, as far as I know, the people gathered here are lively and talented. Today we ourselves will be artists, and we will also work a little as magicians and try to add joyful colors to the bright life of our birthday girl and our own. (The presenter has a flower in her hands)

This is Tsvetik-Semitsvetik, each of its petals is one of Irina’s innermost desires, which we will gladly fulfill, right?

So, Irina Vladimirovna, tear off the first petal, I suggest white, because this is the color of the beginning and everything pure and innocent.

Irina tears off a petal - a magical sound sounds + “Look into childhood.”

The words in the passage are:

“And now they are calling, and now they are calling


And look into childhood, and look into childhood

Want very much…"

Sounds 6. Song. It's fun to walk through the open spaces together -

(The Little Ones come out - two of the guests put on their caps and skirts in advance, take from the presenter pieces of paper with words and bows, which they attach to different places during the performance)

TO costumed congratulations. Babies with gifts.

First: We are kids from kindergarten

We are happy to congratulate aunt

We didn't just come

They brought gifts to Aunt Ira,

Second: This bow is sure to

We'll put it on her head,

So that, like us, she too,

Be more beautiful and younger! (a bow on the head, preferably a headband with a bow)

Our Aunt Ira is a beauty,

All the uncles like her!

First: Well, what little hands?

Not simple ones - golden ones.

There are no more tender ones in the world,

Adults and children know!

Let's tie bows on the arms,

To make your hands cooler! (bows for hands - with elastic bands)

Second: And these bows on the legs,

So that along the city paths

They ran fast and fast

And they struck sparks with their soles.

And to highlight their beauty,

A bow needs to be attached to them ( bows on legs - with elastic bands)

First: And this bow is not going anywhere,

We attach it to the chest!

There will be awards and medals on it,

We wish they gave it soon,

So, gorgeous, but not somehow,

Let the bow decorate Irina’s chest! (bow on the chest with a pin)

Second: And we’ll tie this bow to a place,

Whichever is closer to a chair or an armchair.

Tie a bow there too,

So that they can attract uncles,

To turn here and there,

And they will say: “Wow!” (bow on the butt - on a pin)

First: And we won’t attach this bow

Aunt Ira herself knows when to get it

After all, this bow is sexy,

We wish it to be relevant more often.

Wherever Aunt Ira is at home or not at home,

It will be worn on the day of sexual uplift! (give a bow or attach as appropriate)

Second: Well, how do you like Aunt Ira? Like?

U.S. too! She is our beauty!

Nice decoration

For such a birthday!

Now the photographer take a photo for us,

And Aunt Ira pour us 100 grams each! (takes pictures with the kids)


For the fulfillment of our deepest desires!

Sounds 7. Lyubasha. Happy birthday.

Presenter: Do the guests know Irina well? Please, answer me a few questions in unison, and by how unanimously you answer, I will judge the degree of intoxication of those gathered.

Table chant. In honor of the hero of the day

Presenter: As always, irresistible

On this glorious day...Who?

All: Irina!

Presenter: We are delighted for the reason:

Our meeting in honor of...Who?

All: Irina!

Presenter: We commit ourselves from now on

We smile...To whom?


Presenter: Let's stop dragging our feet,

Pour for...Who?

All: For Irina!

Presenter: Like an elite painting,

We all admire...Who?

All: Irina!

Presenter: And today all the songs

Will we sing about...Who?

All: About Irina!

Presenter: Well done! At the same time, we remembered the cases! A word of congratulations to friends.....

Toast from friends

Sounds 8. Indian Summer Festive.

small break

Presenter: We continue to work as wizards - our next petal is golden. This color suits Irina very well, because it represents everything luxurious and bright.

Irina tears off a petal - a magical sound sounds + “The hour of our meeting is destined for me”

The words in the passage are:

“The hour of our meeting is destined for me
In my starry country
There's a beautiful boy waiting for me there
On a golden horse.."

(The Sultan rides out on a “golden” horse, followed by his wives with a “golden” gift box containing a money carpet - change the guests’ clothes in advance and explain the essence of the room)

Costumed congratulations to the Sultan and donation of a money carpet.

Presenter: Sultan Suleiman Ibn-Khotabych arrived in our country to replenish his harem.

(The Sultan rides out, his wives help him get off his horse and take the horse. The Sultan goes to Irina)

Sultan: Oh, most honorable one! (addresses Irina)

You are as beautiful as a newly blooming lotus flower (approaches Irina).

Your hair shines like a river in lunar silver (touches)

Eyes - shine like stars in a night harem (throws his hands up to the sky).

Your lips are the most tender of the roses that bloom in heaven (shakes his head).

Gentle hands are like two streams flowing down a mountain and embracing everything in their path.

Sounds 9. Rework “If I were a Sultan” - The Sultan invites Irina to dance

Sultan: (after the dance) This is exactly what I was missing in my harem, what do my older wives say?

Wives: Yes, sir, that's exactly it.

Sultan: No matter how brightly the sun shines, it cannot obscure the light coming from you. Oh, Brightest!

Wives: The brightest! The brightest! The brightest!

Sultan: No matter how beautiful a flower blooming in the desert is, it is not more beautiful than you. Oh, Most Beautiful!

Wives: The most beautiful! The most beautiful! The most beautiful!

Sultan: No matter how welcome a sip of water in the desert may be, it is no more desirable than you. Oh, Most Desirable!

Wives: Most desirable! Most desirable! Most desirable!

Sultan: Become the decoration of my harem, at least for one minute - Oh, Most Magnificent!!!

Wives: The most magnificent!!! The most magnificent!!! The most magnificent!!!

Sultan: My wives spent three days and three nights weaving this carpet especially for you. (wives take out a carpet from money - do it in advance)

Wives: We weaved and weaved, and all the guests helped (they give a carpet)

A fiery oriental melody sounds - the harem dances, everyone joins - transition to a dance break.

(Watch another version of a costume scene in oriental style)

It sounds 10. A . Rebecca . Oriental tales - in Turkish.

dance break


Presenter: And we continue to create miracles.

Irina, tear off the purple petal, which symbolizes aristocracy and romance, which also suits you very well.

Irina tears off a petal - A magical sound sounds + “And the artist in the portrait”

The words in the passage are:

"It was a wonderful ball
And the artist on the cuff,
He painted my portrait"

Presenter: A portrait is a portrait, each of us is an artist at heart. (A frame with a place for a future portrait and markers are passed from guest to guest)

Table entertainment.

Presenter: (it is important for the presenter to unobtrusively guide the process so as not to lose dynamics and at the same time not to lose the expressiveness of the presentation of the poetic number) Please draw in turn what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that everyone complements the work of their neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Let's start!

(entertainment provided)

Presenter: As they say: find 10 differences, whoever finds the most will toast!

Sounds 11. Basque. It's your birthday.

short break V

Presenter: Our Tsvetik-Semitsvetik is losing one petal after another, and there are only seven colors in it - the rainbow of our birthday girl’s life is woven more brightly, there are many colors in it, both light and not so light, but in any situation Irina is full of optimism, apparently that’s why our holiday goes like this easy and fun.

It’s not for nothing that the ancients said that you can only give to the rich, and only help the strong, and...only cheer up the cheerful, we would add. And the line for one of the most cheerful colors in the world - orange, symbolizes change, energy and health. Irina, take it off.

Original congratulations. What could be more valuable than friendship?

Irina tears off a petal - Magic sound sounds + “I’ll get into a convertible”

The words in the passage are:

"And I'll get into a convertible
And I’ll go somewhere...”

Presenter: The convertible might be served later, but for now I suggest everyone get out and go on a trip “in a big hot air balloon” with Irina!

(The relatives take out an office chair - a gift for the birthday girl, to which is tied a large bunch of gel balloons of all the colors of the rainbow. Irina is invited to sit in it, and is rolled around the hall to the applause of the guests. Such a congratulation can be organized without giving the chair as a gift, simply by renting it at 5 minutes in a restaurant or cafe)

Sounds 12. Christmas tree. In a big hot air balloon

To make this moment more meaningful and touching, you can continue it with this ritual.

13. Krutoy sounds quietly in the background. When I close my eyes.

Presenter:(speaks over music) Irina, today you took a flight on balloons of rainbow colors - this is exactly what the life ahead of you awaits. But these are just balls and they are not very reliable. To see the earth from above and shout “Life is beautiful!” There are other reliable ways - your friends. I'll ask my friends to come out here. Show your friend the earth...from a bird's eye view (several friends lift Irina into their arms and circle around the hall) and may this flight be remarkable, first of all, because it is guaranteed to be reliable. You are supported, and will be supported throughout your life, by your friends and family: enjoy their faithful friendship! Now get down on the ground (friends lower the birthday girl) and hug them for being there, for lending their shoulder to Hard time, and always sincerely rejoice at your success. Never forget this flight and your friends!

14. Pugacheva sounds. One hundred friends.

dance break

THIRD Feast.

Presenter: We danced well - it’s time to fulfill another dream of the birthday girl and this is a red petal - the color of love, joy and fun.

Irina tears off a red petal - a magical sound sounds + “Everything will come true”

The words in the passage are:

“The birds sing to me as a salute to spring….

It's time to fall in love and fall into the trap again...”

Presenter: It's never too late to fall in love, and spring is for it best time year, why don’t we really arrange a salute to Spring and our beautiful birthday girl, whether we are wizards or not? And for this we don’t need store-bought fireworks - we’ll do everything ourselves.

Comic congratulations.

(entertainment provided)

It sounds 15. No - tone . Down . - beat

Musical congratulations. A man with a hat.

Presenter: Irina, it’s time to tear off another petal, it is yellow - the color of joy and optimism.

Irina tears off a petal - a magical sound sounds + “I will listen”

The words in the passage are:

“Let them sing serenades under the balcony,
Waiting for attention and affection.
I'm pure and fresh, like a rose in heaven
I will listen to their sweet tales.”

Presenter: Irina, serenades, so serenades, easily and without preparation. I ask the five men who love the birthday girl the most to come out (they go out and give each one serial number for performance and different hats: glamorous hat (a la A. Rybak) + violin - No. 1; children's Panama hat - No. 2; construction helmet - No. 3; classic hat - No. 4; cap "airfield" - No. 5).

Now a phonogram will sound for everyone, your task is to congratulate Irina in turn, playing the song and your hat .

Dance entertainment. Rainbow dancing.

Presenter: I don’t know if I’ll be able to dance until the morning, but until the restaurant closes, it’s quite possible. I ask everyone - everyone, the birthday girl and those who love her and wish her much happiness - to take to the dance floor. (distributes balloons of seven colors of the rainbow to all guests). Now I invite everyone to remember once again that our life is full of bright colors and events, we just need to see them in time. Now there will be cuts from songs about all the colors of the rainbow, as soon as you hear a song about the color of the ball that is in your hands - we go to the center, the rest support, then we give our balls to Irina and give way to the next dancers, understand? Then, let's go.

Rainbow dancing sounds.

(cuts from songs about different colors glued together and sound non-stop)

The further program continues in free style.


TO script "Rainbow of Life"

Scenario for 55th anniversary

"I'm fifty-five today"


I hasten to tell you - “Hello!”
To wish you good health.
I hasten to tell you - “Grace!”
To wish you new happiness.
I hasten to tell you – “Joy!
Good luck, success and good luck!”,
To wish everyone in the room
Have the most wonderful mood.
Let songs, dances, games, jokes
We'll be welcomed here in no time!
So, friends, I'm starting -
Good afternoon everyone, gentlemen!

Birthday is a good date
But it's always a little sad.
Because they fly unnoticed
Our best years ever.
Birthday is a special date
This holiday cannot be compared with anything,
Someone smart once came up with this idea
Give joy to the birthday boy.
The joy of meeting, smiles, hope,
Wishes of health, warmth,
So that happiness is cloudless,
May things be successful!

VED . Let's raise our glasses to the Anniversary Birthday, to our birthday girl, to Tatyana

VED. And now, I want to say a few tender words about our hero of the day, but for this you must help me. I need you to list any 28 adjectives.(the presenter inserts these adjectives into the missing places.)

………… guests, we have gathered this ……….. evening to congratulate our ………. birthday girl You came to this………. cafe, sit at this …………. table, eat these…………. dishes, and say yours………. speech. For our ……….. hero of the day this is …………. And …………. a holiday she was looking forward to. Today, next to her…………. sons, ………… husband, ………… relatives and ……….. friends!!! I want this ….. evening to have endless fun, and to have ………… smiles on your …….. faces! You all prepared for this ……….. day, did your ……… hairstyles, bought and sewed your ……… outfits, but our hero of the day prepared the most! Look at her! She's gorgeous! Marina is very …………. wife, ………….. mother and no less ……… friend. Our…………. The birthday girl has …………. intelligence and ………………… appearance, and this gives her self-confidence. And we love her the way she is, because she has …………. heart, ……………. eyes, and …………………. smile.


An amazing age of fifty-five, it’s still not a lot, but it’s not a little either. As this wonderful music sounds, the time that passed was wonderful. But we all know that the most wonderful time isTatiana more ahead.

I ask for a moment's attention.
Don't talk about love!
You can ruin everything with words.
Prove it with your deeds
With eyes, tenderness, lips,
Scattered with fragrant flowers,
Don't talk about her out loud.

Fill your glasses
Let the wine flow like a stream
Gifts, flowers, wishes
And the fiery thrill of speeches
We pass on the right of first congratulations to a very close and to a loved one. And this of coursehusband our hero of the day.

And now I propose to carry outcontest. I ask the birthday girl and her husband to come here to me. Now we will find out how well a husband knows his wife.

So, into battle……..
1. Date you met? ……../
2. When did you first confess your love?
3. Your wedding date
4. What are your children's names?
5. How many grandchildren do you have?
6 Favorite dish? / ……… /
7 How tall is Tatiana / …… /
8 Favorite color? /red /
9 Favorite flowers? /roses / 10
10 Favorite number?
11. Favorite alcoholic drink?

So, the test has passed and our hero of the day is awardedBIRTHDAY GIRL'S DIPLOMA

- Dear, dear mother, your children, your now adult children, are in a hurry to congratulate you.

- We love our children very much, but more than children, we love grandchildren. The smallest and most charming ones, we welcome them, they came to congratulate their beloved grandmother!

- Fifty-five is not an easy birthday,
Fifty five - golden birthday
Many guests have gathered here
To celebrate Tatiana's anniversary!

I was given one very interesting DOCUMENT(DIPLOM with ANNIVERSARY) and asked to read it out in front of everyone.

- Tatyana, accept congratulations from your colleagues with whom you work!

- They came to congratulate you, the most faithful friends. It is with great pleasure that we give them the floor.


- And now for our dear birthday girl we will all sing together SONG -congratulation. (the words of the song are on the tablesWe didn’t come in vain (To the tune of “Song of the Crocodile Gena” Let's perform it for our hero of the day)

We did not come in vain, this is clear to everyone,
And sat down at this table -
Congratulate the hero of the day and leave it as a souvenir
This song that we will sing!

Let the years not age you,
In life, be visible.
Sorry, birthday
Only once a year!

The hero of the day, our friend, come out to our circle
And pour us some stronger wine!
It's not often that we get together here
On your solemn anniversary!

We congratulate you and, of course, wish you
Remain the same as you are:
Modest, kind and sweet, patient, beautiful...
We cannot count all your merits.

We present to our hero of the dayaward medal and order .

- Here flows the sounds of beautiful music
I want to call everyone now
Hurry up, come out
We will dance with you


- Don’t leave, wait, I’ve prepared a surprise for you, let’s play CHAMOMILE.

    Don't be lazy and get up
    Fulfill my request.
    Come to every guest,
    Hug him tightly!

    2. Fill your glass
    Make a nice toast.
    Dedicate a toast to all guests,
    Don't miss anyone!

    3. Choose any guest
    Invite him to dance.
    Dance the dance of the white swans,
    At the end of the dance, kiss each other!

    4. Amuse us from your heart,
    Tell us a joke.
    We will laugh until we cry,
    Let's have some fun!

    5. Show us the acrobatic act.
    Drink a full glass from your elbow!

    6. Grab a sandwich quickly
    Put it in your mouth quickly!
    Chew it and talk
    How much you love everyone here!

    7. Now show me
    How you love the hero of the day!
    But not with words, not with hands,
    And with eyes and lips!

    8. Don’t sit still
    For the hero of the day, dance.
    But don’t rush to get up,
    Better booty you dance

9. Is there anyone over fifty?
Come out and line up!
Dance the cancan without embarrassment
Cheer up!

10. Beautiful women
Let's all stand up, don't be shy.
And for no apparent reason,
Kiss all men on the cheek.

11. I’m pouring water for everyone now,
I offer everyone a drink.
Raise your glasses higher
Congratulations to the hero of the day.

- You’ve already stopped drinking
You have already stopped eating
Tired of sitting at the table?
Well then everyone quickly stood up
We will do exercises
repeat everything after me in order

Arms higher, legs wider
Waved three four

(The guests wave their hands above.)

Hands quickly forward
We'll make a turn

(Guests with outstretched arms rotate their hips.)

And now it's the other way around
Hands down and chest forward

(Guests with their hands down stick out their tummies.)

Well, all together three four
We put our feet wider

(Guests place their legs wide and arms to the sides.)

Let's wave together
One two three four five

(Guests wave their hands around.)

Now let's walk together
At the tables, we need to pour some food.

(The guests go to the table again. Table break.)

- We wish you on your birthday
Exorbitant fun
And to top it off
Happiness, joy and...


- Never be upset
Let the blood run through your veins
It might start at fifty-five

First again.........

- Love!

- Friends, you wished so much
I won’t say many words here, I wish with all my heart
Heroic to you.....

- Health!

- Here’s a toast to the luck, love and health of our birthday girl.

We sit down at the table and fill our glasses.

HOST: Dear men, I have one question for you: Why do you drink to women while standing?
1. because drinking while lying down is inconvenient.
2. to proudly rise above them for a while.
3. we drink standing up because it gets more in.
4. In this way, we stretch our stiff limbs.
5. We get up to brush off the remnants of salad from our trousers.
6. We get up to better see the women present at the table.
7. Thus, we find out who remained under the table to pester the women.
And finally, we rise in order not to hear in our very ears “Stop drinking, you’ve already had enough.”
So, this toast is to our birthday girl and all the women present here. Men drink while standing.


I invite you men take part in the next competition, which is called"Magic package"

Description of the competition: participants stand in a circle. A paper bag is placed in its middle. Each person in turn must go to the bag and pick it up, without using their hands and standing on one leg. The highlight of the competition is that the presenter cuts off 5 cm of the bag with scissors with each circle. The winner is the one who does not lose his balance, falling lower and lower.

Presenter: Word to the winner of our competition This is a congratulatory toast for our hero of the day.

Happy anniversary, dear!
Oh, how beautiful
You today and always
Like the first star.
Please accept congratulations:
For happiness and fun
Your house was always full
There would be laughter and joy in him.
Be healthy, gentle, sweet,
Kind, affectionate, happy,
To get from life
Only flowers and grace.

Leading:For the next competition I will need pairs of a man and a woman, I invite those interested to participate in the competition« Tight tango"

The essence of the competition is to survive on the smallest piece of newspaper while continuing to dance the tango.

Description of the competition: For each couple, we spread a large newspaper on the ground - it could be an old sheet. Participants must dance to the music on this fabric. For a laugh, give each man a flower in the mouth and ask him to look serious.

Every 20-30 seconds, fold the newspaper in half. The players continue to dance.

This continues until there is no space left on the newspaper. The winner is the couple who continues the dance without touching the floor.


Congratulations on your anniversary,
We will not regret kind words.
Let your wishes come true
And the undertakings will be accomplished.

May there be peace in the family,
Less arguments, less quarrels.
Let the husband love without looking back,
Let the kids be okay.

At work it’s also smooth,
Health-wise, everything is fine.
May success follow you
May you have the best luck!


I ask those who want to participate in this competition to come to the wall. The competition is called “Here are some jokes for you.” I'll ask questions and you'll have to answer them.

When answering “yes,” the players raise one palm up along the wall, and when answering “no,” they lower it down.

1.Today is Tatiana’s anniversary?

2. Did you congratulate Tatyana?

3. Did you drink for Tatyana?

4. Did you take part in competitions?

5. Did you sing a song to Tatiana?

The last question is: “Did you all go to school?” After all the players have answered “yes,” the presenter continues: “Why are you climbing the wall?”

I invite everyone who has a good sense of humor to sit down at the table and fill a glass for our hero of the day.


Leading. Dear guests, but our dances will be unusual.

Game "Surprise".

Prepare a bag in advance with various funny things (a cap for a large baby, family pants, a skirt with ruffles, big nipple, interestingly shaped glasses, etc.). Guests must pass the surprise package to each other while listening to cheerful music. When the music stops, the person who still has the bag in his hands takes any item from it (without looking inside) and puts it on himself.

Leading : For the next competition I need ONLY the most brave men! Please go on stage! And let me ask you to take your seats. This will be a special gift for our hero of the day

( 4-5 men are selected from the guests, each is given a scarf)

Leading : To begin with, I’ll tell you the most cherished dream of anyone modern woman! This is a beautiful male striptease. Well, bravest guests, are you ready to fulfill the cherished dream of our hero of the occasion? You are given a scarf as “clothing”. It is strictly forbidden to remove it immediately! This important accessory must be used by you throughout the entire song! And for motivation, I’ll tell you - there is only one prize for the best dance - the only one in the world!

( the song starts, the men dance)

Leading : We will determine the winner with loud applause! Dear guests, we need your help!

( the presenter approaches each participant in turn, the guests applaud)

Leading : So, winner, your prize is a Guest Ticket to the house of (name of the hero of the day)! Attention - this ticket can be used at any time of the day or night, and it is also valid forever!

Birthday girl's signature___________

Leading : Now, in my opinion, the owner of such an exclusive prize is simply obliged to make a TOAST in honor of Tatyana


Today is your anniversary

And we sincerely wish

May you live for many, many years,

Sorrow, not knowing sorrow.

Don't let them scare you -

There will be so many more of them in life!

Let them always be in your companions

Friendly people.

May the angel protect your life,

After all, anything can happen in life.

Let grief not ring at the door,

And joy does not forget you.


So be healthy! Live richly!
May happiness come to you in all your homes!
Let the song flow, and in honor of the anniversary
The whole world will dance, not sparing the heels!

May the sun never get tired of shining through your window!
May happiness never deceive you in anything!
May your life be long and joyful,
And people will not forget the way to your house!

So that your salary becomes larger,
So that there is always thick lard with the bread,
So that the crackling would sizzle in the hot oven,
And if necessary, there would be a glass to go with it!

So that you do not grow old, but are young,
And so that they take us to concerts more often!
So as not to get tired, we have time everywhere,
May wings grow behind your back!

There is still a little left to wish you,
May your strength increase every day!
And if, by luck, many of them arrive,
No one will question you, no one will judge you!

Instant performance - work!

Each of us works, but few people love their work. But everyone loves to have a drink and relax after a long day of work. Sometimes such relaxing get-togethers end very... now you will find out for yourself:
And so, for the play we need 7 actors. We give each actor his own line, and when the presenter mentions his character, the actor says his words:

Man -I'm macho!
Job -
Yes, he's lying!
Head –
And that’s not what we saw!
Wife -
Where have you been?
Young woman -
I'm your pussy!
Flowers -
Best gift.
Family friend -
It's okay, girls!

And now the text that the presenter reads:


Life becomes brighter with happiness!
May she always be beautiful
And every day, like on this anniversary,
Dear people give attention.

So that gentle smiles and flowers,
And joyful looks surrounded me!
And the most cherished dreams
Hurry, every single one of them has become a reality!

Thank you everyone for participating good evening, which you and I gave to our hero of the day.

Whenever a birthday approaches, worries and troubles begin. And it’s not just about preparing food for guests. It's more about figuring out how to entertain guests. After all, there will be a lot of wine and food, and the guests will quickly get bored. What can we come up with? You might find a new birthday script for a woman useful, which is cool and can be done at home. Watch it to the end, take the whole thing or just the best moments. And then your birthday will be remembered forever.

And so, the guests have gathered and the evening begins.
First, to warm up and shake up the guests, we will arrange a riddle game for them. But the riddles are not simple, but deceptions. So be careful. And those who guess correctly will receive a small souvenir or prize. For example, a photo with a birthday girl.
And here are the riddles themselves.

After the riddles and joint photographs, it’s worth saying a few words about the birthday girl.
Let's do this in a playful way. The host asks the birthday girl:
- I know that last year at that birthday you dreamed of something. And I know that your dream has come true. Tell all the guests what has come true?

The birthday girl, in bewilderment, begins to list everything that she or the whole family managed to do. For example, build a house, make repairs, go on vacation, and so on. Then the awns come to her aid. They also begin to say what they noticed behind Last year in the life of the birthday girl. And when everyone has already given up, the leader says:
- you see how much you have accomplished in last year. I suggest you drink to what you have done no less this year!

New competition.
In this competition we will ask guests to guess proverbs. After all, everyone knows proverbs, but if you present them a little differently, you can arrange an interesting competition. And the guests, already tipsy, will strain their brains a little.
And so, let’s guess the proverbs:

The next game is for speed. True, playing this game can say too much, but it will be more fun.
The essence of the game is very simple. The host asks the guest a question, and he must answer it without hesitation. Here are sample questions:
- I love it most in the morning...
- and in the evenings I do...
- When I sleep, it seems to me...
- Not many people know, but I can’t live without...
- forgive me, but on Saturdays I...
- my cherished dream...
- I like to go…
- at home I like to walk upright...
- At night I always wear...

And other questions. The answers to some may be such that there will be laughter!

It's time to sing!
For this we need men. And we also need music from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” - if I were a Sultan. Men can be dressed up for better effect.
And here are the lyrics of the song itself.

A birthday or anniversary is a wonderful occasion to gather friends, family and colleagues for festive table, at the same time, it is not always possible or willing to invite a professional toastmaster; in this case, someone close to you can take on the organization of the entertainment part of the holiday; enterprising people who can take on the role of host can also be found in any company. We offer scenario for a birthday (anniversary) without a toastmaster “Congratulations quest”, which is easy to organize and conduct on your own in a cafe or even at home. This will set a good tone for the holiday, unite all the guests and will be a wonderful surprise for the birthday boy (thanks to the author of the idea, T. Efimova). Although the “Congratulatory Quest” is stated as a version of the scenario “without a toastmaster,” any presenter can take its idea as a basis for conducting his own program.

To hold a family holiday according to this scenario you will need:

2 sheets of whatman paper, tape, photographs of relatives (including the person being congratulated), 3 envelopes, paper (A4 sheets), printed images, or cut out from magazines and pasted on paper (you can also draw them). And also, at least 2 dozen balloons, a couple of scarves or chiffon scarves, 300 grams of sweets in candy wrappers, 2 large T-shirts, 2 hats or boxes, a roll of paper towel and most importantly - felt-tip pens, pencils or paints.

All necessary preparations and props You can easily make it yourself or buy it in a store. So, in order.

First- This is a greeting card, almost a poster. You can buy ready-made ones in the store, but you need to choose a large one. But it will be more interesting and fun if you do it yourself, for example, by placing photographs of the congratulated person with humorous comments on a postcard. Or, if you have some talent, a specially drawn poster on which the congratulation itself will appear closer to the end of the celebration. Don't know how to draw beautifully? It's okay: you can make an applique postcard or collage. It will be useful for this colored paper, fabric, wallpaper, newspaper clippings, etc. (Collages in the form of a combination of photographs and magazine clippings have worked well. This is troublesome, but inexpensive and the result is worth the effort. For example, you can “photoshop” a photo of the hero of the occasion or glue her head to the figure of some celebrity. However, for a decent level of image you need to be good at the relevant computer programs, but many people can do this these days).

Second- you need a bright envelope, purchased ready-made or made with your own hands, from foil, cardboard, colored paper. Cards with images of different things of the same format are placed there. Fruits, vegetables, cars, toys, etc. are suitable. There is one indispensable condition: that the picture is clearly visible and the object in it is easily identifiable. By the way, you can use words or quotes instead of images.

Third- come up with something pleasant for the hero of the occasion and divide it into parts, which will be collected throughout the holiday into a single whole. The text in the script is provided as an example; it is better to replace it with your own.

Scenario for birthday (anniversary) "Congratulations quest"

Leading begins in poetry or prose, your choice.

On this wonderful day, everyone’s beloved and respected... (Name).

I'll tell you one secret:

There is no more wonderful day in the world!

Today is a holiday: birthday!

…(Name), so accept congratulations!

And he immediately begins to demonstratively look for something in his pockets, but of course he doesn’t find it. After the phrase “I brought the postcard here - it disappeared, that’s the problem!” slaps himself on the forehead as if he remembered something, turns to the wall where the poster was previously hung. And he recites:

- Where did the congratulations go?

And birthday wishes?

My friends, it’s really trouble!

Apparently I was in such a hurry to get here,

That I lost everything in the world.

Sorry - there was an emergency.

I ask you, dear guests, help,

Find congratulations for the birthday boy!

Warm-up game "Magic envelope"

Leading: Dear ladies and gentlemen, before we begin our search and go together to our congratulatory quest, I suggest, as is customary in Rus', to sit down for a while and at the same time get to know each other better, don’t you agree? Carrying out a common task is much easier and more fun if you know your partners not only by sight. I have an envelope filled with cards in my hands. I will approach each guest and ask various questions. The guest’s task: say your name and answer the question, but not with words, but with a picture that you take out of this envelope.

The presenter shows how everything will happen using the example of one of the guests. For example, a question could be: “What would you like to be called throughout the holiday?” And the guest takes out the picture, studies it and announces the answer to the other guests: “Fluff.”

Warm-up game - 2 "Secrets of grapes"

The essence of the game the same as the game "Magic Envelope". It allows people to get to know each other and leads to more relaxed communication.

People sitting at the same table pass a bunch of grapes around. Everyone picks off as many grapes as he wants - the more, the better. When everyone has grapes, the Host talks about the rules of the game: guests tell as many facts about themselves as there are berries they picked.

Leading: So, my dears, now we know each other. We know a lot of interesting things about everyone, have tasted culinary delights and strong drinks, became braver, filled with positivity and courage. It's time to start looking for congratulations. To carry out such an important undertaking, I need two brave men with “golden” hands: Sir and Madam. Anyone who is excellent with their hands and has grippy and nimble fingers, please come to me.

Competition "Secret Mission"

Two people take part in this competition.

The players grab each other with their right hands, and with their left hands they take the envelope from the toastmaster, hide it behind their backs and try to open it. The envelope must be opened delicately so as not to spoil the contents. Inside there is a piece of paper with the first lines of congratulations: "On your beautiful day." This sentence is written (or a fragment with these words is attached) in a greeting card attached to the wall.

Leading: Hurray, the first phrase of the holiday letter of congratulations has been found. Our nerves and ears will help us find the next part. It is important not to flinch from ten loud shots and see as many extraordinary performances. I will ask the bravest and most creative people to come forward.

Pantomime with balloons

Leading or his assistant brings balloons, inside of which there are notes containing words on a festive theme, for example, “restaurant”, “fun”, “gift”, “holiday”, “champagne”, etc. Hidden in one of the balloons is another phrase from the greeting card: "birth" Participants pass the first ball in a circle to the music until the music stops (the DJ must be warned in advance that the music needs to be stopped). The one who has the ball in his hands stands in the center. The player must pop the ball, read the contents of the note, and use gestures to show this word so that others understand what is being said. Pointing to the hidden object is prohibited. As soon as the word from the card is found, the game stops. The word is written (attached) to the greeting card.

Leading: Can there be a birthday without music and songs? The next line of congratulations can only be learned by participating in a music competition. I am sure that everyone present has sung at least once in their lives. Therefore, everyone is automatically enrolled in music teams. I suggest you unwind your soul in singing and listen to a live performance.

Song Contest


First option:"Rehash"

Guests are divided into two groups and take turns singing excerpts from songs on a given topic, for example, “a bouquet of flowers,” “holiday,” etc. The loser is the one who runs out of songs faster, i.e., who cannot quickly figure out what song to sing.

Second option:"Sign language translation"

Players are given a choice of a song to sing, accompanied by movements, as in sign language translation. It is better to sing the song in a choir, and the sign language interpreter can be one or more players.

Third option:"Remade Songs"

Guests are given hit songs with already altered lyrics (pre-printed on A4 sheets in accordance with the number of people present). Remade hits are performed in honor of the birthday person and tell about his personality, interests and hobbies.

One of the sheets with songs contains the following phrase of congratulations: "we wish you surprise!" . The words are written down by one of the competition participants on a postcard.

Leading: For the next competition I need two brave men, vigilant, with keen eyes. Are there any? So, you constantly look at charming young ladies and don’t take your eyes off. Surely, you remembered all the details and curves. It is clear that you have a sharp eye.

Leading invites two people to check which of the participants is more observant. The prize for winning is a bottle of champagne.

Competition for attention “What has changed?”

Participants leave the room for a few seconds. Before leaving, they should remember as best as possible: what the guests look like, what they are wearing, what positions they were sitting in before they left. After returning, players must tell what has changed. The leader makes changes in appearance invited For example, you can tie a scarf around your neck, put on a ring, put a fork in your pocket (the items should be a little eye-catching). One of the participants is given an envelope with a note containing the following line of congratulatory text: "Dreams to come true!"

The players return to the room and begin to look for changes. The winner is the one who notices the most changes. During the action itself, participants discover an envelope with a note and copy the phrase into a greeting card.

Leading: It turns out that among the guests there are brave and fast people, creators and singers, scouts and detectives. What about brush virtuosos? Now we will find out, and at the same time we will find the next phrase for the postcard. So, the competition for artists can be considered open.

Competition "Unknown Animal"

The competition participants are divided into two equal teams. The participants of each team are given a sheet of whatman paper and given the task: draw a funny animal. The first participant draws only the head of the future “masterpiece” and folds the sheet of paper so that the next player cannot understand what is drawn on top. Now is the time to exchange your “creations” with your opponents and give them the opportunity to continue the drawing. Having drawn the neck, the teams change again, having first folded the sheets again. Next, draw the upper half of the body, the lower half, the tail and the paws.

In the end, you need to blindly come up with a name for a new type of animal, exchange sheets of paper and unfold it, demonstrating it to everyone around you. Whoever has fewer “breaks” and smoother transitions between parts is the winner.

"Good health" - this part of the phrase is awarded to the winning participants, and they can immediately write it into the already prepared postcard.

Leading: It's time to sweeten life a little! Therefore, the participants in the next competition will be offered candy, but with a surprise that can help in finding the next part of the congratulations and the final victory.

Competition "Sweet Problem"

Each participant pulls out a candy from the package; on the wrapper of one of them there is a simple code that must be deciphered. It is represented by a sequence of numbers; whoever guesses first to replace them with the corresponding letters of the alphabet wins.

Correctly solving a cryptography problem allows you to receive another part of the congratulations, which sounds like this: “and great happiness has befallen you,” It’s better not to rely on memory and immediately write the phrase into the postcard.

The riddle itself looks like this:

"10 19 25 1 19 20 30 6 →

2 16 13 30 26 16 6 → 20 6 2 6 →

17 18 10 3 1 13 10 13 16"

Game "Telephonists"

Leading: Throughout the pleasant evening we will have to say many more congratulations and listen to many toasts from wonderful guests. So let's practice our ability to speak beautifully.

10 people are selected for both teams, who are planted in two chains, both teams face to face. The host of the event approaches the first participants in each group and whispers a tongue twister into their ears - the more complex the better. The task, as in the “damaged telephone”, is to pass the phrase along the entire chain as quickly and accurately as possible, and the last participant must stand up and clearly repeat the tongue twister. Bonus for winners: “tons, that way, for two hundred,” , should help with compiling a complete congratulations.

"Theatrical production competition"

Leading: And only your imagination and love for the theater will help you get the next part of the phrase. Each of you can participate not only in writing, but also play the intended roles on our small stage. The audience will perceive you favorably, especially if you decide to include someone from those present in the action. But you shouldn’t limit your flight of fancy; the main roles can be any characters - mythical, fairy tales, famous personalities. The future of the heroes you create depends only on you!

Each player receives a piece of paper and a writing pen. Answers the presenter’s questions, folds what was written so that it is not visible and passes his piece of paper to any other participant. And so on until the questions end.

A list of questions:

Who is the main character?

Time and place of the events unfolding?

Did the main character love someone and be friends with someone?

Where did he like to spend his mornings with friends?

What did the comrades do with the gift?

What did they see in the middle of the road?

Who did they happen to meet?

What did they do after that?

How did the story end?

All sheets are collected and each story is read aloud. The most comical plot is chosen and played out. Roles are distributed between the participants, and the audience enjoys the action.

The winners receive the following part of the phrase: “and maybe more!” , don't forget to write it in the postcard.

Competition "Fat Men"

Leading: Our competition is coming to an end. There is only one final part of the congratulations left, and to get it we will need two participants who love to dress up.

The two volunteer guests are taken out of the crowd by assistants and given two T-shirts, much bigger size than they should, and help put them on.

Leading: Show off your outfit. Look at it carefully and evaluate it. And your friends will now help you become even more beautiful and attractive with the help of the most ordinary things.

Guests are invited to inflate and scatter balloons around.

Leading: Dear participants, and now, your task, at the signal, will be the first notes of music, collect as many balloons as possible and stuff their T-shirts with them. Remember: " Good man there must be a lot!

After the music starts, both participants try to fill their oversized T-shirts as quickly as possible. The last chord announces the end of the competition, and the “diet therapy” regime begins. The balls are drawn, counted, and the winner is declared. His team gets the right to insert (write in) the last part of the congratulation: “May you stay happy longer!”

The final part of the "Congratulations quest" scenario

All collected parts of the phrases are included in a card, which is given to the birthday person after the entire congratulation is read out loud.. In this case, the collected congratulations sound like this: "On your wonderful birthday, we We wish you surprise. Let your dreams come true! May you have good health and great happiness, about two hundred tons, maybe more. May you remain happy longer!” (But each company or organizer can come up with their own and divide it into parts for a congratulatory quest)

Leading: Many, but not so many years ago, our hero of the occasion was born. His path in life was not always easy and cloudless, but despite everything he fell in love, worked, created and fought. on his life path he met absolutely different people, with someone he walked hand in hand for decades, with someone he came into contact only for a few hours. But everything is real important people now here, in this room. So let's raise our glasses and say everything that has accumulated during this time. Let only the most sincere and warm congratulations sound today.

Then the holiday continues with the pronouncement of individual congratulations, dance entertainment, presentation of gifts to the birthday boy, loaf of bread, etc.

- You can also arrange collective toast (The most active one starts, stops in the middle of the phrase, and then his neighbor continues. So until the full circle and everyone won’t say at least something nice).

Or entertain guests a comic forecast for a year

Take two boxes - in one the names of the event participants, and in the other - predictions. They can be prepared by guests or the host himself. Fashionable and interesting option will be the use of "Chinese fortune cookies". The name of the guest is drawn out and one of the “prophecies” is read out:

- You should be wary of the same day, exactly a year from now - you will have to give gifts again;

- Are anyone in for surprises this year - will they find children in the cabbage?

- If a friend is nearby, no one can escape the fun around.

The scenario is designed for the ceremonial part of the anniversary. The text of the script allows you to restore the chronology of the life of the anniversary. At each stage of life, the hero of the occasion will need to be given gifts, which should be prepared in advance.

Scenario for a 55th anniversary for a woman “You can’t count everyone’s wishes!”

The scenario is designed for a woman’s 55th birthday. Or rather, this is a congratulation from eminent and famous guests - a rich Italian and his respected translator in the area. You should prepare the Italian national costume in advance - black knee-length pants, a white shirt, a red belt, and a wide-brimmed hat.

Anniversary scenario

An anniversary is not an ordinary birthday. On this day, a person’s life seems to begin with a new stage, a round date, one might say “a reporting point.” Therefore, this day should be unusually fabulous and colorful. Everything should be simply magnificent and indescribable. This scenario is suitable for adults, no matter men or women.

Script for the 30th anniversary “Attention, we are filming the Anniversary!”

Celebration in style - shooting a detective film. All the men are dressed in tuxedos and the women are in evening dresses. The anniversary takes place in a restaurant, which is rented for the whole evening only for party participants. No special design. Guests are warned of their roles.

Scenarios for women's anniversary “Roses just for you!”

The scenario is designed for an anniversary celebrated by a woman. The presenter must prepare roses in advance - flowers cut out of colored cardboard or colored paper. Flowers must be large in size so that they can later be collected into a huge bouquet.

Scenario for celebrating the 20th anniversary.

An anniversary happens not only when you turn forty or fifty years old, but also when you turn twenty. For some reason, you want to celebrate round dates better than “ordinary” ones, and when you’re young, it’s crazy fun. This scenario is designed for young people (20-30 years old) who love leisure, it is better to organize the celebration in a separate apartment or outdoors.

Anniversary script for a woman

Anniversary or woman's birthday. Each guest gives a compliment to the Birthday Girl, starting with a letter written on paper, which is located under the plate. The bravest men dance an impromptu striptease. All guests are divided into 3 teams and make paper bouquets. Each guest draws on a piece of paper what he wishes for the Birthday Girl. Competition for the title of Best Friend.

Scenario for celebrating a man's 70th birthday

The script was written to celebrate a man's seventieth birthday. It is perfect for both a professional presenter and for the children or grandchildren of the hero of the day. Following this scenario, the holiday will turn out to be warm, sincere and memorable for the hero of the day.

Anniversary scenario “If a lady is 35!”

The scenario is intended for holding a birthday in the form of a bachelorette party, which is attended by only the birthday girl’s friends or her employees. You can spend it at home or reserve tables in an establishment.

Scenario for the anniversary “At 65 years old - a young soul”

The scenario is intended for holding a tea party in honor of the birthday girl, in the house of an elderly person. The celebration should not be delayed and should be agreed upon in advance with all participants.

Scenario for a woman's 30th birthday.

The scenario is for celebrating the anniversary of a 30-year-old woman, but can be used for any adult anniversaries and is held in a spacious room. The hosts of the holiday are clowns Kuzya and Anfisa.

Scenario for the 50th anniversary for the woman “The Most Beautiful”

Anniversary for married woman with children. The scenario includes music, dance and writing competitions. The main prize of the evening is a ticket for the birthday girl to make her wish come true. At the end of the evening, a Birthday cake with 50 candles is brought out.

Anniversary scenario - 50 years for a woman “Life full of flowers!”

The script was developed to congratulate a woman on her 50th birthday. It is recommended to prepare in advance 5 vases of different sizes and 5 bouquets of flowers - daisies, lilies, roses, chrysanthemums, orchids. Each bouquet will symbolize a 10-year milestone in the life of the hero of the day.

Scenario for a woman’s 60th anniversary “Take a picture, take a picture of me, photographer!”

The scenario is designed for holding a celebration in any room (apartment, cafe, restaurant). The plot revolves around photographs from birth to the present day of the birthday girl herself. Competitions that are as close to the theme as possible (Photoshop, choosing a wardrobe, putting together puzzles with photos of the hero of the day, coming up with a funny caption for a photo).

Scenario for a man’s 60th birthday “Stretch, soul, like an accordion”

The 60th birthday is the age when it is very important for a man to feel significant, loved, and not deprived of attention. Most often, the celebration comes down to banal gatherings and feasts. It is much more effective to follow a different scheme - to surprise the hero of the day with a spectacular and bright staging of the celebration.

Scenario for the 55th anniversary of a woman “Walk, Crazy Empress”

For a woman, her 55th birthday is almost always a double date: an anniversary and retirement. It is important to spend the holiday in such a way that the hero of the day feels beautiful, needed and important. It is advisable to play up retirement without allowing a hint of despondency, but, on the contrary, cheerfully and with inspiration. The sonorous date itself is conducive to spectacular congratulations and beautiful gifts.

Scenario for a man’s 50th anniversary “Fifty. The path is half completed, half not yet"

The scenario is designed for a holiday taking place in a cafe or restaurant. You can decorate the hall thematically, taking into account the preferences of the hero of the day. You can also make a special collage with photographs of guests, under which there will be wishes.