Sample application for certification of a preschool teacher in Sverdlovsk. Application for certification for the first category of teacher

To the certification commission

Ministry of General and

vocational education

Sverdlovsk region

from Bushueva Olga Vladimirovna

teacher of MKDOU

"Kindergarten No. 2 "Sun"

address: 623640 Talitsa, Zavodskaya st., 2


I ask you to certify me in 2017 for the first qualification category for the position of teacher.

Currently I have the first qualification category, its validity period is until April 24, 2017.

I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the first qualification category to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application.

In my teaching activities I am guided by the following regulatory and legal documents of preschool education:

Federal Law No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012, “On education in Russian Federation"(as amended on 02/03/2014), (with amendments and additions, entered into force on 05/06/2014);

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard preschool education";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs for preschool education";

The Charter of the MKDOU General developmental kindergarten No. 2 “Sun” with priority implementation of the physical direction of development of pupils.

I carry out the pedagogical process in accordance with the basic general education program, developed and implemented in the preschool educational institution, on the basis of the basic general education educational program preschool education “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Modern requirements imposed by the state on the quality of educational work in kindergarten imply that the teacher must be a creative person who has a good command of the necessary educational technologies and uses them in working with preschoolers. And therefore, as a teacher who keeps up with the times, I use modern educational technologies in my work: health-saving; project activities; portfolio of a preschooler and teacher; gaming; TRIZ; information and communication, etc.

The use of modern information and communication technologies in the educational process in a preschool educational institution is one of the newest and current problems in modern preschool pedagogy. Using a computer, interactive whiteboard, multimedia and others technical means, in order to educate and develop the child’s creative abilities, form his personality, and enrich the intellectual sphere.

Today, interactive games are especially popular among teachers. On the pages of Internet sites, many ready-made interactive games and tasks have already been created that can be used in your work with children. It is only necessary to note that there is not much material on FEMP for preschoolers; they mainly have material for primary school.

In this regard, during the inter-certification period from 2012 to 2015, I chose the topic: “Interactive games and tasks as a means of developing elementary mathematical concepts in older children.” preschool age».

The purpose of my work is: the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age through the introduction of interactive games and tasks.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

    To study the features of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age;

    To develop and confirm the effectiveness of interactive games and tasks on FEMP for children of senior preschool age;

    To create conditions for FEMP in children of senior preschool age through integrative games and tasks.

The effectiveness of the work done on FEMP in children of senior preschool age can be judged by the following results: educational field“Cognitive development”, namely “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.”

The monitoring results showed positive dynamics.

And we can draw the following conclusion: the interactive games and tasks I created on FEMP for preschool children contribute to the development of cognitive abilities and cognitive interest of preschoolers, which is one of the critical issues education and development of a preschool child. The success of his studies at school and the success of his development in general depends on how developed a child’s cognitive interest and cognitive abilities are.

She presented her work experience to colleagues at pedagogical councils, seminars, consultations and published it on the Internet on the websites: “Multilesson”, “Maam”.

I provide the following information about myself:

higher education (2013, Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute, specialty “Organization Management”, qualification: manager)

teaching experience (specialty) 7 years,

in this position for 7 years; in this institution for 6 years.

I have the following certificates and gratitude:

Certificate of honor Head of the Education Department of the Talitsky City District for participation in the professional competition “Educator of the Year 2013” ​​(1st place);

Numerous certificates from the establishment of MKDOU Kindergarten No. 2 “Sun” for active participation in the life of the kindergarten;

Diploma for participation in the all-Russian competition “The most popular article of the month” held by the all-Russian online publication Dashkolnik. RF;

I have my own website and a certificate for creating my own personal website on the Multilesson portal.

My students also have different certificates and diplomas:

Diploma for participation in the regional competition “Miss Baby – 2014”;

Certificate for 3rd place in the XXXII All-Russian mass ski race “Ski Track of Russia - 2014;

Certificate for 2nd place in the XXXIII All-Russian mass ski race “Ski Track of Russia - 2015;

Certificate for 5th place in mass competitions athletics All-Russian running day "Cross of the Nation - 2014".

At school, my students also receive numerous certificates for participating in regional and all-Russian competitions.

Information about advanced training:

2015, SAOU DPO SO "Institute for Educational Development" under the advanced training program "Design of educational activities in the context of the introduction and implementation of the federal state educational standard of preschool education" using distance learning educational technologies", 40 hours.

2016, GBPOU SO "Kamyshlovsky Pedagogical College" under the advanced training program "Subject - pedagogical ICT - teacher competence in the conditions of introduction professional standard teacher: working with an interactive board”, 24 hours.

I ask you to conduct the certification at the meeting of the certification commission without my presence.

I am not a member of a trade union organization.

"__"___________20__ Signature____________

March 17th, 2015 admin

To the certification commission
Ministry of Education and Science
Ivanova Anna Ivanovna,
municipal preschool
educational institution
Kindergarten No....
combined type
cities …
mob. tel.


I ask you to certify me in 201... for the first qualification category for the position of “educator”.
Currently I have the first qualification category, the validity period of which is from ... year to ... year.
I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the highest qualification category to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application.
In my teaching activities I am guided by the following regulatory documents:
— the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
— Federal Law No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012, “On Education in the Russian Federation” (as amended on February 3, 2014), (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on May 6, 2014);
— UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;
— Family Code of the Russian Federation;
-Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013. “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education;
— Charter of MBDOU kindergarten No. ...;
Job description teacher
I consider the following to be the basis for certification for the specified category in the application.

I carry out the pedagogical process in accordance with the main general educational program developed and implemented at the preschool educational institution, based on the main general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
I own and apply in practice modern pedagogical, health-saving and developmental technologies, which contributes to proper organization educational process and allows me to rationally plan my teaching activities.
I consider the main objectives of my work to implement the content of the general education program of preschool educational institutions to be the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children, the formation general culture children, ethical standards, prerequisites for educational activities, development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities that ensure social success.

I achieve the goals of protecting children’s health and forming the foundations of a culture of health through the use of a set of health-improving measures:
— I conduct various types of gymnastics: morning, invigorating, breathing, acupressure;
— the group equipped a physical education corner, equipped with the necessary aids;
— I include dynamic and active games, sports exercises, and physical exercises in my work;
— I provide for an increase in the physical activity of children during a walk, depending on the weather conditions and time of year;
— I carry out hygiene and water treatments: high washing, mouth rinsing;
— I carry out an individual approach to children with poor health through rational regulation of activities, volume, intensity and content of activities;
— I use light-air baths and room ventilation; walks on fresh air, ensuring temperature conditions;
Made by:
— card files of outdoor games, finger gymnastics, physical education lessons for children of senior preschool age in accordance with thematic planning;
— aids made from non-traditional material for the development of dexterity, accuracy, posture correction, and prevention of flat feet.
I use health-saving technologies, where the main emphasis is on developing in children the habit of taking care of their health and developing self-preservation motives.
An analysis of children's morbidity confirms the positive dynamics of work to protect and promote children's health (provide an analysis of morbidity for the inter-certification period).

To achieve the goals of the program, I create favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, and form the foundations of basic personal culture.
I consider the speech development of preschool children to be one of the important areas of my activity, therefore, since 201... I have been working in depth on the topic “Development of speech activity of preschool children in the process of theatrical activities.” The objectives of this work are: development of coherent speech in preschoolers through theatrical activities, improvement of dialogic and monologue forms of speech.
To successfully implement the assigned tasks, I have developed practical material:
1. Long-term planning on the topic: “Development of speech activity of preschool children in the process of theatrical activities” on different ages, where all types of children's activities are taken into account: play, cognitive, research, communication.
2. Lesson notes on the topic “Development of speech activity of preschool children in the process of theatrical activities.”
3. Scenarios, scenes for dramatization, theatrical sketches, fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes.
4. Guidelines on the content and organization of theatrical activities for teachers and parents.
6. Card index of finger gymnastics based on fairy tales.

Socio-age characteristics of preschool children’s achievements (target guidelines) on the topic “Development of speech activity of preschool children in the process of theatrical activities”:
— show a steady interest in theatrical activities;
— initiative and independent in play, communication, creativity;
- have a developed imagination, which is realized in various types of children's activities;
- have a good command of oral speech and can express their thoughts and desires.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the pre-school education updated the developmental subject-spatial environment. She designed a variety of play areas based on children's interests: a music center, a sports center, an environmental center, a theater and art center, and an experimentation area.
I provide the necessary conditions for self-realization of students with different levels of development in cognitive activity:
— developed long-term planning for the cognitive development of children in a preschool organization;
— developed a series of notes on cognitive development;
— prepared a series of consultations for parents and teachers on cognitive development;
— designed didactic games and benefits that promote cognitive activity and cognitive interest of preschoolers;
— created a library “Little Books”;
— I compiled a card index of proverbs, rhymes, sayings, and riddles.

Pedagogical observations show that children show interest and cognitive activity in research, constructive and communicative activities.
Under my leadership, the children of the group, together with their parents, actively participate in competitions and events held at various levels
(all events at which children performed must be presented).

I pay a big role to working with parents, since I believe that only joint activities give positive results in the development and upbringing of children. I create conditions for the development of responsible and partnership relations with parents of students.
I use a variety of forms of work: parent meetings “Round Table”, “Let’s Play”, talk show “Question and Answer”, photo exhibitions, days open doors, conversations, consultations, surveys, visual and informational thematic folders, booklets. I organize sports activities with parents, holiday events, and involve them in organizing exhibitions of children’s drawings and participating in creative competitions.
Joint work with parents yielded the following results: parents provide assistance in setting up the group, creating attributes for games, take an active part in weekend events to improve and green the territory of the kindergarten, as well as joint participation in city events and competitions.

I systematically work to improve my teaching skills, actively participate in the work of pedagogical councils of preschool educational institutions, methodological associations of city teachers (seminars, workshops, teacher councils).
I actively share my work experience with teachers of preschool educational institutions, cities, and regions. (all events at which the teacher spoke must be presented).
In the 201... - 201... academic year, she was part of the creative group for developing a program for a preschool educational organization.
In the 201... - 201... academic year, as a member of the creative group “We Explore the World”, she participated in the development of lesson notes to familiarize children with living and inanimate nature, the man-made world and the history of the origin of objects.
In the 201…-201… academic year, as part of a working group, she took part in the development of a preschool program taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.
In 201... I took part in webinars on the topic:
— “Optimization social adaptation preschooler to kindergarten conditions. Modern approach”, Certificate No. ... (specify the date and email address of the webinar);
— « Modern approaches to the development of interaction between kindergarten and family in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard,” Certificate No. ... (indicate the date and email address of the webinar);
— Participated in the web-seminar “Creating a subject-spatial development environment for preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard” (indicate the date and email address of the webinar).
I actively use Internet resources, regularly update and supplement the audio library, video library, library, as well as game files. I publish practical and methodological materials on websites... (provide titles of publications and names of websites).

I provide the following information about myself:
- education…
- Diploma qualification...
- experience as a teacher in this position...
- work experience in this institution...
I have a Certificate of Merit...
Information about advanced training:...
Pedagogical activities are marked with gratitude from preschool educational institutions.
I am a member of the primary trade union organization of the preschool educational institution.
I consider it most acceptable to undergo certification in absentia.
I am familiar with the procedure for certification of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions.
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 9 Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On personal data” I agree to carry out any actions (operations), including: receipt, processing, storage, in relation to my personal data necessary for certification.
"____" _________ 20___ Signature _____________

Dear teachers! If you have questions about writing an application or would like to clarify some points, please write to comments. I'll definitely help.

Golovina Bela Gennadievna, site administrator.

Commenting and posting links is prohibited.

16 comments to the post “Sample application for teacher certification”

    Bella Gennadievna, good evening. Please tell me which self-education topic to take for the next inter-assessment period, which is more suitable for the highest category. There was a topic on creativity, but I want to move away from it. I will be grateful for your help!

    Hello, Bella Gennadievna! Can I ask one more question: tell me how to correctly describe the work as a mentor. I have been working with young specialists for two years, I have developed a long-term plan, I help them not only in studying regulatory documents, conducting educational activities, but also to find an approach to each parent, I suggest how to build communication with them in order to avoid conflict situations.

    • Tatyana, the easiest way to write reports is based on tasks (you will simply need to decipher and explain each task in the report). Your tasks could be:
      1. Formation of professional skills and abilities among young specialists in practical activities.
      2. Assistance in organizing a developing educational environment (software and methodological support, developing subject-spatial environment, modern principles of interaction with children, etc.)
      3. Methodological and psychological-pedagogical support for young specialists in organizing constructive interaction with parents of students.

      • Hello! I apologize, in my previous question I did not indicate that I need to describe the experience in the application for the highest category. Please tell me how to briefly and at the same time fully describe this work.

        • Tatyana, from the tasks that I wrote, the system of work comes out very well. You just need to modify them a little:
          1. I develop professional skills and abilities among young specialists in practical activities: I conduct master classes, trainings... (please add what you conduct)
          2. I provide pedagogical assistance in organizing a developing educational environment:
          - under my leadership, young specialists are developing software and methodological support: ... (write specifically - what plans. Programs, notes)
          — I help to enrich and replenish the developing subject-spatial environment.
          3. I provide methodological and psychological-pedagogical support to young specialists when organizing constructive interaction with parents of students: I teach methods of constructive interaction, ...
          In general, Tatyana, fill in the specifics: what you spent with them, developed, compiled.

          • Thank you very much!

    Hello Bella Gennadievna.

    I am delighted with the work of your site. Everything is structured, step by step you can find the answer to many learning questions. I purchased the book you recommended about teaching tips. I am happy that I have this book. I work in a kindergarten as an additional education teacher ( English language).
    I am certified for highest category, it is difficult what results I present. What to monitor? Can I base my observations on foreign language acquisition on the map?
    I studied the technology in your book and can I apply it to my field of study (English). And what does it mean to represent experience in pedagogical organizations, i.e. in the form of a presentation? Help me please.

    • Elena, thank you for such wonderful reviews about the site and the book! I answer your questions:
      1. Yes, you can have monitoring results based on the observation map. Be sure to indicate the author of this monitoring.
      2. If you can modify the technology and apply it to your field, then, of course, you can.
      3. Representing experience in pedagogical organizations means giving messages, reports, and master classes. It can be in the form of a presentation, or it can be without it.

      • Thank you Bela Gennadievna for the structured answers!

    Hello, Bella Gennadievna. I have a problematic question, the administration of our garden cannot give an explanatory answer. We are all living people and sick leave situations happen. When I, a teacher, conduct classes instead of a physical education instructor (in our kindergarten there is a physical education instructor and an art instructor) due to their absence due to illness, are these cases considered interchangeable? And such a moment, the art instructor was in the garden at the workplace, but assisted in preparing for the “Teacher of the Year” competition on the instructions of the head, and as a result, instead of her, the teachers themselves conducted art classes - is this case interchangeable? Happen in Lately There are often cases when, instead of our own group, the head asks us to go to another group where there is no teacher. I don’t go out to my group, but work a shift in someone else’s group, and my partner works alone. In my case, when I replace another teacher in another group, can we talk about interchangeability? This word “interchangeability” makes my head spin, please help me figure it out.

    • Ella, I’ll tell you honestly - I’m not a big expert in such nuances. Here, of course, you need to ask a lawyer. As far as I know, in labor code There are such concepts as substitution, combination and part-time work. But there is no interchangeability. Yes, if there is interchangeability, then no additional payment is made.
      Look at this link, maybe you will find something for yourself.

      • Thank you very much!

    Hello, Bella Gennadievna! I don’t know at all how to write an application for suitability for the position of “educator”. Work experience for one and a half years. Where can I look at more examples? In kindergarten, everything is complicated with corporate ethics. Who can I turn to for help? Initially, I work alone in the group. I master everything myself. Thank you in advance.

    • Julia, I can write you an application, taking into account all the work you have done and the requirements of your region for the application. But it will be paid. I write about this on the “My Services” page

Methodological development of an application for certification for the first qualification category

The methodological development is intended for preschool teachers who plan to be certified for the first qualification category. Teachers are experiencing difficulties in this area; this work will help those being certified.
To the certification commission
Ministry of Education and Science
Krasnodar region

(full full name),
municipal preschool
autonomous educational
kindergarten institutions
general developmental type No. 11
Korenovsky district

I ask you to certify me in the 2014-2015 academic year for the establishment of the first qualification category for the position of “educator”.
I currently have no qualifications.
I consider the following work results to be the basis for establishing the qualification category specified in the application:
When working with children, I actively use gaming technologies (didactic games and exercises, riddles, problem situations), which made it possible to make the educational activity informative, exciting, varied and interesting, and increased inquisitiveness and curiosity in students. This ensured the implementation of the main general education program for preschool education for the 2013-2014 academic year in middle group by 100%: of which 54% with high level, 46% - with an average level of mastering the program.
Good attendance of pupils - 70% - is the result of the introduction of health-saving technologies, which are regularly used in sensitive moments.

A priority direction in teaching activities is the use of technology for speech development. Special attention I pay attention to the formation of sound culture of speech (development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus). I organize work in this area with children through speech, theatrical, musical, gaming, and direct educational activities. As a result, children towards the end school year can build simple sentences, retell familiar fairy tales, read poetry, build dialogues during role-playing games, emotionally responsive and sociable.
Use of technology unconventional techniques in productive activities with children made it possible to instill in children a love of drawing, modeling, and design. Children's works took part in the All-Russian creative fine arts competition "Flying over the Rainbow" in the categories "Legs, Ears and Tails", the works of three students were awarded diplomas of laureates of the 2nd and 3rd degrees.

The use of information and communication technologies in practical activities has made it possible to make the process of learning and education interesting, developing children’s curiosity, and broadening their horizons. I constantly take part in the international Russian-language social educational Internet project Pedkopilka, published a summary of direct educational activities in senior group on the topic "Mathematics and Logic", a summary of direct educational activities in the middle group "Dyenesha Blocks", a summary of direct educational activities on mathematical development based on educational games
"Stepashka's birthday."
The subject-development environment in the group was modeled taking into account the interests of children, individual needs and gender differentiated approach, which made it possible to ensure the diversified development of each child and create a prosperous emotional and psychological climate in the group.

I regularly take part in regional methodological associations in the sections “Mathematics and Logic”, “Music” with the presentation of game aids and educational project"Man and Time".

Took part in the All-Russian professional competition “Profi” in the category “ Public lesson"with the methodological development of a synopsis of the direct educational activity “Bread is the head of everything”, the result is a 2nd degree prize-winner.
In 2011, she completed short-term training at the State Educational Institution of the Krasnodar Territory KKIDPPO in the invariant module “State policy in the general education system of the Russian Federation” for 24 hours, “Fundamentals of pedagogical interaction between a teacher and a child in the process of comprehensive development of the personality of preschool children” for 72 hours, certificate No. 4448.

I provide the following information about myself:
Education: specialized secondary education, graduated from the Krasnodar Pedagogical College in 1983, qualification No. preschool education, specialty “kindergarten teacher.”
Teaching experience – 30 years, in this position – 30 years,
in this institution - 30 years.
I am familiar with the procedure for certification of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions.

2014 ____________________

Tel. home -
Service -

To the certification commission

Penza region

on certification

teaching staff





from Vlasova Tamara Ivanovna,

teacher of the Municipal

budget preschool

educational institution


combined type No. 38

city ​​of Kuznetsk


I ask you to certify me in 2017 for the first qualification category for the position of “educator”. Currently I have the first qualification category. Its validity period is until December 25, 2017.

I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the first qualification category to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application:

I carry out my professional activities in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 - Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented from February 3, 2014, May 6, 2014), Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, SanPiN –13 dated May 15, 2013 and other regulatory documents.

I own modern theories and methods of raising preschool children, I take a creative approach to their application in practice. I consider the main goal of my work to be the development of comprehensive and harmonious personality child.

I work according to the Basic Educational Program of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution of a Combined Kindergarten

No. 38 of the city of Kuznetsk.

I base my teaching activities on the principle of creating a favorable psychological climate, respectful attitude towards the child, his feelings and needs. I organize the lives of children so that every day is connected with the joy of learning about the world around them, I form the foundations of the basic culture of the individual.

I consider speech development to be one of the important areas of my activity.

preschoolers, so I work in depth on the topic “Development of children’s speech through folklore.” To successfully implement the assigned tasks, I use information and communication technologies in educational activities with children: I have developed a card index of games and exercises: verbal, didactic, finger, moving, plot-based; cards for opposites, mnemonic tables; carried out a selection of nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, sayings, poems by topic. Made laptops: “Water”, “Vegetables and fruits, healthy foods", "Traffic Light", "Visiting a Fairy Tale". This allows you to activate cognitive interest and create motivation for cognitive activity. Developed a program for the folklore circle “Ladushki”. The purpose of the circle: to introduce children to Russian folk culture through different types activities and development of musical abilities of each child. The creation of joint projects: “Miracle Spoon”, “Visiting a Fairy Tale” with parents and employees of preschool educational institutions provides great assistance in work.

Implementing this direction in the process of carrying out innovative forms When working with children I use: moments of joy, friendly gatherings, entertainment, evening meetings with parents. I build a developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education. I create the most favorable conditions in the “Talented Fingers” center, equipped with traditional and non-traditional aids to create the interest of each child, such as: “Colored paths”, “Mosaic”, “Laces”, “Figures on magnets”. Topped up the PRS various types theater: spoon, glove, finger, flannel, magnets.

I maintain a group page on the kindergarten website, I have a personal website for the teacher, where I cover child-parent educational events, teaching materials, and publish consultations and recommendations for parents on various pedagogical issues. ( [email protected]; ; (http://site/vlasova170260/ ).

I carry out my work in close cooperation with the parents of the students. Organized and conducted joint educational events for children and adults: “Folklore gatherings”, an exhibition of family photographs “My Birthday”, entertainment “Travel to a Forest Teremok”. Developed consultations for parents: “Safety of preschoolers”, “Theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions”, “Finger gymnastics”, “Theater as a means of development and education of children of early preschool age”, “How to develop the speech of children?”, “Toys for timely development” .

Non-traditional forms of communication with parents allowed us to achieve positive results and improved the pedagogical culture of parents, contributed to changing their views on raising a child in a family environment and increased the activity of parents by 25%.

My students are participants and diploma winners of various competitions and festivals: All-Russian competitions “Ogonyok”, “Umnata”, “Pedazvitie”.

I systematically work to improve my teaching skills, actively participate in the work of the pedagogical council of the kindergarten, and participate in city methodological associations and seminars:

2013 – participant of a seminar on labor education for preschool educational institutions managers. “Use of new forms of interaction between kindergarten and family in the labor education of children.”

2014 - master class at a general parent meeting “How to create an emotional mood in a child?”

2015 - participant in the webinar “Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in kindergarten.”

2015 – member of the creative group of the kindergarten for the development of the Basic educational program of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the combined type kindergarten No. 38 of the city of Kuznetsk.

2016 master class at the city seminar " Speech development preschooler" on the topic "Use of a laptop in the work of a teacher"

2016 - participant of the Regional Exhibition of Non-Traditional Physical Education Equipment as part of the implementation of the regional project “Healthy Preschooler”;

2017 business game at the teachers’ council “Modern educator. What is he like?

2017 - participant of the Regional Exhibition of Non-Traditional Physical Education Equipment as part of the implementation of the regional project “Healthy Preschooler”;

I implement regional projects “PROreading”, “Healthy preschooler”, “Preschoolers about native land”, took part in the campaigns: “Let's start together”, “Sursky region - without drugs!”.

Participated in All-Russian competitions and regional: “Ogonyok”, “Talents of Russia”, “Emerald City”, “Educator. Ru”, “Umnata”, “Pedazrazvitie”, “Voprosita”, “Art on a Plate” took honorary prizes.

Hello everyone, Tatyana Sukhikh here! Come on, admit it, whoever has a certification is on the nose, and you are rushing around, earning points, not taking part in anything for the sake of high results. Quite a familiar situation, I also came to my senses once when the rooster pecked. But now I’ve become smarter, and I’ll teach you how to make the certification for the first category a pleasure, and not drain the last of your strength.

So, you already know in advance that sooner or later you will be certified, but you are not particularly diligent in order to earn at least some certificates and diplomas for participating in competitions, and you do not take other steps that will lead you to easily passing the certification. But in vain. After all, in 2-3 years, without much effort, you can put together a portfolio that will allow you to easily submit all the necessary papers without the need for an open class at a preschool educational institution.

A teacher’s portfolio is something that should be continuously replenished, and you can only take part in what interests you and what you can do. And if you are lazy, then in the last months before the certification you will have to take on everything in a row, and this will already be stressful. There will definitely be no time left for family, believe me. Moreover, methodologists do not always help with preparation necessary documents, so you will most likely have to prepare all the certificates yourself.

I will outline the requirements for certification a little later, but now I want to focus on what you can do now, when you still have time until the “X” moment.

Important preparation points

  1. As I already mentioned, participate as much as possible in various competitions that you can do, both as a teacher and with your students. However, if competitions are not your thing, then choose a few of the most worthy ones (all-Russian or regional level) and invest in them to the maximum so that you good result(1,2 or 3 place).
  2. Try to publish your methodological developments for classes, event scenarios, some of your thoughts and conclusions about working with children and their upbringing. I have already written where this can be done. You can also try to publish in pedagogical periodicals in your field.
  3. If possible, mentor a young teacher, become a member of the jury of a competition, or use it in your work modern technologies training and education.
  4. You can also work on your program while you have time. Rework old paragraphs, supplement and expand in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The topic of self-education should also be relevant.
  5. If the time has come, you need to take advanced training courses. You can do this both online and in your organization by placing an order with the appropriate authorities. As a rule, if there are several such teachers in an institution, then the Institute for Advanced Studies can send lecturers to you for an appropriate fee. Or you can collect the required number of hours by watching webinars, if you like this option better.

The Internet can help you

This is exactly what I can offer and recommend to you: participation in offline webinars. Perhaps the topics presented below will be very useful and relevant, so I advise you to purchase the materials as soon as possible, and you can listen to them at any time convenient for you.

In the UchMag online store you can buy offline webinars on the following topics:

  • “Content and structure of the professional standard of a teacher. Qualification characteristics teacher"(volume 4 hours)
  • “Master class on how to effectively educational technology successful certification and improvement of professional competence"(volume 2 hours)
  • Performance map preschool teacher: requirements and content" (volume 2 hours)
  • Participation in an offline seminar “The certification procedure for teaching staff: a new approach”(volume 2 hours)
  • Afonkina Yu.A. How can a teacher build effective preparation for certification: studying and assessing the competencies of a preschool teacher.”.

This manual will help the teacher better prepare for certification. From it you will learn how to conduct professional self-analysis when compiling a portfolio, get acquainted with road maps for different areas of a teacher’s work, and in general you will prepare for this important event taking into account the modern competency-based certification model, which will indicate your high professional level.

Certification is just around the corner

So, I hope that you are obedient students, and everything that I described above will definitely be performed at least to a minimum during the entire working period preceding the certification. Then, when the time comes to be certified, you will need to write an application, prepare a folder with your achievements and the necessary certificates and wait until it needs to be presented to a special commission.

You may have to make some inquiries yourself, for example, about the use of modern educational technologies in your work or something else. Or maybe you’ll be lucky and the methodologist will compose them himself.

That's all, you print out diplomas, certificates, certificates, put them in a folder, and the first category is practically in your hands. Of course, if after filling out the expert opinion table you do not have enough points, you will need to

  1. or undergo test-monitoring of the level of development of professional competence of the type of activity being carried out
  2. or host a training session or event

In most cases, this is enough to get the missing points.

How are points calculated? For each criterion and its subsection you can receive 0, 2, 3, 4 or 5 points. Some criteria have an additional coefficient, and then the result obtained increases in proportion to this coefficient, so the maximum score here can be quite large.

This point is relevant for the criterion where the results of children’s participation in competitions are summed up, as well as for advanced training in graduate school. In other cases, as noted above, you can score 0 points or from 2 to 5 points.

So, for example, if we take such a criterion as the level of ICT maturity of a teacher, then he receives 0 points if he does not own ICT and is not used in his work, 2 points - if he uses ICT to prepare for classes and maintain documentation, 3 points - the same as in the previous paragraph + use of ICT for generalization, 4 points - use, among other things, in analytical and methodological work, as well as the availability of CPD courses, 5 points - participation in Internet communities or having your own blog (site).

Criteria in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

I offer you a list of criteria, i.e. What exactly needs to be prepared for certification, I will focus on the most important points on which your overall result will depend:

  1. You must have an original educational program, which would preferably be approved at least at the municipal level, or at the regional level, which is even better. The presence of an adapted educational program for pupils with disabilities is welcomed and rewarded with additional points, and if it is implemented from 1 to 3 years, then the points increase for each year.
  2. Your students must participate in various competitions, festivals, exhibitions, tournaments and competitions. Points are given for victories and prizes, as well as for participation, depending on the status of the event. The higher the status, the higher the scores. An additional coefficient is applied for prize places.
  3. Having at least 5 years of work experience in a team with the title “Exemplary Children's Team” allows you to receive an additional 4 points.
  4. As for advanced training, courses lasting 16 hours or more give you 3 points (this also includes the webinars I recommend, the hours of which are summed up), for courses of 48 hours or more - 4 points, and specialized courses above 108 hours - 5 points.
  5. The use of modern educational technologies and methods is also very important. When using individual elements, depending on the level, you get 2 or 3 points, using in the system and applying effectively - 4 points, if you have your own system of techniques and methods - 5 points.
  6. The presence of a holistic generalized experience and its generalization at the institutional level gives 2 points, at the municipal level - 3 points, at the regional level - 4 points, at the All-Russian level - 5 points. I think that each of you has your own achievements, even with little work experience. All that remains is to properly format and protect it, or conduct a master class, open lesson etc.
  7. The publication of methodological materials, both in online resources and in printed publications, is very important, but I have already spoken about this above and will not repeat it.
  8. The teacher's social activities, including trade union and parliamentary activities, are also rewarded with points.
  9. Gratitude, diplomas, certificates awarded to the teacher for professional achievements during the inter-certification period are also taken into account.
  10. Participation of the teacher in professional skills competitions, author’s programs, methodological developments are assessed depending on the level of competition.
  11. An additional 20 points can be obtained for having an academic degree or academic title in the field of work, as well as for having state awards, honorary titles of the USSR, the Russian Federation or former republics THE USSR.
  12. And if there are not enough points, then you can get 4 or 5 points for conducting a lesson or passing a test.

This is what a sample part of the score sheet looks like.