Is it dangerous to pull out gray hair, what can happen and is there an alternative to dealing with gray hair. How can you pull out a molar at home? Lee tug

Even orthopedists cannot give an unequivocal answer to the question: “Is cracking your fingers harmful or beneficial?” Even orthopedists cannot give. For example, a doctor from California, Unger, believed that it was even useful to do this. The joints are developing, and arthritis is not a threat in the future. Since childhood, he himself entertained his friends by pulling the fingers of his left hand - his right hand did not crunch - and until the age of 83 he did not experience any unpleasant symptoms.

Therefore, I was confident that if it were not for constant gymnastics, I would not be able to squeeze my hand at all with age.

But orthopedists Castolonni and Axelrod in medical work according to the description rheumatic diseases They called special bending and crunching of fingers a bad habit.

What happens if you crack your fingers, and why shouldn’t you entertain yourself and others this way?

Why does the joint crack?

When the joints are stretched, the pressure in the interarticular fluid changes, and the gas that is in it releases bubbles that burst with noise.

This doesn’t happen to everyone, so you need to imagine why your fingers are crunching.

  1. In the periarticular soft tissues available congenital pathology. When they are in one position, they seem to “get ossified,” and when they are then stretched or kneaded with force, a crunching sound is heard;
  2. Constant cracking of the finger joint occurs in those who have hypermobility of the joints. This is not that rare. The combined articular surfaces diverge freely, the ligaments are stretched;
  3. Yet again genetic trait, transmitted by inheritance. The combined joint surfaces do not match in size. When they move on their own, no sounds are heard, but if you turn them on purpose, you hear a click.

A crunch may also occur due to pathological changes:

  • after injuries;
  • for joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, and the like.

So is it possible to crack your fingers or is it better to get rid of it? bad habit so as not to provoke any dangerous disease?

Causes of joint diseases

Joint diseases are caused by the following factors:

  • injuries;
  • violation metabolic processes in the body, which leads to deposition of salts in the joint area;
  • penetration of pathogenic flora through the bloodstream, provoking an inflammatory process.

The most common cause is bursitis. When an infection occurs, the composition of the synovial fluid changes, the pressure increases, and the joint swells. Subsequently, the inflammation spreads to the periarticular joints, including articular ligaments and tendons - tenosynovitis begins.

Disorders of metabolic processes in the body lead to the fact that salts, which should be soluble, fall out in the joints, getting there through the lymph flow and settling. Salts are deposited in all tissues of the body, but when they get into a joint, they prevent it from bending and unbending freely.

Diseases occur: arthrosis, rheumatism, gout, arthritis.

  • With arthrosis, the cartilage inside the joint is destroyed;
  • With rheumatism, the inflammatory process covers the ligaments;
  • Gout – accumulation of uric acid salts in the joints;
  • Arthritis is inflammation of the entire joint, often of an infectious nature.

If a disease occurs, then movements in the joints begin to cause pain, the knuckles swell, and it is unlikely that you will be able to deliberately pull your phalanges - this will cause pain. You will have to forget about the bad habit.

But, as you can see, “gymnastics” does not cause harm to the joints - all diseases are caused by completely different reasons. So no connection has been found between stretching one’s own fingers and further deterioration in health.

The nuances of excessive finger mobility

If people are healthy, then increasing the load cannot cause harm. But for those who already have joint diseases, constant finger movements can cause unnatural hypermobility and stretch ligaments - this injury will affect the condition of the hand in the future.

Therefore, you cannot deliberately cause a crunch if your fingers naturally bend painlessly. Someone might say: “Yes, in my youth my hands clenched completely silently, but now I can make a click, and it’s even pleasant.”.

Age-related changes lead to an increase in ossification of the cartilaginous surface, a decrease in the amount of synovial fluid in the periarticular bursa, and a slight disruption of metabolic processes in the body even in healthy people due to slowing down metabolism. The joints age along with their owners, and when bent, they crunch.

At this older age, you should treat yourself more carefully, and not bend and pull your fingers haphazardly, but do special therapeutic exercises to develop joints. By the way, they help maintain mobility in diseases that are not necessarily caused by age.

Exercise therapy complex for hands

Before starting the exercises, you should stretch your hands by rubbing them: first, the palms rub each other, then the backs and fingers. If the hands remain dry, there are no hidden inflammatory processes. A symptom will indicate that you are unwell: when you rub your hands, your palms gradually become moist. The palms sweat especially strongly with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and respiratory organs - bronchi and lungs.

Gymnastics for arms

The hands are placed palms up, arms in front of you. Clenching and unclenching a fist. Then the hands are turned over and the exercise is repeated. The movement is performed 5 times.

Independent and proud cats at the same time become the most affectionate and loving companions of humans. They are easy to tame and quickly get used to the house in which they live. These cute animals love to be stroked on the neck and back, but experienced owners know not to touch the final part of the cat's body too much. Let's still find out whether it is possible to touch the tail of a cat or cat, and why it is or is not worth doing this.

Why do cats have tails?

The tail is a very important part of the body for domestic felines. It really helps cats navigate space and establish coordination. Thanks to these features, cats can:

  • climb trees freely;
  • jump and stay on top;
  • when falling from a height, successfully land on your feet;
  • get through narrow openings;
  • walk on narrow surface areas;
  • catch small rodents and insects.

Of course, there are tailless and short-tailed cat breeds, representatives of which perfectly balance and land on the surface without the help of a tail. Most likely, they are satisfied with his small likeness, which is also significant. But still, long-tailed cats are more agile and nimble compared to their relatives.

The tail helps cats express their emotions and feelings. Surely, you have noticed more than once how your pet, when greeting you, shows joy by raising its tail high in a “pipe”. If a cat sits with her tail wrapped around her paws, this is also good sign, hinting at a friendly disposition towards you. But when setting up for some reckless act, the animal usually waves its tail in a different sides. Very scared or aggressive cat usually shows a tail with tousled hair.

Thanks to this fluffy appendage, heat-loving cats keep warm by curling up in a ball and as if covering themselves with it.

What is a cat's tail?

All curious owners and their children who are interested in whether it is possible to pull a cat’s tail need to understand that this is the most sensitive part of the animal’s body. The tail is an elongated extension of the cat's spine, which contains many nerve endings. It also consists of vertebrae and blood vessels. The end part of the spine is very painful. Usually animals, when a person tries to touch their tail, pull it to the side.

Why you shouldn't pull a cat's tail

Reasonable people often have a completely different question: why do this at all? Unfortunately, some owners like to pull cats by the tail, in this way trying to catch the offending animal and punish it. Small and ill-mannered children do the same thing, wanting to have fun with a pet. In this case, you need to explain to the kids that cats experience terrible pain and prohibit them from touching the sensitive area.

Tail injuries can cause serious neurological damage.

Periodically or sharply pulling an animal's tail can stretch or even rupture the nerves that help the hind legs, intestines and bladder. As a result, the pet will temporarily, or even permanently, lose the ability to move, will not be able to control urination, defecation, and will experience pain. The animal will drag the injured tail along with it as a lifeless part of the body. In such cases, the extension of the spine often has to be amputated.

The tail is easy to break and is difficult to treat and heal. By strongly tugging and pulling the animal on this part of the body, you can inadvertently damage the spine. In this case, the poor fellow may be partially or completely paralyzed, and he will remain disabled forever.

Here is the answer to the question why you can’t pull a cat’s tail. If your cat doesn’t mind, you can, of course, affectionately stroke her tail, but you should not tug or pull your pet’s tail under any circumstances.

The return of the "duck and hide" era in US-Russian relations reflects widespread ignorance about the inherent costs and extreme dangers of an arms race in the nuclear age.

While The Salisbury Tale continues and the world prepares for the drama and humanitarian catastrophe of the battle for Idlib in Syria, mainstream journalists and academics seem oblivious to the most serious and ultimately dangerous manifestations new cold war between the United States and Russia. This is, of course, the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on new generations of strategic nuclear weapons in both the United States and Russia, as well as the growing tendency to deploy these weapons in destabilizing forms.

The key to understanding Russian perceptions of this type of weapon can be found in a 2017 paper authored by Alexander Shirokorad. It concerns Russia's strategic interests in the Arctic. The main theme of the book is underwater activities in the polar region, which is important for Russia. In his book, Shirokorad examines the history of Russian (and Soviet) nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines.

He recalls with obvious pride that on August 6, 1991, the K-407 submarine launched a successful salvo launch of its entire ammunition load of sixteen ballistic missiles. This operation was called "Behemoth-2".

However, in telling this story, Shirokorad makes a particularly symbolic observation. He says that during 1991, an average of less than one Soviet missile submarine was at sea on combat patrol per year. Reflecting on this glaring fact, he comments: “What surprises me is one question - why is Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev still at large?”

In other words, for certain group For Russian strategists, the very idea that their missile nuclear deterrent could be weakened to such an extent amounts to an unacceptable failure and perhaps an act of betrayal.

The same strategists could well rejoice at another missile firing by a Russian nuclear-powered missile submarine in May 2018 in the Far North. Indeed, it is in this light that one could view an article that recently appeared on the Military Review website under the intriguing, if not alarming title: “Instead of a thousand warheads: will the Bulava save Russia?”

The article began with the assessment that “in fact, it is naive to believe that Russia and the United States will compare their nuclear arsenals, as they did half a century ago.”

Two alarming trends stand out. The emphasis is that "country capabilities are fundamentally different," and this is evident from a comparison of military budgets in 2017, where this Russian analyst suggests that US spending is about ten times higher than Russia's. In addition, the author notes, the discrepancy in military capabilities is more noticeable at the tactical level than at the strategic level. It is noted that the American nuclear shield is obviously more modern, and more importantly, better protected. In terms of strategic balance, the Russian military analyst gives high marks to the US Navy's missile submarines. The author explains that the fourteen Ohio-class nuclear-powered missile submarines of the American maritime deterrent force have no analogues in the world in terms of stealth. In addition, the Trident II solid rocket is also believed to be the most effective submarine-launched missile system in the world. The author acknowledges that these systems are no longer new and need to be replaced, which means that the US Navy's New Columbia program has a long way to go.

According to the author's analysis, in principle, Russia would have enough strike power of its ground-based nuclear forces based in launch silos and on mobile platforms to guarantee a retaliatory strike. However, the author considers these systems to be quite vulnerable. Even the Barguzin railway missile launch system was also said to have conceptual flaws related to vulnerability. For the author, there is no visible alternative to preserving the Russian nuclear triad.

However, there are those who deserve the most close attention problems with existing Russian strategic submarine forces. In particular, the author claims that Russian Project 667 BDRM Dolphin-class submarines or so-called “boomers” are outdated. The boats of this project are far from the quietest. The author continues: “It is believed that an old American Los Angeles-class boat detects a Project 667 BDRM submarine in the Barents Sea at a distance of up to 30 kilometers. It must be assumed that “Virginia” and “Seawolf” will have even better indicators.”

However, from the Russian point of view, the problem looks more serious. Each Project 667 BDRM nuclear-powered vessel reportedly carries sixteen R-29 Sineva liquid-fuel ballistic missiles. Sources say that equipment for servicing liquid-propellant rockets not only has a very high level noise, but also, apparently, the use of toxic fuel components increases the risk of an accident, which could lead to a tragedy on a global scale.

Speaking about the new Russian submarine-launched ballistic missile "Bulava", officially put into service in June 2018, the author points to a number of others positive aspects new rocket, in addition to the obvious advantage of solid fuel. Each Bulava missile, capable of delivering six warheads up to eleven thousand kilometers, has increased survivability because it is designed to reduce the missile's vulnerability to early detection and destruction. Explaining that the characteristics of the rocket do not differ in better side from the American Trident-II, the author says that there is a more trivial reason for this - a banal lack of funds for a more powerful rocket.

In addition, the author talks about the "checkered past" (test phase) of the Bulava missile, during which there were thirty or so test launches since 2005, seven of which failed. In any case, it is also noted that the predecessor of the Bulava also had high rate failures during the development period, but nevertheless, the problems were successfully eliminated. The “childhood diseases” of the Bulava have also been resolved by now, and it will become the main naval component of Russia’s current nuclear triad. At the end, the author additionally emphasizes that there is progress in the ongoing restructuring of a number of ground-based Russian nuclear systems, such as the Avangard project.

Some American naval and nuclear strategists may dance with joy after studying this analysis, and walk away in a state of mild euphoria. It is clear that at least some Russian military analysts have high praise for American naval and nuclear systems. Moreover, the above analysis appears generally pessimistic and paints the Russian naval nuclear component in a depressed state. From the traditional point of view of "competitive strategies", keeping the Kremlin below the equilibrium point and under the need for significant resource expenditures is considered a victory in the minds of many in Washington.

However, one must pause and ask whether the Kremlin's growing concerns about the state of its nuclear triad are truly in the American national interest. Does Washington want to see Russian submarine commanders and missile silo officers hovering over missile launch controls in a state of overexertion, fingers twitching over the fate button? The Russian author of this article claims that American submarines could operate in the Barents Sea against Russian nuclear submarines. If true, this practice could bring back to life the dark specters of Cold War-era mutual mistrust, loss of escalation control, preemptive attack planning, and the possibility of catastrophic accidents due to an all-too-realistic undersea collision scenario.

In the whirlwind of Washington politics, it seems tempting and fascinating to plunge into the latest twist of the British spy vaudeville or, without taking your eyes off, to follow the twists and turns of the protracted investigation into “Russian influence” in Ukrainian politics, mired up to its neck in sewage. However, we should not forget that all these machinations dangerously fuel the doomsday machine on which the fate of our world depends. This machine is also eating up huge chunks of American national wealth that could be used for much more constructive purposes.

The question of whether it is possible to pull the handbrake while driving worries not only young people who want to “drift” in the parking lot. A situation may well arise that the handbrake will become the only way quickly stop a car whose brakes have failed. What happens if you pull the handbrake while driving?

The handbrake is popular name, the official term is parking brake. From the name it is clear that its main purpose is to block the wheels while the car is parked. But it is not always the case. On specially prepared racing cars, handbrake handles of a special design are installed, since the pilot uses it as an additional brake when cornering. Racers in the drift and rally disciplines work especially actively with the handbrake. Therefore, they even have a different design of the handbrake; it is more powerful and hydraulically driven.

On civilian cars, cable handbrake handles are installed; the design is quite frail, since it is not intended to brake the car, but only to hold it in place. An ordinary driver in everyday driving has absolutely no need to pull the handbrake while driving. Moreover, if you do this, the cable will become tense and the rear brake pads will block the wheels, which will lead to the car skidding. For a driver unprepared for this behavior of the car, pulling the handbrake is guaranteed to lead to an accident. You can read as much as you like about driving a car in extreme situations, but you can only learn it by practicing.

But you can still use the handbrake while driving. If it happens that the car’s brakes fail while driving, then the driver simply has no other way to quickly stop the car. Engine braking is also effective, but it requires too much time and distance. When you have to stop using the handbrake, the main thing is to remember that you can’t just pull the handbrake up. You need to press the handbrake release button and, without releasing it, slightly pull the handle up, then increasing and then loosening the pressure. This is necessary so as not to block the rear axle and send the car into a skid.

Unfortunately, on new cars, most automakers use an electronic handbrake, which can automatically lock and unlock the wheels. With such a handbrake, you won’t be able to drift in the parking lot and stop in an emergency.

Photos from Internet resources

Everyone, for the sake of fun or laughter, at least once pulled his “Muska” by the tail. Is it possible to pull a cat by the tail? Let's find out about the consequences.

What happens if you pull a cat's tail?

Of course, you cannot drag an animal by the tail! It's not fatal, but it's very unpleasant.

Moreover, not every cat will allow you to do this, you can get a claw for this! Since there are many nerve endings in the tail, it will not only be unpleasant for the cat, but also very painful. In general, a cat’s tail, like that of other animals, is an extension of the spine and should never be pulled, pulled, or even lifted. Since this part of the spine is very weak, dragging it by the tail can simply damage the spine and cripple the animal.

Another reason why you shouldn’t pull a cat’s tail may be going to the toilet in the wrong place.

Why is this happening? A cat’s intestines are closely connected to the spine, and accordingly to the tail (the tail is a continuation of the spine, remember), if you constantly pull the animal by the tail, you can damage the intestines, and the result is a surprise - heaps in the most interesting place!

Therefore, love your pet, do not pull, do not drag by the tail, it hurts!