Orthopedic corsets for the lower back. How to choose the right corset. Lumbar, lumbosacral orthopedic corsets Orthopedic corsets for the lumbar spine

An orthopedic lumbosacral corset is a belt at least 24 cm wide (in the back area), made of elastic fabric and complemented with stiffening ribs. The purpose of using the accessory is fixation problem areas(lower and middle back) and bringing them into an anatomically correct position. If the bandage is used according to the rules, then it helps:

  • relax your back muscles;
  • eliminate pain;
  • recover quickly after surgery or injury;
  • maintain mobility and flexibility during acute pain and other manifestations of the disease.

The corset should be used only if indicated, therefore, before purchasing it, consultation with an orthopedic doctor is required.

Indications for wearing an orthopedic lumbar corset

For complex treatment lumbar diseases and sacral region for the spine, medications, exercises and a back belt are prescribed to support the lower back. Moreover, depending on the diagnosis, a corset of a certain rigidity is selected:

  1. the rigid version is indicated for compression fractures spinal column, intervertebral hernias more than 1 cm in diameter, after operations and injuries, with osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome;
  2. The semi-rigid back belt helps with lower back pain better than other models. It will improve the condition of hernias up to 1 cm, protrusion, radiculitis, spondyloarthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  3. soft corsets (bandages) are necessary to prevent injuries (in particular, for athletes). They also help with muscle imbalance, spinal ligament injuries, osteoarthritis.

If the correct corset is selected, it will speed up the process of rehabilitation and treatment and will have an excellent preventive effect.

5 reasons to buy a corset for the lumbosacral spine at MedOrto

  1. High quality products: smooth and durable seams, environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials.
  2. Availability of certificates for products from manufacturers Trives, Rehband, Otto, OttoBock.
  3. Possibility to order a corset for the lumbar spine, the price of which is 10-20% lower than in other stores.
  4. Delivery to your door to any address in Moscow the very next day.
  5. Possibility to order several sizes for trying on. You will return the unsuitable option together with the courier.

Bandages and corsets for the spine are used to relieve pain, stabilize and reduce the load on various groups of muscles of the back and parts of the spine, rehabilitation after operations and injuries, and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

What corset is it suitable for osteochondrosis?

With osteochondrosis, the structure and function of the intervertebral discs are disrupted. The distance between the vertebrae decreases, which causes compression of the nerve endings and causes pain syndrome. Further development osteochondrosis can lead to the appearance of intervertebral hernias, vertebral instability and limited mobility, and bone tissue deformations.

In case of osteochondrosis, a supporting corset for the spine is needed, which will redistribute the load and relieve pain without interfering with the work of the muscles to maintain their tone. To relieve the symptoms of osteochondrosis in the lumbar region, almost all medi lumbosacral spine corsets are suitable:

  • Lumbamed basic- recommended for use for pain syndromes in the lower back of various origins and excessive mobility of the vertebrae due to osteochondrosis. This spinal brace contains stabilizing spring steel plates and is also suitable for the treatment of pain during exercise, ligament damage, sacroiliac joint syndrome and other diseases.
  • Lumbamed plus And Lumbamed plus E+motion- corsets to support the spine with a special Vario-Flex massage insert. Additional massage eliminates lower back muscle spasms, helps improve blood supply, which reduces swelling and pain in the problem area.
  • Lumbamed active- an elastic corset for the spine, designed for active people involved in sports or physical labor. It is used for preventive purposes during prolonged exercise and for therapeutic purposes - for myofascial syndrome, osteoarthrosis/osteochondrosis of the spine, ligament damage, operated disc syndrome, sacroiliac joint syndrome.
  • Lumbamed stabil– a more rigid corset for the lumbosacral spine. By back surface The bandage has four metal plates that provide additional fixation. lumbar region. The product is suitable for osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, sacroiliac joint syndrome.

Corsets for protrusion and herniation of intervertebral discs

Degenerative changes in intervertebral disc tissue, trauma, excessive stress on the spine, excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture and many other factors can lead to the formation of an intervertebral hernia. It is a “protrusion” of the nucleus pulposus of the disc beyond the vertebrae. In this case, the nerve endings are infringed, which causes constant severe pain, often radiating to the legs. It is only possible to completely get rid of a hernia surgically. But you can stop its development and reduce pain with the help of regular exercises and wearing a fixing corset for the spine.

The following medi product models are suitable for this:

  • Lumbamed disc- a corset for the spine, semi-rigid, or with variable rigidity. IN acute period the bandage is used with an additional stabilizing splint, due to which fixation and almost complete immobilization are achieved lumbar region spine. As you recover, you can unfasten the splint and use a bandage with dynamic stiffening ribs, which will eliminate excessive mobility, which can provoke an exacerbation. This model is also recommended for osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthritis, and after operations on the lumbar spine.
  • protect.Dorsofix– semi-rigid chest lumbar corset for the spine. Effective not only for pain caused intervertebral hernia, but also in the recovery period after vertebral fractures, with arthrosis, spondylolisthesis. It can also be used as a post-operative spinal brace.

How to do it right choose a medical corset?

You need to choose the type of corset to support the spine or posture corrector depending on the symptoms and diagnosis, after consultation with your doctor or an expert from a specialized store. If selected incorrectly, an orthopedic product may not have the desired effect or cause discomfort. Some bandages have contraindications; be sure to read the information from the manufacturer.

Please note that there are men's and women's spinal corsets, which are identical in function, but have differences in shape.

You can buy a corset for the spine at orthopedic salons or in the medi online store with delivery. At the same time, it is possible to order several sizes and models to make a choice after trying on.

Prices for spine corsets in different stores may vary slightly.

Athletes who experience increased stress on the lower back often seek help from specialists, complaining of pain in the lumbar region. This may be due to bruises, sprains and other injuries received during training, as well as inflammation in the soft tissues. In such cases, get rid of pain, an orthopedic lumbosacral corset helps stabilize the vertebrae and relieve the load on the lower back. His choice and rules of wearing - important question, which we will look at in this article.

Structure and functions of the lumbosacral region

The sacrum and lower back are components of the human spine, which form the lumbosacral region, which includes 10 vertebrae.

Small of the back

The five lumbar vertebrae are quite mobile. They provide shock absorption during movement, during physical activity, when bending and jumping.

These are the widest vertebrae compared to elements of other sections, so they are different increased density. These characteristics allow the lower back to cope with the main load after assuming a vertical position.


This fixed part of the spinal column, united with the lower back through the closing wedge-shaped lumbar vertebra, ensures the connection of the spine with the pelvis. The sacrum, made up of five vertebrae, connects to the ilium to form the sacroiliac joint.

Lumbosacral corset as one of the types of orthopedic corsets

In orthopedics, corsets are understood as medical products made in the form of a wide belt. They are made from porous elastic materials, allowing air to pass through. All orthoses (the second term for orthopedic corsets) are reinforced with inserts made of plastic or light metal alloy. With their help, the necessary level of fixation is created.

Strong hold

Rigid corsets with 6 splints are used for the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered surgical interventions or have experienced serious spinal injuries (fractures or fissures).

Medium hold

Orthopedic and neurological pathologies require the use of more elastic products. The semi-rigid lumbosacral corset performs the following functions:

  • Helps unload the muscle corset, which supports the axial skeleton, and therefore relieves the load on injured vertebrae;
  • Supports the spinal column anatomically correct position, corrects existing abnormalities and improves the functioning of related organs (ureters, kidneys, bladder);
  • Reduces pain caused by pinched or displaced vertebrae.

Distinctive features

Beginners can easily confuse lumbar orthoses with other types. medical products for the back. What can they be confused with?

  • Heating belts are also used to reduce lumbar pain caused by inflammatory processes. They activate blood circulation and have a pronounced warming effect, which alleviates pain. They are thinner, softer and more elastic, so they cannot serve as a preventive measure for injuries during training.
  • Elastic bandages are wide belts made of stretchy fabric that are designed to hold the vertebrae in the correct position without limiting their mobility. They help to properly distribute the load and protect against pain during pregnancy, but in sports, tougher options are needed.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for wearing an orthopedic brace is pain in the lumbar region. They occur in the following cases:

  • Neuralgia;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Pathologies of the vertebrae;
  • Hernias;
  • Rehabilitation after operations and injuries;
  • Prevention of overexertion during weightlifting.

Professional athletes are at risk with an increased likelihood of injuries and diseases of the lumbar spine. The fact is that their spine experiences increased loads in a large volume. Thus, when executing strength exercises athletes are advised to wear a lumbosacral orthopedic semi-rigid corset. It will minimize the risk of sprains and injuries.

It should be understood that this medical device has contraindications. There are several of them:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Pustular lesions of the skin;
  • Hernias in the abdominal wall area;
  • Heart failure;
  • Kidney diseases.

Criterias of choice

The main condition for making a competent choice is consultation with a specialist. Therefore, an orthopedist, vertebrologist or traumatologist will help you purchase a suitable lumbosacral corset.

Own initiative in this case is strictly punishable. An incorrectly selected orthopedic product will not only not have a healing effect, but will also harm damaged tissues and vertebrae. Moreover, the stiffer the orthosis, the more damage it can cause. Only a doctor can determine how many stiffeners you need to support the lumbosacral region.

  • For purchase exact size measure your hips and waist, then divide the resulting number by two. There are many types of corsets ranging from S to XXXL. When choosing, pay attention to the table of correspondence between measurements and sizes specified by the manufacturer. Typically the data corresponds to the following table:

  • Corset material – important condition comfortable wear and efficiency. Accordingly, a high-quality semi-rigid orthopedic corset must be made of elastic, highly stretchable, but at the same time durable fabric with pores that allow air to circulate (knitted fabric). Natural materials should predominate in the composition of textiles. At the same time, synthetic inserts should not scare you - they are designed to fix the areas most vulnerable to abrasion in order to extend the life of the product.
  • Degree of rigidity and fixation. This parameter is determined by the doctor and indicated in the prescription. However, you need to understand that the pharmacy may have several suitable options. When choosing, give preference to products made of knitted fabric with comfortable suspenders, which allow you to unfasten the corset, if desired, without removing it completely.

Trusted manufacturers

Another condition for a successful purchase is focus on famous brands who have been working on the market for several years orthopedic products. We suggest choosing from the list published below.


Price range – from 5,000 to 13,000 rubles

This manufacturer from Germany introduced its products to the Russian market 15 years ago. Over the past years, it has taken a leading position due to its wide range of sizes and the availability of products in pharmacies.

The range of orthopedic corsets for the lower back of this German brand includes both rigid corsets with a plastic frame and semi-rigid lumbar corsets with fixing straps or Velcro. In addition, there are permanent or variable fixation orthoses on sale that allow you to adjust the degree of support.

Especially for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle, the company has developed a line of Energy orthoses, which are characterized by increased elasticity and mobility.


Price range – from 1900 to 4000 rubles

One of the leading companies in the orthopedic corset sector, Fosta produces products in a wide price range. The advantages of this brand’s product line are obvious:

  • Firstly, orthoses are made of hypoallergenic materials that promote air circulation and protect against skin irritation during wear.
  • Secondly, varying the number of stiffeners from 4 to 6 in different models allows you to select best option for any purpose, be it recovery from a back injury or prophylactic wearing during intense exercise.

The range of the Fosta brand is impressive. Branded products include a wide variety of corsets:

  • With mesh base;
  • With reinforced stiffeners;
  • Lightweight preventive corsets;
  • Orthoses with comfortable shoulder straps;
  • Corsets with tourmaline;
  • Neoprene models;
  • Lace-up options.

Prices for orthopedic corsets from Fosta are quite affordable.


Price range – from 1500 to 3000 rubles

These corsets are perfect for the prevention of hernias and correction of degenerative changes in the lumbosacral spine. The company produces three versions of corsets, which differ in width:

  • The 35 cm lumbar supports are equipped with 4 stiffening ribs. These models are intended for recovery after surgery and for therapeutic use.
  • The 42-centimeter versions have two additional ties in the form of ribbons, thanks to which the product fits better. Therefore, these models are suitable for correcting pathologies that affect not only the lumbosacral region, but also the lower thoracic vertebrae.
  • The fastener belt has the smallest width and increased elasticity thanks to elastic plates. This is an excellent option for preventive purposes.

Otto Bock

Price range – from 6,000 to 12,000 rubles

The products of this brand belong to the premium segment, so their cost is quite high. At the same time, Otto Bock corsets are characterized by increased wear resistance and comfort in use. Most models have 4 stiffeners. They can be made of durable plastic or metals - it all depends on the functional purpose of the product. The range includes both preventive braces and rigid corsets for rehabilitation.

How to wear a lumbosacral corset?

You need to use an orthopedic corset for the lumbosacral spine wisely, following a few simple rules.

Skin contact

Do not apply to the skin before wearing a corset. various ointments or cream with a warming or anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to wear the orthosis over a thin T-shirt or cotton undershirt. Synthetics are not suitable for this purpose, as they do not allow the skin to breathe, creating a greenhouse effect and leading to inflammation of the skin when the bandage is worn for a long time.

Wearing time

Athletes who wish to use a lumbar corset as preventive protection against injuries and sprains should wear the brace during periods of most intense activity, for example, when preparing for competitions.

During recovery period after injuries and operations, the lumbosacral corset should be worn for a maximum of 6 hours a day. The number of days is determined by the doctor. Wearing a lumbar orthosis for longer than prescribed is prohibited. Constantly wearing a corset can lead to swelling and impaired blood flow.


It is recommended to wear a lumbar orthosis for the first time in the presence of a doctor. It will help you correctly tighten the elastic belts so as to fix the spine in the anatomically correct position. In this case, the bandage should feel comfortable without disturbing respiratory function and without slowing down blood circulation.

Rules of care

At the same time, caring for the product is quite simple. For example, a corset for the lumbosacral spine can be machine washed. Before starting, you need to pull out the stiffeners and fasten the latches. It is advisable to wash the product on the delicate fabric cycle. In this case, you should not add active cleaning agents (stain removers, bleaches).

You need to dry the corset in natural conditions, protecting it from direct sun rays. It is also prohibited to place it on the battery.

In conclusion, we repeat that choosing and purchasing a lumbosacral corset to prevent injuries and sprains should be done under the supervision of an orthopedic doctor or sports therapist. The fact is that these products actively influence the vertebrae, and the effect will be positive only if the corset is chosen correctly, taking into account the individual needs of the athlete. Accordingly, it is necessary to take into account the level of loads tolerated, the presence or absence of injuries, the degree of their healing and other factors.

If you decide to buy a lumbosacral corset, consult a specialist. His recommendations will ensure the right choice.

The lower back is considered the second most vulnerable part of the spine, since it is the lumbar vertebrae that bear the maximum load associated with the distribution of support points for the human axial skeleton. Low back pain is the most common orthopedic symptom, with which patients most often seek help from a surgeon, orthopedist or neurologist. It may be associated with grass, bruises, inflammatory processes in the soft tissues of the spine, dystrophic changes in articular and cartilage tissue.

Secondary pain syndrome is diagnosed in people with excess body weight, as well as people whose professional activity requires constant stay in a static position or increased power loads on the lower back (athletes, office workers, drivers). To stabilize the vertebrae that make up the lumbosacral spine and reduce the load on the back muscles, your doctor may recommend wearing special corset. In order not to aggravate the situation, you need to know how to choose the right lumbar corset, how long you can wear it, and what degree of fixation is considered optimal for the treatment of a certain pathology. The correctly selected size of the product is also of great importance, therefore it is necessary to choose a suitable orthopedic corset together with an orthopedic doctor.

The lower back and sacrum are part of the human spine - the central part of the axial skeleton in the form of an elongated and curved tube, the formation of which begins in the period from the first to the fifth week of embryonic development. To reduce risks birth defects and defects in the development of the fetal neural tube, to the expectant mother It is recommended to take 400-800 mcg of vitamin B 9 daily ( folic acid). The spine consists of 33-34 vertebrae, sequentially connected to each other in vertical position using intervertebral discs.

Small of the back

The lumbosacral region consists of 10 vertebrae. The lumbar vertebrae (5 in total) have increased mobility and create shock absorption when walking, physical activity, jumping, and bending. They have the maximum width in relation to other parts of the spine and high density, since it is the lower back that bears the main load when a person assumes a vertical position.

Lumbar lordosis (the physiological and anatomical forward curvature of the spine) develops in a child between 5 and 12 months, when the baby learns to sit, crawl, stand up and walk. To avoid spinal deformities in the future, it is important to follow the recommendations of surgeons and orthopedists, for example:

  • do not sit the child on a pillow, lap or other soft surfaces if he does not have objective signs of readiness;
  • do not put the child on his feet if he himself does not try (with the exception of gymnastics according to age);
  • do not abuse jumpers and walkers - experts do not recommend using these devices for more than 30 minutes a day.

Walkers and jumpers for babies

In an adult, the causes of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and chronic pain in the lower back are often a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, obesity, endocrine disorders, and pathologies of the pelvic organs.

Important! Among women chronic pain in the lumbosacral spine, which constitutes the spinal motion segment of the human skeleton, can be the result of complicated pregnancy and childbirth. For this reason, the use of a special corset is recommended for all women starting from 16-20 weeks of pregnancy (this is especially true for patients who are overweight or those whose weight gain exceeds the recommended norm by more than 10%).


The sacrum is a fixed part of the spine, connecting to the lumbar region with the help of a wedge-shaped closing lumbar vertebra and providing connection between the spinal column and the pelvis. In women, this part of the skeleton is wider and shorter than in men, and also has a greater degree of curvature necessary for bearing a child and labor.

The sacrum consists of 5 vertebrae and connects to the ilium to form the sacroiliac joint.

What are corsets and their types

A corset is an orthopedic device in the form of a belt, made of medical material that is breathable and has a high degree of stretch. All corsets (orthoses) are reinforced with plastic or metal alloy inserts necessary to create the required degree of fixation. Lumbar corsets may have high degree rigidity (usually have 6 metal bars) or average degree compression. In traditional therapy, rigid structures are practically not used - they are necessary for recovery during the rehabilitation period after surgical treatment spinal column and serious injuries accompanied by fractures and cracks of the vertebrae.

For the treatment of orthopedic and neurological pathologies For the lumbosacral region, semi-rigid corsets are used that perform the following functions:

  • help relieve the muscles that support the human axial skeleton and relieve the load on damaged vertebrae;
  • fixes the spine in an anatomically correct position, correcting existing defects and restoring the functioning of associated internal organs (Bladder, ureters, kidneys, etc.);
  • reduce pain caused by displacement or pinching of the vertebrae.

Main indication for use orthopedic fixators for the lower back are chronic pain attacks. Pain can be caused various diseases, for example, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, hernial protrusions. For preventive purposes, orthopedic corsets can be recommended for people who remain in one position for a long time, who are overweight, or who play sports professionally. Periodic wearing of a lumbar corset is also indicated for patients with signs of partial muscle dystrophy caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

Warming belts

Such products are not considered orthopedic corsets, but can also be used to treat inflammatory, degenerative and dystrophic pathologies of the back, accompanied by severe pain. They are made of natural wool and provide a pronounced warming effect, help reduce inflammation, and normalize fluid flow in the blood and lymphatic vessels.

note! Warming belts cannot be a substitute for a corset for spinal injuries (with the exception of soft tissue bruises).

Therapeutic warming products

The bandage is a well-stretched belt that does not limit the mobility of the vertebrae, but at the same time helps to keep them in the correct position. These are gentle braces that are recommended for pregnant women to properly distribute the load on the spine and prevent back pain.

To correct postpartum complications, for example, discrepancy of the bones of the symphysis pubis or small pelvis, the use of special semi-rigid fixators for women with a low posterior surface is indicated.

Which corset to choose: product review

To choose the right corset, you must first consult with an orthopedist. Many pharmacies (orthopedic pharmacies) have a doctor trained as a surgeon or orthopedist on staff, but it is better for recommendations to be made by the specialist who prescribed the treatment, based on medical history, individual characteristics the patient and the dynamics of treatment, if any.

Fosta corsets

Fosta is one of the most popular manufacturers of orthopedic corsets and other orthopedic products necessary for restoring the musculoskeletal frame after injuries and injuries. The Fosta line includes products of various price range, and reviews about the manufacturer allow us to call products of this brand one of the most effective corsets for correcting pain in the lumbar region.

The retainers of this brand are made from hypoallergenic medical materials that are highly breathable and prevent skin irritation. They fit perfectly to the body, do not move while being worn, and provide reliable fixation of the vertebrae in the anatomically correct position. Fosta corsets can contain from 4 to 6 stiffening ribs, so this manufacturer has both semi-rigid structures designed for complex treatment of spinal diseases, and rigid fixators necessary for recovery from injuries. They provide rigid fixation of the vertebrae and allow them to grow together correctly, which significantly reduces the risk of complications and shortens the recovery period.

The manufacturer offers a wide range of products, including the following varieties lumbosacral orthoses:

  • on a mesh base;
  • with elastic and reinforced plates;
  • lightweight;
  • on a fabric basis;
  • with additional straps;
  • with tourmaline;
  • neoprene;
  • lace-up, etc.

Fosta products belong to the category budget funds individual rehabilitation, therefore they are available to a wide range of patients requiring orthopedic correction using fixation structures.

Orthoses Comfort (Comf-Ort)

Sufficiently comfortable and effective corsets for the correction of degenerative changes in the lumbosacral spine.

Products from this company can be purchased at almost any pharmacy, as they use increased demand in patients.

For back pain due to prolonged physical activity or caused by incorrect posture, as well as other signs of discomfort, treatment is prescribed, which may include wearing a corset or bandage. The causes of pain vary: incorrect posture, curvature of the spine, excess weight and much more. Fixing the spine in a certain position in all cases has a healing and therapeutic effect.

Corsets for the back and lumbosacral region - purpose and characteristics

Often a lumbar brace is prescribed in the postoperative period or for injuries. After removing hernias, it is simply irreplaceable. Relieve pain, stabilize the spine, relax excessively tense muscles; all this can be easily handled by a properly selected brace. Manufacturers of orthopedic products make many models for completely various situations, so choosing the right one won’t be difficult.

Purpose and areas of application:

  • Used for osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and radiculitis;
  • In the postoperative period after surgery;
  • For neuralgia and the development of intervertebral hernia;
  • To recover from damage.

Operating principle

  • fix the lower back in a given position;
  • transfer part of the load to the pelvic bones;
  • protect the vertebrae from displacement, unloading them;
  • prevent spinal cord injuries;
  • reduce the load on intervertebral discs, promoting the restoration of water-salt metabolism in them;
  • protect the back muscles from excessive strain.

Before purchasing, we recommend that you coordinate your actions with your doctor, who, depending on your specific case, will advise correct option. For example, a rigid orthopedic lumbosacral brace is prescribed for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, scoliosis, hernias and injuries, and semi-rigid ones for milder diseases, as well as for posture correction.

In our online store you can buy these products at an excellent price from the manufacturer and with delivery throughout Russia! Order now in just 1 click!

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