Can a woman get fat from a man. Why do women get fat. What causes excess weight in women

1 Bad Housewives

There are three times more owners of extra pounds today than in the 80s of the last century. This conclusion was made by British scientists from Manchester and London (Manchester University and Royal Holloway, University of London) after analyzing medical statistics. Naturally, they wanted to know what the reason was. And they found it, having already studied social surveys conducted for about 30 years.

The reason women are obese is that they have become poor housewives. The current fair sex "housewives" on average 20 percent less than their more slender predecessors. And, accordingly, they consume fewer calories, which leads to a steady weight gain. And it helps in this modern - very convenient - Appliances. And usually a sedentary job.

For comparison: washing floors, a woman spends three times more calories than working at a computer. And before that, they also washed in troughs, washed dishes by hand, went to work, and did not drive cars - in extreme cases, a trolleybus. And they cooked dinners themselves, and did not buy ready meals in supermarkets.

According to Melanie Luhrmann, one of the authors of the study, even playing sports, on which the average woman spends an average of about 11 minutes a day, does not allow us to use up the energy surpluses that used to be spent on housework. There is one of two things: it is necessary or to spend more time in gym or behind the stove and at the sink.

2. Have sex often, but sluggishly

Persistent belief - sex is akin to physical exercise. Like, one sexual intercourse replaces a half-hour run. And with an orgasm - as many as four such runs. Calories burn like coal in a locomotive furnace. Together with subcutaneous fat. What no diet can achieve. Therefore, joyfully and with pleasure having sex, women lose weight.

This seemingly obvious merit intimate life doubted the Indian professor Ritesh Menezes, an expert on yoga and the Kama Sutra. He shared his nightmarish suspicions in the pages of the popular American magazine Medical Hypotheses. They say, in fact, sex does not get rid of excess weight. On the contrary, it promotes obesity. And it provoked a massive discussion already in the journal NewScientist.

The professor emphasizes that sexual intercourse, especially with subsequent orgasm, dramatically increases the concentration of the hormone prolactin in the blood. Its main purpose is to stimulate the production of milk in pregnant women. And in non-pregnant women, it contributes to the accumulation of body fat. As proof, the scientist cites the fact that obese women, as a rule, suffer from hyperprolactinemia - that is, their hormone levels are greatly increased.

What to do if you still want to often and a lot? Fight desire? Not at all, says Stuart Brodie of the University of the West of Scotland, who actually discovered the phenomenon. sharp increase prolactin levels during traditional sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. Masturbation, by the way, does not give such a surge.

The researcher advises to have sex with maximum intensity - to move more in the process. Then - purely physically - it will be possible to burn more fat than it accumulates due to the hormone.

3. Eat a lot at home

Scientists have found that success in the fight for slim figure are directly related to both the place of eating and the environment at lunch or dinner. It turns out that the number of calories consumed by a woman depends heavily on where she consumes them - at home or in a restaurant, alone, with girlfriends or in the company of men.

According to an article by British nutritionist David Haslam, published in the medical journal The Lancet, cohabitation of a man and a woman leads to overeating of the latter. A woman, thinking about how tasty to feed a man, buys more high-calorie foods. Yes, and she herself, for the company, begins to eat like a man - large portions, is fond of wine and fatty foods. Especially in the evenings.

When you dine with your partner, it's a social event, not just a hunger strike, Haslam explains. - You eat more and possibly more extravagant meals.

The doctor notes and reverse effect. When a husband goes on a long business trip or goes alone to a resort, a bored wife tends to lose weight. And David believes that this is the result of moderate eating. Not anything else.

Notice the Briton is talking about sharing meals at home. His Canadian colleague Meredith Young from McMaster University took care of feeding in public places - in restaurants and cafes. The researcher tracked what meals nearly 500 of her "sisters" ate, noticing with whom they did it. And it turned out: when having lunch or dinner in the company of a gentleman or gentlemen, the lady, as a rule, chose food with a minimum calorie content. And sitting down at the table with her friends, she gave vent to gluttony.

Meredith did not deeply understand the reasons for the discovered phenomenon. She only suggested that it was a matter of ostentatious female modesty. Like, I won’t scare a man with my immoderation in food. Yes, and in a restaurant it - immoderation - is more noticeable than at home: dishes must be ordered, and not imposed from a frying pan. In addition, they are portioned - how much they put, so much they put - you don’t run to the kitchen for more.

And if a man also pays, which is at least not uncommon in Russia, then a really modest lady will not abuse marbled meat, a 30-centimeter pizza and two desserts instead of one.

The conclusion is obvious: if you want to lose weight, women, it's delicious - collect gentlemen and - to a restaurant. The more the lady sits them at the table, the more diet meals she will choose, Meredith assures. At home, take care of yourself. And if you already went to dinner with your girlfriends, then keep it with a vengeance.

4. Women's brains are designed so that they do not allow you to fight your appetite.

Fat men are about a quarter less than obese ladies. These are world statistics. Don't believe her? Look at the viewers of medical television programs. "Dumplings" prevail overwhelmingly. They would be happy to get rid of excess weight. They report that they are trying to go on a diet, go to the gym. But few people manage to achieve the desired - a slender figure.

Dr. Gene-Jack Wang of the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York recently revealed the secret of the weaker sex's defeat in the fight against obesity, publishing the results of his study in scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

According to the scientist, women often "break down" after they torture themselves with diets and spend calories on exercise, because they have bad willpower. Much worse than men. And the reason for this is biology - more precisely, the female brain. It is he who inevitably introduces the ladies into the temptation to eat well. Especially when in front of them - the ladies - there is something delicious. Men in this sense are more resistant. And they usually don't give in to temptation.

Dr. Wang discovered the phenomenon by comparing CT scans - real-time pictures of brain activity - of 13 women and 10 men. The scientist asked them to fast for 17 hours in a row, while doing some business with breaks for physical education.

Then, having clarified their preferences in advance, the volunteers were led to the tables with their favorite dishes. We set the task not to eat them, thinking about something else. At this time, Wang watched how the brains "fight" with temptation. Through Positron Emission Tomography (PET).

So, the men managed to drown out thoughts about food. But women don't. The areas of their brain associated with the desire to eat literally burned with fire.

It is incredibly difficult to resist such activity, - the scientist says. - Perhaps this can explain the fact that women achieve less success when trying to lose weight through diets and exercise, compared to men.

What to do? Cultivate willpower.

5. Few give birth

Stephen Stearns, an evolutionary biologist at Yale University, has taken a look at the data from a massive study conducted in the US state of Massachusetts. It began in 1948 - it covered three generations and several tens of thousands of the fairer sex. Among the collected information there was information about the beginning and end of reproductive period, about height, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, heart condition and, most importantly, the number of children.

And it turned out: short and well-fed women, as a rule, had more children than tall and thin women. Height, weight, etc. genetic features were regularly passed on to subsequent generations - very similar daughters were born - chubby, who, in turn, also sought to have more children.

Stearns believes that the slender lose in the evolutionary competition with the "bumps". This is where the last one spawned.

Slender! Give birth more actively.


Scientists find that fat promotes brain development

Some "dumplings" look surprisingly attractive. Especially those with large breasts, a relatively thin waist and wide hips. They literally attract men's looks.

Previously, it was believed that men subconsciously react to pronounced forms, because their owners are better able to bear children. But as it turned out recently, it's not just that. Scientists from the University of California at Santa Barbara and the University of Pittsburgh, after examining and testing 16 thousand volunteers, came to the conclusion: intellectual abilities curvy women much higher than thin ones. Moreover, their children are born smarter.

Women's thighs contain omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to the development of the mother's brain first, and then the child, says one of the researchers, Steven Galin. - Men react because it is important for reproduction.

However, scientists emphasize that it is the fat on the hips that contributes to the increase in intelligence. And the one at the waist contains a lot fatty acids omega 6. And the mind does not add. And the men don't respond.

Hello, Valeria Leonidovna.

Sorry for the indiscreet question, but how often do you have intimacy and how long ago did you start having sex? The answers to these questions may explain what can cause weight gain after intimacy. I dare to suggest that you do not get on the scale immediately after sex, but do it only after a while.

In general, many women's weight changes are often associated with sexual activity, and they are right to some extent. Although most people believe that weight loss is directly dependent on sex, and not a set of extra pounds. However, as a result of an experiment conducted by specialists from one of the universities, data were obtained that showed that most women gained weight by more than 15% when changing the frequency of sexual activity.

This is most likely due to the fact that during intimacy, changes occur in the body associated with the active work of the circulatory, cardiovascular, and other body systems. There are also hormonal changes in the body. Well, what can I say, a lot of calories are spent during sex.

The first reason for weight gain is connected precisely with the active burning of calories during sex. This explains that many people wake up appetite after sex, and sometimes during it. Again, a powerful release of adrenaline helps to activate the activity of the stomach, it is produced gastric juice, resulting in after sex there is a desire to eat. It is eating after sex that affects active weight gain.

The need for proteins and carbohydrates also increases in the body, and the use of foods containing proteins and carbohydrates leads just to an increase in extra pounds.

In those women who have just begun sexual activity, a hormonal restructuring of the body occurs, which causes weight gain and a change in the structure and location of adipose tissue. After sex life to be established, weight gain, as a rule, stops.

And in general, during intimacy, a powerful release of various hormones occurs, the work of the endocrine and other body systems is activated, and it is possible that weight gain after sex is caused precisely by this factor.

Most likely, your weight gain after sex is caused by the changes that occur in the body during intimacy. You can read more about what happens in the body after sex at the following link.

If your weight gain is short-term, and is associated precisely with intimacy, then I think there is nothing to worry about. To get rid of extra pounds will help you playing sports, limiting meals containing a lot of proteins and carbohydrates, correct mode nutrition.

However, if this happens with regular sexual activity, then this trend is alarming, since weight gain is most likely caused not by the cause of sex, but by something else, and it is advisable to visit a doctor.


Why do women get better? There are a number of factors and reasons that help women gain weight. Not balanced diet, that is, the abuse of fatty and junk food, drinking alcohol will lead to a set of more than one extra kilogram. Go to proper nutrition and regular exercise will certainly help, but there are many other reasons why women get better.

Causes of weight gain in women

Violation of the daily routine

It is known that the body needs to rest at least 8 hours a day. by the most optimum time for sleep is the period from 22:00 to 6:00 hours. Violation of the sleep regimen leads to a change in the whole organism and to the fact that you begin to recover.

There is a connection between metabolism and the hormone melatonin, which is produced during sleep. Deficiency of this hormone disrupts lipid metabolism, the woman is recovering, experiencing fatigue and is unlikely to give at least some result. Lack of sleep leads to nighttime overeating, stress and bad mood in the morning.

Advice: Go to bed on time, giving strength to the body to recover. I can’t fall asleep, brew not strong sweet tea with honey and lemon balm, take a relaxing shower, leave everything unfulfilled for the morning and go to rest with complete peace of mind.

Age-related changes in the body

As women age, they lose vitality, and not getting fat, every year, it becomes more and more difficult. On average, up to 25 years, while the body is growing, it is not required to make great efforts to lose weight. The main thing is to lead healthy lifestyle life. A young body has enough high level metabolism, so there is less opportunity to get better.

Why do women get fat after 30? AT female body there is a restructuring hormonal background, and lungs physical exercise do not bring expected results.

After the age of 40, the chances of achieving weight loss and not gaining weight by dieting are zero. Testosterone levels plummet, so a woman gets fat.

Menopause is a no less threatening factor for the body, because when it occurs, there is practically no chance of losing weight.


  1. Stick to a proper, balanced diet.
  2. Turn to specialists and carefully listen to the recommendations, because it is possible to look great and have a beautiful figure in any age category.

Medical contraindications

Not a little important reason why women get fat are deviations in the health of the body.

The most common:

  • Overreception medicines. Particularly dangerous - contraceptives, which include components that call . Also, contraceptives contain large dose hormones, thanks to which a couple of extra pounds are gained instantly, you get fat instantly. Antibiotics and antidepressants have the same effect.
  • Hypodynamia. Accompanied by a "sluggish" state, lack of hormones thyroid gland. Signs are: bad mood, increased aggressiveness, general malaise of the body, decreased physical activity, increased appetite, drowsiness. Every woman can experience similar symptoms. Reduced physical activity for a long period of time will lead to muscle atrophy bone tissue, decrease in protein levels, she will get better. Physical inactivity is dangerous because it adversely affects the work of brain areas, causing headaches, insomnia and even loss of consciousness.

Advice: If you experience one or more symptoms that match the description of hypodynamia, immediately consult a doctor, get tested and check thyroid gland. If physical activity is reduced for other reasons, you should visit more fresh air and go for walks every day.

  • Elevated cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the glands of the body. It is considered a regulator of carbohydrate metabolism, contributes to the formation of tense situations (stress). In the case of a prolonged stay in stress, more than two weeks, the level of the hormone will begin to form regularly and greatly affect the metabolism. This will be the beginning of a rapid increase in subcutaneous fat in a woman, she will begin to get fat. Another reason advanced level cortisol may be Itsenko-Cushing's disease. It occurs five times more in women than in men. The factor in the formation of the disease, as a rule, is the destruction of the pituitary gland due to injury or tumor.

Advice: Take a blood test at least once a year. If an excess of cortisol is detected, consult a doctor immediately. Avoid stressful situations and depression. After all, it is known that this hormone is difficult to return to a level where it will not harm the body, and there are no drugs aimed at reducing the level of cortisol, only complex therapy.

Psychological reasons

The right psychological mood is the key to fast and high-quality weight loss. If you sacrifice yourself and give up junk food, but at the same time, it is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight, but you will get better.

One more psychological reason There is also a feeling of self-doubt. Some people have been haunted by this problem since early childhood, because it’s a shame if you were the fattest girl in the yard. It happens that it is the parents who inflict psychological disorders from childhood, saying that someone's child is better and more beautiful.

Perhaps not mutual first love, insults and humiliation of the object of sighing. All this affects mental condition. Most often, women who have experienced such humiliation do not want to change their lifestyle and improve their own bodies, continue to get fat.

Advice: Forget the past, erase insults from memory forever, forgive the offenders. Be sure to engage in self-development, find new interesting hobbies and hobby. Make new acquaintances with people of the same interests. Create a good mood for yourself.

75% of women do things that cause them to gain weight. It is for these reasons that women get fat or cannot lose weight!

Scientists have found that success in the fight for a slim figure is directly related to the place of eating, and the environment at lunch or dinner. It turns out that the number of calories consumed by a woman depends heavily on where she consumes them - at home or in a restaurant, alone, with girlfriends or in the company of men.

According to an article by British nutritionist David Haslam, published in the medical journal The Lancet, cohabitation of a man and a woman leads to overeating of the latter. A woman, thinking about how tasty to feed a man, buys more high-calorie foods. And she herself, for the company, begins to eat like a man - large portions, is fond of wine and fatty foods. Especially in the evenings.
“When you have dinner with a partner, it is a social event, not just satisfying hunger,” Haslam explains. You eat more and perhaps more extravagant meals.
The doctor also notes the opposite effect. When a husband goes on a long business trip or goes alone to a resort, a bored wife tends to lose weight. And David believes that this is the result of moderate eating. Not anything else.
Notice the Briton is talking about sharing meals at home. His Canadian colleague Meredith Young from McMaster University took care of feeding in public places - in restaurants and cafes. The researcher tracked what meals nearly 500 of her "sisters" ate, noticing with whom they did it. And it turned out: when having lunch or dinner in the company of a gentleman or gentlemen, the lady, as a rule, chose food with a minimum calorie content. And sitting down at the table with her friends, she gave vent to gluttony.
Meredith did not deeply understand the reasons for the discovered phenomenon. She only suggested that it was a matter of ostentatious female modesty. Like, I won’t scare a man with my immoderation in food. Yes, and in a restaurant it - immoderation - is more noticeable than at home: dishes must be ordered, and not imposed from a frying pan. In addition, they are portioned - as much as they put in, so much they put in - you don’t run to the kitchen for more.
And if a man also pays, which is at least not uncommon in Russia, then a really modest lady will not abuse marbled meat, a 30-centimeter pizza and two desserts instead of one.
The conclusion is obvious: if you want to lose weight, women, it’s delicious - collect gentlemen and - to a restaurant. The more the lady seats them at the table, the more she will choose, Meredith assures. At home, take care of yourself. And if you already went to dinner with your girlfriends, then keep it with a vengeance.

Persistent belief - sex is akin to exercise. Like, one sexual intercourse replaces a half-hour run. And with an orgasm - as many as four such runs. Calories burn like coal in a locomotive furnace. Together with subcutaneous fat. What no diet can achieve. Therefore, joyfully and with pleasure having sex, women lose weight.
The Indian professor Ritesh Menezes, an expert on yoga and the Kama Sutra, doubted this seemingly obvious dignity of an intimate life. He shared his nightmarish suspicions in the pages of the popular American magazine Medical Hypotheses. Like, in fact, sex does not relieve excess weight. On the contrary, it promotes obesity. And it provoked a massive discussion already in the journal NewScientist.
The professor emphasizes that sexual intercourse, especially with subsequent orgasm, dramatically increases the concentration of the hormone prolactin in the blood. Its main purpose is to stimulate milk production in pregnant women. And in non-pregnant women, it contributes to the accumulation of body fat. As evidence, the scientist cites the fact that obese ladies, as a rule, suffer from hyperprolactinemia - that is, their hormone levels are greatly increased.
What to do if you still want to often and a lot? Fight desire? Not at all, says Stuart Brody of the University of the West of Scotland, who actually discovered the phenomenon of a sharp increase in prolactin levels during traditional sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. Masturbation, by the way, does not give such a surge.
The researcher advises to have sex with maximum intensity - to move more in the process. Then - purely physically - it will be possible to burn more fat than it accumulates due to the hormone.


There are three times more owners of extra pounds today than in the 80s of the last century. This conclusion was made by British scientists from Manchester and London (Manchester University and Royal Holloway, University of London) after analyzing medical statistics. Naturally, they wanted to know what the reason was. And they found it, having already studied social surveys conducted for about 30 years.
The reason women are obese is that they have become poor housewives. The current fair sex "housewives" on average 20 percent less than their more slender predecessors. And, accordingly, they consume fewer calories, which leads to a steady weight gain. And modern - very convenient - household appliances help in this. And, as a rule, sedentary work. For comparison: washing floors, a woman spends three times more calories than working at a computer. And before that, they also washed in troughs, washed dishes by hand, went to work, and did not drive cars - in extreme cases, on a trolley bus. And they cooked meals themselves, and did not buy ready-made meals in supermarkets.
According to Melanie Luhrmann, one of the authors of the study, even playing sports, on which the average woman spends an average of about 11 minutes a day, does not allow us to use up the energy surpluses that used to be spent on housework. There is one of two things: you need to either spend more time in the gym or behind the stove and at the sink.

4. Women's brains are designed so that they do not allow you to fight your appetite.

Fat men are about a quarter less than obese ladies. These are global statistics. Don't believe her? Look at the viewers of medical television programs. "Dumplings" prevail overwhelmingly. They would be happy to get rid of excess weight. They report that they are trying to go on a diet, go to the gym. But few people manage to achieve the desired - a slender figure.
Dr. Gene-Jack Wang of the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York recently revealed the secret of the weaker sex's defeat in the fight against obesity, publishing the results of his study in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
According to the scientist, women often "break down" after they torture themselves with diets and spend calories on exercise, because they have bad willpower. Much worse than men. And the reason for this is biology - more precisely, the female brain. It is he who inevitably introduces the ladies into the temptation to eat well. Especially when in front of them - the ladies - there is something delicious. Men in this sense are more resistant. And they usually don't give in to temptation.
Dr. Wang discovered the phenomenon by comparing CT scans—real-time pictures of brain activity—of 13 women and 10 men. The scientist asked them to fast for 17 hours in a row, while doing some business with breaks for physical education.
Then, having clarified their preferences in advance, the volunteers were led to the tables with their favorite dishes. We set the task not to eat them, thinking about something else. At this time, Wang watched how the brains "fight" with temptation. Through Positron Emission Tomography (PET).
So, the men managed to drown out thoughts about food. But women don't. The areas of their brain associated with the desire to eat literally burned with fire.
“To resist such activity is incredibly difficult,” the scientist says. “Perhaps this may explain the fact that women are less successful in trying to lose weight through diet and exercise than men.
What to do? Cultivate willpower.

Stephen Stearns, an evolutionary biologist at Yale University, has pulled together data from a massive study conducted in the US state of Massachusetts. It began in 1948 - it covered three generations and several tens of thousands of the fairer sex. Among the information collected were information about the beginning and end of the reproductive period, height, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, heart conditions, and, most importantly, the number of children.
And it turned out: short and well-fed women, as a rule, had more children than tall and thin women. Height, weight and other genetic features were regularly passed on to subsequent generations - very similar daughters were born - chubby, who, in turn, also sought to have more children.
Stearns believes that the slender lose in the evolutionary competition with the "bumps". This is where the last one spawned.
Slender! Give birth more actively.

Nutritionist's consultation

What makes you fat and what needs to be done so as not to gain weight? This issue is relevant not only for modern women, but also for the stronger sex and even children. Surprisingly, most often people ask it to themselves and, of course, cannot find the correct answer due to their incompetence. In this regard, we recommend contacting experienced nutritionists who know their business and will certainly be able to tell you about what makes you fat and cannot lose weight in any way.

Unfortunately, not all people have free money to visit a specialist. That is why we will try to answer this question in this article.

What are you getting fat from?

There are several factors why a person begins to gain a lot of weight. And most often people understand what exactly their fullness is connected with. But the likely abandonment of their favorite habits makes them literally “blind”. In this regard, our task is to open the eyes of fattening people who want to gain slender and sexy forms.

Improper nutrition

“What makes you fat if you eat little and rarely?” - with such a question, patients very often turn to experienced nutritionists. But if all analyzes this person okay and he doesn't take any hormonal drugs, then the specialist is rather skeptical about this statement. After all, people who are leading, including those who eat right, will never gain extra pounds. However, most women and men are still sure that they do not consume so many foods in order to gain weight.

Nutritionists call this effect self-deception. After all, it is worthwhile to objectively calculate the number of snacks and meals eaten per day, as it turns out that they contain several times more calories than a person should. So let's find out together what exactly contributes to completeness.

Foods that make you fat

Absolutely all modern products contain elements such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These substances are essential for the normal development and existence of the human body. They contribute to the growth of muscles and bones, are responsible for healthy state organs, etc. But everything is good in moderation. After all, these elements can both help your body and destroy it.


Most often, foods that make you fat contain a large number of carbohydrates. These include our favorite confectionery, pasta and bakery products, as well as fruits, juices, sugar and other sweet and starchy ingredients. That is why during diets, experts recommend flatly abandon the listed components. But what to do if not only proteins and fats, but also carbohydrates are necessary for the normal development of the body?

The fact is that the latter are divided into two groups: called monosaccharides, they quickly increase the sugar content in the blood, which affects not only a person’s health, but also his figure. Complex elements are absorbed more slowly, and much more energy is required for their digestion. So what do you think, what carbohydrates contain all of the above products? Of course, they consist entirely of monosaccharides and lead to fullness rather quickly.

Does bread make you fat or not? This question is also very often asked by nutritionists. It should be noted that from bakery products people gain weight most often (after confectionery sweets). But this is only if this product is as fresh as possible and made from the highest grades of wheat. If you cannot completely refuse bread, then we recommend that you opt for rye crackers or special dietary bread.

It is also worth noting that they get fat from honey no less than from granulated sugar. After all, this ingredient, although it is useful product, yet consists almost entirely of carbohydrates. Most often, honey is recommended for those who cannot live without sweets at all, and it is necessary to put their figure in order in as soon as possible. At the same time, it should not be eaten with bread and butter, you can only eat a couple of spoons for breakfast or lunch. By the way, by abusing this product, you can not only harm your own figure, but also your health. After all, honey is the strongest allergen.


“Only those who eat it get fat from fat,” many nutritionists joke like that. What is it connected with? As you know, fat is 100% fat. And if excess carbohydrates, getting into human body, are first converted into triglycerides, and only then deposited on the stomach, sides and thighs, then the presented element does not need to undergo chemical reactions, it immediately finds secluded places in the mentioned areas of the body. That is why you should also refuse such a tasty and fragrant product.

Do you get fat from porridge? To answer this question, you should understand what this dish consists of. As a rule, it includes cereals, milk and spices, including granulated sugar. As for the first product (buckwheat, rice, semolina, millet, oatmeal, etc.), most often it contains which are beneficial for the body and almost never negatively affect the figure. But, as you know, porridge is made with milk, and at the end they also add a piece butter. Exactly these fatty components they can let you down, as they will clearly contribute to the fact that you will gain again overweight. In this regard, nutritionists recommend cooking porridge exclusively on water and without adding such as granulated sugar.

Carbohydrates + fats

As we found out above, the two named components are the most terrible enemies of our figure. Then it is difficult to imagine what will happen if they are combined together.

Let's remember which everyday dishes we love the most. These include:

  • pastries, cakes, sweets, chocolate and other confectionery;
  • naval pasta, salads based on mayonnaise and vegetables, mashed potatoes with fried and fatty meat, sausages in dough, hamburgers, french fries, sandwiches with butter, cheese and other second courses;
  • fatty soups with potatoes, rice, noodles and dumplings, etc.

If we look at these products in more detail, we can safely say that every day you consume a killer combination of carbohydrates and fats. This is where all your weight problems come from.

Does coffee make you fat or not? Answer question asked definitely quite difficult. And before you do this, you should again find out what kind of drink we are talking about. If you are used to drinking coffee with cream and sugar every day, then yes, you will certainly gain weight from this combination. If you are a supporter of a black drink without milk and sweeteners, then nothing threatens you.

Thus, we can safely conclude that our figure is ruined by improper and unbalanced nutrition, which most often consists of such a deadly combination as carbohydrates and fats.


Unlike the other two elements, proteins do not affect the human figure in any way. That is why diets based on products mainly consisting of the presented substance are quite popular today. These ingredients include lean meats, fish, legumes (peas, chickpeas, beans, soybeans), seafood, dairy products, etc. But for sure, each of us understands that such components also include harmful elements. After all, it is difficult to imagine cheese, milk or cottage cheese without fat. Although today there are products that are as devoid of the mentioned substance as possible.

However, it should be noted that, unlike the combination of carbohydrates and fats, proteins and triglycerides do not contribute to rapid and significant weight gain. Especially if you use them in moderation.

Nation Features

Why don't French women get fat? At one time, this question became the title of a very interesting and fascinating book. But to answer it, it is not necessary to read this edition again and again.

Indeed, there is an opinion that the French are not subject to fullness. But this is only partly true. After all, the habit of eating a lot of junk food is born from birth. For example, the Russians have always been distinguished by the fact that they loved to eat tasty and plentiful. One has only to remember how historians described the royal tables, which were set for holidays and celebrations. As for the French, their nation is still associated with regularity and caution. Perhaps that is why they are picky about food and never allow themselves to eat too much.

How not to get fat?

If you are inclined to be overweight, then you should pay Special attention to your diet. After all, an extra piece of cake can contribute to the fact that in a few weeks you will not be able to fit into your favorite dress or trousers. To do this, it is recommended to develop a separate menu, which will differ significantly from the diet of your loved ones and relatives. Of course, at first it will be quite difficult for you to refrain from your favorite foods, but after a couple of weeks of effort, this habit will disappear by itself.

Active lifestyle

Another answer to the question of why people get fat may well be a lack of movement. Indeed, today few people go in for sports, preferring once again to sit at a computer or TV. But in order to find a beautiful one, these habits must be abandoned. After all, nothing burns excess fat like a jog or a banal walk in the park. It is also worth noting that if the calories that enter you are many times greater than the number of energy units that you spend during physical movements, then you will never lose weight. In this regard, you should always remember about balance and know the measure while eating food.