Stunning facts. Amazing facts about everything in the world! Astronauts may wake up from suffocation caused by their own breathing

There is hardly at least one person in the whole world who could boast that he knows everything in the world. The world around us is multifaceted and interesting, it contains many mysteries and secrets, as well as an inexhaustible amount of the unknown that a lifetime is not enough to study it completely. For example, do you know what kind of Ancient Rome urine was used, which is found at the bottom of the oceans and which in the 16th century European doctors recommended to get rid of unpleasant odor from mouth?

Urine was used as a mouthwash in ancient Rome

It is widely known that human urine is used to wash clothes. But few people know that urine was also used by the ancient Romans for health purposes and was used as toothpaste. It was believed that it makes teeth white, smooth and shiny, and also perfectly removes plaque.

More than 90% of US bills contain traces of cocaine

This fact suggests that the vast majority of banknotes in circulation in the United States passed through the hands of drug traffickers or cocaine lovers. Scientists believe that most often cocaine ends up on money due to the use of banknotes as a “tube” for inhaling the drug, as well as from counting money in transactions for the purchase of cocaine. Such studies were carried out with different banknotes, and the most high percent was in the USA and Canada, and the lowest was in China and Japan (12–20%).

A lightning strike can give you a “tattoo” for life.

After a lightning strike, peculiar marks appear on the human body - the so-called Lichtenberg figures. These are burn marks that fade and turn pale over the years, but do not go away completely. They are the result of expansion of capillaries in the area of ​​lightning contact with the body.

The color red doesn't piss off the bulls

Bulls cannot distinguish the color red and see the whole world in black and white. The bull reacts not to color, but to the movement of the rag. Destroyers this myth conducted an experiment: they installed 3 stuffed animals with rags different colors, and the bull rushed towards the moving rag, regardless of its color.

8 hours of sleep is not normal

The duration of sleep varies from person to person and depends on factors such as genetics, age, health and external circumstances. In addition, recent studies have shown that life expectancy, happiness and productivity are higher in those people who sleep 6.5 to 7.5 hours a night.

The number of nerve endings in a woman's breasts has nothing to do with its size

Number of nerve endings in female breast invariably and does not depend on its size. At the same time, small breasts are more sensitive, and breasts bigger size- less, because the subcutaneous fat layer is thicker.

Male marsupial mice kill themselves by mating

Marsupial mice reach sexual maturity at the age of 11 months, after which they begin to mate intensively - from 12 to 14 hours in a row. This happens because males have to be competitive in order to pass on their genes. And therefore most of them do not even live to see the birth of their offspring.

There are tons of gold at the bottom of the oceans

There are tons of gold at the bottom of the oceans. The metal fell to the bottom from ships: ships sometimes transported jewelry between countries and continents, many passengers had gold jewelry. And quite often such ships sank, taking with them countless treasures.

Smoking as a remedy for bad breath

In the 16th century, European doctors recommended smoking to get rid of bad breath. In addition, tobacco was attributed to many useful properties. For example, it was used as medicine for migraines, toothache, colic, joint pain and other body disorders.

Of course, later these “magical” properties of tobacco were refuted. Research shows a direct link between smoking and high level mortality. Therefore, do not forget that smoking tobacco has an extremely negative impact on health, leading to many diseases and early death.

Genetically modified tomatoes contain the flounder gene

The flounder gene was introduced into genetically modified tomatoes to make them nice, round and shiny.

Most of the oxygen is produced by the ocean, not trees.

Forests are considered the “lungs” of the planet, but in fact most of the oxygen is produced by the phytoplankton of the World Ocean. And most of the oxygen produced by forests is spent on the processes of rotting and decomposition in these forests.

Astronauts may wake up from suffocation caused by their own breathing

While sleeping on the space station, astronauts require additional airflow. Otherwise they may wake up from oxygen starvation in a cloud of carbon dioxide exhaled by them.

The cost of the Earth has been calculated

Scientists have developed a formula that can be used to calculate the cost of celestial bodies. This special equation includes information about the date of discovery, the mass, age and temperature of the planet, as well as the brightness and location of the star it orbits. According to calculations, the cost of Earth is $5 quadrillion, and the cost of Mars is $14 thousand, since the climate there is less comfortable.

It is impossible to determine his libido by the size of a man's legs and arms

Some researchers associate the length of fingers with the level of testosterone in a man's blood. But the influence of this hormone rather affects the amount of vegetation on the body and overall physical development, and not on the size of a man’s dignity and his libido.

Modern man. Homo sapiens. Noble primate. You can call yourself whatever you want, but people are still strange creatures. Think for yourself. We have separated ourselves from the rest of the animal kingdom, we walk upright, we have mostly hairless bodies, and we have a penchant for living in concrete boxes and watching television. The question is, how did it get to this point?

Despite the breadth of the human population, basically all people descend from the same African origin. Despite the rapid growth of our population, there was a time when we were on the verge of extinction. Our presence is already felt on stars and planets many light years away from Earth.

As we have already said, people are strange creatures. It's not enough for us humans to just eat, sleep and have sex like other animals (although some of us thought that life wasn't so bad). We are unique creatures on Earth who have created civilization. But who are we?

Only a few people were able to survive outside of Africa

When anthropologists talk about the origins of people from Africa, what they really mean is that all people outside Africa descended from a small group of ancient Africans.

While in Africa itself it is believed that there were 14 separate genealogical lineages, and only one of them, by pure chance, survived outside the continent.

"Gate of Tears" on an ancient map

Moving from Africa to the rest of the world was a risky journey. Some evidence suggests that one group of ancient people managed to do this, only to later die out completely due to climate change. Then, about 70 thousand years ago, a small group of people, perhaps no more than 200 people, crossed the Red Sea, at a point known as the "Gate of Tears", and began their movement into Asia and Europe.

Genetic research shows that every non-African on the planet can trace their ancestry back to a handful of pioneers.

Once upon a time, humanity was on the verge of extinction

Thanks to the pioneers, humanity discovered not only Africa, but the whole world. However, the worst was yet to come.

Once upon a time people were on the verge of extinction

Researchers have found that our ancestors moving through Africa, Europe and Asia probably numbered only about 26,000, of which about 18,500 were capable of reproducing. These numbers are enough to include our species in the Red Book. The human race has walked on a knife's edge.

Humans have lower genetic diversity than our primate relatives, so we were on the verge of extinction at the time. Some also think it could be due to climate change or even a catastrophic volcanic eruption causing a global nuclear winter.

There is a hypothesis that the Chinese are a different species of human

So, as we have already said, every non-African in the world is descended from a handful of ancient Africans, but not everyone agrees with this opinion.

There is a growing movement in Chinese anthropology that suggests that the Chinese are descended from another branch of Homo erectus, who emerged from Africa long before Homo sapiens did. This is part of the explanation why the typical Chinese features are so different from the typical Negroid features.

The Chinese represent separate species

To support their theory, scientists cite the fact that many ancient tools discovered by archaeologists in China were extremely primitive compared to the finds of homo sapiens, thereby suggesting that they could not have been made by skilled artisans.

Although many are convinced of this theory, any genetic analysis each time showed that the Chinese, like all other people, descended from homo sapiens. As for the lack of stone tools, this may be due to the primitiveness of the ancient Chinese, who made their tools from bamboo, which grew abundantly in the area of ​​their population.

Interesting fact: Europeans turned white due to vitamin D

When discussing physical differences between people, an obvious question arises: If we are all descended from Africans, why do white people exist?

The answer is quite simple - nature took care of everything. Pale skin, some experts believe, emerged in response to weaker sunlight in Europe's northern climate.

Example of a Caucasian

It's all vitamin D's fault. Humans produce this vital important element in the skin when exposed to sunlight, while dark skin good for protection against harmful effects UV rays, however, prevent the production of vitamin D in Europe's weak sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency is the cause of many diseases.

It is likely that there is a range of evolutionary evidence for the emergence of people with lighter skin, but this reason is largely the main one.

The volume of our brain is gradually decreasing

For the vast majority of human evolution, our brains have continually expanded; we use this fact as the main criterion to determine how advanced our species is. However, in the last 10,000 - 20,000 years, nature has turned the whole process in the opposite direction, our brains are becoming smaller and smaller.

So are we getting dumber? Perhaps yes, but there are other factors that play a role.

The volume of the human brain is gradually decreasing

Provide work big brain very energy-intensive, so man began to develop systems for storing information outside the brain (painting, writing, hard drives, etc.) We no longer need to fill the entire brain with information.

Another slightly disturbing fact is that in modern world we have tamed ourselves. Domesticated animals have smaller brains and bodies due to less need to fend for themselves. wildlife. The same thing is happening now with man, who has alienated himself from the animal world and decided to show less brain activity to stay alive.

People are not as physically weak as they might seem

Speaking of the brain, many believe that it is our only defense against the cruel animal world. We don't have claws, thick fur or sharp teeth, so how did we end up at the top of the food chain? Of course, it won't be possible to outwit everyone so easily. animal world.

People are stronger than they think

As it turns out, we have much more physical strength than we think about ourselves. Because we are mammals, and specifically evolved primates, we are very good swimmers, which allows us to cross difficult terrain.

The person can also run exceptionally well. Of course, he is unlikely to outrun a cheetah, but when it comes to long distances, human capabilities are truly enormous. We are able to walk for so long that we can simply drive our prey to death. Sounds pretty ominous, doesn't it?

Our radio signals have reached distant stars

Behind a short time existence of the human race, people influenced not only our planet, but also the cosmos.

We began transmitting radio signals more than a century ago, and they spread outward, traveling at the speed of light through the space around the Earth. Although in the Universe a distance of 100 light years is considered only a tiny point on the map, this space includes a number of star systems. At distances of up to 74 light years, these signals include television broadcasts.

People have learned to send signals over long distances

Perhaps other civilizations from distant galaxies are watching our ancient television broadcasts and listening to human radio programs - not to mention the signals we send out in search of extraterrestrial life.

The rapid development of humanity

The human race has gone from a handful of tribes on the verge of extinction to the dominant species on the planet.

For millions of years we lived in a primitive society. The invention of fire gave us an impetus to development, and for a long time after that we lived by hunting and gathering.

Then we started studying agriculture, began to build settlements, cities, and eventually large cities. Then we had time to think about science, art, technology and religion. We built empires, the world's population grew.

Now, in the last 50 years alone, the population has more than doubled. Over the next two days, humanity will generate more data than was created from the beginning of civilization until 2003.

Humanity is still on the path of evolution, perhaps we will even be able to establish contact with alien civilizations, and given the speed at which we are developing, who knows where we will be taken in the next million years.

So, dear Homo Sapiens, now you know 8 more facts about yourself. “So who are we really?” - this question will excite the minds of scientists around the world for centuries to come. Numerous hypotheses related to the existence of our civilization will undoubtedly be refuted over time. However, no one has the right to doubt that the rapid development of humanity has reached unprecedented rates. Therefore, we, intelligent beings, can only guess where this path will ultimately lead.

There is hardly at least one person in the whole world who could boast that he knows everything in the world. The world around us is multifaceted and interesting, it contains many mysteries and secrets, as well as an inexhaustible amount of the unknown that a lifetime is not enough to study it completely. To make sure that our life is more interesting than it seems, we invite you to expand your knowledge and get acquainted with educational facts, many of which will be a discovery for you.

If you plug your nose, you won't be able to grunt or hum a tune.

In France, the law that sentenced people to death by guillotine had not yet been repealed when the movie "Star Wars" first came out in cinemas.

And this was already 1977

By the time mammoths became extinct on Earth, the pyramids in Egypt were already more than a thousand years old.

Cleopatra lived closer to the time of the invention of the iPhone than to the time of the construction of the pyramids.

By the way, about the pyramids. We usually imagine them standing in the middle of the desert

But in fact they are located right on the outskirts of the city of Giza

The area of ​​Russia is no larger than the area of ​​Pluto, as many believe

The territory of the Russian Federation (17.1 million km²), although it is the largest among all countries on Earth, is still inferior to the area of ​​this dwarf planet (17.7 million km²)

By the way, about Pluto. Since its discovery in 1930, it has not even made half a revolution around the Sun.

A year on Pluto lasts almost 248 Earth years.

If you have forgotten how insignificantly small our planet is, then look at this picture.

In case you don't already know, this is what a baby's skull looks like with all the baby teeth intact.

A double Snickers is actually only one and a half Snickers.

Ear sticks should not be inserted into the ear. That is, into the ear canal. They need to clean the ear around the auditory opening

The Krusty Krab restaurant in the SpongeBob cartoon is not a treasure chest, but a crab trap

Have you seen how pineapples grow?

If you put your finger in your ear and move it, it sounds like Pac-Man.

Liquid quantum information matrix technologies are a new breakthrough technology for poly-bio-technical applications that are intensively developing in world practice. IN last years Over the past century, a lot of experimental work has been carried out in a number of countries, the results of which predetermined the current rapid development of new technologies in Russia, China, the USA, Japan, and European countries. It was found that instead of emptiness, there is a physical vacuum around us with a set of properties that allow the process of teleportation of spatial-structural information signals to environments and objects from various liquid matrices. The reception of these signals is accompanied by a change in the structure and, accordingly, the properties of the liquid phase of media and objects, for example, in water its molecules are rearranged into various clusters, clathrates, i.e. water has memory. During wave transmission, the properties of substances are read from them, and these substances can be placed in the liquid phase of a medium, an object, on the surface of an object, around the medium, touching it, near the medium or object. In some cases, quanta of energy from the environment around us are used for transmission, for example, quanta of vacuum particles, radioactive background, cosmic microwave background radiation, natural formations, technological means. In other cases, generators of all kinds of radiation (UPS) are used when a matrix of matter is placed between the generator and the object. These are various Pulse Power Supplies, the operating mode of which is selected in such a way that spinor polarized waves are present in the radiation. In fact, known electromagnetic fields are used, modulated by the spins of electrons and nuclei of substances used in generators. In some cases, longitudinal waves from generators of ultrasonic or ultrahigh-frequency wavelength ranges are used, which can be modulated by the spins of electrons and nuclei of the matrix substance. We give preference to optical range generators with wide range wavelengths of visible and thermal radiation. The spins take on the state - 1.0, +1, forming an information qubit, which, instead of the 0.1 bit, is beginning to be used in computer technology and secure telecommutation systems. In technologies for quantum teleportation of the properties of substances, instead of three spin states, the spin in position +1 is predominantly used, i.e. radiation with right-hand polarization of the spinor field, which has a positive effect on the vast majority of environments and objects. Spinor waves not only contribute to the transfer of spatial-structural information about the substance of the liquid matrix to media and objects, but also have two distinctive features. First, they instantly pass through environments and objects. Secondly, they pass through metals and dry materials such as concrete and wood with virtually no loss. All these materials are only information matrices for spinor waves with a characteristic arrangement of the spins of their nuclei. In fact, energy is spent only on receiving and recording spin waves in liquid media. The typical power value of compact spinor generators (UPS) is from 0.1 to 500 W for processing volumes of environment or objects from 0.1 to 100 cubic meters. m. in a time from 10 minutes to 2 hours. The energy of spin waves is spent on structuring those liquid media that are in the path of spinor radiation.

A new children's book from National Geographic reveals a lot interesting facts, which many of you probably didn’t know about. By the way, the book is called “5000 amazing facts (about everything) 2.” If you need to show off your intelligence in a company or start some kind of debate or conversation, these Interesting Facts can help you. Replenishing our stock of erudite.

(Total 50 photos)

1. In 1889, Queen Margaret of Savoy of Italy ordered the first pizza delivery.

2. In Japan you can buy eel flavored ice cream.

3. In Portugal it is considered indecent to write in red ink.

4. Although the bobcat is rarely seen in the wild, it is the most common species. wild cat in North America.

5. A cat's tail contains almost 10% of all the bones in its body.

6. A gecko's feet have millions of tiny fibers that stick to surfaces with the help of a special chemical bond, which allows these reptiles to climb walls and hang on just one finger.

7. The word “astronaut” comes from Greek words that mean “star” and “sailor.”

8. The calcium in our bones and the iron in our blood came from the ancient explosion of huge stars.

9. The Nile crocodile can hold its breath underwater for up to 2 hours while waiting for prey.

10. Jellyfish in English are called jellyfish - literally “jelly fish”, but in fact they are not fish, because they have no brain, no heart and no bones.

11. The Chinese giant salamander can grow up to 1.8 m in length, making it the largest salamander in the world.

12. According to studies, people prefer blue toothbrushes more than red ones.

13. Previously people They thought that if you kissed a donkey, your toothache would go away.

14. Scientists say that best time to take a nap is between 13:00 and 14:30, because that is when the drop in temperature in our body makes us sleepy.

15. Due to changes in the speed of the Earth's rotation over time, during the era of dinosaurs, a day consisted of only 23 hours.

16. Hummingbirds' wings can beat 200 times per second.

17. On the territory North America more than 1200 water parks.

18. A seahorse can move its eyes in the opposite direction - to find food in the water and notice predators in time.

19. To cook eggs on the sidewalk, the sidewalk needs to be heated to 70°C.

20. A group of jellyfish is not called a flock, a school, or a herd. It's called relish.

21. The mass of the Sun is 99.8% of the total mass solar system, and the diameter is 109 times greater than the diameter of the Earth - the Sun can accommodate 1 million planets Earth.

22. There is no ice on only 1% of Antarctica.

23. The largest wave ever ridden on a surfboard was as tall as a 10-story building.

24. A team of beagle dogs, used at 21 airports in the United States, help customs officials find and prevent about 75,000 illegal items from entering the country a year.

25. Some apples can weigh almost as much as 2 liters of milk.

26. Corn is grown on all continents except Antarctica.

27. Unlike most fish, seahorses are covered with bony plates rather than scales.

28. Every day you lose from 50 to 100 hairs.

29. The second name of the armadillo - “armadillo” - means “armored baby” translated from Spanish.

30. The world's smallest fruit - the achene - is the size of a tiny ant.

31. New Jersey has the most shopping centers.

32. Komodo dragons can eat 2 kg of meat in less than a minute. Extra fat is stored in their tail.

33. Not all moons are dry and dusty like ours. For example, Jupiter's moon Europa has a liquid ocean beneath an icy crust.

34. Some Viking leaders were buried with their ships.

35. Clouds constantly cover about 60% of the Earth.

36. All monkeys laugh when you tickle them.

37. Spotted hyenas can digest skin and bones.

38. The length of the quill of African porcupines is 3 pencils.