Lucid dreaming or ordered dreams. How to order a dream and make it happen? How to book yourself a night's sleep

In a dream, we meet the subconscious, which can tell us a lot about our life and help resolve difficult situations. If you want to get answers to questions that remain open in real life, program yourself for a certain dream, and perhaps you will be able to reveal many of the secrets of your “I”.
The right sleep can help you resolve many life situations. You will need
Notepad, pen.


  1. A few hours before bedtime, try to relax, do not overload yourself with unnecessary emotions and impressions, a hearty dinner, and also physical exercise. Take a bath and do a soothing activity such as embroidery.
  2. Decide in advance what you want to see in your dream. This shouldn't be detailed description plot, because dreams are built according to their own internal logic. Formulate what intellectual or creative problem you want to solve, and help will come to you in a dream. Or maybe you want to visit a certain country, go on an adventure, or see someone close to you. In any case, the task should reflect a situation that is relevant and exciting to you.
  3. Having set a specific goal, scroll it through your head several times, and then write it down on a piece of paper.
  4. Now you need to tune in to remembering the dream. To do this, place a notepad and pen near your bed so that after waking up, you can immediately record everything you saw in your dream. By this very gesture, you seem to express a serious and respectful attitude towards your dreams, and this increases the chance that they will treat you the same way.
  5. Program yourself to wake up immediately after you dream the right sleep. The fact is that we can see up to five dreams per night, and, as a rule, the last one is remembered. Therefore, give yourself an internal setting to wake up immediately after the desired dream ends.
  6. Learn to be in the borderline states that accompany us before and after sleep. Don't fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, and don't jump out of bed immediately after waking up. Borderline states between sleep and reality are, in a way, crevices in the worlds from which we can obtain important information.
  7. While falling asleep, when you are in this very borderline state, imagine to the smallest detail the picture you want to see in your dream. Use all your imagination and fantasy. In a few minutes you will gently and quietly go into the land of dreams.
  8. When you wake up, do not rush to return to reality, but try to cling to the remnants of fantastic pictures that have not yet completely evaporated from your consciousness. Remember what happened before them, scroll through what you saw and remember.
  9. When sleep has completely left you, and you realize that you are completely awake without getting out of bed, write down everything that you managed to remember, as well as what pops up in your memory while recording the dream.
  10. If you consciously approached programming yourself for a specific dream, then you will definitely find in the description of the dream exactly what you wanted to see. And by training yourself in this way every day, you will achieve great results, and then dreams can become your faithful helpers and allies in real life.

A person spends a third of his life sleeping. Agree, it would be great if at this time we observed only the most positive dreams. There is a generally accepted opinion that dreams are nothing more than the work of our subconscious; it is difficult to influence it, but it turns out that it is possible. Today we are with you, dear readers of our online magazine, let's learn to order dreams.

The field of dream study still remains unknown, but, nevertheless, increasingly in Lately talk about the so-called lucid dreams. If you want to receive an answer to a question that worries you in real life in a dream or want to meet someone, then nothing is impossible. You can order a nap. However, keep in mind that such mastery will only come after long training, so be patient and follow the recommendations below.

1. Proper preparation for bed

If you want to order a dream, then you need to start by going to bed correctly. Before going to bed, you need to relax as much as possible, throw away all problems, and not expose yourself to physical activity, for this you can soak in the bath or do your favorite thing - read, knit something, etc. Do not forget also that it is not advisable to overeat before going to bed, since it is unlikely that in this case you will have pleasant dreams.

2. Formulate the dream

The second stage of ordering sleep is its correct wording. However, you should not assume that you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail, no, it is enough to simply determine the general plot, design a situation that will help you find the answer to exciting question, or imagine the person you expect to meet in a dream.

3. Remember the plot

After you have imagined the approximate plot of the dream, you need to scroll through it in your imagination a couple of times. If you wish, you can even write it down in a notepad, this will make the effect even better.

4. Getting ready to remember the dream

Much of your dream ordering skill will depend on your ability to remember dreams. That is why you should not only formulate the dream, but also try to remember what you dreamed in the smallest detail. For this purpose, we suggest placing a notepad with a pen on your bedside table; this will allow you, when you wake up in the morning, to write down the dream you had and isolate from it those moments that will help resolve the problematic situation that has developed in real life.

5. We program ourselves to wake up immediately after we see the dream we ordered.

As a rule, a person sees about 4-5 dreams during the night, most of them we forget in the morning, only fragments of the last dream remain. That is why it is very important to wake up immediately after you have seen the dream you ordered, because otherwise you risk forgetting its important details, and all your efforts will be reduced to a minimum.

6. Learning to smoothly transition from one state to another

It has been proven that borderline states, i.e. then when we move from the waking stage to sleep and vice versa, they help to remove information from our subconscious. That is why experts advise not to fall asleep immediately after getting into bed, but to relax a little in bed and remember the pleasant moments of the outgoing day. After waking up, it is also highly undesirable to jump up with the alarm clock ringing; allow yourself to lie in a warm bed for a few minutes, experience the emotions you saw in your dream, and recreate the details of the dream.

The dreams we see are a subconscious projection of existing reality. However, dreams differ from reality in that they can be controlled if desired.

The magic of imagination

In the formation of dream scenarios, the greatest influence is what a person thinks about before falling asleep.

  1. Think positively: convince yourself that you can easily solve all your problems; forget all the insults that were caused to you and mentally apologize to all those whom you may have offended.
  2. At the next stage, try to scroll through the scenario you want to get into in your dream. This point should be taken very seriously. Try to imagine in as much detail as possible a “movie” with the desired plot in your imagination: with the sound of the surf, the whisper of foliage, the surrounding aromas.
  3. You should have a smooth and imperceptible transition from the imaginary world to the world of dreams. This is why children are told bedtime stories.
  4. Try to learn to control yourself on the line between dream and reality. A person in the stage of falling asleep can still control his consciousness. At this moment, you still decide for yourself whether to wake up from your slumber or surrender into the arms of Morpheus. It is precisely at this borderline stage of falling asleep that you can program the dream that you want to see.

To learn how to “order” dreams, it is not enough to do it once. Regular exercise will help you quickly immerse yourself in this state. Learn to change the direction of your imagination while falling asleep, take your imagination in the direction you want.

In order to find yourself on the seashore, find yourself in the past, or meet an old acquaintance in a dream, practice “moving” with your imagination to where you want. At first you won’t succeed, but gradually, from lesson to lesson, you will get more and more confident results. Use your dreams to get answers to the questions that concern you. Surely brilliant ideas overtook you in a dream or you experienced insight; all this will help solve the problems that bother you in reality.

One problem is that a person tends to forget his dreams, and in order to learn to benefit from the answers received in a dream, one must learn to remember these dreams. To get started, place a notebook next to your bed so you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. In the future, when you gain experience, you may not need this.

To be sure to get the answer in your sleep, ask it several times a night during awakenings between sleep cycles.

Is it possible to order a sleep? In the east there is still a belief that real life happens in a dream, and our life is a dream. Who knows? The mysteries of dreams have not yet been solved.

Dreams are our subconscious, which knows everything about our past, present and future and can become a good adviser. Anyone can learn to use dreams to solve problems, situations, and clues. The secret is that the subconscious always hears us, regardless of our desire. If you address it consciously, the desired answer will not keep you waiting.

Probably everyone has had a situation when, thinking about a problem all day, we see it in a dream. This subconscious is trying to solve your problem. Let him help you - order the dream you need, or ask a question that interests you. You can order a dream about a person you are interested in, or a place where you would like to visit.

Dream ordering technology

  • Before going to bed, you need to clearly formulate your request: decide what exactly you want to see, solve or understand. The more precise the formulation, the easier it is for the subconscious to show us the corresponding dream. Sometimes what you want doesn’t happen right away. Especially if you have never addressed your subconscious directly before. Give him time.
  • Think about your request while falling asleep (in the borderline state between sleep and reality). For example, you want to have . Imagine him and the time spent with him in as much detail as possible.
  • Often (if your request was some kind of solution), the answer comes not in a dream, but in the morning. For example, if you order to remember something, then the necessary memories will most likely come in the morning soon after waking up.

Don't get hung up on the process. Let it happen at the rhythm it needs, and sooner or later you will be able to order sleep.

The dreams we have have great meaning for us, even if we don't believe in them. Sometimes the mood for the whole day depends on the dream we had, sometimes it seems to us that all this happened to us in reality. The places we dreamed of seem familiar to us, although we have never been there. And it’s no secret that sometimes dreams come true. Of course, given all these circumstances, understanding your dreams is a very tempting idea. And even more tempting is to program your consciousness for a certain dream. Is it possible?

What are we dreaming about?

First of all, you need to learn something about what sleep is, why sometimes we don’t see any dreams at all, and what it depends on. In fact, the “plot” of a dream, which seems quite long to us, in reality takes only a few seconds. During the night we may have several dreams, but we remember one, and here's why.

Sleep is usually divided into two phases – deep and superficial. Out of phase deep sleep it’s easier to get out, but in this case we cannot remember the dreams. Superficial sleep, on the contrary, is characterized by clear memorization of the “picture”, but waking up in this phase is more difficult. Most often, a person comes out of the shallow sleep phase under the influence of an external irritating influence, for example, an alarm clock, a sharp sound, muscle cramps etc. Having woken up, in the first seconds we are still in the “scenario” that we just saw. However, after a few minutes, some of the circumstances of what was seen are erased, and after a couple of hours, most of them are forgotten.

That's how it works human consciousness. However, if you repeat mentally, and preferably also out loud, what you saw in a dream, you can remember the dream for a very long time. Some dreams amaze us so much that we remember them all our lives without any repetition. If you cannot remember what the dream was about, even immediately after waking up, you can evaluate your condition after it, thus determining whether it was at least bad or good. Listen to your mood, what do you feel? Joy? Or maybe anxiety, even horror?

The “plot” of our dreams is influenced by external factors, since everything seen is the fruit of our consciousness, which is part of ourselves. The following conditions play a role:

  • what you saw during the day; what our attention is focused on;
  • thoughts about upcoming or completed things that are important to us;
  • condition of the body, including pain, difficulty breathing, etc.;
  • convenient or, conversely, uncomfortable position bodies;
  • indoor air (it is advisable to ventilate the room well);
  • our fears and anxieties, experienced worries, shocks;
  • state of the nervous system;
  • nutrition (both quality and quantity, as well as food intake);
  • sounds, smells and other phenomena that surround us while we sleep.

And that's not yet full list factors that shape our dreams. As for “prophetic” dreams, this question has not yet been studied and, perhaps, will never be studied. However, some scientists explain the effect of déjà vu precisely by the fact that the circumstances that happen to us in reality for the first time in our lives seem familiar to us precisely because we once saw them in a dream and simply forgot about it. But then you have to agree that prophetic dreams really exist.

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Is it possible to “program” a dream?

It would be simply amazing if we could “order” ourselves a dream for the coming night. However, unfortunately, we are not given the ability to control our consciousness to such an extent. You can, of course, try to tune in to a certain mood, thinking, for example, about warm countries or a fun holiday. But this does not mean at all that this is exactly what we will dream about. Moreover, if during our sleep outside the window, say, it will work construction equipment(and by some miracle we won’t wake up), we may dream about military operations. Or the smell of burnt food coming from somewhere is quite capable of giving us dreams of a fire, etc.

However, we can still do something. It is in our power to influence that dreams are at least not bad or scary, but pleasant or at least neutral, not spoiling the mood for the whole next day. To do this, you need to follow some tips, namely:

  • Do not drink tonic drinks such as black tea or coffee before bed. Green tea It is also better not to drink it, since it has a diuretic effect. It's better to drink milk or chamomile tea with cinnamon - it calms.
  • Don't overeat before bed, especially hard-to-digest foods. But you shouldn’t go to bed on an empty stomach either. Have a light snack.
  • Do not analyze the past day before going to bed and do not plan the next day. Better dream about something pleasant.
  • Make sure your bed is as comfortable as possible. During sleep, the body should be completely relaxed.
  • Ventilate your bedroom before going to bed. It should be fresh, but not cold; ventilation of the room will avoid not only bad dreams, but also headaches.
  • If you have been nervous, worried, or generally in a state of permanent stress during the day, first of all, help calm down your nervous system. In this state, you will not dream of anything good.

If you dream scary dreams, do not rush to believe them. Even if you dreamed of someone close to you under difficult circumstances, perhaps you just need to communicate with this person, do something for him, and sometimes just see each other. After all, dreams project our reality, because the only way influencing their “quality” means putting things in order in your life and feelings.