List of professions for girls. Highly paid professions in Russia for girls

The most interesting and creative professions are born as needed, and most often the need for these specialists is small. Professions that bring the highest income can also be interesting. And which one to choose is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

What are the most interesting and unusual professions in the world?

A vacancy like caretaker on a tropical island appears extremely rarely. In addition to the high salary, among the advantages of this profession we can mention very comfortable living conditions. The responsibilities of such a specialist include monitoring what is happening in the entrusted territory and keeping a special diary. The competition for this vacancy is usually several thousand people per position. But whoever gets this job will be able to all year round enjoy the magnificent beaches, warm ocean waters and sunshine.

Many people will like such unusual professions as wine taster And sweets taster. To master these professions you must have high sensitivity receptors and the ability to separate taste nuances. However, there is a positive side to this job.

Game tester. New computer games are released constantly, and versions of old games are regularly updated. Each game must be tested to identify errors. Well-known companies are looking for testers on the Internet; you just need to apply on a website where the resumes of such specialists are posted.

Penguin Lifter And panda hugger– these very interesting professions are related to animals. It is necessary to raise penguins in their habitats near airports. Penguins are very curious and, while following the plane, often fall on their backs.

And panda cuddlers are sometimes required in zoos, because... these animals become depressed without affectionate hugs.

The most interesting professions for women

The list of interesting female professions can start with beauty industry specialists - hairdressers, makeup artists, stylists. Despite the existing opinion that men are the best in this path, it is still a women's niche. Women who are natural lovers of beauty find it easier to see the beauty of another woman and highlight it.

Next interesting profession for woman - photographer. A woman's view of the world, embodied in photographs, is always distinguished by beauty and tenderness. And, having become a real master of photography, like Annie Leibovitz, for example, you can earn good money.

A woman can bring her ideas about beauty to life if she chooses a profession designer.

But to become a good designer you need not only desire, but also special education. The best world-famous designers are Alessandra Balderski, Kiki Vann Eyck, Nika Zupanc.

Another purely female profession - florist. Almost any woman can find herself in this profession, and working with fresh flowers is a real pleasure. Having earned a certain authority, a woman florist may well open her own salon, becoming a well-known specialist, like, for example, Rebecca Cole.

For sophisticated people, a profession such as etiquette specialist. This profession has now become especially in demand, because... Many businessmen and politicians have a need to participate in negotiations and meetings at various levels with representatives of various cultures.

Stewardess– a purely female and very interesting profession. The selection of flight attendants is carried out in accordance with strict requirements, so not only the most beautiful, but also intellectually developed girls become representatives of this profession.

The most famous fashion designers there were women - Coco Chanel, Donatella Versace and others. By starting a career as a seamstress, a woman can become the owner of her own fashion house, and will delight the fair sex with unusual and beautiful outfits.

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The most paid female jobs

Job specialties and professions related to the beauty industry are in demand

The most unusual professions.

Many people like to complain that there is no job for them. As a result, there is not enough money for drinks. But you really want to get a normal job, where you don’t have to do anything, and get paid exactly on time. Not everyone agrees to go to hard physical labor, which, as we know, made a man out of a monkey. Who will volunteer to work as a janitor? You won't sleep there until lunchtime.

So the younger generation dreams of getting a job as an official, so that, sitting in a separate office, they can lead a free life, visiting entertainment sites on the Internet. Meanwhile, there are some jobs by performing which you can become a real master, standing out from the millions gray people. It is enough to master some strange profession and now journalists are writing about you in the newspapers.

Vomit cleaner. Bespectacled 22-year-old Reece Owen works at Thorpe Amusement Park. The responsibilities of this Englishman include cleaning up the vomit that overly impressionable vacationers leave under the roller coaster. The asphalt under these attractions often bears traces of undigested lunches and breakfasts. Although many people find this kind of work disgusting, the guy himself likes it. First of all, a good salary, because few people agree to perform such duties. And on weekends or lunchtime you can ride the park’s many carousels and attractions for free. For some it’s a disgusting job, but for others it’s a pleasant pastime.

Armpit sniffer. Someone should be using their armpits to test the effect of deodorants? In Germany there is such an official profession. Frau do this by preparing products from leading brands for subsequent hit on store shelves. It's disgusting? But such professions are also needed. Moreover, such work is only suitable for non-smoking older women; their nose understands smells best.

Shit burner. When we travel on a train, no remorse arises from the release of human waste onto the rails. In the sea or ocean, going to the toilet in the water is both difficult and embarrassing. Tourist ships are usually equipped with large, capacious tanks to collect excrement. But there is no point in transporting such cargo from one continent to another, because this can also transfer some kind of infection or virus. The Discovery Channel once talked about an interesting ship profession - an employee of a crematorium for crap. These sailors operate special devices. In them, human waste burns to ash. No germs or unpleasant odors. The device itself may begin to smell bad. This means it is broken and requires maintenance.

Dog and cat food taster. Unfortunately, our pets cannot tell what exactly their treat tastes like. One of the people involved in animal food tasting is Simon Ellison. He enjoys testing dog and cat delicacies, and also generates income. It is Simon’s opinion that determines whether the food will reach the market or not. Alison even has his own favorite dish— a snack for cats with vegetables and chicken. In this case, only environmentally friendly food is used - no narcotic additives or expired products.

Archaeologist of excrement.

You can remember how Mayakovsky said: “Dear comrades and descendants! Rummaging in today's petrified city..., studying the darkness of our days, you may remember me too...". Certainly. Studying the remains of ancient civilizations is a very romantic activity. But not everyone can unravel mysterious writings in distant countries. But by studying the fossilized piles of crap of our ancestors, you can learn a lot about those times. It is excrement that can tell us today how our ancestors ate, how pure nature was then. If the remains of acanthocephalans are found in the shit, then the archaeologist-pathoecologist will come to the conclusion that ancient man ate insects. If there are remains of roundworms, then the owner of the feces ate a lot of meat at one time.

Professional whistler. Folk sign does not encourage whistle-blowers, warning them about the possible lack of money. But some people are paid for whistling. One such example is Steve Herbst. He has repeatedly won prizes at world artistic whistling championships. As a child, Steve's parents often took him to visit so that the boy could entertain his friends or even useful acquaintances with his trills. Today Herbst appears on television, and he has also been to Carnegie Hall. Steve, an employee of an advertising company, can take to the streets of Manhattan, demonstrating his talents. It can be easily noticed by the crowd of onlookers who have gathered to listen to such an unusual performance of Mozart or Liszt. And who can stop a whistler from entertaining others and enjoying his gift?

Ski slope sketcher. A good illustrator will always find a job. The ability and love for drawing are in demand in various fields. James Niehus has loved pictures of landscapes since childhood. He was especially interested in ski resorts. Today he himself draws the routes for them. As soon as James receives an order, he personally flies to the place and photographs the hills and mountains there from a helicopter. He then gets to work with topographic maps, creating impressive infographics. Niehus's special love was New Zealand. There are not as many trees there as, say, in the Carpathians. Therefore, there is no need to waste precious time drawing them.

Golf ball diver. Golf is usually played by important and wealthy rich people. It is unlikely that they will climb into a stream or lake after a ball that has landed there. Why should they get their precious feet and hands wet if there are specially trained employees? Not only do golf ball divers help rich guys, they also earn extra money by selling used golf ball instruments. And this income can become the main one. Each ball raised from the bottom is worth 6 cents, and annual income from the sale of accessories can be up to 100 thousand dollars!

Professional sleepyhead. Sleeping at work is everyone's dream. There are those who succeed. But if their boss finds them in this state, they will have to look for a new job. But there are also employees who for their nap even gets paid. It's about the participants scientific research sleep process. This state of affairs is normal. Another way to make money with your sleep is at the New York Museum of Modern Art. There's even staff positions for young women who come here to work. In the temple of the muses, these employees drink sleeping pills and sleep under a blanket. And they work as an exhibition piece. Such a piece of contemporary art might simply be called “This Is Kate.”

Worm collectors. These people go to work late at night. On their heads are miners' helmets with flashlights, and cans are tied to their hands. But you shouldn’t be afraid of them, because their creatures are worms. Workers find damp places that are simply teeming with squirming earthen creatures. Worms can be a good source of income, as a can of quality creatures can cost up to $18. This strange job can also become quite dangerous. After all, worm collectors constantly fight among themselves for spheres of influence, just as homeless people fight for empty bottles. In 1993, in Canada, a team of competitors even started a fight using rebar. The fight ended with the minibus being set on fire. It's funny, but vertebrates broke each other's backs over invertebrates. This is the smile of life.

Happy Cookies Writer. The employee with this profession is Donald Lau, he is the vice president of the Wonton Food Company in Long Island. Mr Lau is constantly looking for inspiration for his work. Thus, after riding in a stinking subway, the writer will note to himself: “Beware of aromas of unknown origin.” Donald's company is the largest manufacturer of happy cookies in the United States. When children find a note among a scattering of confectionery products, it is Lau’s handiwork.

Dice quality controller. The results of the game can be distorted even due to the smallest imperfection of the dice. As a result, fortune will come to those who do not deserve it. This is why there is a quality controller. They carefully examine all the cubes for any physical or geometric defects. People of this profession are not at all rare; they are always in demand by large manufacturers.

Milker of poisonous snakes. There is no need to be afraid of snake venom. After all, it is not only strong and dangerous drug for victims of a bite, but also a useful medicine. The poison is used to develop antidotes and is also used in therapy malignant tumors. But how can you take venom from a snake without harming your health? For this there are special milkers or milkmaids. They pull a thin membrane over the glass, forcing the hungry snake to bite through it. To do this, milkers press on the poisonous glands and collect the secreted liquid in a container. Another way, however, is not so humane, is to “tickle” the snake’s cheeks with a mild electric current. Although this profession is risky, it pays well.

Merchant of dreams. Each of us has our own dreams. An inconspicuous manager dreams of becoming a world celebrity, at least for a day. A businessman, surrounded by bodyguards, dreams of managing a multi-ton train alone. A psychiatrist dreams of an uninhibited, charming girl coming to him for confession... There are people who make dreams come true! At one Chicago company, customers can get what they were afraid to imagine. You just need to come to the office and talk about your dream. Merchants of dreams will be able to realize it, for a considerable amount. The simplest order here will cost 150 thousand dollars.

Ant catcher. It is clear how to select individuals of large animals for further breeding. And this is how ants are selected for their farms. It turns out that a special employee is dealing with this issue. He looks for the best individuals in the anthill, which are selected for further breeding under artificial conditions.

Brain remover. Seeing animals being killed in a slaughterhouse is not for the faint of heart. But someone works in this place. In a slaughterhouse there is a man whose job is to place the head of a slaughtered animal on a table, split open the skull and remove the brain. This mass is then sent to restaurants, where delicacies are prepared from it.

Fire watcher. This is a rather romantic, but boring specialty. You have to sit at the very top of a high tower and watch if a fire starts somewhere nearby. This profession is in demand in one of America's national parks.

Queen's Guardian. It is not always possible to maintain sufficient order for life in a bee swarm. People of this profession make sure that the queen of the bee family is safe and sound, and also receives the nutrition she needs to procreate.

Egg breaker. Breaking eggs is easy, but do it all day? People of this profession put chicken eggs in a special machine. It separates the whites from the yolks.

Chicken sex determinant. As soon as the chicks are 1 day old, they undergo a procedure to determine their sex. This is important, because depending on the result, a maintenance and nutrition program will be prescribed.

Wrinkle remover. In expensive shoe boutiques, everything is done for the convenience of customers. After people try on the shoes, special people straighten out the wrinkles on them. This way the product always remains in perfect condition. IN furniture stores employees perform similar work - they straighten pillows. The workers are literally loitering around trading floor in search of dented bedroom sets.

Chimney sweep Many people think that representatives of this profession worked a long time ago. In fact, there are still chimney sweeps today. In Southern California, such specialists are still in demand. But becoming one is not so easy - you need to undergo two years of training. But an hour of chimney sweep work costs $20.

Egg sniffer. Many confectionery shops are very scrupulous about the freshness of their products. But how to identify missing eggs?

For this purpose there are special workers - egg sniffers. It is their responsibility to ensure that these missing products do not enter production.

Penguin flipper. This unusual profession exists in unusual place- in Antarctica. The thing is that a penguin, having fallen on its back, cannot get up on its own. Usually this bird doesn't fall like that. After all, there is a tail, and the center of gravity is well located. But in Antarctica, there are very specific conditions near airfields - helicopters and airplanes are constantly flying.

So the penguins lift their heads, reacting to the sound in the sky. Many of them fall on their backs. Nature will not help here, but turning the penguins over can correct the situation. After each takeoff or landing of an aircraft, he walks around the area around the airfield and picks up the poor penguins. This profession is, naturally, very rare, but how kind and unusual it is!

Popular myths.

Popular facts.

← Which profession is right for me?

First of all, a woman is a person. This means he has the right to want and do. To create or not to create, to work with your head or your hands, to be a noticeable person, to influence the life of society. Secondly, a woman has limitations. They influence the choice of profession: a woman is physically weaker than men, she gives birth and is distracted from work, raises children, takes them to clubs, runs the household and cannot go on a flight for six months, a woman leader is perceived with irony.

This means it’s more difficult for a woman. She needs to work many times harder than a man to make a career and earn good money.

And this also means that a woman-mother has to give up the profession of a sailor, geologist, foreman, or truck driver.

But a woman can master any intellectual, managerial and creative work. So the list of women's professions is not so small. Rather, it coincides with the list of male professions.

Popular female professions in Russia

Since women drink less vodka and love children more, feminine attitude to work, her diligence and desire for the best for the family are highly valued by employers. In other words, women are in demand in Russia.

Everywhere and everywhere. And in the office, and in production, and in education, and in healthcare, and in transport, and in culture.

But taking into account women's restrictions, there is the concept of “the most feminine professions.”

The most female professions

This circle includes professions that do not require women to take risks, great physical effort or work with equipment. For example, a personnel officer, personnel manager, teacher, literary editor, architect, accountant, economist, doctor, psychologist, nurse, hairdresser, etc.

Military professions for girls

We have to admit that women are increasingly destroying the boundaries of the narrowly feminine. And today, after 9th grade, girls increasingly go to police and military schools.

Women's military professions are: signalman, dog handler, psychologist, translator, nurse, military aviation navigator, sniper.

Highly paid female professions

Women are no longer satisfied with low wages and often support families themselves. Among women you can often meet entrepreneurs, programmers, and politicians.

Highly paid female professions are: accountant, financial director, PR manager, HR manager, marketer, architect, graphic designer, restaurant and hotel manager, buyer, sales manager and others.

Women's professions after 9th and 11th grades

Young women cannot earn a lot right away; they start from scratch and become great professionals. There is nothing wrong with starting with a good college and learning the popular profession of a makeup artist, teacher, secretary, logistician, fashion designer, layout designer, photographer, cook, pastry chef, food technologist, hotelier. And after that you can go to college to improve your skills. But for many, college is an optional step: you can go to college immediately after 11th grade.

Choosing a profession for girls

To determine which profession is right for you, we offer you 7 steps, after which you can choose a profession, a questionnaire for schoolchildren by Elmira Davydova or a questionnaire for adults by Elmira Davydova, tests on professions.

But if this does not help you, then career guidance for schoolchildren or career guidance for adults will help you. After it you will know exactly who you should be.

Professions for women have always been different from men's. Find out which areas of work are the most popular for women in the modern world, and also check out the list of the 10 most popular ones.

It cannot be said that today there is a clear division between male and female professions. Many managers say that when selecting personnel, they primarily pay attention to qualifications and experience. However, when looking at advertisements, you can notice gender preferences.

What are the specifics of professions for women?

First of all, it is worth noting that women are rarely employed in areas that require heavy physical labor. Of course, there are ladies who make a living from construction, mining raw materials, creating cars, etc., but there are not many of them.

Indeed, women's professions are considered to be secretary, salesperson, and hairdresser.

It is worth noting that employers themselves choose representatives of the fair sex for such positions. This is explained by women’s ability to maintain cleanliness and order, as well as stress resistance and communication skills.

With the development of the technical process, an increasing number of women began to work in the IT field. Firstly, this industry is in great demand today, and secondly, women are distinguished by their perseverance and attentiveness, which is important when working with high technologies.

  1. Doctors
  2. PR specialists
  3. Psychologists and personal consultants
  4. Marketers
  5. Ecologists
  6. Chemists
  7. Service specialists
  8. Nanotechnology specialists
  9. IT specialists
  10. Engineers


This profession is most often chosen by women. They are neat, clean and have a good memory. It is known that highly specialized specialists such as endocrinologists, ophthalmologists, speech therapists and allergists receive the maximum salary. Large medical centers offer their potential employees not only high rates, but also training, as well as exchange of experience with foreign colleagues.

PR specialists

This position is often filled by sociable, ambitious women who know well how to achieve certain goals. Good specialists are highly valued, because it is important not only to gain knowledge at a university, but also to have flair and acumen.

Psychologists and personal consultants

Women make excellent psychologists. They know how to listen, understand feelings and gently push on The best decision Problems. Today, every large company has at least one full-time psychologist. Moreover, ordinary citizens are increasingly turning to such specialists. Personal consultants are also becoming very popular. Any person wants to have a specialist nearby who can help them lose weight, update their wardrobe, or learn to speak beautifully.


This specialty is actually suitable for both women and men. Thus, men are more often successful in promoting slow-moving goods, while women, thanks to their attentiveness and sensitivity, are excellent at monitoring the market and making forecasts. Today there are not many competent marketers, so they are highly valued.


This profession, which is often chosen by women, is becoming very popular as the environmental situation in the world is deteriorating every year. Qualified ladies who take everything related to living creatures and nature to heart are actively engaged in developments aimed at correcting the situation.


This is another profession that women often choose because of their natural thoughtfulness. Chemical scientists who have been doing what they love for years are indispensable for various industries. These are medicine, industry, extraction of raw materials, etc.

Service specialists

We are talking about tourism, beauty industry and other similar industries. Women work as animators, administrators, hairdressers, and nail designers. Such creative professions are ideal for female representatives. The girl can reassure the client, entertain, explain, and answer any questions. Moreover, a good specialist always has many clients, which is reflected in his salary.

Nanotechnology specialists

Modern women are often interested in science. Particularly ambitious ladies choose nanotechnology for their activities. This is very promising direction, which brings both moral satisfaction from its own importance and good profit.

IT specialists

Traditionally, the IT field has been considered male. Today, gender boundaries are gradually blurring. Thus, advanced girls choose to work as system administrators, programmers and developers. This choice is usually explained by widespread computerization. Also, ladies are ready to demonstrate that they are in no way inferior to men.

In general, IT specialists are in great demand. Many companies are interested in developing their own software and protecting information. Therefore, they are willing to pay qualified workers well. Women are being hired for such positions more and more often, because they are sometimes much more ambitious than men. Moreover, the ladies are very diligent and attentive.


Women often worked as engineers back in Soviet times.

Many girls dream of bringing real benefits, and not selling or providing various beauty services. Technologists in skirts perform their duties well. They strive to show their best side and achieve success in their chosen industry.

Gone are the days when women worked primarily as teachers, nannies, salespeople or hairdressers. Modern beauties strive to conquer new heights, achieve success and self-realization.

Increasingly, it is women who are engaged in the development of technology, solving economic and environmental problems. In the future, the number of IT specialists, financial analysts and female breeders will increase significantly.

  • Highly paid and in demand
  • Top 17 professions for girls
  • 1. Manager, internal communications specialist
  • 2. Advertising manager
  • 3. Tourism specialist, an interesting profession
  • 4. Lawyer
  • 5. Accountant, this specialty is always needed
  • 6. HR specialist, indispensable in any company
  • 7. Doctor of a private medical center
  • 8. Sales Manager
  • 9. Stewardess
  • 10. Beauty industry and professions in this area
  • 11. Designer
  • 12. IT specialist
  • 13. Purchasing Manager
  • 14. Psychologist (psychoanalyst)
  • 15. Secretary-assistant
  • 16. Translator
  • 17. Fitness trainer (choreography or dancing)

The natural qualities of almost any girl are attentiveness, resistance to stress, sociability and artistry. Therefore, statistics show that the majority of female applicants are for such specialties as HR inspector (97%), tourism manager (92%) and personnel manager (90%), and cellular network operator (82%).
Jobs related to protection work are also very popular among women. environment(about 80%), in the field of advertising and PR management (75%). A girl’s creative nature will always show itself worthily in the field of architecture, television, theater, mass entertainment and literary professions (editing, etc.), where 65% of professionals are women. And, of course, everything related to the purchase and sale of certain goods is 65-70% female management and marketing.

Highly paid and in demand

The popularity of the profession among employers and high pay for work largely depend on the needs of the economy, crisis influences, progress or, conversely, the decline of certain industries. Often the labor market is oversaturated with certain specialists and a position that was previously considered highly paid falls sharply in the ranking of high salaries. But a great specialist will always be worthily appreciated. For example, a good lawyer, economist or accountant is still among the prestigious and well-paid professions.

Top 17 professions for girls

1. Manager, internal communications specialist

The specialist’s responsibilities include establishing connections between the company’s management and subordinates. In order for orders and instructions from management to be conveyed to employees as quickly as possible. short time and with 100% certainty. The communicator is also responsible for shaping the company’s corporate style. The manager must possess HR audit skills and have experience in the HR industry, that is, in the field of personnel management. Communication skills, initiative, and the ability to work in a team will come in handy here, that is, everything that a young, active and educated woman can have. The salary level for a communications manager ranges from 80 to 150 thousand rubles.

2. Advertising manager

A fairly in-demand profession. There is a lot of product and it needs to be sold successfully, but only advertising will help here. For a girl with a creative and sociable nature, working as an advertising manager will be comfortable. And considering the salary range - up to 100 thousand rubles per month and above - it is also profitable. The ability to work harmoniously in a team, creativity and competent personnel selection skills will come in handy here.

3. Tourism specialist, an interesting profession

A job for an active and sociable girl who is not afraid to travel, loves exotic things and new experiences - this is a tourism manager. Responsibilities include visiting tourist sites varying degrees comfort and extremeness. In order to then advise clients of travel agencies with maximum reliability. At the same time, you can become a professional tour guide. The salary of an ordinary travel agent starts from 20 thousand rubles, and top managers in the tourism industry can earn a profit of up to 600 thousand rubles per month.

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4. Lawyer

Despite the fact that universities have flooded the labor market with lawyers, a highly qualified, often narrowly specialized professional is always in demand. Such work has every chance of developing from hired labor to your own law firm. For example, in Moscow, providing legal services for a month costs from 20 to 500 thousand rubles. Particularly fashionable and in demand is a derivatives lawyer who provides support for transactions, operations and disputes. The specialization is unique in its own way; the number of professionals is in the dozens, especially those who work in the international field.

5. Accountant, this specialty is always needed

Accounting has traditionally been considered a feminine field. This work cannot be called creative, but a woman’s perseverance and accuracy will come in handy here. You will also need knowledge in economics, tax legislation and IT awareness. Eat personal growth, demand and fairly high salary - up to 200 thousand rubles per month. You can start in small outsourcing companies, which will allow a young girl to earn good money and gain experience.

6. HR specialist, indispensable in any company

Natural sociability, charm and some knowledge in the field of psychology will allow the girl to become a great recruiter. The modern economy requires labile and flexible solutions in achieving goals, which, in turn, must be ensured by the selection of a well-coordinated and professional team. Therefore, the salary of a personnel officer can reach 150 thousand per month. There are prospects for growth in a large company (up to the board of directors), as well as the opportunity to organize your own private, reliable and rated recruitment agency.

7. Doctor of a private medical center

Such a noble and prestigious job is popular among women. Such qualities as accuracy, scrupulousness, and the ability to listen will be useful in this profession. The seriousness and level of training in the medical specialty will ensure career growth. Salaries in private clinics reach 100 thousand per month. The salary fund of specialists such as an endocrinologist, allergist, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, andrologist, speech therapist and some others may be even higher.

8. Sales Manager

The most popular profession in the commercial field. Such feminine qualities as communication skills, the ability to persuade, a thorough understanding of the product being sold and some knowledge of psychology are ideally suited for a good “sales person.” For whom the percentage of the transaction can be expressed in the amount of 25-40 thousand rubles. Career growth of a specialist - to marketing director - will provide an income of up to 350 thousand rubles and more.

9. Stewardess

This mostly female profession is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. But sociable, beautiful, educated young girls cope with it very successfully. Earnings depend on the flight distance and can range from 40 thousand rubles (for a beginner with short flight hours) and higher, up to 100 thousand for a highly qualified flight attendant. The requirements for applicants are high: these include external data, knowledge of languages, and health indicators. Flight attendants can retire at age 35.

10. Beauty industry and professions in this area

There is scope for women's creativity and skillful hands, organizational skills and creativity. Hairdresser, makeup artist, stylist and everything related to fashion and beauty is a field of activity for a girl. Salary in a small salon starts from 20 thousand rubles per month. Large fashion centers offer their managers a salary of 150 thousand rubles, which is an excellent motivation for the career growth of an employee. And with enough experience, nothing will stop you from organizing your own style studio or hairdressing salon.

11. Designer

Beautiful creative work for women in the field of interior or landscape. Of course, you need special training and originality of thinking, creativity and knowledge of fashion trends in this area. But who, if not a girl, will be able to arrange the house, its life and the surrounding landscape in the best possible way? Which nature is destined to be the creator and guardian of comfort, beauty and order. A professional designer with experience can count on a salary of around 300 thousand per month, and in the future - his own salon.

12. IT specialist

Previously, work related to information technology was considered a man's job. But now representatives of the fairer sex are successfully coping with it. Programming and website development are within the capabilities of an ambitious and educated girl. The salary range for an IT professional starts from 50 thousand rubles per month. You can work remotely as a freelancer, which is also very attractive for a young woman.

13. Purchasing Manager

Shopping is one of the favorite pastimes of girls. So why not make it a profession that will demonstrate the ability to communicate with a client, understand product diversity and control the procurement process. The salary of an ordinary merchandiser can reach 25 thousand rubles. A top specialist in a large company will have a monthly income of about 50 thousand rubles.

14. Psychologist (psychoanalyst)

Prestigious and interesting job for a sociable girl who knows how to listen and analyze, and has the appropriate education. Until recently, the profession was not in great demand, but now the popularity of psychologists’ services has increased. Psychologists are required in educational and preschool institutions, private clinics, large companies, and in services providing social, medical and other assistance. Salary line for a full-time employee psychological service: 25-50 thousand rubles. Having experience and an established clientele, a good psychoanalyst can organize his own office for psychological services.

15. Secretary-assistant

A very popular specialty that requires a girl’s qualities such as communication skills, a positive attitude, organizational skills, the ability to plan a work day and negotiate. Often, the assistant secretary is the face of the company, so high professional demands are placed on a good specialist. And the salary is corresponding - 30-50 thousand rubles.

16. Translator

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will provide you with a prestigious and well-paid job. A sociable girl can give private lessons and teach language courses. And those who prefer to work from home can work as freelance translators via the Internet. There are also simultaneous translation services, which many companies need, at international events and so on. The salary level depends on experience and knowledge, but on average it can range from 35 to 75 thousand rubles.

17. Fitness trainer (choreography or dancing)

For a young girl, this is a wonderful creative and energetic job that is very relevant. The healthy lifestyle trend has increased the demand for this profession. Trainers, choreographers, choreographers can work in entertainment centers, fitness clubs, sports or dance sections. The salary is quite decent: 30-35 thousand rubles.
There is always a chance to find a job. When the amount of salary is important to you, it is possible that you will need to give up more creative and creative professions. Where income may be unstable and seasonal. If you want to do what you love, you may have to initially build up a clientele, experience, and reputation before you get it. big salary. The main thing is to set your priorities and you will succeed.

It is very important for women to succeed not only in terms of family, but also in the professional sphere. To do this, you need to choose the right training program and not be afraid to change your life when it becomes obvious that the activity is not enjoyable. After all, there are women’s professions that allow them to earn excellent money and at the same time find time for themselves and their family.

Why is it better for women to choose their professions?

Psychologists have repeatedly proven that perception and other cognitive processes differ between the stronger sex and women. Despite the fact that representatives of the fair half of humanity are increasingly “encroaching” on male types of work, there are good reasons not to do this. The most important of them:

  • big physical exercise beyond the power of women;
  • excessive loads are harmful to health, especially reproductive function;
  • representatives of the fairer sex always perform a large number of social functions (mother, daughter, girlfriend, etc.), therefore professions with high labor costs inevitably lead to depression, nervous exhaustion and lack of time for self-care.

At the same time, it is worth using the resources that are given to a woman by nature. A more flexible mind, the ability to speak well and quickly, make up stories on the go, and the ability to resolve conflicts peacefully are also in demand in business. The following positions are perfect for women in this situation:

  • PR specialist;
  • mediator;
  • announcer;
  • presenter of programs and events;
  • sales consultant.

Working professions are also, of course, available to ladies, but you should think carefully before mastering them. As a rule, such a choice is rarely objectively justified.

Relevant at all times

There are types of activities that are generally considered feminine in society, and therefore they are the most common in the labor market for the fairer sex. These include:

  • a kindergarten teacher;
  • hairdresser;
  • speech therapist;
  • primary school teacher;
  • nurse;
  • manicurist;
  • seamstress;
  • secretary or assistant manager.

Even if wages are not always high, but having received the appropriate education, women can be confident that they will not be left without work.

Although competition with men is high, there are laboratory assistants, clothing cutters, doctors, scientists, singers, actors and musicians. The advantage of working in such areas is that the team is often mixed. This increases the chances of the device personal life. After all, where mostly women work, even March 8 does not seem such an attractive holiday. In addition, men always stimulate women to be successful.

More modern options for women include vacancies such as dancer, model, call center operator, photographer, copywriter, SMM specialist.

Types of activities with a free schedule

All more women trying to combine different types activity, so they need a job that allows them to be freely employed. What options are appropriate here? You can make great money and at the same time not be tied to an office and a chair by choosing the following professions:

  • consultant (in various areas);
  • image maker/stylist;
  • taxi driver (more and more women are taking this field away from men);
  • merchandiser and sales representative;
  • specialists in network marketing, among which the most popular projects are related to cosmetics and women's products;
  • a cleaner is an option that is not very attractive, but gives a lot of free time, and modern cleaning equipment makes the work not so hard.

This list is not complete, because the market constantly creates conditions for the appearance and disappearance of old ones. Even blue-collar jobs may require part-time work. For example, a janitor or a finishing specialist has the opportunity not to work all day.

Contrary to popular belief, a woman leader cannot freely manage her time. Own business requires control and setting goals, so you have to work hard. Although there are options when ladies do more with themselves than with work. But to do this, they must have a good executive director and a reliable team.

Technical professions for female hands

In-demand professions for women also exist in the complex world. Excellent results can be achieved if you choose the following work:

  • ecologist;
  • chemist;
  • engineer;
  • technologist;
  • IT specialist;
  • car painting specialist.

The list of professions that are extremely undesirable for a woman can include a miner, a truck driver, and a rescuer.

What will help you find your way?

Modern technologies make it possible to take into account many factors that will influence professional success. If you are in doubt about what you should do, you can:

  • professional aptitude test;
  • study of individual finger patterns, which determine desired professions;
  • an astrological chart that helps identify areas where success is possible.

Perfectly allows you to find your place and. After all, there are no obligations to the employer, and there is enough time to understand whether you like this kind of work.

It should be remembered that only the weaker sex can bring beauty and soften even the most acute situations with their presence. Therefore, it is better not to strive to get ahead of men in some area and choose female professions. In addition, you always need to think strategically. How much will a woman be able to devote herself to work when she has children and a family? After all, men are critical of the fact that their wife disappears in the office. They need a clean and comfortable home, as well as a hot dinner. This is also a lot of work. Therefore, you need to plan your labor costs taking into account these features. Working hands, a thinking head and high performance are needed in any field. Therefore, women should not be afraid that they will not find themselves in the labor market!

How can a woman earn money and not depend on a man? Nowadays this is one of the most pressing issues. Most women no longer want to live in the shadow of their husband and be a “pussy” begging for money from their “cat”. Every self-sufficient girl knows her own worth, and understands that it is very important to realize yourself, have your own goals and work. This is a new stage in the development of society, when both men and women are equal. Dorohins decided to find out what highly paid professions are now in the forefront, and how can a girl make money?


Nowadays, it is not difficult to learn the art of makeup; there are a huge number of different courses and schools that can provide the necessary knowledge for further work. And if you strive for something more and improve, then working in the beauty industry you can get good money and not deny yourself anything, says makeup artist and founder of the makeup school Marina Sotnikova.

Training and getting started

“I started studying the art of makeup in Kursk, and then improved my skills with famous makeup artists in Voronezh and Moscow. Despite my busy schedule and busy schedule, I study every day (books, master classes, online training). I'm leaving soon to study in London. You can start working after basic training, consolidating previously acquired knowledge in practice. I have been interested in the field of beauty since childhood. I didn’t get out of my mother’s makeup bag; all the dolls were made up and combed. My choice was predetermined long ago. Therefore, from the very first day of work, I felt like a sought-after specialist. There was a little anxiety (it’s important to meet the client’s expectations), but I was always confident in the quality of my work.”

“For people to talk about you and your work, you just need to do your job honestly, professionally, efficiently and with love. Success will find you if you truly love your job. Of course, quality training is also important. And also, my main advice, is to work with high-quality, professional cosmetics and use good tools.”


“My income is enough to not deny myself anything. I work hard and it pays off, so I don’t live paycheck to paycheck.”


“To work as a makeup artist, it is important to use only high-quality materials. And price is a subjective question. You can find decent products in both the luxury and economy segments. Everyone chooses according to their means. But if you have the required amount, then do not regret it and buy good materials.”


“I am philosophical about competition. In my opinion, there is no competition, but there is a loyal and devoted client who finds any reason to come to you for a transformation. And everyone has their own. I just enjoy my work and don’t think about such things. The same as about difficulties and problems. My work is my calling! Beauty is my profession. I found myself and nothing will force me to change my profession.”


Sports have long been a fashion trend. Every second person goes to the gym and plays all kinds of sports. You can combine business with pleasure. And add “paid” there. There are many female athletes, but it was Irina Chuenko, a fitness trainer, alpine skiing instructor and MSMK in bench press AWPC, who told us about her work.

Training and getting started

“Nowadays, when hiring a trainer, they require knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and training methods. You can learn all this at a physical education university, through instructor courses, and on your own. In any case, no matter where and how much a person studies, if he needs knowledge, he will receive it. It is clear that during the week-long courses, trainers receive only hints of the basics, in-depth and more complete knowledge they have to get it on their own. But there is no guarantee that after graduation the coach will take away at least some knowledge. There is another caste of trainers - popular fitness stars; they will be accepted into any club even without a week-long course. You need to study constantly. In fitness, you should always be on top of new trends and new research.”

“My favorite hobby gradually grew into work. I studied for myself for a long time, and when requests for help/advice became quite frequent and I realized that I could really help, I decided to combine business with pleasure. My first month on the job wasn't very exciting. I had a day job, and in the evening I came to the gym for a few hours and gave personal training to girls I knew. The first month of my work in the Urals was much more memorable to me. I settled into a small gym and on the first day of work, 20 people came up to me at the same time and asked what we were going to do today; when asked what they did at the last training session, everyone answered that they didn’t remember. No one had training diaries. There were no personal training sessions there, the gym was small and the trainer had to work with everyone. It was difficult, but interesting, because I had never worked like this before.”

“I think that first of all, you need to do your job well. People should be happy. And then, to help, word of mouth is one of the best helpers. Advertising, social networks, recognition, all this will also work for the coach. A coach’s uniform is his calling card; this is what people pay attention to first. After all, if he himself achieved such a form, then he knows how, then he will tell/show/teach/do it to me. This is not always true, but they are greeted by their clothes. The results of the work are also always impressive. So the players’ own form and results are the best advertisement.”


“Income varies greatly depending on the region and the cost of personal training. I worked in Ukraine, the Urals, Moscow, and Sochi. The spread is quite large. In the Urals, my first salary was 15 thousand, this was 3 years ago. Some Moscow trainers who run online schools can have an income of 500 thousand rubles per month. Online training is very popular now. By doing this you can reach a new level of income.”


“Everything I need for work is usually provided by the club. So there are no personal expenses for inventory.”


“There is competition, but if it is healthy, it does not interfere at all, but rather motivates us to look for something new, interesting, not like everyone else. So people are interested and you don’t stand still. It seems to me that in the world of fitness everything has already been done. It's difficult to surprise someone. And everything that is radically different is not always effective and beneficial for health.”


“Winning a person’s trust is the most difficult thing. But, I would even say that this is not complexity, but the specifics of the work. Until a person trusts you as a specialist, he will not exactly do everything you ask of him. It’s easier with beginners; most often the coach is the ultimate truth for them.”


Decorating weddings, birthdays and other celebrations has occupied a separate niche in the way of earning money. Create beauty, make people happy and get a good amount of money for it - why not? Florist Polina Solodovnikova told us about her work.

Training and getting started

“In order to understand the basics, YouTube school and armfuls of flowers from my father’s dacha are enough. But it’s worth improving yourself at master classes with florists from different cities. Working with flowers is a very feminine profession. In addition to the aesthetic component and the incredible energy of fresh flowers, this is creation in pure form. The first commercial order in the field of event design was 5 years ago, it went smoothly and smoothly, not counting the car that broke down halfway to the banquet hall. And the first month of working with direct sales is difficult to remember, so I slept for 3 hours, assembled designs for the store myself and, in general, did everything myself, lost weight to the complexion of a stick beetle, but I remember this time with tenderness.”

“In order to make a name for yourself, you have to do something with your soul, and do it well. When I started working with sales, I had been organizing events for 3.5 years and already had a good client base. Don't be greedy and accept offers of sponsorship at events with gratitude. You just need to have a good idea of ​​your audience and know what events to look for them at. Nowadays, the most effective advertising is word of mouth and barter.”


“A florist’s income can be 1,000 rubles, or maybe 100,000 rubles. Depending on how much you take on. Do three weddings a week (with contractors and employees, of course) or spin several bouquets a week.”


“Expenses include material purchases, transportation costs, electricity and payments legal entity. They vary according to the volume of work. You definitely need a refrigerator for flowers, prices for which vary. A set of tools and a willingness to fix your own and others’ mistakes using your own resources and resources. The difference is not in the price of the material, but in its quality. It's not always connected. These are subtle points, the knowledge of which comes only with experience.”


“When I started, I was a pioneer of the so-called European floristry. Now there are a lot of girls who do similar things and whose work is nice to look at. Competition is a great incentive to do new and better things.”


“On the downside, when training hired workers, telling him all the subtleties and tricks, you have no guarantee that at the first difficulties he will not leave you. Florists are not flower fairies. The florist is thorns, blades, blood and pain. Seriously. Manicure, massage and preferably a psychologist after major projects. The joke is about the psychologist, most often.”


Fashion is an area that can bring a lot of income in the 21st century. Everyone who has chosen the fashion industry has a huge field of choice for their vocation. Stylist is a common and well-established option for working in the fashion industry. We talked with Marina Shchenyaeva, a stylist and image maker.

Training and getting started

“I am still studying, although I have been working for 6 years. The first courses lasted several months, the second about half a year, and the last about two years. New features are constantly appearing in my field, so I have to constantly improve myself. I consider this my calling. Making women more confident and harmonious is what I live for. Initially, it couldn’t even be called work, because I didn’t receive a penny for my activities. Rather, it was a hobby. I went shopping and dressed my friends and acquaintances, and then took pictures of them in the “Before and After” format.”

“To promote your business, you need to do it professionally, giving your last effort so that the client likes what you offer. And then he will bring you 10 of his friends! Now Instagram is gaining momentum, all my clients come from there. And of course word of mouth.”


“My monthly income is equivalent to a trip for two to the Maldives, to a 5-star hotel. As soon as I think about it, I immediately want to pack my bags and go on vacation. But unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), my work schedule is scheduled for half a year in advance.”


“I only invested in a camera, it cost about 150 thousand rubles. I don't count my expenses. I’ve finally reached a time when you don’t have to think about the price of something, but just buy what you like.”


“Very important: PR and creating a team that will help you in your business. And competition in this area is minimal. I create unique content on my Instagram profile and try to improve further.”

PR manager

A PR manager is not a jack of all trades, he is a specialist who works to create a positive reputation for a company or brand, product or service. PR specialist who works with the public, creator of business reputation. We talked with Ekaterina Rovinskaya, PR-manager and head of the online studio Salon-pr.

Training and getting started

“In our profession you always need to learn. Every 2-3 months I undergo various trainings on Internet promotion. But, before creating your own business, my advice is to try working in a similar company to gain experience. I'm a girl and I love the beauty industry. Moreover, in order to engage in online promotion in it, I went through the path of a contact center operator for a chain of beauty salons, a head of a contact center, a senior administrator for a chain of beauty salons, and settled on a PR manager and marketer.”

“Write a lot of useful and interesting content. People will hear you and use your services. And also, be passionate about your work. For example, my first month of work was the most interesting and eventful. I took on a project (a beauty salon) and simply fell in love with it. She worked day and night. And now for the third year he has been my dearest. The most effective advertising is when all marketing tools are connected simultaneously and complement each other.”


“I wouldn’t like to talk about my income, but everyone knows that the more and better you work, the greater the profit. You can never stand still, you need to develop and expand.”


“I don’t think that competition plays any role in my profession, and it generally exists. Important role The individual style of work and clear performance plays a role.”

Text: Elina Pilyugina

The most interesting, profitable and profitable professions in our time for girls, women and men.

What motives drive people who type into a search engine a query about the highest-paid and most in-demand professions? Ambition, thirst for money or job security? Or maybe future students need a hint before choosing a specialty? Or confidence that the acquired profession will be in demand and relevant for many years after completion of training?

  • Let’s not baselessly condemn “progressive” trends, but let’s try to compile a list of the most paid and profitable professions for women and men.
  • Regardless of the ratings of the most successful and highly paid professions, a good specialist in any industry is one who constantly improves and reaches the pinnacle of excellence. Whether it will be the service sector or accounting or surgery depends on the personal preferences and abilities of the future specialist.
  • Both a photographer and a massage therapist can earn a high income. Only a bad specialist will be without work for a long time, and a good one will not have even a minute of free time. Masseur high level may have an income that exceeds the salary of a mediocre manager, accountant or lawyer. A dentist at a prestigious clinic in Paris can receive a salary that is significantly lower than the salary of a cosmetologist who removes warts with a laser.

Top 10 popular, popular and highly paid professions for women and men in Russia

  • When choosing the type of activity to which your whole life will be devoted, you should be guided by several criteria: future activity should not only bring pleasure and be well paid, but also top the ratings of the most in demand.
  • This must be taken into account so that by the time you graduate young specialist I didn’t have to think about changing my occupation and starting my studies again, having already chosen another current specialty, since the diploma I had obtained with such difficulty would no longer be useful.
A bad specialist will be without work for a long time, and a good one will not have even a minute of free time
  • Which specialists will be valued by employers and which of them will not lose their relevance in the next 4-5 years? Today there are so many financiers and lawyers that it is very difficult for a graduate of this field to find a job.
  • I have to agree to a position not in my specialty, but this does not stop future students and they continue to storm educational establishments in order to obtain a degree as a specialist in the field of jurisprudence or study the basics of financial literacy. A combination of factors is responsible for the growing Lately trends in obtaining a second higher education diploma.

A combination of factors is the reason for the recent growing trend of obtaining a diploma of a second higher education

What area of ​​activity should be “attacked” now, so that during the job search the situation of “an extra specialist” does not arise. What solution will ensure a decent salary in the future?

Top 10 professions for men and women in Russia:

The first specialty on our list is engineer

  • Despite the relevance of the profession, there is an acute shortage of qualified personnel in this area. There is a great need for competent engineers in the construction sector. There is also a demand for industrial engineers and electrical engineers, but future students are betting on other specialties.
  • Statistical forecasts are quite sad: according to the data obtained, 68% of professional engineers will retire within 5 years. There are no young specialists who could replace them. There will be only 3.7% of the required number of frames.

There is a great need for competent engineers in the construction sector

Second specialty – service specialist

  • The rapid development of service in the country requires the presence of such workers as service specialists. Any customer appreciates attentive and fast service, be it a night beauty salon, round-the-clock delivery of products to the office or home, or booking hotel rooms.
  • There are a lot of requests, and the goal of the service workers is to respond quickly and be able to smooth out a conflict situation. After all, clients come across different types, which is why employees with excellent communication skills and resistance to stress are valued.
  • Among service business owners, specialists in interesting, rather unusual types of activities are becoming valuable. Among them are animators, guides, those who are next to the client during a business trip, and meet them at the airport.

Third specialty - IT specialist

  • Already, the demand for IT specialists exceeds all conceivable limits. Even the simplest institution needs a competent system administrator: it is necessary to ensure information protection using new programs. The number of requests for the development of new software. Professionals in this industry have the highest income in the country.

Already, the demand for IT specialists exceeds all conceivable limits.

Fourth specialty – physician

  • The work of a modern medical worker is now decently paid, which is why all areas in this area are again popular among future doctors and nurses.
  • There is a great demand for highly specialized specialists. Ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, speech therapists, nutritionists, allergists, and good surgeons quickly find work with decent wages. IN medical centers There is a real “hunt” for good specialists. They are offered high salaries, paid apartments and the opportunity to regularly exchange experiences with colleagues from other countries.

The work of a modern medical worker is now decently paid

Fifth specialty – ecologist

  • Due to the deteriorating environmental situation around the world, the specialty of ecologist is gaining popularity. After all, the quality of people’s lives and their health completely depend on the environmental situation.

Sixth specialty – chemist

  • The profession of a chemist is now more relevant than ever. Especially if we take into account the emerging energy problem of the 21st century: oil and gas are becoming less and less in the bowels of the earth, and replacements have not yet been invented.
  • Since the efficiency natural sources, such as solar, wind, water energy, is quite low, then the problem of finding an alternative to gas and oil becomes a priority and a solution for it needs to be found in the near future.

The profession of a chemist is now more relevant than ever

Seventh specialty – psychologist and personal consultant

  • Specialists in the field of psychology can be classified as medical professionals. But problems that have arisen recently mental state a person is forced to make an immediate decision.
  • There is always a psychologist on the staffing list of educational institutions and clinics. Any enterprise has a demand for competent specialists. Private consultation is also becoming commonplace.
  • The range of tasks of a personal consultant is quite wide: it can be either an individual consultation on nutrition or a shopper service.

The range of tasks of a personal consultant is quite wide: from individual advice on nutrition to shopper services

Eighth specialty – marketing

  • Many products that manufacturers offer us remain unclaimed. Other groups of goods, which were recently in great demand, are lost against the background of similar goods, which have a more favorable price-quality ratio.
  • One of the tasks of a marketer is to monitor the market for goods and services, as well as to make forecasts of the demand for certain groups of goods over time or right now. As in any other field, employers value competent marketing specialists.

One of the tasks of a marketer is to monitor the market for goods and services.

Ninth specialty - PR specialists

  • Such specialists are worth their weight in gold today. However, having a PR specialist diploma does not mean that a former student will become a specialist in his field. In the field of advertising, not only the knowledge acquired at the university is valued, but also personal flair, acumen and interest in one’s work.
  • Only competent PR specialists who earn good money for their own creative ideas can count on a huge salary.

Tenth specialty - nanotechnology specialist

  • Specialists in all developing technologies are also highly sought after by employers.
  • Scientists are working to expand the range of industries that use nanoparticles and are also studying aspects regarding their use.

Video: U News. The most in-demand professions of 2015-2020

The demand for various specialties in Belarus reflects global trends. Ratings of the most popular professions such as cooks and sellers, as well as doctors in public clinics.

List of the most popular and highly paid professions in Belarus:

  • IT specialists: salaries of “IT specialists” are constantly growing, and among the requests of employers is the demand for good specialist the most in-demand profession.
  • In Belarus, graduates of law universities experience difficulties finding employment, but an experienced specialist will not be left without work and good earnings.
  • In third place among specialties are office workers. The demand for secretaries and office managers is constantly growing. Payment for such work remains at an average level.
  • In the fourth position are sellers. The salary can be either the minimum or reach two average salaries in the country. Due to the constant turnover of personnel in the catering sector and in the small trade industry, there is a constant shortage of workers.
  • The next position is occupied by doctors from state clinics. Due to the medical reforms carried out, young doctors prefer to work in private clinics, and positions of highly specialized specialists in the regions remain without candidates.
  • In sixth place are auditors and marketers. It is very difficult for a recent graduate to find a well-paid job in this field, since employers are in demand for experienced specialists who can ensure that there are no errors in financial statements, which are constantly changing.
  • Advertising managers take seventh place. Employers have the most requests for such specialists. This is explained simply: after 3 months, managers leave for another job.
  • Among the latest positions are cooks. There is a great demand for sushi chefs now.
  • In ninth place are HR specialists or employees personnel service. Small organizations are gradually disappearing. And in large ones, the selection of employees is carried out by the personnel service employee.
  • In tenth place are engineers. Specialists in this field are hired for highly paid jobs immediately after graduating from university. Such workers can count on fast growth wages.

Top 10 popular, popular and highly paid professions for women and men in Belarus

Top 10 female and male popular, in-demand and highly paid professions in the world


  • Marketers
  • Nanotechnology specialist
  • Business trainer
  • Sales Manager
  • Advocate
  • Secretary-assistant

The most interesting, profitable and lucrative professions for girls nowadays

  • Manager
  • Accountant
  • Stewardess
  • Administrator
  • Realtor
  • Marketer
  • Designer

The most interesting, profitable and lucrative professions for women today

The most interesting, profitable and lucrative professions for men nowadays

  • IT specialist
  • Bank employee
  • Lawyer
  • SMM specialist
  • Architect and engineer
  • Manager
  • Doctors
  • Sales Manager
  • Marketer
  • Accountant

The most profitable job on the Internet: list

  • Copywriter
  • Translator
  • Web Programmer
  • Mobile Application Developer
  • Web Designer
  • Architect
  • Video editor
  • Social Network Administrator
  • Contextual advertising specialist
  • Internet Project Manager

Video: TOP 5 MOST necessary/profitable PROFESSIONS on the Internet