Why did grandma get angry? The story about the snowdrop. Snowdrop - summary of a comprehensive lesson. Snowdrop medicinal properties

An ecological fairy tale about snowdrops from the collection “Irinushka’s Tales”

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention an author’s fairy tale about snowdrops, which can be used at the stage of preparatory work for the environmental campaign “Take care of snowdrops!”, for the environmental holiday - Snowdrop Day, as an introductory conversation in the lesson, extracurricular activity environmental protection and simply - family reading with your children.
The ecological fairy tale is included in the collection “Irina’s Tales,” written for my most beloved reader and demanding critic, my daughter Irina.
Material intended for teachers primary classes, educators working with older children preschool age, teachers - ecologists, creative parents.

Lychangina Lyubov Vladimirovna, teacher of the Central Children's Educational Institution kindergarten“Thumbelina” Municipal District Aldan, RS (Yakutia)
Target: ecological, aesthetic, moral education of children through the literary word.
Tasks: give an initial idea of ​​primroses; introduce the species characteristics of snowdrops (colors, shape, structure);
develop coherent speech, logical thinking, broaden your horizons;
cultivate curiosity and respect for the nature of the native land.

The Tale of Snowdrops

Once upon a time there lived in the forest an evil witch Griselda who hated flowers. She hated everything that was alive, bright, elegant and fragrant. Therefore, the sight of beautiful flowers aroused black anger in her heart.
She especially hated snowdrops. This was probably because the colors of these charming harbingers of spring - yellow, blue, blue, violet and white - reminded her of the bright light spring sun, the lovely shades of the sky and the snow-white clouds that scurried across this clear sky.

After all, such a transformation of the surrounding world meant that in the spring nature begins a new, young life, which she, the evil old woman, will never have again.

And every time in the spring, appearing in the forest and seeing bushes of snowdrops, Griselda flew into a furious rage. She pulled flowers out of the ground by the roots and scattered them across the clearing in different sides, roughly trampling the unfortunate flowers underfoot.

And the next year, the blooming fluffy heads of primroses no longer appeared in this place. After all, the roots of snowdrops could never recover on their own. So the evil witch destroyed almost all the primroses in the area.

But one day the flower fairy Aprelina flew into the forest. Realizing that the beautiful spring flowers were on the verge of extinction, she began to act. I found out that Griselda is very afraid of snow. After all, its bright whiteness brightened her old eyes, causing streams of caustic tears. And the fairy decided to act. She used this old woman's fear of snow to save the snowdrop family.

The wise fairy Aprelina ordered the primroses to grow and bloom in early spring, when the thawed patches were still full of snow. I was very surprised by the flowers:
-We are so tender, fragile, how can we grow through the thickness of the snow? - they asked timidly.

“Don’t be afraid, my dears,” she replied. Kind fairy, - the spring sun will help you. It will melt the snowball, and make its remains loose; you can easily break through its thin layer with your leaves.
-I will endow you with cold resistance, endurance and strength, which no other flower will have.

When the sorceress, having come to the forest in the spring, saw that the flowers were protected by a snowball, she almost completely went blind, was seriously scared and realized that she would never be able to harm spring nature again. Spewing rude curses, she retreated to her dense thicket forever and ever.

And from then on, snowdrops grow from under the snow in the earliest spring, delighting people with their extraordinary beauty, grace, and surprising them with their vitality.

The evil Griselda could not completely destroy all the snowdrops in the world.
The most beautiful, life-loving primroses continue to grow and multiply, but unfortunately, there are still very few of them on earth.
Take care of snowdrops! Don't tear up the bouquets! Never uproot plants from the ground!

Content questions:
-What is the name of the fairy tale we read?
- Why are snowdrops called that?
- What do the words cold resistance, endurance, love of life, fragility mean?
- Why did the evil witch hate these flowers most of all?
- What resulted from the fact that the witch constantly destroyed snowdrops?
- How can we help snowdrops survive?
- What do you know about the Red Book?
- What type of snowdrops grows in our northern regions?

Take care of snowdrops!

Short poems about snowdrops

For toddlers and preschoolers 5-6 years old

N. Masley

Grows through the snow
To the sun's rays, flower,
Small and tender
Belenky snowdrop.

N. Zhelezkova

On a forest thaw
A small flower grew,
Tender and fluffy,
We didn’t pick the flower,
We took a photo of him,
And now it's framed
On mommy's table.

Spring wizard
Shaggy snowdrop,
Drank from a piece of ice,
Spread the blades of grass
Standing near the bump
Confused boy
Downcast eyes
From the sun's caress...

O. Karelin

From under the snow, on a thawed patch,
The very first, the smallest,
Mokrolyub, spring flower -
Bloomed the bud snowdrop.

R. Melnikova

Blue snowdrop! –
I'm hiding in the leaves.
The sun will warm you up,
Will give way to me.
I will smile
Smell and bloom
I'll spill into azure -
Don't take your eyes off.

G. Tomashevskaya

When the snow melts in the forest,
Having exposed the dead wood,
Who welcomes spring? -
Small snowdrop!

L. Terekhova

Spring sunny day
In a forgotten city park,
In the dense hazel bushes
Three woke up snowdrop.
Revealed your modest
Buds of tender blue
And they whispered timidly:
“Tell me, were they waiting for us here?”

I. Efremov

In a small thawed area,
Next to the pine tree
On a small hillock,
Early spring.
The very first
Both brave and very gentle,
Bloomed with hope and faith,
Blue snow flower.

E. Terpugova

Snowdrop woke up
And stretched
Sunny smiled
Touched the earth to Mother
Bowed to the sun
I was surprised at my luck
Drops of dewdrops washed him
Animals and birds immediately recognized
"Snowdrop woke up -
Promises spring"
Snowdrop, snowdrop
Blooms in the forest.

S. Pshenichnykh

Hastened spring snowdrop:
I made my way through the dead wood,
The ground is cold and there are puddles,
Not afraid of the spring cold.
Very small and delicate
He defeated his snowy captivity,
And it broke through and sprouted,
I brought spring with me,
And sky blue
It bloomed for you and me!

M. Petrovskaya

Grew up in a clearing snowdrop,
The snowdrop blossomed in the clearing,
But winter is angry with the snowdrop
And the frost is angry with the snowdrop.

But the snowdrop doesn’t notice
It shakes over the clearing head.
So spring our snowdrop

L. Likbeza

White ears stick out from the ground.
Maybe the little rabbits wandered into our garden?
They sit in a hole with only their ears facing out.
The crumbs hid from the wind and cold.
Zimushka became a grumpy hag,
Vesne blocked the paths with herself.
Frost is jealous of the Red Maiden,
She sent daring and menacing servants to her.
The winds howled and snowflakes fluttered.
The sun instantly turned them into raindrops.
The luminary is tired of Winter's machinations,
I decided to help Vesna.
The meadow and clearings quickly warmed up,
The young grass there has turned green.
The ray touches the little rabbit's ears gently.
He pulled them up... And this snowdrop!

Yu. Polyakov

Blizzards are still blowing in Moscow.
But, as if in spite of February,
Here, in Crimea, snowdrops made it in time
Already decorate the slopes of the southern mountains.
Scattered along the beams, slopes,
Surrounded on all sides in winter,
They are in a hurry to tell us about the upcoming
And the sure approach of spring.
And if suddenly a stormy day comes,
Then remember how through the paws of February,
In spite of winter, the snowdrop sprouts,
Giving warmth of hope to everyone.
Three white petals on a thin stalk
We barely woke up from sleep...
And right through the February window
Spring smiled tenderly at everyone.

G. Melovik

Only the snow will disappear from the edge, -
The air is louder and warmer.
Snowdrops have tops
Whiter than snow.
How tender in a white dress
These modest flowers!
Don't rip them off in between
Be smart!
The snowdrop has a flower
There is only one peduncle.
No son or daughter will be born
If you took away the flower.
He can't fight back
There is a flower in a white dress.
Only dewdrops with reproach
The petal will cry after.

Blooms in early spring snowdrop.
The color is blue, velvety and delicate.
He made his way out from under the snow,
To look at the sun for the first time.

The sun turned towards him awkwardly,
Gently stroked the guest's head,
The snowdrop began to shine brightly,
Well, the snowdrop began to love the sun.

From now on, every early spring
The sun is preparing for a snow fight,
To get a snowdrop out of the snow
and play with him in the sunbeam.

M. Lukashkina Snowdrop

White - long pencil...
and Winter draws for a long time
White snow and white forest,
white hare and wolf,
In the white frosted window,
White nights with snow...
Only in April will the pencil become a little shorter
And he will paint the world not entirely, but with white patches,
And then Spring will come with a light green pencil -
And a cheerful stalk will appear from the ground...
But its buds will turn out to be white!

T. Vtorova

For dear mommy
In a pine forest
Bouquet snowdrops
I'll collect it.
Oh, how many of them are here!
I can't collect everything -
Under the snow of snowdrops
A whole army!
Bowed flowers
Buds in bow,
Like in the beak
The ringing of spring is ringing!

S. Ovsyuk

The sun warmed up and melted in the forest
The first black thawed patch appeared.
And on it under the sun - affectionate and gentle
A little white one appeared snowdrop.
He raised his head and reached for the light
And it was as if he realized that the earth had awakened.
And the fragile flower has no time to sleep either.
Young spring is walking across the earth.

Yu. Zazimko

Like a little sparrow
Trusting and gentle
Spread out your feathers
Blue snowdrop.
On the noisiest street
In someone's dusty garden
Doesn't slouch at all,
As if everything is fine.
In such a blizzard winter
He slept before his time,
Now he's standing awake,
A little lonely.
It rained over the city,
Melting the snow like sugar.
We're on him proud
We admire with fear.
What if the frost is unmeasured
Will he catch the spring flower?
But he lives confidently
Like a pioneer.

Every year millions of flowers bloom on earth. They are so different, but all, without exception, are beautiful. Look at the flower that grows near your home, in the garden, in the field or in the forest. Whatever it is - very tiny or huge, you will be captivated by its fabulous beauty.
In the region where I live, a lot of snow falls in winter, and in spring the sun turns it into streams of melt water. As soon as the snow melts, in clearings in the forest, in meadows, in gardens, in flowerbeds near houses, amazing creatures called flowers bloom and bloom until late autumn.
Today I will tell you a fairy tale about a small flower that blooms in the forest every year in early spring and is the first to rush to meet the Sun. His name is Snowdrop.
Spring came. The sun began to peek out more often from behind the gray clouds. It illuminated the clearings in the forest and melted the snow. And as soon as the ground warmed up a little, tiny sprouts of herbs and flowers appeared from it. They liked the sunlight so much that they began to grow very quickly, reaching up towards the Sun, and soon covered the ground with a bright multi-colored carpet of blossoming flowers and green grass.
But the small, very delicate white flower could not keep up with them. Because tall blades of grass and flowers, like a dense dense forest, blocked the sunlight from him, preventing him from warming up and getting stronger.
– I need to see Sunny too! - said the flower, asking the blades of grass to part and let him through to the Sun.
But the thin voice of the little flower was not heard by the tall blades of grass and large flowers. They didn't care about the baby. The main thing is that they themselves could be warmed by warm rays from morning to evening, and therefore grew even taller and became even stronger.
The little flower was freezing. Not a single ray of sunlight fell on its head or warmed its delicate white petals. The flower sadly bowed its head and began to cry.
Spring passed, then summer, autumn, winter, and spring came again. But this spring the flower was not lucky either. He never saw Sunny. But it did not know about his trouble. Only one Earth felt sorry for its son and came up with this.
She said to the little flower:
– Next year, in early spring, when the snow has not yet melted, you do not wait for it to melt, but try your best to grow. Strive upward towards the Sun, and don’t be afraid of the cold snow! Then you will be the first and win!
The flower did just that. As soon as spring arrived, he began to struggle through the loose snow with all his might. He wasn’t even cold, because he knew that there, behind this snow, lived the Sun, who would warm him!
And when the little flower saw the clear blue sky and bright sunlight, it cried out with joy:
- Hooray! I see sunshine! Good afternoon, dear Sun!
The sun admired him, looking at him, and said:
– Hello, small but incredibly brave flower! I am very glad that you were not afraid of the cold snow!
As a reward for courage, the Sun decided to warm the thin stem of the flower and its blond head. It immediately sent its hottest rays down to the flower! From such heat, all the snow in the sunny clearing melted instantly. And then the forest saw how the entire clearing was covered with a carpet of amazing, very delicate small snow-white flowers.
These were Snowdrops - the first spring flowers, little brothers and sisters of the baby Snowdrop, who was the very first of all flowers to break through the snow to see the spring Sun and get to know him.

---- read my fairy tales at http://domarenok-t.narod.ru ----


Dear Tatyana! What a wonderful tale about the very first brave Snowdrop! She has so much sincerity, warmth and kindness! Tomorrow, on the first day of Spring, I will certainly read it at the labor lesson for first graders, we will just make cards with our own hands, inside which cute snowdrops will come to life and bloom. I sincerely thank you for the joy you have brought me! With respect and warmth, Evgenia, Kyiv.

Thank you very much, dear Evgenia, for the warmth of your words! It's very nice to read such sincere reviews! Let your snowdrops and my fairy tale create joyful impressions in the hearts of children. Such bright moments are remembered for a long time!

Sergey Pancheshny

Hello, my friend! Today I will tell you a fairy tale about a snowdrop. Your dad and mom have long asked me to tell a fairy tale about plants, and so I’m starting with this one. So, sit back and listen.
A long time ago, when there were still very few people on our land and they lived not in cities, but in small villages, the weather on earth was completely different than it is now. In the place where you live, there grew a big green Forest. Various trees were neighbors in it: huge baobabs and proud sequoias grew next to spruces and pines, and various palms and laurel trees were visible between birches and oaks.
And there were literally no flowers in that forest! Roses and daisies, gladioli and orchids, dahlias and ferns grew together, pleasing the eyes of the few people who could see it. This went on for a very, very long time.
But one day a very cold wind blew from the North, and the weather began to get colder and colder every day. The great glaciation was coming. After all, if the weather is before him all year round It was very warm, summer, but now seasons appeared, which began to replace each other in turn. And not all forest inhabitants liked these changes.
Animals were the first to go south and birds, who could not remain without warmth for a day, began to fly away. But there were those who remained, and now they live next to us.
Trees and plants, as you know, my friend, have no legs. And therefore, they could not, like animals, run away to the south. But, every year, those plants that loved the sun and warmth most of all began to grow further and further south, until they completely ended up in those warm countries in which they live to this day.
Many flowers also moved south, and a serious dispute broke out among those who remained.
After all, now that winter was coming, the flowers could not grow. They appeared only with the arrival of the first warm ray of the Sun, which awakened the earth from its long winter hibernation. Who should be the harbinger of spring? Rose, cornflower, gladiolus, iris? Or maybe cloves, geranium, chamomile or dandelion?
The plants argued for a long time, but they could not choose a worthy one. And then they decided - next spring, as soon as the first warm temperatures reach the ground. Sun rays, and the snow melts a little, all the flowers will appear in the meadows at once. And the flower that passes the test will become the first harbinger of spring.
The next year, among the snowdrifts that had not yet melted, when the cold winter wind was still blowing, beautiful flowers. They were very proud to have taken part in the argument. But another night came, and the flowers, not seeing the Sun, not receiving warmth from it, began to regret that they got involved in this matter. Rose, gladiolus, cornflower, and then other flowers, each decided to grow in its own time.
And only a small, fragile flower with snow-white petals continued to endure all the hardships of the winter night. During the day, he tried to catch any particle of heat that the Sun carried, and at night this particle warmed him until the next day.
-What is your name, persistent flower? - the other flowers asked him.
“I don’t have a name yet,” he answered them.
- Well, since you are the only one of us who did not grumble about the cold, snow and lack of heat, then be the first among the flowers who welcomes spring, who is the first to please people’s eyes with heavenly beauty, who gives people hope. And from now on your name will be snowdrop!
This is how it has been since then. In early spring, when the snow has just melted, beautiful flowers appear - snowdrops - the first harbingers of spring. And if you, my friend, manage to see a snowdrop, don’t pick it. Let him bring warmth and joy to other people!


Kruglyak Oksana

In spring everything becomes different. After long winter nights, the morning sun seems like a miracle. Gentle, calm, it quietly touches life and gives joy to everyone. Just like that, without asking for anything in return...
Every spring Kuzka and Little Fox went hunting. For the snowdrops! And it was a real hunt, don’t be surprised. Snowdrops are such cunning animals (at least, that’s what our heroes decided for themselves), and they hide so skillfully under the snow, branches and leaves that sometimes finding them can be very difficult!
This happened this time too.
On March 8, you need to give gifts. Moms. And this is a must! You can, of course, get by with good behavior and help around the house, but Kuzya and Little Fox, like true gentlemen, believed that women should be pleased with flowers. Preferably mined with your own paws.

This year, spring was in no particular hurry to arrive. Or rather, it was winter that didn’t want to go away, and kept throwing up some surprises in the form of snow, ice and cold wind. It so happened that on March 7 there was still snow, which was not part of the plans of our hero-hunters. But there is nowhere to go, feats must be accomplished. And so Kuzya and the Little Fox decided to go. Of course, this was a big secret, but just in case (so as not to worry), they told Grandpa Kuzi about their crusade. Grandfather - the Cat was a warrior of the old school and greatly respected courage in all its manifestations. Therefore, he approved of the trip and even got them all sorts of goodies for the journey: crackers, dried berries, sweets.
Next to their house there was a forest - a real, beautiful and slightly dense forest. A lot of good things could be found there, including snowdrops. Especially if you know the places. The little fox knew every bush and every blade of grass in the forest, so they counted on success.
“What do you think,” Kuzya kept asking, “are they called snowdrops because they grow under the snow?”
“Well, probably,” the Little Fox thought. - After all, if boletuses grow under aspen trees, then that’s what they are called. This means that snowdrops also grow under the snow.
Kuzya calmed down a little. He was very worried because there was still quite a lot of snow. And it's cold too! He preferred to sit at home near the warm stove, enjoy milk, and watch cartoons. In general, he was an ordinary lazy kitten. But for the sake of friendship he was ready for many feats.
It was an early morning. As you know, hunting needs to start in the morning in order to get at least some result by the evening.
The weather was calm. The forest was already preparing to welcome spring. Little by little the trees and birds began to cheer up; The first clearings were already appearing. But there were no flowers. No one. Even in those places where there was usually nowhere to step with your foot (that is, with your paw).
- What to do? - Kuzya asked confused. - How can I congratulate my mother?
- Yeah, and I should also congratulate Ponytail! And grandma! No, I won't leave here empty-handed!
- Maybe they are sitting there under the snow and don’t know that we are looking for them?
- So what should we do now, dig them or something?
The little fox and Kuzya looked at each other. This was a great idea! Brilliant! They began to rake the snow with their frozen paws, picking at it with twigs, but it was no use... The crust of the snow was quite hard, and it was difficult to break through it - what could a small fragile flower do!
Completely desperate, they sat down to rest and think. Droplets of tears froze on my cheeks, and for some reason I felt very sad.
- I figured it out! - Kuzya suddenly jumped. - We'll warm them up!
“Yeah,” said the Great Fox Hunter skeptically, “We will dance around the fire, as the shamans and spirits of the forest will help us...
Kuzya always guessed that his friend was not all right in his head - he spoke too many incomprehensible words. You can’t read so much about all sorts of Indians, adventures and fairy-tale dragons...
- You did not understand! We will breathe on them, they will feel the warmth through the snow and climb up.
-Can you imagine how much time we will spend on this? We don't know where exactly they are.
- You don’t need to know anything. They are alive, so they will definitely feel the warmth.
There was no confidence in the success of this venture, but it was worth a try.
They couldn’t build a fire because no one trusted them with matches yet (and very rightly so, by the way). So they began to breathe on the snow near the tree, where there was usually a sea of ​​snowdrops, and soon the ground darkened. The sun appeared, smiled and began to help them. Cheerful birds flew in, animals awakened from winter came running and melted the snow with their breath.

The snowdrop pulled out thin green petals and stretched. Then he smiled and said:
- Thank you.

He was alone, first. Delicate, fragile and so cute that it would be a crime to pick it off.
Therefore, the holiday was held right in the forest. Kuzya and Little Fox invited all their relatives and friends and felt great pride that they were the ones who got such a wonderful trophy.
And the snowdrop rejoiced that he was able to bring so much happiness and joy with his mere appearance.
This, of course, is just a fairy tale. But I am sure that dreams come true - you just have to really want it.

Galanthus nivalis

Good afternoon, dear readers!

In early spring, the snow-white snowdrop flower is the first to emerge from under the snow.

Snowdrop galanthus nivalis is a genus of plants in the amaryllis family. There are 17 - 18 known species growing in foothill and mountain forests and meadows.

The most common snowdrop is snow-white, growing mainly in Central Europe. In Russia, it grows in the lower, middle and alpine zones of the Ciscaucasia along the edges of the forest, among bushes; snowdrops grow in vast clearings in bright sunny places.

Snowdrops appear when there is still snow. From under the melted snow in March - April, the first spring flowers appear - wonderful gentle harbingers of Spring, and they fade with the last snow. Escaping from the frost in cold night, the snowdrop has the ability to bend the peduncle and hide the flower under the fluffy snow.

Snowdrop snowdrop is a perennial bulbous plant with a short growing season, a low plant 8 - 15 centimeters tall with two linear, flat, dark green leaves. When a bud breaks through the snow at the beginning of spring, it is protected by two halves of a bract, tightly closed and pointed at the top. Freed from them, the bud, initially aimed at the sky, bends lower and lower towards the ground and takes on the appearance of being suspended on a curved peduncle. It really becomes like a “snow drop” - snowdrop, as the British call this plant.

A flower arrow usually has one flower. Snowdrop flowers are regular, bisexual with a six-part white perianth, consisting of 6 separate petals, 3 outer petals are twice as large, each flower blooms from 5 days to two weeks.

After flowering, the fruits ripen - a fleshy greenish-yellow capsule with spherical black seeds with a juicy apex. For the sake of tasty seedlings, ants take seeds through underground passages, promoting the reproduction of snowdrops.

The ground part of the snowdrop dies after the seeds ripen, and the bulbs overwinter until next year. With the autumn rains from the bottom of the bulb, where they have accumulated nutrients, new roots grow. Together with them, leaves and flowers slowly grow, almost reaching the surface of the earth. In this form, the plant overwinters, so that with the first rays of the spring sun it can emerge from under the snow to the surface.

Snowdrop medicinal properties

Snowdrop white is not used in folk medicine due to the risk of poisoning. The entire plant is used to produce potent medicines because it's gentle beautiful flower highly toxic and contains the alkaloids galantamine and nivalin, which are used official medicine with very many severe conditions. Galantamine is used in the treatment nervous diseases, paralysis and consequences of polio. The alkaloid nivalin also helps treat, in addition to the listed diseases, migraines and vascular spasms of the extremities. Galantine is also used for intestinal atony and Bladder.

Galantamine is included in the list of vital and essential drugs. Use ready-made pharmaceutical drugs.

Snowdrop galanthus is also grown as an ornamental early spring plant and has been cultivated since the 14th century. Plants bloom in the sixth or seventh year after sowing.

One of the ancient legends says that at the time when the first people were expelled from the blooming paradise, it was snowing on the earth and Eve was very cold. To cheer her up and give her hope better times, several openwork snowflakes sprouted, turning into delicate snowdrop flowers, which became a symbol of expectation of a brighter future.

Snow-white snowdrop is listed in the Red Book

Every year, many flowers are picked for bouquets and snowdrops gradually disappear, and in many places they have already disappeared completely, especially in the vicinity of cities - despite the fact that this plant must be protected so that it does not disappear completely and so that our children can admire them, our descendants.

Let's take care of our nature - it is beautiful, rich and very diverse, but not endless!

Watch the video for a good spring mood:

A symbol of hope is a fragile snowdrop...