Complete list of free medications for children. Request a preferential prescription Documents for receiving medications

Unfortunately, we have a lot of laws that ordinary people have no idea about. the slightest idea. It’s a pity - after all, legal literacy will not hurt anyone in defending their own position - you just need to use it skillfully and at the right time. In today's article we will talk about free medicines for children.

The fact is that in our country it is supposed free software medicines children under 3 years old. As a rule, parents simply do not know about this, and accordingly, doctors simply do not require a properly executed prescription of medications, but they should.

Dear parents, now you are aware that any child under 3 years of age has the right to receive absolutely free all medicines. These rules also apply to children from large families; only such children are entitled to receive (prescribe) free medications up to 6 years of age.
The right to provide free medicines to children under 3 years of age is guaranteed by the Laws of the Russian Federation and this is stated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 1994 No. 890 “On state support development of the medical industry and improvement of the provision of medicines and products to the population and healthcare institutions medical purposes”(Appendix No. 1).
This resolution is still in effect; by studying it and pointing to it in necessary cases, it is possible to achieve success in a dispute with doctors.

The catch is that these funds are financed from the local budgets of our regions, and as you know, these budgets often do not have funds to finance such items. Therefore, not all doctors and not all clinics advertise this law, although according to the rules, it should be printed out on information boards in our children's clinics. Of course, this does not actually happen, and therefore parents remain completely unaware of their right to free medicine for children under 3 years of age.

As for Moscow, according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region dated March 28, 2007 “On approval of codes for population groups and categories of diseases”, children belonging to the category “children under three years of age”, as well as “children from large families in under six years of age”, living in Moscow and the Moscow region, with outpatient treatment have the right to receive free medicines and medical products prescribed by doctors. “List of medicines and medical products necessary to ensure individual categories citizens dispensed for outpatient treatment according to doctors' prescriptions free of charge or with a 50 percent discount from free prices" was determined by order of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region dated December 30, 2010 No. 1079.

When defending the right to free medicines for children under 3 years of age, you can also be guided by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 of September 18, 2006
« About approval of the list medicines, including a list of medications prescribed by decision of the medical commission of medical institutions, the provision of which is carried out in accordance with the standards medical care according to prescriptions from a doctor (paramedic) when providing state social assistance in the form of a set social services »

This document contains list of free medications prescribed by the state. It is approved every year and is constantly expanding. The list contains such common drugs as arbidol, children's paracetamol, cough medications, immunomodulatory drugs, etc., you can study this document on the website of the Ministry of Social Development of the Russian Federation.
Parents of children under 3 years of age in the event of their illness have the right to a free prescription of all necessary medications, but the procedure for obtaining medications is a little more complicated.

So, to summarize what was written in the article, Parents of children under 3 years old need to know that:
- basic medicines are provided to all children under 3 years of age (regardless of disability),
- medicines are prescribed on a prescribed form (therefore you have the right to demand prescriptions from your attending physicians),
- the recipe must be certified by all necessary seals and signatures,
- medicines are obtained from any state pharmacy that provides free medicines to the population,
- medicines should be given to everyone, regardless of the financial situation of the family.

The duty of the local pediatrician is to inform parents that after the birth of the child and until he turns 3 years old, the state is required to provide all medications, this also includes vitamin D, which children must be prescribed monthly.
If your local pediatrician refuses to issue you the necessary prescription for a free medicine, then you have every right to contact the health department of your district administration with a complaint.

Of course, all this does not mean that you will be able to get all the drugs, thus forming home first aid kit, but if your young child is ill, you are required to prescribe the necessary medical supplies for treatment.
The only thing is that you will have to keep a notebook in which the pediatrician will have to put a mark on the medications given, and the mark will also have to be put in the pharmacy when you receive it the right medicine. It is better to immediately take this notebook with you to your doctor’s appointment.
There are no quantitative, price or time restrictions on the provision of free medicines. We remind you that children from large families must be given medications until they are 6 years old.

Antibacterial agents

Amoxicillin, Flemoxin (table)

Co-trimoxazole, Bactrim, Oriprim, Lidaprim (tablet, suspension)

Nifuroxazide, Ersefuril capsules, (suspension)

Azithromycin, Sumamed (syrup, suspension)

Amoxicillin + quavulanic acid

Amoxiclav (suspension)

Antiviral agents

Interferon alpha, Viferron (suppositories)

Leukocyte interferon, dry Interferon (ampl.)

Methyl phenylthiomethyl-diamethylaminomethyl carboxylic acid ethyl ester

Arbidol (table)

Antiallergic drugs

Chloropyramine, Suprastin (table)

Loratadine, Claritin (tablet, suspension)

Pancreatic enzymes

Pancreatin, Mezim-Forte, Creon, Pancreatin (tablets, dragees, capsules)

Biological products

Bifidumbacterin, Bifidumbacterin (table, powder for application)

Lactobacterin, Lactobacterin (powder for preg.)

Combined Bifiform-baby (powder, tablet)

Linex, Linex caps.

Hilak - forte

Hilak-forte (drops)

Antianemic drugs

Aktiferrin (solution)

Hemofer (solution)

Iron (III) hydroxide sugar complex Ferrum-lek (solution)


Valproic acid

Depakine syrup, (table)

Vascular agents

Piracetam (syrup, tablet)

Cinnarizine (table)

Paracetamol (syrup, tablets, suppositories)


Diosmectide, Smecta (powder)

Antitussives and expectorants

Fenspiride (hydrochloride), Erespal (suspension)

Ambrogescal, Ambroxal (syrup)


Golanthenic acid, Pantogam, Pantocalcin (table)

Actovegin, Actovegin 2.0 (amp.)

Cerebrolysin Cerebrolysin 1.0 (amp.)

Nasal drops

Oxymetazoline Nazol (spray, drops)

Nazivin (drops0


Colecalciferol, Vitamin Dz Bon (Oral solution)

Thiamine bromide, Vitamin B1 (injection solution)

Pyridoxine g/chlor Vitamin B6 (injection solution)

Cyanocobalamin Vitamin B12 (injection solution)

Eye drops and ointments

Levomycetin eye drops

Tetracycline eye ointment

Take advantage special help Families with children can. It is planned to provide them with medicines intended for children free of charge.

The country has programs aimed at supporting families, mothers, and creating conditions for the development of the younger generation.

The legislation provides for the right of people to receive quality free treatment, medications. Adults are limited in their rights by health conditions, minors are not.

Important: Children under 3 years of age can receive free medicine for any illness, even a common cold.

Detailed information that helps you take advantage of your right to benefits is contained in the documents:

  1. The Law on the Fundamentals of Protecting Citizens' Health (No. 323-FZ dated November 21, 2011) talks about programs operating in the country that allow patients not to pay for prescribed medications and doctor services.
  2. The Law on Social Assistance (No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999) lists people in dire need of state support who have the right to receive medicines for free.
  3. Government Act on supporting the medical industry and providing the population with medicines No. 890 dated July 30, 1994 specifies that minors receive pills at the expense of the state:
  • under 3 years old,
  • members of large families under 6 years of age,
  • With disabilities- until adulthood.

The legislation is supplemented by departmental decisions, decrees, and other documents explaining the procedure for receiving federal assistance.

Since September 2017, the rules of the Ministry of Health have been in force, limiting the supply of over-the-counter medicines by pharmacies (No. 403n dated July 11, 2017). It is prohibited to sell alcohol-containing drugs in containers larger than 25 g. Dispensing antibiotics is possible only with a written notification from a doctor. This decision was made to reduce the consequences of self-medication.

Who is eligible for the benefit?

The legislator decided that preferential medicines for people in need are purchased by both the state and the regions, shifting part of the responsibilities to the territories, republics, and regions.

Insufficient funding has led to the fact that patients do not exercise their rights and are not even aware of them due to silence medical workers.

Minors are classified as federal recipients of benefits, but some of the medications purchased for them are purchased by local authorities.

Important: Clinics do not inform about the right to receive free medicines. Parents should remind the doctor about this!

For a child under 1 year

Newborns are not given special rights. The authorities provide assistance to those who have not reached the age of three. Therefore, parents of children from birth to 3 years old enjoy the same benefits.

Children under 3 years old

A child during the first 3 years of life is entitled to the necessary children's medications during illness at state expense. Only those who are sick can rely on the drugs. The doctor is required to write a special prescription after examining the patient. He will prescribe the pills that the patient requires.

You can also receive any mixtures, tablets, suspensions from the list necessary to improve your health.

Children from 3 to 6 years old

There are no benefits provided. The only exceptions are children from large families. The latter receive tablets for up to 6 years.

The principle of providing assistance does not change: parents cannot demand the medications they are interested in without a pediatrician’s prescription. Every time a child is sick, you need to visit a doctor, who is obliged to write a prescription for free drugs.

The list of required medications is the same for everyone, but is limited by the specialist’s decision on the method of treatment and the patient’s age. If the tablets are not suitable for the patient, the doctor is obliged to give a written prescription for an analogue, even one not listed on the government list. The patient's relatives will not have to pay for it.

For large families

Preferential medications are used by young family members under 6 years of age. There are no such privileges for adults.

For disabled children

The list of tablets, mixtures, and suspensions available to them is no different from other children. This means that children with disabilities regularly receive medications that reduce the effects of the illness that caused the disability, along with other medications as needed.

For example, if a person suffers from cerebral palsy and has a cold, treatment of the underlying disease will continue, supplemented by cold medicines paid for by the state.

Useful information for parents about a free prescription

If a baby gets sick, parents can safely ask the pediatrician for a prescription for free pills. The doctor should not refuse, but may try to lie by answering that there are no necessary forms for the list of drugs prescribed free of charge. In such a situation, the head of the clinic or his deputy will find the necessary papers. If management refuses, then you need to complain to Roszdravnadzor or the relevant ministry through official websites.

The list of medications consists of large quantity titles that can be viewed at the disposal of "

The medical registry should also have detailed information.

The list includes tablets, mixtures, and injection solutions that help with most diseases, from those used in dental treatment to those that improve brain function.

The prescription is issued for 60 days, after which it becomes invalid. An exception is made only for those suffering from chronic illnesses: in this case, the period is increased to 1 year. For potent substances, the document period is 90 days. Special marks are placed on the prescription form, without which the period will be considered general. It will not be possible to prove otherwise to the pharmacist.

The appointment is required: the doctor’s signature, his personal stamp, confirmed by the hospital’s seal. The name of the prescribed product must be written in legible handwriting.

Important: A pediatrician has no right to refuse a prescription for free medications for a sick child.

Having received a prescription, you may find that the pharmacy does not have the medicine you need. Then it’s better to look in nearby pharmacies or ask the pharmacist to inform you about the receipt, leaving your phone number. The second option is sometimes impossible, because infectious diseases require urgent treatment.

If the required tablets could not be found, you can inform the regulatory authorities or buy them yourself. It is important to know that money for purchased medications is not refundable.

All minors under 3 years of age can be treated with medications free of charge; there are no restrictions on the amount of medications prescribed. You can even receive them every week if your baby is often sick. When choosing a treatment method, you should rely on the opinion of your pediatrician.

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Parents know firsthand how much it costs to treat even a common ARVI in a child.

But not many of them know that doctors are required to prescribe free medications necessary for the prescribed treatment to absolutely all Russian children before they reach the age of three (if the family has many children, six years).

Why do so few young parents know about this?

The point here, most likely, is the usual laziness and reluctance of municipal clinics to inform moms and dads about this. After all, funds for free medicines come from the regional budget.

Legislation Russian Federation guarantees free medication certain categories of Russian citizens.

The regulatory act confirming this right is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890 of July 30, 1994 “On state support for the development of the medical industry and improving the provision of medicines and medical products to the population and healthcare institutions.”

And if your pediatrician does not want to write out a free prescription for your baby, you can safely refer to this legislative act.

What medications are required by law to be prescribed free of charge to children under 3 years of age?

The regulatory framework answers this question ambiguously; specifically, Resolution No. 890 states that All children under 3 years of age have the right to receive all medications free of charge.

But after 2012, according to Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting Citizens’ Health” Russian regions have the right independently approve the list of medications for regional beneficiaries.

It follows that for each region There is a list of medications. Nevertheless, the main medications used by pediatricians are present in them.

You can find out which list is valid in the region on the website of the regional Ministry of Health.

What do you need to get free medicines?

In order to receive free medicines, you need:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • pension insurance certificate(SNILS card);
  • the child must be registered at the place of residence.

If the parents have all the above documents, then the doctor must prescribe the necessary medicine.

This is done on a special form in triplicate, certified by the seal of the doctor and the registry.

One copy of the preferential prescription is pasted into the baby’s medical and outpatient card, the other two copies are taken by the parents for presentation to the pharmacy.

Not every pharmacy dispenses prescription drugs. The list of pharmacies where you can get the medicine should be checked with your doctor.

The issuance of medicines on preferential free prescriptions is stipulated ALL children, regardless of their disability and the financial security of the family.

An approximate list of basic free medications for children:

It's just exemplary list of medications, More accurate information should be checked on the website of the Ministry of Health of your region.

But even from this list it is clear that the costs of treating major childhood diseases can be significantly reduce at the expense of the state. Therefore, if your pediatrician “forgets” to write you a prescription, it is worth reminding him about it.

Free medicines for pregnant women

Concerning pregnant women, then government resolution No. 890 only RECOMMENDS that regions, at the expense of the regional budget, introduce additional benefits for pregnant women to receive medications.

So do women still have the right to free medications during pregnancy?

Yes, but only partly. After a woman at 30 weeks of pregnancy is given birth certificate, she can receive free medicines worth up to 990 rub. according to the first coupon of this certificate.

According to Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development N 72n dated 02/01/2011 Funds from the birth certificate to pay for outpatient care provided to a woman during pregnancy are allocated for the following purposes:

  • 35–45% of the amount for labor costs medical personnel mid-level and specialist doctors of the clinic;
  • 20–33% for providing medications to a pregnant woman.

But this is not so little; the indicated amount is enough, for example, to receive a package of vitamins or iron-containing preparations, most often necessary for pregnant women.

All children under 3 years old, and in large families up to 6 years old, have a benefit: parents receive medications for them for outpatient treatment free of charge according to special prescriptions.

True, many mothers do not know about this, and pediatricians do not always inform parents about their right. There is also confusion with the list of drugs that can be prescribed with a “free” prescription. "RG - Nedelya" dealt with all this.

And we didn't know...

I ask a young colleague, a mother of two children, who recently returned to work from maternity leave: “Did your doctor prescribe free medications for you?” And I find out that our Anya, like many of her peers - young mothers, did not even suspect that she could treat her babies (she gave birth to them one after another) much cheaper. “Nobody told us. We always bought all the medicines ourselves. When the youngest had protracted bronchitis, we had to buy a nebulizer and quite expensive drugs for inhalation, it cost several thousand rubles at once, it was quite difficult, we even had to borrow,” complains Anna.

I turn to a doctor I know - he is the deputy chief physician at a children's clinic. Please explain why local pediatricians are in no hurry to inform mothers about the benefit.

“It’s a matter of simple disregard or laziness,” says the doctor. “But there is an objective point: when a doctor comes to a child’s home on a call, he does not have the opportunity to carry preferential prescription forms with him.”

But there is one more circumstance: “free” medicines for patients are paid for from the regional budget, and not all territories include sufficient amounts in its expenditure. So in clinics there is often an unspoken, unvoiced rule of saving: if a persistent parent demands it, the law is respected, if you are ready to buy medicine yourself, then great.

“The number of prescription forms is limited, and I have to choose who to use them for - first of all, I offer discounted medications to mothers of several children, or if I see that the family is strapped for money,” explained the local general practitioner.

She herself understands that such “selection” is by and large illegal. But it’s possible to understand it as a human being.

All children under three years of age have the right to free medicines prescribed by doctors, and in large families - under 6 years of age. This is stated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 1994 N 890 “On state support for the development of the medical industry and improving the provision of medicines and medical products to the population and healthcare institutions” (latest edition of the resolution dated February 14, 2002).

It's important for parents to know

  • basic medicines are free for all children under 3 years of age, regardless of whether they have a disability, and the financial situation of the family does not matter;
  • preferential medications are prescribed on special prescription forms;
  • Having written a prescription, the doctor certifies it with his personal seal; another necessary seal is medical institution;
  • You can get free medications at any pharmacy that serves beneficiaries (in some regions such pharmacy kiosks available at clinics; You can also find out the addresses of social pharmacies there).

What medications will be given for free?

In this matter in regulatory framework there are discrepancies. Thus, in the appendix to Resolution No. 890, which contains a list of preferential categories, regarding children under 3 years of age it is stated that they are entitled to be prescribed all medications free of charge.

But in practice this norm was not implemented, although until now no one has canceled it. And in 2012, when it came into force the federal law on the basics of protecting the health of citizens, regions received the right to independently approve a list of medications for those beneficiaries provided by the regional budget. Therefore, in reality, there are still “restrictive” lists in the regions (although most of the drugs that pediatricians most often use are on them).

Tablets according to the list

However, at the federal level there is a list discounted medications, which are intended for preferential categories, including disabled children (under the DLO program). This list is approved by order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated September 18, 2006 N 665. Let us give its full name to make it easier to refer to: “On approval of the list of medications, including the list of medications prescribed by decision of the medical commission of health care facilities, the provision of which is carried out in accordance with the standards of medical care according to prescriptions from a doctor (paramedic) when providing state social assistance in the form of a set of social services.” In practice, many regions are guided by this order and, on its basis, form their own regional list.

How to get medicine?

The pediatrician is obliged to inform you about existing benefit and write you a preferential prescription if the drug prescribed by him is on the list of free ones.

The prescription is written on a special form, which contains additional information about the patient. Therefore, if you are counting on a preferential appointment, you need to have with you:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) for the child (it can be obtained from an insurance company operating in the compulsory medical insurance system);
  • pension insurance certificate (SNILS).

If your doctor is "not aware" of the benefit, he has "no" medicinal list or you have run out of prescriptions, you need to contact the clinic administration (either the deputy or the chief doctor). The next authority to file a complaint is yours. Insurance Company and the department of Roszdravnadzor.

Often, health departments operate Internet receptions and hotlines.

In order to find out what free medications are available to children under 3 years of age in 2020, you need to familiarize yourself with the list, which is approved annually for each region separately.

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It provides for the procedure for obtaining it, the categories of citizens who have this right and a list of documents.

Main aspects

The provision of free medicines for children is regulated by federal and regional legislation.

The main one is considered to be the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1994 No. 890 “On state support for the development of the medical industry and improving the provision of medicines and medical products to the population and healthcare institutions.”

Basic Concepts

The protection of children who are disabled and under 3 years of age is expressly provided for by law.

The Russian government has adopted a law that stipulates which free medications are available to children under 3 years of age in 2020.

Medicines are issued completely free of charge. Upon provision of the minimum package of documents required by current legislation.

Basic concepts used in the article:

Free medicines Medicines, the issuance of which is regulated by current legislation on the basis of a prescription, free of charge in state pharmacies or special centers
Legal basis List of laws and regulations that regulate the issuance of medicines
Required documents List of documents that are submitted to the clinic at the place of residence and confirm the child’s age, right to receive medications, family status
Receipt procedure List of doctor’s actions regulated by law and their sequence related to treatment

Are free medications available in Moscow?

The issuance of free medicines is provided in Moscow, as well as in other cities of Russia, including they are issued to parents of children under 3 years of age who have received a disability or are in families that require additional social protection.

The law, which provides for free medicines for children under 3 years of age, was adopted with the aim of improving the social protection of the population; it established the procedure for issuing and a list of documents that must be provided.

Considering that funding has not yet reached the level to provide medicines to everyone in need, most doctors do not inform parents of young children about the possibility of receiving medicines.

Therefore, a general prescription is issued and the medications have to be purchased at the pharmacy. Current legislation provides for the doctor’s obligation to notify citizens for whom free medications are provided about this possibility.

Legal basis

Providing parents of children under 3 years of age with medications during illness is provided for by the special law “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation,” which was adopted in 2012.

In 1994, Resolution No. 890 was adopted, which provides for the right to receive medicines for preferential categories of citizens.

It sets out a list necessary medications depending on the disease.

Every year, the government approves a budget for each region, and doctors and clinic workers must write prescriptions, providing patients with free medicines until the funding limit is exceeded.

An important aspect is that the medications are provided for both outpatient and inpatient treatment.

What medications can be obtained free of charge for children under 3 years of age?

Children under 3 years of age can receive medications prescribed by a doctor free of charge after diagnosis. Their list is established for each area separately within the framework of the allocated funding.

The number of medications dispensed per month is not regulated, and the list of diseases for which the dispensing of medications is limited is also not limited.

How to get government assistance

In order to receive treatment for free, you must apply for a social package. Parents can always choose between financial benefits and social security.

To do this, parents need to contact the competent authorities and provide a list of documents that confirms:

  • child's age up to 3 years;
  • presence of children in the family preschool age, including children under three years of age;
  • a child who has a disability or benefits.

The legislation does not limit the number of medications that can be issued. The doctor is obliged to provide parents with all the necessary medications to treat the disease for which the diagnosis has been made.

List of medications

The list of free medications includes:

  • painkillers, the main ones being paracetamol;
  • drugs that provide antihistamines the action is including suprastin or similar antihistamines;
  • anti-inflammatory and fever-reducing drugs, such as ibuprofen, which are available in capsules, gels and syrup;
  • medications to prevent seizures and muscle contractions;
  • disinfectants and antibiotics;
  • sedatives, sedatives and effects on the nervous system;
  • drugs that lower or increase blood sugar levels affect its absorption;
  • drugs that normalize sleep;
  • antifungal medications;
  • medications used in treatment viral diseases and their prevention, ascorbic acid, For example;
  • drugs that have a beneficial effect on work gastrointestinal tract that help fight poisoning.

All of the above medications are available in several forms:

  • in powder capsules;
  • gele;
  • syrup;
  • drops.

They are prescribed depending on the age of the child for convenient administration. The exact list of medications is established depending on the level of funding.

List of required documents for issuance

To receive medications free of charge, you must contact a doctor at your place of residence. The pediatrician writes a prescription on form 148-1.

All prescription forms are stamped with the stamp of the attending physician and the seal of the clinic. One copy of the prescription remains in the child’s card, two are given to parents to receive medications in the area where the clinic is located.

To receive medications you must provide:

  • birth certificate;
  • health insurance policy or agreement with a medical institution;
  • provide the doctor with a certificate of registration of the child.

You can get the medicine in the municipal center, which are located in each region of the country, as well as in a state-run pharmacy, which is located near the clinic.

Issue can be refused only if the form is filled out incorrectly or the stamp is missing. If parents receive benefits, there is no need to provide the doctor with a certificate of income.

He issues a prescription based on information from government agencies that the family belongs to the category of preferential citizens, and the pharmacy or center must issue them according to the list.

Features of the procedure

If your doctor refuses to write a prescription for free medications, you can contact your manager medical institution or with a complaint to the health department.

The legislation provides full list documents necessary to obtain medications and the doctor does not have the right to require additional certificates.

The list of all medications that are approved for distribution in a certain region can be studied at the reception of the clinic where the baby and his parents are served.

For a doctor, a pension insurance policy or a health insurance policy is equally valid. The main thing is that it is registered to the child.

Free medicines for children under 3 years of age in St. Petersburg can also be obtained by contacting the clinic at their place of residence.

The state, taking care of its citizens who require social protection, has adopted a number of legislative acts that regulate the procedure for obtaining free medicines for families with children under 3 years of age or disabled children.

The list of medications is approved annually for each region separately, and the budget allocated for the purchase of such medications is also adopted.

In the presence of necessary documents parents can freely obtain prescription medications from centers and government pharmacies.

Video: free medicines for children under 3 years old