Presentation "Structure of an animal cell" in biology - project, report. Goal: Creating conditions for the formation of the concept of a cell as an elementary unit of the structure and functioning of living things. Presentation on the topic of the structure of an animal cell.

“The structure of the cell and its functions” - Cell theory. DNA molecule. Chromatin. Potassium is a sodium pump. 3. Nucleolus (protein and r-RNA). Flagella (single cytoplasmic projections on the membrane). Endoplasmic reticulum. Comparison of cells of different kingdoms. The presentation was made by Protsenko L.V. teacher at Municipal Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 10”. ... Plant cell. Structure.

“Organic substances of the cell” - What organic substances are included in the composition of cells? Consolidate the acquired knowledge. Plant and animal proteins. Plan. Lipids. Organic compounds of the cell: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. List the functions of proteins. Klyuchantseva Irina Nikolaevna biology teacher at the Municipal Educational Institution “Itatskaya Secondary School No. 2” in the village of Tomskoye. Draw a conclusion.

“Cell structure” - Vacuole. Put the skin on. Vacuoles. Computer science category I. Green plastids You will search in vain. Cell structure. Municipal educational institution "Klyukvenskaya secondary school". The drug is on the table, Core. Preparation and examination of a preparation of onion scale skin under a microscope. Biology 6th grade.

"Cell nucleus" - 80 S ribosomes. The functions of the nucleus in a prokaryotic cell are performed by the Golgi apparatus. From. DNA Organoids. Simple and complex. Conjugation. Membrane organelles. The endoplasmic reticulum is folded. Hypothesis. Problematic question. Comparative characteristics eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The endoplasmic reticulum is smooth.

“The chemical composition of the cell” - Well done!!! Goal: get to know chemicals cells. Inorganic substances. 1-Transmission and storage of hereditary information. 2-part of chromosomes. Next question. Squirrels. From 1 kg of fat 1.1 kg of water is formed. Carbohydrates. Potato tubers contain up to 80% carbohydrates, and liver and muscle cells contain up to 5% carbohydrates.

"Cell and Nucleus" - Oligosaccharide side chain. Transport proteins. Karyolemma. Nucleoli. Cell structure. Cholesterol. Inclusions. Membrane proteins. Non-permanent components. Plastids Mitochondria Lysosomes, etc. The model of G. Nicholson and S. Singer resembles a mosaic. Karyoplasm. Kernel components. Channel-forming proteins. Round bodies formed by rRNA molecules and proteins, the site of ribosome assembly.

There are a total of 16 presentations in the topic

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Completed by a biology teacher at MBOU "Secondary School" pst. Chinyavoryk S.S. Kuzmina

General information 1 The bodies of all living organisms are made up of cells. Most animal bodies are made up of many cells.

General information 2 There are organisms whose bodies consist of only one cell - these are bacteria, unicellular algae, fungi, and protozoa.

General information 3 The science of CYTOLOGY studies the structure, development and activity of cells.

General information 4 Most animal cells are very small. The shapes of animal cells are very different. Muscle cells Blood cells Skin cells The shape and size of animal cells depend on the function of the cell

cytoplasm mitochondria chromosomes ribosomes Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus nucleolus Cell membrane lysosome centriole core Digestive vacuole Structural diagram animal cell

ORGANOIDS STRUCTURE FUNCTIONS Endoplasmic reticulum Ribosomes Mitochondria Golgi apparatus Lysosomes §6, page 26

Plant cell Animal cell Difference Similarity §6, page 26 Homework

Tissue is a group of cells similar in structure and function and the intercellular substance secreted by these cells.

Epithelial (cover) tissue Connective tissue Muscle Nervous tissue Tissues

Epithelial tissue Forms the integument of animals, lining body cavities and internal organs; They consist of one or several layers of tightly adjacent cells and contain almost no intercellular substance;

Connective tissue Consists of a small number of cells scattered in a mass of intercellular substance; It is part of the skeleton, supports the body, creates support, and protects internal organs.

Muscle tissue Consists of elongated cells that receive irritation from the nervous system and respond to it with irritation; Through contraction and relaxation skeletal muscles animal movement occurs.

Nervous tissue forms nervous system, which consists of nerve cells– neurons; Neurons have a stellate shape, long and short processes. Neurons perceive irritation and transmit excitation to muscles, skin, and other tissues and organs.

Tissue Function Types of tissue Epithelial Connective Muscular Nervous ----------

Homework §6-7, on pages 26-29, preparing for a test on the topics “Cell” and “Tissues”

summary of other presentations

“Structure of a human cell” - The cell is covered with a membrane. Chemical composition cells. The human body. Cell. Questions after the paragraph. Vital properties of the cell. Cytoplasm. Cytology. Inorganic substances. Thread-like formations. Organic substances. Internal environment body.

“Structure of plant cell organelles” - Golgi complex. Basic processes. Organoids. Nucleus with chromosomes. The structure of a plant cell. Diagram of the structure of a plant cell. Cell membrane. Mitochondria. Endoplasmic reticulum. Vacuole. Cytoplasm. Discovery of cells. Chloroplasts. The structure of the cell of a prokaryotic organism. Plant cell.

“Organoids of a eukaryotic cell” - Plant and animal cells. Developmental goals. What organelles are shown in these figures. Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Compare the cells. Organelles of a eukaryotic cell. Lesson objectives. Cell organelles. Cage travel worksheet. Cellular center. Golgi apparatus. Animal cell. Organelles of an animal cell. Diversity of cells. Types of plastids. Plastids. Organoids for special purposes.

“Structure of animal and plant cells” - Functions of the EPS. Vessels. The structure of a plant and animal cell. Functions of lysosomes. Golgi apparatus. Membrane functions. High-energy-intensive (macroenergetic) bonds. Protein. Cell structure. Glucose. Functions of plastids. Function of the cell center. Transcription. Cell. Micrograph of the endoplasmic reticulum. Cell wall. Presentation navigation. Ribosome. Lysosome. Cellular center. Outer membrane. Phospholipid.

“Structural features of eukaryotic cells” - Cell. Plasma (cell) membrane. R. Virchow. Leeuwenhoek. Cellular center. Inclusions. Cytoplasm. Lysosomes. Diversity and structural features of cells. Ribosomes. Dictionary. Endoplasmic reticulum. Cells that do not have a formed nucleus. Cilia and flagella. The structure of a eukaryotic cell. Diversity of cells. Golgi apparatus (complex). Core. Mitochondria. Variety of viruses. Cell structure.

“Structure of a eukaryotic cell” - Eukaryotic cell. Core. Organelles common to plant and animal cells. Inclusions. Cell membrane proteins. Organelles characteristic of a plant cell. Functions of membrane proteins. Properties of cell membranes. It's time. Structure. Functions. Organoids. Cellular life forms. Cell shapes. Universal unit of life. Hook. Structure of the plasma membrane. Endoplasmic reticulum. Main functions of the membrane.

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Structural Features An animal cell does not have a dense cell wall. It lacks vacuoles characteristic of plants and some fungi. As a backup energetic substance The polysaccharide glycogen usually accumulates. Unlike other cells, an animal has a special organelle - a cell center.

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Cell wall The outer layer of the surface of animal cells, unlike the cell walls of plants, is very thin and elastic. It is not visible under a light microscope and consists of a variety of polysaccharides and proteins. The surface layer of animal cells is called the glycocalyx. The glycocalyx performs primarily the function of direct connection of animal cells with external environment, with all the substances surrounding it. Having a small thickness (less than 1 micron), the outer layer of animal cells does not play a supporting role, which is characteristic of plant cell walls. The formation of the glycocalyx, as well as the cell walls of plants, occurs due to the vital activity of the cells themselves.

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Cellular center Centrioles are a 500 nm hollow cylinder formed by nine triplets of fibrillar protein. Each triplet is connected to the others by a “handle”. One centriole in the diplosome is the mother centriole and carries additional structures: satellites - the foci of microtubule convergence and additional microtubules that form the centrosphere. Centrioles are involved in cell division. The satellites form the filaments of the spindle. After the free ends of the spindle filaments are attached to the primary constriction of the chromosomes, the chromosomes are stretched to the poles of the cell due to the movement of the centrioles.

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The structure of an animal cell

Cell membrane. located under the cell wall.

  • limits the contents of the cell;
  • protects the cell;
  • regulates metabolism with the external environment.

Cytoplasm is the viscous fluid that fills the cell; neighboring cells are connected to each other through the cytoplasm.

  • accumulation of cell waste products;
  • storage of nutrients.

Core. contains chromosomes; covered with a shell.

  • participates in the storage and transmission of hereditary information to offspring;
  • regulates all processes in the cell.

A nucleolus is an accumulation of nuclear substance in the nucleus.

Functions: participates in the formation of ribosomes.

Ribosomes are round in shape and small in size; located freely in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.

Functions: formation (synthesis) of proteins.

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) consists of tubules that form a network; has its own shell.

  • formation of organic substances (proteins, fats and carbohydrates);
  • transport of substances in the cell.

The Golgi apparatus consists of tubules, cavities and vesicles; covered with its own shell.

  • formation of complex organic substances;
  • formation of lysosomes.

Lysosomes are small vesicles; contains enzymes; have their own shell.

Functions: breakdown of organic substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).

Mitochondria have oval shape; covered with a double shell; inner shell forms folds.

Functions: formation and accumulation of energy (“energy stations” of the cell).

The cell center consists of two parts that have a cylindrical shape

Functions: participation in cell division