Causes and treatment of nausea without vomiting. Feeling terrible

Nausea is called unpleasant feeling in the upper part of the stomach, which leads to vomiting. When a person vomits, a pathogenic bacterium is exported from his body, causing nausea.

However, nausea is not always accompanied by vomiting, which leads to lingering discomfort that does not go away throughout the day. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out.

In most cases, nausea is a sign of intoxication. A bacteria, virus or toxin enters the human stomach, and this negatively affects the functioning of gastrointestinal tract.

When a person feels nauseous, but does not vomit, all day long, there is nothing wrong with that, because the reasons this phenomenon associated with stimuli internal environment. Removing the irritant will bring the patient the desired relief.

However, there are cases when without vomiting, a person feels sick for a week. An attack of prolonged lightheadedness can be triggered by diseases of the stomach, heart and other organs.


If we abstract from the diseases that provoke lightheadedness, we can identify the following causes of its occurrence:

  1. First trimester of pregnancy. Most pregnant women feel sick in the morning due to toxicosis. They may feel discomfort in the stomach all day long. Toxicosis is absolutely normal phenomenon not caused by any pathology. In most cases, with toxicosis, a pregnant woman does not vomit.
    While the body of a pregnant girl goes through the physiological stage of preparation for motherhood, she will face this problem.
  2. Sensitivity of the vestibular apparatus. Some people experience increased sensitivity of the vestibular system. This can lead to the fact that a person cannot move in any form of transport. A person with this problem rarely vomits while driving, but the feeling of lightheadedness does not leave him throughout the entire trip.
  3. Stench. Any unpleasant odors marked by a nerve center located in the brain stem. This starts the process of nausea.
  4. Poor nutrition. Non-compliance with the rules healthy eating leads to malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Why does the violation occur? normal operation Gastrointestinal tract? This violation may be a consequence of prolonged consumption of fatty foods by a person. There is also a glitch in digestive system may cause banal overeating. A person often feels sick after feasting. The best prevention If you experience discomfort in the stomach after a feast, take a medication that promotes better absorption of food by the stomach. For example, you can take Mezim or Festal.
  5. Psycho-emotional shock. When people are scared or upset about something, in a word, they experience a strong negative emotion, this may lead to a feeling of lightheadedness. Usually a person vomits after a hysteria.
  6. Side effect after taking medications. Stomach discomfort is one of the most common side effects of overdosing on specific medications. In most cases, a person vomits after not following the prescribed dosage of antibiotics. The illness may continue on the second day.
  7. Individual intolerance to the substance. If a person takes medicine, active ingredient which is contraindicated for him medical reasons, he may begin to feel faint without vomiting. Eating food has the same effect. contraindicated for humans products.

All these reasons provoke the appearance of the so-called feeling of “safe” nausea. It cannot be called long-lasting. This disease bothers a person from several hours to several days.

If lightheadedness occurs systematically and is not associated with a person’s unhealthy lifestyle, you should undergo medical examination to determine the cause that provokes its appearance.

When is this disease dangerous to health?

In some cases, a person becomes sick due to serious complications occurring in his body. In these cases, the patient must be given first aid.

A patient suffering from a feeling of faintness should induce vomiting only if his illness is associated with intoxication of the body.

In this case, there is indeed a need for the urge to vomit, since toxins that provoke the disease are exported from the patient’s body along with the vomit.

The sooner the release of toxins occurs, the sooner recovery will occur.

When the occurrence of discomfort in the upper chest was preceded by any pathologies associated with the functioning of internal organs, vomiting will not bring the patient the desired relief.

Therefore, there is no need to call her.

Methods of inducing vomiting

When a toxin is present in a person's body and their stomach is empty, it is more difficult for them to induce vomiting.

If the patient is sure that his illness is associated with intoxication of the body, he should provoke vomiting as quickly as possible. This can be done by implementing the following methods:

  1. The patient needs to drink water. Water is the best natural medicine, with which you can cleanse your stomach. After he drinks the water, you should go to the toilet, lean forward and press two fingers on the root of the tongue. It is important to act very carefully, as nails can easily damage the larynx.
  2. There is a category of people who have a very low vomiting threshold. It is much more difficult for them to provoke vomiting and, most likely, pressing on the root of the tongue will not bring them any results. In this case, they should drink a large number of water, namely 1.5-2 liters. It is advisable to drink warm water. After this, the urge to vomit should appear. Tip: to quickly remove toxin from the stomach, you need to dissolve potassium permanganate in warm water.
  3. A glass of black tea with milk can help provoke vomiting. However, instead of sugar, you should add salt to your tea. Maybe it's not very delicious medicine, however, it will help to immediately induce vomiting. It is enough to drink two glasses of salted milk tea.
  4. You can help a patient remove toxins from the body by releasing vomit using vomit root syrup. You can find such syrup at the pharmacy.

If a person suffering from this disease cannot leave the house and go to the pharmacy on his own due to feeling unwell, he should ask to purchase this medicine one of the family members.

Nausea without vomiting is characteristic of some diseases digestive tract, pregnancy. In addition, attacks of nausea can be experienced as a result of a concussion, migraine, or poisoning.

What to do if you feel sick without vomiting?

To get rid of the uncomfortable condition, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis. Based on its results, a therapy program will be developed to remove the cause.

It is worth considering that methods aimed at reducing nausea do not always work. This happens due to a variety of reasons. For example, it is impossible to take anti-seasickness pills to get rid of the discomfort caused by poisoning. However, in many cases, vomiting provides significant relief. Therefore, let's look at how to induce vomiting in case of nausea.

Nausea - how to induce vomiting?

As a rule, nausea without vomiting is present if the stomach is empty. Therefore, for its maximum cleaning, you need to fill the organ:

  1. You need to drink 2-3 glasses of water. Then you should press on the root of the tongue with two fingers. You need to act with caution so as not to accidentally injure the larynx.
  2. There are people who have poorly developed vomiting reflex, and pressing on the root of their tongue does not lead to the desired result. In this case, you will have to make some effort - drink 1.5-2 liters of warm water. Usually after this, vomiting begins on its own. If you are sure that nausea is caused by poor-quality products, dissolve a few grains of potassium permanganate in water.
  3. ethnoscience recommends drinking black tea seasoned with milk and salt for vomiting. Just 2 glasses of the drink are enough to release the vomit.
  4. If nausea allows you to leave the house, visit the nearest pharmacy and buy emetic root syrup.

Is it necessary to induce vomiting if you feel sick?

Vomiting is necessary when it comes to poisoning. In this way, you can free your stomach from the remnants of digested low-quality products. In this case, further treatment will proceed faster.

When it comes to nausea caused by brain diseases, spinal column, impaired functionality, vomiting will not bring relief or the effect will be short-lived. Therefore, you should identify the cause as quickly as possible and correct your condition. pharmacological drugs prescribed by a doctor.

The appearance of nausea is a common symptom indicating possible problems with work. internal systems. A special part of the brain is responsible for the appearance of nausea, which also regulates other functions, in particular salivation.

Don't hesitate to visit narrow specialists, which can also suggest a possible cause of the problem. Timely diagnosis will help increase the chances of successful treatment the underlying disease, after which you can get rid of nausea.

How to treat?

Single episodes of nausea usually do not require specific treatment. It is very important during this period to observe moderation in food, to give up foods that are too fatty and heavy on the stomach, alcohol and smoking.

If nausea becomes a constant companion of life or an examination reveals pathologies in the functioning of internal organs, this issue must be taken more seriously by carrying out the necessary treatment.

Basic methods for eliminating nausea:

  • Adjusting your diet, giving up bad habits.
  • Taking sedatives and avoiding stressful situations.
  • Treatment chronic diseases internal organs.
  • Control blood pressure.
  • Taking absorbents if food poisoning is suspected.
  • Compliance with the drinking regime, with severe vomiting- reception special drugs, restoring the water-salt balance of the body.

Nausea is a common symptom of most various diseases. This may be a reaction to stress, as well as the first signs life-threatening states.

A specialist can find the exact cause of the disease, and for this you should definitely visit a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations. The main causes of nausea without vomiting are described in the information provided.

Nausea– a painful sensation in the epigastric region and/or throat, which often leads to. Nausea is considered a symptom, not a disease, because it does not arise by itself, but indicates some deviations in the normal functionality of the body. The feeling of nausea is associated with decreased functional activity of the stomach and changes in the motor function of the duodenum and small intestine. Severe nausea accompanying vomiting is often a sign of changes in autonomic activity. nervous system. In addition to vomiting, nausea is often accompanied by general weakness and color change skin in pale colors.

ICD-9: 787.0
ICD-10: R11

The main symptom of nausea, as already mentioned at the beginning of the article, is an unpleasant and sometimes painful feeling that spreads from the epigastric region, through the esophagus to the upper part of the pharynx, accompanied by the desire to “throw up.”

Nausea may be accompanied by:

Vestibular. Associated with various. Pregnant women and women during the period are susceptible to it.

Metabolic. Caused by unbalanced nutrition, fasting, metabolic disorders.

To spend effective treatment nausea, it is necessary to find its cause, and there are many causes of nausea, but the most popular of them are poisoning, illness, motion sickness and pregnancy.

Let's take a closer look at what causes nausea attacks.

Common Causes of Nausea

Poisoning. In case of poisoning, nausea comes on slowly, 2-3 hours after eating, and often ends with vomiting. At the same time, body temperature rises to 38°C. After vomiting, diarrhea usually appears.

Concussion. After severe bruise head, dizziness with nausea may occur. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Pregnancy. Morning sickness in women can be one of the first signs of pregnancy, because... this is one of the first signs of toxicosis in pregnant women (preeclampsia). Usually this symptom stops by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, after which it can appear very rarely, and not so often. acute form, as at the beginning of an “interesting situation.”

Vestibular apparatus. Attacks of nausea and dizziness can occur due to a sudden change in body position, for example, from a squatting position to a standing position. In this case, balance is lost, “floating spots” may appear before the eyes, tinnitus may occur, and even “stuffed ears” may occur.

Diets. In part, nausea is a frequent companion of a person following various diets. The fact is that this happens when the menu is incorrectly selected, because the various ingredients included in certain products, in the wrong proportions, can disrupt metabolism, especially in the digestive organs.

Heat and sunstroke.

Motion sickness.

Diseases that may be accompanied by attacks of nausea

Gallbladder disease. With this disease, nausea occurs due to distension of the stomach, bloating and gases, and the appearance of a bitter taste in the stomach. oral cavity and pain in the right hypochondrium.

Pancreatitis. Nausea after eating, which is accompanied by bitterness in the mouth, pain in the right hypochondrium, and sometimes weight loss, may indicate the presence of a disease such as.

Hypertension. Symptoms are: dizziness, swelling, periodic appearance of red spots on the face and nausea, which is most pronounced in the morning, and more mild form accompanies a person throughout the day.

Heart failure. In heart failure, the feeling of nausea manifests itself on a constant basis, and almost always ends with vomiting. At the same time, even after bowel movement, the feeling of nausea does not disappear. In addition, the patient's complexion is somewhat green, pain in the upper abdomen periodically appears, and sometimes hiccups and a feeling of lack of air appear.

- this is a painful feeling of discomfort in upper section abdomen, esophagus and mouth; anticipation of vomiting. When describing such symptoms, patients say “I feel sick.” Sometimes the symptoms of nausea are less pronounced, in such cases they say “nauseous.” Nausea is often accompanied by sweating and increased salivation. A person experiencing nausea may experience a decrease in blood pressure, become pale, and feel cold in the extremities.

Nausea - why? Possible causes of nausea

Diseases in which nausea is observed may relate to pathologies of the digestive, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Most often, nausea is a symptom of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - both chronic (for example, peptic ulcer, duodenitis, enterocolitis, hepatitis, etc.), and acute (peritonitis, appendicitis, acute pancreatitis, etc.), requiring immediate medical intervention.

Nausea can also be caused by reasons such as:

  • (morning sickness is often observed during the first trimester. It is caused by hormonal changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother);
  • side effect medical supplies;
  • toxic substances (poisoning);
  • psychogenic causes(anxiety, severe fear, hysteria);
  • overheating (hyperthermia), sunstroke.

Nausea and frequent headaches

Nausea is often complained of simultaneously with recurring nausea. Such symptoms may indicate diseases of the nervous system. This could be: traumatic brain injury, meningitis, borreliosis. Also, nausea and headaches can be combined with and.

Nausea at night

Another common complaint is that nausea at night. A sleeping person remains in the same position for a long time; the normal functioning of the body's systems is weakened. This leads to the feeling of discomfort accumulating, and, if there is pathological reasons, when you wake up, you can feel severe attack nausea.

Such attacks of nausea (in the morning or at night) can be observed during and be a consequence of toxicosis. Another cause may be hypothyroidism, a disease thyroid gland. Cardiovascular diseases ( arterial hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia) may also cause nausea in the morning or at night. Common reason– diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (primarily and). In this case, nausea is usually accompanied by pain and burning in the abdomen.