Signs, rituals and traditions for baptism. Conspiracy for wealth and financial well-being. Ways to make a wish for Epiphany

Epiphany signs are associated with one of the most important religious holidays- The Baptism of the Lord, often also called the Epiphany. It is celebrated every year at the same time - January 19th.

Beliefs about blessed water

The signs about blessed water at the Baptism of the Lord are associated with the sacrament of the baptismal rite of washing Jesus in the Jordan, when the Holy Spirit descended from heaven on him in the form of a dove. Since that ancient time, water began to be considered a symbol of purity, and on the feast of Epiphany, water-blessing rituals were performed.

Church priests organize a religious procession to cleanse everyone of evil spirits with the help of holy water and prayer. Doors were always kept open for them. According to baptismal signs, a family that does not allow the priest into the house dooms itself to trouble for the entire coming year.

Before the feast of Epiphany on the 18th and directly on the day of Epiphany on January 19, believers try to collect blessed water. This is due to the fact that, according to legend, all the water in any body of water and flowing from the tap is considered holy. To wash oneself with such water and to wash one’s children with it means to gain health and happiness. Blessed water is also sprinkled on homes and given to pets. Girls try to wash themselves with blessed water, because folk signs About Baptism, such water gives beauty and heals spiritual wounds.

Signs about Epiphany bathing

Signs for Epiphany on January 19 state that throughout the whole day, starting in the early morning, you can plunge into an ice hole cut out especially for the holiday in order to become clean and healthy. They cut it out into the ice in the shape of a cross, and a cross is placed nearby. The priests bless the water in the ice hole for the bathing ceremony.

According to folk superstitions about Epiphany, bathing during the feast of Epiphany involves double purification through fire and water, which is why beet juice was often poured into wormwood, which was associated with the element of fire.

According to folk signs and traditions at Epiphany, anyone who plunges into an ice hole or who decides to simply wash under cold running water in a home bathroom will not get sick throughout the next year.

Dipping rules

Dipping into an ice hole at Epiphany is associated with a number of simple customs that are strictly observed by believers:

  • for women diving in wormwood, it is important to be dressed in a shirt; beliefs explain this by the need to protect themselves from the sins of others, which during the plunge will be washed off from some and subsequently stick to others,
  • women plunge with their heads covered, men - without hats,
  • they enter the wormwood up to their chests, having previously crossed themselves,
  • according to established tradition, they plunge into Baptism three times with prayer,
  • when dipping, the gaze should be directed to the east, since the east is God's place of residence, where good reigns, and the west is the territory of the devil, where evil reigns.

Menu for Epiphany

People believe that you can receive God's blessing if you spend the eve of the holiday, the 18th, in prayer, do not eat anything meat, since fasting continues, and begin to break your fast only on the 19th.

On Epiphany, signs and beliefs promise a sweet life all year long if the hostess turns out the main Epiphany dish - kutia - delicious.

The Epiphany menu for the holiday has its own characteristics. The celebration begins on January 18, and this day is popularly called Poor Kutya. According to the established rules, people sit down at the table on Epiphany Eve for dinner only when the first star appears in the sky. There should be 12 dishes on the table, including no meat, and the main one is kutia. The following was added to this wheat porridge, symbolizing wealth and prosperity:

  • honey so that life is sweet all year round,
  • poppy against evil spirits,
  • nuts to overcome life's difficulties,
  • raisins for home abundance.

On the 19th, on Epiphany itself, signs and beliefs allow tables to be set with meat, jellied meat, jellied meat, sausages and pies. According to tradition, lunch always begins with a prayer and blessed Epiphany water.

Epiphany weather and everyday signs

Based on natural phenomena, they predicted the weather for Epiphany, and according to everyday beliefs, they predicted the future.

Signs about the weather

People noted that when there were frosts on Epiphany, there was no snow and it was a clear and cold day, one could wait dry summer. Numerous stars in the sky at Epiphany also spoke about such summer weather. The southern January wind on the 19th brought future summer thunderstorms, and the full moon that appeared on the night of January 19th meant spring floods. Cloudy weather and snow spoke about high grain harvests.

Household signs

Among the people, the signs for the baptism of the Lord said that after drinking blessed water or snow livestock will bear large offspring all year round. Only they didn’t feed the chickens that day, because they were afraid of a bad harvest, so that Domestic bird I didn’t eat all the grains.

Folk signs for Epiphany prohibit doing anything during great holiday housework. They don't take scissors on this January day.

On the day of Epiphany and three days after it, they did not wash it, for fear that their hands would become sore. This sign is due to the fact that water on Epiphany days is holy and cannot be desecrated with unclean linen.

On the Epiphany holiday, many tried to baptize the child, because people believed that communion with God on the 19th would make him happy. The future newlyweds scheduled an engagement on the 19th, which promised them a fun wedding in the future, and after it a carefree family life.

Fortune telling on the feast of Epiphany

There are many signs and customs about the well-known fortune-telling that was carried out in Rus' during Epiphany time from January 18th to 19th. People believed that on the night of Epiphany the heavens were opened to people, so they often read prayers and incantations.

On January 19, the Orthodox Church celebrates the great twelfth holiday - Epiphany and Epiphany (Vodokreshchi). On this day, the Orthodox people remember the Baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan. The holiday received its second name - Epiphany - due to the fact that at the baptism of the Savior, “the appearance of three persons of the Divine took place: the Father from heaven testified with a voice about the baptized Son, and the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, thereby confirming the words of the Father.”

The people called the holiday Vodokreschi. The name appeared because of the main baptismal rites - blessing of water, or baptism with water.

In the folk calendar, Epiphany was one of the most important holidays from the beginning of the year. From this day on, Christmastide ended, and people's contact with the other world was interrupted. In this regard, the main part of baptismal rites was of a cleansing nature. We prepared for Epiphany the day before: we washed the huts and carefully swept away the rubbish, in which, according to our ancestors, an imp could hide. According to legend, in the morning before the blessing of water, all the little devils must drown in the water. In the evening, if possible, all people went to church for a service, at the end of which the great blessing of water was performed. The peasants considered it a celebration of special importance.

Upon returning from service, people performed cleansing rituals, the whole family drank holy water, sprinkled it on their cattle, house and outbuildings. At Epiphany, snow was collected, and the resulting water was poured into a jug and saved in case of illness. It is believed that this water heals cramps, dizziness, and numbness in the legs. If it's snowy Epiphany water If you spray the canvas, it will whiten it in a way that neither ash nor the sun can do. Epiphany snow was also added to the feed of horses so that they would not get sick, and it was given to chickens so that they would start laying eggs earlier.

According to popular belief, the heavens open on the night before Christmas. According to legend, this happens at the moment when the Savior enters the river. A sign of this event is the agitation of water in a glass or cup, which most often occurs at midnight. Having waited for this sign, you need to quickly go outside. If a person is lucky enough to see the “open heavens,” then he can ask the Lord for whatever his heart desires.

Baptism: rituals and signs for January 19

The main celebration holiday the blessing of water and the “walk to the Jordan” appeared. To do this, an ice hole was made in one of the reservoirs at a previously established location - Jordan. The whole day of Epiphany for Christians was full of special meaning. They took part in the ceremony procession and receiving holy water. After the prayer service, they bathed in the river to cleanse themselves of sins and be cured of illnesses. Those who dressed up for Christmastide swam in the ice hole to wash off the “demonic mask” from themselves.

The ice hole and the place near it are considered sacred. A stick was stuck into the hole so that pigeons and bees would breed. Cattle were driven to the Jordan, which the priests sprinkled with water blessed in the river.

After mass, the owners in the courtyard laid out unthreshed sheaves of various crops, bread broken into pieces and rye cakes left for Epiphany from the New Year and Nativity holidays. The cattle were released from the barns to the food that had been laid out, and while they were eating, they were sprinkled with water brought from the ice hole. At the same time, the owner who sprinkled the animals put on a fur coat with the fur facing out.

The use of New Year's and Christmas bread, as well as an inside-out fur coat, in the ritual is associated with the idea of ​​offspring: fur and ritual food in the traditional consciousness were endowed with producing powers. Feeding various types of unthreshed bread was carried out so that the livestock would be well-fed all year.

As on Epiphany Eve, so on the day of Epiphany after the blessing of water, a ritual of cleansing of houses and households was carried out. buildings to drive out the Yuletide evil spirits from everywhere. Blessed water was used for this. Young people on horseback rode through the courtyards, hitting all the nooks and crannies with whips and brooms, screaming and squealing, reciting a special spell.

From January 19 and throughout the week, it was forbidden to rinse clothes on the river. According to popular beliefs, the evil spirit that goes into the water after Christmas time can grab hold of the linen and get out.

The candle, which was brought along with holy water from the service on Epiphany Eve, was carefully preserved. It was lit during a thunderstorm to prevent fire. She was credited with protective powers against evil spirits. On the day of the first cattle drive, a piece of this candle was attached to horses under the mane or under the bangs, and to cows - between the horns. It was believed that this would help protect cattle from goblin and water spirits.

People believed that a child baptized in Epiphany would become very happy man. And those who dreamed of becoming rich and successful, or of acquiring an invisibility cap, performed a special ritual on Epiphany. It was necessary to dress in everything new and, during the Epiphany blessing of water, bury oneself in a haystack that had been mowed with a completely new scythe on the night of Ivan Kupala (July 6 to 7). Such hay must be collected with a new rake and carried on a new stretcher. While the person is in the heap, the evil one will begin to lure him out of there with various promises. You should go out after the devil gives you the invisibility cap, otherwise he may stab the person with a pitchfork.

Immediately after Epiphany, the meat-eating began - it was time for weddings. Therefore, the “Choice of Bride” ritual was popular on the day of Epiphany. On this day, young people dressed up in their best outfits. The girls wore several shirts with embroidered hems, whitened and blushed. A sundress was worn over the shirts, and on it were 3-4 aprons with abundant embroidery. A sheepskin coat trimmed with marl fur was thrown over the clothes. On the occasion of the “Choice of Brides” ritual, boys and girls from neighboring villages, planning to start a family in the new year, came to the larger local centers for the blessing of water and the festive service.

They began to look after brides in the church during the service, at the blessing of the water, when the girls stood on a hill above the river, and the boys stood below. The viewing itself took place after lunch. The girls stood in one or several rows near the ice hole or near the church fence, and the guys walked between them.

In addition to the boys, the “brides” were also examined by their parents. They assessed not only the girl’s external qualities (beauty, height, plumpness), but also her ability to weave, spin, sew, lace and embroider, which was revealed when viewing the outfits she was wearing. Attention was also paid to the health of future brides. In addition to external data, the criterion good health Warm hands appeared: the boys' mothers took the girls by the hands, who remained without gloves during the show (about 2-3 hours). If a girl's hands were cold, then she was considered sick and unsuitable for marriage.

Signs for Epiphany (January 19)

  1. If there is a snowstorm on Epiphany, then expect a snowstorm at the end of April.
  2. Cold and clear weather means a dry summer; snowy and cloudy - to a good harvest.
  3. Cloudy skies, heavy frost and falling snow foretell a fertile year.
  4. A clear day means a bad harvest.
  5. At noon, blue clouds mean harvest.
  6. Strong whirlwinds rise at Epiphany - a good swarm of bees.
  7. If the day is warm, the bread will be thick.
  8. Starry night - for the harvest of peas and berries. This is also a sign that the sheep will lamb well this year.
  9. A full month means high water in the spring.
  10. If the day is sunny and warm, then the good weather will continue for several more weeks.
  11. If it rains, it will rain until the end of the month.
  12. If snow piles up against the fence, the summer will be bad. If there is a gap, then it is fruitful.
  13. Dogs bark a lot - there will be plenty of game.
  14. The day is good for fortune telling.

A person born on January 19 will live a long and happy life. He should wear jade.

Video: signs for the Epiphany (January 19)

Ends the Christmas and New Year holidays January 19 is the day of Epiphany. This holiday is one of the oldest in Christianity and takes its origins from the time of the apostles, and the old name, which can still be heard to this day, is Epiphany. The church holiday is associated with the fact that John baptized Jesus, who had reached his thirtieth birthday, in the Jordan River. When Jesus came onto land, the voice of the Lord came from heaven, calling Jesus the Son, and at the same moment a dove descended, personifying the Holy Spirit. In the church, this particular holiday is considered the embodiment of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The celebration begins on January 18, throughout the day it is customary to fast and not eat anything, only in the evening the family sits down at the table and can taste Lenten dishes: kutya, fish, dumplings, broth.

On the morning of January 19, on the feast of Epiphany, everyone goes to church to bless the water; this can also be done near any body of water. Throughout the day, the water acquires special healing properties, which are not lost throughout the year or even more. Scientists around the world have tried to unravel the reason why this water does not become cloudy and does not spoil for such a long time, but they have never found an explanation for this. It is customary to store holy water throughout the year; it is a panacea for any ailments and illnesses; in addition, it is used to spray homes. If it is consumed quite quickly, then you can add regular water to it, because it is believed that even one drop of holy water sanctifies any amount of unholy water.

Of course, this is an activity for daredevils, because not everyone dares to jump into icy water. But be that as it may, every year in any city a large ice hole is made in the river so that everyone can plunge into the healing water. But it is worth noting that this must be done based on religious motives, and not just to perform a feat. In addition, before plunging, it is advisable to receive a blessing from a priest.

Baptism of the Lord: signs and cleansing of the house

In addition to all the traditions and rituals, people have always paid great attention to the signs that occur on this day, which were also considered the most truthful. At the Epiphany of the Lord, signs are more closely related to the harvest. For example, if there is snowfall or cloudy weather with large dark clouds, then the harvest will be good. But if at night the sky is clear and many stars are visible, then this means that berries and nuts will grow well. Another sign of Epiphany is the barking of dogs at night, which means good news for hunters, as there will be a lot of game. And here full month indicates the likelihood of floods in the spring. Also, to protect your home from evil spirits, you need draw a cross above the front door and windows. In addition, in order for there to be prosperity in the house, you cannot lend or take anything out of the house before the holiday.

One of the main traditions is cleansing the house. Therefore, when the housewife returns home from church, she must sprinkle her house with holy water in order to cleanse and protect it from all evil spirits, the evil eye, and damage. This should be done from the front door clockwise. It is necessary to go around each room and sprinkle with a pinch right hand in a cruciform motion. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the corners in which the greatest accumulation of negative energy is. You need to end the movement where you started. Very important nuance: it is necessary to open the window slightly before the ritual so that there is a place for everything negative to escape. After all, if this is not done, the lump of negative energy will return to its original place. Also, be sure to sprinkle all family members and pets.

To make your home as safe as possible, you need to carry out mini cleanings regularly. To do this, ventilate every week so that heavy, charged air comes out. negative emotions, especially if there was a quarrel. It is important to do wet cleaning regularly, and do not forget about even the most remote corners and tops of cabinets. At the same time, you can add a little salt to the water, it is believed that it does not allow it to take hold. evil force, as it is a symbol of stability.

It is very good to keep geranium in the house as a protection and amulet; it is a very unpretentious plant, easy to care for, and brings a lot of benefits. From time to time you need to light up wax candles, since wax is considered a carrier of positive energy, which charges surrounding people and housing in general.

Such rituals and signs at Epiphany will help protect your home and loved ones. After all, no matter how you look at it, there is enough negativity and difficult emotions in our lives that accumulate and subsequently reflect on us. Therefore, it is worth cleaning the energy in your home from time to time. In addition, it is important to try to quarrel and swear less. After all, you can always find a solution to any situation and it is much easier to do it peacefully.

Take the test

In your opinion, describe the man to whom you should give a gift?

The Feast of the Epiphany is also called Epiphany, since the Holy Trinity first appeared to the world on this day - God the Father proclaimed the Son from heaven, the Son received Baptism in the Jordan River, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended on the Son.

All four Gospels testify to this: “... Jesus came in those days from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John, and when he came out of the water, John immediately saw the heavens opening and the Spirit like a dove descending on Him. And a voice came from heaven : “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

Sputnik Georgia asked about the history of the Epiphany holiday and what traditions, customs and signs are associated with it in Orthodoxy.


Christians have been celebrating the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ from the prophet John the Baptist in the Jordan River since ancient times.

One of the very first Christian holidays began to be celebrated during the lifetime of the apostles - it is mentioned in the apostolic decrees and rules. Until the 4th century, Epiphany and Christmas were a single holiday called Epiphany.

On Epiphany, in the first centuries of Christianity, converts were baptized - they were called catechumens. As a sign that the Sacrament of Baptism cleanses a person from sin and enlightens him with the Light of Christ, this day was often called the “day of Enlightenment”, “Feast of Lights”, or “holy Lights”. The custom of blessing water in reservoirs existed even then.

© photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaver

The separate celebration of the Nativity of Christ and the Baptism of the Lord was first introduced around 377 in the Church of Constantinople. Later, the custom of celebrating the Nativity of Christ on December 25 spread from Constantinople throughout the Orthodox East.

On Epiphany Eve there is a strict fast, and, in principle, you are not supposed to eat until the water is blessed. This is the first day of fasting, in fact, after Christmas, since before that the church celebrates Christmastide, when there is no fasting.

In some Eastern churches, the ancient combination of holidays remains. For example, Armenians continue to celebrate Christmas and Epiphany on the same day - January 6th.

The meaning of the feast of the Epiphany is explained in liturgical texts as follows: the Lord accepted baptism for the salvation of people, not for His own purification, which He did not need. The modern Sacrament of Baptism gives the grace of God because the water of baptism is sanctified by the Lord.


Agiasma or Epiphany water is one of the main shrines in Orthodox churches Every year the Great Blessing of Water is performed on Epiphany and on the eve of the holiday - on Epiphany Christmas Eve.

The tradition of blessing water on the eve of the holiday is believed to date back to the ancient Christian practice of Epiphany after the morning service of Epiphany of the Catechumens.

The Blessing of Water on the feast of the Epiphany is associated with the custom of Christians of the Jerusalem Church to march to the Jordan, to the traditional place of the baptism of Jesus Christ, on the day of Epiphany.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Kryazhev

The special healing properties of holy water, which replenish the mental and physical strength of a person who receives it with faith, were noticed in the ancient Church.

And today, after a special prayer service, during which the healing grace of the Holy Spirit is called upon the water, according to tradition, believers in the temple drink Epiphany water, wash their face with it, fill their bottles with agiasma and take them home.

The supply of holy water, which should be kept in the home of every Christian, is replenished by believers once a year. A special property of agiasma is that in small quantity added even to ordinary water it transmits beneficial properties and to her, therefore Epiphany water can be diluted with plain water in case of its shortage.

Customs and rituals

The traditions and rituals of this holiday go back to ancient times. The holiday of the Epiphany of the Lord ended with Christmastide, which was a period “without a cross” according to popular belief, since Jesus Christ, who was born recently, has not yet been baptized.

On this day, the “terrible evenings” also ended, during which otherworldly forces walked freely in the human world. On Epiphany Eve it was believed that this evil spirit became especially dangerous. Accordingly, many rituals and traditions in the old days were carried out with the goal of cleansing themselves of evil spirits and closing the boundaries between the living and the dead.

People prepared for the feast of the Epiphany very carefully - they put the house in perfect order, swept and washed the floors, because they believed that the devils could hide in the rubbish.

They fumigated with incense smoke, sprinkled with holy water and drew crosses with chalk in all places where evil spirits could hide - corners, windows, doors, cellar, oven, outbuildings and gates.

Behind festive table people sat down in prayer when the first star lit up in the sky. On Epiphany Christmas Eve, the dinner, which consisted of Lenten dishes, had its own name - “hungry kutia”.

The whole family gathers at the festive table, just like before Christmas - in the old days it was believed that if all generations of the same family gather together, then the whole large family next year will live in the same composition, and most importantly, in health.

Kutia and uzvar were always served on the festive table, as well as fish, dumplings, pancakes, vegetables and baked goods. According to tradition, after dinner, to ensure a good year for bread, all the spoons were put into one bowl, which was covered with bread.

To find out their future, people listened to the cattle on the night of Epiphany, because they believed that on Epiphany Eve, domestic animals acquired the ability to speak human language.

Epiphany Christmas Eve was also the last day on which Christmas fortune-telling was carried out - on this night the youth held their last gatherings with fortune-telling, games and songs.

According to tradition, girls wondered about their betrothed, about the future - on this night the same rituals are suitable for fortune-telling as on Christmas Eve before Christmas and the Old New Year.

Other traditions and customs

On the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, in the morning we went to church, where after mass they blessed the water with the Great Rite. The blessing of water is carried out in the same manner both on the eve and on the day of the holiday, so the water blessed on these days is no different.

Then the whole family had a meal - on the festive table, according to tradition, 12 different dishes were served - porridge generously flavored with butter, jellied meat, baked pork, sausage, pancakes and so on. By the way, in some places in Rus' they prepared “square” pancakes so that “there would be money in the house.”

After the meal, the whole family together thanked the Almighty for the bread present on the table, and went to “let go” of the Christmas holidays - they released a white dove from the cage.


During all the holidays before the Epiphany, women tried not to go for water, as this was considered purely men's work, and did not rinse their clothes in the river, because they believed that devils were sitting there and they could grab them.

At the Epiphany of the Lord, women always put viburnum or coral in a vessel with holy water and washed themselves so that their cheeks were rosy.

On Epiphany, the girls also tried to find out their fate - from the very morning of the holiday they went out onto the road and waited for a passerby. If a healthy, economical man passed first, it meant that they would soon meet their soul mate. Well, what if a child or old man- they will not meet their loved one in the near future.


In the old days, people used Epiphany signs, including those related to the weather, to find out what the coming year would bring them and what harvest awaited them.

A snowstorm on Epiphany means there will be a harvest. If the snow bends the branches on the trees, there will be good harvest, the bees will swarm well. Little snow on the tree branches indicated that there would be few mushrooms and berries in the summer.

The snowstorm also indicated that it would be cold on Maslenitsa, and strong southern winds predicted a stormy summer.

The old people predicted the fertility of the lambs if the stars sparkled and burned on Epiphany evening.

Starry sky in Epiphany night - sure sign that spring will be early, and summer and autumn will be very warm and rainy.

Spring can begin with heavy floods and river floods if the Epiphany coincides with the full moon.

A calm year without any unpleasant shocks is predicted by calm weather and clear skies on the feast of the Epiphany. This sign indicates that you can safely start something new - build a house, open your own business or start a family. Accordingly, everything is balanced decisions made will bring only positive results.

Heavy snow cover or snowfall is good sign, which indicated that no terrible epidemics or diseases were expected until next Epiphany The Lord's.

Is it raining or very strong wind on the Epiphany of the Lord, indicated that the coming year would be very turbulent both politically and economically.

On the night of Epiphany, a silver bowl was placed on the table, filled with water. At exactly midnight, the water should ripple, and whatever wish you have time to shout over the bowl at that moment will come true.

The girls collected Epiphany snow and ice in an open field, which they used to wipe their faces so that it would be white and ruddy.

The material was prepared based on open sources

Epiphany is one of the most important holidays in Orthodoxy. It is believed that the signs for Epiphany on January 19 are the most accurate. Therefore, if you pay attention to the weather, you can with a high probability predict what kind of weather and harvest awaits us this year. In addition, there are rituals that bring health, prosperity, luck and marriage to those who have wanted it for so long. Let's consider what the Baptism of the Lord is, signs and rituals, as well as ways to attract money and health into your life.

Thoughts are material, so quarrels and omissions leave a negative energy trace in the house. To get rid of it and bring prosperity and warmth to the house, a cleansing ritual should be performed at Epiphany.

To carry out such a ritual, you should use holy water, which you consecrated specifically for Baptism. This water has the most powerful energy. It is also better to carry out the ceremony at Epiphany.

First, you should sprinkle all the walls and corners in the house with holy water. After that, you need to do wet cleaning once a week, adding a little salt to the water. Then also spray the room with holy water. The water you used to wash the floor must be poured over the threshold. If you live in an apartment, then take it out of the apartment and pour it in the yard.

Another way to bring prosperity into your home is to use candles. Light candles in all corners and say a prayer. You need to ask for prosperity, prosperity and happiness for all members of your family.

Holy water must be stored in glass containers. Place several bottles of holy water around the house. If you are having financial or other problems, be sure to get one of these and sprinkle it on your walls.

There are certain signs that you need to know in order to preserve and increase the day. Signs for Epiphany on January 19 using money include various rituals that can be performed on this day, as well as various signs, which you should pay attention to in order to increase your wealth.

First of all, you should not lend money on the eve of Epiphany and on the holiday itself. You should also not take any things out of the house on the eve of the holiday. If you do this, you will be in need throughout the year. This can also lead to failures in business, as well as problems at work.

It is believed that money is one thing that cannot be asked from the Lord. However, you can sprinkle holy water on your home to bring happiness and prosperity to it.

Signs for Baptism for health

Holy water brings health and longevity to every person, and also helps to heal and give strength to the body. The most effective and healing water is considered to be water that was blessed at Epiphany. You can bless it on this day starting at night and throughout the next day.

Holy water should be used to treat children, adults and the elderly. It is enough to anoint the child’s arms, legs and forehead with this water, and he will immediately stop crying. It is also recommended to drink water when feeling unwell, serious illnesses and other health problems.

The first person to take holy water from an ice hole or well will be healthy and happy this year.

A person who was carrying water from the church after Baptism, fell and spilled it, may soon get sick or even die. Therefore, it is necessary to carry water very carefully and carefully.

Signs for Baptism for marriage

Girls who dream of getting married should pay attention to the signs for Epiphany. It is believed that if matchmaking took place on this very day, then family life will be happy, there will be many children in the family, and the young people will live in marriage all their lives.

On the eve of the holiday, young girls left the yard and paid attention to signs that could tell what their future husband. If you come across an old man, then the husband will be middle-aged and stingy, if a young guy - loving and cheerful.

Also, on the night before Epiphany, unmarried girls asked to dream about their betrothed. If you didn’t dream of one, it means the girl won’t get married this year.