Project in the second junior group "Pets" project (junior group) on the topic. Educational project in the second junior group “Pets Material about animals 2nd junior group


Federal State Educational Standard preschool education is aimed at the main result - the socialization of the child, the need for creativity, curiosity, cognitive motivation. Conversations with children showed that the children in our group do not have sufficient knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs. Children do not always correctly name young domestic animals, but at the same time they show interest in them. Taking care of pets has a positive effect on development emotional sphere child, on his caring attitude towards the world around him.



Municipal government preschool educational institution
Buturlinovsky kindergarten No. 10 general developmental type
Buturlinovsky municipal district
Voronezh region

Project in the second younger group


Educator I KK



The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is aimed at the main result - the socialization of the child, the need for creativity, curiosity, and cognitive motivation. Conversations with children showed that the children in our group do not have sufficient knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs. Children do not always correctly name young domestic animals, but at the same time they show interest in them. Caring for pets has a positive effect on the development of the child’s emotional sphere and on his caring attitude towards the world around him.

Problem : children do not have sufficient knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs

Project duration: short

Project type: creative, educational and research.

Project participants:teachers and children of the second younger group, parents

Children's age: 3 – 4 years

Target: enriching and deepening children's ideas about pets, methods of care and rules of communication with them


Develop basic ideas about domestic animals (they live next to people, people take care of animals, animals benefit people.);

To help clarify and enrich children's ideas about domestic animals and their cubs (cat-cat-kitten, dog-dog-puppy, bull-cow-calf, goat-goat-kid, horse-horse-foal, etc.);

Encourage and support independent observations of animals;

Cultivate an interest in animal life and a caring attitude;

Learn to install the simplest family ties between adult animals and their young;

Develop the ability to answer questions and conduct dialogue; the ability to communicate with peers during gaming activities;

Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills; develop creative abilities;

Foster love and caring attitude towards pets.

Forms of work on the project:gaming activities, conversations, memorizing poems, watching presentations, productive activities

Expected Result:

As a result of working on the project, students will learn to distinguish domestic animals by appearance, correctly name their cubs (calves, foals, lambs, piglets), and know their place of residence (kennel, pigsty, barn).

Project stages:

  1. Preparatory stage

Identifying a problem, setting a goal, defining tasks;

Selection of methodological and fiction on this topic;

Selection didactic material, visual aids(albums for viewing, paintings, board games), material for play activities;

Project development, search for solutions to project problems.

  1. Main stage

Practical activities to solve problems, planning joint activities.

  1. The final stage


Productivity Exhibition;

Presentation of the project on the preschool educational institution website.

Project implementation

Cognitive development

GCD "Cat and Kitten"

Observing pets outdoors while walking

View the presentation "Pets"

Game exercise “Count the animals”

Safety conversations: “Do not touch unfamiliar animals!”, “Wash your hands after caring for animals!”, “Don’t hurt animals!”

Social and communicative development

Didactic games: “Name the animal”, “Name the baby”, “Who lives and where?”, “Who is the odd one out?”, “Who eats what?”, “Who screams what?”

Board games: “Cubes”, “Cut pictures”, inserts.

Role-playing games: “Family”, plot: “Our pet”, “Farm”, plot: “Taking care of animals”

Speech development

Looking at the painting “Cat with Kittens”

Word games: “Who has who?”, “Name it affectionately”

Conversations about the appearance, nutrition, accommodation, care of the house animals.

Looking at illustrations and photographs of pets.

Storytelling from personal experience"Our family pet"

Reading fiction

V. Suteev “Who said “meow”?”

Memorizing poems and nursery rhymes.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing “Balls for kittens”

Modeling “Gift for a beloved puppy (kitten)”

Non-traditional drawing circle “My favorite kitten” (poke with a hard semi-dry brush)

Coloring pages and stencils with pets

Watching cartoons “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “A Kitten Named Woof”

Physical development

Outdoor games: “Cat and Mice”, “Shaggy Dog”

Imitation game “Cat with kittens”

Constructive activity

Playing with the floor constructor “Horse Corral”

Working with family: looking at illustrations, reading books, creative works with parents, album design “My little friend”

Project outcome

Thanks to the development and implementation of the project, preschoolers have expanded their understanding of domestic animals and their cubs.

As a result of the work done, it was noted:

Development in children of a sustainable interest in representatives of the animal world - domestic animals.

Inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

In conclusion, we can conclude that thanks to the classes, conversations, and play activities, children’s knowledge on this topic was consolidated and improved.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution (nursery - kindergarten) No. 10 "Alyonushka" of the municipal formation of the urban district of Krasnoperekopsk of the Republic of Crimea



in the younger group

Prepared and conducted by the teacher

Gubarenko S.A.

Krasnoperekopsk, 2018

Project on the topic: “Pets” in the second junior group

Project type: complex

Project type : educational and research.

Children's age: II junior group.

Project participants: Children of the younger group, teachers, parents.

Project duration : short term.

Project period: from 10/08/2018 to 10/12/2018.

Objective of the project : to cultivate a humane attitude towards living objects of nature through enriching and deepening children’s ideas about domestic animals living in the apartment.

Project objectives:

To develop children’s knowledge about pets, taking into account the integration of educational areas.

Teach children sculpting techniques and drawing images of domestic animals.

Foster love and caring attitude towards pets.

Teach children to observe a dog or cat in the kindergarten area and identify their characteristics and habits.

Develop basic understanding of domestic animals.

Cultivate children's interest in looking at pictures and illustrations of what they read.

Develop skills in writing descriptive stories.

Teach children to correctly perceive the content of the work.

Continue to teach students to listen to stories, poems, and memorize poems that are short in content.

Encourage and support self-monitoring of pets;

To develop the productive activity of children, to improve their skills in drawing, sculpting images of domestic animals; develop creative abilities;

Develop the ability to communicate with peers during gaming activities;

Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills;

Give an idea of ​​the needs of animals for their growth and development.

To acquaint children with the appearance of cats and dogs, with the peculiarities of their behavior; show that the life of these animals is connected with man: he creates conditions for them (feeds, cares for). Without creating the necessary conditions (animals end up on the street), they may die.

Teach children how to communicate properly with pets.

To develop a caring attitude and love for animals, feelings of empathy for all living things, and the ability to make basic conclusions and conclusions.

Expand children's understanding of the variety of pets (cat, dog, aquarium fish, parrot, hamster).

Formation and enrichment of children’s understanding of caring for household inhabitants.

Relevance: Fostering a caring and caring attitude towards pets is of great importance in the life of a child in the preschool period.

According to the scientist, “It cannot be kind person, who doesn’t like animals, who has never shown concern for them.”

Expected results:

Familiarity with the rules of caring for pets.

Instilling in children love and respect for animals.

Parents' desire to have pet.

Enriching children's knowledge about the animal world of their immediate environment

Preparation for the project.

1. Select methodological literature on the topic.

2. Select fiction on the topic.

3. Select didactic material, visual aids (albums for viewing, paintings, board games)

4. Make a long-term plan.

Project resource support:

    Literature about animals (encyclopedias, books, magazines)

    Visual material (postcards, photographs, illustrations)

    Decorating a children's work corner

Stages of work

The first stage is organizational

1. Selection of information on the topic, didactic material.

2. Selection of fiction for reading with children and memorizing.

3. Development of lesson notes.

The second stage is practical

Work with children

1 . Conducting an educational lesson “Pets”

2. Looking at paintings with pets “pets and their babies”

3. Situational conversation “How I take care of my pet”

4. Origami “Cat”

5. Lesson in visual arts. Drawing “A cat came to us and left marks”

7. Modeling “Treat for the cat”

8. Acquaintance with fiction and educational literature.Fairy tale “How a dog was looking for a friend” (Mordovian folk tale), “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed” (Russian folk tale), K. Ushinsky “The Blind Horse”, “Animal Dispute”, A. Barto “Little Goat”

9.Plot- role-playing game"Veterinary Hospital"

10. Didactic game “Who is screaming?”, “Call it affectionately”, “One is many”, “Where, whose mother?”

Working with parents

Consultations: “If you decide to have a pet”, “Children and pets”, “Why are children afraid of pets”.

Poll: “Does your family have pets?”

Involve parents in collecting information about pets.

The third stage is the final one

Conducting a quiz “Animals and their young”.

Exhibition of children's works: application “Piglets”, drawings“Pet – rabbit”, modeling “Cat Mom”

Project implementation

1 day

Conversation on the topic : "Home animals are our friends"

Joint activity: Looking at illustrations of domestic animals. Watching the dog. Didactic game “Name the pet.”

C.H.L. poemB. Zakhoder “Dog’s chagrin”. Learning the poem “No, we decided in vain.” Finger gymnastics “Cat”.

Independent activity: offer children coloring pages of the dog.

2nd day

Speech development

Topic: Examination of the painting “Cat with Kittens.”

Joint activity: Storytelling for children on the topic: “My favorite animal.” Cat observation. Outdoor game "Vaska the cat". Didactic game "Who is missing."

C.H.L. V. Suteev "Who said meow."

Independent activity: Offer children coloring pages of cats.



Subject: " Soft paws, scratchy paws" (see Attachment)

Cooperative activity:. Didactic game "Cut pictures".

C.H.L. Poem by A. Barto “He was all alone”, "Dog". Outdoor game "Vaska the cat".

Independent activity: Invite children to build a house for a dog from building material.


Conversation on the topic : « Birds and fish at our home". Didactic game “Name the pet”, “Who is missing”.

C.H.L. S. Marshak "Cat's House". Learning the poem “No, we decided in vain.”

Consideration and comparison of cats and dogs. Finger gymnastics “Cat”.

Outdoor game "Vaska the cat".

Independent activity: Invite children to “Draw the animal by dots.”


Conversation on the topic : “Safety when handling unfamiliar animals”

Game exercise “Cut pictures”.

Quiz "Domestic and wild animals." C.H.L. poemS. Mikhalkov “Puppy” », K. Ushinsky “Vaska”

Game exercises “Choose an animal”, “Draw an animal by dots”, etc.

Didactic games: “Who is missing?”, “Name the pet?”, “Is the animal domestic or wild?” "Cut pictures"


Observations of cats and dogs on the territory of the kindergarten (features of body structure, habits).

"Examining and comparing cats and dogs."


Children's story on the topic: "My favorite animal."

Looking at illustrations and pet cards.

Description of a cat, dog (toy).

Looking at the painting "Cat with Kittens"

Compilation descriptive story according to the picture based on the diagram “My pet»

Memorizing a poem: A. Barto “Truck”.

Reading fiction.

Reading: V. Suteev “Who Said Meow”, S. Marshak “Cat’s House”, “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”,

K. Ushinsky “Vaska”, L. Tolstoy “The cat slept ...”,

A. Barto “He was all alone”, “Dog”, B. Zakhoder “Barbosy”, “Dog’s chagrin”, S. Mikhalkov “Puppy”.


Conversation on the topic: “Safety when handling unfamiliar animals”

Artistic creativity

Lepka: “Let’s feed the cat.”

World of nature.

Conversation on the topic: “Homeanimals are our friends"

Physical development

Outdoor game: “Vaska the cat”

Project presentation

Quiz "Domestic and wild animals."

Application to the project

Compiling a descriptive story based on a picture based on the “My Pet” diagram


Teach children to write a descriptive story based on a diagram.


1. Development of children's speech through the use of adjectives when composing a descriptive story.

Finger game

cat (perform actions according to meaning)

The cat washes itself with its paw
Apparently he's going to visit
I washed my nose.
I washed my mouth.
I washed my ear.
Wiped it dry.

Conversation on the topic: “Home animals are our friends"


Summarize and clarify children's knowledge about animals and their needs.

Learn to answer simple questions.

- Foster a caring attitude towards animals and a desire to care for them.

Progress of the conversation

I wanted to show you beautiful pictures and start an interesting conversation, but I dropped the pictures and scattered them... Guys, do you know how to collect pictures? Can you help me collect it? Thank you.

How wonderful you are doing. Did you all manage? Who is in Masha's picture? - Dog. Who is in Sasha's picture? - Cat. What is another name for cats and dogs? – Pets, our friends, furries. Right. Today we will talk about pets. Do you have a pet? Eat! Who lives with Katya? - Musya the cat. Who lives with Vanya? - Chapa the dog. Guys, do you know what your guys like to eat?pets?Guys, how do animals play? Let's run like dogs. What do dogs like to play? Into the ball, that's right.Now let's be cats. How do cats walk? Gently, quietly, the paws rearrange and walk smoothly. How do cats wash themselves? Don't forget to wash your antennae and tail. How do they stretch? What wonderful cats and dogs the children and mothers turned out to be. Guys, who has hamsters, parrots, and fish at home? How do you care for them? Well done! Guys need to take care of and look after your pets, then they will love you and play with you.

Conversation “Birds and fish at our home”


Summarize and expand children's knowledge about aquarium fish and ornamental birds.
- Select models that correspond to the options for living fish and birds at home.

Cultivate caring and friendly attitude to living beings.

Progress of the conversation:

Guys, you explained very well what kind of pets you can keep in your apartment. But they didn’t tell you where cats and dogs sleep? (In a chair, on a rug, on a pillow). Displays pictures.
- So they don’t have a specific house. Their house is our entire apartment. But some apartments have special houses for living creatures. This is a cage and an aquarium. (Show pictures).
-Who can live in such houses? (Birds, fish).
- That's right, you guessed it right. What birds live in cages? (Parrots, etc.)
Children look at the picture of a parrot, it appearance. Then they generalize the characteristics of a bird using a model (All birds have a beak, two legs, wings and a tail, their body is covered with feathers, they emerge from an egg).
- Why do birds live in cages? (Because they can fly away).
- Who has fish in an aquarium at home? (Children's answers).
- Why do they put fish in an aquarium? Can they be put in a cage? (No, fish need water, without water they will die).
-All fish are so different (Show pictures). What unites them? They all live in water and breathe with gills, all fish have a tail and fins, and their whole body is covered with scales. It’s not for nothing that people came up with such riddles:
Alive in the water
On land - dead.

For parents and children
All clothes are made from coins.
(The model is exhibited: signs of fish).

Will the parrot live in an aquarium? (No, he needs space).
- Every living creature loves only its own house and loves its own food. What should you feed your parrot? (Grain, millet, grass)
- What do fish like to eat? (Chervyakov, dry food).
- How else to care for a parrot so that it is cheerful and nimble? (Clean the cage, water it, let it fly, play...)
- How should you care for fish?
(Change the water in the aquarium, wash it, turn on the backlight and a special filter for water purification...)
- Guys, why do you think people keep pets, birds, and fish at home? (They are funny, affectionate, beautiful, people love them and take care of them).
Game "Transformation".
Kittens walk softly and meow. The puppies are running and barking. Parrots fly and chirp. The fish swim and are silent.
Outdoor game “Who likes to sleep where?”
(Symbols: pillow, rug, cage, aquarium).
After the movements, everyone goes to bed in their houses.

Lesson on speech development in the second junior group

"Cat with kittens"

(looking at the picture)

Target: Continue to teach how to look at pictures, name the characters and their actions.



consolidate and clarify children’s ideas about cats and kittens (big cat, small kitten);

learn to talk about a picture in sentences of two words, three words;

consolidate the ability to name objects and their actions;


cultivate a friendly attitude towards pets;

develop the ability to listen to your friend and not interrupt.


develop attention, memory, thinking

Vocabulary work: kitten, kittens, ball, laps.

Didactic material: Painting from the series “Pets”, “Cat with Kittens”, illustrations with domestic animals and their babies, cat, dog, kitten, puppy (toys).

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher asks: The guys came to visit us today. Look. Children, did you find out who came to visit us?

Children: Yes, this is a kitten and a puppy, a kitten and a puppy.

Educator: The kitten and puppy are very sad. Why do you think they were upset?

Children: Someone offended them, they got lost.

The teacher clarifies: Yes, that’s right, they lost their mother, sisters and brothers. How to find them, how to call them so that sisters, brothers and mothers return?

The children and the teacher call the animals. Then the teacher shows a toy - a dog, says that the dog came for her puppy, and the rest of her children have already returned home.

Educator: Whose mother came for her son?

Children: The puppy's mother is a Dog.

Educator: Let's say goodbye to the puppy and send him home with his mother.

Educator: Now we’ll play with you.

The cat has eyes (children show eyes)

The cat has ears (children touch the ears)

The cat has paws - (stretch their arms forward, play with their fingers)

Soft pillows.

Cat, cat, don’t be angry, (they threaten with a finger)

Don't scratch the kids - Shoot! (clap hands)

The teacher imitates meowing. Asks: Children, who else is looking for their child?

The teacher shows a toy - a cat, which “brought” the picture, and invites the children to look at it.

Educator: Today we will look at a painting called “Cat with Kittens.” Look, guys, who is depicted in this picture? (Cat with kittens). Yes, this is the cat Murka with her young kittens. Guys, what is the cat doing? (The cat is resting, lying on the rug)

- What kind of paws does a cat have? (The cat's paws are soft and gray)

- What's on the cat's paws? (Scratching, sharp claws)

- Guys, what color is a cat's tail? (Tail grey)

- Is your cat's tail long or short? (Tail is long)

- What's on the cat's head? (The cat has ears on its head)

- What are cat ears for? (To hear)

- What's on a cat's face? (Eyes, nose, mouth, mustache)

- The cat's eyes are large, green, attentive, clear. Is the cat big or small? (The cat is big)

- What is the red kitten doing? (Red-haired kitten laps milk)

- What is he lapping up milk from? (Lapping milk from a saucer)

- What color is this kitten? (This kitten is gray)

- What does the kitten touch with its paw? (Ball of thread)

- What color is the ball? (Clew of blue color)

- What is the little white kitten doing? (The kitten is sleeping). Yes, guys, he is sleeping, he has already played, now he is resting. He feels warm next to his mother's cat.

- Guys, do kittens have long or short tails? (Kittens have a short tail)

- Do kittens have big or small ears? (Little ears)

Educator: Now, guys, listen to what I tell you about the cat and little kittens.

The cat loved her kittens very much and often played with them. Once they got so naughty that they knocked over grandma’s basket of threads. A ball of thread fell out of the basket and rolled across the floor. The kittens rushed to catch up with him and began to play with him, but soon they got tired. Big cat lay down on the mat, she is resting. The little white kitten also lay down next to the cat and fell asleep sweetly.

- Guys, guess the riddle.

Soft Paws,
And there are scratches in the paws.

Who is this? (It's a cat)

Well done boys!

Well done guys, you guessed the riddle about the cat.

- Who has a cat at home?

- What's your cat's name?

- Does your cat lap up milk too?

Educator: Guys, what kind of fur do cats and kittens have? (Fluffy fur)

Educator: The cat is a very caring mother. She is a clean animal. He loves his owners and his home. She loves to nap in the sun or in a chair at home. If the cat is well-fed and healthy, then it purrs affectionately and rubs against its owner’s legs. And if a cat wags its tail, it is dissatisfied with something. The cat licks helpless blind kittens and feeds them milk. The cubs grow quickly and turn into cute, cheerful kittens - toycats. They enjoy playing with a piece of paper tied to a thread, rolling a ball of wool or a small ball.

Educator: Guys, let's remember what animals we talked about today? Who was in the picture? How many kittens? What have we learned about the cat, what is it like? Guys, this is the end of our lesson.

Modeling of the plot “Soft paws, in the paws there are scratchy claws” »

Target. Continue to develop the ability to sculpt objects consisting of several parts.

Tasks. Improving sculpting techniques: the ability to roll plasticine in a circular motion; pull off individual parts with your fingers;

Fostering love and respect for nature.

Preliminary work. Examination of illustrations and paintings from the “Pets” series.

Material for the lesson. Cat - soft toy. Plasticine.

The teacher makes cat toy, covered with a blanket with the words:

It purrs, it plays, it runs away somewhere,

Runs far away. And when he comes back,

Then he purrs and drinks raw milk from a saucer.

Who do I have here? Pussy. I sit on the table. Together with children:

Like our cat, the fur coat is very good.

Like a cat's mustache of amazing beauty.

Bold eyes, white teeth.

This is the kind of cat we have, a gray pubic cat.

Pet our cat, what kind of coat does he have? Soft, soft

And there are claws on the paws, they are sharp and scratch. (We lift the cat)

Soft paws, scratchy paws. Our cat is sitting and his paws are not visible. What else does the cat have? Head.

On the head are ears, eyes, nose, mustache, but the mouth is not visible, hidden in the fur.

Let's make such a cute cat.

Demonstration and presentation of working methods.

What am I doing? Break off a piece of plasticine and roll it into a ball.

attach to the head.

The head is ready. What are we going to do now? Torso.

Roll out the ball, now roll the ball a little bit like a stick. What will it be? Torso.

What else can you see on our cat? Tail. Paws. Tell and show how you will make the tail and legs. Imitation

Now we connect the tail and legs to the body, and the body to the head. So we have a cat that is sitting. Now let's play.

Physical education minute.

“Kitsonka - little kitty, where have you been?” They shrug their shoulders.

At the mill. They twist their hands.

“Little kitty, little kitty, what was she doing there?”

I ground flour. Hands clenched into fists, extended

forward, movement up, down.

“Little kitty, little kitty, what did you bake from flour?” They make pies with their hands.

Gingerbread cookies.

“Kitsonka - little kitty, with whom did you eat gingerbread?”

One. They hide their hands behind their backs.

"Don't eat alone, don't eat alone." They shake their fingers at each other.

Doing work by children. The teacher conducts individual work,

He can say nursery rhymes if he sees that this does not distract the children.

After the lesson - play at the request of the children. We put the cat in an exhibition for mothers.

Lesson summary on the topic: “A cat came to us and left marks”

Target:Continue to form ideas about pets.


Educational : To form an idea about the life of pets, about the appearance and habits of a cat, to develop an interest in drawing.

Developmental : Develop attention, fine motor skills hands (leaving marks with fingers), observation

Speech: Develop coherent speech, enrich children's vocabulary: head, torso, paws, fur, fluffy tail, laps milk.

Educational: Cultivate a love for pets, strive to take care of them, and provide all possible assistance.

Demo material:

Pet (cat), water, milk, candy.


A sheet of white paper with a drawn cat in the middle, blue gouache, dry and wet napkins.

Methodical techniques: game situation, conversation-dialogue, unconventional drawing, analysis, summing up.

Progress of the lesson

Surprise moment. There's a knock on the door. Educator. Guys, who could it be? What big basket did they bring? I wonder what's inside? Oh! There is such a mystery here. Let's try to guess it.

Pointy ears

On the paws of the pillow

Soft Paws,

And there are scratches in the paws (cat)

That's right, children are, of course, a cat. And her name is Marquise. I will quietly take her onto my lap and stroke her. Why quietly? who's to say? Yes, she might get scared and run away from us. Look how I stroke her: I start from the head and stroke towards the tail. Animals like to be stroked with their fur, not against their fur.

Tell me, what does the cat have? (head, body, legs, tail).

Look at Marquise's ponytail? (long, fluffy)

What color is the fur? (white)

Guys, what's on the cat's head? (ears)

That's right, ears. Look how she alerted them, listens.

What's on a cat's face? (eyes, nose, mouth, mustache)

She sees with her eyes, feels everything around with her mustache, breathes and smells food with her nose, and eats with her mouth.

Guys, Marquise came to visit us today and of course we need to treat her.

Do you know what to feed cats? (meat, milk, fish)

Let's offer her fish, milk, candy and see what she chooses. (During the process of observation, children draw a conclusion about which food the cat liked best)

In addition to food, your cat should always have water.

What do you think water is needed for?

All animals, like people, drink water to quench their thirst.

Look, the cat laps up the milk, gnaws the food with sharp teeth, and holds the food with its claws with its paws.

Well, now let’s sing the Marquise a song about a cat. She liked it and hurries home, say goodbye to her!

Guys, the cat ran away, but traces remained.

Look at the marks.

Let's fold our fingers together and run (showing in the air)

Let's put all the fingers in a saucer with blue paint and leave traces from the edge of the paper towards the house.

Well done guys! And the Marquise will come to us again, we will show her what traces she left for us!

Quiz for younger children

"Wild and Domestic Animals"


Continue to form in children ideas about the diversity of the animal world.


Strengthen the ability to classify animals into wild and domestic. Distinguish and name their representatives. Recognize animals by pictures and verbal descriptions.

Using game situations, involve children in organizing their own leisure time and promote their creative development.

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children about the life of wild and domestic animals; looking at illustrations about animals; reading fiction about animal life.


Large and small subject pictures with images of adult animals and their young; image of a forest and a house; cards with riddles; d/game “Whose tail?”; chips for counting points, flannelgraph.

Quiz progress:

By drawing lots, children are divided into two teams. Each team chooses a captain and comes up with a name for their team. For each correct answer, the team receives a point.

Quiz tasks:

Exercise 1.

Name the animals living in the forest? (Teams name the animals in turn. The team that names the most animals wins).

Name the animals that live with humans?

Task 2.

Question to the first team:

What are the names of all the animals that live in the forest?

Question to the second team:

What are the names of all the animals that live with humans?

Task 3.

Name the animals shown in the pictures? (Teams take turns being shown illustrations of animals. The team that recognizes and names all the animals correctly wins)

Task 4.

Place each animal in your own home. (each child from the team distributes object pictures with animals to the forest or to the house)

Task 5.

Guess the riddle: (each team guesses the riddle in turn)

Who is the biggest in the forest?

Who is rich and wears fur?

Who's in the den until spring

Does he dream day and night? (bear)

The muzzle is mustachioed,

Striped fur coat,

Washing frequently

But he doesn’t know about water (cat)

Task 6.

Find whose mother? (match the pictures of the babies with adult animals)

Points are calculated. Awarding the winners (friendship wins and each participant receives a prize).

Draw by dots

Situational conversation “How I take care of my pet”

Target: consolidate knowledge about caring for pets and birds, cultivate a caring attitude towards them.

Questions: How do you care for animals and birds? (we feed, drink, clean). What do animals and birds eat from? (from a bowl, feeder). What do they drink from? (from the drinking bowl). What do they eat? (special food, milk, grain, etc.). Write a short story about domestic animals and birds.

Story-role-playing game “Veterinary Hospital”


To arouse children's interest in becoming a veterinarian.

To cultivate a sensitive, humane attitude towards animals, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

Preliminary work:

Excursion to the medical office.

Observing the work of a doctor.

Viewing fairy tales by K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”.

Examination of illustrations for the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit.”

Reading the works of E. Uspensky “Playing at the Hospital”, S. Marshak “Mustachioed - Striped”, V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”

Consideration medical instruments: phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tweezers, etc.

Conversation with children about the work of a veterinarian.

Making attributes for the game (together with parents).

Game roles:

Veterinarian, nurse, orderly, veterinary pharmacy worker, visitors with animals, rescuers.


Animals (toys, dishes for feeding animals, cleaning equipment, gowns, hats, sanitary bag, phonendoscope, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, cash register, money, tools and helmets for rescuers .

Progress of the game:

The teacher offers the children a topic for discussion: “Why a person should take care of our little brothers.”

Educator: Which of you guys would like to learn how to treat animals and become veterinarian?

There are always many children willing to play the role of a doctor, so you can use the rhyme:

One two three four five

The bunny needs to be fed

The pussy needs to be treated.

Don't sit, don't be bored,

And start working.

The doctor will examine sick animals and prescribe treatment.

Nurse will write prescriptions and treatment room do dressings, vaccinations, injections. IN veterinary pharmacy The one who also dreams of doing good deeds for animals will work. A girl who has a lot of animals at home wanted to be a nurse because she knows cleanliness and order in the premises is the key to the health of people and animals.

Boys who believe that animals need to be helped and helped if they are in trouble are chosen to play the role of rescuers.

The rest of the guys with their pets will be visitors to the hospital. Each animal owner talks about what happened and what help his pet needs. Someone brings photographs of their pets and talks about why they got this particular animal. Grateful visitors, together with their pets, put on a performance for the staff of the veterinary hospital and for the rescuers.

Summing up the game.

At the request of the children, the game can continue further.

Game deployment options:

The animals become friends and spend time together;

Healthy animals perform in the circus;

Didactic games

“Who is screaming?”

Target: teach your child to recognize an animal by onomatopoeia, consolidate and activate vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment: ball.

Progress: An adult names a pet and throws a ball to the child. The child says what sounds this animal makes and returns the ball: “cat” (meows), “dog” (barks).

“Where is whose mother?”

Target: consolidate a vocabulary of nouns on the topic, develop the skill of forming nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Equipment: pictures of domestic animals and their babies.

Progress: The adult lays out pictures of babies on the table, but leaves images of adult animals for himself. An adult shows a child a picture, for example, of a dog and says: “The dog is crying, she has lost her children. Who are her children? Show and name." The child looks for a suitable picture and names the baby dogs. If a child finds it difficult, an adult helps him. The game continues until all mothers have found their babies.

"Call me kindly"

Target: form nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Equipment: a picture depicting a domestic animal and its baby.

Move. The adult asks the child to name the animal (for example, a cow), its baby (calf), and show parts of the cow’s body in the picture, activating his speech with questions: “What did you show? (tail). What is the affectionate name for the tail of a little calf? (tail)". The following are considered similarly: head - head, leg - leg, horns - horns, hoof - hoof, ear - ear, eye - eye.

"One is many" (domestic animals and their young)

cat - cats

dog - dogs

cow - cows

horse – horses

kitten - kittens

puppy – puppies

calf - calves

foal - foals.

Consultations for parents (moving folders)

“If you decide to have a pet”

What do you need to know if you decide to keep a pet?

How often there is a situation that takes us back to childhood, when you walk around the city and see a lonely, abandoned, unwanted animal, you immediately remember the case when small children bring home lonely pets, and reasonable parents do not allow shelter. What do you need to know if you decide to keep a pet? The first thing that worries us is the constant care of the animal, its non-danger to others and safety for furniture. The second is the fear of attachment, because animals live much shorter lives than people.

How old must a child be before getting a pet?

Although most pediatricians recommend getting a pet after your child is six years old, you are the best judge of whether your child is mature enough for responsibility. At the very least, your child should learn restraint and understand the word “no.” If you think your child is ready for home child, you can go together to friends who have pets and see how your child behaves with them.

Should I take small animals or can I take larger ones?

The majority will give preference to the baby, motivating the choice by the fact that “a puppy can be raised to suit himself” and “he will become better attached from childhood, because he will know one owner.” Yes it is. But the costs for a puppy will be much higher - and we’re not even talking about material costs. This is, first of all, time, energy and attention to the baby.

It’s also worth taking adult animals, because they may turn out to be good for you. It’s also worth taking adult animals, because they might turn out to be good for you.

you are ideal: such dogs are more obedient, spoil things less and need less physical activity than young animals. Besides, it's just noble. Deny adult dog aged because she has a little less years ahead of her is unfair.

As far as attachment is concerned, you can rest assured that you will not feel any difference. Perhaps a dog that is adopted as an adult will be even more devoted to its owners, because it knows what life is like when there is no loving person nearby.

Where can I buy an animal?

Birds, fish, rodents, etc. can be purchased at a pet store or from individuals.

Under no circumstances should you buy or take puppies and kittens from markets or the metro station - most likely the baby will turn out to be seriously ill. Subsequently, you will spend a lot of effort, time and money on treatment, while the percentage that the animal will survive is very small.

Dogs and cats can be adopted from nurseries, shelters, or through advertisements from private individuals. If you want a purebred animal, it is better to make inquiries and buy it from a well-established club. answerWith calf breeders.

Both purebred and mongrel dogs and cats of any age can be found in animal shelters. Today, animal shelters are quite reliable and respected organizations, where specialists will help you in choosing a pet, based on your requirements and preferences, as well as taking into account the character of the pet.

You can adopt a dog or kitten from private individuals - in this case, you must carefully ensure that the animal offered to you does not turn out to be sick. If you are taking a kitten or puppy, and if you are inexperienced, then it is good if someone goes with you who can at least roughly determine what the proposed animal will be like in the future.

Thoroughbred or mongrel?

Whether to choose a purebred or a mongrel animal is something everyone decides for themselves. Both cases have their pros and cons.

A purebred animal is usually quite expensive. Some nurseries and clubs give away such animals under certain conditions, which are not always convenient or beneficial for you. There is an opinion that purebred animals get sick more often and suffer diseases much more severely.

Depending on what we expect and want from the animal, for what purpose we take it, we need to decide on the breed.

Outbred animals are good in their own way. First of all, they are unique: you will not find two identical outbred animals. Mongrels have a more flexible psyche; they adapt and adjust more easily. Outbred animals are given away free of charge or for symbolic money; they are, as a rule, more resistant to diseases.

But no one can guarantee that a dog presented as, for example, a small dog puppy will not grow up to be a Great Dane. When choosing a mestizo, you must understand this.

Girl or boy?

The choice of animal sex depends on the specific situation. When taking a male dog into the house, the owner will almost certainly encounter stubbornness, which requires psychological suppression from the person. The boy will strive to occupy the highest possible level on the hierarchical ladder. Therefore, in relationships with boys you have to show power, superiority and strength of character. And even after you put him in his place, he may again try to disobey, and when punished, he may snap back. Boys are more inclined to be independent, more pugnacious, and usually more difficult to train.

And, nevertheless, there is a lot about the boy that captivates: courage and dedication, endurance and tirelessness in work. They are, as a rule, more impressive, larger and their breed characteristics are more clearly expressed.

Girls are more understanding, adapt more easily to living conditions, and gravitate more toward home and their owners. They are more loyal than girls and are easier to train.

Having decided to have a pet, first of all you need to understand what a serious responsibility it is to keep an animal at home and in Hard time don't leave him. If you have the time and energy, then your future pet will repay you for your care with exorbitant love. And if you doubt whether it’s worth it, then refuse without hesitation, or postpone the decision. After all, everyone knows that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

"Children and Pets"

There comes a time in the life of every parent when his child asks to buy a pet, usually cats or dogs... of course, adults have a lot of excuses not to have a pet: vaccinations are necessary, a lot of fur, germs, walking the pet, parents can be understood and a child is necessary, but it’s worth thinking about whether it’s so bad if the baby is already ready to take care of someone else, and then, don’t forget how many advantages there are in this if you have a pet, the child is growing up, wants his life to be filled with something important , strive to help, be useful, are formed in character positive sides, for example, such qualities as sympathy, compassion and love, devotion, care, as well as the formation of activity in decision making by becoming a little more mature, a step - which implies responsibility, communication with an animal will also affect the qualities of character - he can become more open, attentive and friendly, feeling more significant in a pet's life by showing care.

Currently, there are many different hobbies, but it can also be noted that children are little interested in fresh air, most of the time is spent mainly computer games, but if you weigh the pros and cons, a pet can also become a good friend.

You need to find out from the child how strong his desires are, talk about the responsibility that lies ahead, and explain the disadvantages. And try to understand the motives, that is, how great your baby’s desire is, talk to the child honestly, explain your doubts, your desires and reluctances, and let him make decisions himself, after discussing, you can come to some kind of joint decision, thereby you will get away from his whims because if you say unequivocally - “no!” the child will not understand you, stubbornness and whims will follow, conflict can always be avoided if you find the right way out, thereby maintaining a trusting relationship between you, learn to explain correctly, talk more with your child, thereby teaching him to reason because there are many different situations in life.

As scientists have noted, the choice of animal depends on the type of person’s temperament and his specific needs, for example, cats help compensate a person’s need for physical contact, calmness and independence, dogs are the embodiment of live emotional contact, sociability, and a wonderful example of self-control. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about whether it’s so bad if you have a pet at home who will bring joy to your home and add a fresh direction in raising a child, for example, bring you closer to your baby, he will trust you more.

An animal in the house is not just a toy, but also a teacher, so if a child grows up with an animal, he gains invaluable experience of communicating with them and with others.

Children are sincerely and directly drawn to animals, and if you have noticed, this is mutual: cats and dogs are much more tolerant of children than adults. Unfortunately, it is not the children who decide whether to have pets or not, so not every boy and not every girl has their own pet.

"Why are children afraid of pets?"

How to overcome fear?

For many children, animals are, first of all, friends and protectors. However, it happens that the fear of dogs and other animals is serious problem. Fear of animals appears at the age of two and disappears around five. Any animal can cause fear in a child, but since dogs and cats are the most popular pets, they cause greatest number problems.

What is the source of concern?

If a child is afraid of animals, then you need to find out not only which animals he is afraid of, but first of all, why. Why does a cat cause fear? Is the child afraid that the dog might bite? The problem of fear is easier to solve if you know its cause. The child understands that he is afraid of only some animals, while he is braver with others. Find out from him exactly which animals scare him, do not laugh at his fear and do not allow others to do this. But do not overdo it, as the child may decide that his mother is protecting him, because he himself cannot resist the terrible beast.

Help in overcoming fear

The best “antidote” to fear of animals is introducing a child to the world of animals. early age. Take your children to the park to feed the birds and watch their flight direction together. At a pond, ask the children to try to identify the types of fish underwater.

Tell them stories in which animals - best friends children. When introducing children to the exotic world of animals, watch documentaries with them and explain their content to them. If you have the opportunity, go to the zoo more often with your children. It is likely that watching predators sleeping at a distance is not as exciting and interesting as close communication with pets, but these impressions will be imprinted in the baby’s memory for a long time.

Teach children to observe animals

The sooner you teach children to properly observe and study the animal world, the better. Safety is all about knowledge. Dogs often react aggressively to misbehavior child. Explain to him that you need to approach the dog slowly, that you cannot actively gesture in front of it, that you need to speak calmly, and allow him to pet the animal.

Pedagogical project on the topic:


in the second junior group

Project type:cognitive and research.

Children's age:II junior group.

Project period: from 01.10.2012 to 30.12.2012.

Project goals:

  • To acquaint children with the appearance of cats and dogs, with the peculiarities of their behavior; show that the life of these animals is connected with man: he creates conditions for them (feeds, cares for). Without creating the necessary conditions (animals end up on the street), they may die. Foster respect and love for animals.
  • Teach children how to communicate properly with pets.
  • To develop a caring attitude and love for animals, feelings of empathy for all living things, and the ability to make basic conclusions and conclusions.


  • Develop basic understanding of domestic animals.
  • Encourage and support self-monitoring of pets;
  • Give an idea of ​​the needs of animals for their growth and development
  • Develop the ability to communicate with adults, answer questions about what they read, and conduct a dialogue;
  • Develop the ability to communicate with peers during gaming activities;
  • Strengthen the health of children, carry out hardening procedures, introduce children to healthy image life;
  • Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills;
  • To develop the productive activity of children, to improve skills in drawing, modeling, and appliqué; develop creative abilities;
  • To form primary ideas about the expressive possibilities of music; her ability to convey various emotions and moods.

Expected results:

  • Children understand how to care for pets.
  • Instilling in children love and respect for animals.
  • Parents' desire to have a pet.

Preparation for the project.

1. Select methodological literature on the topic.

2. Select fiction on the topic.

3. Select didactic material, visual aids (albums for viewing, paintings, board games)

4. Make a long-term plan.

Project implementation.


Game - dramatization of "Cat's House", "Pets"

"The Sparrows and the Cat"

Game exercises - “Make an animal”, “complete the animal”, “Choose an animal”, “Draw an animal by dots”, etc. Didactic games: “Who lives where?”, “Where is whose house?”, “Is the animal domestic or wild? ?" "Guess who's hiding?" "Guess what's changed?"


“Observations of a kitten” “Examination and comparison of a cat and a dog” Conversations: “Cats and dogs are our dear friends”, “The importance of animals in human life”


Children's story on the topic: "My favorite animal", "Description of a cat" (toy), Examination of the painting "Cat with kittens"

Reading fiction.

Reading: I. Chapek “The Adventure of the Dog and the Cat”, V. Suteev “Who Said Meow”, S. Marshak “The Cat’s House”, “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, K. Ushinsky “Vaska”, L. Tolstoy “The Cat Slept... ". Memorization: songs, nursery rhymes: “Kitten-murysenka”, The cat went to the stove”, “Kit-cat”, “Like our cat...”, A. Barto “I have a kid living with me.”


Conversation on the topic: “Pets are our friends”, “Safety when handling unfamiliar animals”

Artistic creativity

Lepka: “Let’s feed the cat.”

Drawing: " Balls for kittens", "Kid".

Application: “Pig and kitten.”

Physical Culture

Outdoor game: “Sparrows and the cat”, “Cat and mice”, “Shaggy dog”.

Developmental environment.

Subject paintings on the theme “Pets”.

Albums for viewing: “Domestic Animals and Their Babies.”

Coloring books: “Moms and Babies”, “Pets”.

"Farm" layout


“My Horse” Czech folk melody, “Horse” music by M. Simansky, “Kitty” music by M. Lomova, “Cat and Kittens” music by V. Vitlin, “Cow” music by M. Rauchwerger, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya.

Working with parents.

Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme “Little Goat”.

Project presentation:

1. Competition of drawings and photographs on the theme “My favorite pet.”

2. Entertainment "To grandma's village."

3. Exhibition of drawings “Little Goat”

PROJECT in the second junior group


Educator: Rodionova S. Yu.

Project hypothesis:

Formation of a humane attitude towards pets.

Objective of the project:

Enriching and deepening children’s ideas about pets, how to care for and communicate with them.

Project objectives:

1. To develop children’s knowledge about pets.

2. Give an idea of ​​the needs of animals for their growth and development.

3. Develop basic ideas about domestic animals (they live next to people, people take care of animals, animals are useful.)

4. Form primary ideas about the expressive capabilities of music; about her ability to convey various emotions and moods.

Project objectives:

5. Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills.

6. Develop the ability to answer questions and conduct dialogue.

7. Develop children’s productive activities, improve skills in drawing, modeling, and appliqué; develop creative abilities.

8. Cultivate an interest in the life of animals, a caring attitude.

9. Cultivate kindness, a desire to care for pets, a sense of empathy for all living things.

Relevance of the project:

The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is aimed at the main result - the socialization of the child, the need for creativity, curiosity, and cognitive motivation.

Conversations with children showed that the children in our group do not have sufficient knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs. Children incorrectly name baby pets, but still show interest in them. Caring for pets has a positive effect on the development of the child’s emotional sphere and on his caring attitude towards the world around him.

Relevance of the project:

One of the tasks facing the standard is to provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents in matters of development and education of children. The problem can be solved, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family.

Therefore, there was a need to work on the “Pets” project in order to deepen and enrich the knowledge of students, as well as their parents.

Project type: creative

Project participants: children of the second younger group,

teacher, parents

Project implementation period: medium term

Expected results:

As a result of working on the project, students will learn to distinguish domestic animals by appearance, correctly name their cubs (calves, foals, lambs, piglets), and know their place of residence (kennel, pigsty, barn).

Parents and students will take an active part in collecting information on the project topic in the project presentation.

I stage: preparatory

Study and analysis methodological literature, Internet resources on this issue.

Selection of fiction to read on the topic.

Selection of software and methodological support on this topic.

Selection of didactic material, visual aids (album for viewing, paintings, board games).

I stage: preparatory

Planning upcoming activities aimed at implementing the project.

Selection of outdoor games, game exercises, finger games.

Preparation of material for visual arts: plasticine, stacks, paper, glue, paints, brushes, jars, napkins.

Selection of musical works appropriate to the age of the children.

II stage: project implementation

Working with parents:

  • Poll: “Do you have pets?”
  • Parent survey.
  • Consultation for parents “The importance of pets for the moral education of a child.”
  • Parents and children draw pictures and make “Pet” crafts.
  • They bring photographs of children with their favorite pets.

II stage: project implementation

  • Reading, with elements of dramatization, of the works of S.Ya. Marshak "Mustachioed Striped".
  • Finger game "Cat".
  • Conversation on the work of S.Ya. Marshak "Mustachioed Striped". Installation elementary rules animal care.
  • Drawing “Balls for a kitten.”
  • Reading Mordovian fairy tale“Like a dog was looking for a friend.”
  • S/r game “Hospital” plot “The puppy caught a cold.”

II stage: project implementation

  • Modeling "Let's feed our favorite pet."
  • Examination of illustrations “Cow and Calf”, etc.
  • Didactic game “Whose children?”
  • Drawing "Fish".
  • Reading poems about aquarium fish.
  • Listening to A. Grechaninov’s musical work “My Horse”.
  • Construction of the “Horse Corral”.
  • Reading “Who Said Meow” by V. Suteev?

II stage: project implementation

  • Outdoor game "Shaggy Dog".
  • Watching "Kittens and Gloves", "Old MacDonald Had a Farm", "Family of Fingers".
  • Reading S. Ya. Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse.”
  • Word game "Horned goat".
  • Reading Russian adv. fairy tales "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats".
  • Making and folding “Pets” puzzles.

II stage: project implementation

  • Duckling coloring pages.
  • Examining cat tracks on the ground.
  • Watching a cat on a walk.
  • Conversations “Safety when communicating with animals.” (2 conversations)
  • Reading S. Ya. Marshak “The Tale of a Smart Mouse.”
  • Didactic game “In the poultry yard”.
  • Application "Poultry yard".
  • Russian dramatization adv. fairy tales "Turnip".

II stage: project implementation

  • Meeting of the Riddle Grandmother.
  • Folding cut pictures “Pets”.
  • Didactic game “Find who I will name.”
  • Game exercise “Choose a pet.”
  • Outdoor game "Sparrows and the cat"
  • Game exercise “Complete the animal.”

II stage: project implementation

  • Listening to audio recordings of pets

http :// lalamus . com / music /voices+animals

  • Watch the video “What sounds do animals make. Educational and educational cartoons."

  • Outdoor game “The children went to kindergarten.” (based on a poem by L. Kondratenko).
  • Drawing from a stencil “Pets”.

III stage: final

1.Game – dramatization “Turnip”

2. Design of a mini-museum “Pets” in the group.

3. Design of the photo exhibition “My Pet”.

4. Exhibition of drawings and crafts.

5. Exhibition of books donated to the group.


Thanks to the development and implementation of the project, preschoolers have expanded their understanding of domestic animals and their cubs.

As a result of the work done, it was noted:

  • Development in children of a sustainable interest in representatives of the animal world - domestic animals.
  • Inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

In conclusion, we can conclude that thanks to the classes, conversations, and play activities, children’s knowledge on this topic was consolidated and improved.

Project for the junior group of the preschool educational institution “Pets”

Olga Aleksandrovna Frantsuzova, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 2, Novozavidovsky settlement, Konakovsky district, Tver region.

2. Project goal
3.Project objectives
4.Expected results
5. Project participants
6. Project implementation timeline
7.Project stages and expected results
8.Project implementation plan
Currently, not everyone has the opportunity to keep pets in the house. And love for animals should be fostered in children from an early age. Therefore, the project allows children to expand their knowledge about animals kept at home and their maintenance. Environmental education shapes children's behavior and responsibility for nature. And animals are the first source of knowledge about nature. Based on ideas about animals, the child learns to see relationships in nature and act accordingly.
2. Project goal
Formation of first ideas about environmental education in younger preschoolers.
3.Project objectives
-enrich and deepen knowledge about domestic animals;
-instill responsibility for your pet;
- consolidate knowledge about domestic animals;
- to cultivate a love for animals, to evoke a desire to take care of them;
-enrich vocabulary;
-develop speech, thinking, imagination and emotional responsiveness;
- to cultivate in children curiosity and a sense of empathy for living beings;
-develop the skill of acting together, the ability to play in a team;
- to intensify the cognitive and research activities of children, parents and teachers;
- formation in parents of the right attitude towards the development of their child.
4.Expected results
Enrich and deepen knowledge about domestic animals; instill responsibility for your pet; consolidate knowledge about pets; develop a love for animals; enrich your vocabulary; develop speech, thinking, imagination and emotional responsiveness; cultivate curiosity; develop the skill to act together; involve children, parents and teachers in active work; to form in parents the right attitude towards the development of their child.
5. Project participants
Participants: group teacher, pupils of the second junior group, parents of pupils.
6. Project implementation timeframe.
September – December.
7. Project stages and planned results.
Stage 1 – preparatory

Contents of the activity
Children's survey "Pets - what are they like"?
Questioning parents
Parent survey
Study and selection of scientific literature
Selection of finger, didactic and outdoor games for children and parents.
Expected result: Create positive cooperation and interaction with parents and their children.
Stage 2 – main

Contents of the activity
Working with parents:
Consultations for parents
Folders - moving

Work with children:
Creation of the album “My Favorite”
Methodological developments on cognitive development
Observations on a walk.
Riddles about animals
Learning and reading poems about animals.
Making a story from photographs
Physical education minutes
Fun with parents
Expected result: Establishing a strong relationship with the parents of students, developing skills to act together; involvement of parents in active work; Forming in parents the right attitude towards the development of their child.
Enrichment and deepening of knowledge about domestic animals; instilling responsibility for a pet; consolidation of knowledge about domestic animals; fostering a love for animals and a desire to care for them; enrichment vocabulary; development of children's speech, thinking, imagination and emotional responsiveness; nurturing in children curiosity and a sense of empathy for living beings; developing skills to act together, the ability to play in a team.
Stage 3 – project implementation

Contents of the activity
Photo exhibition

Photo report on the work done
Parent meeting
Project presentation
Expected result: Familiarization with the difficulties and problems caused by the assimilation of new materials. Resolving problems and misunderstandings. Forming in parents the right attitude towards the development of their child. Improving the effectiveness of working with families.

Project implementation plan.
Stage 1. Preparatory.

Children's survey "Pets - what are they like"?
Questioning parents “Are animals needed in the house?”
Parent survey: “Does your family have pets? Which?"
Creation of a card index of outdoor games.
Stage 2. Basic.

Working with parents:
Consultations for parents “Communication with a pet”, “Animals are the best therapists for you and your children”
Moving folders: “Contact: children-animals”, “Harm or benefit”?
Recommendations: “We read to children at home about animals” (list of literature)
-RNS: “A cockerel, a golden comb,” “A goat and seven kids,” “Like a wolf was a mother to a calf,” “A cat with a gray forehead, a goat and a ram.”
- S. Marshak “Mustachioed – Striped”
-A.Barto “Horse”, “Dog”, “Kid”
-IN. Berestov "Kitten", "Cow"
- E. Charushin “In our yard”, “Dog”, “Cow”
- V. Suteev “Who said meow”
-TO. Ushinsky “Cow”, “Horse”, “Two Goats”, “Goat”, “Two Little Goats”
- L. Tolstoy “Listen to me, my dog”
-IN. Zhukovsky "Cat and Goat"
Work with children:
Conversations: “Pets”, “About your pet”
Creation of the album “My Favorite”. Goal: to help children remember the appearance of animals, their names and the names of animals.
Methodological development on cognitive development “Pets. Animals." Goal: - consolidate ideas about some domestic animals (cow, goat, horse, pig).
Observations on a walk: “Cats”, “Dogs”, “Cow”, “Horse”
Riddles about pets.
Learning and reading poems about animals:
A. Barto “Kitten”, “Useful Goat”, “Savage”, “My Dog”, “Dog”
V. Berestov “Goat”, “Bull”,
E Blaginina “Kitten”,
B. Zakhoder “Harmful Cat”, “Kiskino Grief”, “Barbosy”, “Song of Stray Dogs”
K. Chukovsky “Piglet”, “Pigs”
S. Marshak “Kittens”, “Baxa Blot”, “Dingo the Dog”
Sasha Cherny “Foal”, “Piggy”
Compiling a descriptive story based on the photograph “My Favorite”
Finger: “Bull”, “Cat and Mouse”, “Piglets”, “Two Little Goats”
Didactic: “Who says what”, “Who eats what”, “The third wheel”, “Favorite children”
Movable: “Cat and Mice”, “Sparrows and Cat”, “Hen and Chicks”, “Hen and Chicks”, “Chickens in the Garden”, “Horses”, Horsemen”
Physical education lessons: “Cat”, “Cat”, “Goat”, “Cow”
Entertainment together with parents “Travel to Prostokvashino”
Stage 3 – project implementation

Photo exhibition “My Pets”
Exhibition of drawings “Pet”
Children's survey "Pets"
Photo report on the work done “Pets”
Parent meeting “Let’s sum it up”
Presentation of the project “How I Love My Pet”